August 29, 1801 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT An Old sastor. X (mZ$?j VMM No taaa ia tb capital city of the StaU cf Ohio Is better know a than tha Itr. J arses Foisdtxter. For many yaT b ha bea tL u-eeful pa tor of the Sw&d Baptin Church of that'dty. T.ttj day hit TearaU f-sore and kltidJy - mar b on th straeta cf th eity brt Le ha labored for so esJ5 j yare What hUtorycf LnT i3 as 1 clf-fcT; Uiiirht tx writ 13 fcy id ply glrltis the details cf tb vary -day ilf f th; faithful pastor and latent jrea-hr. Bcto! i c rs to the bestof men. Iha rlrar.ti' julur to advanced are hal air Jt Ugua its lssidioua rav i;r L3 it Lwa ui ncary to find m frs:Jy,if pwit!, that hi daya of ue f aic sriLt Svi V aL.rtnt. Aa eiciect Erre Wnie that would iTica!at th circulation, improve the Jetioa, and iiK-rea the ton and rigcr ct b.a whole j!n,wi needed. The n!y resmiy capable of mating all 1 1 Indication wa found to b Ie rsaa. Inar-cctlettr to lr. II artisan, fc alalia: "My attention it railed some time a? to yoar medicm fur rheumatic trochlea It Mr. Cook, an old reliable Iragui cf thi citj.aed take p'raaara In asytnj; that I bar tried them and fcand thcs a-od. It ia ray opinion that tb recdy Iruna,la jatly entitled to C m fao wbirb it baa tbrougboat th Celled .tat.M Addre Tb Irana ifedieine Co Cw!s.;.bs.s, for fre catarrh bock. Rooms Fwi-cltd roorsi for fair week can l& tad at $Z2 P trt-et. 2 blocks east of li, 4. M. tftpcT. Lodging Tor fUte fi,r visitors can 1 bad at the Euro;-a e Hotel. North 10th at. G. I I'l'TNAM, Prop. Flagler went down to Florida and with his millions got the legislature to make insanity grounds for a di vorce. Such a thing was never done anywhere in all the world before, but an American multi-millionaire can get any sort of legislation that he is will ing to pay for. The deserted wife is in n insane asylum where she is always imagining that her bu3band will sure ly come -before the night is far ad ranced, and Flagler has married again. CONVENTION HEROES There are some tting3 about the average republican In the country that no pop can ever find oat or in any way understand. A state convention will meet and nominate a lot of candidates for the state offices. These candidates will not be known to the voters of the party, in fact, they perhaps never heard of more than one or two of them before the convention was held. Now what possible difference it can make to these men on the farms whether the man who shall act as secretary of state shall be William Brown or. Peter Anderson 13 the thing that the pops can't find out, but to the republicans, who never saw either of them and perhaps never will, it does. Within a week after the convention these men will all firmly believe that if the man by the name of William Brown is not elected secretary of state, disaster and ruin will be sure to follow. Why they 1 so firmly believe it no man can find out. If you tell the . farmer up in Wayne county who is engaged in rais ing cattle, hogs, wheat and corn, that his stock and his grain will grow just as fast and well if Peter Anderson i3 elected instead of the republican Will iam Brown, he will y into a passion. They seem to think that the sun would not shine, the rains would not fall, the cattle and bogs would die of disease, and the grain would lie un sprouted in the soil unless the man who called himself a republican was elected. Now the pop is a different sort of a man. When a man is nominated for secretary of state he don't care what his name Is. What he wants to know is who are that man's associates, what his character for honesty is, in whose interests that man's influence will be thrown when laws are to be enacted and what are the principles and poli cies of the party to which he belongs. They ask: "Is he a tool of the corpor ations? Who were the men who backed him for the nomination? What object did they have In view in securing his nomination? If it were possible for some schemer of the corporations to secure the nomination of. some man in a populist convention who was known to be In sympathy with them rather than with the people who demand equitable passenger and freight rates, he could not poll a. thousand populist votes in the whole state. It , would make no difference to the populist whether his name was William Brown or Peter . Anderson