The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 15, 1901, Image 1

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    1 X
NO. 12.
WLmmmmUMr Make mi Ar(nst ia Iefeae
f (! Tie Treat It Ulk Ut !
7kt -n be Xa4e
Powitfr is the only leading re
j at Jkaa ia the elate who Las had the
coira? to me-t an opponent la pub
lic dtte for the la&t ten years and
the esly c-dltor mho ever undertakes
to make a erious argununt la defense
cf r put Loan principles and policies.
For that the populism np-ct him.
whatrter thy nay think of the force
of hi arinznents or the policies which
he defend. At the risk of a little
mJori The Independent herewith
prlct th who article, including the
extract from this papr as follows:
In lt". when William Jennings
Bryan na hi first campaign for a
at In conr, and again In 1S52,
he boldly deiar-d that the duty on tin
plate was one of the most iniquitous
Tui li -ver perpetrated upon the
cation. Oniah.4.
Y- he did. &wd he never declared a
traer thir.g in all his life. That tariff
on tin, of nhka not an ounce is pro
duct d ia the United States and prol
atlf netr will be .was not to pro
tect an ""isiant" industry," for no such
indaary existed or exists today. It
was eoid-Llooded robbery of the poor
for the benefit of the rich.
The fce is w bragging about the
great tin industry that grew up under
the S!eK!sey tariff. lto.e water ought
to be athazs-d of himself. He knows
that Izr the tia that was usd to salt
a cine in the IJ'aek Hills was taken
cut rot an o'iitcm has be a mined in
the United States, The tariff on the
ten plates is o great that it prohib
its the importation of any of that sort
c-f too-! ar.-i has ral-d the price of
tin 2yj or 2.3 p-r rent- Tin is !o-lrt-i
ir t'i this country and the plates
are C;; p"i b re to th Ln-lit of the
tin trutt and the tol.bery of every Am
erltas fsjiiily. -p-ciaily tb families
cf the poor. The rich don't use tin.
bet th- poor do. A great long lift of
hat are call-d "tinplate raills" don't
aftr the situation or mak the robbery
l .
Th:s in from the Nebraska Indepen
dent, th oracle of Nebraska populism.
It is ty experience alone that all
tL-or; a:ut be tested a th-ory that
cannot taxd the t-t of experience
fi.Ua to th .-oa&d.
Up to he largest tinplate mills
at ti-- acrid were at Hwauwa, in South
'Vt. an-i i-ry box of ticpUte im-p.-rt-
i ;:-to the United States was
nanufacture2 In the Swai-M-a mills.
Yt not an ...: - of tin is mined in
Wa'r. The tinplate industry has
f.urih-l there bnau of the abund
ance cf ajithra;;te real and Iron a!
r.ft at th- very threshold of its mills.
Th tin w:th which the V.'elsh-made
t:r. :a.t r- roat-d Is mined in Corn
wai it. i triws;-rrt. d ty boat to
jf lii.w a.
Tin plate is not oa. of solid tin.
b;t 5 sscply sheet iroa plated with
t:z. Th t:n imported to this country
for maoufarturtag purj-o&e is free of
dJt'T. tut the ifcKinley tarii? placed a
heary d.y on tinplate and tiawares
cf erery 1-mption.
T a iTi 3kq, hn William Jea-2:r.-s
lirjas p:antl ttrnelf on the
f.iLr of t.. ho,-e in opposition to a
tin"! t.-ri t;Ep!ate, there was not a
r'.- t: ; factory in the country.
