The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 22, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    August 22, 1901
Sumptuous Royal Quarto Volume, 17xl2-inch pages, with nearly 1,300
ccperb photographic illustrations from original copyrighted photographs
printed from new nickel type half-tone plates on superfine enameled paper
rsade expressly for this -work. Thes.j photographs were secured by Special
Expeditions seat to all parts of -.
Cuba, Porto Rico, Isle of Pines, The Hawaiian Group, and the
Immense Archipelagoes of the Philippines and the Sulus.
TLe .:f-tos ;.:ctur- are to thoroughly representative and perfect in de
tail ad ixiuty of Snih as to practically transfer the Islands and Their People to the printed page.
Tiie Two Volumes
Embrace over 800 pages and their contents are unparalleled
in quantity, value and intensity of interest, &
A Ksw Wondsrland
The txt of the work opens up a New Wonderland, embracing a full his
tcry of these remarkable islands and the races who inhabit them, from the cul
tured Taralos to the wild savages of the Southern Isles who wander in the
ens tropical forests like animals, to whom murder and rapine are honorable
; rtfession. o
The leading Newspapers, Magazines and Reviews of the United States,
ifvT after careful examination, harmoniously unite in unqualified praise of every
j feature of this remarkable publication, t
V.- This magnificent work of art can only be obtained through yearly subscrin-
tions to THE INDEPENDENT. Agents wanted in every county in Nebraska.
Write for prices and full particulars.
Independent Publishing
Lincoln, Debraska.
Ac:sg Its DisscfEts
WtatltijrtoB. I) C Ayr IT.
:a! -In to siana the Novem-
t.r W;!o!4 mill te cf fT'-at interest j
t d-ni-.oracy. Ohio ard Pensi t
-x.: r -tt b -r.?-t which at
tract its attrition all o-r the country.
lix r.' r ! -n -: pt triad to re
.:a::Vrt tattle of lat November.
.. Is. ha is-ytu-d such
r.n i from the deno
rrz'ir rr.:io:t a to make inadvle-
L, & cf national issues
rit, rt ! '!-f-rr"1 uatll the
r--urr'i-r of u tatioital election.
1 1. (n;o ttr broad democratic issue
cf tie "ist-l- taxation of corporations
real valu of ih-ir properties
la to tL front, largely
ti-ro-igt tie effort cf Mayor Tom L.
Jct&Mjs. cf Of eland.
Ti.- c-ur.-iit;os In this state as in y c--t La t r uch that cor
;,rt;o:.i t' every description have
is. dii tine-tenths cf
itir pre;-r taut while an ever in
r?a2c iod of taxation has fallen
u;ca e,e fa: sain comnianiUea and
t-' ttaa'.l prorty holdets.
it u t-r-cc-Uiii-fi pUia that all over
ti country tbe queatioa of honest tax
is U-comin cf leadit tmport-zz-t.
I'El'ist and Inequitable taxation
ta lare-ly res r-aaiifcle for forty
j.i.-v is tu:i'iin up euormoua for
at ti-r ti; of the general
l-qu:tat tariff taxation baa p'acd
L-iJUct, of Jt:iar ta the pockets of the
c ;.rrt cf li.- ;rct-ctle industries.
T L :::;':. tau teen taken from
It- ;:-:.' cf tLe otktumr of the
r. Lo Lave ta ccraplled to
; j.y iir tTfrij icrta-d prices dui
! iL ay througboat the
flit tL-re La ta in practice a
wale of im-al taxation whereby
t.r trailer the property the higher
tL- ratr . f tixatioa, and tLe larger
ti.- f r;Tty tLe lo-r the rate. Auy
ot. "cat itet.aie the truth of this
is ti oc coaita unity. A piece of
i,.-u;rtj- c?rtL a thoaaatd dollars will
t 1 .. A pi-re worth JH'.-
j vili t-T- s.eftvr.i about e!x thou
frat.1 4 pi-c worth a huadrrd thou-ar-l
will 5- a.tek-d forty thousand.
