The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 29, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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August 29, I90f
Write Toar Nam and Address Plainly.
RIM 8 8
There la nothing like Asthmalene.
It brines Instant relief, even in the
worst cases. It cures when all else
The ReT. C. F. Wells, of Villa Ridge,
I1L, says: "Your trial bottle of Asth
malene received In good condition. I
cannot tell you how thankful I feel
for the good derived from it. I was a
f lave, chained with putrid sore throat
and Asthma for ten years. I despaired
of ever being cured. I saw your ad
vertisement for the cure of this dread
ful and tormenting disease. Asthma,
and thought you had overspoken
yourselves, but resolved to give it a
trial. To my. astonishment, the trial
acted like a charm. Send me a full
site bottle.
Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel.
New York, Jan. 3. 1901.
Drs. Taft Bros. M'edicine Co.
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an
excellent remady for Asthma and Hay
Fever, and Its composition alleviates
all troubles which combine with As
thma. Its success is astonishing and
After tariig It carrfally analysed, we can state that Asthmalene contains
to ep;um. morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours,
Avon Springs. N. Y.. Feb. 1, 1901.
I. Taft Bros Mediciae Co. ,
OttJeraec: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the
wos4erftil of jour Aethroane for the cure of Asthma. My wife has
te-s aSicK-d with modic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted
say own ill as -il as many others. I chanced to see your sign upon your
widow oa lZjth trl. New York. I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene.
ily wife constctuNtd taking it about he first of November. I very soon noticed
a "radical tejrovtoect. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared
t4 tie is ectirtly fre from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently
recocszarnd lh medicine to all who are aOicted with this distressing disease.
Yours r;rifu:iy. O. D. PHELPS, M. D.
5. 1901.
Ir Taft Bro Myitis Co. Feb
Gtn.tUtxtn: I w troubk-d with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numer
ous r-S:. bat tLt j have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and
starts ;th a trial Lottl. 1 found relief at once. I have since purchased your
fUl-ite Urtti. asd 1 am eTer grateful. I have family of four children, and
for tlx j-ar was ucaMe to work. I am cow in the best of health and am doing
Uuit every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see fit.
Jiosi adlre. 2Ii IUliigton street- " S. RAPHAEL,
7 East 129th st.. City.
The sheriff drove directly to Mr. Bart
ley's, home where he found him and
took him In custody.
At the" urgent suggestion of Mr.
Bartley, he was conducted to the pen
itentiary by way of the Llndell hotel
where Governor Savage was at that
time. The governor was called out to
the closed carriage and a brief conver
sation ensued. Mr. Bartley asked ;the
reason for the sudden change of 'atti
tude of Governor Savage and the gov
ernor replied that he issued the order
because he had made up his mind this
course was necessary. Further con
versation of short duration revealed to
Mr. Eartley the action of the conven
tion. Mr. Bartley contended to Gov
ernor Savage that he had power to
give him his freedom till the expira
tion of the sixty-day parole which
would be on September 13. Mr. Bart
ley left on his way to the penitentiary
blaming Governor Savage for exercis
ing his power so suddenly and not per
mitting him to have the opportunity
to effect the arrangements he might
make before the sixty days expired.
Mr. Bartley has never occupied a
cell, his quarters being in the hospital
building. His occupation will be car
ing for the flowers in the greenhouse
and acting as an assistant about the
It is generally believed that the re
turn of Mr. Bartley to the penitentiary
is only a temporary proceeding to
postpone his release until after the
election. Public sentiment against
the parole and pardon was so strong
that the leaders of the party feared
defeat at the polls and therefore de
manded his return until after the No
vember election. The Independent
predicts that Mr. Bartley 's term in the
penitentiary will be of short duration
if the people again express faith in
the republican party by the election of
their candidates this fall.
Collections have been very light the
past several weeks, and, being absent
a week or so, Secretary De France has
not reported since July 25.
Previously acknowledged $1,409,90
To -Monday night 9.60
I t,o di&y. Write at one, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO.,
T lUa XKTfc'st. N. Y. City.
U t Oj Ngtila With
rrMMBt LUt I EHwt MltUnxtt
IWIvms Biw mm4 Stritmlm
A St. IVitrstsrg dispatch to Itappel
a&fcru ti.t tLe czr' visit to Pres.
LovUt will result in the opening of
z.coutiobs for a M-Mleraect of the
ar ia Sotith Africa. Tfc teltlement,
tte duputth '. will be concluded by
an it-rl-w with Kitg Edward.
