The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 03, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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October 3, 1901.
A Settlement to be located inTdaho on the
Mr. II. M. Greece, president of the
rijtc.ox.rh colony la Idaho, made us a
very pieatant call during the past week
Tfci colony if located la the finest fruit
country in the world.
Commissioner Barrett has favored us
ith a brand new map of the state of
Idaho for which we extend our thanks.
The map la exceedingly valuable in
raaey rpecta. It thows la different
colors the location of mining: districts,
timber belts. Irrigated and Irrigable
lands, summer and winter ranges for
stock, forest and Indian reservations,
sections where rainfall Is sufficient
without Irlgatlon. together with all the
railroads of the state up to date. The
snap is made from oflcial data and is
accurst. , J, ,
T. V. Hartley; state fish and game
warden. Moscow. Idaho, writes: "The
governor and all of us are very anx
ious to bare your party (members)
come and settle in what we think Is
thi best state in the union, and if I
raa be of any trice to you In fur
cisLisg Information, I will gladly re
rpond to any calL I Irarei all orer
ttie state and know lis resources very
well. as.d do jiot htitate to express my
epl&ioa that all who coxae here will
find ample opportunity for InTestment.
Lorn and labor at good wages. Our
crops never fail, and our climate is
good, much better than any part of
yoar state. We raise all kinds of
trains, rege tables and. the finest fruit
la the world." Mr. hartley was for
two tenas cousty attorney of Garfield
ecunty. Neb., and la 1'jI was the pop
tiUst nominee for judge of the district
court la the Grand island district.
say, do so at once in order that we may
make proper provision for you. We
have remarked on a former occasion
that some will delay and put off send
ing in their applications until It is too
late. Some seem to labor under the
impression that they can join later on.
Such is not the case. We have now
sufficient members to close up, and will
only hold -the books open for a short
time until, we arc ready to begin, the
survey and allotments.-. , N . ,
t -'t ? . '
"No more . Rjng descriptive articles
will appear In, The, Independent regard
ing the Upper Snake Hlver Valley. We
have covered thev-subject thoroughly
In numerous. fdr-Ter issues. AH read
ers of the paper Jaxe. thoroughly posted
and for those nob regular readers we
cannot repeat the, master. The adden
da it sued by us gives, a full description
of the country and location,, just as iff
appeared in The Independent some
weeks ago. To keep the matter stand
ing in the paper takes too much space.
The week has brought a large num
ber fit applications from those who
have been holding off till the last mo
ment. There are quite a number we
know off who will have to get action
onto themselves this coming week
if they expect to become members.
There is no use waiting longer, this
matter is ready to close and will close.
Mr. W. F. Shelloa cf Idaho Fails
writes that the L'rper Snake Iliver
VaISy li a the eve of a boom. That
the taSsx of settlers Is very Urge, ev
ery train bringing score. We are glad
to hear this as It will be cf great Talue
to cr members as well as to the com
pany la adrancisg land prices. We
wre satisfied prices mould advance,
bet did not look for it before spring.
Zuring the summer large numbers took
advantage of the low rates and in
spected tils famous valley and re
turning reported to tbir friends who
ta turn became Interested and so the
aire sa cf home-seekers increases and
kreps oa Increasing. By the time rpring
cotoes there will be a rush to the Snake
River Valley, Idaho, such as there was
to Oklahoma a year ago.
The Heme Makers Company has done
much to attract the attention cf bome
eker to the grand opportunities of
fered ra Idaho ta general. We have
presented what we knew and honestly
believed to be true. We have spent
each time and esosry to get at the
truth and then presented It as we found
it. Our settlers will be located in as
fine a country as it is possible to find
la the whole Inter-mountain country.
Everyone cf them who will prove in
dustrious will shortly be la comfort
able circumstances. They will not
4 live ia anxiety for fear f possi
ble lots cf cropa which is more than
can be said of many other localities.
