The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 29, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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August 29, 1001
I.IL.r..t kul.l.l,.r.ll..l. Wil MIIMII IIIU llIIWII B B .ia
Mrt 14.1m ! ft Water!
K-rgt- la tl Wa
The president and teTetry of the
Horn Makers Coopacy, Itr a care
fol iEurpectloa of the various avail
able locations fa Idaho, have dieted
oa scseptiuc and did close a contract
lor a tract cf fine lacd a tho Upper
Snake nur aly. it was impossible
to ulcere a Urge a body of Und as
we Lad tepd. L&rfre enough tract
ecu 14 Lave La secured, but the cost
cf the crater right alos in one case
raa ep to per arre. bsid-s the
canals were &ot c.-EcpI :! and ttr
was a question If they would b ready
by the tic; next spring's crops re
qcir4 watrlcg- Numerous irrigation
project are coder way, tut cannot
posiii-iy be rompieted for a y-ar or so
even If financial aid is at band. There
fore after full ia realisation an 4 a
careful con;l ration cf all phases the
rlr Tt.e trart 1. watered br tw0ll I in CC CD 1111 ""IW
------ - . , 4b I aalSil il I lilt llll .' uio w lun wa j ucici ui?a i-jiuuivs juui i t'Di wn
larre casaU already bnilt Consider- X "-nu'4-u 2 box will help any case. By wail, plalo wrppn
avl E's!orlEr land li under la- o l&old bf B.O. Kortla. Linroo.Neb, IIAHX'S Pharmacy, IS05 Far nam St., Omaha, Neb.
.ffiw-.;t fret, -OfrN"0'$O
The lands mr-& for the Hoae- j r eal fields and lumber regions, bring
zsakers lie wholly oa the first river lng thtf two articles much rearer to
lottos. All of it If amooth and with ua. The Lne Is graded and trcckla -
One Thousand Boys and Girls
earn this watch every week. You can
do the work in one hour. Send your
name and address, no money. Ve will
forward a book of ten coupons, each
good for three months subscription
to the best home magazine in Amer
ica, to be sold at 10c each. You see
ten people only, as everybody takes
advantage of this bargain. When
sold, send us the $1.00 and we for
ward the wajtch prepaid.
This is an American Watch, Nickel
Plated, Open Face, and Heavy Beveled
Crystal. A Written Guarantee goes with
each watch. It is a good timekeeper, and in
mis respect is equal 10 uic nigncai prmc wcsaoii,
the exception of the natural fall ot the ! lug tow under way.
valley, which is about ve feet to the ; OUR MARKETS.
Bile. Is perfectly kvL Aside from ; mrx,am -
the canals the lasds are nteprored. j J?e2,T ! SS18.':
It was dese4 Imyrarticlie to Incite ' LllfiZ n
Improved fans In oar toldinrs owing j Jf ViS nS?"
toihe higher price and the diCltl If ' daJ pftTJae Cm
which ocM to eacowterai 1- aaWns J 3lTlk
e-ltahie dUlritmton of the allott- ! .k y and i the hunireds of
saVata, The ettire tract it covered j arlTlns mining towns. It must be
I IrH ,. t. remembered that the productive area
e-raglEC perhaf three- fet la height.
