The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 29, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    ) AUgrUSt 29, 1801
TL ireury cf t!s tstrtor fcas r
CrrJ a csrr rsJ cf all t rootat
la WlsJ cfiTc, wLIcIj is on cf t&t great
rcrlv!il cf tii wt, says a lispstcb
froa Dradwooa to tLe St. Loci Fost
I'lcpstrh. TL ground coverlcg the
rs it also ti l Lei 3 trp from loca
tion, aiooutln; to about two aad a
talf tedlvz. Tfce got ermseat lateoda
t iLrow opea tLIs care to tte world at
a park. 0trie ljbts are to b placed
la all tb ctssbers and passage waja,
and an Orator wl.'l be built for the
trrp jlacra aisd for tbe oat!(S o
trsLC. Wis J cave Las beea la a coatroTertj
fcr a tuar cf years. Tlit locatloa
wti claimed by two ClSertnt parties,
cz. a a LoinestesJ asd the titer as a
crsJ ioratloa. Tte secretary of tbe
tat trior look tte matter up Hoally and
-ycJ!-d I bat neJtLer party sLeuM bare
,Ta!id cl&Jia to tbe ground or to tbe
caT arid a decision waa made that
flared tie irrat wonder la tbe banda
ttt tie rfferuoeaL
TX- care waa Crat dlscoTered by a
cowboy la ISM. WLlle riding tbrotigh
a i2il gul-rb be DoticeJ a Tery strong
t f wind tbroujb a bole In tbe
ground. lie la restated and found
tiat t litre waa a chamber of coctlder-
M s!x c-ar tte serfsee. Each year
!:;r thet tide tbe deTelcpment of tbe
rate baa t-a prcsrr-isg until at tbe
lr-T.t t'. tLre are orer 100 miles
if i sr 3 ouO chambers and
f'gtt il:Zrrrui left-Is.
Tte 'ne ! tot ten dies froa Dot
-;.rls;r, a faaoua report, and tboa
f tourists Tisit It erery season,
liersfur it will be la tbe bands of the
fitrmtzmt aid guides w!U be fcrclsn-e-1
free of charge- All tbe different lee
els will be csapped out and diagrams
f urtiif cf tbo chambers and pas-sjirars.
OH Kls BII4 MclflBt c
ft For Ilia Sau
John I, Uorkcfelirr of the Standard
0. 1 r(.:-;.iDj. Lat 'r.g tect:red la many
n-jaratr j ;rcUM- abojt 2.000 acres of
U: 1 is Vt-tcbter coonty, is about to
1 n tt tri-ctkja of a home for ths
t.Mr c f h; x-n. John D. Itwckefrller. Jr..
ijf !! New VorJt Tost. The estlmat-
tx-: cf the Loue will be f l.OOU.OUQ.
It w .'J be ballt cf granite and marble
ci, J n: irO. It hi kild. after a castle
1 ih torrbt-ra j art of Kn gland.
Air 5 1 j work !i far advanced cpon a
grat at for the -stat to cost wbea
c u ; t-d Li-ct fwO.CMJ- This Is to
1. a string of raJoahie cobs and
c sch hcr-s that young ilr. Itockefel-l-r
i a-y.-a to bring back to this country
frc-za Erf land. The new llockefeller
L' u will Le trt la the midst of ths
serf tract, embracing many of
t b ill aio; the Hcdson and also
-ri .k-epy HoUow. made fa-
i-j.- L-y Uafhiiigtoa IrTicg. Tba tII
bss of T&caiiUeo Hills lies witbia this
tract, but eventually it will disappear
X c-ake way fcr the improvements Mr.
Ilcchftil-r i frojcting.
The e?iT will contain a great game
at. 1 h jre-rve, an artificial bake,
watrrfaii. gardens and many miles of
ne rv5day an 1 will form one of tbe
Lirgtt estates along the Hudson.
Fall aodl
mOI s Boys'
We propose to lay before our STATE FAIR VISITORS the greatest display of Gent's Clothing and
Furnishings ever placed before the men folks of Nebraska. Our object is to demonstrate beyond the
shadow of a doubt that our store is the one place to buy Men's and Boys' Goods.