We are ia receipt of a letter from a
man who stales he is ready to joia the
Home Makers and take forty acres of
land, but before doing so writes to
inquire as to the truth cf a statement
jnaie ty a friend who otterred irriga
tion errled 02 ia Colorado last sum
mer and saw the Irrigators up to their
knees ia mud during the operation.
Such and thousands cf similar ques
tions are aked us. While the above
Is aa exaggeration, yet the man who
expects to farm and not get his shoes
soiled kad better remaia where he Is.
He will be out cf his element as aa
agricultural! t. The farmer has no
time to spend on keeping his - foot
gear polished. The curtions asked by
son border a tie ridiculous.
Don't put any credence in what you
may hear derogatory to the Home
Makers' location. When you have
traced such statements down you will
find they are the words of the ever
present "knockers." There Is a mo
tive behind it. The intention is to
divert you to other parts. Any amount
of misstatements . and prevaricating
will be resorted to, to accomplish it.
One party reports that he talked with
a man, who had met another, who
claimed to have been over the Home
Makers location and that it was abso
lutely rocky and stony and unfit to
lire on. but that this party kad lands
to sell In Wyoming, which could sim
ply not be equalled. . So there you
have it. Members will not for one
moment believe that the company
whose compensation depends o?i the
prosperity of the settlement would se
lect inferior lands. We expecced just
such nefarious work, in fact, looked
for it, and are therefore not disappointed.
Those of our readers having friends
who contemplate becoming members of
the Home Makers and who are not
readers of The Independent, are re
quested to Inform them that the mem
bership Is now closing and for them to
make their application at once.
This great home-making enterprise
is being conducted under the auspices
of the Nebraska Independent, the
greatest weekly newspaper in the west.
All Interested should subscribe and
keep in touch with the progress being
made. Hand the paper to your friend,
he may become interested.
During the coming week we expect
to close the final details In connection
with the purchase of the Home Makers
5ttlmnt land and then proceed to
plat the same and begin allottments. It
ts hopM that before the end of October
we will be in shape to permit those
who 4 ire to remove to their lands, to
do so, la the meantime we ask all to
be patient, we are doing all ia our
power and with as much dispatch as is
eontiitat with safety. While these
matters are being attended to we will
continue to receive applications for
membership, after the aiiottment be
gins no mere will be taken on the
terms tow la force. Anyone desiring
to take advantage of the benefits to
b had may do so by sending in the ad
vanes payment necessary for the desir
ed amount of land, the balance will not
be r5uird for some time and may
possibly not have to be paid before De
cember 1 Those desiring to locate on
ta lands Immediately after allott
usenta have been made will be required
to uay balance oa subscription before
doing so. Each member win receive
due notice la ample time.
After having carefully studied our
plan of Home Making and are in need
of a home, and desire a location where
crops never fail; where the climate is
healthful and mild; where all the nat
ural resources exist to make a country
prosperous, and you find that our plan
offers you benefits not obtained by
settling by yourself far from neigh
bors: where you have the advantages
of school and churches from the start;
if you desire to be surrounded by a
class of industrious neighbors who will
Improve their lands and thereby add
value to yours, then don't delay an
other day but immediately send in your
application for the amount of land you
desire, iou will be treated fairly and
honestly and will receive a choice and
well located piece of land in the aiiottment.
BERS. Excursion and freight rates to the
proposed Home Makers Settlement,
via the Union Pacific Ry.
On every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of
each month until further notice the
rats to Idaho Falls will be one fare for
the round trip, good for 20 days from
date of sale, no stop-over privileges en
route. From Lincol - the fare is $32.50.
Should you decide to make the trip
inform us of the date of departure.
Take receipt for ticket purchased and
mail it or the form and number of
ticket to us. It is of no especial ben
efit to us. except will aid in our efforts
to. secure benefits for our members in
transportation and freight when ready
to move to the settlement.
