The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 03, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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October 3, 1901
mm? niu (n ss.
Bsnthu.g ear ear tat,
t U swt an oca to glv.
tt aitj gift r me
ewt the er w jrve,
w Utn erd ctr.
A4 a i5 for every ey
Ma wtjf4 jjj 5 yar.
e't?thJe,r ar a werd.
w ea&stot ajwr t: wtr;
It craw, to ?rvifuir-
a tfc gmu rwer.
t csnssfjirt St may fcru.
TVW j erM n4 drear.
' d r4 earn day
a it ail the year.
Cmtkfrt ae!s thought.
rii4 l true,
Ttt ai2s aaotLa-r m4
ISS'fc: vat way trrw".
That -i ta itfttMt r.-art.
That i t pathway dear:
r"er fcetpfc theugst each day
12. Lr$y a3 tfee year.
Mr c esvrti day dl
Of kiRln and cf rood.
T JisJt ia rtrr len4
All fctotaaa tfitef feood.
h. tJKta tfc hrft'.r will
a snay bt: fcere;
rr ros d4 rrnr r
t44 all the year.
Ihi Traumerel.
Cerrr!r:t. I'm. fey Dally Etcry Pofc. CO
rr Jfk Tomorrow U the befln
f tt world! Ths feaxners art
plant!. the Cars r f jlc. th drums
r waitlse. 0i! Juk. do rw know
It ost li.rt do you know it. or Lave
rcro for rotten? I asa to be raarried to
Eaorrow -ia all fjas war paint and
feathers I caa told. (Teras dresra It
to s is & eoamUlaa of saatrursta.) frw brief momenta are ray own
Ttrr Ut perfep Utat ahall erer
fc nsr cwa, abaolatel, to 60 with a
X pif-aae.
I am bera !a rjr old afcy parlor oa
a air Use with tht moea. tar
tripje4 tro f enmpaira trcytlea, the
XaAdsarkf all destroyed. Oat of th
ho&l cf tr'jre 1 hcr a Ted ealy
tlia 04 Ilpsr, xajr "TSertfa Lte&rae
Boou' I 5ull at ttets)lo! taey
r on irr feet till ItatanL Unt it
woaderfal 1 eaa kep frca fljltc acroaj
tt wcri4 to yoa?
Tta play Use is orer. JkL I tkm
a wnaaa now, with all tL deeps sad
all tte ahaliows cf a woman's souL
Mjr wii!cx cowo sxd Teil are
strett-Led is state across mj eoaca (I
aaH look Ilka a pouai cska), aad Its
klsaej tsyself tood-br m detea times.
It Is the Irs possible come true!
The world Is very beautiful la spots
I l.?w that weU. I 1ot it all the
strode swift wiad, the smell of the wet
brown earth tst toaicht. tosiht cf all
nirhts. a street piaso atopped beaeath
say wi0ir asd played the Trsa
ceri! Thick cf it. Jackthe Traumerel!
With a raat it swept the past wid
open 4 What a Utile heap the weddiag
hells sad crase flowers Dear
3ir. Far-Away. how loa aco we are!
Ch! I caa lauch as much as yoa at
that TizIaLeJ stlgtt the cljht I
thcrccht the whole world hashed to;
hear yem ssy yoa lenred me I can
la3h at the two mad mortals who
thocht Cod had the time to solve the
problexa f their hearts, and when
their eye were shut cried oat all mea
were hliadL
The atillreis aad the darkaess were
fracraxt with the hreaxh cf comisg
raia hae yoa forfottea how I shiv
ered la the shadows? Yoa stretched
yoar arm to draw me to you. hat for
toce racae reaaoa I moTed away. Erea
yet I caa the dear wonder la your
yea aad taea. with oat a word, yoa
took yoar tlolla aad played the Traa
mertL That .nt sweet letter is beside me
Oh! Dear. Dr. Dear." yoa wrote.
a hL'd with a golden throat is la my
heart today. How can my pea Cad
words to say when crotchets aad qaa
ers com drip drip dripplcf from
It? Eat listea hard; perhaps one lit
tle t of its pare melody will reach
yoL I Sere yoa lave yoa lore yoa!
