The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 22, 1901, Image 1

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1 I IT
NO. 13.
1 . .
Tb Wailiag mt T14a mm the IVeepiag
TC aUra Wee Mutir la
The Ohio Valley trails and labor
tseznblt. mad1 up of the representa
tive of raea la all labor organi
zation in Wheelics. W. Va., and vi-
ieitjr. Jan eefc tw'i . that will
Oft-at the X'ruofl 1 iij? to pro-
ie ::- fur lih-rary o2er-d Wheel
is? hy ABJr Carnegie, at the same
time adf it res-o'ution scoring him
m n :i-tsly.
t-ry t.ia i:
union was or
dered U &i to the poll on August 24
and tote gasnt tLe library. The ac
tion of the a.. nsbly Hit-acs the defeat
it the jrop.;.on. TL atemLly made
llie foiiying announ--riieit:
"In view of 5ir. Carnegie attitude
toward labor, it is the duty of the as-jjnt-Jy
cf oretu-d labor to adopt
ttf '..,,; r.t rr-eamre to j fvat the erec
tion of th: l;srra.-eful monument to
th is-n'.ory of the murdered hero of
Hoss s-iii. Ikubtles in the minds of
n.a:. thi -m a -ry l ufint a -f.oc
cs the part of Carne-rie. but is it
... e. r- r. -- T :i! tiriil? 't f vi rrKfni- In
retjre & part of Lis ill-gotten gains i
t'j th- tuan he has vktitaized? !
" Was it Mr. CUmeg:-' anxiousners I
for the thread cf education that caused j
!.. heatt to litcu'; like -t--I to the ;
crir of distress that ! t up at Home-
a 2 on thai memorable month of !
July in J-? Wa it hi delre to 1
pread i.atioa that tifed the finer j
instincts of Li nature to that the wail- j
Ir.K w i !o and ne and fatherless j
cnildrcn as as - t a music in his
a.r when he could have displayed
j-ace. happine an-J pro parity in
their ! ' 1 this any better than
the inheritance of slaves?
IuriL !r. t rr.' st:- act: basi-t-r
rir-f ty did he rtitapfct his
nrp'oj to ork M-Tt-n days a week.
t , : tour r c:y: here under j
ilf-i'f ha-a hae th y time to -ducate
Why did he. in if!
h fj l--p! :;U-r--tr-d in educat- )
the oppre-d. rduce the men's
j? i
"The nanie of Carnegie is drenched
m the hhl of h;s f-lkw int-n; it is j
firrow"! in the hearts of the father- j
j.-3-s msldren. and when mentioned at j
::.. : i. a-,i terror to arise in '
the hf-rrts of widow who lot their
hahaifd whi hchting aainM shack-
I- s of lav r Mr. Carnsie forced ;
on thenj. la view of thewe facts it is
o :r daty i t!.i the money king who ;
roil the -pprei waare-earntr that
it i ni'Tt puLiic r private charity the j
lai-oring tli- want, hut a just equiv- i
for hs labor."
Wr of I ial n r W brr Sh "txl
by ll.r f'na If! aud 1)14
CtmhI rrfc
Jflor Ir.d pendent: In looking oer
a laej. :;urut-r of jour paper, my at-t-.;.!.ui
is rftrsteJ by an article
haded "".!. thir-4 Wrong." and gub
headed ""The intat:on of the rphere of
ixan by ,a:.d tke ur.-i in mix-
u-jr ti
I can no h 3p woni-ring w hy won
r, who art- th-n.u-H es out of their
ti-i.rc" -hen they ;e as literary
i:ht in the o-urnalitic world, con
tinue to app-al to f ach rmall ignoble
tirnified in thi ex-
I-re;ion of "Man's sphere" and "Wo
us'i fcpTe." and the implied "Mat-on
and I it ion" Lin-" bet een. across
fcifh neither mut dare to step, for
far the U-a-Jiiifu! balance of human
i. ly-iZ. nr ill pt-t in a hopeless tan
g!e and I-andora's box of eriis be
jouri2 out upon the rce of mankind.