TcIaj- f ha fc-ral hundrel tln
plate mills which supply practically all
th- t:tpla:e that is u&ed in the United
Ti. .'!-' i-.-ii that the price of tln
jiate ha i.- n . raised --'M to J0 per
ci.t by the Mc Kin key tariff is oa a
jar with- th-r rt.les statements
tsatle ly the Nebraska organ 'f popul
ism in daliLg with economic ques
tiorrs. Instead ..f raising the price of
tlsplale p-r c-nt the mills engaged
in it masufacttire in this country have
sol i it si'ghtly 1 low the price it
I roi'ht lefore the enactment of the
V.hi it ia true that the rich use lit
t tstplafe fa the shape of dinner
pa;Is. l::(i. ?i utensils and tableware,
thr 4t tor tb bulk of all the tin
pUr i:-r ,-5a.- f.-r4. The tinplate con
t iiTi i Id ti.- rjrr.g of business
tlork?, j nt;-.sT dweintps and the thou
ax.1 oth-r p jr;M-s for which it is
iii-ei t y the rich forma a much greater
jwr-ntajc; than the Insignificant quan
tity of ;tsare ued by the joor.
Not only has the poor man not been
robbe-i by the revolution wrought in
he tinplate industry through the Me-ill::?-y
tariff, but oa ti-e contrary he
has bees sibtanti&iiy benefitted.
NVarly workmen are now em
ployed at r'oa In the American
tin plate mills. In an industry that only
a few years a:o was exclusively car-ri-1
cn fn Cireat Britain. The ad
va.tae cf having an army of 25.000
ir- a employed in a pro table industry
ia this country instead of draining the
ccir.try of millions of dollars annual
ly In paying for imported tinplate must
m apparent to every rational person.
e to whether the price of tin has
brtj advanced since the trust was
formed asd there never could have
been tin trust but for the tariff which
Mr. Ii'-ew2tr will cot deny The In-de-tijent
Is willing to leave that
qu.'tion to lis readers own experience,
as eU as the other statement that
while the price has risen the quality
has deteriorated. To get an answer to
tb-CTse jce-ticss one has only to ask
any ho-itewlfe fa the land. The state
ment that the rich use any appreciable
scvistt f tin shows that Mr. Itosewa
ter has cot 'paid much attention to
Tin. rn archlterture. The rich do not
P't tin roofa t a their modern man
aist axi palaces. The enormous
profits of the tin trust as shown by
their own reports, came almost wholly
from the poor. The tariff on tin plates
and terne plates makes those unjust
profits possible.
Mr. Rosewater gives on instance in
which be says the rich use tin the
roofing of houses and then says
"thousands of other purposes" with
out specifying one. His assertion .aat
the rich "pay for the bulk of all the
tinplate manufactured" Is not sus
tained by any proof. Mr. Rosewater
should remember that the populists
are like the man from Missouri, "they
must be shown." They will take the
assertions of no man as the truth un
less they are sustained by proof.
The cost of the transportation of the
tin ore to this country is but a baga
telle. The terne plates can be, and
are made In this country cheaper than
they are made in England. There is
no ground for a high tariff on tin
even accepting as true the usual re
publican arguments for protection.'
The imposition of such a tariff has re
sulted in building up one of the most
oppressive trusts in the United States.
The result is that all of the poor of
the United States are forced to pay
tribute to a few, millionaires.
Mr. Rosewater says that by this
means "an army of 25,000 men are em
ployed in a profitable industry in this
country instead of draining the coun
try of millions of dollars annually in
paying for Imported tinplate." Look
at that statement carefully. It does
Include the fact that a few men are
made millionaires by charging the
poor exorbitant prices for a necessity.
But is it good public policy to tax the
millions of hard working people so
that 25.000 of them may get employ
ment at the expense of all the others?
What right has the government to
tax by tariff duties the farmers of Ne
braska to furnish employment to a
few thousand men down in the eastern
Mr. Rosewater does not furnish any
evidence that these 25,000 men whom
he says are engaged in the tin indus
try would be rendered idle and be
come a public charge unless the farm
ers of Nebraska and other states were
made to find them employment by the
paying of tariff taxes, but that is the
logic of his remarks. Except during
the time that the coinage of silver was
stopped and the bank conspiracies
were in active operation, the ' people
of this country have generally been
able to find employment without forc
ing the farmers to support them by
exorbitant charges laid upon neces
sities. The statement that there is an
abundance of anthracite coal at the
very threshold of the tin mills' in
Wales Is what may be called "an as
tonisher." When this writer was in
England he was entertained by an
Englishman on his country estate not
very far from these Welsh tin mills
in fact one could not get very far
frcm them unless he went to sea and
was shown as a great curiosity a hard
coal stove. The gentleman said that
he had shipped the stove and the an
thracite coal both from New York.
