Anuxrst 29, 100L THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 3 THE BIG STRIKE'S COST Vfcat the Steel Trust acd Wcrfc , . ers Are Losizg. 1033 13 ASI3 350,003 PES DAT. GREAT R EM V A Li o Thm ftl Crvrfts naelal ! ! Strike ISm Etlat4 t 4MUO-4S !- Com. aaaaJ'r 4 !. 4 -rttIa Ala It'rr IivtJr. Is t jxrallrx cf tL treat teel strike tL Iltwt-ji'f rorwipsMit of the Jfrw Tors CcsisercUJ Advertiser Kays tLat tl cf tbe Air. a Igacs&tffl Aa- octtka of Irva. ht-l ac4 Tin Work er I tit t.Trlj Ccl-nt to citable It .v will u L-:iv3 dollar Unit-! t- :! cu?un.ik&L TL urplu trr&tury, trtkb 1 net iaore ttaa tssit t devote to paying $4 a k to ti ise&ben cf tL asAoclatloo tto ax HI t-rue cf tb diAagrr tr.l tetv-ra tLir IhCwi asJ the Bill r-fcrs. Tti a-aEita tLat can l lrril atl t volsatary eoiitriba tior t i'T. It f-rtfrxsted, 1U tot U2ccs.t t Dvfe than fcJi.OOO a death, all tf wUcL If ti- coaiCtutloa of the &vxlUoo it to b coo;,id With, titif o to ti Ac;.3irsisatH2 xaea- At-wst l!i.Vj E-Eb-r of tLe Ataal griLtd oc'.tS are ca atrtke. To jjTorfcS for tL-a wiiJ require about 1O0JU a Bat ia addition to that Pr-fct4Zit KLs.-r Las ;rozr;til to iro-, ITS THE LINCOLN SUPPLY CO., offer their entire stock at unparalleled prices. Our entire stock of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Harness, Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Wagons, etc., must be sold to enable us to move to our new location, 122 North 10th Street (Mayer Bros, old stand). rss fur kit aaioa Lo lrar. ; Beautiful Quarter Sawed Oak Bed Room Suite, worth $35.00 d . -rs It fjttty with tL Ataalffa-! T, , c it' .JL7!2I.ftl uu,s, TLat rozaia car.; Kemoval bale Pnce HfZ.a w. Iron Beds, Mattresses, Springs. We have a fine line of these goods and you can save money by attending our Re moval Sale. Hall Trees at Removal Sale Prices. Combination Book Cases $25.00 book cases at removal sale prices. . .$17 .OO wY - III hv3.V " v. in iiTTaT'yw'ia3': f 1 13 $40.00 Sideboard, Removal Sale Price.. $25. OO Sideboards from $11.00 up. r It aa lssaejs. oWlratioa. It i ! rt!jcutl ttat at least 100.00 J aoa-1 aioKjrl&tki cira Lar trjc3c If xhey j ar to rweiT tte allowance a; tb- Axaa!fcaatt na, tt wtly ex-S fsr.vtcr' frota the afxlatlcafc trta-1 v.rj- Will aaioust to $4l).tMj. uot count- j ti. tii rotits cxMtMlltur for o3cej neiov rk ar.4 j j for orc!ilxr ca duty, j Ti-. j-rc cf aid frota the F-d-ra- j t'-u cf L!r ! llsltl ty a clause is ! tL r3Tirr:?Btca of tfc fJt-ratlon. The S aK.-at rf 1 j-r ct j-r tanaberj r-i!jr fo-r rt rite fca4 urpoa ta all ttat ;-rr:;:tr.-.l Csllatlr s tt total c-u-t-rf ..f tt f-i-ratj ja at 1.200.- '. tLit wvulJ jrtTe a iof'.ble total -t ri tfj'ioa cf I12.CO) a or j f a y-ar f W working w-ks. Iiit ft :;. ut It- r-fr.rJrt-l tluat tLe j f.rt-5i La clrra fcJOftL!n like 1 lH.f) to ajj tL atrlkla taacalaicta j ?-r:r. ; r-!.t y-ar. Ttat uia nat I d"iact4 f r ta tbe total pcl- ! ti risiriltw of tLe federation fori ti j reef.t y.r to aid tb Axualgaruat- j 2 trti.era. AM fro:a tLe feJeratloa J -L- r tLat tsct le prorMetl Ly a ax-"'-! aeiirejit cf tL f eijeratioa's ! jSiu.!-r. j -V'- Chairs. Rockers. 25 per cent off On all Chair3 and Rockers. Dining Table. Removal Sale Price. $14.00 Dining Table $9.40 Center Table. 25 per cent off On all Center Tables. Now is the time to buy your Steel Range, Cook Steve OR- Base Burner. A $50.00 Steel Range at '' $37.00 You will miss it if you do not buy heating stoves at our removal sale. WJ Everything we have in stock must be sold. Our goods are all new as we began business less than a year ago. We have no old stock to Hia-rkrkQft nf nHn aatro fVia ovnonaQ rk-P tvirkTrino an ri QTroiH thft r1n.nAr nf TnnTrine1 nrtc sornnViiriP mir ftlfiffant line of furniture W6 will, instead Of far.i ?L-treairy of iL Amafra-i Y. A " r L 0 7" " iT. .r. " x- ' 1 : : ?..cJ"i. fllmovine- it. sfill to von at monfiv savins- nrices. Come earlv that vou mav have a srood selection. Our prices will be the same from beginning 5i t.veu.Hte iam- ; to end. Everything goes. This is your opportunity. Do not delay as the sale will not continue long. We will move as soon as the Duiiamg is fuad. Tt ofacera , n f 1 OQ Wnrf li inflvRffoof fon ho tronofoH Vtt MovAr Trns flrifl TT'A'nArltr rATinirfifl fnr nnr nsft . ; M All HRHFR rilTOMFRc; Will be eriven same discounts durine: this sale that will be eriven to persons who call at the store. We k iarg .aTa"ea.must reduced our stock lor removal, and can do it as well by shipping goods as any other way. Write for what you want. CateS AT ioo ! f r-. tLe r.ker 3 -at4y