or what party he belonged to. They do not vote for men, but for principles and policies. No convention .can make a hero out of a man for them by simply nominat ing him for some high office. There never - was a populist hero made by nomination. SHALL, WKTRIIT? The trust system, it it is allowed to expand unchecked,, means a complete revolution in government and society. If the management of all the industries is to be, in the control of a few trust magnatesjt will not be a difficult thing for them to control every department of government. The money that they will command, the positions that they will have to confer will enable them to run the government, put up one party and put down another. Within a few years there will be no more In dependent business men. The men who run a business of their own now will be managers of departments un der some trust and their living and fu ture prospects will all depend upon the good will of the trust managers. The recent decision that blacklisting is le gal will make the whole industrial world simply wage slaves. After that, independence, liberty and freedom of action will be known no more either among the citizens or subjects of. this government. This nation of once free and independent men will become a nation of hirelings. These things are as certain to come to pass as the years roll around, that is, if the trust sys tem is allowed to expand as it has been doing since McKinley came into office. The thing for every man to consider is whether he is willing that such a change shall be made in society and government. It will be a greater change than has evr before occurred in the relations of men to each other. Are you willing to sail out on this, un known sea? There is neither chart nor compass to guide you. There is nothing in history to aid you on such a voyage as that. Even in feudal times there are many individual fam ilies that had liberty of action. Under the rule of trusts none will be free for every man's living will depend upon the good will of the trust man agers. Every-V man will be a hireling, and if once put on the blacklist, there will be : nothing before him, his - wife and children, but certain starvation or an existence . in an . alms house. Do you want to try it? If the republican party remains In power that will cer tainly follow. It is the party of the trusts. . McKinley has -appointed two trust attorney generals, for the express purpose of . giving the trusts every op portunity to -expand .and take in ev erything. . f - . : v :' ihktjLack information : . The reason why there are any appre ciable number of farmers republicans, is the want of information. If they had the facts, the number of republican farmers in this state could be counted in a very few minutes. Having met a good mauy of late, this writer was as tonished at their absolute ignorance of the course of events for the last few years. It is not. because that they do not take papers, for all spoken to took one or more, but because the papers they take do not furnish them with the information necessary to form correct opinions. Not one of those spoken to, and many of them were well-to-do farmers, had the slightest idea that there .had. been any silver coined un der this administration, or that the volume. of money had been increased, except two. These two had heard that there had been more gold than usual, but did not know that an Increase had been made through the banks. They all thought that the increase in price of the products that they had to sell was on account of the "gold standard" and having "sound money." From the information that they had re ceived, they were justified in forming such conclusions. v It is no use to try to get "facts" be fore these men during a campaign. All that a public speaker can do is to make an argument from facts that are agreed upon by both parties. Govern ment reports, when a speaker carries them with him,, may influence a few. When one of these rich farmers was told of the amount of silver and paper that had been-put out during the last four years, he replied that it could not possibly be true,' or it would have been printed In some of the papers that he took and he had never seen a word about it in any one of them. - The Independent is more and more convinced that the power of plutocracy Is based