This is the tardea of it. ia every ma
jor aad every misor key that ever was
or ever could Im written. Twelve Ion
hoars since I have seen yoa. Dearest
twelve more mart crawl across the face
f Time ere I caa touch yoar hacd. 1
wotier if yea know how mica this
meat to me? How h!git and depth
ft F&fi
Life is a tig round spple hut we
took ar hits too soon. -
Communis with the saints has made
m clear of slfht.
Oa the whole. I think It has added to
ay Savor.
I never lose my fierce and my shoe
triof? are always tied new though I
wonder how you'd view my enthusiasm
for Welsh rarebit and beer. That ri
diculous piano man went up the street
foar hours ago. yet here I sit at the
edge f dawn waving farewell to you.
Changs is the Inexorable law of na
tore. We must go forward or back
ward; there is no standing still.
After all. I am satisfied with you as
you are, though I shall never find you
again, any more than I shall find those
eweet spring mists when the whole
world ended at the mountain top and
yoa and I had no one but each other.
Oh! Jack. I hear your "Strai" Is up
for sale. For Sale with all that sum
mer's melodies asleep upon Its strings'
Don't laugh. Fate is a scurvy god
dees, bat I am not vanquished.
My head tomorrow shall wear the
glory of the Aurora Boreal La aad my
fet are capable of doiig rag-time up
the alsla.
Tom has no soul for music he Is
forty, fst and bald the Traumerel
only gives him a hollow In the stom
ach. He has no Imagination. Tom, but
a towa house, a country seat, and two
pairs f cots.
On the whole, X think I can face to-
"He has no imagination.1"
morrow cslmly. (The envy of
bridesmaids spurs me on.)
What If I beat against the bars?
That one mad flight it to the air only
tired me the width of the sky fright
ened me.
The world is such a r.lgmy world to
conquerand yet and yet God help
me the Traumerel! KELI
Thisk of !t.Jack theTraaraerel
are fined by yoa. Tonight a star
great white star came oat and climbed
screws the wr. I watched It gains
ran tae tius aad down the slopes of
Ileavra aatil ! loet It. "Take fcr
trae, trs love.' I whbpered. and when
a saddea treer came fioatias: sweetly
ty I thought It fcrotight a message from
yoa. Haw fancifa! my heart has
grown, beloved. I only wish It had si
ways bee as stair-less as It is this mo
meat. Good-tight good-bre. Oh'
love me. Dear, although I am so little
What a pair, of preeioas fools we
par. Jack.
Were Unheard of by f Him Before the
Advent of the White Wa Naturally
Kind. Unselfish, Truthful and Sincere
Not Wealth-Worshippers.
Lc-wrtaf; m Carried oa In Bostlnn
Two RaseLan women of high social
standing are devotlag all their ener
gies to the welfare of their sex and
axe receiving the earnest encourage
ment of the czar. These women are
Mrs. Sophie DavydoS, who has pub
lished by imperial command a splendid
volume entitled "Russian Lace and
LAcemakers, has traveled all over
Russia collecting and inspecting laces,
rugs, etc. woven by the serfs before
the emancipation. Lace-making was
revived as an Industry In the found
ing by her of the Mary school for
lace-making under the patronage of
the empress dowager, in that school
ittle peasant girls are lodged, fed and
taught the elementary branches of
earning, drawing aad designing for
two years. At the end of that time
they are Intrusted with the weaving
of the finest laces, even those sown
with seed pearl, and are expected on
their graduation to go home and teach
what tbey have learned to the women
of their districts. Mrs. DavydoS has
been sent by the government to Bok
hara, central Asia, and France on spe
cial missions connected with art in
dortries, and In 1&92, at the command
f the government, organized schools
for weaving, lace-making and em
broidery In many places In districts
In the Voronezh government, which
bad suffered greatly In the great fam
lne. and sne Is chairman of the So
ciety for Encouraging the Training of
Women In Handicrafts In St. Peters
burg. Specimens of the laee-maklng
aad embroidery, as well as many other
beautiful things made by Russian
peasants, are to be found In this coun
try. The work of Baroness Badberg is
confined to the training of women of
ell classes In agricultural economy.
She has carried a school of her own,
at her own expense; on her own estate.
for years, but last year the govern
merit, in response to the deluge of let
ters with which the minister of agri
culture was peetered, letters from own-
era of estate, asking for women train
ed In agriculture, engaged Baroness
Budberg to open an agricultural school
f-r women near Moscow. Her school
has two courses, one for the unedu
cated elass, which begins with an ele
mentary training in the common
branches of day schools, and the other
for the educated class.