This production accredited to Dor
othea Ihx isi worth rtmnib-ring, as
The Ind-; ndtct atates tSne sarcasm
that?, but the c hi f thiUK to remem
ber is how quickly and willingly la the
athr of it r-a-iy to close the avenue
of advance to other who may wish
''j v p t-e ,'.. 1 the confine assigned
thrs by environment, for mutuality
i the b of real freedoTi.
To be ure I cannot intelligently de
fend tL:s jartiruiar fad of the New
York w o;nn. in all its m tails, from
fertual J-noVJg of it. but it seems
the boy ere apt pupils and showed
-s a;.pr-tiation uf fetnsnine arts, that
wili n.ake th.Si agreeable future com
pani'n for p;ris who do not marry to
adore, nor to "hook up" to superior
maaruiine dertlopments. irrespective
of n- ntal tot ?.
1 w ill arrant the boy w ho can take
an interest in such diversion will spend
h:s tveninr at Lome instead of the
-tr u is hi youth, or the saloon in
nanhod. will not srumhle about the
waste cf time and money spent on
tribes of crazy- ork and tmry stitches
which delight the busy and gifted
ne-je-woman, nor be mean enough to
ak hi wife to take ber hands out of
a hateh of biscuit, to sew on a button
which hi beea off for a week.
I have no patience with her remark,
"That if thes women want to fur
ther increase the number of old maids,
that l the EitMit effective way of doing
it. fvr when sll the boys are taught
to sew anl cfxk. thy will not feel
the ne-r.: o:
i-." Such sentiment Is
isguMitg, site it takes for granted
that e are rearing oar daughters to a
intic slavery, to sew and cook and
drtidre for the lord who bargains
fcokly to supply his animal needs,
with no bend of sympathy between.
Uff aspiration for womankind save to
o-mpy the place of a convenient piece
of machinery.
Ard then again, all boys are neither
ritg to take up sewing nor cooking,
for mt of them Lave little taste for
tnr sccofrspHshments. and usually
moat hate great Inducements or press
ing occ&iioa to make tl-a attempt it, I
and all experience proves that they
Joyfully hall a deliverance from such
This narrowness of soul, that sees
no good in plans wrought out by oth
ers of which it Is presumably incap
able, is a greater obstacle to the true
interests of woman's cause than all
the selfishness of the so-called strong
er sex, because such thrusts against
ladles -?rbo would better the moral
quality of our kind by appealing to re
fining Influences in the character
building of the boys who will be the
fathers of posterity, are unworthy ad
vocates of "equal rights" and broader
opportunities for women.
It is deplorably true that too many
would-be "literary lights" who have
an -'open door" before them, content
themselves with a frivolous notoriety,
which acts as a stumbling block to the
ranks in the rear. Public notice and
comments of common cr insipid acts
and attainments is not what these ex
panding times demand for woman's
The article in question reminds me
of an incident that came under my
observation in the Colorado legisla
ture last March.
Deing an employe, I called upon the
matron one P. M, for a little chat just
before beginning of afternoon ses
sion, and found two little pages deeply
engaged on needle work consisting of
coarse stitches in cotton on large
checked gingham, and their faces
beamed with pleasure as they proudly
showed me their achievements.
The great regret is that more work
along that line is not projected, for it
will yield far better fruitage than that
continuous cultivation of animal in
stincts and coarse material attributes,
which is encouraged by great dailies
and votaries of gross pleasures, and
planned to attract the curious and
thoughtless, the gay and the vulgar
everywhere, to that extent that liberty
is getting to mean license In its strict
However, I am glad to know and
testify that the west produces better
examples of progress and culture, with
its grand possibilities fast becoming
undeniable realities; and in the van of
the movement are found such ladies as
Mrs. Sarah P. Dicker, ex-member of
the state board of charities and cor
rection, of Colorado; Mrs. Mila T.
Maynard, author of "Wider Selfhood"
in Denver News; Mrs. Helen M. Gren
fell. state superintendent of public in
struction, and MVs. Evangeline Heartz,
twice member of the lower house of
the Colorado legislature, with scores of
others, all estimable and valued mem
bers of the home and test society..