lfcratis ay. Uwrrrf. tLat tL true Atnalra tr-a'r i d will fctt k relSef at tLe rate of $4 weekly, TLat tuny be correct ef tL t-ea La tsa I -t If tL-e .fot I rvrtd for tL foerrr ttrtker If fcl- j t.V.i tLe treasury of the Amalgamated ! win le 4ex-le1el arareely e rapidly, j Ttie jrrr trlker will ii.:tt on ret- ; t.r-c tle j.Ttae front tL trite fund for uticij tLe couatltutloa proTldea. Ta eU2uaie tJj? h-m la w(rea tLe rr:ker fcate uTered U dlCrulL When former iret4eat M. M. Garland of tie AcuiitutM accociation -wa before ! tl- cjtTeiciiAl coracJttee 03 way ! o4 s-e!3 oiLte year aro la a labor j t'- i 'Tj. Le efin.ated tLe avera- j f tL 1 worker at 3 ir !iy. rsleulstijf tLst dm are l.J fr.--.. r: : r-M-r.t rtrlke. to rrert i the a- lati Crsres, the lo la ! Luis Munoz Rivera, who was presi- IS.V ! fi .. J Jef clay. NCOLN UPPLY COMP ANY, (Formerly Farmers Supply Association) 128, 130 and 132 North Thirteenth Street. Opposite the Oliver Theatre Despotism In Porto Rico ! dent of the autonomic government of t &J nrc&er of trjen M cp to ' Porto Rico under Spanish rule, has written a long letter to President Mc Kinley on the subject cf the tyranny of American rule in that island, from which the following is taken: In the days of what many in Ameri- that ra caiita opanisa uespuusm iuhu Me will give Iiico scnt ber deputies to the cortes i at Madrid, passed her own laws, was 1 a province of Spain, the equal polit- 1 ically of the peninsular provinces by 0"-.srst n cf tLe g-neral ttrike -?; at 4 (... TL':e were " t--fte tLe Ki.wJ other Le t jX;" f. 1 were rend-r- ! iJ ty tl Mtrsd rail of President LtkZ-r &r.-J tLe .Ti..t atLr trV- , fc.::-.we.I. TLe f.j'iowhiC ta E 14 em cf ti e m-Ti' ks: fTE!EIHT LOSS. TKt yr .er r.;s, tf,jr. t . j-r a; l-r is 2 ij S ! the constitution, which protected them. making them equal before the law and e jg ijo ! even crantine to the island in the At- TLe a--?-..! la Ciccey to the teel ! lactic the autonomy which it refuses e.-ra-i rj s Ur?e!y probJematiral. I 10 tQe Provinces 01 me peninbuid. 11. Tie f,4LjW- -e,:r. r. Ml also a council. Dut wnai a amer 1r e- 1 OI popular origin auu panmiucuiai character and the council of today, proWema' ' - - , ,iJi.air- ; i . v, 11 that Hmo " r fk.t tLat 1tj:d-s.s k.t is la rj; uererred: ofsclai In its origin and bureaucratic rrrrt. c straATtosri los. j jQ ita character! e jri.J t , it fii t2.CW0.VO i Tk. h Vio hrtmte nf nresid- AuvwaA k. a iyaA - -- - ing over that body, which governed without restriction and without reser- cicy tf't i(n !. ...... . .6jC.'.0 j vations. and he can affirm that not I once were the ministers opposed to 1 their measures by the veto of Spain. ' We were ourselves responsible for our i decrees and we framed them with the S utmost prudence, but also with an independence which waa neither ques- u ?r-st e int.amllt 1l.VXj.yjQ t mar. e.ftjo.xo I lu a word, self-government was un- tr..... e..&jo S foldine itself without obstacle and Por to Rico was beginning to feel herself kf t!i ix-T cr i:r amcm to dth. t future. mistress of her present and of her K-Jt isstj V.uc! TW tjisy... ...... ........... I. ..-a. fcsnu E-piiiJi lrt wcrks.. f :. J.Iirt. fcy sw UWmi, irnj &a tilj taes...... liO.M Tvttl t t.-i r4rf O.SjO Srt. tO.OOD Tel t ............., Ttii AtMk;t-J cms. . Ma Qgritlost. Irr!r3tka asd forestry are qnestlons I-'-sitr.- cp for the fctare. ay the St. Lesi Globe-Detaocrat, tad their atody la tlrs wejl a jot. - - . . kx When the historic edifice of the col- onies, crowned by the gift of auton iXiJli omy. disappeared, destroyed by your l.yst squadrons, all the hopes of their peo pie turned to that other edifice which i.0f3 was to be erected on the broad basis of a democracy which is the aston ishment of the world. Even the most pessimistic believed that in no case, under no pretext, would It curtail the liberties conferred by the former rule. Ah, air. not only does it curtail, it annihilates anf. destroys them. In Porto Rico popular suffrage Is a farce. The order of the governor the, only law in the case for the conduct of the elections, creates a board of inscrip tion in San Juan and various subordi nate boards throughout the island. All are alike appointed by the governor himself. And they have the power of inscribing or not inscribing the elec- tors, according to their caprice and without any further responsibility. Thus It was that at the election of the chamber only one party cast their votes, the party which flattered the government, seconding its plans, bow ing to its acts of injustice and accept ing in