Indian . character has been greatly
maligned, says Maj. John M. Burke,
who has made a study of the red men.
Treachery, ; so often charged against
them, has no part in their make-up.
The Indian has fought the man who
mistreated him, and he has always
fought openly. He has been the
friend the unfailing friend of the
man who has been kind to him, and
as given evidence that he wished to
help him. The Indian was the friend
of .Pere Marquette and Father De
Smet. The man who has shown him
a "forked tongue" he has treated as
he would any other snake. The man
who has cheated him, has taken ad
vantage of his ignorance to make his
hard lot harder, he has killed. The
Indian is a child of nature, and he Is
therefore candid and Ingenuous. When
wronged he knows It, and says so, and
his only way to get satisfaction is to
fight. There Is no chance for. him to
lay low" and wait for another deal.
He . can only see what is in sight.
When Columbus came to America the
Indians were at first alarmed at the
great white-winged birds" the ships.
The white-faced, strangely-dressed
people who came out of them were to
the simple natives supernatural be
ings. But when they saw that those
were people who were hungry and
could eat then the Indians brought
the best they had and gave It freely
for nothing, and were as kindly as
well-raised children. When the cruel
Spaniards beat them and misused
them, the Indians naturally enough be
lieved that all white men were cruel
and dangerous. Cortez In Mexico and
Pizarro In Peru found the aborigines
a gentle people, but that did not de
crease the relentless cruelty that al
ways grow3 out of lust for gold, and
so, for centuries, wiyi all their con
tinuous generations, the Indian was
taught that the white man was his
heartless enemy; and he accepted the
lessons. There was no way to teach
him that not all white men were
greedy and cruel. Vice will go much
further to assert itself than virtue.
But, coming down to this very day.
the unsophisticated red man of the
west, hating a liar, tells the truth;
having been surrounded, the game
killed exterminated uselessly he has
no way to get a living and thinks it
only natural that the government
which took away his opportunities for
sustenance owes him food and raiment.
The rovernment sava it does, and
sends agents to look after and provide
for him. Some of the agents former
ly accepted their places with the be
lief that they had a right to rob the
very class that they were appointed to
protect. Of course, not all t Indian
agents were this way, but many of
them were, and the Indian was blamed
because he refused to be treated with
the injustice that came from greed
the most cruel of all Injustice and he
grumbled and fought. The Indian is
supposed to be selfish and brutal by
those who do not know him. There Is
no human being on earth who will
more quickly divide his last mouthful
of food with a friend.. No Indian that
ever lived would crowd a white-haired
old woman out of the way to get on a
street car first. That sort of thing,
and everything akin to it, that Is dis
courteous, may be seen among the men
of the streets of all cities. Real men
do not do such thing3f no more than
all Indians do beastly things than
those who do not know them suppose
they do. The Indian has not had the
benefit of laundries and porcelain
baths, but he jumps into the water and
washes himself every time he has a
chance. He does not live where there
are napkins and finger bowls, and he
would not know exactly which curious
little fork to use for this or that, nor
the precise manner In which he should
carry a spoonful of soup to his mouth.
He has not been taught these things.
Neither does he guage his neighbor's
respectability by the number of po
nies the neighbor possesses, nor does
he He awake of nights thinking over
schemes to win his neighbor's goods.
He thinks that one who is able to pay
and does not do so is a worse man
than he who is not able to pay. He
does not say to the former, "He Is all
right because he has money, though he
does not pay Just debts nor practice
deeds of charity."
Beloved, It Is moral ' .i, 1
redder berry on the thorn,
A deeper yellow on the corn;
For this good day new-born, .
Pray, Bweet, for me,
, That I may be
, ' Faithful to God and thee. .
Beloved, it is day! '
And lovers work, as children play.
With heart and brain untlrad alway;
Dear love; look up an I pray.
Fray. Sweet, for me, V
That I may be
V" Faithful to God and thee. .
Beloved, it W night!
Thy heart and mine ar full of light,
Thy spirit shltteth or and white, .
God keeps thee In His sight!
Pray. Sweet, for me.
That I may be '
... Faithful to God and thee. ,
Concorning An Offer.
