The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 22, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    August 22, 1001
I Blanke's Coffees........ I
2 Iirfrtent ib product of years of experience. They are
r tie xuit of tha moat careful handling and attention that "
Zz ri;-ru can biow. They can't help but be (food the BEST.
ss I fWJ J DLlLIiL Ping a rich, delicious flavor
not known to any other brand. S
Ib fart FAUST BLEND fcas no equaL
nnllW PAMOUB COFFEE u served exclusively on S
SS I the PuUssaa Dining and Buffet Cars; on the elegant
& of the Ocean Steamship Co., of New York j
szs and Kaiar.taii: c-n the Dicing- car of the Denver Jk Rio EE
ZZZ Ciraud. the Baltimore A Ohio, the Wabash, Lake Shore and z
New York Ostral Ilaiiroad. , SjjS
1 C. F. BLAME TEA & COFFEE CO., St. Louis, MoJ
r Promoter tA htp $rds and Proprs. of the most complete Coffee Plant in the world
f 1. 1. JG1SST0N, kgtzt ia 5sb.
iiB&NCH HOUSKS-Mw Tor k,18 E 14th
Bt. Cbieaa-o. 42-41 Michigan Are.;:
KtMu City, iZi DeUwaro St.
Our stack of C. F. Bhnke L Co's. Coffees is Always Complete.
j Tucker Bros., Cor. 10th & PSts., Lincoln,Neb. g
Th r''Hotg ja;-r was read by C.
J. It,jtlty.
crat. Wforr XL
u- N-tra.l-. a press asso-iii-t
f- sou :
in &tx-ctptitiK ruj into tl.e tlrd
a jirtr-i-. I tat- undertaken a
I-ru- tak, a r.d n is ita trembling
f-2r 1 -rf-r u;oa ti. utj'Ct: jet 1
i !L ''.wr. cf uj vat im
j?rt3are to tt roun;r aiii iadirt-ctly
fo f! -:tor. 1 ou.d rck ay reputa
tca a ?"Oi-L-r, t prut a
I thoastf- a:.-) arun,-t-f ir your
t-z.6-rht .oa ai.d. 1 future dis
ci ion ia tk r.';iuia of the press of
It .f far tare irajrtanre to you
than tLe r j-r la'-h fc-r patent med
ri . iL- i-.-vaaa; t!uixin or the ft. i!u:r tLu thi. it is
uL:c tL- if iRfr of t.r editor to
t ,k- ,r Xi .i ';u-ft:oa, s-Tu ly It and
;:.'.:! a sr.U-
Iake. till millions of tons of stored
water, which formerly remained with
us, till July and August, are now safe
ly stored in the Gulf of Mexico and the
Atlantic ocean. The distance is so
great that the vapor rising from the
gulf and ocean precipitates before it
j gets as far north as the Dakotas, ana
i frequently only a small part reaches
our own beautiful Nebraska. This is
j man's fault; and he should restore
out for recrnon and a , Thu is the problem we must solve
'" - ' 2ti-r-' argument. , amJ which , have undertaken in this
; L. I.' atU Water fctOr- s K.r,r. r,, cmnK- tha oil- with
home additional moisture is the rem
' edy, and since man has cut off the lo
; cal supply, it is his duty to restore it.
! To do this he need not reconvert his
J Cue fields into noisy frog ponds nor
I miasmatic swamps; but he can utilize
the draws, ravines, creeks, and rivers
for such purposes, and store therein
I millions of tons of water to be evap-
orated by the July sun, and thu3 add
j some moisture to the dry air, extin
j guishing the fire in the hot winds and
; insure rain when the temperature
i changes.
I In discussing this question with
some. I occasionally get the reply, "Oh,
it rains just because it rains." It does
i tint !fi a n vt h i n i nt tho trinrl It mine
V ' because there is sufficient moisture In
; ,it- eort to re-
A-sx. . its r.: pa
n,eat it . v . - l La'
tfjll: & f W-i'.i" it I-'i I
71'-re La. t--a of
ir irrtiratKra pur.- and congress j
prt'pr'.aTiwa for -j h pur;o- i now
;n t.. t-a-! t,f !h- commute on agri-r-ilt'ire. : wll eaough to far as
it r' . tx-t ;! jf.- :. t aim to elimi-
t.ate ti.- fi'if.