upon a subsidized press. They began it years and years ago and have constantly brtraght under the in fluence of Wall street large numbers of papers everylC(year, "until it is Im- gjiiii iiii:nni;:!iii!ii;!!i!!iiii;i!iiniiiiii!iiiiiiii!iiiiiiinii!i!iiiiiiiin FE3 S1DP Vnsntops ee Are invited to meet their friends and make their headquarters at this store. Every H convenience will be provided. E W FALL G o ob s arriving daily. We intend to make this season the busiest one we ever had. Every for mer record must be broken by the volume of trade. To do it we are making values that are irresistibly magnetic. Such styles, quality, and remarkable character were never before imparted to a merchandising effort. DRESS GOODS and Dress Trimmings, New Silk and Flannel Waists, New Skirts, New Jackets, Capes and Collarettes. Come and see them. DRESS SKIRTS IN FOUR LOTS TO CLOSE OUT. nXO. ri2J and KIA Dress -- - bkirta Choice, each $J 69 tTfO. t32Z and 13.75 Ire4 Hiru. cVic each g2 47 tiZSi. tt.Tj and 5.UU Dre Siru. choice, each $3 50 ard MOO Drt-a Skirts. chfcet each $3 98 WRAPPERS 79c ci-t colored erca!e rraj per worth tl'S. ;:' discount on all wrappers. WASH GOODS c'-e out at, per yard 2c- 5c- Vic- 123-ic; La.J me. SHIRT WAISTS AT LESS THAN HALF. Colore WatsU.&t 23c ni 39c t : Wau-t. at... j - 5ic n b3c HAT SALE CONTINUED Fur Hat E 97c SI 19 81 68 nd 81 98 - btraw LkU at ie than hail- SUMMER CORSETS t -23c 37c Regular 30c and 50c ADVANCE SALE ON BLANKETS, OUTING FLAN NELS FLANNELETTES 10 4 Blankets, special, per pair.47o fl.UU 114 lilank ets, special, P pair 89c 11.75 12 4 Blankets, special, Pr pair 81 48 : Outing Flannel, per yard dSie 8c Outing Flannel, per yard 6C 10c Outing b lannel, peryard 8Hc 10c Flannelette, remnants, ' Ir yard Qc Now is a Good Time to Buy Shirts 38c Odd Lots of Shirts, worth loc and 11.00. 23c For Working Shirts, worth 35c. 38c For Working Shirts on bargain counter, worth 50c. 69c Fr Soft Bosom Shirts, worth 97c For Men's Fancy Soft Bosom Shirt, worth tl.25 and 11,50. OUR RIBBON SALE IS A HUMMER 5c and 6c ribbons on sale at, per yard .....4c 7c and 8c ribbons on sale at, per yard 5c 10c and 12c ribbons on sale at per yard 8c 15c and 18c ribbons on sale at, per yard .-12C 20 and 25c ribbqns on sale at, per yard ... 18c One lot of ribbons worth up to 40c, your choice, per yard 23c Underskirts 11.00 and f 1.25 colored skirts, to close at 59c $1.75 and $2.25 colored skirts, to close at ,.$1 19 Special discount on Black Skirts. GLOVES AND MITTS TO CLOSE OUT. 25c and 35c lisle gloves. per pair 19c 50c and 60c silk gloves, per pair. ..-37c One-fourth off on all Mitts. Best grade live geese feathers in 1, 2, 3 and 5 pound sacks, per pound 68c SPECIALS III SHOES A children's week in shoes that you will find mighty economical if you come every 25c saved ,counts up very quickly in your favor when we can give you chances like this: - Infant's shoes in lac and but ton, 1 to 4, per pair , 25c Child's dongola button shoes, 5 to 8, per pair. -47c Child's kid and kangaroo calf, lace and button, 8 to 11, per Pir-..-. 87c Misses kid shoes, lace ahd but ton, 11 to 2, t. .,... . . , . . . . ,98c Misses kangaroo calf, lace and . button, 11 to 2, and our re duced price is.. $1 18 For Boys, Small and Large little gent's lace shoes, made just like papa's, 9 to 13, all ; solid, special, this week 1 1 15 In a boy's shoe, 2i to 51, we have a hummer, made of soft leather, all solid, special, this week.......... $1 28 Also a complete line of youth's and . boys' seamless shoes, WILL NOT . RIP and wear like iron, Prints and Muslins 5c Merrides prints, per yard. . . .30 6c Columbia light and dark blue and cardinal prints, per yard. 414c 6c LL muslin, per yard -4c 1 FRED SCHfllDT & BRO., i 9 17-921 O St., Opposite Postoffice, Lincoln, Nebraska.; srd!ll!!!l!iI!i!:!l!!ll!li!!!!IIIIill!!!!ililIIll!lllllM n mum nvnvO n (run7 n f -Mil II II I-M U UV U UU U MMlEiM September 2, to 7 Promises to be the most successful ever held in the state. In anticipation of the Fair our buyers went earlier to the markets to purchase the fall stock. The goods have been received and we use this occasion as an opening for the fall trade. In every department stocks are large . and most complete. We will make Fair Week a Special Week with extra inducements in every department. We extend to all a cordial