Success has crowned our efforts in
this grand enterprise. We have ex
pendad much bard labor and put forth
considerable effort la bringing together
a good class of settlers. Great care was
extrei4 la selecting a good locatioa
!a which we succeeded better than
hoped for. We hardly expected to get
so near railroad and other modern
conveniences as are at our disposal In
the locatioa selected- No misrepresen
tation has beea indulged la nor tolerated-
The facts have been presented
In a ylala manner so that everyone
cos id understand. The membership
obtained consists of boiacst and Indus
trious people not afraid to work and
with the natural and artificial advant
ages at their command in the Home
Makers Settlement they will all pros
per and soon live ia comfort.
To those who contemplate becoming
, xatshers- cf cur Home Makers let pa
From Sioux City, Omaha, Council
Bluffs. St. Joseph, Leavenworth or
Kansas City, or any point in Nebraska
or Kansas to Idaho Falls, 50 cents per
100 lbs., .minimum weight 20,000 lbs.
Tbr Will b 500 Public Meetings Held
. . - - . :
Denouncing:' the Boer War
At last the English people are re
volting against the horrors and the
cost of the Boer war. It has been ar
ranged to hold 500 public meetings in
different parts of the kingdom during
the next few weeks denouncing it. In
calling these meetings the following
proclamation was made: ' '
"All over the country one imperative
demand is becoming articulate that
this long-drawn-out agony be ended.
An honorable peace is the supreme nec
essity of the moment to shattered
South Africa, to the overburdened pop
ulation at home and to everyone
throughout the empire who values its
honor and prosperity. The whole sit
uation must be reconsidered, for the
iberals cannot afford to stand im
passive while the very foundation on
which our colonial empire rests is undermined.
"The government has lapsed back a
century and picked up the broken
thread of tpry policy which was lost
n 1775 when the United States was
goaded into rebellion. It is impossible
that any solution should be satisfac
tory that attempts to :place the heel
of one race on the neck of another.
"Only a broad policy that recognizes
the magnitude of the issues at stake,
places the races on a footing of real
equality and insists that representa
tive government of the freest kind be
put within reach of all parts of South
Africa can hope to succeed.
"Therefore let the liberals of the
country, mindful of the glorious tra
ditions of the party, rally as one
against the impotence and folly of
Downing street and save So. Africa to
the empire."
If kr,n t a rerolar. fce&ltbr moremrat of tha
bis ry you're III c-r will be. Keep your
lwii(ieii,ull welL Fcrc. In tho ahapeof no
it py ! pill poion, l 'Janrerous. The smooth.
t,etit, not! prrt ect way o( keeping the bowala
cia&r aaa ci m 10 ta&e
g ieaai, - 1 ev vw vvv v
Stvr StcKMi, Va;n. or iirip. 10, 2A, and 60 rents
sevsttvn t wm wnT rn PAST. f'HITAGO r SItT TORI.
All weight in excess of 20,000 lbs. 50
cents per 100 lbs. Will pass one man in
charge one ' way If car contains live
stock. All freight charges must ? be
There are no iron-clad rules imposed
on members as to the time they, are to
move upon their allottments nor as to
improvements to be made. Members
may remove at any time after allott
ments have been made. They can con
sult, their own convenience and cir
cumstances. We aim to sell to persons
only who Intend to make their homes
on the land - and are perfectly well
aware that they will do so at the earl
iest possible moment. . -J
Address all communications and
make all remittances payable to the .
1245 N St., Lincoln, Neb.
. Belligerents
(The proclamation of the British
government banishing for life from
their native land all leaders of armed
bands in South Africa, which comes
into effect from Sept. 15, is practical
ly a denial of belligerent rights to the
Are these men not belligerents?
They curbed our legions in their
They fought our soldiers one to ten;
They checked again, and yet again,
Our armies in their weight and force.
With rifle bullets, son and sire,
They silenced our artillery fire,
And drove us back, in frantic rout,
With broken ranks and panic-shout.
Dyeing the earth with dreadful stain,
Leaving our wounded and our. slain.
Reeling and crushed across the plain,
By honor, by our bloo'd and pain,
These burghers are belligerents.
