o August 8, 1901 T THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT -. -. . . are : that l!lllliin!lii!inili!!!l!il!!il!l! t oianke s Coffees....... S ' JWrMet thm product of years of experience." They breuitof the mot careful handling arxA - .tt.ntiA. . - . -. ... 1 . - VV . ce cant help but be RroocU-the BEST. FAI KT RI FWH w a HIGH GRADE COFFEE, EE nUJl UL.L.1 1 L possessing a rich, delicious flavor la fart FAUST BLEND ha. no equaL kWa th.r hrapd. S 'TS1851011?..13 fa "w exclusively on 1 J I'ullman panic? and Buffet Cars; on the elegant .. wamaaipa of tbe Ocean Steamship Co., of New York . od bfaccab; on the Dining car of the Denver fc Rio rs 'e.Uie Baltimore A Ohio, the Wabash, Lake Shore and ' rs " York Central Railroads. - 1 C F. BLANKE TEA & COFFEE CO., St. Louis, Mo. j Prwrnrttrt f hijh grad jotxl and Prepr. of the root t complete Coffee Plant in the world 5 J. IV JO2XST0X, Xjreat ia m BBaXCH HOUSKS-N.w Y)rk,13 E 14th EE Chicago, 42-44 Michigan Vatc).: KaOMS CitT. 522 DaUn( st - . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig About tb dirtiest and most abom inable thine that a sews pa per ever did M the malicious attack that the State Journal made on Mr. Gafin the ether day. If there Is one place In hades that is hotter than another, the writer of that article ought to be hast ened there with a three-tinsel fork Jabbing him at every jump. .No more honest man ever lived than Gaffln and the record that he made as OH commis f loner is the prBe of the whole state. The republican pipers declare that the only way in Increase our merchant marine Is either to grant a subsidy or dectf-ase the watfV-sf of seamen. The populists think that they know an other ay to do It. Reduce tbe tariff on goods shipped Into this country that ire carried la American ships. . That would Jflx the thing in about two min ttes. Ai it is there are more ships yaw being tullt in American shipyards than at any previous time In all his tory. '.. ... , . According to the auditor's report Is sued on the first of August, State Treasurer Steufer -and the hankers are doing very well. The auditor says that on that Jiate there were $82,781.54 In th treasury a pretty sizable amount of money but he does not til n la what hanks it Is deposited. Rosewater should renew the in quiries about that matter that he was so persistent is constantly repeating about two years ago. It sterns some what strange that he should drop the subject altogether. . . . - v The Independent would again .cau tion the public against giving any cred ence to Interviews or reports of speeches of populists or democrats sent out by tbe Associated . press or con tained la prial dispatches to the great dallies. Nearly every one of the- Interviews have been denounced a pure fakes ty the persons to whom they are accredited. The reports of speeches are always garbled. These dai'i 'are all published In the inter est of plutocracy and their news col umn edited by the father of lies. The chief Justice of Kansas issued the following written opinion, the other day: - - - - "I have a-een something of the world and t think I have correctly sized up a gnod many pc-ople In it. and I give tt as my mature and solemn Judg ment, based upon a careful, unpreju diced comparison of the many classes cf people who cultivate the habit of making a holy ifcow of 'themselves, that the average; college student is the raott obtrusive and elephantine ass that fronts the grievee and frowning face of heaven. It Is estimated by a competent au thority la London that rich Americans par the British government $3,000,000 annually la Income taxes. They do that with , not one-tenth the false swearing for that Is a dangerous bus iness in England and not one-hundredth, the kicking, tbatVthey. indulge la when they are asked, to pay their honest share of the taxes in their own country. -Tax dodging and false swearing is not looked upon; as a good Joke by the daily press in -England. It is the Tlleness of the daily press subsidized organs of plutocracy that makes the tax dodging In this country possible. ..... .,. 4 ' Congressman Babeock,' who intro duced a bill to lower the tariff on trust made goods that are sold to foreigners for a less price than American , citi zens and subjects have to pay for them, has become so badly frightened that he now declares he has no idea of. attacking the . trusts. He begins to find out that If any man in the repub lican party dares to attack, the priv ileges of plutocracy or intimate that, the republican policy of , "protection" needs amending, he may make prepar ations to retire to private life. Mark Hanna will attend to all such men in a hurry. According to Cardinal Gibbons the pope is as thoroughly convinced of the degeneracy of the cities as The Inde pendent has. been. He put it in these words: "The pope is convinced that the gathering of population into towns and cities is one of the greatest men aces to religion a the new, century, as rural populations are happier and healthier In body, mind and morals." Down at the Nebraska penitentiary under the redeemers, when a convict gets dissatisfied with the place he don't even, have to climb over a wall, unless t Js. a. whole squad that takes the no- tion at once, A while ago cne of them was out working in the 3eld'and got dissatisfied with . the boss.v So he just put on his coat, and walked off. So far as known, no effort has ever been made to bring Him back. We have had an army In the Philip pines for over three years, we have killed 30,000 of them, we have expend ed over $300,000,000 and now The In dependent wants to know if there is a citizen in Nebraska, outside of those who have held carpet-bag offices,' who Is one cent richer or better off, moral ly or physically, for all this bloodshed and expense. You have paid over a million dollars in war taxes. How much have you got in return? If any man has got anything out of it. The Independent would be glad to receive his report for publication In the next issue. - - : Bobby Burns pointed out that while the powers that be might make a lord out of a "coof," that to make an hon est man "was aboon their r might." Secretary Long does not seem to be familiar with the philosophy of