Mrs. Heartz's faithful service in the
11th general assembly, elected as a
populist, secured her re-election on
the fusion ticket in 1901, to the 13th
general assembly, one of four allotted
to the populists and her plurality
ranked with the very highest of male
Mrs. Helen Grenfell, elected in '98
on fusion state ticket as a silver re
publican, successful In her position on
disposal of school funds, was again
elected in 1&00 on fusion ticket, still
the nominee of silver republicans, run
ning far ahead of state ticket.
I do not remember the exact figures,
but I do know positively that she
left the governor considerably in the
rear when the official count was made
at the capitol in January, for a Mrs.
Wilson and myself cast up the figures
on county returns, on the candidates
for that office, all being women.
It is not my purpose to make a plea
at length for "woman suffrage," but
it would be a wise display of talents if
htose who sniff danger in teaching
boys to sew and wash dishes, would
quit their nonsense about "spheres"
and assist to make masculinity more
refined and fitting for close partnership
and women more self-reliant and In
dependent, matrimony may become
more harmonious and congenial, with
divorces less frequent in consequence;
a matter of choice not necessity on
both sides.
The "woman's rights" question is
pretty certain to be a live issue in Ne
braska politics in the near future, and
I expect my brother populists to be
wise as serpents when that times ar
rives. The ballot once given to women will
inure to the benefit of populism and
true democracy, for women naturally
allied with them are better informed
on current topics and economics and
less given to prejudice than the oppo
sition as a rule.
Another reason why I shall look
for generoufe treatment of my sisters
in Nebraska la that the populists stand
avowedly on a platform declaring for
"equal rights" to all and ' special priv
ileges to none." Wherever the peo
ple's party avoids this issue or delays
its fruition, it becomes a man's party
and that detestable thing, a monopoly
and special privilege party, and de
serve not the palm of victory.
Do you "see the point," I would
make, Bro. Editor of The Independent?
If you ever want to carry Omaha
and Lincoln for the anti-trust, anti
imperialist forces, enlist the ladies as
co-workers, and sharers of honors and
dignities, for I say without fear of re
liable contradiction that women in
general are more industrious, more en
thusiastic, more conscientious in polit
ical work than men.
In spite of all the corruption money
reported to have been used to defeat
W. J. Bryan, and elect Wolcott to the
United States senate, not an instance
was disclosed of a woman insulted at
or near the polls, nor anything ap
proaching disgraceful or discourteous
treatment of the "fair sex;" decency
and decorum everywhere prevailing in
their presence, partially due perhaps
to the ladies sharing the election hon
ors as clerks and Judges. I assure
readers of The Independent I never
saw so much deference paid to our sex
as in Denver. I challenge the brother
in the. faith to refute this assertion,
that as long as you exclude your
wives, sisters and mothers from your
councils and the ballot box, you are
not truly a people's party, your state
government is not just, for it taxes
women without representation, because
it neither asks nor gains the consent
of the governed (woman), and places
them outside the protection of both
flag and constitution, and classes
them with the abused Filipino and
Porto Rican.
I leave the case to the tender mer
cies of the spirit of western freedom
and liberality.
Denver, Colo.
That ia What Polk County Loit by Having
Kapublican Officials In the State House
If the republican national adminis
tration had anything to do with Ne
braska's state school fund, will the
Stromsburg Journal inform its many
readers why, under the republican ad
ministration of Benjamin Harrison,
there was over $13,000 less school
moneys collected in Polk county from
perscus holding school lands than un
der the four years ending last Decem
ber? If a republican set of officials
can bring about the prosperity that the
Journal would have us believe they
can, they certainly ought to be smart
enough to keep up the record made
by the populists. But they are not
doing it and don't try to. The facts are
known to everybody that when Uncle
Jake Wolfe went into the office of
land commissioner with a full set of
populist state officials in 1896, he
found hundreds of republicans scat
tered all over the state who were de
linquent in their obligations to the
state school fund and for many months
he rode the state over and compelled
these favored republicans to either
pay up anu keep paid up, or get off the
land and let some honest man on who
would pay. That is one way populists
had of getting a big school fund. Look
up the land commissioner's report and
see if it isn't so. Republicans are
financiers when it comes to helping
out the favored few, but only then.
