The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 03, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    October 3, 1901
Sir Robert Giffca ca the Growth
cf Population.
Jm le Vest Crearavtt r Tw, a
r. lHr Will B a sVavs
sTr JatratfaaJ kave TImm St
la w. KU suesl Graavr Vv
Sa Ftrwit
Aa area recestlj deHTtrtd la Loa
6sa to tLe cscisi dac aad sta-ti-tlc
cilca cf Ui BxtUsa aaaocia
tiaa fcy Eir UcUrt GlTes. F B. E, ti
Lea tie evtject cf caeca cozaaest.
aj tae Ntw Ycrk Boa. Sir Robert
ferd with aa little as possible by tar
iff acd rortrament regulations. I be-
liere, raorOYr, that the practice of
free trade, whatever tbalr theories may
b. will aaaToidably be accepted by all
tare countries bfort long. ObTloasly,
bowerer. aa the sew tariff la Germany
Indicate!, there U to bo & great strug-
gl la t&at eouatry before the situation
la accepted, aod If some of th people
In tala country bad their way, notwith
standing our long experience of free
trade and !ta blessings, we should even
bare a struggle here."
Sir Robert then considered another
point of view from which these facta
ahoold be studied in the following pas
sage: TTe are accustomed, and rightly so, I
think, to consider naval preponderance
Indispensable to the safety of the em
pire and especially Indispensable to the
safety of the country from blockade
and from the interruption of Its com
merce, which would be our ruin. But
Career of the Martyred Presi
dent's Private Secretary.
0.k as Lis tor'c tle statistics of very-
Sit: .n! ird TeailT the la- position thl respect Is apparent-
j ace cf stcdylrg the records cf "m " J , T vt. V . T
f . , . . . . j our continental neighbors and especial
ly Germany are In the same boat. In
the event of war. If they could not
make up the loss by traffic over their
land frontiers, they would be Just as
liable to suffer from blockade and In
terrupted commerce aa we are. It Is
conceivable, moreover, that In certain
wars some of the countries might not
be able to make up by trade over their
land frontiers for blockade or Interrup
tion of commerce by Be a. I should ap
prehend, for Instance, that Germany, if
It were victorious by sea In a war with
France, would Insist upon Belgium and
Holland on one side and Italy and
Ppato on the other side not supplying
by land to France what had been cut
off by sea. One or more of these coun
ties might be allies of Germany from
the first.
"Contrariwise France and Russia, If
at war with Germany and the triple al
liance, might practically seal up Ger
many If they were successful at sea. In
sisting thst the Scandinavian countries
and Holland should aot make up to
Germany by land what had been cut
off by sea. Germany In this view,
apart from any possibility of rupture
with this country, has a case for a
powerful fleet. It Is not quite so much
liable to a blockade as we are, but
there Is a liability of the same kind.
The question of naval preponderance
among rival powers may then become
rather a serious one. If preponderance
Is to be nearly as esser tlal to Germany
as It Is to this country, who la to pre
ponderate? What our practical action
ought to be In the premises is a ques
tion that might easily lead us too far
on occasion like this, but the facts
should be ever present to the minds of
car public men. We may be quite cer-
oA locally It follows ttat the relative Tarn mat tney are quite wen Known
tuition cf tbe British etaoire. the Unit- nd understood la the councils of the
itoersn. oerxnan. trencn ana otner
continental governments."
'ceasus waca aave cow existea in
I 0 European coustries aad among
cla cf Karcpeaa orlgia for a cea
ttry. PtrlitkaJ Ideas aad speculation
are. te arg".d. necessarily colored by
Ideas c1fiatlcg ta such records, and
political actios, icteraatloaally aad oth
erwie. wcli be all the wiser If the
records were laore carefully observed
tbaa they are aad the ieocs to be de
rived widely a; predated aad under
stood. He tbea took as tls first broad fact
tie esorsous iacrtase of the popula
tion of HurvpeaA countries aad of peo
ples cf arc;a srigla during the
jsiaetecsta ctstury. At the beginning
cf the but century this population, ex
clusive cf South Amerlcaa countriee
aad Mexico, was about 170.Ou0.00a
At its close It wss about &KXO000a
Analysing this aggregate Increase, It Is
fcuad that the growth cf the United
States akae is from a Utile over 5.000,
C00 to tMcerly l.OjG,Oo0 aad cf the
ag!Ua populate of the British em
pire from abwut 15.000.000 to 5.000.