Aocorilis to the czar s plan cf set th dispatch state, England
will t tL 3iBs and a Leary indtm
tity ta return for Ui- recognition of
tt isdejsi-jeiice cf the South African
tk rxar. titter of the peace confer
tace at The liasae. is known to be
asxkrss for in South Africa for
Xcliticl rons and eager that pace
tbosH t-orse from his Lands as the ad
tocat? cf Ilurojan di&arcx&niect and
liUt Mtiiear'Jit of international quar
rels thronfeh Eitdiiiioa atd arbitra
tion. The Jia; ; 1 dif patch says that the
exara plain rostexcplat- the icde
petifOf cf the South African repub
lics, with u ceaiion to Great Britain
of tfc vast mineral wealth of the Hand
and a further h-ay cash indemnity.
Erfliittaea are eagriy discussing
t?i cea aid are ceneraily arerd that
f ee Cietiiatioa of tie czar, kai&er and
President Ltrsbet will be undertaken,
Vnt that th term to be suggested by
the rxar w:li not be accepted by the
king, for it U a settled policy, of the
BriUta roTTtu3-nt, auin and a;ain
expressed is,ce the war b-ran, that
the lllepndciire cf the two republics
shall not be recosnixed.
I'poa thi point rest the
political futare and policy of the am
bftioua t-rerary cf itate for the col
onies. Mr. Chamberlain, who today,
ex-radical that te is. dominates the
tory jrotf rcmect of Lord Salisbury,
and to the fsdepesdr nee of the lioers
ChassLerlaia will never consent.
The rxar. who is on doe personal
terms with the king, has already urged
cpoa Edwaid to cloe the war, which
now seems Is term 'sable, and the pro
posed mediaai"o is only another step
la the rroerctioa cf a policy Russia
has been rteaiily following.
Vmttl Aftrr 0cf l
The repttblicao state convention con
tenel jtt the auditorium In this city
on Wednesday afuraooa and was or-
r mired ty the selection
Baker of Oasaha as tf-mporary rbafr
fsas, and Rev. lM$4m of Lincoln.
retary. IVndiruc be report of the com
cittee on CTer.tnl. Judse Baker de
livered m thlrty-rniiiute speech, during
the cortre of which he said some
tt!r jr regarding the good things that
tie "grand old party'"' expected to do
for the "dear people" In the future, but
not one word did he say regarding the
high-handed outrages that the party
had inflicted upon the people by its
class legislation c: the past. It was
the same old story that the republican
orators, in the deffnse of trusts and
combines, have nten singing to the
people for yearr, with a few glittering
sentences anu rounded periods thrown
in to catch fe attention of the dele
gates present, who were republicans,
not because they understood the basic
principles of the party, but because of
the fabled stories that have been sung
in their ears, that away back yonder,
scmewhere in the dim vista of the past,
the party had "put down the war,"
"tavtd the union" and "freed the col
orti people. At the close of Judge
Baker's few remarks" the committee
on credentials reported. Judge Norval
was made permanent chairman. Sec
retaries were appointed, a committee
or. resolutions, headed by Hon. Edward
ftoewHtr. were sent out to read over
the resolutions which he carried in his
"inside pocket," and the fun com
menced. A motion was made that the
convention proceed to vote for a candi
date for supreme judge, when a dele
gate from one of the western counties,
who was attending the republican con
ventior for the first time and who did
not euderstand "the methods by which
it wn done," offered an amendment
to -the motion, "that we proceed to
nominate after the platform upon
which the candidate was expected to
stand had been adopted by the con
vention and not before," but his mo
tion was quickly voted down, and the
balloting by counties began, resulting
In the nomination of the following
For supreme judge S. H. Sedgwick
of York.
For regents C. J. Ernst of Lincoln,
H. L. Gould of Ogalalla.
The platform indorses the national
administration's protection to Ameri
can Industry, a steadfast adherence to
the financial policy of a gold standard.
It recognizes the rights of v age-workers
to organize for their own protec
tion, favors laws for the promotion of
Irrigation, etc.. and closes with the
following clause:
"The republicans of Nebraska dis
claim for the party any sympathy with
custodians of public money found guil
ty of the betrayal of sacred trusts.