The truth about this whole business
is that tinplate could be made in this
country, with the same wages paid as
now at a good round profit without any
tariff at all. The only difference that
would result would be a half dozen less
multi-millionaires, and the tax on tin
would stay in the pockets of the poor
instead of being filched therefrom and
transferred to the pockets of those
who are already enormously rich.
Glories in Savagery
The British government first denied,
then evaded and now frankly admits
and even glories in the charge that it
has armed the savage natives of South
Africa and is using them in its war
upon the Boers, just as It used the sav
age redskins In Its war upon us a
century and a quarter ago. Further
more. Mr. Chamberlain has tele
graphed Lord Kitchener that the Boers
are violating "civilized usage" in
summarily shooting any and all sav
ages caught In tattle.
For sheer "glory" the war Mr.
Chamberlain and his coleagues are
now carrying on in South. Africa sur
passes -anything which even Britain
has done In that line heretofore. - It
must make British citizens peculiarly
proud of their country as they see it
marching "In the foremost files of
time." burning homes, robbing non
combatants, "concentrating" women
and children to die of disease, and
seeking to conquer their unconquera
ble victims by exposing them to the
hideous calamatles incident to using
against them the "black beasts" of
Zululand and Matabeleland.
If such an enterprise does not pros-
! per, then indeed must Britain's queer
"god of battles" have forgotten all
she has done for him- New York
If Ton Would o Something; to Relieve
DUtreas. Eradicate Ignorance and
Extirpate Vice Yon Must Study
1'olitical Economy
The following is an extract from a
lecture delivered by Henry George to
some students some years ago. It is
of as much interest now as then. This
great man who spent his life to al
leviate the suffering and uplift man
kind, never uttered more forceful and
truthful words than in this peroration
to a lecture that was from beginning
to end full of wisdom, love and peace.
Such words must have a lasting effect
upon mankind. It is bread cast upon
the waters that will return after many
days. Henry George is dead, but the
good that he did still lives. Whether
the particular reform that he advo
cated would bring the relief that he
thought it would, time alone can de
monstrate, but that he did more to
arouse thinking men to a study of fun
damental questions than any other
man who lived in the last century all
must acknowledge. He put the world
to thinking and study and out of that
study and thinking will come forth the
remedial measures that will be a bless
ing to all mankind. His closing
words were as follows:
Gentlemen, if you but look, you will
see the need! "Vou are of the favored
few, for the fact that you are here.
students in a university of this char
acter, bespeaks for you the happy ac
cidents that fall only to tiie lot of the
few, and you cannot yet realize, as
you may by and by realize, how the
hard struggle which is the iot of so
many may cramp and bind and distort
how it may dull the noblest facul
ties and chill the warmest impulses
and grind out of men the joy and
poetry of life; how it may turn into
the lepers of society those who should
be its adornment, and transmute, into
vermin to prey upon it and into wild
beasts to fly at its throat, the brain
and muscle that should go to its en
richment! These things may never
yet have forced themselves on your
attention; but, still, if you will think
of it, you cannot fail to see enough
want and wretchedness, even in our
own country today, to move you to
sadness and pity, to nerve you to high
resolve; to arouse in you the sympathy
that dares, and the indignation that
burns to overthrow a wrong.
And seeing these things would you
fain do something to relieve distress,
to eradicate ignorance, to extirpate
vice? You must turn to political econ
omy to know their causes, that you
may lay the axe to the root of the-evil
tree. Else all, your efforts will be in
vain. Philanthropy, unguided by an
intelligent apprehension of causes,
may intensify, but it cannot curte. If
charity could eradicate want, if preach
ing could make men moral, if printing
books and building schools could de
stroy ignorance, none of these things
would be known today.