Irtiai3 r-i ia- effKt. ll is well
karwn taat tt- creeks and rivers do
r.o? -upj-'.y uff'ieat water to irrigate
tair saiVjis, l,-are the main body or
ti!UL if irf: without water, for
t-'.et i--tz T-is jfc. what tbe reat
j.ortfcej.t ik "'p agairt." at this
i the air and conditions are just right
for condensing vapor or clouds. It
never would rain, except for a change
in density and temperature, which oc
curs, as I have stated, every six or
j w?ven days. This allows Ave or six
days for evaporating water and one
i or two for condensing the vapor,
j 1 well remember the sloughs or
e .1 .11 t . r l, i i Ai . i
--u-aTlv will onlv i m eurasKi iu me eari
jeut up. May June mornings, but they
are no more.
The water rates paid in one year to
ditch owners would buili all the dams
needed in that community. Then I
j ask. why not begin the work systemat
i it-ally? Let the farmers take the lead
gress should take hold with the mighty
hand of . the nation and make great res
ervoirs along the larger rivers, to store
the surplus water in-the spring time,
thus minimizing the danger of floods
along the lower - Mississippi and save
the expenui.ure of many millions an
nually for protection only against hign
Store this flood water in the wide
valleys of the Missouri, the Plattes,
Loups, Niobrara, White, vieyenne,
Moreau, Grand, Cannon Ball, Heart,
Little Missouri, Yellowstone, Big Horn,
M'ilk, Musselshell, Gallatin, Madison
and Jefferson to the north of us, and
the Republican, . Solomon, Arkansas,
Cimmaron, Canadian, Red, Pecas and
Rio Grande del Norte rivers to the
south and southwest, and great floods
will disappear; .the water will be held
in the upper regions till later in the
season, when the danger to the lower
Mississippi is passed; and then, after
it 'has ascended to earth as refresh
ing rain, time and again, dispelling the
hot winds and filling plant life with
vigor only obtained from natural irri
gation, much of it will be retained here
permanently. Then the plateaus and
the valleys will sing together a new
song; the god of the harvest will re
ward with a generous hand, those who
have plowed deep and planted early,
and the possibilities of this vast re
gion, 1,000 miles wide and 2,000 long,
cannot be comprehended; but the
grain and meat produced will he suf
ficient to feed 500,000,000 people-, for
nowhere is there such a fine, smooth,
rich surface, free from root and stone,
with an elevation high enough to be
healthful and seasonable. The stout
of limb and quick of intellect will be
developed in such an altitude in such
a climate; and the material wealth of
this great region cannot be estimated.
It will then rain in western Nebraska
and eastern Colorado as often and as
much as it now does in eastern Nebras
ka and western Iowa. To produce these
conditions, it will not require great ef
fort nor the expenditure of as much
money as has been appropriated each
year by congress for river and harbor
purposes. The returns from the latter
are not appreciable, while from the
former, a thousand fold would be re
turned; and we would not build or pro
vide for today, tomorrow or this gen
eration; but for a thousand years.
Now my fellow quill-drivers I am
done. I can only ask your pardon for
presenting this lengthy dissertation on
natural irrigation, dry weather and
hot winds, out of season. It would be
more appropriate on a hot, dry July
day, in the shade, yet this is the time
to prepare for the future, and if I have
entertained you with one new thought,
or if I should succeed in inducing you
to discuss the question in your valua
ble papers, the coming year, my labors
will not be in vain, and the 20th cen
tury will be the better because you and
I have attended the Nebraska state
press meeting. C. J. BOWLBY.
i 'i T i tto re oil tho tvotnr Vi ck ro r in V c avoidance or ir- ! ."-
Is t!
object of this
O i.
i.jt - hvr-d forty
cr tf'.y year. ad aave traveled or re-t-.dM
ia ay of ft- t-taf-s wet of the
til'M. mill r- U the many sloughs.
ttt',4, :..a'. uadrained bo
;. t laa-i ia w-tern Ohio, aorth-
t ra Itilsaaa,'?. ail over j
i draws on ins land, anl by planting
i trees around the edges of the pools
soon have wood to burn. He would
i have plenty of water for his stock,
i as it does not become stagnant in
these altitudes; numerous springs will
break forth in the valleys and the
i volume of water in the creeks and riv
er; win remain more unnorm, tnus
l,.m aI..i t.,t:rl Mioi;ri in manv t muj uuuwus " imicu6
j.'acs in Ne,rai-ka. Kaas. Wleon- ior mills and factories.