"Without impugning the motives of
the governor in any case, we depre
cate any exercise of executive clem
ency tending to create the false im
pression that the republican party Is
disposed to condone the unlawful em
bezzlement of public funds under any
circumstances, and we request the im
mediate recall of the parole granted
to Joseph S. Bartley by the governor."
- This platform was adopt?d by a vote
of 938 for to 165 against, the Lancaster
delegation voting solidly against It.
Immediately after the adoption of
the resolution Governor Savage direct
ed the sheriff of Lancaster county to
return Mr. Bartley to the penitentiary.
tf M
uuiisti, SELL YOUR flY.
" J mtmt M, tbm fddr. traC It will be twW .Vjr.flt.hl.
m 4. 1 or aar ti m tmMAlm man, k ... "vlT J"
V.nm Une!ra nn J
Footer Shredder
It BEki out nil of th
eorn rln, and ahreda
ill tS fu41.t . r ,1..
uwtine. M&ketctMn,
rtnl4 crn In tb
feed lo-.lor takes out
all h dimt JiM
. " -
G ta ynr aearesf
wbici- mna ce ope.
M4 m-ik mm tstm-
vr ttfit).itar. tfca t liao
t mm r t m-Jtimmmm
Total $1,419.50
CLAY Previously acknowledged,
$27.93; Fred Roth, 25c, Deweese. To
tal, $28.18.
GREELEY Previously acknowl
edged, $17; Gen. Patrick H. Barry, $5,
Greeley. Total, $22. Hurrah for Gree
ley. This makes her paid up.
HAYES Previously acknowledged,
$2; J. B. Torbert, $3, sheriff, Hayes
Center. Total, $5. And hurrah for
Hayes also, as this makes her paid up.
PHELPS Previously acknowledged,
$8.75; collection of $1.35 by Frank G.
Peterson, Holcomb, (F. G. Peterson,
50; David Hidell, 25c; Sam Anderson,
25c; Oscar Anderson, 10c; Robert
Johnson, 25c), all Holcomb. Total,
Your Lifeawayl
You can be cared of any form of tobacco ustnr
easily be made well, strong, magnetic, full of
new life and rigor by taking NO.TO.BAC
that makes weak men strong. Many gaia
ten pounds in ten days. Over 5 00,000
cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book
let and advice FREE. Address STERXJNG
REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437
State News
The Colfax county teachers' institute
was in session last week, continuing
over into this. There has been so far
a very fair attendance.
Governor Savage has appointed the
first Monday in September Labor day.
Ten thousand visitors were enter
tained by the people of Plattsmouth
last Saturday, who were in attendance
at the annual state picnic of the A. O.
U. W. Every train arriving was load
ed with Workmen and their friends
for the day's outing.
The man who visits the state fair
at Lincoln this year will continue to
believe that Nebraska is more or less
a garden spot. Hastings Democrat.
The quarterly report of the state
banking board shows that the amount
of money deposited in state and pri
vate banks has increased over two mil
lion dollars since the last report, made
in March.
The Chautauqua at Auburn last
week was well attended and the pro
gram was excellent. "Rainmaker"
Wright of Lincoln was one of the plat
form orators.
Captain Haskell has contracted to
winter a thousand head of cattle at
four dollars a head, says the Gandy
A negro was sold on the auction
block the other day in Kentucky and
brought $2. He had been convicted of
vagrancy, and his sentence was for
nine months.
The Wasp says that the peach crop
in Saunders county this year is the
largest ever known in the history of
the county. This is true, also, of the
crop in many other counties of the
state. Especially is this true of the
fruit in Nemaha and Richardson coun
ties. Fine shipping apples in Rich
ardson county are now selling at 25c
per bushel.
An unknown man was killed by the
cars at Hastings on the 23d. There
was nothing about his person to Indi
cate his name, nor where he lived.
Upon the lapel of his coat, however, he
wore a Grand Army button.
The Thurston county old settlers
and reservation annual picnic will be
held Thursday, September 5, at House's
grove.- A lengthy program of sports
and speaking will be rendered.
Out in Platte county the authorities
are Inaugurating a new plan to make
a lot of tax shirkers dig up. The idea
is nothing more or-less than that of
going to the records and finding out
the holders of morteracres and if th
parties did not give them in to the as
sessors me authorities will see to-it
that the taxes are paid on them.
W. W. Haskell has a large field of
pop corn up north of town and A. M.
Robbins has a field of one hundred
acres near Arcadia. Both fields give
promise of large yields which at the
present price prospect will make these
skillful farmers a good return on their
investments. Ord Journal.