of the western mountain regions is
. 11 l.ll. IV 1
ulorL to rth ; i- Practically limitless and
and clear the Uad. Init what can b. ,;ts f ncy of development. As the
Trr m'lr 4011 wi"i a team- much niIneral resources are developed from
Jf'Tt a i xlowdhot sTd H'er- ! to year the demand for the prod
vards barae-i. There t!r. no sod : "ets lf fa,m. increases In propor
coverics the soli breaks tp mallow and , Jloa- " ia s.afe l y that the day is
fertile fad a rood crop ii raid from indeed remo e when the surplus farm
the m year. The oa i. compel of , Products will exceed the demand
ditiaterrited lava. ad is extremely therefor in the immediate mountain
rich and prod ares large crops from rountr5-
the time it i pat under cultivation and i CLIMATE, HEALTH. ELEVATION,
watered. The depth of tie soli is from j WATER,
three to efirht fet and is underlaid j No official data is at hand covering
with a strata of coarse sand and ' the matter of temperature, but in
jnareL When broken cp tee soil is ; general terms it is safe to say that the
cf a dark trowa or oe: color. ! climatic conditions are not much un-
WHAT 13 PRODUCED. j at, f Vtah.. ThZ glorious
! climate of California has been much
Wheat Is successfully grown and vaunted, but the citizens of Idaho be
rieids from Zj to W tuhel pr acre. ; lleve they hare a clearer atmosphere
While fall wheat is sows, the greater Uhan the far-famed Golden State. It
portion is o! the pnc variety. The i i hard to realize that in a region
tTTy Is touad hard and owing to ; where perpetual snow shines on the
the fair weather daring harvest time , surrounding mountain tops 100 degrees
is seldom Injured in eastern states. ' i8 reached in the valleys in summer
Com is cot eotsiflered a pro table aad from 1 to 2 degrees below in win
crop, owlc to the cool nights, yet a ter. and occasioaally dropping as low
raoderately fair yield ran be pro- t as 12 degrees below. The state is in
dtt4, Iloever. little effort is xaade the same latitude as France. Switzer
ta raiting com. j land and parts of Portugal, Spain and
Oats are a sure crm and produce j Italy. The great Japan current streams
heavily, ranging from j to hj bushels tap the Pacific coast, and the wind,
f per acre. They mature early and tne , born of this warm water, blows in-
srrain is heavy. wigh;ng abvjt 4i land for many hundred miles, modi
pounds per bufchtL fying an otherwise uncongenial cli-
Barley yields about C bushels per mate. The winters are short and out
acre aad fiads a ready market. For the j door work is carried on the year
sacrsfa! production of barley the ; round. The following remarkable ta
clirsate could r.ot b better. j ble compiled from U. S. government
Alfalfa produce eaortaous crops statistics, gives a true picture of Ida
where properly watered. It If claimed ho weather:
that a fair avtr&re crop for the season Number of clear days 149
is 7 toas per acre. As much as ISO j Number of fair days 126
tons has Ura harvested from 10 acres Number of cloudy days 90
ia one seaioa. Alfalfa hay is con- Number days on which rain fell. 75
frarted for la the stack by the Cock- Number inches rainfall 10
raafters of the surrounding ranges. Average rainfall for 10 years 13
The supply is cot equal to the demand. There are no rains or storms dur
This season's crop w&s contracted for ! ing the summer season, while crops
during last witter a. 4-Sa per ton in (are maturing and being harvested. No
th stack, the farmer receiving $1 cash .cyclones, floods or destructive storms,
down at the time. Prevailing prices j The death rate In Idaho is the
at the present time are. however, i smallest of any state in the union,
much higher. The ralsir.g of alfalfa j being .33. against California 1.61, and
brines much proSt to the farmer and Arizona 2.61. Such diseases as asth
is as a coafeeqaeace oa of the chief ma. hay fever and pulmonary trou
rop. bits yield to the influence of this deli-
Potatoes thrive exceedingly well ! cate air. and the patient alwavs finds
and we were tel l cf yi-M as hieh as relief and permanent cure. There is
UfQ bushels to the acre. Our members , co swampy land: malaria and conse
we feel suje will be content with a quent lung troubles are unknown. It
much raa!r yield since the quality ; is claimed, with apparent justice, that
is cf the Utt. f the climate of Idaho is unsurpassed.
Of the oiht r crup which are success- f The altitude of our location is some
fally grown aie hops, rye, Sax. peas. I what less than 5,000 feet above sea
cabbage and vegetables of all ki;.ds. level, insuring cool nights and sound.
Vegetables from this region are row , invigorating sleep. The water Is pure
being ibirpe-1 tt far as Si. Louis and and contains no injurious substances.