School children can't vote. Polk
County Democrat.
The Perry Heath Oat fit Who Bobbed the
Seventh National of Mew York axe
Still Unindicted
,The federal grand jury has ad
journed for three weeks without ac
tion in the case of New York's Seventh
National bank wreckers. When it
meets again sixty-three days will have
passed since the crime that has re
duced scores of independent families
to poverty. Meanwhile none of the
stolen money has been restored, and
the thieves who took it walk the
streets unmolested.
There is neven any question of
catching the man who looted the Sev
enth National bank. They are known,
they make no attempt to escape, and
they are not arrested. Yet compared
with them the mn who raided the
Selby smelter were criminals of a
harmless grade. They simply broke in
and stole. But the Seventh National
wreckers broke something more im
portant than steel bars they broke
that confidence which is the very basis
not only of business, but of all so
cial life, and without which organized
society must crumble into ruins.
Against the burglar people can pro
tect themselves. If he picks a lock or
tunnels a floor we can have stronger
locks and thicker floors. To deal with
him is merely a question of mechanics.
But men must trust each other or the
life of the community must stop. The
whole banking system is founded on
trust. The depositor hands in his
money and gets not even a receipt
nothing but an unsigned entry in a
book. He trusts the bank to keep it
safely and return it on demand. Us
ually that confidence is justified. If
it were not people would cease to de
posit money in banks, and the whole
machinery of business would come,
creaking and groaning, to a disastrous
It is not necessary that all bankers,
or a majority of them, should be dis
honest to bring on this disaster. Let
even a considerable minority of them
act as the Seventh National wreckers
did and public confidence in the entire
system would come tumbling down
about the ears of the rest.
A few years Ago It might have
seemed to make little difference wheth
er a man invested his money in First
National or Seventh National stock.
The defalcation of Alvord might have
made the First National securities ap
pear rather the .less desirable. But
the other day the First National bank
declared a dividend of 1950 per cent,
while the unfortunate Seventh Na
tional stockholders, in addition to los
ing the entire value of their shares,
were' called upon to pay an assessment
of 100 per cent. Such uncertainties
reduce business to the level of gam
bling. They destroy the value of judg
ment, and make luck instead of
thought the essential of success. Chi
cago American.
Horses' Sun-Bonnets.
The wearing of sun-bonnets by
horses in hot weather is by no means
a modern Invention. In an old Italian
print, dated 1542, a gentleman is shown
riding on horseback with an umbrella
fixed over his own head and another
over that of his horse. In Mexico
horses are often protected by a small
parasol rising over the head, and a
horse similarly accommodated has
lately been seen in Regent street. UnT
fortunately this head-dress annoyed
the conventional "horse in the street,"
and it came very near causing more
than one disaster on the way to Lang
ham place. London Chronicle. "
The Kavlas of the World ef no More Value
Than so Mnch Old Scrap iron New
Invention Knocks Them Oat
A great many thinking men, in the
navy and outside of it, have been im
pressed with the possibilities of sub
marine ships. Walter Wellman writes
from Paris to the Record-Herald as
follows of the situation as it now
When the right moment arrives
France will astound and shock the
world. Already the French have the
oretically revolutionized naval war
fare, and it needs only a struggle upon
the seas to demonstrate their wonder
f ul achievement. They have not
solved the problem of air navigation,
but they have solved the problem of
attack and defense under the water.
Today they have submarine craft
which are thoroughly successful, emi
nently practical and which await only
opportunity to show their terrible de-
Already the French have developed
their under-water fleet to an extent
which is believed by experts to give
them the mastery of the Mediterran
ean. In five years they will be ready
to sweep the British Channel, the
North Sea, the whole stretch of water
lying along the mainland -of France
and the Iberian peninsula.
Unless mistaken in their calcula
tions, they are now strong enough to
close the Suez route to the east, and
thus to throw out of service a quarter
of Jie sea power of their rivals. In
five years they expect to have the
coasts and ports of England and Ger
many at their mercy. They hope to
be able to paralyze the commerce and
the fleets of the kaiser and the king.
