THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT AUgUSt 29, 1901 For otw !ity year Mrs. Window's Soothicc Sjray bu ben used bj jctLr for Lbelr cMldrea while teeih-lxtx- Ar 70a disturbed at bjU and troket of your rest Ljr a sick child ttSTerfrx and cryttc with pla of Cut tisg Teeth? If so seed at once and get a fcottl of -Mrs. Win low's Sooth Is Sjrrfcp" for Children Teething. Its rsiu is isca!rulst!. It will rtller tt poor Uit sufferer Immediately. Iepesd cp-oa It, mothers, there Is no c&Utsk about It. It cures diarrhoea, retralates the stomach and towels, cmres wind colls, softens the join, re duces IciAmmatioa, and gives ton as4 energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winsiows Sooininc Syrup" for chil es Uethln Is pleasant to the taste aad is the prescription of ooe of the oldest aCiWst female physicians and ccrse-t la the United States, and is for tsle hy all dmrgists throughout ths wcxM Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be sure anS ssk for "Mrs. Winslor's Soothisg Eyrcp- The Un trust backed cp by the tariff has raised the price of glass 232 per eect. Bat you mustn't meddle with the tariff, for that would "dis turb business." It would certainly disturb the trust business. A dairy man who would put formalin ia milk would be hung to a lamp post. Lots of them do it. Formalin will keep sslik from touring. Jut as it will keep a corpse from decay, but It will digest in the same time as granite pebbles. A great deal of the butter that is rold under the trade mark "Elgin," Is cot half as good a substitute for the real tnlsg as oleomargarine. But as long as it has "Elgin" on it. it goes The City man eats it. smacks his lips and declare that it is "gilt edged. As long as he is talis led no one else Is likely to kick unlet the makers of "real" better wake up. The pottoffice department, like every other department. discriminates against the country and the farmers in erery service that the government ren ders them. City postoSce carriers jet & year, while the rural delivery carrier Lo has to furnish a ooise at4 nt hide, only gets 'JSi. AnytVn; is goto enough tur the American farm er, tut the Cil'es nul Lave every niag Crst r'ats. When Hawaii was a heathen land the social evil was unknown. Since it has become Christianised and annexed to the United States a large portion of the city wm set off under government protection for the propegation of the eviL Recently there has been a great uproar over there for a reform, all of whirl! was fought by the McKinley carpet -hag o See-holders. Hardv's Column Dry Showers Blackness jMalf Bil lion Idlest You Ow e the World j Nickel Plate. Iowa Alive Tariffw McKinley and Cleveland Unjust As seasatenuw Schools of Crime Mar riage. The vicinity about Liacoln has been bieaed with another dry thunder shower about thrre pints to an acre. Loud thunder and little water is the order this season. Since writing the above we have had another heavy thunder and dry shower of about three gallons to the acre. Since writing the above we have had a heavy thun der cloud pats In sight of us on the north, a few drops dropped In Lincoln. The blackest charge now made against ex-Senator Pettigrew Is that he has made money by fortunate in vestments since being left out of office. Republicans are boasting of the half billion of gold In the United States treasury. That Is republican doctrine to tax the people to their highest abil ity to pay and lay the gold aside to carry the next presidential election. Cleveland or McKinley must be the man or one just like them. Just so they piled up money In this state under Joe Bartley. The world owes no man anything only an equal chance with al! the rest to earn a living or to grow a living bx cultivating the soil. Really every man owes the world a life of toll and care for the good of himself, his fam ily and community. We take the liberty of urging the readers of this column that In going to the Buffalo exposition they take the Nickel Plate Road from Chicago. It starts from the Rock Island depot on Van Buren street. Several dollars can be saved and a most quiet, com fortable ride had. The Bryan men of Icwa were not Jammed into the ground as they were In Mark Hanna's state and It is really pitiable to see how bad the republicans feel about it. Bryan is the only dead Insect that crawls up toe republican party back. If Hill or Cleveland could kick Bryan out and run the demo cratic party, every republican would be tickled to death, for then the trusts, corporations and banke would get what they want, no matter which party carried the election In 1J04. Some of the strongest eastern repub lican papers begin to think and write for a change in the tariff instead of taxing the people and paying subsidies. One paper recommends "opening the reciprocity sluicegates In the high tar iff dam and let trade flow unobstructed rather than pay subsidie3." There are several republican congressmen who are talking change in tariff. It is really strange how people change In their political opinions. Ten years ago Cleveland and McKinley stood on the opposite sides of almost every political question then up for settlement; now they stand together on the same side. Cleveland stands where he did and McKinley has gone over to his side. It is not reform that has carried him over, but it has really been anti-reform that has car ried