And yet they're not belligerents,
Since pity spared a fallen foer .
Upon the red Tugela's banks
They saw our shattered, routed
And at Colenso let us go.
Their gray old leader gave the word:
"Be Thine the victory, O Lord!" ,
And, scorning triumph or disdain,
He checked the cannons' iron rain;
He stayed the rifles' storm of lead
Which swept the bloody river bed,
Choked with the living and the dead.
"It is. not human," Joubert said.
Ah, no! They're not belligerents!
Bertrand Shadwell, in Chicago Post.
CURY as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be ' used - except
on prescriptions from reputable phy
sicians, as the damage they will do Is
tenfold to the good you can possibly
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury,
and is taken internally, acting direct
ly upon the blcod and mucous surfaces
of the system. In buying Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine
It is taken internally, and made in
Toledo, O., by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists, price 75e per bot
tle. . .
Hall's Family Pills are the best. ;
Sure Enough, Why Hot?
The establishment of cable communi
cation between Palanoz and L6gasi com
pletes the last link in cable and land
communication in the Philippines. There
is now an unbroken service from the ex
treme north to the extreme south of the
And this system all belongs to the
government, which is independent of
corporations, foreign or domestic
The authorities probably congratulate
themselves upon their fine telegraphic
equipment. But why should not what
is good for the Philippines be good
If we can have government cables all
through an archipeligo on the other side
of the Pacific, why should we not have a
government cable connecting that archi
pelago with America? .
If we can have government land lines
in the Philippines,-why should we not
have a government telegraph system in
the United States?
It is cheaper to send telegrams in Lu
zon than it is in New Xork. Our govern
ment seems to be reserving ita best gifts
for its new subjects. The same old cor
porations' are good enough for the citi
zens at home. Chicago American.
400 OF THE BEST f,
In Nebraska Constitute the Advisory
' Board oi Nebraska's Vigorous f and
Successful Young Life Company, the
They Are a Guarantee of Good Faith,
Good Management, Safe Risks and
.Rapid Growth. '
. ALREADY-the Bankers Reserve Life
Association takes rank with the strong
est of life companies. Although less
than four years in active existence, this
vigorous home organization writes ev
ery week "more business than its
strongest alien competitor.
. BUILT upon; sound principles, econ
omically conducted, conservative in all
things, its growth has been phenome
nal. No other company " in America of
its age has. a larger proportion of as
sets to liabilities and no other company
has had a smaller death rate. ,; v
THE SECURITIES of the Bankers
Reserve; are. deposited' with the ; state
auditor. Every .honest death claim is
promptly paid. Every business obliga
tion is met when due.
THE OFFICERS of the Bankers Re
serve are well known business men of
experience, integrity and energy.
THE POLICIES of the company are
thoroughly up to date, liberal, scien
tific, clear, complete and reliable. None
better in the world.
best which ' experience, conservative
management and careful investigation
make possible. Any so-called "Old
Line" company would gladly reinsure
it at our terms without medical re-ex
THE AGENTS of this company are
writing the business under the direc
tion of the management with the aid
of the Advisory Board and are select
ing the best men in Nebraska.
of 400, is made up f com the best class
of our citizens and it is a part of their
contract to assist the company in ex
panding its business and protect the
company from imposters.
ha, Nebraska, is in need of more agents
to push the good work forward. Ex
cellent territory is open for good men
at remunerative . compensation. Ad
dress, .