;a ai M:aita, and Lave observed j I have made a rough estimate of
:s tte pr:a.i; aai arly unmer, the i the surface area of water we would
"ud tf or ;4;r that aroe like j have in Nebraska, if two dams were
ft2-iu fr-ra !! .-- wamps and lake- built on each eighty in the state, re
lt aad -J ay oa tae morning taining two pools of water, say 40x200
re-i-. ifr;ii twas of water in the j feet each, which all will admit con
farm cf tapor. i ais. i nature's meth- templates only a small outlay of mon
s. J f .::! i-f. xl- atttoepLere with a ey. entirely practicable, and can be
a ifJit irat amouat
ra.a to fall L a
ture (-f r. a change toast- about i such pools on each eighty in the state
-ry ; r a days aad if is noted I of Nebraska, would in the aggregate
iu ia- k cio si ia warai weather i make ttree lakes, eacli a mile wide froai xl,- i.orth or northwest; and IIS miles long. S-ich large bodies
of a. opiate to cause I built in a day or two by any farmer
i-e in tempera- with a plow, scraper and team. Two
a caa:
wte of cold air i of water In our state, ivery one will
a-iag iato t im :no:t ataiosphere, i agree, would be of the greatest benefit
; r
-.jce ! :
t..t -i".
thfx-, aad if there is to the country.
re:p.tatioa will ' But these pools are only the drops
of water which the individual of his
Yo-i trav-; oer the nates j own effort can secure, store or retain
iUe aat.'.a I low, only thirty J throughout the year. We next should
year L- aatarai paeaomeua of j look for help from the county, which
log r; aa 1 ia vain for the ! under proper legislation and restric-
f lo or ti e'ay ground. All j tion should build and maintain, under
t -.t I Ls- te-a traafora. ! into the i supervision, dams across the creeks at
f.a-t aa l tt of grain producing - proper places, to store larger bodies of
?.;;. This is wLat raaa has done. He j water. The state should take up the
at ati?:iej ::a a part or use ; matter ana aam me smauer rivers at
rsrfac-. I,- aat'-i the waole of it.
i a J prw---!-d to d.tch and drain with
uiirr. ail thee aaturai reservoirs and
suitable places and store great bodies
of water for evaporation, and still
have water power for sale.. Then con-
Nebraska State Fair, 1901
For thirty-two years past, good
crops or poor crops, the Nebraska
state board of agriculture, true to its
duty, has annually presented to the
public, at its fairs, the products, re
sources and possibilities of this won
derful young state, the flower of the
New West, a region of country known
until a few years ago comparatively
as a barren waste. These products
have been, found, on actual examina
tion, without superiors anywhere,
S. 4. Tte B. Kuppenheimer &. Co., and The Stein-Bloch Co., both as to quality and yields. This
retoa;iei3 aa over America as the best made, Dest nuing, oesi i year corn ana vegetables nave oeen
ok are
eaaluy cloih;ag.
ihiaiy Ijw pncs oa thes well known makes. It is worth romethlng to
trade with a wtil kaowa, reliable and established house. Satisfaction or
yo-r c-oaey tack.
Hay de a JU;o'. Wholesale Sujply House is the best equipped for mail or-&-r
ia" America. All orders and inquiries given prompt and most careful
atteatioa. Write for catalogue of any goods you need. Get our Piano Booklet.
At J-.t'i there are Kaacy Cassimeres and Worsteds, Blue Black Cheviots
aad Oiford Viiiurt. tt regular J'i.uO values.