backward. He has advanced two paces to the rear. He condemned Cleveland's position on the money question, but now stands with him, solid. He. condemned Imperialism and the occupation of territory by force. In one of his speeches in congress he said: "We have no right in law or morals to usurp that which belongs to another, whether It be property or power." We all know that the moneyed men run the general government of this country and yet they pay no more taxes to support It than the common laboring men. Unless they use liquor, tobacco and imported goods they pay not one cent. Then come down to state, county and city taxes, it is near ly as bad. The money on the asses sor's roll this year in Lancaster county is only about $40,000, while the money deposited in banks is over J4.000.000. The assessment of notes, mortgages, judgments, bonds and warrants are A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT Successful Business itten of Nebraska (Bl J. W. JOBVtTOX) v. y , j Is the Work the British Doctors are Doing at the Corner of 11th and N Streets by Giving Their Services Free of Charge and Thus Demonstrating Their Ability to Cure Many Maladies That are Called Incurable. . A staff of eminent physicians and surgeons from the British Medical In stitute have, at the urgent solicitation of a large number of patients under their care in this country, established a permanent branch of the Institute In this city in the Sheldon block, corner of 11th and N streets. These eminent gentlemen have de cided to give their services entirely free for three months (medicine ex cepted) to all invalids who call upon them before September 8. These ser vices consist not only of consultation, examination and advice, but also of all minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally ac quainted with the sick and afflicted, and under no conditions will any charge whatever be made for any ser vices rendered for three months to all who call before September 8. The doctors treat all forms of disease and deformities and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At the interview a thorough examination is made, and, if incurable, you are frank ly and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for use less treatment. M'ale and female weakness, catarrh 'and catarrhal "deafness, also rupture, goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all diseases of the rectum, are positively cured by their new treatment. The Chief Associate Surgeon of the Institute is in personal charge. Office hours, from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. No . Sunday hours. Special Notice If you cannot call, send stamp for question blank for home treatment. just as unjustly assessed as the money. Every kind of property value should be assessed and taxed according to what it would sell for no matter whether it is owned by rich men or poor widows. But no, ten thousand rich men are skipped where there is one poor widow. Stock in corporations should be taxed according to selling value ,the same as farms. There are more than six million dollars' worth of property and obligations owned in Lancaster county that is not taxed a single cent. The republicans have nominated many of the same assessors to be re-elected next November and others of the same stripe. If the tax payers desire to exempt the rich from paying their share of the taxes, they should vote the straight republican ticket. Many people, and preachers among them, have concluded that the police force of Lincoln is too small. As long as a majority of the people vote for saloons and other schools of crime those who vote that way ought not to complain of the fruit. If I plant crab apple trees I ought to be satisfied with that kind of fruit. We plant pauper ism and crime and then expect our police to reap soberness, virtue and honor. One single policeman would lessen the crime half if all the church members would vote for cleaning up the city. Wide open cities are most popular among voters. M. BOATSMAN. Maayel Boauman. the leading mer chant of the thriving little city of Sterling, Neb., son of the banker. D. M. Beauman. was bora on a farm in Hardia county, ia March 17. 1872. When 5 years of age his parents re moved to Nebraska and settled oa a farm tear Sterling from which they removed a few years later to Sterling, where the subject of this sketch was educated la the public schools. When 17 years of age he entered the general store of his father, who was associated wiih J. Jennoa, the firm being Boats rsaa Jensoa. with whom he contin ued cxtil his father disposed of his in terest la the stock and retired from tu&ines. In 113 he opened a general store oa his own account and has built up a Urge ant prosperous business. He was 4 in manlage la 1535 to Clara, the aiccmpliihed daughter of F. I. Bartling. the clothing mer chant of Sterling. Two interesting children have been born to this union. Louis, aged three, and Margaret, a lovely child, two yffcrs younger. Mr. Boatsman is a member of the German Lutheran church. In politics ne is a democrat. Few. If any, young business men of Nebraska have prom ise of a brighter future. His well ap pointed home Ik one of the best in the town, wntie the large grounds sur ruuuaing are maae Deautlful by an abundance of Cowers, evergreens and trees of beautiful foliage. He has also an abundance of fruit of every