A ; worth a ruilUoa will be at-gf-t-'-tsIly
at tot over one-quar-trr
!.t u: aa4 at ittaace 1 on
i o'ii ;a li-veiand where a tea million
coiiu ..f j. re pert y was assessed
tt ii ttauaid dollars, and
-Li-h Miir Joba!on promptly had
ti.H : t-. t.x Kiillioa. In Pennsylvania
u. t'-atr- -tu to be thoroughly
v.. : .?ir tLr profiicacy and ccrrup- j
ti ti-i Lave tLarttteriie J the statQ
i-o-rt:tt! :.J the municipal gov-1
erte.ett tf i'aila.ieiphia. Oa the face
cf tL jeitru I'LlUdelphia and the;
stii at 1 r r Lav for yt-ars been (
tivert.et3ini5iy repubi.csn. in fact
l't :.:.)!.:: La. l- ti the- Lanaer re
put. luaa state sltaoat from the birth
. ..' !! r- paxtf-
I'at vu tLe adtr.iion of such proml
.r:.t it. 1 11 !,oB republican aa
JcLrj Wanarriakf-r and wore of hi an
toc:ate. thee vht republican majori
t t Lav t--n procured by the simple
rutLod of feiufLns tfct- ballot boxes to
tl.r extttt cf .!ity thouaand votes in
tie city of Philadelphia alone and t
wLattvcr extent miLt be deemed nec
r7 by the tes ia other republi
can .t!ri of the state.
v--:r.e in the end the custodians of
the republican machine have used the
;., r ttu corruptly obtained to rob,
Llackmail and otLerwlse plunder the
-ealth of the state a revolt has fol
lowed at lakt which actually threatens
to break down and clean up the re-pa-licaa
mar Line from one end of the
ttatt to the other.
It i unfortunately true that the
Quay repiLlieaa machine has worked
Land ia glove wits a democratic ma
chin is Philadelphia to less corrupt
than that cf the majority party.
Fortunately, however, the democ
racy has b-ea ttro&c enough no take
the 6cary step to rlean out the
recces ia its ranks and leave the field
clear for a tt between organized
-4 eyrrtiplicn la th republican party and
organized decency and honesty ia the
democratic party.
Tie effect of the steel strike will
strengthen the ranks of the democ
racy. A larie majority of the strikers
i" ia thests to states. Now is the
lesson of the trust twing brought home
in practical form to the hundreds of
thousands of workingmen who last
November for lack of such an object
lesson failed to see the menace of the
vast industrial combinations of capi
tal. They see it now. With all technical
ities aside the battle is over the ques
tion as to whether labor shall be per
mitted to organize into unions for
self-protection, while capital is per
mitted to organize freely not for self
protection, but for self-aggrandizement
and monopoly.
At this writing the contest is in such
shape that its Immediate outcome can
not be certainly predicted. But its in
direct outcome is plain enough. The
trusts must be curbed by positive
remedial legislation or they will crush
not only every labor organization in
the country, but the public as well.
The democratic party is the only one
which shows capacity and strength
enough to grapple with the whole
problem in the near future.
Millionaires' Sons
It is useless to try to conceal from
Croesus, jr., that he will be rich, and,
knowing that, his impulse toward work
is. unless work is part of his inborn
nature, rather a feeble one. The pow
er possessed by all the young of pro
tecting their immature brains by re
fusing to learn too much i3 more stead
ily exerted than usual, and the young
Croesus seldom becomes a scholar,
more rarely a thinker, most rarely of
all a man in whom the dominant
nabit is reflection. And then comes,
more pressing than all, the question
whether it is better to keep the lad
of such vast expectations short of
money, so that he may value it more
even than other men do. or to accus
tom him from the first to its posses
sion, so that it may never be to him
an unexpected luxury. Is the boy's al
lowance at school or college to be
that of other boys of the same age, or
is it to be more, much more, so that
be shall always feel that It Is part of
his destiny to be richer than his
neighbors? We are told by those who
know more of the subject than we can
pretend to do that this question la
ery tarnesy discussed between very
rich parents and the tutors they em
ploy, that there are violent differences
of opinion on the subject, and that In
practice It Is settled, not by any ap
peal to principle or rule, but accord
ing to a sort of tradition prevailing
In each house. London Spectator.
A Notid Writir
One of the roost distinguished Amer
ican authors and travellers, Mr. J. W.
Buel of Philadelphia, writes as fol
lows: I am not given to indiscriminate
praise, and you will believe me when
I emphatically declare that "Our Isl
ands and Their People" is beyond com
parison the most magnificent produc
tion of its character that I ever saw.