They Hm Jieejlj iialaed the Trade of
Germany And , Same Fate A waits
. ' Their Evil .nfluence In the
, - -. United States
If economic forces when policies
were changed followed immediately, it
would not; oe difficult to instruct the
people in political economy. But they
are slow in ODeration and it some
times takes years for their full force
to become apparent. Years ago this
writer pointed out just what the ef
fect of high tariffs would be in tne
lone run. When an enormous duty
was put upon sewing cotton the de
fense made for it was that it wouu
nrevent the imnortation of English
snool cotton which would all be manu
factured in this country to our great
advantage. Writing then upon tne
tariff it was insisted that that could
not oossiblv be the result. The Eng
lish manufacturers would simply es
tablish plants nere, brings over tneir
workmen, take advantage or tne nign
nrice that would result from the tar
iff and the profits would all go back
to England. All that Americans wouia
eet out of It would be the paying of
twice as much for cotton thread as they
ever did before. The editor of The In
dependent was denounced then as an
enemy of the country and an advocate
of British r interests. No effort was
ever made to answer the argument
any more than there has been maae
to answer the argument for the quan
tity theory of money. But what was
the result? The Clark and Coats com
panies came and established big plants
in New Jersey stnd eisewnere, maae
most of the snool cotton consumed in
the United States and American house
wives and dressmakers have ever since
been navine tribute to build up two Of
thfi ereatest fortunes In all England,
that of the Clark and Coats families.
The foolish idea that by means of
tariffs and trusts we can make raids on
other countries that the foreigner
pays the tax has received a complete
answer In a consular report recently
lifter ' showing that the high tariffs
and formation of syndicates or trusts
have thrust the German empire upon
the verge of disaster, tne consul-general
1 "There has been -a remarkable In
crease in the number of Industrial en
terprises, the result of which was fresh
and more work for great and small
industries." The other resulted from
the formation of numerous syndi
cates." As this country is the land of
trusts, so Germany is the country of
syndicates. There is scarcely a rami
fication of trade the members or wnicn
have not combined for the regulation
and control of prices, and even the
quantity of output has been regulated
by them. Protected by ' tariffs the
syndicates have " been enabled to in
flate their prices to that limit which
just renders foreign importation and
competitions; impossible. Another
means of preventing foreign competi
tion Is that the syndicates refuse to
supply any customers who purchase
similar articles from foreign manufac
turers. The retailer must obtain all
his goods from the home manufacturer
or be boycotted. The result of this in
dustrial despotism is that the retailer
is considerably limited in the choice
of his source of 'supply, while the .for
eign competitor finds no marketSfor
his goods. Another serious phase of
the situation Is that the home retailer
- - I
discovered that, while he was paying
tremendous prices for his goods, the
same articles were being placed upon
the foreign markets at a ridiculously
low figure, which absolutely precluded
the manufacturer from reaping any
profit. In short, the retailer was not
only paying dearly for his goods, but
he was also paying for the loss that the
manufacturers were incurring In the
foreign markets.
Such, a condition "of affairs could
have but one outcome. The inevitable
result has ensued. The manufacturers,
secure from foreign competition by the
protective tariffs, have increased their
prices to such an extent that now they
have attained an unenviable and ab
solutely untenable position. The re
tailer refuses to pay the exorbitant
prices, with the result that the demand
has considerably decreased. The com
mercial depression which at first was
considered to be only temporary ; in
character has now - developed into a
matter of grave importance. In the
early part of 1900, it was impossible to
obtain sufficient labor to cope .with the
orders in hand., Nov it is. difficult to
find- adequate work for the laborers.
Some industries, such as coal mining,
are. still , fully occupied, but others,
such as the iron trade, are experiencing
serious times. ,. The tariffs are being
considerably reduced, and wages are
declining. Unless something unfore
seen happens in the near future to re
vive the prosperity of .the country ser
ious situations will develop. The un--employed
problem will become acute.
The government has endeavored to
save the situation by levying new tar
iffs and increasing old ones, but re
prisals from other countries are prom
ised if such drastic measures are en
forced. And for all this the syndicates
are entirely responsible. Had they not
assumed such an intolerably despotic
attitude no such crisis would have de
veloped. Money has become sp dear
that it is impossible for any profits to
be made. The first industry to suffer
from this tendency was the building
trade. Builders were unable to raise
on mortgages at b rate that would
leave them even a small margin of
profit. The result was that work In
this line came to a standstill. Cessa
tion of work in this trade affected the
iron, glass, cement, stone, and cognate
industries. Once the canker set in it
has rapidly spread, and all efforts to
stem the tide of depression have so far
been completely nullified. The public
have now painfully realized that the
syndicates have failed to bestow those
benefits which for times of trouble had
in theory been anticipated, and their
power and influence on the markets is
now regarded more as an evil rather
than a blessing.