At $7j xLt- are Brown Mixed Scotch Cheviots. Fine Blue Serges, Black
aad li:a Clay Wortds aad other excellent tailored suits, the regular $15.00
At $;o.v ta re are Fine Fancy Worsteds of Imported and domestic fab
ric. Faary Twrds. Extra Fine Thibet, in over &0 new, stylish patterns.
They are iLe Stein-Bloc h Tailor-Made Garments. No such suits were ever
4.2ere4 l-f-r- for l-b ttan
At S 12 l'i Here are Unfinished Worsteds and nobby patterns in Finest
Caasiaier". Sax that are worth and sold elsewhere up to 25.00.
At JtiA'J they are the finest suits these manufacturers turned out who
are ktows to be the best in all America. These suits are made from the
raost jjopular patterns, and the newest thing3 such as the new military, var
iity aad EagLuh walking styles. These suits can only be classed with the
fl to Jii raade-to-raeat ur kind.
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C, Q. .Never sold in, bulk. All
druggists, ioc
The Peril
Once there was some very swagger
people in an ultra village not far from
the metropolis who decided that no
society yet bunched together was ex
clusive enough for them. Even the
Colonial Dames failed to meet the re
quirements. So they determined to
start a new aggregation that should he
the real thing.
After considerable thought they con
cluded that if they limited member
ship to direct descendants of Fernando
de Soto it would be sufficiently ex
clusive for their fastidious tastes. "A
Society of the Sons' and Daughters of
de Soto" was the outcome. All the
best people in the village proved that
they were eligible and were enrolled
as charter members.
However, there was one man on the
outer fringe whose proof of descent
was not accepted; in short, he was
blackballed. This made him angry,
and he started to investigate the sub
ject. One day he published his findings
in the local newspaper. The principal
fact was this: "F. de Soto died a
The Sons and Daughters of de Soto
are now known as the Elite Euchre
Moral There's a whole lot in a
name. G. W. WTharton, in September
Smart Set.
s'pecul Big Spot Cash purchases enable us to quote aston- j badly scorched, in some parts of the
state, it is true. And yet, in many
other parts, they are good. Small
grain never was better.
The fair management is going right
along with the fair as usual, this year,
Sept. 2 to 6. Have greatly improved
the old fair grounds, adjoining Lin
coln, lately purchased by the state. , A
new woven wire fence has been placed
around the whole grounds; all the old
buildings have been repaired, painted
and put in the best condition. Nine
teen new, large and commodious barns
for live stock have been constructed.
Water from city water works in "all
parts of the grounds. Railroads, both
passenger and freight, run into the
grounds. Reduced railroad passenger
rates from all stations in the state.
The secretary announces that the out
look for exhibits were never better.
Let the people all attend this great
fair, and with their families spend a
few days recreation profitably and
To make eows pay, une Sharpie Cream
Separator. Book "Business Dairying" and
ustaiogue ziv trsa. vv. (tester, ra. ,
wander when the' train is
tired. Overwork; nervous
irritation, worry and mental
strain exhaust the . brain .
forces and diminish their
thought power. Feed the
brain, strengthen the nerves
and build up new vigor, vi
tality and mental power. .
The greatest of all brain
foods and nerve tonics is
Dr. Miles' Nervine.
" Several yeais of sick headache and
stomache trouble brought on nerv
ous prostration and for, a lon time I
could not concentrate my thoughts.
After taking a few bottles of Dn Miles'
Narvinti 1 was completely cured."
Mrs. w. A. Thomson,
? ; Columbus, Wis.
D. 'Miles'
feeds and nourishes the
brain and nerves, over
comes irritation, and brings
sweet, refreshing sleep.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, InL
The Bankers' Reserve Life Associa
tion Presents Just Such a Record for
its Four Years of Existence.
Made Up of the Best Business Men in
the State. Constitutes One of Its
Elements of Strength.
The Bankers' Reserve Life Associa
tion of Omaha,, Nebraska, is the
strongest, safest and best company do
ing business under the insurance laws
of Nebraska. Its growth has been
unparalleled.' and its strength with the
people is -phenomenal. Entering the
field as the concrete example of the
necessity for strong home companies
and sending but Solicitors as
they have everywhere met loyal sons
of a loyal state and the people have
blessed them .with their abiding confi
dence. As a' consequence Nebraska is
already a center of interest in the in
surance world and friends and foes of
home, life insurance are directing their
attention to the 'Bankers Reserve Life.