tjO. Gerssscy aad Jicssla also show
retaarkstle growth from 20.00Q,C to
lZMfXO la the eoe tase aad from 40,
60X000 to m.Ou0,OOO la the other
partly dse to aa&exatloa. but the
growth of Fraaee Is ao more than from
S.Xiu,0Ai to o.ocJ.O0O.
The e?t cf this, says Sir Robert
GtiTea. artaniy Is to aure the pre
pxsaderaace cf Eurcpaa pecpies among
the ro-s cf the world to put aside
cwrplet-!y. for lastaace. the night
tzares of yellow r black perils arising
frees the srppd erwhelmlcg mass
cf yellow r black race, these races by
cosifssrisofi belsg stationary, or nearly
d State. Ratsla aad Germany baa be
come sath as to make them exclu
sirely the great world powers, although
F:sac-. far ecoaottalc reasons, notwtth
stitcdJng the statioaariaetts cf Its pop
ulitioa. may still be classed among
them. WLea cae thlaks what lnteraa
tWaa xfcitJcs were only a buadred
years mgo how supreme France thea
a jared, bow iraportaat were Austria,
Italy, Fpaia aud even couatriee lfe
Hollaad. ivasiark and Hwedeawe
Ciay surely reccgaire that, with a com
paratively acw Uaited States on the
stage end with powers like Russia aad
Gertssny corse to the front, the world
Is all chaaM politically as well as eco
nomically aswJ that new passions aad
aew rivalrl- tare to be considered.
The fgure aio suggest that for some
time at least the changes going ca must
accentuate the change that baa oc
curred. According to the latest figures, there
Is ao s'ga that either ta France or any
ether Esrop-sa country which baa beea
comparatively ttatioaary has any move
ment cf pcpulatloa commenced which
w21 reTerse the change, while a large
growth cf population goes a la the
lea Hag countries csmed. This growth,
ft Is alleged. Is going oa at a diminish
ing rate, l et la the text generation or
two there Is practically no doubt that
the United States win be & larger later
utkffial factor thsa It Is. both abeo
l3?Iy aad reiatireiy, aad that Russia.
iWrtULZj aad the Rnglhvh people of the
lir'.tlfch etrplre will also grow, though
t-ct la sorh a way. apparently, as to
pre-rect the greeter relative growth of
the Uaited Etate aad notwlthstaadis g
Serbap some rel&tlve changes of miaor
cLsractrr among thmsele. The for
iga vtiorx. thea. with which the
JSriiith ecplx Is Ukeiy ta be concern
ed la th er fstare sre Russia. Ger
taany tad the Uaited State, and ether
towrrs. eTa France, must more and
mere occupy a et-coad place, although
Fraac for the moment, partly la con
eq'rac' cf iu relations with Russia,
occupies a special place.
Fir Rlrt GiSea then draws attea
tk.a to the acreaLEg dexeadence of
Cart-peaa tjtkns eja scpplies of food
aad raw material cttaiaed from
a tre ad. What is true cf the Uaited
Kmgicm is true la a greater cr less de
gree of ether Raropaa countries. Es
pecially Is tt true la a remarkable de
gree cf Germany, which U becoming
iaereaslagly ladastrial and manufac
tarlr.g aad si here room for expansion
In srrlcuItBre is now very limited.
The tjrport cf foreign food lata Ger
maay iacremel !a the bra years ISSS-08
by lat 100 -r erst The Imports of
raw aad em!aianufactured materials
Into Germany ta the same period la
created by 43 per cent, Germany and
the United Kingdom are thus becora
teg more and more sllke. What their
position Is to be economically and oth
erwise reiatireiy ta the United State,
which is at ace the main source of
supply aad a competitor with European
countries la mancfacture. Is obviously
4 a matter cf no Uttle Interest, said Sir
.... "- ;' rt GifTea and added:
believer la f rt-e trade I am sure
t!rg but good will come to all
-les concerned If trade 1 biter
v -
the Cap
CtoMjrx For Vm Drtns
Close hauled, oa the wind, by the
wind aad full and bye mean Hailing as
near as possible to the direction from
which the wind Is blowing.