The consul-general opines that the
high-water mark of German prosperity
has been attained not by chance, but
systematically and scientifically, and
he states that Germans may well be
proud of what they have achieved in
comparatively so short a span of time.
He advances, however, a word of warn
ing. The increase of the tariffs will re
sult in the absolute exclusion of the
foreigner, while the syndicates will
take immediate advantage of the aug
mentation of the customs to increase
their prices. The British exporters
have felt the effect of the tariff consid
erably, but they are now surmounting
the difficulty in the only possible man
ner, and one that is likely to affect the
syndicates very severely. Several Brit
ish manufacturers who cannot manu
facture their goods in England to sell
them profitably in Germany are estab
lishing branch works in Germany.
They can there compete with the syn
dicates upon their own ground and
upon the same terms. The English
manufacturer now undersells the syn
dicate at a price which is highly profit
able to himself, and since he has to re
coup no losses incurred by forcing an
other or foreign market, it cannot be
described as unfair competition. Al
ready several British firms have branch
works in-Germany, and, owing to the
success that has attended this policy,
several other firms who have hitherto
had an extensive trade with Germany,
but which has been killed through ex
cessive tariffs, are emulating their ef
forts. When this competition becomes
sufficiently powerful the syndicates will
experience serious times and will
eventually be crushed. The English
firms may suffer somewhat in the out
put of their English factories owing
to the establishment of such branch
The British Doctors are Doing This to
. Introduce Themselves. Three Months'
Services are Given Free to all Who
Call at Their Office at the Corner 11th
and N Streets Sheldon Block, Lincoln,
A staff of eminent physicians and
surgeons from the British Medical In
stitute have, at the urgent solicitation
of a large number of patients under
their care in this country, established
a permanent branch of the Institute in
this city In the Sheldon block, corner
of 11th and N streets.
These eminent . gentlemen have de-
cided to give their services entirely
free for three months (medicine; ex
cepted) to all invalids who call upon
them for treatment between now ar.d
October 10. These services consist not
only for consultation, examination and
advice, but also of all minor surgical
The object in pursuing this course is
to become rapidly and personally ac
quainted with the sick and afflicted,
and under no conditions will any
charge whatever be made for any ser
vices rendered for three months to all
who call before October 10.
The doctors treat all forms of disease
and deformities and guarantee a cure
in every case they undertake. At the
interview a thorough examination is
made, and, if incurable, you are frank
ly and kindly told so; also advised
against spending your money for use
less treatment,
Male and female weakness, catarrh
and catarrhal deafness, also rupture,
goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all
diseases of the rectum, are positively
cured by their new treatment.
The Chief Associate Surgeon of the
Institute is in personal charge.
Office hours, from 9 a. .m. till S p. m.
No Sunday hours.
Special Notice If you cannot call,
send stamp -for question blank tor
home treatment. j 1 '
Alain Office
Lincoln. Neb.
Nerroua, Chronle and
. Private Diseases,
All priyate diseases and dis
orders of men. Treatment
by mail ; consultation free.
Kvphllis eared for life.
All forms of female weak
ness and Diseases of Wo
men. .
Enables as to guarantee to core all cases cvrable
ef the nose, throat, chest, stomach, lirer, blood,
skin and kidney diseases. Lost Manhood, Night
missions, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Gonorrhea,
Gieet, Piles. Fistula and Rectal Ulcers, Diabetes
and Bright' Disease, lOO.OO for a case of
r SYPHILIS we cannot care, If curable.