It has recognised the-importance to
its patrons -of prompt payment of
losses and .-points, to v a long list of
deaths claims paid before they were
due under the terms of the policies,
among which are the following:
Daniel Farrell, Jr., Omaha:. $2,000
Jacob H. Barrett, Omaha. 2,000
Dr. W. O. Rodgers, Omaha 1,000
Fred C. Matteson, Sutton...... 1,000
Dr. P. M. Chadwick, Omaha 1,000
Charles G. Collins, Omaha...... 1,000
M'artin Schellak, Hastings 1.000
Fred L. Burbank, Lexington 1,000
Peter Askwig, Bancroft. ........ 1,000
James E. Cooper, Holdrege ..... . 2,000
Peter L. Buhmann, Creston 2,500
Johr A. Douglas, Laurel 5,000
written by the great Nebraska com
pany combine jn a most scientific way
the best elements of all the systems
of life insurance. Protection is the
sine qua non of the insurance idea.
Investment is an important auxiliary
feature. The most approved modern
forms of policies unite the protection
and investment features and the poli
cies of the Bankers' Reserve Life con
tain all the favorite options, surrender
values and other attractive elements,
The organization and management
of this company is one of the bul
warks of its strength and the surest
proof of its reliability and future
promise. Its advisory board, contain
ing the best business men of the state
and devoted loyally to its development
and interests, is the most powerful
single business organization in the
west. It is compact, interested, inval
uable, and thoroughly loyal. The
Bankers' Reserve Life
and with the active, united co-operation
and indorsement of the leading
citizens of the state, it is bound to win
quickly. No other explanation of the
fact that last year this company, wrote
more Nebraska business than its larg
est alien competitor need be offered,
but in addition to this organized force
scattered throughout the state, the
management is experienced, efficient
and economical, and
is supported by a corps of assistants
who have no superiors and few equals
in their particular line of duty. You
are safe to wager money on the suc
cess of the Bankers Reserve Life. It
Is founded to win and managed to win
quickly. . .
The best insurance men in the state
are joining its splendid field staff.
More men are wanted. Call or write
for terms.
properly come before it.
Each ward and precinct will be en
titled to one delegate at large and one
delegate for each 15 voters or major
fraction thereof of the votes cast for
W. A. Poynter in 1900. The various
wards and precincts will be entitled
to representation as follows!
First ward, 22; Second ward, 19;
Third ward, 40; Fourth ward, 36;
Fifth ward, 37; Sixth ward, 23; Sev
enth ward, 21; Buda, 9; Centerville, 8;
Denton, 6; Elk, 8; Garfield, 6; Grant,
11; Highland, 7; Lancaster, 29; Little
Salt, 8; Middle Creek, 6; Mill, 7; Ne
maha, 12; North Bluff, .7; Oak. 9;
Olive Branch,- 3; Panama, 8; Rock
Creek, 7; Saltillo 9; South Pass, 8;
Stevens Creek, 7; Stockton, 7; Waver
ly, 7; West Lincoln, 7; West Oak, 6;
Yankee Hill 11.
It is recommended that the various
caucuses be held not later than Sat
urday evening, August 31, at 8 p. m.,
and that each caucus select a member
of the central committee for the com
ing year and make all precinct nomina
tions. C. G. BULLOCK,
Dated August 20, 1901.
Peoples Independent Party County Con
vention for Lancaster County
The people's independent "party of
Lancaster county, Nebraska, will meet
in delegate convention at the Auditor
ium, at Lincoln on Tuesday, September
10, 1901, at 10 a. m., for the purpose of
placing in nomination candidates for
the following offices:
One county, treasurer, one-, county
commissioner, one register of. deeds,
one sheriff, one clerk, one Judge, one
coroner, one superintendent of public
instruction; one surveyor, and trans
acting such-other business as may
Butterflies for the Parks
We called attention some time ago
to an experiment that was to be tried
in the London parks. This was the
stocking of the flower-beds with beau
tiful butterflies raised for the. purpose
from caterpillars. The plan has been
tested in Battersea Park and prom
ises to be a marked success. Some
8,200 caterpillars were placed in a
small building, fourteen feet by ten
feet, . like a greenhouse. They were
reared on f reshcut nettles, and re
cently the winged insects have been
turned loose at the rate of 400 a day.