Close reach meaas that the wind
strikes the vessel forward of the beam
Broad reach meaas that the wind
strikes the vessel aft of the beam
Down the wind, running and going
free mean that the wind strikes the
vessel directly over the stern.
Starboard side of a vessel is the right
hand side when facing the bow.
Port skle of a vessel Is the left hand
side when facing the bow.
A vessel la on the starboard tack
when the wind strikes her from the
starboard side.
A vessel Is cm the port tack when the
wind strikes her from the port Hide
Windward means the direction from
which the wind blows.
Leeward means the direction toward
which the wind is blowing.
A vessel Is "close hauled when go-
lag to windward.
A vessel Is sailing "down the wind
when going to leeward.
A vessel close hauled has the right of
way over a vessel which Is sailing free
When both are close hauled, the vessel
with the wind on the starboard side
has the right of way. New York Her
Tweatr Millie Aerci Said to Hare
Bee Offered For 2. 500,000.
The London Daily Express says the
Boers are contemplating a trek to Mex
lco, estates there having been offered
for a new settlement.
Fart of the land la the Floreshales
estate, a concession from the govern
ment of Mexico to certain financiers,
one of whom la a member of the bouse
of commons. - The purchase price has
been set down at $2,500,000, which will
buy 20.000,000 acres, this being the ag
gregate of two concessions now In the
Lands of syndicates. The Bmaller of
the two estates comprises 5,000,000
This land has seaboard of 200 miles
and will thus offer shipping facilities
which were denied to the Boers In
South Africa and which they so much
Oa of Oar Ideal Shattered.
There seems no hope for one of our
American ideals, writes Walter Well
man In Collier's Weekly. We have long
been proud of the fact that our presi
dents are of the people and that they
may mingle with the people without
fear of harm. But this fearless prac
i tice. miscellaneous handshaking, India
criminate receptions, unnecessary ex
posuro of the life of the chief of the
nation, must cease. So all have agreed
la the councils at Buffalo. It la painful
i to give up a cherished national ideal.
but better that than a recurrence of
such & crime as that of Friday, Sept. 6.
la Collaboration With John amy,
Ifow Secretary of State, He Wrote
ta "Life of Abraham Lincoln."
Accompanied (he President on Rim
Memorable Journey to Washing-ton.
The late John G. Nlcolay, private sec
retary to President Lincoln and an in
timate personal friend of the great
emancipator, was a resident of Wash
ington since 1S72, much of his time
having been given to writing. In col
laboration with John nay, now secre
tary of state, he wrote the "Life of
Abraham Lincoln."
John George Nlcolay was born in the
village of Essingen, In Rhenish Bava
ria, Germany, Feb. 26, 1832, the son of
Jacob and Helena Nlcolay. In 1838 the
Nlcolay family emigrated to America,
making their home first in Cincinnati,
O. From there they moved successive
ly to Indiana, Missouri and Illinois.
During this moving young Nlcolay re
ceived elementary instruction in the
schools of Cincinnati and St. Louis.
His school days In these two cities cov
ered a period of about two years, but
during that time the lad obtained tui
tion In German and English, as the
two languages were taught together.
By the death of his parents when: he
was about 14 years old young Nlcolay
was thrown entirely on his own re
sources, and he became a clerk In a
small retail store.
This occupation did not suit him.
however, and when he was sixteen he
Btarted to learn the trade of a printer
In the office of The Free Press, a county
paper published weekly at Pittsfleld,
Pike county. 111. He remained with
The Free Press for about eight years,
and while connected with this country
sheet he laid the foundation for his fu
ture literary career.
Mr. Nlcolay acquired a reputation as
an editor which lasts even to the pres
ent day in Pike County. He was a
forceful writer and soon became a po
litical power In his part of the state.