Strictures Gleetmawi?h0ontVaTaeoT
tatthtK. Consultation FREE. Treatment by mail
adtreas with stana Mala Office
Drs. Searles & Searles I l:rri:'iz.
works, but it will enable them to direct
their attention to new markets, where
there is no opposition by heaVy pro
tective tariffs. t
The consul-general strongly con
demns the policy of organizing indus
tries into syndicates or trusts. The
home country must be the sufferer in
the long run, as Germany has now
found out to its cost, and eventually
such combinations will be killed, and
the home trade pass more completely
into the hands of the foreigner.
Irrigation Possibilities'
A report has just been made to - the
Agricultural department by El wood
Mead, soon to be published as "Bulletin
INo. 100, omce Experiment Stations,
which deals with the agricultural possi
bilities of California.
Speaking of the great interior valley of
California, Mr. JMead declares that the
water supply available there for irrigation
without injury to navigation ought to
make of it the Egypt of the Western
Hemisphere. "Within a radius of five
miles," he says, "I saw every product of
the temperate and semi-tropical zones
wnicn 1 could call to mind," and continu
ing, he observes that there are more acres
of irrigable land in the San Joaquin Val
ley than are now watered in Egypt from
tne JNile, wnere agriculture alone sup
ports 5,000,000 people. The irrigated
lands along the Nile, he says, support 543
persons to the square mile, while on a 35
mile drive in the Sacramento Valley.
over what is potentially one of the most
fertile and productive agricultural dis
tricts on this continent, he saw only-two
schoolhouses, attending which were only
15 children. Just before taking this ride
he had been for a distance of fifteen
miles through an irrigated district in
Utah, where there was not a farm of over
30 acres. The average population of the
Utah district is over .300 to the square
mile, that of the California district 10.
"Every natural advantage is with Cali
fornia," he continues, "but the Utah dis
trict is irrigated, the other is not.
The Commoner.
(Mr. Bryan's Paper.)
The Commoner has attained within
six months from date of-the first is
sue a circulation of 100,000 copies, a
record probably never equaled in the
history of American periodical litera
ture. The unparalleled growth of this
paper demonstrates that there is room
in the newspaper field for a national
paper devoted to the discussion of
political, economic, and social prob
lems. To the columns of The Com
moner Mr. Bryan contributes his best
efforts; and his review of political
events as they arise from time to time
can not fail to Interest those who
study public questions.
The Commoner's regular subscrip
tion price is $1.00 per year.'' We have
arranged with Mr. Bryan whereby we
can furnish his paper and The Nebras
ka Independent together for one year
for 1.50. The regular subscription
price of the two papers when sub
scribed for separately is $2.00.
McKlnley's Will
INGTON, D. C, I publish the following
as my latest will and testament, hereby
revoking all former wills. -
To my beloved wife, Ida S. McKinley,
I bequeath allof my real estate, wherever
situated, and the income of any personal
property of which I may be possessed at
death during her natural life,
I make the following , charge upon all
of my property, both real and personal:
To pay my mother during her life one
thousand ($1,000) dollars per year, and at
her death said sum to be paid to ray
sister, Helen McKinley. If the income
from the property be insufficient to keep
my wife in comfort and pay the annuity
above provided, then I direct that such
of my property, be sold so as to make a
sum adequate for both purposes. What
ever property remains at the death of my
wife I give to ' my brothers and sisters,
share and share alike. . My chief concern
is that my wife from my estate shall have
all she requires for her comfort and
pleasure, and that my mother be provided
with whatever money she requires to
make her old age comfortable and happy.
Witness my hand , and seal, this 22d
day of October, 1897, to my last will and
testament, made at the city of Washing
ton, District of Columbia.
The foregoing will was witnessed by us
this, the 22d day of October. 1897. at the
request of the testator, and his name
signed thereto in our presence and our
signature hereto in his presenoe.
yj. li. CORTELYOU,
It is given out on authority that th
McKinley estate will total 1225.000
f250,000, including life insurance of f fTJ .
000. Aside from the 167,000 mentioned
the estate consists of real estate here and
contiguous towns and deposits in Wash
ington banks.