For these striking statements I have
the best authority. The. truth is that
France has been quietly persistently,
secretly developing a line of naval
power which other nations have for
the most part neglected, and now the
naval experts of the world are fast
awakening to a realization of the grim
truth. Success has crowned the . ef
forts of the French. : They have at
last passed the experiment stage. They
are now readv for the war under the
waters. They have weapons, secret,
unseen, terrible. They are ready to
dart out at any moment for the de
struction of their enemy. Other na
tions have lagged behind, and if
France is not to be permitted to be
come the first of naval powers, her
rivals must rapidly bestir themselves
in the submarine field.
While the French have been devel
oping their submarine engines of war
through a long series of experiments,
the naval attaches of other nations
stationed here have exerted themselves
to the utmost to gain information con
cerning the new destroyers. They
have learned little. Never was secret
better guarded. As to the details of
the method by which the problem has
been solved they know nothing at all.
The experts are as much in the dark as
any layman.'
What Ihey have learned is that uc
cess has been attained. They have
just realized the truth, and I am in
formed that within a few weeks the
British admiralty received from their
naval attache in Paris a secret report
of most asounding import nothing
less than the news that British su
premacy in the channel was lost for
the first time in more than a century.
All the naval attaches in Paris are
sending to their governments alarming
reports concerning the French sub
marines. Naturally the United States
is less concerned than any other pow
er. Submarines are primarily, though
not exclusively, for coast operations.
There is small probability of their be
ing taken across the Atlantic. But
the representatives of those nations
which are vitally Interested in the
Mediterranean, the British Channel
and the North. Sea are finding some
difficulty in keeping their reports
within proper bounds. It is from one
4f these European experts that I de
rive the information given in this dis
patch. "
"France now has finished or nearly
ready to go into commission," says my
informant, "seven submarine torpedo
boats of the new type, 'Gustav Zede'
model. .Nineteen more are under con
struction. These boats are unknown
quantities; that is, they are unknown
to the naval authorities of the coun
tries which may be compelled to meet
them in war. But the French know
what they can do, and they are in a
state of exultation concerning them.
I know French officers who three years
ago were skeptical about submarine
operations, but who are now most en
thusiastic about them and are looking
forward with eagerness to a war which
will give opportunity for a demon
stration of the powers of their new
"What is inside the hulls of these
boats we do not know, and there is no
use of our pretending that we do. But
we are pretty well satisfied as to the
performances that may be expected of
them in case of war.
"For instance, let us suppose war
between France and Great Britain.
The English hold Gibraltar, and with
that and their fleets they think them
selves masters of the Mediterranean
and the Suez route between the east
and west. But what Is Gibraltar in
comparison with a fleet of submarine
torpedoes? If an English squadron at
tempted to pass the straits, the little
cigar-shaped explosive terrors would
dart; out, locate the big hulks of the
enemy in the narrow water while re
maining themselves unseen. Then
they would discharge their torpedoes,
and one great ship after another would
go up in shock, smoke and destruction.
It is doubtful if of a squadron of a
dozen ships, one-half could get through
the straits. The guns of Gibraltar
might just as well be in the hands of
the enemy for all the help they could
render against these destroyers which
approach so stealthily under the sur
face that their presence is made known
only by the death-dealing explosion.
"It must be remembered," continued
this expert, "that the French have de
veloped the submarine far beyond the
range of a fere harbor protector. Nor
is it now necessary that a submarine
be conveyed to the scene of operations
In these latest types there is fuel en
durance for runs of several hundreds
of miles. Already the French have
sent their boats from Brest to' Cher
bourg, and they will soon try to send
one from Marseilles to Brest through
Gibraltar. Without doubt the passage
through Gibraltar will be made with
out the British there knowing any
thing about it. We are informed that
these new 'Gustav Zede' type of boats
can run three or four- hundred knots,
part of the distance under water, and
much of it almost entirely submerged,
without taking in fresh charges of
electrical energy.
"If this is true, and I believe it is,
then t.e French in time of war could
plant the Straits of Gibraltar and the
waters adjacent ' thereto with these
mobile torpedoes. They could close
Suez by blocking Gibraltar. They
could make the Mediterranean a
French lake. They would have the
great east and west marine traffic line
of the world at their mercy.