He received flattering offers from the
newspapers of Chicago and St. Louis,
but preferred to continue in his Inde
pendent capacity as the editor of his
own paper. During tne famous cam
paign between Lincoln and Douglas
Mr. Nlcolay took sides with Lincoln
and laid the foundation for his close
friendship with the great emancipator,
which lasted until the tragic death of
At the close of the Fremont and Day
ton campaign In 1856 Mr. Nicolay sold
his paper and became a clerk In the of
flee of the secretary of state at, Spring
field, 111. He remained In this position
until 1860, and during this time his
friendship with Lincoln ripened into
the closest intimacy. When Lincoln
was nominated for the presidency, he
appointed Nlcolay his private secreta
ry. After the election the correspond
ence of Mr. Lincoln increased so much
that an assistant became necessary
and Mr. Nicolay chose for this position
John Hay, the present secretary of
state, who was then a young law stu
dent In Springfield.
When Lincoln made his memorable
Journey to Washington In the spring of
1861, both Mr. Nicolay and Mr. Hay ac
companied him. During the first pres
Idential term they occupied the same
room at the White House together, per
forming the laborious and often dell
cate duties which fell to them and en
Joying the closest confidence of Presi
dent Lincoln. During this time they
formed the plan, with the approval of
Mr. Lincoln, of writing his biography,
which design they carried out later In
After the beginning of his second
term, and shortly before his assassina
tion, the president appointed Mr. Nlco
lay United States consul at Paris and
appointed Mr. Hay secretary of the
American legation in the, same city.
They had not, however, entered upon
their new duties before Mr. Lincoln's
death occurred. Mr. Nicolay held the
office of consul at Paris until the spring
of 1869.
Mr. Nlcolay and Mr. Hay began the
active work of writing their biography
of Lincoln in 1874, although they had
spent the previous six years In gather
ing and arranging their material. Its
serial publication under the title
"Abraham Lincoln, a History, was
begun In The Century Magazine In No
vember, 1SSG, and continued until Feb
ruary, iyo. in the latter year the
complete work, with many important
chapters not included in the serial pub
lication, was Issued in ten volumes and
achieved a permanent place in Ameri
can historical literature. Of the Joint
work each author is said to have writ
ten about half, and concurrently also
they collected, catalogued and - edited
" AKeoVfiM T In -wl r'o sm-rl frr a
which were published In 1894.
In addition, to this great task Mr.
Nicolay wrote in 18S1 "The Outbreak
of the Rebellion," It being the first vol
ume of a series entitled "Campaigns of
the Civil War." Mr. Nicolay also wrote
the article on President Lincoln In the
Encyclopaedia Britannlca and has con
tributed numerous articles to Amerl
can magazines. . ,
All of Mr. Nleolay's accomplishments
and tastes were of a high order. He
had patented many inventions, was a
lover of art and music, an accomplish
ed linguist and a poet of unusual merit.
Of the many achlevemeats of his life
he, however, derived the greatest sat
isfaction from having earned Mr. Lin
coln's friendship and trust, as well as
of having, In collaboration with. Mr.
Hay, carried out the design of writing
the biography of the great president.
Diseoverr . of Valuable JeweU by
Professor Fllader-,Petrle.
In Harper's for October Professor
Flinders-Petri e, the famous archaeolo
gist, tells In an Interesting way of the
recent discovery of valuable Jewels in
the newly opened royal tombs of Aby
doa. Professor Petrie himself conduct
ed these lnvestlgatloas. T ,
"The most surprising discovery of
all," he says, "was that of the gold
Jewelry of the reign of King Zer. While
we were clearing out this royal tomb
workman noticed a piece of the arm of
a mummy lying in a broken hole in the
wall. . He did not pass It by as worth
less, but looked in at one end and saw
a lump of gold. Now, ordinary human
nature, and still more Arab nature,
puts In a finger and hooks out a lump of
gold when It can. But our workmen
are far too well trained to do that, and
so the arm was laid down again till we
could see It. After reporting It the
piece was brought Intact to our huts,
and that evening an hour, or two was
spent in opening It up carefully and re
cording how everything 9 was placed,
lastly weighing the gold and giving the
finder more than its Intrinsic value.