. From Leslie's Weekly: Vivian's , j
residence Is much In the way of book
agents, itinerant tea and coffee mer
chants, enlarged-photograph artists
and lmproved-sllver-pollsh philanthro
pists. Every historian is influenced to a
greater or less extent by his personal
surroundings and the things of his
own times. .For example:
Vivian was reciting in exceedingly
new words the old, old story of Peter's
release by an angel from prison. All
had gone well and glibly up to the
point where Peter had found his way
to the house of a friend.
"Very well. What did he do then?"
inquired the listener.
"He he rapped at the door."
"That's right. What next?"
There followed a somewhat lengthy
pause. Then an inspiration came, to
the triumphant young historian.
"Why, I guess he asked 'if the lady of
the house was in "
He Dafs . hl
comb on top of his
She My! An'
dose udders Is his
side combs. Wot?
" "Willie," said mam
ma, 'didn't I tell
you to wash your face?" "Yes, mam
ma," Willie replied, "and I did wasbj
it." ' "Mamma," piped little Elsie, who
had Just been vaccinated, "perhaps he
did do it, but It didn't 'toe' the first
Why is the farm
er's wife mad?
Because her son
did what she told
him to do.
'What was it?
She told him to
draw a hogs-head-ful
of wa-ter.
See the man.
, What Is the
man do-ing?
He is hang-ing
the pic-ture.
I don't 6ee that
he is hang-ing It.
Of course you don't, but you can
hear him.
The tall, dark young man and ths
short, - blonde young woman had acci
dentally met and became acquainted
while on the way to Buffalo.
' nri i j A . . . .
the Court of Fountains at the exposi
tion and renewed the acquaintance,
and every day thereafter for a week,
they met at the same place apparently
by accident and strolled through theu
grounds together.
But the last day allowed by his ex
cursion ticket had come and he could
stay no longer. ,
"It has been a delightful week," h
said to her. '
She murmured an assent to the prop
osition. "And I have come to know you so
well that I hope you will not thinU
me presumptuous if I ask you a ques
tion." "What is it?" she asked, with down
cast eyes.
"Will you please tell me youj
' "You know Throggins? Smooth fel
low. ... Great Jollier. . Tries to keep oa
the good side of everybody. Well, h
went to church last Sunday morning
and slept through the whole sermon.
Then he had the gall to tell the lie
Dr. , Fourthly, after the congregation
had been dismissed, that he had nevet
enjoyed a discourse so much in his life,
and he would like to borrow the man
uscript of it and take it home with
him, so he could read it again durinf
the day. What do you suppose th
doctor did?"
"I can't imagine."
"Well, sir, I think he'd seen Throg.
gins nodding, and knew he hadn't :
heard a word. At any rate, he took- 1
Throggins by the arm, led him into hif
study, made him sit down, and then
he read every blessed line of that ser
mon over again to him before h
would let him up. O, you don't gel
ahead of Dr. Fourthly not much!"
Victor Smith : in the New Yors
Press:1 Alfred Ayrea, who Is such I
purist regarding the use of the Eng.
K.V 1 1 J
gamed as a crank, wandered into tin
office of the Appletons, his publishers, C
the other day, and inquired for Colonel I
Appleton. ; :-
, "He flew, the coop I guess," said oni
of the young men.
"What?" - ' ' J '
"He' flew the coop.""
"Oh! If you had said he has flown
the coop, young. man, I might hav
understood you," and Ayre3 stalked
away. T ,
"I suppose," said the man who had
Just been accosted by Meandering
Mike, "that you think yourself nerfect.
ly Justified in taking money from m
witnout rendering an equivalent?"
"Don't saydat, mister," was the re
Joinder. "Don't say I'd take it widoul
an equivalent. If de hard-luck storj
I've been tellln' you ain't fuller of im
agination an graceful embellishment!
dan any of dem books you've paid 51
cents apiece for on de train, I'm readjV
to give up me chosen profession an'
quit panhandlln' fur life." Washing
ton Star.