kind in fact his hoie is an Ideal one in every respect and largely made so by his untiring industry and ff-nnri tncta Located as he is In the most thriving and prosperous, nortion of the state of Nebraska his trade Is rapidly fcrvwins 10 large proportions. '1 ' . -" Sentiment and respect have changed in relation to marriage and single life in the last fifty years. We remem ber the time when it was considered almost a disgrace for a girl not to marry before she was twenty-five. And a male human was not considered more than half human who did not marry before he was thirty. Now the single blessedness livers are as much respected as the double blessedness livers according to what they do. There are many cases where they are the mainstay of a whole neighbor hood. They have built beautiful homes and in most cases their homes are the homes of many a wild rela tive. The birds and the fawns are in structed and polished. We would not advise any man, young or old, to marry a woman who smokes, chews, drinks, gambles or spends her even ings in saloons or billiard rooms. Such things don't mix well with home matrimony. Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrhoea when your bowels are out of order. Cas carets Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 10c. The thing that differentiates Ameri can humor from that of the English is the habit of exaggeration, but the Am ericans got it from the Indians. As an example, two men were seen carrying three very large catfish on a polo be tween them. Now it happened that one of the men was the most success ful fisherman in that part of the coun try and the Indian replied: "Oh, that fellow there. He can catch fish any where alongside of the road wherever he goes " An Englishman could not possibly see any sort of a joke in such a statement as that. He would look at the man making it with profound afitonFhment and that would be all. Of a peevish, surly fellow another said: "He never smiles except when every thing goes wrong." CCVEM I Chillicothe Normal School. 0 L I LH I Chillicothe Commercial College, Chillicotlie Shorthand College, Chillicothe Telegraphy College, Chillicothe Pen Art College, Chillicothe School of Or a to nr. Chillicothe Musical Contervat'ry Present enrollment 729. $180 pays for 48 weeks board, tuition, room rent, and use of text books. for tree illustrated catalogue address ALLEN MOORE, Pres., Chillicothe, Mo. GREAT SCHOOLS Rooms Persons attending the state fair will find good accommodations for sleep ing at 1208 O street, next to Burr blk. With the address on the wrapper of your paper you will find the date at which your subscription expires. This is to enable our readers to be prompt witn tneir renewals, -, BATTLING AGAINST CANCER, Views of am BnsrliaU Paonstolaa sa This Dlaeu. The tragic ending of the tragic life of the Empresd Frederick has given a new meaning to the pathetic appeal which King Edward made to English medical men to spare no effort to com bat "that other terrible disease can cer' .writes the London correspondent of the New York Evening Post. Sir James Paget, the famous English phy sician, once declared that "every one would have cancer if only he lived long enough," and that must, I sup pose, be accepted as a fact. But it is evident from the medical comments of rthe week that there is no ground for asserting that the disease is on the in crease in this country. An English physician, who speaks With authority, assures me, on the contrary, that, al though the essential nature of the dis ease has so far baffled research, con siderable progrers can be recorded dur ing the past t . o decades. In some notes he has sent me he says: . "Just as In the case of consumption, cancer was believed to be mainly due to some inherited fault of constitution, and It need hardly be said that this hypothesis engendered a despairing frame of mind in the practitioner as well as the patient. The present gen eral belief throughout the British med ical profession, in support of which numerous facts might be adduced, is that the disease is at first entirely local or limited, and in all probability the result of the growth of some specific micro organism. The constitution may possibly have some influence it is a question of relative suitability of soil and seed but it would not appear to be so nearly bo Important a factor as in some other parasitic diseases tuber culosis, for example. The conclusion follows that if the disease is recognized early enough and is in some accessible part; from which it can be removed freely by the surgeon, there should be a fair chance that it may never recur; and modern improvements in diagnosis and methods of operation have actu ally accomplished this In large num bers of cases. If, however, precious time is wasted by hesitating or tem porizing, or by submitting to the treat ment of quacks, the malignant growth not only destroys the part It has first attacked, but particles are carried to neighboring glands or to Internal or gans, just as the seeds of a noxious weed may be scattered over the whole garden. "Assuming this view to be correct, the directions in which Improvement may be looked for are two in the first place, the recognition of the parasite, and, secondly.las is now being done in the case of tuberculosis, plague, mala ria and many other, diseases, the at tainment of knowledge concerning Its life