And there is the greater need that
you make yourselves acquainted with
the principles of political economy
from the fact that, in the immediate
future, questions which come within
its province must assume a greater
and greater importance. To act in
telligently in the struggle in which
you must take part for positively or
negatively each of you must carry
weight you must know something of
this science. And this, I think, is
clear to whoever considers the forces
that are mustering that the struggle
to come will be fiercer and more mo
mentous than the struggles that are
There ie a comfortable belief pre
valent among us that we have at least
struck the trade-winds of time, and
by virtue of what we call progress all
thse evils will cure themselves. Do
not accept this doctrine without exam
ination. The history of the past does
not countenance it, the signs of the
present do not warrant it. Gentlemen,
look at the tendencies of our time, and
if the earnest work of intelligent men
be not needed.
Look even here. Can the thought
ful man view the development of our
state with unmixed satisfaction? Do
we not know that under the present
conditions, just as that city over the
bay grows in wealth and population,
so will poverty deepen and vice in
crease; that just as the liveried car
riages become more plentiful, so- do
the beggars; that just as the pleasant
villas of wealth dot these slopes, so
will rise up the noisome tenement
house in the city slums. I have
watched the growth of San Francisco
with joy and pride and my imagina
tion still dwells with delight upon the
image of the great city of the future,
the queen of all the vast Pacific per
haps the greatest city of the world.
Yet what is the gain? San Francisco
of today, with her three hundred
thousand people, is, for the classes who
depend upon their labor, not so good
a place as the San Francisco of sixty
thousand i and when her three hun
dred thousand rises to a million, San
Francisco, if present - tendencies are
unchanged, must present the same
sickening sights which in the streets
of New York shock the man from the
open west. ,
This is the dark side of our, boasted
progress, the Nemesis that seems to
follow with untiring tread. Where
wealth most abounds, there poverty is
deepest; where luxury is most pro
fuse, the gauntest want jostles it. In
cities, which are the' storehouses of
nations, starvation annually claims its
victims. Where the costliest churches
rear the tallest spires toward heaven,
there is need of a standing army of
policemen; as we build new schools,
we build new prisons; where the
heaviest contributions are . raised to
send missionaries to preach the glad
tidings of peace and good-will, there
may be seen squalor and vice that
would affright a heathen. I if mills
where the giant power of steam drives
machinery that' multiplies by hundreds
and thousands . the productive forces
of man, there are working little chil
dren who ought to be 'at play or at
school; where . the mechanism of ex
change has been perfected to the ut
most, there thousands' of men are
vainly trying to exchange their labor
for the necessaries ot life!
Whence this dark shadow that thus
attends that which we are used to call
"material progress," that which our
current philosophy teaches us to hope
for and to work for? Here is the
question of all questions for us. . We
must answer. it or be destroyed, as
preceding civilizations have been de
stroyed. For no chain is stronger than
its weakest link, and ourglorious sta
tue with its head of gold and its
shoulders of brass has yet but feet of
Political economy alone can give the
answer. And. if you trace out, in the
way I have tried to outline, the laws
of the production and the exchange of
wealth, you will see the causes of so
cial weakness and disease in enact
ments which selfishness has imposed
on ignorance, and in maladjustments
entirely within our own control.
And you will see the remedies. Not
in the wild dreams of red destruction
nor weak projects for putting" men in
leading strings to a brainless abstrac
tion called the state, but in simple
measures sanctioned by justice. You
will see in light the great remedy, in
freedom the great solvent. You will
see that the true law of social life is
the law of love, the law of liberty, the
law of each for all and all for each;
that the golden rule of morals is also
the golden rule of the science of
wealth; that the highest expressions
of religious truth include . the widest
generalizations of political economy.