Chicago and are ia great demand. j The water of the Snake river is clear
Fruit It i rot claimed for this sec- land pure and where of considerable
tioa to te what is termed aa exclu- j depth presents that blue cast found
sive fruit courtry such as is found in j only where the water i3 entirely de
th western part of the state and where j void of sediment and foreign mat
ihe altitude is about 2.00 feet- But j ter. Many settlers use this water for
with the exception cf a very few of '. drinking purposes in preference to that
the more delicate varieties fruits of all j obtained from wells,
kind Uhrive on the Upper Snake river j WATER SUPPLY,
valley. Fine orchards are started and j From tbe official biennial" report of
small fruit yields abundantly. ; tie state engineer of the state of Idaho
The surrounding country for hua-ifCr 1853-1500 we quote as follows:
dreds of miles is elevated and in the 1 -With but few exceptions the canals
distance forms into mountains. The now in operation In the Upper Snake
entire region Wing government land ; river valley were built and belong to
affords free range for stock. Of this , the irrigators themselves. The reg
rasge our members raa take ad van- j ulatlons of most of them provide for
tage. th settlers of the valleys ting j a division of water among the users
entitled to the adjacent range. The ; at the rate of 1 Inch per acre; in some
thousands cf horses, cattle aad sheep s cases a more generous allowance is
roaming the ranges of Idaho answers j made. In most cases the full allow
the question regarding adaptability to i ance Is turned out from the canal; in
stock raising. j some places it is all needed, but more
Hogs are raised at a good profit and i frequently a large proportion is wasted.
Sad a ready market at good prices. It j The capacity of canals already con
is stated tnat hog cholera does not ex- ! structed Is estimated at 7.200 second
lit In Idaho. IfeeL he full capacity of these canals
Batter and the products of the dairy j i of course not used at present, but as
iad very good market and we ad- suming that every user receives his
Tis our members to tot fail to make j share, his "Inch to the acre." they
provision to engage to some extent la j would require a discharge of 3.S80 sec
th:s occupation. A creamery should ond feet; a very conservative esti
b aa early acquisition to our settle- j mate. During the flood season it Is
zaect- I undoubtedly much greater than this
Poultry and ergs are another source j and it is never much less; therefore
cf great prot la this mountain region, this might be taken as a fair average
the suppiy cf the home product never j of the volume diverted by the canals
equaling the demand. More profit is from May 1 to August 1; after that
to he derived frora the raising of poul- date the demand Is not as great, prob
try ergs ia the Snake river val- j ably not more than 3.000 second feet,
ley than from any other occupation of ( At this rate there would be delivered
like tEvetraeat, 1 to each acre of land during an irrl-
Flfh and scame are plentiful. large j gating season of six months, enough
game tlrg focad to the north and
northeast cf oar settlement.
la the mountain range to the east
timber ni fair quality abounds, and a
number o sawmills are-la operation.
The better quality cf lumber is
brought fioat western Washington and
"Ore-rofl and Is sold at a fair figure
Coal for fuel Is brought from Rock
iFpr.: , Wyo.. and es$ta about the
same as Is wert?rn Nebraska. A new
line ff railroad building from lilac k
J&ot rcTthwestwar&s will pen up new
water to cover it to a depth of 6.3 feet
or the equivalent of a 76-inch rain
fall during the growing season of
From the above official quotation
our members will see that tho question
of moisture Is certainly solved In this
favored locality. We could continue
to quote at length from this same re
port, but the sum and conclusion
reached Is that the Upper Snake river
valley is the best watered region of
the west.
Our location is situated immediately
on the railroad, tributary to the high
way from the Puget Sound to Ogden,
the gateway of the inter-mountain
country, being on the main line from
Pocotella to Butte, Mont., the greatest
copper producing region in the world.
The Oregon Short Line, which tra
verses the Upper Snake river valley, is
managed by progressive men who take
a personal interest in every newcomer
and endeavor to do what lays in their
power to promote his best interests.
The train service is excellent and no
discomfort will be experienced In re
moving to our new homes.
