tffffifffiffffffiriffZfffifftftffimiiiffVtfKiffiiri STRICTURE, LOST MANHOOD. 2 j!aS an A Safe. Paintess, Permcrent Cure With out Operation or loss of time, Mr special bom treatment for these diseases re- , jot m the ill effect of former indiscretions and ex- it atop rii losses. allays nervousness, removes all reflex casplks,tion and quickly builds up and strengthens tee weakened parts. 1 wast to talk or write to every man who is suffering m witli a csrotue, terreaa or pnate disease. I will tell you your true ',m oSiSltbto and explain why my advanced methods will cure when old-r-J treatmetU bare f tiled. Consultation and Medicines free. D. L, Ramsdell, M. D. (Vood Medical Institute.) H 36 O Street Address Box D968. ..7JP . . Our graSastes succe&d because we prepare them to do something Osr tCrtb&- Cssrses cc Italy, asi Eflpaests are Unexcelled. We help yoang- people wba $Jre t ssctcti. EXfEISES LOW. COURSES TSC2.0CGH. Write for Catalogue. Lincoln Business College Lincoln, NebrasKa. Hardy's Colnma The South African ir la etlli rag lax. It i or: Lag Ear land about one rciilkm dollars a day. It' is costing tt Boer bat little isoaey. Tbey feed tbeaxselres and fight - aarrounded try f rleads os every aide.' Not o with the Eritifb- They Lave eceial la the field fcad on every baad. Sev- a year may scftea their war' spirit as it dil with America la 17S3. Rus sia say tread oa their to- as France did tbea. "" ' Coal 1 high and will probably go higher. How to t-eoaomise beat is worthy of atady.' Radiation and re tortion are xaeaxis f directing beat A jffioib polished, br$ht tarface re flect acariy all tbe beat . and - light ibrowa cpos Not so :th radia tiea. A brfsbt, iolisbed surface will oc radiate balf tbe beat that a dark sapoliabed axrface wilb A brlgbt bra ifcad teajol will keep tbe tea hot twice as lots a a rouca sheet iron ym So wtta xskba ta a base burner it 121 mat radiate ball tbe beat that beet Ires will put la its pce. it will jtot show e2 s;te aa welL WRECK ON MONON. CattiBtlo Trml Break I Two mu4L Then Comrt Tog-tber. A wreck occurred on the Monon track at tbe passenger station at Bed ford, led., la which thirty persons were Injured. A combination passen ger aad stone train, running' between Bedford and the Perrick Matthews and Kntkirk Stone company's, broke In two at the intersection of the Monon and Southern Indiana roads, coming together a few miautes later with a crash. In the wo passenger coaches were 100 quarry men and offi cials. Of this number no less than thirty were bruised and injured by the collision, some of them seriously, if not fa tall t. MISSOURI LYNCHING. Tlil emr city tax cotsmlsaioaers take backs aad tax it according to value tbe same as zaerebaadls la oar stores ? Tbe Meat f taaia all -salae according ta waat tbey will ell for Is raging tbe world ever. "Tbe cctasioa people are pitted aaisst tb wealthy. Tb trtct ralirtmd ecspasy aad tbe gas csrSEpaxy sboald be taxed according to wbt tbr aad property wosld sU for. Cllrlag eld acJdicrs pensioas is no ssore tbaa jastice and yet It works ia Jory to tbe xaaa blaseif. He is quite likely to carl sp aad degenerate la body aad raiad. Tbere is aotbiag like ct?:;--llirg a zaaa to work aad tblak. Tbere Is x.o ctbr way of gbUX S eld age, decrepitude aad c-woad cbil4Iba.2s. For oaae a rrpebllcra beasurer has fixed tbiags up la good shape. Aa apV?xaciiiag eicctioa undoubtedly stlr H kla Ep. Bat wby did be wait for tbe gaeral fund to accumulate s-esttty tboa&aad .before be called for tbe payment of warraats? Tbe later et oa tbat aiaoaat is about oae dol lar a day. Wby did be aot call erery tre cr tea tbooaaad? Why did be not tttl .s wbat roaaty boads be tnrestel tbe scbooi raoaey ia? Aad why doe be not tell as where tbe rest of tbe school raozey is? - Is silrer roitg up or la gold going dowa? Tbe 3iericaaa say gold is go lag dowa sd tbree-foartbs of the whole world bids say tbe same tbiajt. TVbea f jtrteea cr firteea ouacea of i!vcr w2 bay aa oaace cf gold wbat .tbta It looka aa though tbe coming rcagresa was boaad ta reduce tbe cuaatity of .legal tender money. Tbey will caioaMdly Tote to I -sue more ; gold bonds, tbea redm la gold aad 1 ntire tbe greenbacks aad silrer dol lars. Tbat win knock out over balf , a ballioa f Ifgal teader taoaey. Tbe ; 2ect will be to r-ie tbe rate of later- ; est aad lower the price of property ; aad wag cf la"orlag men. Silver . will of coarse g down, agala for we will bave bandrls of toaa to aelL It will ra down ia this couatry bat it fjU buy just as much property ia t hree-f oarxbs of tbe world aa it will cow. IX