There will grow on you, as no mor
alizing could teach, a deepening reali
zation of the brotherhood of man;
there will come to you a firmer con
viction of the fatherhood of God. If
you have ever thoughtlessly accepted
the worse than atheistic theory that
want and wretchedness and brutalizing
toil are ordered by the Creator, or, re
volting from this idea,' if you have
ever felt that the only thing apparent
In the ordering of the . world was a
blind and merciless fate - careless of
man's aspirations, these-thoughts will
pass from you as you see how much
of all that is bad and all that is per
plexing in our social conditions grows
simply from our ignorance o law
as you come to realize how much bet
ter and happier men might make the
Iifetf man. , ,
He Gets Reprimanded by the Secretary Of
the Nary for Conduct Unbecoming
an Officer and Gentleman
There has been no more persistent
enemy of Admiral Schley than Fight
ing Bob Evans as the plutocratic pa
pers dubbed him, although he was
the only captain who took to the con
ning tower during the fight with Cer
vera. Now the navy department has
acted upon the complaint made by
Hon. William 1 E. Chandler against
him. It has reprimanded the admiral
and the following letter has been ad
dressed to him:
Hon. William ET Chandler, presi
dent of the Spanish treaty claims com
mission, lately a senator of the United
States and formerly secretary of the
navy, has complained to the depart
ment, as you are aware, of certain
strictures upon himself in your book
entitled "A Sailor's Log." The stric
tures in question are in the nature of
aspersions upon the official conduct
of the then (18S4) secretary of the
navy. .
The text of j-our book it is not nec
essary here to recite. Nor is it need
ful to ask of you an explanation' why
you felt yourself justified in publish
ing what you have. It is obvious to
any reader that you speak offensively
of Secretary Chandler's action; that
you impugn his motives, and other
wise traduce him in respect to orders
given you by the secretary in the dis
charge of the duties of his office.
You are informed that this deliber
ate publication of yours has justly in
curred the displeasure of the depart
ment. For an officer thus to attack a
former head of the navy department
because of orders given to him by that
official is a failure to observe the cour
tesy that should always characterize
an officer of the navy. If tolerated it
would unquestionably prove subversive
of discipline. It would tend to bring
the office itself into disrepute. The act
is the more reprehensible, in this in
stance, because of your long exper
ience in the service.
It has become my duty, therefore, to
censure you for this breach of the obli
gation Imposed upon you as a commis
sioned officer of the navy of the United
States, which I accordingly do.
A copy of this letter will be fur
nished to the Hon. William E. Chand
ler. . Very respectfully,
. Acting Secretary.
! Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, U.
S. N., Washington, D. C.
The Exact I-oaa to the State by Hartley's
Thefta and Bank Defalcation
' ia About a Million
The Independent has several times
given the items of Bartley's stealings
during the last three or four years.
That the people may have it in such
form that the republicans will not be
in a mood to make a denial, the fol
lowing statement is therefore copied
from the Omaha Bee of August 8:
The extent cf the loss to the state
by Bartley's defalcation and the short
age in the state treasury by reason of
insolvent bank depositories was em
bodied In the report of Expert Ac
countant Helbig and approved by the
investigating committee on Novem
ber 10, 1897.
- Computed with interest up to that
date tne defalcation was summed up
as follows: ,
Am't of sinking fund check
wrongfuly converted to
Bartley's private account,
together with interest $201,8S4 05
Amount of trust funds con
verted to his own use and
not turned over to his suc
cessor 335,S87 08
Excess of deposits in state
depositories over the
amount authorized bylaw 17,81V 4S
Interest on funds wrong
fully held from deposit
witn depository bonds
when approved and oh file 11.2S7 21
Total defalcation, with in
terest ...r $569,86182
In addition to this the loss
of the state in depositories
during Bartley's adminis
tration by the failure of
depository banks 271,522 08
Interest on funds tied up in
suspended banks from the
date of their suspension to
the close of Bartley's ad
ministration 28.S23 30
Aggregate loss to state. . 4S70.207 20
Bartley's biennial reports
show that the sinking and -relief
funds were in deposi
tory banks, but the book
accounts showed that
much of the time be
tween the reports these
, funds were not on deposit.