" ' 1 in 1 1 1 . w i
(Copyright, 1901, by Daily Story Pub. Co.)
, "And so this is the end?" There
was a hopeless note in his voice. She
looked In the fire, avoiding his gaze.
-Yws .. ,v." .;
"And you are doing this voluntari
ly?" -
'X3eTtalniy -there's no one to coerce
me. It Is my choosing."
"Then you care nothing for me?" .
"No, no on the contrary, I like you
a great deal." j
"Ar yom In the habit of encourag
ing young: men you merely 'like' to kiss
you, remember the night on the crags
la the moonlight V v
"I dida't encourage you you made
all the advances, and and you just did
it, anyhow. That was what I liked
about you." .
"And you no longer think my right
arm was 'built for you to cuddle up
In eh?" . . -c
"Don't,? she held up her hand depre
catlngly. . "That's what you said that night
and times too numerous to mention
"And It always had the same effect
of making you more determined and
He started, and looked at her keenly.
Then he moved his chair closer. She
glanced at him a little apprehensively.
"Remember how the moonlight
looked on the water that night, and
how we wished we could run hand in
hand along that silvery path until we
came to away off, where It ended, and
we would find a land where there would
be nothing but blue skies and flowers
and trees by day. and all nights would
be moonlight and where the waves
whispering on golden sands would lull
us to sleep when the mocking-birds and
the moonlight and the scent of the Jasa
mine and spices made us drowsy?"
"Yes, I remember it all, Robert, but,
unfortunately, we can't walk on the
water, we can't go to that 'pretty isle,
and weve got to face a world In which
we pay as we go, and those who can't
pay doat go."
"Ah-h, t begta'to rsee. How much
s he worth?" v"
"Your perception does you credit. Oh,
don't know some absurdly large
amount." -
"Made it killing pigs; and sheep, and
cows, and packing up broken-down
street car horses for corned beef, didn't
he?" J N
"How do I know?"
"And he's fifty-eight, and says 1
seen'; makes pleasant noises when he
eats; wears loud clothes and tells the
cost of everything speaks of his as
sociates as 'gent' and 'lady friends' and
has promised you a house on the boule
"Who told your
"No one. I saw it was evident that
there ' Were great inducements Desldes
his charming and refined personality."
"Well, I don't care."
"That Is very evldentaero. What has
driven you to such step?"
"I say, why are you going to marry
this man?"
"Oh, well because."
"Ill bet the Oracle at Delphi took
lessons in ambiguity from a woman.
So you don't want any love m a cot
tare or flat only on the crags and
the boulevard?"
"It Isn't a question or what one
wants, in this world, Robert, but what
one can get, or is forced to take."
"Say. did he send a certified check
"stock aaraneing rapidly strung
bull movement porkchops and pre
BervMl hay-burners declining steadily
why, I'm quite a catch!"
"There are worse oneeV
"Do you know excuse s personalities
that you have a deuced pretty an
kle?' ? :- V
She surveyed it a It rested on the
fender, and blushed.
"That Isn't my fault."
"But If prettiness could be called a
fault, then I'd like to shoulder the re
sponsibility and call : It my fault
may I?" vrCil . .-.
"Really, you must have been study
lag Delphic utterances yourself -I 4ont
comprehend." v
He moved "to the lounge, where she
was sitting on one end.
"Don't, Robert," She said.
"You said that once or twice before,
but you didn't really mean it."
: "Yes, I did I do. Stop!"
,"I won't not until you promise to
marry me. - We will get along all right
a flat isn't so bad, and a cottage Is
delightful." :
"It sounds nice, and Fm tempted.
' "Do, dearest; we'd be " happy, and
you'd never regret it aever."
"I'll hlnk about it"
"No, you won't Yes or no, tight
now!? . ,.,..
"Well n yes!"
And late that night, at the front
door, she leaned out and iaid.
"Robert, I've changed my mind; it's
nd. The cottage and fiat may be tery
' A StoM Fomt.
A petrified forest, covering an area
of 100 square miles, has existed for
centuries In Art ion a Thousands and
thousands or petnned logs strew the
ground, and represent beautiful shades
f pink, purple, red, gray, blue and
The TeaL
It is a striking fact that the teasel
as an Instrument for raising the nap
oa cloth has never been superceded or
Improved upon, though various at-
tempts have been made In this direc
tion, notably with an apparatus of fine
Oldest Bell in America.