The location of the Home Makers
Settlement lies 1 miles west of the
Oregon Short Line and extending 8
miles south and west from Idaho Falls,
in Bingham county, Idaho. The entire
track is located in an irrigation dis
trict and is watered by two large ca
nals. Idaho Falls is a thriving city
of over 2,000 inhabitants, has large
business houses, a large flouring mill
run by water power, electric lights
generated by water power, gravity
water works system, seven churches,
large school houses, two good hotels,
two newspapers, one brewery; is a
junction point of the Oregon Short
Line, and, in short, is a city in keep
ing with the rich and rapidly develop
ing surrounding country. Much of the
land under canals is under cultivation
and yields magnificent crops.
The history of irrigation is the his
tory of scientific farming. Fifty years
of irrigation in the arid regions of the
west have demonstrated certain facts,
beyond the possibility of a doubt, and
among them are the certainty of good
crops, perfect development, large yield
and never a failure. For once man is
independent of nature. The returns
are larger on irrigated lands than
those dependent on rain and it is
known that 10 acres will produce more
than five times that area in a country
where the farmer waits for showers,
which do not always arrive on time.
Speaking from a strictly business
point, what would an eastern farmer
give in hard dollars for water on his
fields at the time he wants it and pro
vided he could get all he wanted of it?
The senate special committee some
years ago, speaking of Utah farms,
said they found that the average farm
ren sketch showine a lateral on the spttl-.
ment lands. TTaken from ohotocranh 1
c J
consisted of 25 acres. There is good.
hard sense at the bottom of this. A 25
acre farm, properly cared for and
scientifically managed, is enough to
engage a man's attention, and when
"worked with brains" will yield a
handsome revenue. Hundreds of
farms in Utah are not larger than 10
acres, and a farm of 50 acres is con
sidered large. A large population is
thus supported and the farmer does
not strive to handle more than he can
successfully manage.
For the ordinary man forty acres
will be all he can conveniently farm.
If more is taken it will prove an en
cumbrance unless it is put into alfalfa,
and then the farmer wm need extra
help. It may be surprising that in
Utah under exactly the same condi
tions as prevail in our settlement,
many families make a comfortable
living on ten acres. We do not advise
our members to take more than forty
acres unless they have sufficient help
to properly work the same. Many
fail because they attempt to farm more
land than they should where a smaller
amount properly tilled would bring
bigger returns.
Making the change from locating on
what is termed "dry farming" to
farming under irrigation made it nec
essary to pay much more for our lands.
While it has been necessary to pay
tnese advanced prices we have secured
land worth four times the former in
productiveness. It is a well known
fact that as nruch and more can be
produced by proper handling, under
irrigation, and with almost absolute
assurance of annual crops as can be
raised on four times the amount of
land dependent wholly upon rainfall.
After a meeting of the directors of the
company at which the entire ground
was carefully gone over it was de
cided to adhere to the original plan
as given in the prospectus, except it
was found necessary to reduce the
'number of acres to be allotted to mem
bers and to eliminate the rebate bond
feature from the present settlement.
By making these two changes we will
be able to make an entire success of
the undertaking. Every member will
receive the same value for his money,
less in acreage, but more in value.
The amount of shares required for
the various allottments will be found
further on. With the two exceptions
above noted the plan of the Home
makers' settlement remain the same
as heretofore. "
The cost of location stock remains
as before, namely $25 each. The fol
lowing allottments include water
ONE SHARE gives you a city resi
dence lot.
TWO SHARES gives you a city busi
ness, lot.
THREE SHARES gives you a five-
acre tract adjoining the city.
SIX SHARES gives you a ten-acre
ELEVEN SHARES gives you a
twenty-acre tract,
TWENTY SHARES gives you a for
ty-acre tract.
Application for location stock should
be accompanied by an advance pay
ment as follows: -
Sub. of To be placed on payment.
1 share, Residence lot $25.00
2 shares, Business lot... 25.00
3 shares, 5-acre tract 25.00
6 shares, 10-acre tract... 50.00
11 shares, 20-acre tract 75.00
20 shares, 40-acre tract 100.00
Under the present arrangement, the
canals being completed our members
will be enabled to move onto their
holdings this fall if they so desire.