The iifference between
the interest accrued and
the interest received from
the state depositories is.. 14,287 20
Computing Interest on the
total defalcation of S569.
861.82, which is justly
chargeable to Bartley and
the sureties on his bonds,
up to the first day of Aug.,
1901, we have about $5,500 00
Or a total , of ($569,861.82
Trade Follows Drummer
It is announced by the United States
treasury bureau of statistics that Ja
panese imports from this country have
increased from a value of 6,000,000 yen
in 1893 to a value of 60,000,000 yen
during 1900. To secure this commer
cial exploitation the United States has
not found It necessary to take forcible
possession of Japan and kill 50,000 of
its people. Trade is not there waiting
for a flag to follow. It follows the
drummer. Sioux Falls Press.
and $85,500) $665,36182
Including the loss incurred
by the failure of they iate -depositories,
for Aich
Bartley cannot be held re
sponsible, the actuaFloss
to the state at 4 per cent
interest up to the first day
of August," 1901, will ag
gregate : $965,000 00
first little home and saves the rent,
and accumulates a little at a time,
until some investment comes along
and gives the industrious man a
chance to better himself. Many great
fortunes have begun with a very small
nucleus, but opportunities of that na
ture are decreasing., The wolf is never
very far from the door of the working
man. Contrast the chances of the em
ployer and employes in the following
trades from this table, compiled by Dr.
Thomas of Washington:
In every $100 worth" of hardware,
$24.17 goes for labor.
In every $100 worth of furniture,
$23.77 goes for labor.
In every $100 worth of boots and
shoes you buy, $20.71 goes for labor.
In every $100 worth of men's fur
nishing goods, $18.24 goes for labor.
In every $100 worth of clothing,
$17.42 goes for labor.
In every $100 worth of cotton goods,
$16.91 goes for labor.
In every' $100 worth of worsted
goods, $13.55 goes for labor.
Add the cost of raw material, ship
ping, etc., and the balance is still im
mensely out of proportion. When the
Herald says "We. are becoming
wealthy," the "we" refers to the 4,000
gentlemen alluded to, not to the 75,
000,000 who are controlled by the all
powreful "we." Denver News.
It ia John I. Rockefeller aid a Million
Men Muat Toil Ceaaeleaaiy to Create
the Income That lie Receives
The biggest item of news printed
in any newspaper recently is the state
ment that the fortune of John D. Rock
efeller is close to the billion mark;
so close that he can easily be called a
billionaire. It is a dangerous total.
Expressed In figures it means only
great wealth. The human mind can
not comprehend a billion dollars, a
billion people or a billion anything.
But, expressed in power, it means
everything. It is the labor of a mil
lion men, for a year. It is the abso
lute control of opportunity in certain
lines of business, and it is a concen
tration of wealth that is a menace to
Wealth is a good thing. Fortune
and the comforts, the opportunities to
do good, that go with it are desirable.
Existence without ambition and the
desire . to rise and prosper would be
But the billion-dollar fortune isn't
all a matter of superior intelligence
and big brains and ability.
I It is a combination of favoritism
and downright dishonesty that would
make a highwayman blush. The live-and-let-Iive
plan has been perverted.
The whole Rockefeller idea has been
and is live and grow rich at the ex
nense of the other fellow. Put him
jout of business. Buy him out! Crush
The Republican Band Masters Havel-oat
Their Nerve and are not ao Certain
About Prosperity
There seems to be a certain uneasy
feeling in some quarters that the Mc
Kmley prosperity of the present,
which has come from the golden
Klondike and our own mines, should
be regarded with chastened joy. It
is as if it was too good to be true, and
rather puzzling at the same time. The
prosperity proclaimers feel that there
is somebody singing fiat in their chor
us. They have not located the sound,
but it is there, and its discord, faint
and muffled though it may be, is so
1 insistent that it cannot be utterly dis
Not long since the New York Herald
devoted considerable space to the 3.