tba white pecple of tbe south are mt raacb above tbe colored people wby shurild cae f them go to a colored people" carap meeting? The excuse ws he wanted to step tbe buying aad selling bread and meat araoag tbem alres. It is only a matter of time wbea tbe eclored people of tbe south will stand cp for their right ts tb-y did ia JUytL Tbey are iacreasiag la e ureters much faster than the whites aad tbey are learning to shoot. It U below human to covet baraiegs aad fbootlaga. Tbe general gOTerameat ttoiild prott her citixena at bonw tbe same aa ia foreign laada. Tbe Idea tbat the preside at taaat not eat wltb a vorld honored man because his skla la brown or black .is ridleuioas. Tb cxt . tblsg we bear some loo- wotaa will report tbat Booker T Wasfcirgvon bd iasulteJ her tbea tby wtU turn oat by hundreds to burn kira. We bate not torgottea tne time wbea It wsa - death to be caught la the faath wits a New York Trihuae la yoar jsocket. tfw ir Tr EUMft w i$m trmm- A&i Urssmur .Camsm r K. f . IV.b the address oa tbe wrapper of year paper you will Ladv the date at wtSca your cabacriptioa exjres., This is to enable' 0"rr readera to c prompt with their resewala. - KMk4 Sfa Mo( Negro From m Brtdc 5w Fytt. "Bill Sack&on, a negro, was hanged on a bridge near Estill station, Novem ber 5. No definite cause is known. Two negroes, Davis and Jackson, were taken from their homes by several mfcked men. They were not allowed to speak and were taken to the bridge. Davis was released and was told to go home. He says there were three horses bitched In the woods near his house. He did not know who the men were, whether white or black, or what they wanted with Jackson. There are signs of a struggle on the bridge and several blood stains. NEGRO TEACHER TO HANG rrf. C. H. prks Wm Ciradoated From ta fTlrrItr of Chicago- A peculiar murder case has just been ended at Opalaka, Ala., in the sentenc ing of Prof. C. H. Sparks, a negro teacher, to hang December 20 for the murder of Jacob Ingersoll, another ne gro, about six weeks ago. Bparks is a graduate of the University of Chicago. About six months ago be became in fatuated with the wife of Ingersoll. Tbe couple spent much of their time together. This led to the killing. The negroes general! j approve the verdict. SCRAPS. London's population is increas!ag at tbe rate of 29,000 a year. Bunker Hill is the same of a baker coameaded by tbe Tri-Citr (111.) Press. Tbe Filipinos think "upshecomes" is the English name for all kinds of gambling. Tbe fair Rosamond was aa Eaglisa bloade, with fair hair aad blue or light gray eyes. The first commercial concer produc ed la this couatry was miaed aad put oa the market la 1845. Tbe rattles of British American In dians are frequently made ia the form of birds or small animals. The balalaika, or Russiaa guitar, has a triangular body, with four strings, aad is played with a bow. Macadam, the Scotch engineer, who Invented a favorite system of road maklag. began his labors la 1818. Tbe Apaches have three different kiads of violins, each having but ona atrlag aad played with a email bow, Tbe human windpipe is composed of sixteen or eighteen cartilagiaous riags, oaJted by exceedingly flexible liga ments. The stock of California raisias Is so large that growers talk of building a distillery to absorb . the yearly surplus hereafter. There are 3,700 public schools now orgaaixed aad runaiag successfully ia Cuba, aad the , number Is iacreasiag every month, Mllaa will soca have a "Rowtoa bouse ia wblch 600 persons can get cleaa beds la well-veatilated rooms for sevea ceats a night. Tbe Epaalsh navy is now among the smallest of the sea powers of the world. At one time, more than a cen tury ago, it was among the greatest. A London newspaper contains the following advertisement: "Bunioas relieved aad cured by Blank's toe spring (patented). Supplied to royal ty. Yr-. " " V" ; j A woman advertised la a Buffalo Suncay paper for a position as govern ess for -a family of children whose head will be abseat during the sum xaar. ladiaaanolls News. i s Disproving KxpriBM What's this, a grocery trust? Humph, we thought the tendency of the times ia the grocery business was "cash" aad "no trust." Spriagfield TJaioa. TVeU Qualified. Diggs That man Morgaa ought - to make a good yachtmaa. Biggs Because why? Diggs He has such marked ability for raising the wind. WUlU'i Exptaaatloa. Willie's grandmother gave him a penny to Invest ia candy, aad the lit tle fellow rushed off ia great glee, but preseatly returned ia tears. "Why, what's the matter, Willie? asked the old lady. "Did you lose your ceat?" "No. graadma," sobbed Willie, "I dida't lose it; I only swallowed It." A Mdrn Woadcr. She's a wonder of the age. For she Is upon the stage, And you will agree with us if her you've-seen; For she's over forty-six, But she manages to fix So she looks to be around about six teen. Philadelphia Bulletin. . ' LITTLE CLASSICS. Carcasses bleed at the sight of the "murderer. Burton. Y! But the Jingling of the guinea helps the hurt that honor feels. Tennyson. The usual fortune of complaint is to excite contempt more than pity. Johnson. ' - : .The individual who hates mankind In general is a close student of his own nature.