Buildings can be erected, the fields
cleared and everything put in readi
ness for spring plowing. The small
laterals can be plowed out and the wa
ter led to the proper places on the land.
When all this can be done during the
winter months the farmer's time can
the valley expecting increased quan
tity as depth is attained. The dis
patches locate this new oil field in the
vicinity of Nampa on down tho river
from our settlement.
Help the boy to a farm, you will
never regret it When he gets uneasy
buy hjm a piece of land and let him
show his worth. You probably would
not have a home yourself if there had
not been cheap lands. Now you have
accumulated and laid up considerable
money, open up your, purse and give
the boy a chance. Have him join the
Home Makers and become prosperous
like yourself and you will enjoy the lift
you gave him as long as you live.
No allottments will be made until
the membership is filled. We are do
ing all In our power to finish this part
of the work at the earliest possible
date. Members can help much by se
curing their friends and neighbors.
Nothing will be gained by rushing in
advance, remain where you are until
we are ready.
Members who subscribed for location
stock under the old plan, before Irri
gated lands were determined upon for
our location, are given an opportunity
to change their applications to the
amount of irrigated lands their sub
scriptions will purchase. Those who
do not desire to make the change will
have their money refunded on application.
The Home Makers Company desires
a good active man in' every community
to present our plan ror home-making
to parties desiring to change locations
and secure membership for the Home
Makers. Write us for terms.
Subscribe for The Nebraska Inde
pendent and keep in touch with our
great Home Makers' enterprise. When
you have read your paper hand it to
your neighbor, he may become interested.
The success of the Home Makers en-
Pen sketch of the Snake river and valley showing dortjon of settlement lands.
Taken from
then be wholly devoted to his crops
the coming season. No member
should undertake to remove to the
new location until we have filled the
entire membership (but few shares
remain unsold) and until we have
made a careful survey of each tract
and made the allottments to the mem
bers. Nothing can JbQ gained by going
In advance. Weill look after the
welfare of all alike Special rates will
be secured for the members and their
effects when we ate ready to place
them on the lands.
Members desiring to do so will be
given an opportunity to rent the com
pany lands adjoining their own on
crop rental for a year or two. The
company's alternate tracts are held
at a minimum price of $20 per acre
and will not be sold for a less amount.
Land under cultivation and some
improvement readily brings from $20
to $40 per acre at the present time
and we feel confident that in less than
three years our lands will be worth $50
per acre. The tract is especially
adapted to sugar beet growing and ef
forts are now being made to secure the
location of a sugar factory in our vi
cinity. The Immigration into the
Snake river valley of Idaho during the
past year and at the present time is so
great that in one more year the entire
valley will be filled and every avail
able tract occupied. The entire ab
sence of alkali in the soil is a feature
much prized.
The membership is growing at rapid
rate and the great enterprise is now an
assured success. Many have held back
until the location was determined upon
and these are now coming in with a
Members who subscribed for location
stock under the old plan, before irri
gated lands were determined upon for
our location, are given an opportunity
to change their applications to the
amount of irrigated lands their sub
scriptions will purchase. Those who
do not desire to make the change will
have their money refunded on application.
Subscribe for The Nebraska Inde
pendent and keep in touch with our
great Home Makers' enterprise. When
you have read your paper hand it to
your neighbor, he may become interested.
If after a careful reading of our plan
of home-making, it meets with your
approval, send, in your application at
once for such amount of location stock
as will meet your requirements and
means. Send remittance to the.
Home Makers Notes
The Home Makers Company does
not make it compulsory for members
to remove to the lands immediately.
We aim to sell location stock to those
only who intend to make their homes
on the settlement lands. Some will
want to remove as soon as the allott
ments are made, others will not be
ready to go until spring, and perhaps
Those who have in mind joining the
Home Makers and share In the benefits
to be derived thereby should attend to
the matter at once. Delay gains noth
ing, besides will be the cause of many
being unable to secure location stock.
terprise is now an assured fact. Those
who- have been holding back hereto
fore are now coming in, and our mall
is increasing daily.