We are in Our New Store, 122127 0 St
U.rrbaaf Tell, at Ckaaetf Fr
"Since America is engaged la colon 1
ration plans ba tbe TaciSc. It might go
farther south and Investigate, the opes
I f cJTered In nji." says fcL L. Laxa
rua, who baa been a resident 80 years
la hz and Is one of lbs most promi
cent merchants. Mr. Lazarus la about
to prcoed to tbe United Sutes to cs
tai i.h bu:nes relations between ths
colony and America, says a cable d la
patch frora London to the Chicago
"rractical Ameiicaa cotton grower s
and skillful farmers." said Mr. Laca
ma. "with the requisite capital, would
t'id tpindid canines la FijL At
jrt-nt no cot tea is grown, though tbe
ci;trate is fatorabie to such a crop
Two crc cf corn are grown each
year. There is a ready market la Aus
tralia, ripens cf tropical fruit ara
lcrra'.ng, and tbe crop Is capabla of
greater deTeiopment. The greatest
---d u a natiie pcpulatioa. Tba ds
tS- re steadily diminishing la num
ber. l.1 their total extinction la only
a n-attrr cf tlce.-
X riftjr Kat Sleanaer.
lieutenant liraydoa. an English cS
cer. La., it is said, so improred the
tjp cf t-rhlne engine that be claims
to Lav pruducd a machine capable
cf drirltg fcb?p at a CO knot speed
'-?' tie Atlantic. Associated with
t!nj re eeral engineers and others
tcuij certainly know wbat they
re atotJt. and !t is under their super
vision nd guklsnce that this marreb
tu ecgiae is te!ng developed, says
The Marine JcumaL The Liverpool
JcnmaJ of Commerce says cf It: The
jretet change, however, which this
InTetiticn will effect, it Is maintained,
I is ui'marine navigation. But per
t&? too cceh i promised la this par
tlceiar ine ftr the good cf tbe Inven
tus, fcr w doubt net the majority of
marine engineers will take exception
to the apparently extravagant esti
mates of the work to be accomplished
by tbe machine sad the boats Into
which H is eventually to be Introduc
ed." Ak-ng with Lieutenant Graydon
Is Herirt Greig cf tbe Carnegie Bteel
yompeny. Alien EL Shiner Is also work
leg ith the patentee la perfecting thla
revclctirtry machine.
A large boapiial ! being built In the
Vog-s mountains. Franca, for ths Iso
lates and treatment of lepers. In case
whcLs families are attacked small
IntlZzg art pryrii3 fcr thria. -
When in Liincoln do not fail to call upon us. We will take pride in show-
g you through our handsome new quarters, and while you are here we
would be glad if you would take a few minutes and glance through our
stock, which, in point of beauty, variety, and magnitude, will be a revelation
to you. x
Here's a Snap
1,000 Men's. -Fall' and' winter Suits, made from all-wool fab
rics, sewed with silk and made with the idea of giving
the greatest measure of value at $7.50.
go at . .
$10 Suits at $7.50
Over 1,500 Men's excellent Fall and Winter Suits, fresh from
the manufacturer's hands, made from fine cheviots, cassi
meres, serges, and clay worsteds, also a special offering
in our all-wool meltons.
go at..
A Tempting Offer
Men's business or dress Suits, made from imported fabrics
such as worsteds, thibets, cassimeres, meltons, and the
like. In this one line we ore actually showing over
2,000 suits. They are stylish, new, and are the best
$ 12.50 and $15 values ever shown.
All on
sale at . .
Soecial Suit Kauai
AVe offer here a choice lot of Men's stylish new Fall and
Winter Suits. They come in plain and fancy effects.
They are elegantly gotten up and may be had in sacks .
and frocks of all kinds.
$20 Suits at $1
Here is where we get far ahead of the merchant tailor. We
offer in this lot of men's heavy weight Suits qualities and
styles such as cannot be duplicated by your tailor for
less than $40,00.
Special a,.
price . . JJ) 4 d
To appreciate
these prices you
should call and ex
amine goods.
MEN'S OVERCOATS-Our showing is one of exceptional beauty and magnitude. We start our
heavy weight coats at $3.75 for a substantial beaver, and then they go upwards at 50c jumps, each raise
of 50c bringing more than that in value. Our coats at $7.50; $10 and $12.50 can not be duplicated any
where on earth at the price, and you will be only happy to admit this when you see them.
Boys' Knee Pant Suits, sizes 3 to 14 years, at 78c, 98c, $1.25, 1.50, 1.98, 2.50, 2.98, 3.45 and $3.95.
Boys' Long Pant Suits, age 12 to 19 years, at $1,50, 1.98, 2.45, 2.98, 3.50, 3.98. 5, 6.50, 7.50 and $10.00. We
are absolute headquarters for all Boys' Goods, showing twice the quantity displayed elsewhere and naming
prices which positively show you a clear saving of 25 to 50 per cent on every purchase.
New Location 1221, 0:23, 1225; 1227 O St.,