The oldest bell in America is In the
little Catholic chapel in the -village of
St. Regis, on the St. Lawrence river.
The bell In that church, says the Nor
wich Aurora, was taken from Deer-
field at the time of the French and
Indian Invasion of that place, and, it
is said, was suspended on a pole and
carried on the shoulders of the Indians
through the wilderness to the place
where it now hangs. It was originally
purchased In France by the Church of
St. Regis, and the vessel In which It
was being taken to Quebec was cap
tured by an English cruiser and taken
Into the port of Salem. The bell, as a
part of the cargo, was sold, and
bought by the church In Deerfleld. The
invaders of Deerfleld were from St
Kegis, ana iook special pnae m re
capturing and returning the bell.
Utah has more than doubled Its man
ufacturing plants since 1890, the num
ber Increasing from B30 to 1,400.
it'B not an me rauit or the street
commissioners that the city doesn't
mend Its ways..
; Books Received. V. ;: :
Shem. a story of the Cantlvlty by
J. Breckenridge Ellis, author of "In J:he
Days or Jehu," "King Saul,- "When
David .Was King," etc.'; published by
The Christian . Publishing Co.". St.
Louis, MO. - - ' ' - '
The Great Bread Trust, by ' W. H
Wright; published by the Abbey Press,"
114 6th ave., New York. i . -
Government, ah Inquiry Into the Na
ture and Functions of the State, by
John Sherwln Crosby; published by
Peter Eckler, 35 Fulton st., New York.
Interludes, verses, by Belle Willey
Gue; published by the Household
Realm Press, Chicagd.
Collectiyeism and Industrial Evolu
tion, by Emile Vandervelde, translated
by Charles H. Kerr; published by
Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago. -, . V
The City for the People, or the Mu
nicipalization of the City Government
and of Local Franchises, by" Frank
Parsons; published by C. F. Taylor,
1520 Chestnut st.; Philadelph la. "
The Old Pike, a History of the Na
tional Road, with Incidents, Acidents
and Anecdotes Thereon, by Thomas B.
Searlght; published by the author at
Uniontown, Pa.
The Octopus, the Epic of the Wheat,
a Story of California, by Frank Nor
rls; published by Doubleday, Page &
Co., New York. -
One American Girl, by Virginia
Webb, author of "The Gray Stone Cas
tle in the Adlrondacks," and "In Chos
en Ways;" published by O. W. Dilling
ham Co., New York. ' ; -
Our Foes at Home, by Hugh H.
Lusk; published by Doubleday; and
McClure Co., New York. '
Silas Cobb, a Story of Supervision,
by Dan B. Stevens; published by Ham
mond Bros. & Stevens, Fairmont, Ne"b.
D'RI and I. a- Tale of Daring Deeds
In the Second War with the British,
being the memoirs of Colonel Ray
mond Bell, U. S. A., by Irving. Bach
elef, author of" Eben Holden; pub
lished by Lathrop Publishing Co.,
Boston. -
George Mason. of Virginia, an Ad
dress by Louis H. Machen; published
by the author, at Fairfax, Va.
Plain Talk in Psalm and Parable,
by Earnest Crosby; published by
Small, Maynard & Co., Boston.
The Builders' Handbook, a Collec
tion of Facts, Figures and Memoranda
about Building; published by the au
thor, A. Roberts, . architect, Lincoln,
Neb. . ' . -
"I've changed my mind it's ho.
nice, but 111 take the brownstone and
"Well, IH be damned," said Robert,
as he walked down the street wondering.
Well, old Chops may die some 'day
then maybe shell take me, and shell
have all the money, too. Maybe It's all
right, but it's devilish hard now. I
hate to see her marry that beast,
though." He turned Into his club.
"Party at the i hone Wants you right
now, this minute, slrl " said the porter.
Robert went to the 'phone. .
"Is that you, Robert?"
"Yes; what is it?"
"I just wanted to tell you, Fve
changed my mind, and I can't bear the
idea of losing you. and I'll never eat
another porkchop as long as I live,
and 111 marry you In tae morning be
fore breakfast, and I wont live ia a
brownstone on the boulevard. If you
had It!"
"Well, 111 be da ! All right
thanks I'll be around at eight in the
morning with the preacher, before you
change your mind again."