Thus, we safely recovered the oldest
group of Jewelry known In the world.
the four bracelets of the queen of King
Zer, about 4700 B. C, some 2.000 years
earlier than any other Jewelry thus faf
Identified. -
"The first bracelet Is formed of alter
nate plaques of gold and turquoise,
each surmounted with the royal hawk
and paneled to imitate the front of the
tomb or palace. This bracelet has a
history in itself. The turquoise plaques
bear a much more archaic and lumpy
form of hawk than the gold pieces, and
they show signs of having been worn
alternately with large beads; From the
style, like that of Mena, they were
made probably at the accession of King
Zer. Later the hawks In gold were
made in the more advanced style to
form a bracelet with the turquoise. All
the pieces were numbered, with lines
on the. bases sloping for one half,
straight for the other half, of the
bracelet Four turquoise and five gold
pieces were lost, and so the eighteen of
each were reduced to the present num
bers. "
!The next bracelet is curiously built
up. Tne centerpiece or gold appears to
be copied from the 6eed vesser of a
desert plant. On either side are beads
of turquoise and gold and lastly a large
amethyst ball of deep color. The back
half Is of the same material. The two
sides are braids of gold wire and thick
hair plaited together."
in the
Great Snake River Valley, Idaho.
; Irrigated
: Greatest Opportunity
to secure a Good Home
at moderate outlay.
Grandest Plan of Home
making ever undertaken-
Formed under
; the auspices
f -if the
The Upper Snake River
Valley ia a Royal Region
of Rich Resources, has
Exhaustless Water Sup-
fly, Constructed Canals,
'uel and Lumber close at
hand, Building stone, and
timber for the hauling,
Healthful Climate, Pure
Water, Good Markets and
Fine Railroad Facilities.
Prodac IKaormoqa crop of Wheat, Qats, Baf Icy. Ry.
othy, Clover. Alfalfa, Frnit and Trtablc.
Thoatandt of aere of Traa GoTWBmnt Bang fr tha
aettlara' cattle, sh p and bora.
. Those contemplating a change of location, the renter, the
yoong aian jtut itarting oat fof himself, and those seeking a
congenial climate will be interested in our plan of Home
making. For particulate write, ; , . V
Im a
Millionaire Socialist' Optlmlatlo
.View of Combinations..
The trusts are bringing about the
millennium" was the statement made
at the meeting of Co-operative Societies
of America at Civic Council hall In
New York the otner night, it - was
Bradford Peck of Lewiston. Me., a mil
lionaire Socialist, who . made the re
mark, and the gathering -of delegates
from seven organizations - representing
10,000 co-operators in America agreed
with him, says the New York World.
"I believe that the way to settle the
financial and social questions of the
day," he said, "is by the forming of
trusts. There should be a trust of the
people, and that Is what we have form
ed In the Co-operative Association of
America. Why not consolidate labor?
There is enough wasted every day In
competition to support half s the race.
We Intend to own mills, factories.
farms, stores, offices and newspapers.
No one will have to work more than
three or four hours a day. Every one's
credit will be good. All children will be
educated, and poverty will be an un
known quantity. We already have be
gun the work by settling upon the city
of Lewiston, Me., and in seventeen
years we shall own every . inch of
land in the city, and every citizen will
be a member of our society. We have
members all over the country, includ
ing the governors of many of the
"We are going to start a penny daily
Dewspaper in Boston which will fight
our battles for us and will give the
public condensed, reliable news at the
same time. This will be done at once.
One may be started in , Philadelphia
A committee consisting of L. M. Tur
ner and Dr. S. Peskln, both of New
York, was appointed to take steps to
ward the union of all the societies pres
ents "
Three Simple Movement Noted I
New Street Greeting.
Just now the cut of men's clothes so
much in vogue because It is Intended to
give a man with any sort of a shape or
even no shape at all a military, athletic
looking appearance has introduced
with It a new way of greeting your
male friends. It is a sort of modifica
tion of the military officer's salute and
Is very easy to learn and makes a dis
tinguished and graceful salute.