My familiarity with fine publications
makes this opinion the more valuable,
for I am able to form a just and intel
ligent judgment. The work by far
surpasses any conception based upon
mere descriptions. It Is supremely
creditable, and the handsomest work
of its kind ever placed on the market."
In view of the growing interest
manifested by all classes of American
citizens in the final disposition to be
made of our island possessions, a copy
of "Our Islands and Their People" is
Indispensable lo every person who de-
sirts information of any kind respect
ing tnese vast, rich insular regions.
It Is an island cyclopedia of litera
ture and splendid tropical scenery It
embraces 1.S00 original photographs
secured by special expeditions sent to
the islands for that purpose and com
pletely covering Cuba, Isle of Pines.
Porto Rico. Hawaii, Sanoa and the
It is the grandest enterprise In the
history of literature. You will be
agreeably astonished when you see it.
Write us for full particulars. Inde
pendent, Lincoln Neb.
Why should any rational being want
to get up to the mountain top? I shall
be told about the beauty of the view
from the summit. That is sheer fudge.
Nine people out of ten don't know a
beautiful view when they see it, un
less they happen to be coached up by
a careful perusal of the guide book,
and even then they not infrequently
rapturize looking toward the south,
when it is the north aspect that should
evoke their outburst. Then, when one
is hot and out of breath is not the
time to cultivate the aesthetic emo
tions. Moreover, the view, when there
is one, is obscured by clouds or mist
or something. Poets, I believe, have
written fine things about mountain
tops. And it Is far better and more
comfortable to read the poets. The
naked, unadulterated truth is that the
mountaineering craze is due to our
system of education. Under it-the im
aginative faculties are not trained and
developed; indeed, they are stunted
and depressed. Consequently when
folk of this stamp go to Switzerland
they must just do what others do.
And climbing having been started as a
means of developing a local industry,
everybody climbs. Now the only satis
faction of climbing is to excite the
envy of other, folk who haven't
climbed; to win admiration for dan
gers run, nerve displayed and so on.
The unimaginative man must perforce
try and break his neck to Indulge in
this gratification, such as it is. Now,
if the imagination were properly de
veloped, as part of the educational
scheme, this would be quite unneces
sary. It would be as easy as possible
to revel In all the wild delight of an
accident on the Matterhorn without
stirring from one's armchair, and to
tell tales of hair-breadth escapes with
out moving a muscle. As for the cul
tivation of nerve, presence of mind
and so on which some claim for moun
taineering, there is no need to spend
money abroad to secure this training.
I will back crossing the road at the
Mansion House without waiting for the
policeman to stop the traffic against
any dangerous sport. "Cyrano" in
London Topical Times.
Commands Success
Recently we published an article,
"The Science of Advertising," written
by J. W. Johnston. It has been widely
copied and favorably commented upon.
His splendid success in the advertis
ing line and the remarkable trade he
has built up by his judicious advertis
ing adds great interest to anything he
may say or write upon that subject
Recently he came to Nebraska repre
senting the C. F. Blanke Tea and Cof
fee Co. of St. Louis and has already
made the Blanke Coffees known to ev
ery inhabitant of the state and In
creased the sales until the shipments
to this state are larger than all other
brands of coffees combined. It has
been brought about by MV. Johnston's
superior judgment in advertising a
really good article. Mr. Johnston is a
salesman of the class who does things.
He maps out his plan for a big busi
ness and then goes to work and car
ries It out. He does not depend on
chance or luck for his success, but
commands it.
Tmetn Aot tke Dwrtny Oytiatat
aaa BU Great Deal.
Not even the famous Joseph Lelter,
with his staggering wheat speculations,
gave the Chicago board of trade such a
stirring up as did George IT. Phillips In
November of last year, says tho New
York Times. In his trading of a few
days he Is supposed to hare cleared be
tween $15a000 and $200,000. He had,
the whole market at his mercy, and
but for bis voluntary relinquishment
of numerous . claims against borts"
there would have been many failures.
In March of this year he startled the
market again by lively speculation In
corn, wheat and oats, and his profits
from the deals are related as having
been very great.
This daring operator, whose corner
of the corn market won for him the so
briquet of 'the corn king" and who has
Just suspended business, is only 34
years old. He made a very modest be
ginning In life, starting as an elevator
boy in his father's grain storehouse in
Morris, Ills., when he was very young.