history and the conditions which favor Its growth. WIRELESS TELEPHONING. . H - S i Invention That-Mar Enable L' to Talk Tbronarh the Air. Wireless telephoning Is tapping at the door of scientific progress, accord ing to Dr. H. P. Pratt, an electrical expert, with an office in the Masonic ;mple, says a Chicago dispatch to the ffew York Journal, ne Is having ap paratus constructed with which he de clares he will be able to demonstrate the practicability of talking through the air between widely separated places. With small instruments of his own making he has succeeded In talk ing over the tops of three city blocks. These experiments have satisfied the Inventor that there Is no obstacle In long distance telephoning, for his in struments divide the distance into what might be called easy stages of vibration transmission. Not only wireless telephoning be tween far separated cities is possible, according to Dr. Pratt, but communi cation may be readily had with mov ing trains. In short, every railroad can have its own circuits without wires. For long distance telephoning or tele graphing Dr. Pratt's patents cover the placing of pols 150 feet high and a quarter of a mile apart. At the top of each pole will be a hollow brass ball two feet In diameter and pierced by a sensitive metal pin,- one of whose points Is toward the sender of a mes sage, the other toward the receiver. These globes and pins will transmit by stages the vibrations developed by the transmitter. At both the transmitting and receiv ing ends of the message route will be poles capped with brass balls at least twice the diameter of those along the route. The needle that starts the vibra tions on their course is not double pointed, but Is directed merely at the first of the Intermediate poles. - Wheat Paid Church Debts. The Evangelical church at Industry, In the northern part of the county, has Just paid off its church debt with a crop of wheat says an Abilene (Kan.) dispatch to the New York Times. Last autumn the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Bru ner, together with a number of the leading members, rented 40 acres of ground near the church house. The work of seeding and the seed grain were contributed. The yield was 950 bushels, of which one-third was paid for rent, and the remainder has just been sold for enough to pay the $350 mortgage on the church. Onlr Once In a Lifetime. It Is expected that the ceremonies at tending the coronation "of the British king will last three weeks, says the Louisville Courier-Journal. Edward was a long time getting there, and he proposes to make the most of It. Where Education Fatla. A new fad In education is "organized play." The Idea of teaching "the kid" how to play, says the Minneapolis Journal, Is a good deal like teaching your grandmother how to fry potatoes. - V J .J&.;.L'.3 L - ' i ii "",?L .' "ill idesic. nicely nnisned in Golden uik, izc 411. o 111. .nign, 30 in. wiac, freight prepajd to any point within 100 miles for $6.75. Same desk but one size smaller for $5.15 o o o The A. M. Davis Co. 4 1112 1114 O. i " o . ' ' ' - " ' . & We extend a cordial invitation to out of town visitors to make our store their headquarters While in the city, AVe O wnnlrl liVo f farniture, carpets and house furnishings. "We are known as the lowest priced mail order house in the middle West. Your, money's worth or your money back. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o The A;M. Davis Co. 111214 o. j : 1 v . . , , o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Thirteenth and P Sts, Lincoln, Neb. : An Old Established, Reputable Up-to-date Institution. o o o o "Well and favorably known to the business public for the thoroughness of its work, and the oompe- acy of its graduates. . . tency A HIGH GRADE BUSINESS COLLEGE "With competent instructors in every branch, teachers of Life and Energy as well as ability and education; who employ the best modern methods of instruction with large, well lighted rooms in the central business portion of Nebraska's capital with first class equipment in all departments. No mistake can be made by attending a school with the reputation and facilities of the Lincoln Business College. Complete practical courses in Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Banking, Expert Ac counting, Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Arithmetic. o o o o o o O o GENERAL INFORMATION O o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o On arriving In the city, come di rect to the College rooms, corner of Thirteenth and P streets, and you will find some member of the faculty to welcome you. No examinations are required to enter any course in the school. Elective Course The student may take any study in either course with out taking all. Punctuality in attendance and in preparation of lessons is required. We give both class and indiridual in struction and use every means to make the student's progress as rapid as is consistent with thoroughness. Both sexes are received in all de partments. Work for board can be procured for those who need it. When to Enter. Terms open as follows : Sept. 2, 1901. Oct.. 28, 1901. . Dec. 30,1901. It is better to enter at the beginning of a term, but since individual instruction is given in so many, of the branches students can enter at any time with little dis advantage. Are you prepared to begin business