It is also the very latest, and so If you
wear your ciotnes cut in tne latest
fashion you of course must not neglect
learning it. In making this salute you
must bear in mind that you are to sa
lute with the hand that is opposite to
the person you wish to greet. Thus, If
he is to pass you on your left you use
the right hand, and If he passes you on
your right you must employ the left
The salute, according to the Chicago
Record-Herald, consists of these three
simple movements: First, when the per
son is about seven paces away you
throw "either the right or the left arm.
as the case may be, easily and graceful
ly up in front of you, so the upper arm
is perpendicular to the body and the
forearm Is obliquely across the body, so
that the fingers touch the rim of your
hat near the front and center of the
face; the hand is open, the palm being
nearest the face, and the fingers are
close together and slightly bent, with
the thumb hidden by being In front of
the first finger and nearest the face.
Second, you Incline slightly, and re
move your hand about four Inches In
front of your face. Third, when the
person has passed you, you straighten
up and throw your arm smartly at the
side. You may then continue your walk
possessed of the gratified feeling of
having been strictly "in the mode" and
of having greeted your friend with a
natural, graceful salute.
One Thousand Boys and Girls
earn this watch every week. You can
do the work in one hour. Send your ,
name and address, no money. We will
forward a book of ten coupons, each
good for three months' subscription
to the best home magazine in Amer
ica, to be sold at 10c each. You see
ten people only, as everybody takes
advantage of this bargain. When
sold, send us the $ 1 .00 andve for
ward the watch prepaid. .
This is . an American Watch, Nickel
Plated, Open Face, and Heavy Beveled
Crystal. A Written Guarantee goes with
each watch. It is a eood timekeeper, and in
this respect is equal to the highest price watch.
ii1ntin.s;i1iriPi ? V W. : 1 A Thoroughly
Bath House
Inside the Cup Defender.
Those who have never been beneath
the Columbia or walked over her deck
can have no conception of her size,
says Victor Smith in the New York
Press. It was a revelation to me. In
side her I was amazed to find several
cooks at work and men setting tables.
The room seemed to be about eighteen
feet In width by forty in length, and on
both sides were cots with comfortables
and pillows. The chief Informed me
that he was preparing dinner for forty-
seven men. all of whom were to, sleep
on board that night. I regretted that it
was impossible to accept Captain
Hair's invitation for dinner. Not every
one has a chance to dine in the hold of
a cup defender.
Hew Drilling Record Established.
The world's drilling record has been
broken by Bradshaw and JTreethy, the
Butte team, says & dispatch from Spo
kane, Wash. Drilling fifteen minutes.
they went through fifty-five inches of
granite. For this they won a purse of
5500. "
Bummer tiat rtaiahed; autumn ia bert;
Third of th aeaaona gracing each year.
Gone are the robins; with them hava flow
All the tweet aongstera w had long known.
DuU grow the meadow long brilliant green;
Withered are flowara long loved and aeea.
' Lea res art awaiting blight of tba froet;
Then they'll be going, joining tba lost.
Cool wtnda are blowing out of the west,
' Making the firetides places of quest.
" Shorter the daytime, longer the night, -Making
more costly fuel and light. .,
Put, though the autumn takes from us Joys,
It brings us others which counterpoise.
Though it has driven, song birds away,
riies and mosquitoes no mors get gay.
Though it has withered flower we price,.
It brings new. baautUs where the groves rise.
... Orer the forests glory Is spread,
' Leave brightly tinted green, gold and red.
- .' ' ? . - " -
Cold are the bvteaes blown from the west.
But st the fireside there's welcome rest, .
There fruits of sutumn add to the cheer, '
leaking the season beat of the year. '
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
, The Snamroek'i Flag;.
The device of the Ulster Yacht club
which Shamrock II. flies on its flag Is a
bloody hand, pays the London Chroni
cle. The tradition by which It takes its
place there Is a weird one. Two Irish
chieftains "sailed with sails" on the
sea in a contest for the crown. Who
ever firsttouched the shore he should
be king. O'Neill, seeing his competitor
Just ahead, took the rule literally an I,
cutting off his hand, flung it on lar I.