Statistics have been prepared by the
state board of public lands and build
ings atXihcoln relative to the govern
ment land in the state subject to entry,
asfollows: Acres.
Alliance district. 2,267,798
Broken Bow district .2,594,115
Lincoln . district 12,171
McCook district... 203,900
North Platte district. ......... 792.837
O'Neill district 816,877
Sidney district............... 745.921
Valentine district 2,690,494
This authority states that the best
grazing lands are in Blaine, Brown,
Cherry, Custer, Grant .Hooker, Logan,
McPherson, Thomas, Chase, Keith,
Lincoln, Boone, Wheeler, Banner and
Scotts Bluff counties. 1
--Rough and broken land is to be
found in Greeley, Platte, Valley, Chase,
Dundy, Hayes, Hitchcock, Custer, Daw
son, Lincoln, Logan, Boyd, Garfield,
Holt, Keya Paha, Knox, Loup, Brown
and Rock counties.
Sandy land subject to entry is to be
found in Cherry, Rock, Brown and
Cheyenne counties; Level prairie land
is available in Box Butte, Scotts Bluff
and Sheridan counties and a small
area of land is for entry in Dawes and
Sioux counties. Sidney Telegraph.
Bryan's Democracy
Much has been said about the fact
that Mr. Bryan cast his vote for Weav
er for president in 1892 instead of cast
ing it for Grover Cleveland. That
such an act was entirely in accord
with the policy of the democratic par
ty in Nebraska at that time is shown
by the following letter sent out during
that campaign by Hon. Jas. E. Boyd
of Omaha, the democratic national
committeeman. The letter was given
general circulation just before the 1892
election and was as follows:
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 4, 1892 Dear
Sir: It affords me pleasure to inform
you that I have been personally au
thorized by the national committee of
the democratic party to urge the
democrats of Nebraska to support the
electors nominated by the independent
party in this state the object heing to
so Increase the vote for the Weaver
electors that those nominated in behalf
of Harrison shall be defeated, and this
state taken out of its accustomed place
in the republican column.
To do this is no sacrifice of demo
cratic principles, inasmuch as the ob
ject is the triivnph of democracy and
the downfall of republicanism and the
vicious policies which it advocates.
In Nebraska' a vote for Weaver and
Field is more than half a vote for
Cleveland and Stevenson.
Hoping for your co-operation, I re
main, yours- in the good cause,
What better certificate of "regular
ity" for his democracy could be de
sired than that?
The Jndga Sheds Tears
In the corporation circles it was said.
On the dead.
They would fix; the bill for raising
revenue. "!!;
So a leading liwJ official,
As a matter of'initial,
To a handy mill judicial
' Quickly5 flew.
For the stricken corporation's last re
sort V , ..;
Is a court;
Where some judge by kindly sympathy
inspired, -Thinks
it is his special function
To grind out, without compunction,
Any sort of an Injunction
That's required.
So the legal luminary j the case
M'ade a chase
To the court and loudly clamored for
redress. '
His poor companies, he stated,
As the thing was legislated,
Had been most unjustly fated
For distress.
'Twas the most outrageous thing he'd
ever heard,
On his word.
He confided with a voice of tearful
Twas a startling innovation
To assess a corporation.
Seeking thus to place taxation
On the rich.
Twas a scheme to cut into the divi
dends Of his friends,.
And a thing they'd never quietly en
dure. Revenue in all the ages
Came from out" the toiler's wages;
Twas among the privileges
Of the poor.
Then his honor, with a tear-drop in
his eye,
Heard the cry
And he hastened the affliction to re
lieve; ' "
While the nabobs had grimaces
Of content upon their faces,
Like a man who has four aces
Up his sleeve.
J. A. Edgerton.
May Not Always Make Its Possessor Papa
UrWlth 'tha People
Thus writes the reporter:
"Few that saw John D. Rockefeller,
jr., land after a month's sojourn in
England guessed this quiet appearing
young man in the plain business suit
to be the son of the, richest man in the
Many reporters and many others are
amazed, or appear to be amazed, that
the richest man in the world, or the
son of the richest man in the world,
fails to indicate his social station by
his appearance.
We do not exactly know what is ex
pected by those that study the enorm
ously rich. ,
Do they expect the son of the richest
man to have gold feet, diamond ears,
or clothes made of gold cloth studded
with rubies?
Probably not. Yet evidently they
do insist that a man enormously rich
shall in some way or other make clear
to everybody that he is what he is.