In later years he became a buyer for
the house of George A. Sea verns & Co.,
and then he went into the commission
business on his own account
Phillips formed the opinion that the
bears kept the price of corn too low in
the Chicago market and that it could
be maintained at a high price if any
one dared to make the fight. Phillips
dared. It was his corn deal of Novem
ber, 1900. And he succeeded. Without
a dollar to control the market he never
theless had the whole corn crop tinder
his thumb. He caused heavy losses to
every corn trader In the board of trade.
But be was fair in his winnings. He
did not cause a single failure In the
board of trade, although he had It eas
ily In his power to do so.
This young man has upset the calcu
lations of the board of trade of Chicago
in many ways. In the first place, he
depended for his information about
crops directly upon the farmers them
selves, Instead of taking the news from
the regular channels. He went Into the
market on the broad principle that be
knew what he was doing, and he did
not stop until e had bewildered the
men who had been In deals before
Phillips was bona. When in New York
a few weeks ago, the seco'd visit he
had ever made to that city, Mr. Phillips
told a reporter that the principle of all
his trading was to be found in this
motto, .which was written In his note
book: "When an article In good de
mand is cheap and you have money to
Invest, buy it,"
Farmers have been back of Phillips
In all of his deals. It is reported that
in his great corn deal 800 farmers in
Iowa and central Illinois were the
backbone of his fight It Was virtually
a battle between these 300, led by Phil
lips, against the recognized forces of
the market Yet even in view of this
big deal, George H. Phillips did not
come to be any recognized permanent
factor in the Chicago market He has
lived a quiet hardworking life, and
what he has accomplished has been
due to his phenomenal knowledge of
the corn crop. .
Young women saw wood.
SItaa Cora Beclcvrlth. an Expert, Will
Attempt the Feat In September. ,
Cora Beck with, a single woman of
Buffalo, according to a Niagara Falls
dispatch, declares that she Intends
swimming the whirlpool rapids on
Wednesday, Sept 25.- : -
"I expect to go through on my back."
said she. "That is the way I swam the
rapids at Egg Rock lighthouse, in the
harbor of Lynn, Mass."
She says she Is the only woman who
ever swam the English channel. She
made the trip In company with the late
Captain Webb, starting from Dover
and landing at Calais, the distance be
ing 21 miles. Three nations are said to
have recognized ber bravery in rescu
ing people from drowning. She Is of
fine physique and recently remained
under water 3 minutes ar 1 50 seconds.
The current will carry a person
through the rapids to the whirlpool In
three minutes.
He (who has ten refused a kiss)
"It used to be a.i easy matter to kiss
you. What has tome over you?"
She "My doctor told me I must
take more exercise. September Smart
Set - .. r ' -. i
Royal Highlander Field Day
The Royal Highlanders of Lincoln
have selected the Union Pacific as the
official route to the "field day" at
Beatrice on the 29th of August. A
special train will be furnished leaving
Lincoln at 8 a. m. Thn three castle
teams and the accompauymg bands
will go by this train as well as the
Highlanders and their friends. The
rate will be 80c tj round trip. Bea
trice is sparing no expense to royally
entertain the Highlander of the ftate
at the beautiful Chautauqua grounds.
An elaborate program has been pre
pared including all the usual "field
day" attractions. The monster High
lander parade will be worth going
miles to see. Lincoln wuuts to rend
one thousand visitors to Beatrice and
the special rate of 8O3 should help to
do it
Frenchman Sara Anopheles Speelea
Propaaratea Diaeaae, Etcb Leprosy
Professor Blanchard In a paper read
before the Academy of Medicine In
Paris the other day said the anopheles
species of mosquito propagates dis
ease, even leprosy. The Parisian culex
mosquito is less terrible. He advised,
according to the New York Sun, the
destruction of the larvce by placing pe
troleum In stagnant water and sweet
oil in drinking water.
Dr. Robin announced that experi
ments had been made by Dr. Huyghe
of Lille In curing St Vitus' dance by
inclosing limbs for days In rigid bandages.
Danger Signals For Alpine Climbers.