"And so this is the end?"
with his offer? And how did his busi
ness instinct lead him to make it so
much per pound "on the' hoof,' or an
advance 'dressed' ?" ' '
"Hush up you haven't any room to
talk1; you have never offered anything."
"Never had anything to offer, com
pared with old porkchops."
."You've got youth, and health; and
strength " ; '
"Especially In my right arm."
"You are very annoying at times
end a good pnwpect, and you come of
good people, . and;, you're a Jolly fel
low" , .
Electricity I Fatal to Plant Life mm
Park and BelcTra.
Boston Globe: A distinguished bot
anist In speaking of plant life in our
cities and in local parks argues that
it is under ever increasing peril con
stantly and Is liable to finally become
extinct. In the first place, there Is
the matter of noise in all its forms and
the vibratory rumblings which go with
the various activities of an augmented
population. Flowers need sleep. Trees
sleep.. All forms of vegetable life
must, at regularly recurring Intervals,
be allowed to lapse Into a condition
of repose else some radical change will
take place in the form of the plant.
But noise Is not the only destroyer of
plant life in cities. There are many
other things that threaten to denude
the cities of vegetation finally. Plants
and flowers and ail kinds of vegeta
tion sleep beat away from the glare.
So the lights of the city, which blind
all through the night, must contribute
somewhat to this interference with
vegetable sleep. Dust and smoke and
other things that fill the air unques
tionably have considerable Influence
on veeetation In the cities. Electricity,
Independent of its uses for lighting
mimeses, has a bad effect On city vege
tation. The overcharged condition of
the earth because of the electrical cur
rents that are constantly finding their
lira v back to the point of generation
cannot be healthy from a viewpoint of.
vegetation. The construction of large
buildings .' interferes, too, with ths
natural flow of air currents and the
plants tf a city are In a measure
smothered. 1 But the same electricity
v.o KntAnista tell us is sradually
biacav vv w - . -
destroying tree life in the cities Is
transporting the people far out Into
ftountrr cheaply and rapidly.
There Is compensation, after all, in ths
t.n.notte that make civilization a
failure to pessimistic eyes.
- ".- ' . ...... 1
itrkin Axrlenn Elephant UiefaU
Capt. Laplume, a Belgian officer.
writes from the Congo Free State that,
trouble, ht has succeed-
miiv w
pA in caDturlng. taming and training t
number of African elephants. The an
imals, he says, are now as useful as
those of India.
ffff Tlr ulH V
It! H'WlWIte !
At aO drug stores.
25 Dose 2 Sc.
. Galvanised Steel Tank will not rot or shrink
or fall to piecat from drying out.- Are hand
somer in appearance, will out . last wooden
tanks, and are easier kept clean. ' -
mil ! n J
Boston Herald: Dumlelgh ''There's
nothing cranky about Mr. Synnex; he's
a man of sense, he is!"
Markham "Flattering." .
Dumlelgh "Not a bit. Folks have
been saying that smoking cigarettes
weakened the Intellect. I asked Mr. 1
Synnex, and he told me to keep right
on; It couldn't possibly have an effect
on me. -
Columbus State Journal: : "How
duz yo' know dat I dun stole yo wa-
tahmilyun, Mistah BroWn?". . queried
Uncle Eph, Innocently. ,
"Because I found where you had left
the rinds," replied Mr. Brown.
"Lor' bresa me! Yo shorely didn t
expec me tuh ete dem, too, did yo',
Mistah Brown?"
Boer and American Patriot.
If our forefathers were true patriots
In 1776, then Kruger, Steyn, De Wet,
Botha, Delarey and the other fighting
Boers are patriots in 190L The two
groups cannot be considered apart.
If they are not both noble and, there
fore, deserving of our sympathy and
admiration, then both are ignoble and
deserving of contempt, af we. adopt
England's present estimate of the
Boers we are logically bound to adopt
England's estimate of the men of Lex
ington, BYeed's Hill and Valley Forge.
Washington Post.
Mr. ricKlniey on the Tariff
Mr. McKinlev was far In advance of
his oartv upon the tariff question. He
showed this by the negotiation of num
erous reciprocity treaties wnicn tne
senate has thus far refused to ratify,
and he snowed it in nis last great
finAfh. In his address Ei Buffalo his
only specific recommendation regard
ing the tariff was ror reciprocity, dui
his argument went much farther and,
rlnselv analyzed, it struck at the very
foundation of the whole protective sys
tem. Washington jrost.