for yourself, or to accept a position if one was offered you? If not, you cannot make a better in vestment than to secure a thorough business training. o o o o o o Our Courses. That our courses are thorough and practical is attested by hundreds of our graduates now located through out this and other states. Y. M. C. A. The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation is located just across the street from the College. By becoming a member, its reading room, gymna sium, bath rooms, and lectures ars free to students. The association has a number of rooms which they rent to students at very reasonable ratss. Monthly reports are sent to pa rents if desired. Visitors are at ail times made wel come. Especially does the College invite its patrons to call. Any additional Information con cerning the school or any feature of its work oheerfully and promptly furnished. Our Speolalty i 1 1 BUSINESS EDUCATION Preparing Young Men and Women for BUSINESS PURSUITS Why Not Loarn To Do Something? O O o o o o o o Address all communications to LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. o & o o o o o P permanently oared. We can 11 1 1 L r faithfully promise 70a an ab II r J solute cure no matter what I IbhLb your condition for External, Internal, Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles, Chronic or Recent, without undergoing any surgical operation or interruption of business. Thousands cured who had siren up in despair of erer (retting relief. WHY CONTINUE. TO SUFFER? It costs nothing te try our treatment. Sample and particulars mailed Free. Hon. S. L Hadlt. Paris, 111., writes : "I am convinced that you know your business and can cure where all others fail. I hare doctored for Piles for three years with no beneficial re sults, and your treatment has cured me in a few days. I am County Judge of Edgar County, Illinois, and will be glad to assist you in spread ing your remedy. Yours truly, S. I. Hkadlst. Mr. Edward Sou res, Castleton. 111., suffered with bleeding, swelling and protruding Piles for thirty years doctors had given up his case as incurable. He was completely cured by oar treatment in three weeks. Mb. M. McCot, Cognac, Kansas, Captain Co. A, Fiftieth Indiana Infantry, writes: Hermit Bemedy Co. : Dear Sirs I haye doctored for Piles since the Civil War- thirty-six years and am now glad to report that, after using Jour treatment for a few weeks, I am complete y cured. I believe yon can cure anyone, for a man could not get in a much worse condition than I was and live, and I am duly grateful to you. Yours respectfully, M. McCot. Thousands of Pile sufferers who had given up in despair of ever being cured have written us letters full of gratitude, after using our rem edies for a short time. You can hare a trial sample mailed FREE by writing us full particu lars of your case. HERMIT RKMEDT CO, . 733 Adams Express Building, Chicago, 111. J. W- Mitchell Co. 1338 O STREET. Wall Paper A n & Painting I corn-Write for prices. Good patterns here to choose from Save Your TEETH A good set of Teeth, $7.50. 22-K Gold Crown, $5.00. Bridge work, per tooth, $5oo Gold Fillings, from $1 up. Silver Fillings, from 50c up. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. ALL WORK WARRANTED. DR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST 127 South 12th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Taken Up One colt gray weight 700 pounds horse. Owner can have same by calling and paying for keeping, filing notices and expense of publish-J ing this notice. atkick ulkhon, Davey, Neb. Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital If you are going to a Hospital for treatment, it will pay you to consult Dr. Shoemaker. He makes a specialty of diseases of women, the nervous sys tem and all surgical diseases. 1117 L st., Lincoln, Neb. P. O. box 951. NOTICE. In the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, Mary A. Carpenter, Plaintiff, vs. Charles D. Carpenter, Defendant. Charles D. Carpenter, Defendant, will take notice that on the 24th day of August 1901, Mary A. Carpenter, plaintiff herein, filed a pe tition in the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are That the defendant has purposely and will fully abandoned this plaintiff for seven years last past; that the defendant, although at the time he was married was a temperate man, was a habitual drunkard at the time of his aban donment of this plaintiff; that although aa able bodied man and possessed sufficient ability to do so. grossly, wantonly and cruelly failed and neglected to maintain and support this plain tiff and her child, a daughter, the only issue of their marriage; that defendant is wholly unfit to have charge or custody of the child; That she may be divorced from this defendant, and be given the custody of the child and such other relief aa in equity, she may be entitled to. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th day of October 1901. Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 24th day of August, 1901. Mjlkx A. CAaPKNTER. Plaintiff, By E. If. Coffin, Her attorney. Cancers Cured Why suffer pain and death from can cer? DR. T. O'CONNOR cures can cers, tumors, and wens; no knife, blood or plaster. Address 1306 O street. Lin coln. Nebraska. 1029 0 Street PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet! $2.00 per dos., Little Ovals 3So per do