shameful silence or with in comprehensible applause the death of their country. And, therefore, it is that the chamber in which only one shade of political opinion exists, rep resents not the idea or the interests of the country, but the ideas and the interests of the government which im posed and sustains it by force. Those who in Porto Rico represent the wealth and the intellectuality of the island remain proscribed by the ad ministration, doubtless for the enor mous crime of desiring for their coun try American liberties under the Am erican flag. Those liberties do not exist in Porto Rico. The municipalities cannot ap point the teachers in their schools, for in their appointment the commis sioner of education intervenes, nor the physicians in their districts, for the health commissioner must be con sulted; nor the watchman in their wards, for the governor appoints all the members of the insular police and the towns are not permitted to have their own police force, nor can they impose or collect their taxes, for the treasurer of the island has entire charge of this function, so that in Porto Rico there are no municipalities and even the vacancies in the offices of mayors and councilors are filled by the governor. The judicial body, from the judges of the supreme court down to the justices of the police courts, are. ap pointed in the same way. And they are appointed exclusively in the Interests of one party, so that the tribunals are not the highest guar anty of society in the island, but the docile instruments of political pas sions. Not long ago, in the month of April, all of the judges who were CANDY CATHARTIC Si, to. Genuine stamped C C C Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." not appointed by the republican party were deprived of office. Among them were jurisconsults of great distinction and of unblemished reputation. They were replaced by young men just grad uated from the universities, the admin istration of justice being thus, in trusted to ineptitude and inexperience. Tyranny such as this is known only in the steppes of Russia, the domin ions of the Ottoman porte or among the despotic mandarins of the celestial empire. Chicago Chronicle. Compensation My stock has gone down and my tailor has sent To request that I settle my bill; My landlady asks with a frown for her rent, And there isn't a cent in the till. The governor storms and my mother's in tears; There's a coldness betwixt me and Nell, But I'm utterly dead to regrets and to fears, For my meerschaum is coloring well. I've a cold in my head and a pain in my back, My eyes are like lobsters in hue; The horse that I played came in last at the track, And Urn sure that I should have felt blue. ' ' But I walked into town, and I walked all the way With a step it's surprising to tell. And I'm gayest tonight in the ranks of the gay, For my meerschaum is coloring well. At first I had fears of what looked like a crack, And my breath came in gasps of alarm, But oh, how the joy of my heart flooded back When I found that 'twas nothing to harm. And so ever since I have nursed it with care, With thrills that my heart cannot . quell, . And I've bored all my friends to relate the affair That my meerschaum is coloring well. Paul Laurence Dunbar in the Smart Set. - Gannon's Com Story Congressman "Joe" Cannon of Il linois is a man of strong likes and dis likes, and never does anything by halves. In the list of his likings, so far as culinary matters are concerned, his fondness for green corn takes first rank, and on this score he tells a good story at his own expense. After a long sojourn in Washington he returned home and started out to look after his political fences in his district. At a small village hotel, where he stopped for dinner, a scanty plate of fine roasting ear3 was placed before him as a side dish. Im mediately he abandoned the main bill-of-fare and applied himself exclu sively to the green corn. When the plate was depleted he called for more roasting ears, and continued his feast until he-had made his entire meal from he staple product of the Illinois prairies. The hotel keeper noticed the array of cobs stacked upon tne plate of the tall politician, whose iden tity w-as unknown to him, and said: "Say, stranger, what in thunder do you want to board at a hotel" for? The place for you to put up at is a livery stable.