We regret our inability to provide
homes for many who have written us,
but are unable to raise sufficient
money to secure location stock. We
are willing to do all we, can, ..but, of
course, cannot furnish land free. 5
In this issue of The Independent we
again repeat the general write-up of
our location, the production of the
valley, the climatic conditions, the
purity of the water, etc. We do this in
order that all can be fully informed
and save us answering many ques
tions at length by letter. Many have
written for back copies of The Inde
pendent containing Mr. Mary's letters.
We regret to say that we are unable
to supply back copies, the entire is
sues being exhausted. These letters
have aroused great interest all over
the west and have been read with
much interest by thousands.
Our old friend, Mr. L. L. Trefren,
formerly treasurer of Hooker county,
Neb., but now a resident of Ashland,
Oregon, writes under date of May 5
last in reply to a letter of inquiry re
garding a location for our settlement
as follows: "My choice for your pro
ject would be Idaho on the Snake river
or some of its tributaries. This state
has no very choice lands that could be
purchased at a reasonable price ex
cept in eastern Oregon and there it is
very cold. But in Idaho are large
tracts of land that can be irrigated
that are as fine land as ever I saw. I
think the state would be very glad to
welcome such a project as yours in the
valley of the Snake river. The winters
are not hard and prunes, peaches, ap
ples, in fact all kinds of fruit grow as
freely as in Oregon or California. I
have thought seriously of removing to
Idaho to live myself and may yet. In
eastern Idaho I saw the finest vege
tables I ever saw grown and every
one was prosperous. On the Snake
river there are long stretches, in places
hundreds of miles, where steamers
'drawing 10 to 12 feet of water can be
run. Coal is plenty and timber in the
hills or mountains is also plenty. The
country looks hard to a man who does
not understand the sage brush lands,
but get water on it and one acre is
worth five of prairie soil. The land
about Boise City was once sage brush,
but now is the prettiest of all the coun
try I have seen east or west Should
you conclude to come west with your
colony any information I can give is
at your command. Yours truly,
Mr. Trefren is an old acquaintance
and had been a resident of Nebraska
for twenty-five years or more before
his removal to Oregon. He is a man of
honor and high standing and we knew
his "opinion would be valuable to our
members. However, for some reason
his letter was mislaid and not opened
until this week and we were glad to
see that our choice of location coin
cides with his judgment
Press dispatches from Boise an
nounce the finding of oil in the Snake
River Valley in Idaho at a depth of 250
feet. Six rigs are at work drilling in
We might proceed to write up our
Home Makers enterprise in glowing
terms and flowery phrases, and picture
our location as a veritable garden
teaming with all the good things that
go to transform life into a sweet
dream and render existence on this
mundane sphere a pleasure rivaled
only in the New Jerusalem, but we
prefer to confine ourselves to hard
facts plainly told. We do not desire
to present a picture to our members
which when brought face to face would
cause disappointment. Therefore we
say ours is no Paradise nor do the
streams flow with milks and honey.
There are no fatted calves ready to be
led to slaughter at the beg of the set
tlers. Our members will be placed on
the richest soil mother earth pos
sesses, they will have . an exhaustless
supply of water with .which to add
moisture to growing crops, a climate
positively unexcelled and water as
pure as crystal. Close by cedar grows
on the higher lands which is at the
settlers' command for fuel and fencing,
but not for the purpose of sale. A good
native lumber can be had in the Black
foot mountains to the east which can
easily be hauled by train. There is an
unlimited amount of building stone
within hauling distance. These are
some of the natural advantages at our
command. It remains for the Home
Makers : to develop them and bring
about the change which only applica
tion and labor can render. We are
willing to take our chances with our
members and feel confident, nay posi
tive that success and prosperity awaits
all who enter and join this great
home-making enterprise.