invitation to make our store head quarters, leaving parcels and baggage in our care. Make arrange ments to meet your friends here at our parlor, which will be at your disposal. Don't fail to visit our numerous departments consisting of '' -. ' : ' ;. Silk and Wool Dress Goods. Table Linens and Domestics. Gloves and Corsets. Shoes and Gents Furnishings. China and Glassware. Toya and Games. Cloaks and Suits Flannels and Blankets. Laces and Handkerchiefs Notions and Stationery. House Furnishings. Butterick Patterns and Publications. Millinery and Trimmings. Underwear and Hosiery. Art Goods and Jewelry. Carpets and .Draperies. Groceries. Lincoln. Nebraska. possible to get Information to the people. The only way to fight this is for every reformer who takes any In terest in government to make himself an agent for the reform press and get our . papers into republican families. One dollar or one day's time spent that way will make more converts than ten in any other way. No public meeting should ever be held without making an effort to get subscribers for the leform press. GOVKRN'MKNT 1TITHOUT CONSKNT Unrestrained power in the hands of any man is a dangerous thing. It makes matters but little better if he is subject to a distant superior. General George Crook, who fought 'Indians for thirty years on the frontier, told a Boston audience that almost every war had been caused by the acts of agents or other persons intrusted with power un der the secretary of the interior. The founders of this republic well under stood the evils of one man power and tried to make every possible provision against it. To do that they based all government on the consent of the gov erned. Whereever that theory has been evaded trouble and sorrow without number have resulted. Lincoln said that no man was good enough to gov ern another man without that man's consent and in saying it he uttered a great fundamental truth. He might have said that no man is wise enough to govern another man without that man's consent. This continues to be demonstrated every day. The discus sion among the scientists the other day showed that men of these temper ate zones are not wise enough to gov ern the people of the tropics. Persuad ing these people to wear clothes had resulted in a scourge of consumption and other diseases which was fast re sulting in their extermination. An Indian talking to a missionary told the minister that the cause of so many deaths in a band of the tribe was that they had few if any dogs. The missionary laughed at him and said that if all the dogs were killed the Indians would be much better off, and greatly offended the leading man of the tribe. The missionary, who was no doubt a good man, thought that he was much better qualified to govern Indians without the consent of, or counsel with the persons to be gov erned than they themselves were. If the missionary had been allowed to govern according to his own notions the tribe would soon have become ex tinct. Dogs are the scavengers of an Indian camp and if they were all killed, typhoid and. other diseases woujd break out just as they would in a city where all the sewers were de-1 stroyed. A man intrusted with power a long ways from his superior almost always becomes arrogant anil tyrannical. The other day some Bannock Indians came all the . way from Idaho to visit the Omahas. The superintendent of the school called a policeman and sent a written order to the man entertaining them' to pack up those Indians and take them to the railroad within twen ty-four hours. The old Indian sent word back Vto. the superintendent that if he wanted the goods of those Ban nocks packed up and the men taken to the railroad, he could come and do it himself. Here was a school teacher who had no more authority to issue such an order than would a school teacher in Lincoln to order some visi tors from Denver to return home. ' It is related to show how power invested in a carpet-bagger, puffs him up. This occurred right here at home. What do you suppose Is going on in the Philip pines 10,000. miles away where' things are run very much "under the same system that they were on an old-time Indian reservation? The truth is that the principles set forth in the Declaration of Indepen dence are. right and their overthrow means a disaster to the human race. Lincoln