Sir Thomas Upton takes the legend o
heart in the true spirit of it, which e
reads as a lesson that the competition
should be a keen one, demanding every
sacrifice and straining every nerve.
, ' Miner Buns for Governor.
Mr. Phillips, the Democratic nom
inee for Governor of Iowa, has served
two terms as mayor of Ottumwa. He
formerly worked at mining In the
neighborhood of St Louis, and in 1884
he was promoted . to the position of
manager of a fuel company. He is pop
ular with the miners of the state.
Genuine stamped CCC Never told In bufk,
Beware of the dealer who tries f sell
vv' "something Just as goed
B q u I p p e d
14th and M Streets
All forma of batha TnrVUh Pni,n Rnmmi unrt lCletriff i. with (medal attention to ttie
application of Natural Salt Water Baths, for the treatment of all acute and thronic non-con-taeeous
curable diseases. Rheumatism. Skin. Blood and Nervous Diseases, Liver and JUdney
Trouble, and all forms of Stomach Trouble are treated successfully, etarrah of the fofcomach ami
Bowels. Heart Disease, acute and chronic, are all greatly benefitted and many permanently
cured by taking the Natural Salt Water Baths (Schott Method as first given at Nanbeim,
Germany. A separate department, fitted with a thoroughly aseptic surgical wnra anu operate
rooms, offer special inducements to surgical canes and all -diseases peculiar to womsn. ibe
Sanitarium la thoroughly equipped for treating all diseases by modern successful methods, it is
managed by physicians well trained and of extended experience, specialists in their several
departments. Trained nurses, skillful and courteous atteudents. Prices reasonable, aaaresa
Lincoln, Sanitarium
11 Oil Co.
The Texas America
Has just been incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois. The
company owns acd controls 16 acres of land in the Beaumont oil dis
trict, one tract on Spindletop Heights, within 200 yards of six gushers,
which produce more oil than all the other oil fields in the United States.
Since Jaanarj 19, 1901, -259 acres on Spindletop Heights hare produced
35 Gushers, each with a capacity of 70,OC3 barrels p:r day.
A GUSHER IS WORTH $5,000,000.
.Texai oil will supply fuel for the : world.
The scarcity of coal in the older countries. ;
and the economy of using oil, makes oil the
fuel of the future; and Beaumont -has the
advantage over any other oil field, inasmuch
that each of its gushers will produce a larg
er daily output than 2,000 Ordinary oil wells,
added to the fact that it is within 18 miles
of the seaport, and can be delivered at any .
port t so low ft cost that no other, fuel can
be used in competition with it. .
Those who get rich out of
oil are the ones who get in
at the" start:: Thousands
have become rich out of
small investments in Texas
Oil Stocks since January 1st.
The Texas American Oil Company is being financed by the fol
lowing Board of Directors: ' yv '
HON. THAD C. POUND, Ex-Lieut. Qor. and Congressman for Wisconsin,
Chippewa Falls, Wis.
JUDGE WM. PRENTISS, Ashland Block, Chicago, 111.
MR. . KE1M, Hanager Sclel, Cooper & Co., Chicago, 111. -MR.
CLARENCE H. HOWARD, Pres. and Manager-of the Shlckle, Harri
son & Howard Iron Co., St. Louis, Mo.
MR. AUGUST J. JUNGE, Pres. of Helssler A Junge Banking Co., Chicago.
, J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D., Atlanta, Georgia.
A small block of Treasury Stock ia now 'offered at 25c on the dollar.
When we strike oil each dollar invested will be worth twenty Write
or call for particulars on ,
W. S. Dorland, Sec'y. 1134-35 36 Stock Exchange Bld'g, Chicago
X I inirO! Un"" TURKISH T. P. PILLS brings monthly menstrua- 5,
a IfllllrAV fllrilll. . . . tiou sure to the day nerer disapjjoints you. $1 per box. 0
LftUILV i I1II.I1U i 2 boxes will help any case. IW wall, plain wrapper. X
Bold by B.O. Kostka, Llncon.Xeb. HAHfi'S Pharmacy, 1805 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.