We would like to ask, has anyone
ever heard anything derogatory to the
Upper Snake River Valley in Idaho
from persons who live there and are
industrious? Has anyone ever heard
of a crop failure when proper atten
tion was given to them? Has anyone
ever heard a complaint against Its
climate or its water? There Is per-;
haps no country but what one can find
some of Its inhabitants who are dis
satisfied,, but not many where their
labor is sure to be rewarded. In the
Snake River Valley crop failure is un
known and if dissatisfied inhabitants
are found the reason can generally be
traced to their constitutional aversion
to manual labor. The industrious
Inhabitants are all prospering.
We are in receipt of many letters ap
pealing to us to take them into the
Home Makers and allow them time in
making payments. Much as we would
desire to help everyone to a home we
cannot possibly sell location shares
on a time basis. All who have studied
our plan can see that it is impossible
for us to do so. The settlers' allott
ments are placed at a very low figure.
It takes much hard labor and expense
to gather. the settlers together. The
object is to supply homes at the very
lowest figure and have the settler out
of debt when he starts in on his new
home. If we could take members on a
time basis our membership would
have been filled and overflowing long
before this time.
In answer to inquiries- as to freight
and passenger rates to the Home Mak
ers settlement we will say that rates
on imlgrant movables from Sioux City,
Omaha,. Council Bluffs, St. Joseph,
Leavenworth or. Kansas City is 50
cents per 100 lbs. Minimum weight,
20,00 lbs., Including not to exceed ten
head of live stock. Will pass one man
one way if car contains live stock.
Passengers rates vary and members
can secure information by addressing
nearest U. P. agent. As to securing
special rates for our members, every
thing will be done by the company to
obtain the very best concessions favr
orable to the , Home Makers. When
the time comes we will arrange so that
where possible several parties may
join In shipping their goods and thus
effect considerable savtng.
Some of our members are getting
anxious to go to the new settlement.
To such we say, have patience, noth
ing can be gained by going before ev
erything is ready. Remain where you
are, we will tell you when we are
ready. We regret that some have
started overland when we have right
along urged against such hasty ac
tion. Some people know more than
those who have had experience and
are consequently not to be advised.
For the past two weeks it has re
quired about sixteen hours' labor each
day to keep up the work in our office
and even then we are at times unable
to do so. We could be saved much
of this labor if people would read The
Independent closer. Hundreds of ques
tions put to us have been answered
over and over in The Independent dur
ing the past few months.
Members should remember that they
must provide for themselves from the
time they locate on their lands until a
crop is produced, the same as in any
country on earth. While work can no
doubt be obtained in the valley and
surrounding mining regions, yet if all
depended on securing employment tho
chances are some would meet with dis
appointment. Everyone will find plen
ty to do in preparing his land for
crops, and ought to go provided so he
can devote his time In that direction.
Many ask us the following: After
the first payment is sent in with the
application for location stock, when
will the balance be payable? This
question is answered on page 9 of the
Prospectus and is made a part of the
terms in the application. The time
when the balance is payable cannot be
definitely determined until the mem
bership is filled. When that has been
accomplished thirty days will be given
members to pay in the balance. The
money is then used to pay for the larfd.
No time payments are contemplated
in the purchase of location stock,
therefore parties applying for shares
should be prepared to meet payment
when the call is made.
If after a careful reading of our plan
of home-making, it meets with your
approval, send in your application at
once for such amount of location stock
as will meet your ' requirements and
means. Send remittance to the
1245 N St, Lincoln, Neb.
With the address on the wrapper of
jour paper you will find the date at
which your subscription expires. This
Is to keep our readers acquainted at
all times with the condition of their
subscription accounts. What does
yours show?
At dB drug
- OR. cGREri
, Office open continuously from 8 a.m.
to 8 p. m. bundaye from tt a. in. to
S p. iu. -
lDr JfcCh-to mt Ag tt.) '
In the treatment of all forme of DIS
OS l.Y, 6 years experience, 15 years
in Omaha.
IN LESS THAN IO lAYS-without euttin,
pain or low of time. The QUICKEST an
MOST NAT U KAL CUKJC that baa rat beae
diaeovared. CUARUES LOW.