All the Alpine clubs of Europe have
just agreed to a uniform set of danger
signals drafted by the French Alpine
club for use by mountain climbers In
peril, says a Paris correspondent of the
Pittsburg Dispatch. Signals of distress
are to be given by shouting, whistling,
waving handkerchiefs or firing guns
during the day and by lantern or other
lights at night A signal repeated six
times Indicates extreme peril, and its
return three times by the receiver sig
nifies that ltsi meaning has been under
stood. '
Proof at a .Chvreh Meetlna- That
Woman Can Do Man's Work.
It was after the busineaa had been
transacted at the semiannual meeting
of the Lakewood Baptist 'church In
Providence the other night that an
nouncement was made of the contest
eays the New York Sun. It was a
surprise to the contestants aa well as
to the others that attended. V '
The president arose and, briefly stat
ing that the two young women mem
bers who last February debated the
question whether a woman could' do
the work of man , would prove it by
sawing wood, brought out two saw
bucks and two sections of the same
log of wood. It was a good, ablebodied
log. He also had two saws, with nice,
sharp teeth.
The two young women looked dis
mayed. Then the humor of the situa
tion dawned upon them, and they smil
ed. Every one else smiled. They look
ed at the sawbucks and at the saws
and at the sticks of wood and found
fault with the proportions. And it was
a nice, round log, too, smooth' as to
bark and about the thickness of a
small fence post, perhaps a trifle less.
The two young women declined, but
the others urged them on, and then
one of them thought what a good op
portunity it would be to prove what
she had so earnestly advocated some
months ago, that a woman was as
good as a man any old time.
One of them stumped the other to do
It and that settled it all. Some of the
young men showed them how to" place
the log on the buck and how to steady
it by planting a knee on It One of
them was also advised to take fast
strokes In the contest to determine
the quicker sawer of the two.:
They took positions and when the
word was given started at It. One of
the saws flew up and down In short
jerky strokes until the teeth stuck at
intervals in the log, while the buck
danced over the floor. The other young
woman s i like a veteran and had
the adv. cage of weight and knee po
sition. She finished her log in 1m. 50s.,
winning the race as well as the debate,
while the other took 2m. 32s. for the
Most of the folks who saw it all said
that they would not have missed it
and those not there are coming to the
next meeting to see t hat they can
Kansas Cattleman Fears the Inroad
ot Agriculture.
M. B. Barnicutt, a stock raiser of
Kansas, who is in Washington, believes
that the time is coming when the Unit
ed States must ,! ok elsewhere for Its
meats.. In conversation with the Kan
sas City Times correspondent he said:
"Of course it will be a great many
years before we are unable to raise
enough cattle to feed ourselves, but
the price of beef is steadily advancing,
and in the nature of things it will con
tinue to advance. In time South Amer
ican cattlemen will be able to ship beef
to the United States and undersell the
borne article.
The reason for this state of affairs
Is very apparent Land In the United
States is growing too valuable, for graz
ing purposes. It Is only a few years
ago that the western country was one
vast pasture land, and the only cost of
raising cattle was for men to watch
them. Now the demands for agricul
ture are eating up the wild pasturage,
and the territory for cattle raising on a
large scale Is growing smaller and
smaller. Where cattlemen once had
pasturage free they are now renting the
privilege from the Indians, and In other
ways the cost of raising cattle is In
creasing. The country will continue
to grow more thickly populated, and
we will come to have no cattle in time
except those raised by farmers. It
stands to reason that when that time
comes the price of beef must be high
enough to make it profitable to graxe
cattle on farming lands, else no cattle
will be raised."
Lock and Key to Gate Ia the Baored
City Sen to Washington.
The lock and key of the front gate of
the Sacred City of Peking have been
received at the National museum and
will be placed on exhibition there with
in a few days, says a Washington dis
patch to the New York Times. The
relics are a gift from the Rev, W. T.
Hobart, a Methodist missionary in Chi
na, and were presented to the United
States through Edwin H. Conger, Unit
ed States minister at Peking.
The gate which the lock and key se
cured was directly before the palace of
the emperor. On the lock are inscribed
a number of Chlnes characters, and
the authorities of the inuseum will soon
seek to have these deciphered and
J translated.
The lock is an Iron cylinder 3 feet
and 10 Inches long. Extending from
the cylinder Is an Iron rod, bent back
so that It could pass through the gate
hasp and Into the. lock guide. In the
lock are four tumblers. The key Is of
iron and is about four feet long. :
tVw .-ALL CASES, , ....
, "Write Your Name and Address Plainly,
v There is nothing . like, Asthmalene.