-r-Chicago, News. " "As in water, face answereth to face, so hearts become assimilated by the re flection of mutual sympathy." Farrar. I expect to pass through this world but once more. Any good thing, there fore, that I can do, or any kindness I can show to any fellow-being, let me do it now let me not defer nor neglect It, for I shall not pass this way again. Drummond. New York is full of books and when the sixty-five Carnegie libraries are established and "stocked" there will be free books accessible to all. The first public library established in New York was in 1870. Don't forget that a policy in the Ne braska Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co. is perfect protection in case of fire. It is the best today that there is on the market. On a policy with them, it would be no loss oi money to pay just as much as the same policy costs In a stock company, but the facts are: First. It has never during the life of that company cost to exceed 80 per cent of the board rat. Second. It is a Nebraska institu tion, and should be patronized by all Nebraska property owners to the full extent of the iasurance required. Third. It does buslaess on careful and economical basis and is operated by experienced insurance men. Fourth. It adjusts its losses fairly and honorably as Is shown by the fact that in all Its five years business it has only one law suit in court. Fifth. It pays Its losses promptly and with satisfaction to its policy holders. When you do business with them, you are dealing with home people folks you know and they know you. The following are their officers and directors men of known standing and reputation: E. M. Coffin, president, Lincoln; E. M. Bartlett, vice president. Omaha; W. B. Linch, secretary, Lincoln; Dr. C. E. Coffin, treasurer, Ord; Dr. B. L. Paine, chairman of executive commit tee; D. C. Stratton. Pawnee City; Jas. H. Case beer. Blue Springs; George I.. Loom is, Fremont; R. M. Taggart, Ne braska City. COMING TO AN CXDERSTANDINO. Mr. Frank R. Stockton, the novelist, was at a southern resort recently and there met a Baptist clergyman. In the course of their coaversatioa the min ister called Mr. Stockton "doctor," at which the novelist was much annoyed. "I'm not a doctor," said Mr. Stock ton. "No?" questioningly. "But doctor, I'm told the women of the smart set, or so-called 400, in New York drink a great deal," "I don't know," said Mr, Stockton. "But I do know that I'm not a doctor.- "No?" again, questioningly. "But a doctor, I'm informed that drunken ness is on the increase among those ladies.' "I don't care,' replied the novelist, 'so long as you don't call me 'doctor, because I'm not one." "No?" queried the clergyman for a third time. "But I have been told that when they can't get liquor they drink their cologne, doctor." "Oh," sighed Stockton, "you refer, of course, to the Colonial Dames." New York Sun. Those who wish to secure a copy of the life of William McKinley, the moat authentic biographical sketch yet published, written by Murat Halstead, should read the exceptional offer made by The Independent as advertised in another column. The Independent one year and Halstead's life of McKin ley, both for only $1.50. In other words the elegant memorial volume bound in silk cloth, heavy board cover is offered to present subscribers who renew their subscriptions for another year for only 50 cents additional. Call your neighbor's attention to this offer and Invite him to subscribe. If the book is not satisfactory In every way return it and we will return your money. This is a more liberal offer than has been made by any publish-, lag house la the United States. Send la your order today. L Postmaster .,. Palmer of So. Glen Falls, K. Y., des cribes a condition which thous- anas oi men ; atid women find identical "t with theirs. Read what he says, and note jthc similarity . of your own case. Write to him, enclosing stamped ad dressed envel- ope for