QYpUII IC In all stages and conditions
wirniLIu cured, and every trace of the
disease Is thoroughly eliminated from the
No "BREAKING OUT" on the akin or
face or any external appearances of the
dlaease whatever. A treatment that Is
more successful and far-more satisfactory
than the "Hot Springs" treatment and at
lesa than HALF THE COST. A cure that
is guaranteed to be permanent for life.
WtAlfiir.CC of young and mlddle-aaed
HOOD, NIrht Losses, Nervous Debility.
Loss of Brain and Nerve Power. " '
Forgetfalnest, Bashfolness, Stricture Qonor
rhoea, Gleet.
RECTAL DISEASES ment for diseases of
the rectum has cured where all others aad
failed. Fisture, Ulcers, Piles, and all chro nio
diseases of the rectum. Immediate relief and
a permanent cure is made without cutting- or
pain. The core is quick and complete.
Consultation free. Treatment by mall
Medicines sent everywhere free from
fase or breakage, ready for use.
Office hours; 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays.
S a. m. to 6 p. m. P. O. Box 768. Office
over J15 South 14th St., between Farnam
and Dousrlas Rts.. OMAHA. NEB.
For Register of Deeds
Dear Sir: Having contributed to the
material interest and growth of this
county for the past twenty-six years,
and served in the war of the rebellion
from 1862 to 1J64, participating in
many of the severest battles as a vol
unteer without bounty or pension, by
the advice of many, friends I am a can
didate for the office of register of deeds
before the fusion conventions of this
Hoping my personal acquaintance
with you will justify a favorable con
sideration of my claim, i will pledge
myself to a strict and careful atten
tion to the. duties of the office. Yours
most respectfully,
Business Men AH Over Nebraska
Cheerfully Become Members of the
Advisory Board to the End That
They May Aid the
In Its Commendable Effort to Build
Up Home Life Insurance and Save
to the State the Frightful Drain of
$1,500,000 a Year.
, The Bankers' Reserve Life associa
tion again announces to the people of
the west and particularly to the people
of Nebraska that heat and drouth have
not hindered the good work of its field
force of life underwriters, but the bus
iness of August will break all previous
The Bankers' Reserve Life associa
tion has written more business In the
aggregate, on a superior class of risks
and upon a better policy than any alien
competitor doing business in Nebras
ka and challenges the largest of its
competitors to a comparison of aggre
gate risks, a. character of risks and
of class of policies issued.
The Bankers' Reserve Life associa
tion boasts not because of its phenom
enal growth and of its extraordinarily
low death rate. It boasts not of econ
omy of management and prompt pay
ment of death claims. It boasts not
because It writes more Nebraska busi
ness every month of the year than its
most aggressive alien competitor.
These are facts so well known and
accepted now as to require no boast
ing. But
The Bankers Reserve Life associa
tion does boast of the modern, prog
ressive, up-to-date policies it offers its
patrons and challenges the world of
life Insurance to present as liberal,
progressive and profitable a form of
investment insurance. It claims to
have a policy unexcelled in the world
and its underwriters can demonstrate
the fact on demand. Not only so, but
The Bankers' Reserve Life associa
tion boasts of an advisory board of
about 400 members In Nebraska, the
choicest business men in the state.
This board is back of the company
with its moral and financial support,
and this board alone without the other
attractive , features .which make for
the success of the enterprise would be
a sufficient moral and commercial
force to make the company win.
The Bankers' Reserve Life associa
tion, B. H. Roblson, president, was
founded to win and Is managed to win
quickly. No malicious alien competi
tor with a contemptible anonymous
printed circular or any form of covert
attack can undermine this company In
Nebraska and thus far the alien life In
surance trust has neglected to accept
any of the challenges of the Bankers'
Reserve Life for an open fight. The
simple fact Is the Bankers' Reserve
Life association is the most popular
life company in Nebraska, and
of alien companies are being made
every week. B. H. Robison, president,
Omaha, Neb., needs and must have one
hundred and fifty more agents and In
vites all experienced men to write him
for terms. Inexperienced men of abil
ity, character and , address are - also