"But this is not all. In addition to
the possession of a perfect means of
defending all their ports, such as
Cherbourg, Havre, Brest, Marseilles,
Toulon, the submarines would control
the channel. From Cherbourg, Hav
re, Boulogne, Calais, they could easily
destroy any ship of the enemy that at
tempted to pass. Worse still, from the
British point of view, the waters about
Portsmouth and Southampton would
be open to their attack. It sounds al
most like Jules Verne fiction to say
that a half-dozen submarines could
steal out of Cherbourg, cross the chan
nel without showing more than a few
inches above the water now and then,
themselves immune even if a great
British fleet were cruising there, enter
the roadstead at Portsmouth and de
stroy British men-ot-war actually ly
ing at anchor in the chief British
naval depot. But I happen to know
that the imminent possibilities of this
fiction being transformed into fact is
at this moment under serious consid
eration at the admiralty in London."
Asked if he was not exaggerating
the offensive power of submarines and
unnecessarily alarming himself over
the progress the French had made, this
expert replied:
"No; it is foolish to close one's eyes
to the truth because it Is an unwel
come truth. In my opinion the French
have solved the problem of under-sea
military operations. I believe the
naval battles of the future ships
against ships will be fought under
the water, not upon it. Already the
French engineers, encouraged by their
success, dream of building submarines
which shall be more than mere tor
pedo boats under-water cruisers, in
fact. Already they are building twenty-six
submarines of the Gustav Zede
type They talk of building 200 more
during the next half-dozen years. Un
less they are deceiving themselves they
have revolutionized naval tactics.
"Of course they have not said their
last w-ord. They are constantly mak
ing progress. The best of their new
boats are so much superior to those
they regarded as moderately success
ful two years ago that I am informed
there is only a general resemblance be
tween the two craft. They will go on
making improvements. They have
reached success already; now they are
preparing to clinch it."
"But what new principle have they
adopted what discovery have they
"We do not know. We are wholly
in the dark as to their method. It has
been Impossible for us to get any in
formation on this score. But this we
do know: They have made so much
progress that they are perfectly will
ing we should have all the facts about
their earlier efforts, while they guard
the secret of their later constructions
as if the life of France depended upon
"Not long ago a Frenchman was
walking on the quay at Brest. He saw
one of the submarine torpedo boats
passing out of the harbor, three or
four feet showing out of the surface
of the water. Having his camera with
him he improved the opportunity to
take a snap shot. He was at once ar
rested and locked up, charged with
Another naval expert, who had made
a careful study of submarines in
France, was not quite so enthusiastic
as to the future of these boats. But
he expressed the opinion that the
French engineers had succeeded in
meeting these requirements:
1. Navigation upon the water, like
an ordinary sliip.
2. Navigation, awash, almost
masked, but visible.
3. Quick submergibility, and com
plete mobility under water.
4. Speed, fifteen knots afloat; twelve
knots awash; eight knots submerged.
6. Ability to make full speed for
two hours under water without rising
to the surface.
6. Stability of submersion without
using the motive power on the screw.
7. Ability to throw torpedoes under
all conditions of attack.
This expert admitted that if these
requirements had been met the sub
marines were practically successfuh
Inert Brains
A Chicago doctor discourses as fol
lows on some of the modern fads of
"Recently it was showrn that the in
troduction of clothes into the Samoan
islands had caused ravages of tuber
culosis. Cabins instead of tepees for
the American Indian have done the
same' deadly work. The Indians have
been laughed at for putting their
horses in the 'cabins and housing
themselves -in the tepees, but it uas
been self-preservation. Even at Car
lisle, while every medical advantage
has been offered Indian students from
the west, deaths from pneumonia and
tuberculosis have been unusually
! "So, rather than to see menace for
a young nation in its mental activities.
I should look to its physical environ
ment. As to brain fever, the term cov
ers meningitis in its common accept
ance, and in this disease it is not
shown that mental overwork is at all
a cause.
"There are some peculiar phenomena
in connection with the brain of even
the most cultured of our own people.