Anta Annoy at Council Blaffs.
Wmle the rest of the country, was
complaining of mosquitoes, .Council
Bluffs, Iowa, had Its quarrel with ants.
Great armies of these Insects began
burrowing beneath the bricks and re
moved so much of It to other and un
qnown quarters that the city engineer
was called in to repair the damages.
One street was made unfit for several
Preacher's Inadvertent Boast.
A country clergyman whose custom
It was to read his sermons, one Sun
day morning forgot his manuscript. He
determined to take his congregation
Into his confidence and he accordingly
announced: "My friends, this morning
I have come without my Sermon. So
you must take what the Lord gives me.
But tonight I will come better pre
eteeSs the Shortest Month.
On the first day of every February
Charles A. Squires, postmaster of Echo,
L. I., stops using tobacco for a month.
For many years he has observed this
custom, and declares that in this way
he prevents tobacco having injurious
effect upon his health. It will be ob
served that Mr. Squires selects the
shortest month in the year.
Xn$11sh and French Word Altksw
It 16 not such a very distant Jump
from the English to the French lan
guage. There are 3,000 word3 used
alike in French and English without
variation In spelling. The variation is
In the pronunciation. "
X-arsjest Choeee In World.
- r J- -
The largest cheese In the world was
In the Pan-American Exposition. It
weighs 1,100 pounds, is 26 Inches high,
26 Inches in diameter and was made
out of 5,500 quarts of milk. . ; . .;,
All siaes. Joints are all both seamed and riv
eted, siring- greatest strength and durability.
Allsises. Made of 1H tide water red cypress
well seasoned, carefully inspected, with rouDd
hoops, adjustable lugs. Flat hoops are always
sent unless otherwise specified in order.
Shipped knocked dowtit They are set op in
shop as much as possible is done before ship
ping. Holes are all ia right places and every
thing will go together without trouble. Writs
for full description and prices.
128-130-132 North 13th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Mention the Independent. .
Grinds ear corn, shelled corn, oats, and all
kinds of small grain, bteel ballbearings. Has
improved doable cob or ear crnsber, and im
proved grinding rings making it superior to
any other made. Adjustable force feed grind
ing, to any degree of hneness. & fast and rapid
grinder. Light running, substantial, durable,
and large capacity. Largest and best sweep
mill made. No (dogging. Burrs . 30 inches in
diameter. Burrs self-sharpening. Weight ol
saill 650 pounds. , . '
In thi mill we offer to the farmers and stock
feeders of the country the only sweep mill that
will handle ear corn and all kinds of small
grain eqnally well.
.Write for full particulars. ,
- PRICE ONLY $23.75.
,.1X8-130-132 N. 13th St.. Lincoln, Nebr.
Mntirn The Independent,
Patented September 21, 1497.
This machine has an Improved Pendulum
Attachment, which reduces labor 0 per cent,
being without a doubt the greatest improve
ment on washing machines within the last thir
ty years, making this
The Liglileitt Kannlnir and Most Easy
Working Washer Ever Placed on theMr
kt. The dasher shaft and hoops are galvanised so
M to prevent rusting. Is operated by swinging
the pendulum. Requires no more exertion than
to rock the cradle. Any Woman Can Operate
t. To once try this machine is to use It always.
It closes tiifht, preventing the escape of
iteam and retaining the heat. Satis- fT
.'action guaranteed. Price,, v JvU
128-130-132 N. ISthM., Lincoln, Kebr.
" Th Independent.
Can be attached to any wheeled vehicle. Bows
a wide cast equal on both sides of the wagon,
Either side can be shut bff when desired. Hows
one acre for every M, mile traveled. The "cast'1
is under perfect control of the operator; can be
made any width desired. Or diagonally to the
rieht or left, or directly behind the wagon. It
will sow perfectly any quantity to th aero of
all kinds of grain, oats, barley, rye. buckwheat,
etc., or grats seeds, clover, millet, timothy,
Hungarian, etc. It will also sow flax seed,
hemp seed, peaa, corn and fertilizers; ia fact,
anything which requires . broadcasting, in a
most satisfactory manner,
Write for full particulars.
128-J 30-132 N. 13th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Mention The IndeiendenW