The greatest trouble that has been
found with the success of the plan is
caused by, the rascally English spar
row, who was quick to take advant
age of this source of food supply. At
first the windows of the hatching-shed
were left open so that the butterflies
would get out as soon as they were
able to fly. The sparrows soon learned
this and waited for them just outside
of the window. But, even in spite of
these bird nuisances, the experiment
is announced as being entirely satis
factory, and next season the hatching
will be tried again. Here is a sugges
tion for some of our park officials, for
no one will question that a large num
ber of beautiful butterflies would do
much to add to the beauty of our pub
lic flower-beds. Boston Herald.
Socialistic Communities
In the last bulletin of the depart
ment of labor, the Rev. Alexander
Kent gives an account of the co-operative
communities of the United Stat
es. 1-e Shakers report seventeen so
cieties, scattered through nine states
Mtount Lebanon and Watervliet, New
York; Hancock, Harvard, and Shirley,
in Massachusetts; Enfield, in Connec
ticut; Canterbury and Enfield, in New
Hampshire; Alfred and New Glou
cester, in Maine; Union Village,
Whitewater, and Watervliet, in Ohio;
Pleasanthill and . : South - Union, In
Kentucky; . Whiteoak, in. Georgia; and
Narcoossee, . in Florida. At one time
the Shakers had 6,000 members, but
now they number less than 1,500. They
hold about 100,000 acres of land, most
of it in a hih state of cultivation.
The "Amana Society," or "Commun
ity of True Inspiration," owns 28,000
acres in Iowa and seven villages, with
1,800 population. Each village has
manufacturing industries as well as
farming, and the society conducts its
own stores. They have saw-mills,
grist-mills, tanneries, soap and starch
factories, as well as shoemaker,- tailor,
and carpenter shops. From 7 to 14
each child is compelled to attend
school the year round. From 14 to 20,
they attend in the winter season.
Children's dispositions are studied and
their natural trend of mind is as
sisted. They believe in the unity of
God, oppose war and ostentatious display-,
and hold property in common.
The latter feature was adopted to bind
the members to their religion, and the
society has steadily increased in num
bers and wealth.
Mr. Kent next speaks of the Zoar
society, whose dissolution was record
ed August 1. Passing on to the Har
mony society, we find that it has been
reduced to a membership of nine per
sons, who pay out yearly $125,000 for
the support of their village, which is
situated on the Ohio river, near Pitts
burg, and is called Economy. Most
of the residents are outsiders who con
duct the business of the community,
but the nine members form the gov
erning bouy. Ae reduction of the
original 1,000 members to nine is due
to the practice of celibacy.
The "Woman's Commonwealth." In
the District of Columbia, is the only
one of its kind in the world. 'It was
founded twenty-five years ago, by
Martha McWhirter in Bolton, Tex. The
original members entertained advanced
ideas in religion and were then de
barred from the churches; later, they
demanded equal rights from their hus
bands, with the result that their hus
bands frowned upon the society. Noth
ing daunted, they turned their atten
tion to making money, and eventually
leased a hotel in Waco, and it paid
well. In" September, 1898, they removed
to Washington, where they have a fine
residence in Mount Pleasant. They
do their own work, raise vegetables
for sale, and keep cows. One of them
is a shoemaker and another a dentist.
They live independently, seem to have
money enough for their needs, and
travel at their pleasure. They are
twenty-four members. Celibacy .is
Stirs up the Old Record
All those who have lived in Nebras
ka when the old gang of republicans
with a 30,000 majority behind them
ran things to suit thieves, wdll read
the following reminiscences printed in
the editorial columns of the Bee with
a good deal of interest. The undis
guised scoundrelism that was prac
ticed for years by the scamps who
held the offices has always been an
astonishment to every honest man who
knew the facts. It was only the invet
erate habit of republicans to always
vote 'er straight that enabled them to
hang on as long as they did, and It
was only by the importation of 20,000
voters that they were able to get back
f5Pi?ll, 3
Mrs. Clara Makemer, of The Florence Crittenden Anchorage Mission, Chicago.