reply, and get a per sonal corroboration of what is here giren. He says regarding Dr. Miles' Heart Cure: I suffered agonizing pain in the left breast and between my shoulders from heart trouble. My heart would palpi tat, flutter,-then skip beats, until I ceald no longer Ua ia bed. Night after sight I walked the iaarf far ta ha down wmld have meant urfdea &ath. My caaditiea saeiaed aksest krele&a when I bacr&a taking Ir7W' Heart Cure, but ft Tftetaed iae rraaj the arrt. Later I took Dr. Miles Rarvine with the Heart Care and .the eSect - was astea ishtng. I eameffly imptare similar suf ferers to give these remedies a trial. Sold by all Druggists oa guarantee. Dr. Mites Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. L, D. Palmer. STORYETTE5. - Y Henry L. Clapp, in a; company of good fellows, once said of a well known editor who was constantly impressing people with his own importance: "Yes, he is a self-made man, aad he worships his creator." . . In a recent discussion oa a certain railroad bill in the New York legisla ture. Assemblyman Weekes of New York, happened to say: "Now, sup pose thers was aa excursion from New York to Buffalo, and I wanted to go. Under the existing law, what would I have to do?" "Get a pass!" interrupt ed Assemblyman Frlsbie of Schoharie. The roar of laughter which . followed showed that the joke had not failed for lack of appreciation, and that Fria ble knew bow to travel. In a little , western towa, the other day, the ,most popular citizen souadly whipped a tough character, and to vin dicate the siajesty of the law, the of fender was broufcht up for trial. The jury was out about two minutes. "Well," said the judge, "what have the jury to say ?" "May it please the court," responded the foreman, "we, the jury, find that the prisoner is not guilty of hittin with intent to kill, but simply to paralyse; and he done it." The ver dict was received with applause aad the prisoner received an ovation. The North Plaits Valley in northwest Nebraska offers some wonderfully good opportunities to the man or woman with a little money to invest In irrigated lands. Excellent irrigated land can be bad now for $12 to $15 an acre, but it is plain to those watching the develop ment of the North Platte Valley that this low price is just about to fade away. The farmers of this valley are now reaping aa abundant harvest. Alfal fa, corn, wheat aad garden vegetable yield good profits. There are also good openings in the live stock busi ness. . If you are interested In the North Platte Valley, write for our booklet describing it. It is free. J. FRANCIS. G. P. A. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Rev. John Spurgeon, father of the famous Charles Spurgeon, recently celebrated his 91st birthday by laying the cornerstone of the South Norwood Baptist church. . England. " King Edward VII. is said to be econ omical in dress for a king. He re fuses to pay more than 90 cents for a silk handkerchief, and he wears braces that cost $2.25. Samnal B. Ham Attorn KOTICR C L. TalJmdre,first name nnVaoam,ar!Utake notic tbat oa tb 9th day of October A. 0. 1901 P. F. Green a Justice of the peace in and far the city of Lincoln, Lanoaster county. Nebraska issued an order ot attachment for the snm of MO.00 In an action pending before him wherein Kobert L. Kimbro is plaintiff, and C L. Tall madge defendant, thtt property consisting- of money, in the hands of the Columbia National Bank of Lincoln Nebraska has been attached nnder aaid order. - Saidaause was cor tinned to the 21st day of December, 1901 at 1 o'clock, p. m. of said day. ROBERT L. KIMBRO. 1 Plaintiff. Dated at Lincoln, Neb., November 1, 1901. v k - 0 HOME-SEEKERS EXCURSIONS -TO : OKLAHOMA INDIAN TERRITORY v and t TEXAS. ,4 One fare plus $2 for the round v trip. fct Nov. 5 and 19 & Dec. 3 and 17. The ROCK ISLAND is the j only line running through from Omaha, Y Lincoln , and other Nebraska" points to Ok v lahoma and Texas without change. The Omah t Ci Okla- homa Flyer leaves Omaha at 5.2G p. m. daily and arrives in Oklahoma at .9 o'clock' the next morning and at Fort Worth, Tex., at 7:30 that ev- ening without change of cars, For further information call on or address r- - F. H. BARNES, C. P. A. 1045 O St., Lincoln, Neb. j ;. -.Ci N - r - - - - v ot ot ot Jt ot J ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot ot I SAFETY OF EULEES. COSTLY DEVICES TO INSURE THEIR PROTECTION. Tba System la ' Ross la Derelopad Into Almoet a Selene Emperor WOllaoa Care rally Gaarded Slight Protection for England'a Ktnc One result of the dire calamity brought