828 millionaires of the United States,
and in doing so became impressed with
the power of these gentlemen:
"One two-hundredth part cf one per
cent of the population of the United
states, or one person out of every
20,000," says the Herald, "controls
about one-fifth of the nation's wealth;
that is, 3.S2S millionaires out of a
population little in excess of 76,000.000
own $16,000,000,000 of the $81,750,000.
000 at which our entire property is
fairly valued, tn the first quarter of
the century just closed there were not
more than half a dozen millionaires
in the land, and two only John Jacob
Astor, in New York, and Stephen Gir
ard, in Philadelphia had sufiicient
wealth to make them particularly con
spicuous. Now we are nearly the
4,000 mark."
There is a certain subdued tone
about this that is refreshing. The
Herald actually seems to admit that
millionaires at one end of the line im
ply paupers at the other; that, given
so much money in the world, the more
some people have the less others must
expect. If A and B start out In a game
with $10 between them, and A has $20
in his pocket at the end, B is likely to
go supperless. The question arises,
is this prosperity?
There is more money in circulation
than there was a few years ago, but
labor's chances for getting hold of it
have rot increased with anything like
the rapidity of the opportunities of
capital J. D. Rockefeller Is probably
the - li st billionaire the earth has ever
seen, but he has wrecked a good many
other men in the billionaireing pro
cess. Such men make or lose, by a
single fluctuation in stocks, more than
most men can earn In a lifetime of un
remitting toil.
Money makes money; it buys the
hhim out. Take away his means of
Honest methods never gave one man
a billion. Somebody, a million some
bodys have been robbed of their
chances to make good livings for their
wives and children. Businesses, big
and little, have been wiped out. Men
who were conducting their own es
tablishments are clerks and depen
'2nts. They fought well, but on the
other side was unlimited greed, unlim
ited .wealth, laws that either favored
mon ties or were ridden down by
the sfc e; . not one moral scruple, and
a greaiachine that is being builded
to run and coin millions long after
John D. Rockefeller shall have been
harvested by an opponent even he
cannot defy.
These things are worth the sober
thought of every man that a remedy
may come." The increasing destruc
tion of the opportunity for individual
effort is today the most serious prob
lem that confronts the American peo
ple. It must be solved some day.
Cincinnati Post.
The Silver Republicans
The following resolutions were
passed by the silver republican con
vention that was held in Lincoln, Aug
ust 7:
While we steadfastly adhere to the
principles fdr the maintenance of
which the silver republican party was
organized, and are proud of the record
made by the candidates of our party;
yet believing that those principles can,
in the future, be best maintained by
co-operation with the other organized
reform forces, and deeming it unwise
and inexpedient to longer continue
our party organization in the state of
Nebraska as such, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the organization of
the silver republican party in Ne
braska be, and the same is hereby dis
-Resolved, further. That the several
officers and members of our state, dis
trict and county central committees
preserve intact, any and all records of
the silver republican party for future
reference or use. .
Lincoln,-Neb., Aug. 7, 1901.
v Won't Phase
Current rumor says that Mark Han-
na will reintroduce his ship subsidy
bill when congress resumes Its func
tions. The purport of this measure
Is a necessity for encouraging Ameri
can ship building, the plea being that
we cannot compete with foreign ship
yards. Before Mr. Hanna secures an
opportunity to spring his steal anew
on congress several first-class ships
will have been put afloat from Ameri
can yards at a cost much below the
construction price in any European
yard. But these circumstances will
not phaze Mark. He started in to re
coup the steamship trust for campaign
contributions and willTjursue the sub
ject until he wins or is knocked down
Sioux, Falls Press.
A Little at a Time the Courts Continue hy
Their Decision to Make Slaves
of Working Men
Decision after decision has been ren
dered lately, one following hot on
the -heels ot another, every on ot
them directed at taking away the long
established rights of American wage-
workers. The daily press, being whol
ly published In the interest of plutoc
racy, refuses to make any note of tho
matter or issue any protest concern
ing it. One of these days there will bs
an uprising against the courts that will
shake the very foundations of gov
ernment. One of the late decisions la
discussed In the American Federation-
ist by Victor Yarros, as follows:
Two decisions recently rendered In
the superior court of Chicago on
"blacklist" cases have attracted na
tional attention. Judge Baker wa3, so
far as the writer knows, the first
member of any American bench to
uphold the legality of the operation
known as blacklisting.