There are wide areas of the best brains
of Chicago that lie inert. This is
proved every day by the fact that
tumors, lesions and even rupture of
blood vessels may occur in brain tis
sue without showing .mental symp
toms." T
The effort to force a complete
change of habits in any people will be
countenanced by no man who has com
mon sense. It has been often tried and
always resulted in disaster.
A Newspaper Man Tell Tliem What the
Public Generally Think of the
' .Thieving Outfit
The bankers of Minnesota held a
convention the' other day and passed
resolutions with only one dissenting
voice denouncing the authorities of
that state for paroling the Younger
brothers. They declared that it would
have a tendency to cause a repetition
of the crime by criminal admirers
and was altogether wrong. They did
not include in the resolution any in
timation that they were at all dissatis
fied with the pardoning of national
bankers by McKinley, the only differ
ence in whose crimes was that they
robbed the banks from the inside in-
instead of from the outside inside in.
The newspaper man, after some in
troductory remarks, went on to say:
"Even if the Youngers were guilty
of all the charges laid at their door.
they have never caused one-hundredth
part as much misery and suffering as
some of the thieving scoundrels, by
courtesy "called bankers, who have In
fested this state. The Youngers never
robbed servant girls, widows, orphans,
underpaid clerks, and poor, hard work
ing laboring men of their little all.
Some Minnesota bankers have! How
many of these smooth villians have
ever suffered any punishment what
ever? Not one in ten. - Next time the
bankers' association of Minnesota con
venes we would suggest that a resolu
tion something like the following
should be adopted:
" 'Resolved, That the stability of
government, the well being and good
morals of the people, and respect for
the rights of others, demand equitable
and firm execution of law, and the in
fliction of penalty for its violation. In
the failure to bring to justice the score
or more of Minnesota bank officials
and others who have wrecked banks
and thereby brought ruin, disaster
and poverty into hundreds of homes
in this state and sent scores of aged
and helpless persons to untimely
graves, leaving their dependents in
want and misery; in the failure of
county and state authorities to prose
cute wreckers of banks and the de
frauders of widows and orphans, we
believe a precedent has been set in
jurious to the well-being and order
of society, and one that may cause at
tempted repetition by sympathizers
and criminal admirers, and we depre
cate the immunity extended to such
scoundrels.' "
Populists Told Them So
The democrats throughout Texas
laughed at Barney Gibbs years ago
when he nroDhesied that some day,
ere long, the people of Texas would
wake up and find a big hole in tne
state treasury and lots of the state s
monev cone, if they did not call for
and have an honest "look at the
books." The dispatches from Austin
confirm Barney's prophecy. The First
National bank at Austin has gone up
the flume with something like $200,-
000 of the people s money. Kaymona s
bank in the same city went to the
wall on Monday last, and the people
of the city are wild-eyed and excited.
Barnev was not such a fool as tne
democrats thought he was. Southern
The Real Democracy
The real democracy of the U. b.
can never, forgive or forget Cleve
land's treachery and his betrayal of
the party, and it would be foolish to
suppose that democrats , who are. not
office-seekers would desert the prin
ciples laid down in Chicago and Kan
sas City to follow Dave Hill on a
Cleveland platform a . meaningless
thing, such as has been adopted in
While it is doubtless true that the
great hungry horde of pap suckers and
leaders like Dave Hill do not care a
rap what kind of a platform they have
so they win, yet a democracy of this
character cannot demand the respect
or support of such democrats as sin
cerely believe in and fought for the
principles declared in the Chicago and
Kansas City platforms during the last
two campaigns; nor is such a democ
racy deserving of the support or re
spect of aijy good citizen. Exeter En
It Is the Fault of the Great Dallies and
Could be Stopped If the Subsidized
Editors Did Their Duty
Lynchings are on tfye increase both
north and south, some of the most hor
rible in all history having recently
taken place. If the daily press would
make an unanimous onslaught- onto
this sort of barbarism it. woula be
squelched in short order. Instead of
that, the editorials are devoted to tho
most frivolous discussions and the
management is satisfied with reporting
the horrible details without a word of
censure or comment. Every man
knows that a public opinion B.gainst
the practice could be created in a
month that would put a final end to
it. But the degenerate and subsidize!,
press of this country is of no benefit
to humanity any more. The Indepen
dent is glad to notice one vigorous pro
test in a daily paper, a democratic
daily, and it is the only one that has
been so far noticed. The Buffalo Times
devotes a considerable portion of its
editorial space in one issue to vigorous
denunciation of all those who have
been engaged in lynching bees as fol
lows: In view of recent tragedies in the
south, it seems inconceivable that any
one can appear as a defender of the
lynching habit, which seems to have
broken out again with renewed vio
lence. The. old excuse for this diaboli
cal crime was that the victim deserved
death, and would not be properly pun
ished by the law.