Mrs. Clara Makemer, formerly with
the Christian Medical Hospital and Dis
pensary, of Chicago, and present house
keeper for the Florence Crittenden An
chorago Mission, of Chicago, writes the
following letter from 302 Chestnut street,
The Pernna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. t
Gentlemen Pernna is the best tonic I
have ever known for general debility a
sure cure for liver complain t,and a never
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I was fifty-seven years old last Friday
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into power again. That Kennard
swamp land deal was only one out of
a great many of the same sort of
schemes that were worked in those
days. The same old gang is back in
power and Rose water was a very ef
ficient factor in getting them back.
This writer remembers with some dis
tinctness all the villainy that Rose-
water brings to mind and as he says
the same sort of .business has bobbed
up again. While the populists held
the state house no such , dirty, work
was heard of. The Bee says:
"Tom Keanard's .hoary .and bewhisk-
ered claim . against the state of Ne
braska for $13,000. alleged to be due
him as commissions for manipulating
the swamp land and Indian : land
claims has bobbed up again as serenely
as if it had never been laid under the
table by a half dozen legislatures and
the supreme court of Nebraska.
"The Kennard swamp land claim
agency was linked in with the prolific
claim agencies of .the late Patrick O.
Hawes, but, while Hawes managed to
logroll a periodic appropriation
through the legislature by his per
suasive eloquence and percentages,
Kennard's commissions failed to ma
terialize because they were regarded
as altogether too rank. As a matter
of courtesy the legislature referred
the Kennard claims to the state courts
where they could be considered dis
passionately on their merit, but find
ing no merit in them they were re
ferred back to the claimant. But Tom
Kennard is hot a man to be rebuffed
so easily. Having failed in the state
courts, he now seeks to recover the
repudiated commissions in the federal
court, and the attorney general will
be called on to defend the state against
this irrepressible swamp land claimant.
"Incidentally, the revival of this
claim forcibly recalls an interesting
chapter of Nebraska history. Back in
the early '70's congress enacted the
so-called swamp land laws that con
veyed to such states as Arkansas and
Florida all public lands that were cov
ered by swamps.
"In 1873 Thomas P. Kennard log
rolled a bill through the legislature of
Nebraska authorizing the governor to
appoint a land claim agent on such
conditions as might be deemed Just
and equitable. Within a few months
after the passage of the bill Kennard
secured a commission under this act
by the terms of which he was to re
ceive 50 per cent of the claims col
lected. The extravagant terms of this
contract were denounced by thg press",
and the legality of the entire transac-
tion was called in question.
"With this fat commission in his
possession Kennard proceeded .'to or
ganize .the now famous swamp land
ring, which had for its object the con
version of millions of acres of unsold
public lands in Nebraska into swamp
lands and the division of the 50 per
cent commission on the sale of the
lands-among the members of the ring,
which included not only legislative
lobbyists and crooked members of the
legislature, but also members of con
gress and United States senators.
"The plan mapped out by the rihs
was to. secure the passage of an act
by congress donating to the state of
Nebraska all the swamp land, within
its boundaries. These swamp lands
were to be selected and designated by
an agent of the general land office, who
was expected to co-operate with the
ring and share in its profits. There
were. to be millions in this deal, as the
agent was expected to designate as
swamp lands every unsold piece of
land in the state which exhibited the
least sign of dampness on the surface
and have it set apart as such under the
swamp land act.
"Bills proposing to donate to the
state of Nebraska all the swamp lands
within its boundaries were introduced
in both houses of congress and the
Ingenious scheme would doubtless
have succeeded but for the refusal of
congress to enact the swamp land
bills. The failure of the conspiracy
left the swamp land schemers high
and dry and the area or the Nebra&ka
swamp lands suddenly contracted to
insignificant proportions."
She "What happened when you of
fered to kiss her tears away?"
He "She cried worse than ever."
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