It brings instant, relief, even in the
; worst cases. It cures when all else
.falls. ...v ? .-, ,;. ,-
The RevC. F. Wells, of Villa Ridge,
111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asth
malene received in good condition. I
cannot tell yoi how thankful I feel
for the' good derived from it I was a
slave, chained with putrid sore throat
and Asthma for ten years. , I despaired
of ever being cured. I saw your ad
vertisement for the cure of this dread
ful and tormenting disease, Asthma,
and ' thought you had overspoken
yourselves, but resolved to give it a
trial. To my astonishment, the trial ,
acted. like a charm. Send me a full
size bottle."
Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel.
.... . New. York, Jan. 3, 1901.
Drs. Taft Bros. Medicine Co.
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an.
excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay
Fever, and its composition alleviates
' , all troubles which combine with As
: ' thma. Its success is astonishing and
wonderful. , - . ' 1
After having it 'carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene contains
no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours,
Avon Springs, N. Y.. Feb. 1, 1901.
Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co.
Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the
wonderful effect of your Asthmalene for the cure of Asthma. . My wife has
v,een afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted
my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your
Windows on 130th"street; New York, I' at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene.
My wife commenced taking it abort the first of November. ' I very soon noticed
a radical improvement. After v Ing one bottle her Asthma has disappeared
and she is entirely free from a, 1 symptoms. I feel that I can consistently
recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease.
Yours respectfully, , O. D. PHELPS, M. D.
Dr. Taft Bros.' Medicine Co. T Feb. 5, 1901.
Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numer
ous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and
started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your
ill-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have family of four children, and
for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am doing
business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see fit
Home address, 235 Rivington street S. RAPHAEL,
67 East 129th St., City.
Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO.,
79 East 130th St. N. Y. City.
I iniCOl rniClin TURKISH T. A P. PILLS brings monthly mentrua- X
2 I ftllirrt rnlrnll . ... tion sure to the day noTcr disappoints yon. $1 par box A
Y 1-nuiUW IIIIUIIUi 1 2 boxes wUl help any case. Br mail, plain wrapper. X
X Sold by B.O. Kostka, Lincon,Neb. HAHN'S Pharmacy. 1805 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. X
A Thoroughly
E q u I p p e d
Bath House
i Sanitarium
14th and M Streets
All forms of baths: Turkish. Russian, Roman and Electric, with special attention to the
application of Natural Salt Water Baths, for the treatment of all acute and chronic non-con-tageous
curable diseases. Rheumatism. Skin. Blood and Nervous Diseases, Liver and Kidney
Trouble, and all forms of Stomaah Trouble are treated successfully, at&rrah of the Stomach and
Bowels, Heart Disease, acute and chronic, are all ffreatly benefitted and many permanently
cured by taking the Natural Salt Water Baths (Scbott Method aa first given at Naubeim,
Germany. A separate department, fitted with a thoroughly aseptic surgical ward and operating
rooms, offer special inducements to surgical caves and all diseases peculiar to women. The
Sanitarium ia thoroughly equipped for treating all diseases by modern successful methods. It is
managed by physicians well trained and of extended experience, specialists in their several
departments. Trained nurses, skillful and courteous attendants. Prices reasonble. Address
Lincoln, Sanitarium
Cancers '
Why suffer pain and death from can
cer? DR. T. O'CONNOR cures can
cers, tumors, and wens; no knife, blood
or plaster. Address 1306 O street, Lin
coln. Nebraska.
1029 0
Cabtnats $2.00 per doa.. Little Ovals SSo per doa
daya "- '
long -
ago (in . v -i
the aix
ties, you -know)
went walking
he held
har skirt a 1
: . What '
would she
say If she
a a w g t r I
today with
clutched .
0 tight
: ; ly they.
. look
' thia
New York Evening Sun.
Automobile Electioneering.
Senator Fred D. Smith of Edwards
county, Kan., says that he will make
his next political canvass in an auto
mobile. He has Just returned from a
trip to" the Buffalo exposition. While
there he examined all the makes of au
tos, and he proposes to buy one, says
a Topeka dispatch to the Kansas City
Journal. "They wdll be a great vehicle
for western Kansas," said he. "We al
ways have good natural roads out
there. Besides, railroads are scarce
with us compared to the area of our
section. Rear platform speeches from
automobiles are sure to become the
method of campaigning - in western
Kansas." -
We Cot
Drug Prices
READ OUR ADS and you will know
the extent of our cuts. . Our prices are
the same to all who pay CASH.