about by the fiendish work of the ' anarchist-assassin, ' Cxolgoss, is to ' make more uneasy than or dinarily the beads that wear a crown. In all European countries elaborate precautions are taken to insure the safety of the ruling moaarchs and some of be systems in operation have attained such per fection that they may almost be term ed a science. Fanatical anarchists, ever ready to grasp aa opportualty to wreak harm to those ia power, make it absolutely necessary for large forces of armed guards to protect the heads of governments, but, even with these precautious, no 'monarch travels with a feeliag of security. . Caar Carefully Guarded. Y Tbe precautions taken to shield the life of the czar are greater and devised with more foresight and at much greater expense to the country than is the case with any other ruler. In fact, precautionary measures for the protec tion of the czar's life have been devel oped, for 50 years past, into a science. These measures have, however, not been nearly so stringent under the present czar as they were during the last four years of the reign of his father,. Alexander III.V and it has been largely fine to the most recent-cases of regicide that tbe comparatively mild system of protection afforded the pres ent autocrat of Russia has been ren dered more severe. - " On special occasions every movement of the cxar has been predetermined weeks before, and very minute instruc tions are then issued to the . higher police officials, and from these filtered dowa to the lowest gorodovoi and to the army of railroad and other offi cials. Uniformed police to the number of thousands are then used in such cities as St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc, and troops are employed most extea slvely to line the road. Quite elaborate preparations are also in vogue whenever the ciar Issues forth through the public streets on his regu lar routine. How large is the number of those who day by day are forestall ing the ceaseless machinations and plots of the nihilists and other dissat isfied strata of the population is not ascertainable, but the number is quite a considerable one. It is also true that Nicholas II., al though a very mild-mannered and ap parently rather diffident man. Is quite fearless, and that the symptoms of ex treme nervousness which characterized his father during the last few years of his life, owing to a number of hair breadth escapes from diabolical plots, are happily absent in his son as yet But It is quite certain that at least five distinct and well-laid plans to murder The; present czar have been frustrated. To Prelect tbe Kaiser. The elaborate system of precautions under which tbe present ruler of Ger many lives is of rather recent date. His grandfather, though repeatedly the victim of would-be assassins, never al lowed himself to be talked into any thing like the amount of precautionary measures which his grandson, William IL, has gradually evolved. The only two cases become public of attempts on the lite of the Kaiser were those which happened during the past 12 months at Bremen and lireslau, and they were of no serious character. Ia Breslau it was a crazy old woman who threw a hatchet in the direction of his person, but only managed to hit the hind wheel of his carriage; and at Bremen it was a confirmed epileptic who threw a piece of iron at the em peror, inflicting a flesh wound, which, while leaving its mark for life, and not exactly enhancing the beauty of the imperial face, was by no mean dan gerous. It is also said by those who know the emperor well tbat he Is not afraid of meeting death. But, nevertheless, tbe emperor has sanctioned, and even helped to devise, the present compre hensive art rather elaborate methods of guarding his person against violence. Xaw Mrs. Malaproplsms. A new crop of Mrs. Malapropisms was gathered by the passengers who returned to this country not long ago on the same boat with a certain Chi cago woman. She lamented leaving London so soon "because there was aa elegant sculptor there who wanted to make a bust of my arms." In refer ring to the delights of her visit she spoke enthusiastically about a fancy dress ' ball which she attended, and to which "one of my acquaintances went in the garbage of a monk." One of the passengers congratulated her on her daughter's better health. "She is not nearly as delicate as she was the last time I saw her," he said. "No," was the reply. "My daughter is ia much better health.. You know that natur ally sh is a very Indelicate girl." New York Sun. - t A Donbtfal Compliment. She (arrayed for the theater) Sorry to have kept you waiting so long, Mr. Spoonamore, but it has taken me longer than usual to get ready. I look like a fright. In this hat, too. He (de sirous of saying something complimen tary) It isn't the er fault . of the lovely hat, I am sure. Miss Hankinson. London Tit-Bits. Dead friendship may be resurrected, but dead love never. ASTHMA CUEE FREE! ASTHMALENE BRINGS INSTANT RELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE IN ALL CASES. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT. OF POSTAU Write Your Name and Address Plainly. CHAiriOO FOR TEW. YEARS ft C LI CP. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings Instant relief, even In the worst cases. ; It cures when all else falls. : Y: : ",Y The Rev. C. F. Wells, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asth malene received In good condition. 1 cannot tell you - how thankful I feel ' for the good derived from it. I was a , slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever belag cured. I saw your ad vertisement for the cure of this dread ful . and tormenting disease. Asthma, and , '. thought . you had , overepoken yourselves, tfut resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." y - - REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. Drs. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. Y Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with As - thma. Its success is astonishing and After having It carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene contain no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, t . . , v- t REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Y Avon Springs, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901. Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. . . , . . Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalene for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Haying exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130th street. New York, I at once obtalaed a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement.. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she Is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully. D' PHELPS M D ' Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. Y Feb. 5, 1901. Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. 1 have tried numer ous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now In the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see fib Home address, 233 RIvington street. , S. RAPHAEL, - 67 East 129th st. City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO., 79 East 130th St. K Y. City. Illiiililpiii I a 1 Homeseekers Excursions October 15th, November 5th and 19th, December 3d and 17th, 1901, , Via the Burlington, Call at our city or depot offices and get full information . 8 ej " sj& fj$8 j8 fal8 aj4 a8 aj8 t ajC a8 6 sjt 0 CITY TICKET OFFICE O Ot BURLINGTON DEPOT Ot . Ot Cor. 10th and O Sts. Otot oOt 7th St., Bet P & Q. ot o Telephone 235. Ot ot Telephone 25. ' ot ototototototot ototototototot ototototototot ototototot otot The Favorite Schiller Piano. The best Piano made in America today for the price at which it is sold. The new high grade Schiller recently placed on the market is one of the finest Pianos made at any price. For particulars as to prices and terms, address the Matthews Piano C loo O St., Lincoln, Nelv LEAVE ORDERS FOR TUNING AND REPAIRING WITH US o. 65C Any of the following fJLOO patents for 65 cents; v : ? $1.00 Peruna 65c $1.00 Miles Nervine 65c $1.00 Pierce's Remedies.. ....65c fl.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla 65c $1.00 Paine's Celery Compound.... 65c $1.00 Wine of Cardui .............. 65c $1.00 Stuart's Dyspeptic Tablets.. 65c $1.00 Pinkhams Compound. ....... 65c $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root. ....... C5c $1.00 Scott's Emulsion 65c $1.00 S. S. S..Y...or.....--6-5c We are still . selling Castoria, old Dr. Pitcher's formula, 13c. .:. E Rig I Cut Rate Pharmacy 12th an O STS. OtOtO THE ONLY OtOtOt OlOt DIRECT ROUTE Otot Ot i- BETWEEN ot ot Califorala and the east is the ot Ot Union Pacific. "The Overland ot Ot Route." This was the first Ot ot road to span the continent ot ot with bands of steel. It made ot ot friends In those early days o rt Bi r-a Mil i.--: ot ot ot ot ot ot .. . it Js making them now, on ac 1 count of its superior service and superb equipment , and i quick trains. Y; sm- ,. ! For full ' information call on or address. . Y " " . . ; . . ot' ot ot ot ot ot 0OS E. B. SLOSSON, , otw ototot Agent.