This sort of an "excuse for an ex
cuse" cannot be offered in either the
Carrollton, Mississippi, case, or those
which occurred the other day at Smith
ville, Tenn., and Leeds, Ala. All the
outrages which occurred were simply
and entirely the unrestrained license of
the worst kind of human passions.
There was no excuse in any case. The
mobs wanted to commit murder, and
they did so, in spite of the all too
feeble opposition of the authorities.
At Carrollton, three murders" were
thus committed, two of the victims be
ing women. A commission, headed by
the district attorney, had made a thor
ough and careful investigation of the
charge against the prisoners, and re
ported to the mob that the three in
custody were undoubtedly Innocent,
except that they might have been pos
sessed of guilty knowledge In the mat-'
ter. But the mob was determined to
have a triple hanging; the victims
were innocent, but that made no differ
ence; they were "niggers," and that
was sufficient; so they were hanged.
At Smlthvllie, the man accused waa
being tried in the court room, with all
the due formality of legal procedure.
This man was accused of having as
saulted a woman. But legal process,,
although certain to convict and pun
ish the culprit if guilty, was too tame
for the mob' spirit, which was . deter
mined to take no chances of being
cheated of the chance to hang a "nig
ger." So the trial was Interrupted, the
officers of the law were fired on, and
t!3 prisoner, after he had leaped from
a second-story window, wras seized and
lynched; this, too, in spite of the fact
that the father of the prisoner's al
leged victim opposed the murder, and
pleaded with the mob to let the law-
take its proper course. His plea for
right was ignored, the prisoner, was
murdered, while the sheriff, a deputy,
a constable and the prisoner's father
were shot.
At about the same time that Jill this
was occurring in Tennessee, Alabam
ans were having a little lynch! ng-bee
of their own. At Leeds, that state, a
negro, accused of the murder of a
white man of uncertain moral charac
ter, was strung up to a tree and riddled
with bullets,- his carcass being left as
meat for the crows.
Not the slightest plea for justifica
tion can be made In any of these Ave
instances. In each and every case the
victim was in the hands of the proper
authorities, 'and would have received
proper punishment. There can be no
excuse, no palliation, for so monstrous
a succession of crimes. The right way
to treat the perpetrators would be to
arrest all engaged in the lynchings
and condemn them by legal process to
the death they have inflicted on oth
ers. Lynchings in the south or In the
north are a blot upon the fair name of
the United States and it is high time
that public sentiment made itself felt
In condemnation of these awful practices.
A Trip Around the World
The great mass of American people
are lovers and readers of good book?;
The rapidly developing literary taste
of the millions of our population has
created a demand for high grade liter
ature. Any book of real literary merit
and artistic value finds a rapid sale.
This is especially true of "Our Islands
and their People," as seen with camera
and pencil. The introduction to this
unique, beautiful work of art Is from
the pen of Major General Joseph
Wheeler. A corps of skilled landscape
artists traversed the length and
breadth of Cuba, Porto Rico, Isle of
Pines, Hawaii, Samoa, the Philippines
and Sulu archipelagoes securing over
1,300 photographs which are repro
duced in elegant nickel type half-tones
and beautiful full page colortypes.
The literary excellence of the work Is
in keeping with the high character of
the artistic features. The author has
a world-wide reputation as an enter
taining story writer and war corre
spondent. The versatile, scholarly
Jose De Olivares has woven a complete
description of these islands Into a
charming story that secures the ad
miration of the most fastedious, the
whole work being a fascinating panor
ama. Sold in Nebraska only in con
nection witn subscriptions to The In
dependent Write for terms and full
f n