was right;. Jefferson was right. Bryan is right and the populists are right upon this question. The long ex perience of this nation declares that the Declaration of Independence is the charter and beacon light of liberty and advancement. The supreme court decision and the McKinley policy makes one of the darkest pages in hu man history. TAKX A REST It is Impossible to rest in the city. To rest requires a cessation of thought as well as quiet for the muscular sys tem. Now thought comes by sugges tlon and the constantly changing events of a city stimulates thought In hundreds of directions. You constant ly meet persons on the street who speak or bow and each causes some action of the brain. A man or a child dashes in front of a street car or a thousand different things happen that suggests thought and cause excite ment. Even if a man stops work, he is constantly .' in connection with thought , producing suggestions. For the. most part they are not thoughts that do the man any good or the world at large, but they prevent quiet and rest. In the country one can rest. . There is nothing that keeps the brain work ing upon trivial and inconsequential things and it rests. If one thinks, he must make an effort to do so, . and thoughts that come from effort usual ly amount to something. There is an old saying: "There is no rest for the wicked," and there are tens of thou sands of those chaps who find the city their natural abiding place. IIOO-EVARD-UOO The readers of thia paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting, nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. . Send for list of testimonials. - Address, v . -F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O., , Sold by druggists, .75c Hall's Family Pills are the best. - l)d YOUR PART 111 the past The Independent has been exceedingly ' liberal- in allowing time to Its readers and patrons In which to send in the cash for renewal of : their subscriptions. We are now sending -out a;ourteous request to those who -are ''delinquent to send in the amount due; together with their re newal. The high price of paper whieh is now nearly double what it was -a few years ago, and the increased ex pense ln every department amakes It necessary that we . insist upon more prompt payment of subscriptions. We hope that those who receive bills will not delay sending the amount. Delay will not - only inconvenience us, but will make it necessary to go to the ex pense of sending you;a second request. Why not send in your delinquent sub scription "and "-".."renewal the very next time you go to town? You'll feel bet ter than if you wait for a second bill and letter. - SOTEPS "For alx rears I Wat a victim ofdn. pepsla in its worst form. I could eat nothing but milk toaat, and at times my stomach would not retain and digest even that. Last March I began taking CASCARETS and since then I have steadily improved, until I am aa well as X ever was in my lixe."- david II. Murphy, Newark, a f f VLyy .CATHARTIC . s maoi max it wamto -rj Pleasant.' Palatable. Potent. TmM fJwvl. Ttm Good. Herer Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 260, S0O. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Btarliae mj Cmp.07, ChlMf. Matrl, l.w T.rk. Sit NOaTflaRAR 8o,I ns Pronteed by all drug. JU.E Tobacco Habit. 0 WEAK MEN AND. BOYS TURKISH LOST MANHOOD CaP sules, the only posit it cure (or sexual weakness, night losses, nervous ness and all weaknesses caused by youthful indiscretions. We refund money in every case where not perfectly satisfied. These celebrated Capsules not only make you feel good, but detelop parts to normal condition . Write tody for. full particulars . Full and posittTo guarantee to cure with every $5 order six boxes $5. Single boxes fl. Goods sent in plain wrappers by mail. HAHN'S PHARMACY, 1805 ITarnam St., Omaha, Neb. Sold by B. O. Kostka, Lincoln, Nabr. S t 2 Use Germ of Wheat. The finest breakfast food, manufac tured by C.JT. Bell, Bennett. M. Gates, whojesale 'agent, 2375 P st., or tele phone F 695. For sale by all grocers. ioc Meal Tickets For 11.00 at the Merchants' Dining Hall, 1042 P street. The best meals In the city. A. II ANDSAKER, ; Prop. r Visitors " To the state fair will find extra ac commodations for sleeping at 126 No. 10th St.' I MRS. J. J.'McGRAIL, ;-. . .:: - . -.; :. . . Prop.