$1.00 Rlggc Dyspepsia Tablets.... 69c
$1.00 Riggs' Sarsaparilla and Cla-
ery Compound : . . . . 69c
$1.00 Riggs' Female Regulator. .. .69c
$1.00 Cook's Dandruff Hair Tonic. 79c
$1.00 Peruna 79c
$1.00 Miles Ner-ine 79c
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies ...79c
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla 79c
$...00 Paine's Celery Compound.... 7c
$1.00 Wine of Cardui.. 79c
$1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.. 79c
$1.00 Malted Milk 79c
$1.00 Lydla Pinkham's Compound. 79c
$1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 79c
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion 79c
We not only cut on ail patents, but
we are in a position to give you Job
ber's rate on all staples. It pays to
trade here.
, 12th and O Streets.
Lincoln, Neb.
Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital
If you are going to a Hospital for
treatment, it will pay you to consult
Dr. Shoemaker. He makes a specialty
of diseases of women, the nervous sys
tem and all surgical diseases. 1117 L
st., Lincoln, Neb. 'P. O. box 951.-
, . AT
The WABASH runs on its own
tracks from Kansas City, St. Louis and
Chicago. Many special rates will be
riven during the summer months.
Stopovers allowed on all tickets at
Niagara Falls. Be sure your tickets
read via the' WABASH ROUTE. For
retes, folders and other information,
call on your nearest ticket agent, or
write Jos. Teahon, T. P. A., Omaha.
Neb., or C. S. Crane, Q. P..& T. A.,
St. Louis.
Doyle ft Barge, Attorneys
In the Supreme Court of the State of Nebraska
Mary u. , Majfruder, Appellee, vs. Robert
Kittle, et al., Appellants.
The appellee Mary C. Matrruder will take
notice that on the 14th day of August. 1901, M.
Adelaide Kittle, administratrix of the estate of
Robert Kittle, deceased, one of said appellants,
filed her Bill of Revivor in the Supreme Court,
against Mary C. Magruder, alleging that said
cause was appealed from the Distriat Court of
Dodge County. Nebraska, to this court by
Robert Kittle, asking for a reversal of the do.
cree rendered against him by the District Court
of Dodge County Nebraska. Said action was to
foreclose a certain mortgage dated on the 15th
day of July, 188ft. which mortgage was given to
secure a note of $5,UX)of the same date, and
due on August 1, lbVl. Said note being signed
by one William C. Brady, as principal and Rob
ert kittle and wife as securities. Said mort
gage securing said note covered lots one (1).
two (2). three (3), four (4), live (5), six (61, seveu
(7), and eight l),in block two (2 sin R. Kittle s
addition to the City of Fremont, Dodge County,
Nebraska. Defendants Robert Kittle and wife
in said action allege that they never received
said 15,000, nor any part thereof; that they
signed only as sureties; that said real estate
above described was owned by defendants
Robert Kittle and wife, and given to secure
their liability as sureties only and for no other
Eurpose; that said loan was usurious, that the
older of said note and mortgage, for a valu
able; consideration extended the time of pay.
ment for a time certain to said principal, with,
out the knowledge or consent of the defendants
sureties, and numerous other defenses, which
they insist wholly and completely releases said
sureties from any liability whatever on aaid
note and mortgage, and fully and completely
releases said real estate from the lien of said
mortgage: that on the 10th day of November,
1398, said Robert Kittle died intestate, in Okla
homa City in the territory of Oklahoma; that
afterwards on the 'Uth day of Decern bfr, lji,
in Oklahoma County in the territory of Okla
homa, M. Adelaide Kittle was duly appointed
administratrix of the estate of Robert Kittle,
deceased; that she duly qualified as such and
is now the sole and only qualified and acting
administratrix of said estate.
Said administratrix in said Bill of Revivor,
asks that said cause be revived in the name of
said administratrix, and for such other relief
as may ba just anaqultaoje.
You are required to answer saia Din on or t
fore the 23d day of tvptnmbor, 1901.
estate of Robert Kittle,
Administratrix of tl
By Doyle fc Berge, 1
ter attorneys.