How could the richest man, or the
richest man's son, let everybody real
ize his identity?
Only in one way by the approving
palor,. fainting, smothering or
sinking spells all point in the
same direction -an impaired
heart action. A heart tnat is
weak or diseased cannot do full
duty and the circulation of the
blood is interfered with. There
is a medicine that gives new
strength to the heart, new
power to the pulse and puts
new color into cheek and lip.
"Mr pulse would jump and beat
at a fearful rate and then drop
almost to a stopping point. I
could not rest at night, feet
swelled and had severe pains in
chest. Took Dr. MilesT Heart
Cure six weeks and was cured.
T. H. Jokes, Pittsburg; Texas.
D. Miles'
Heat Ctfffe
regulates the heart's action,
while it stimulates the digestive
organs to make new, rich, red
blood which gives strength to
the whole body. Sold by drug
gists on a guarantee.
Dr. MUee Medical Co., "Elkhart, Ind.
demonstrations of the crowd around
Let General De Wet, the plucky
Boer fighter, be dressed ever so plain
ly, wherever 'he appears every human
being will know that it is General De
Wet, courageous and able enough to
defy England a man working for his
Nobody could have been more plain
ly dressed, more inconspicuous, than
the late Henry George, with his sim
ple, cheap straw hat and his cheapest
of clothes.
But in spite of his plainness, people
knew who he was, and those that did
not know were soon told by others.
It would not be difficult for the son
of the richest man in the world to
have himself recognized instantly as
John D. Rockefeller, jr., wnerever he
might appear in this country or any
There are ten thousand ways in
which he could attach people to him
self. There are ten thousand ways in
which he could earn the applause and
popular admiration which is given
only to the man that does something
for others, and the most that he can
for others.
It is not sufficient to throw a crust
from your table to the beggar, or $7,
000,000 surplus money to a university.
That has no meaning.
You must convince the people that
you are working for other men, that
vou have done your best for other
men, and then no reporter will write:
"Few guessed this young man to be
the son of the richest man in the
Every man will guess and know it.
Let us hope that young MY. Rocke
feller, who has long life and every op
portunity before him, will live to be
one of those that are cheered when
they appear and loved when they are
We are indebted to him and to others
of his family for many things.
They have set a good example, the
example of modest living, and the ex
ample of morality, of conduct becom
ing good, unassuming American citi
Zens They have set no example in extrav
agance, in vulgar ostentation, and they
have yet many years before them to
prove that they are worthy the kind
ness which fate has shown them in
appointing them trustees of the thou
sand million dollars extracted from the
general prosperity of the nation.
Let ns hope that they will justify
belief in their best intentions. Mean
while, let us be thankful for the good
example which they have set, and for
the fact that they have done so little
Varieties of Peaches
Among the varieties of peaches
which are now ' being planted and
studied with a good deal of interest we
find, the Sneed, a peach about a week
earlier than the Alexander, of no bet
ter quality, very productive, its merit
apparently being its earliness and pro
ductiveness. It is not, however, a
peach o ship far to market, but must
be used near home.
In some neighborhoods the Admiral
Dewey is being planted in the hope
that it will prove to be a peach larger
in size and better in color than very
early peaches of the Triumph class to
which it belongs. We note through
our correspondence with Nebraska
orchardists that the Triumph peach
fruits very freely, commencing some
times the first year after planting,
and fruits quite freely the third sum
mer. Its color, a dark dull red, is
against it.
I find among commercial growers
that the yellow peaches are preferred
to white, that the market seems to de
sire them and pay better prices for
The Elberta is still in strong favor
with careful growers, but its foliage
is easily subject to leaf curling, re
quiring Bordeaux treatment. In the
hands of the skilful, careful planter it
would be found one of the most profit
able, but in the hands of a careless
planter might lead to disappointment,
Crete, Neb.
Do you pay your debts promptly?
Before answering, examine the date
on the wrapper of your paper and note
the condition of your subscription ac
count. '. . ' ...
Baptists Meet
The 34th Blue River Baptist associa
tion of Nebraska met in session at
Hebron on the 22nd, and continued In
session until Sunday afternoon, with
seventeen churches represented. Quite
an amount of important business was
transacted and resolutions made for
more effective work than ever during
the year to come.