- Don't you know green fodder is a dum sigut cheaper in a barn than in a house?" During the remainder of the cam paign Congressman Cannon retailed this story to his constituents and turned it to good account among tne corn growers. Saturday Evening Post. Test of Good Breeding One of the shibboleths of life is the ability to receive an apology graceful y. It is far easier to make an apol ogy than it is to take one. The "I-told-you-so" reception is an old story that is worn and threadbare, but it is by no means the only form of discourt esy, not to say cruelty, that springs hydra-headed from the lipsof the re ceiver of an apology. It seems never to occur to these persons what the bat Vie has been that the giver of an apol ogy has gone through before he has arrived at the point of humbling him self sufficiently to say he has made a mistake, or, even worse, committed an affront. The air of "Well, have you at last come to see what a fool you are?" that characterizes nine per sons out of ten u whom an apology is offered, is, if no one tut themselves were concerned, sufficient reason for never acknowledging a wrong done. But the apologlzer has also himself to consider, and must, in order to keep his self-respect unsullied, - go on ac knowledging his fault, even at the risk of being thrown back upon himself through the lack of fine perception in the arrogant and self-righteous. He who can receive an apology in such a way as not to hurt the giver is well bred indeed, for his breeding resfs upon that firm rock, a full understand ing. "Do not unto others that thing which you would not wish done unto you." Boston Journal. "when I came pretty near letting a chance go by." "But your presence of mind saved you?" , , : '.'Exactly. I had boarded a train and discovered that I had carelessly left all my firearms behind me. But the Black Raven Ranger , was not to be daunted. I took the porter's white jacket and whisk broom. It was a little slow, but I got all there was be fore I quit." Washington Star. A New Acid Plant A large fertilizer chemical plant is now in course of construction at At lanta, Ga., which will be used by Ar mour & Co. The plant will cost near ly a half million dollars, and will be situated on the Southern railroad and Seaboard Air Line. The buildings, when completed, .will consist of a sul phuric acid plant with a capacity of sixty tons of acid per day, and a man ipulating plant to take care of the various materials used in the manu facture of commercial fertilizers. Armour & Co. has been extending its fertilizer business greauy cf late and using its own materials in the manu facture of commercial fertilizers, which it sells direct to the planters and farmers, thus avoiding middlemen's charges and retaining control of the animal products. The animal fertil izer ingredients claim superiority oyer cotton seed meal fertilizers, owing to their preponderance of nitrogen, and are largely used. The Virginia-Carolina Chemical company, familiarly known as the "Southern Fertilizer trust," has with in the last six weeks purchased the eight plants of the Southern Cotton Oil company and some twenty indepen dent cotton oil plants. This move has evidently been made with the idea of controlling cottonseed meal, which it can use in the manufacture of fer tilizers, and thus be Independent of the packing houses, from whom it has for many years been buying large quantities of blood, tankage, bone, etc., known as ammoniates, and used in the compounding of fertilizers. Chicago Tribune. , Resourceful "There was one occasion," said the train robber who was exchanging reminiscences with his companions, Lullaby Last night a brown bird flew straight Into the west, Straight into the glow of the sun - set's red light, And see, he comes back with Its fire on his breast, Speeding to tell a wee baby good night, , ; Before hl3 eyes close, 1 And to dreamland he goes. The soft air is full of a blossomy whirl Of tiny dreams, fluttering down from the trees1 Each one is as pure and as fine as a pearl. And all for a baby, his fancy to please, While mother sings low, "Go, little one, go." Up, up, in the darkness, the rosy stars flush, Like crocus buds, 'broidered on win ter's black hem; And, hark, through the stillneB3 of pine-scented hush, Each note of the lullaby falls like a gem; Slow, tender and deep, "Sleep, little one, sleep." "O dear little heart, press thee closer to me! I love the soft touch of thy head's sunny gold, Hedged round by my prayers through the night thou shalt be. As safe as a lamb in the sheltering fold. Thy pillow my breast. Rest, little one, rest." Pauline Frances Camp in the Boston Transcript. To make oow pay. us Sharpie Cream Separator. Book "Business Dairying" and Catalog 270 fr. Vf . Chester, Pa.