The case was that of a girl who had
been employed in a Chicago packing
house, earning from $12 to $16 per
week. She had been guilty of partici-,
pating In a strike and had been dis-
Her skill and proficiency would eas
ily have enabled her to find work in
another packing house, but the var
ious firms in this trade have agreed to
maintain a blacklist and to refuse em
ployment to anyone who had in any
way whatever made himself or her
self objectionable to any one of tho
combined blacklisters.
On her behalf it was contended that
the blacklist agreement was an unlaw
ful conspiracy to Injure; that there
was malicious intent to Inflict injury
by means of the agreement and that
it actually did result in great and last
ing injury to the plaintiff, by taking ,
from her the means of livelihood.
But Judge Baker sustained the de
fendant's demurrer to the complaint
and held that the girl's right had not
been infringed upon, and that the
packing firm had not exceeded its le
gal rights in blacklisting her and in
inducing other firms to treat her ia,
the same manner. 4
WThat one firm had the rieht to do i
all firms might lawfully do, hence, J
concluded Judge Baker, the concerted
blacklist was as legal as would bo
several independent and separate
blacklists. As already pointed out, no
argument accompanied this pronounce
ment, "
Judge Waterman, however, In a caso
exactly like that decided by his col
league, rendered an opinion only two
or three weeks later In which the same
legal conclusion was reached and in a .
measure defended.
They are In South Africa and the British
May Start After Them and Leave the
Boers Alone
Now that a new El Dorado has been
discovered in Africa perhaps the
British may allow themselves to bo
more readily induced to cease the
merciless persecution of the Boers,
whose only offense has been the own
ership of valuable gold and diamond
mines, and to direct their depreda
tions against the inhabitants of tho
Gold Coast countries, upon the pre
sumption that they would constitute
an easier prey than the sturdy burgh
ers of the Transvaal and Orange Free
State:. :.. v:v;. ;
The recently discovered gold mines
are at Sakondi, or between that place
and Presta, and Consul Smith sends
from Monrovia glowing acounts of
the mining activity along the British,
Gold Coast since the suppression of the
Ashantee raiders. Sekondi Is crowtka
with prospectors, engineers and riiners
of all kinds, who are flocking in great
crowds by every steamer to tho gold
country, A large number of A.merlcan
prospectors, too, are traveling; up and
down between Sekondi and Presta.
The quartzlte rock, from which the
placer gold is derived, has been found
and has proven very rich. : Mining
prospects are, without doubt, far
brighter, as a general thing, than in
the past along the Gold Coast. Sup
plies are coming in at a rapid rate,
while 'the recent railway construction
and the building of piers, etc.; can only
tend to aid in the development of the
mines. Now that money is being lit
erally poured into the country by great
mining companies and numberless ex
ploration syndicates, the confidence
reposed in the Gold Coast territory as
a great mining country will doubtless
be justified.
It is interesting to note, from Consul
Smith's report, that although, hither
to, Immigration to that region has
been almost prohibited on account of
the prevalence of deadly malaria, it Is
hoped.that this unsanitary feature may.
now be eliminated, or at least minim
ized, by dealing with it through the
recently-announced method of the
practical extinction of the mosquito.
In fact, the Gold Coast of Africa is
at present one of the most interesting
theatres of human endeavor, both from
commercial and scientific view-points.
The question that is puzzling some
of the Indiana. Bryan men is, Would
William Jennings Bryan advise the
democrats of the country to vote for
Kilbourne of Ohio for president were
he nominated and groomed by the men
who made the recent "democratic"
platform in the Buckeye State? Our
Standard (Ind.). ,