British Troops to Revolt
A London dispatch says: "Before
another three months you will hear of
mutiny in the ranks," writes a private
in the British (Leinster) regiment sta
tioned at Arrowsmith, Orange Free
State, under date of July 6, to Rey
nolds' Newspaper. The letter goes
on: ,
"I am still in the same place, but I
only escaped having to go on the trek
by the merest chance. It was well I
got out of it ,as they are again issu
ing flour (commandered) to the troops,
which is scandalous considering the
tons of biscuits there are in this station."
Passing Away
The country postoffice will soon be a
thing of the past. For generations it
has been the clearing house of Ameri
ca communities. People very often
gather at the postoffice who see each
other at no other time. Politics and
current events are discussed at the
postoffice. The rural free delivery has
hurt the postoffice a great deal. Other
places of conference will have to be
contrived. This may be done by organ
izing clubs and institutes. Let famil
ies come together and visit, but not all
of us care to have the country post
office reinstated. The Homestead.
Famine in Russia
Advices from Moscow say that Rus
sia is on the eve of another famine.
Nearly a third of the provinces of Eu
ropean Russia are officially declared to
have produced "insufficient," others
"sufficient" and others still "under the
average" crop of cereals. Only two
provinces out of 70 have really good
harvests. Among the "insufficient" are
the best wheat-growing districts.
The official word "insufficient"
means utter starvation. The famine
stricken area covers half a million
square miles, twice the area of France
and about the same area as that of the
great famine of 1801. The population
numbers 43,000,000.
State Convention
Pursuant to action taken at a meet
ing of the state committee, held in
Lincoln, August 7, 1901, the electors of
the people's independent party of Ne
braska are hereby notified that on
Tuesday, the 17th day of September,
A. D., 1901, at 2 p. m. of said day, a
state nominating convention of said
party will be held at the Auditorium
in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, for
the purpose of nominating candidates
for the following offices, to be voted
for at the general election of 1901:
One candidate for supreme judge.
Two candidates for regents of the
state university. .
Said convention is also called for
the purpose of selecting a state' cen
tral committee of said party, and toe
transaction of such other business as
may properly come before it.
The basis of representation is fixed
at one delegate for each county, and
one delegate for each hundred votes,
or major fraction thereof, cast for
Governor William A. Poynter for gov
ernor at the general election of 1900.
The representation of the various
counties is as follows-
Adams 22 Johnson 13
Antelope 15 Kearney 12
Banner 2 Keith 3
Blaine 2 Keya Paha .... .4
Boone 15 Kimball 1
Box Butte .... 6Knox 17
Boyd 8 Lancaster 58
Brown 4Lincoln 13
Buffalo 22 Logan 2
Burt 13Loup 2
Butler 21 McPherson 2
Cass 23 Madison 18
Cedar 17 Merrick 11
Chase 4Nance 10
Cherry 8 Nemaha 19
Cheyenne 6 Nuckolls 16
Clay 20Otoe 24
Colfax 15Pawnee 12
Cuming 18Perkins 3
Custer 22 Phelps 11
Dakota 8 Pierce 10
nawes ..... SPlatte 22
Dawson 15 Polk 15
Deuel 4 Red Willow 10
Dixon 12 Richardson ... 26
Dodge 26 Rock 4
Douglas 128Saline 21
Dundy 4 Sarpy 11
Fillmore 20Saunders 29
Franklin 12 Scotts Bluff ... 3
Frontier 9 Seward 20
Furnas 14Sheridan 8
Gage 27 Sherman 8
Garfield 3 Sioux 3
Gosper 7Stanton 9
Grant 2 Thayer 16
Greeley 10 Thomas 2
Hall 19 Thurston 7
Hamilton 17 Valley 9
Harlan 10 Washington ... 15
Hayes 4 Wayne 11
Hitchcock 6 Webster 15
Holt 16 Wheeler 3
Hooker lYork 20
Howard 14
Jefferson 17 Total 1224
By order of. the state central com
mittee, people's independent party of
Nebraska. J. H. EDMISTEN,
August 14, 1901.
G- A. R. Encampment
Do you intend to visit the G. A. R.
encampment? For cheap tickets over
the shortest and best line, address
Omaha, Neb.
Those who contemplate a trip east
or a visit to the G. A. R. encampment
at Cleveland, O., should take advant
age of the exceptionally low rates the
Wabash R. R. are making, good from
September 8 to 12, inclusive. The Wa
bash is- the shortest line and has the
elegant equipment between Chicago '
and Buffalo. The rates for round trip,
good 15 days, is $11.10, good 20 days is
$12.55, good until October 8 is $14.50.
For particulars address Harry E.
loores,, general agent,. Omaha, Neb.
MET 1 11
Main Office
Lincoln, Neb.
KcrTona, Chronle aad
Private DlitaMi,
All prirate disease: and dis
orders of men. Treatment
by mail ; consultation free,
hyphilia curd for life.
All forms of female weak
ness and Diseases ot Women.
.Unablea us to guarantee to cure all cases cnrabla
orinenose, turoat chest, atomacn, Jircr, oiood,
skin and kidney diseases. Lost Manhood, Night
Emissions, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Gonorrhea,
Gieet, Piles. Fistula and Rectal Ulcers, Diabetes
and Bright' s Disease, SIOO.OO for a ease ot
r SYPHILIS we eannot cure. If curable.
Strictures Gleet method without pain or
tutting. Consultation FRKE. Treatment by mail
Call, or address wittt stamp I Mala Office
Ors. Searles & Searles I iSxztrzzz.
We purchased a lot of
40 DRESSERS at -Off.
You get the benefit.
11 ,
Is our sale price, while stock lasts, on
this fine dresser. It is solid oak, French
bevel plate mirror 24x30 inches. See if
you can get as good value elsewhere for
Hardy Furniture Go.
1124 OSt., Lincoln, Neb.
Doyle & Ilerge, Attorney
In the Supreme Court of the State of Nebraska.
Mary C Magruder, Appellee, vs. Robert
Kittle, et alM Appellants.
The appellee Mary C Magruder will take
notice that on the 14th day of August, 1901, M.
Adelaide Kittle, administratrix of the estate of
Robert Kittle, deceased, one of said appellants,
filed her Bill of RoviTor in the Supreme Court,
against Mary C. Magruder, alleging that said
cause was appealed from the District Court of
Dodge County, Nebraska, to this court by
Robert Kittle, asking for a rerersal of the de
cree rendered against him by the District Court
of Dodge County Nebraska. Said action was to
foreclose a certain mortgage dated on the 15th
day of July, IN56. which mortgage was giren to
secure a note of $5,000 of the same, date, and
due on August 1, 1891. Said note being signed
by cne William C. Brady, as principal and Rob
ert Kittle and wife as securities. Said mort
gage securing said note corered lots one ( I),
two (2), three (3), four (4), fire (5), six (). seven
(7), and eight (M,in block two (21, in R. Kittle's
addition to the City of Fremont, Dodge County,
Nebraska. Defendants Robert Kittle and wife
in said action allege that they never received
said $5,000, nor , any part thereof; that they
signed only as sureties; that said real estate
above described was owned by defendants
Robert Kittle and wife, and given to secure
their liability as sureties only and for no other
purpose; that said loan was usurious, that the
holder of said note and mortgage, for a valu
able consideration extended the time of pay
meat for a time certain to said principal, with,
out the knowledge or consent of the defendants
sureties, and numerous other defenses, which
they insist wholly and completely releases said
sureties from any liability whatever on said
note and mortgage, and fully and completely
releases said real estate from the lien of said
mortgage: that on tUe 10th day of November,
189S, said Robert Kittle died intestate, in Okla
homa City in the territory of Oklahoma; that
afterwards on the 24th day of December,
in Oklahoma County in the territory of Okla
homa, M. Adelaide kittle was duly appointed
administratrix of the estate of Robert Kittle,
deceased; that she duly qualified as such and
is now the sole and only qualified and acting
administratrix of said estate.
Said administratrix in said Bill of Revivor,
asks that said-cause be revived ia the name ot
said administratrix, and for such other relief
as may be just and equitable.
You are required to answer said bill on or be
fore the 23d day of Septem ber. 1301.
Administratrix of the estate of Robert Kittle,
By Doyle Sc Berge, ber attorneys.
jt ?C ,58 jt
Sept. 1 to 10 J
Round' trip tickets to "
, St. Paul and Min-
v neapolis, $11.10. v . J "
Duluth, 15.10.
Mankato, Minn., $8.85. J
Kasota, Minn., $9.05. 8
k8 Hot Springs, S. D., v
J Deadwood, S. D., v
$18.50. .
Final limit to return &
October 31st. v
ft t & j 1 & te ,58
& City Ticket Office, 117 So. 10th J
Denot. cor. 9th and S sfs .ss
88 8 8 8 8 8 8 S8 8 8