Burns, for. he undertook to make, a historian out qt a Sampson lackey who is on the navy rolls as a laborer. It Is one of the perquisitles of despotism to order his tory , written to suit himself. ; It is about as silly, a performance as that of . the ancient despot who issued or ders to the sea. Secretary Long nor McKinley himself can ever, make a his torian out of Maclay. The Cheerful 'Idiot talks about the prosperity of the Philippine islands and gives as evidence of that fact the increase in the revenues. That is tak ing it for granted that the more they are taxed the richer and happier they are. ' - The plutocratic press is not saying anything about the expulsion of Ken nan from Russia. "Are they afraid that some remarks might be made" about the deportation of a" certain editor by their own emperor from' the Philip pine islands for making uncomplimen tary remarks about the McKinley ad ministration of those islands? u. Secretary Long he issued an order commanding silence in the navy in re gard : to the Sampson-Schley contro versy. It is now in order for the post master general to issue one command ing silence in the press on pain ofre fusal of admission to the mails. That would be directly in line with same of the orders he has been issuing lately. Bartley seems to have a little com passion for his old home in Holt coun ty. After he had learned that Clem Deaver was to make his residence there, he evidently came to the con clusion that ' Holt county couldn't stand them both and therefore made announcement that he would make his future home in Lincoln. . . It is announced that McKinley is going to enlist 12,000 Filipinos. He is so enamored of the British way of do ings things that he thinks that he must lay the foundation for another Sepoy rebellion. Twelve thousand Filipinos with the latest arms in their hands will make all. the old Filipino gen erals smile at the very thought of it. 'McLean went down into Ohio and fixed things so that Mark Hanna could carry the state without costing" the re publican campaign .committee a cent. It was very kind of Mr. McLean to pay the , cost of the republican campaign in advance out of . his own pocket. It is probable that Mark Hanna winks his left eye and remarks: " "The fool and his money' are soon parted." ' r s ' The reorganizers Jfeay that the money question is settled. Do they mean bj that that the government is'to con tinue to coin $3,000,000 of silver and issue $8,000,000 of bank paper per month forever? That is what.it has been doing. "Will they never submit to any more legislation affecting money? Settled, Is it? Such talk is Indescrib able idiocy. . v The republicans -carried Kansas and then trouble began. ' First came Carrie Nation and wanted all of them to drink water. When they agreed to do that it got so hot and dry that they couldn't get water. Then they prayed for rain but it came too late;to save the corn crop. Now they, say that it Is raining so much that all the wheat is sprout ing in the stacks. It was the first wrong step that lead to all the rest. They didn't have any such - troubles when the pops ran the state. - - All the editors of the great republi can papers are overwhelmed with sor row because McLaurin has been pitch forked out of the democratic party. ' If BE INDEPENDENT. READ: Did it ever occur to you that you are paying out annually large sums of money to have your grain threshed. It-"" A "" and that this amount of money saved and tsi aside far two or three seasons woald accumulate into a sum sutScient to pay far the complete thresher such as this Do you know that after you have bought and paid for ch a rig without ia reality putting your hand ia your pocket for a cent you would as owner of a complete threshing out fit be enabl-d to tave this amount of jsocey each fear? Did you ever have a crop rsised by waiting ia vaia for a you ever have a wheat stack burned by a threshing crew?. Did you ever have 13 pr cent of your crop blown into the straw by a wind stacker? Don't you, want to become irideiendent'of a threshing crew, own the thresher your self at a small cost, which can be paid for out of the money saved to you through its ownership, and thereby save yourself much trouble, your wife much worry, and do your own thresh ing when, where and how you please? This little complete thre her. is abso lutely guaranteed by the manufactur ers, and by ourselves, to thresh any grain that any other machine in the world will handle, and do it equally as well or better. It will thresh any thing from Kaffir corn in the head or fodder, beans, peas and rice, to wheat, oats, rye, flax, millet, alfalfa, etc., etc. Drop us a line. Don't be afraid to in vestigate the Columbia Thresher. You rwill find It fits a need, and the more you investigate it the more , you will find it will bear Investigation, v...v.. mr In thll WOrk?- Did Write at once to LININGER & MFTCALF CO.. OMAHA. Mentio" the Independent the democratic party "were such a hor rible organization as they tell us it is during campaign times, one would think that these disinterested philan thropists would rejoice that, so good a man as McLaurin: had , escaped from his awful 'surroundings. But there were always things about these pluto cratic editors that no pop could find out. , . , One of - the greatest dangers which threatens good, government, and . good order -is the increasing belief among the common people that our courts are no longer administering - justice be tween the rich and the poor. Several bodies have lately passed formal- res olutions declaring their belief that the decisions of the courts are almost in variably in favor : - of the rich and against the wage workers This is the thing that The Independent has been warning the courts of for several years. When the people' lose, confidence in the courts, then the' foundations of government are gone, c , In 1890, whetf-William Jennings Bry an made his first; campaign for a seat in congress, and again in 1892, he bold ly declared that ther duty On tin plate was one of the most iniquitous rob beries ever perpetrated upon the na tion. Omaha Bee. "r -V ? ' -Yes, he did,-and he liever declared a truer thing in all his life; That tariff on tin of which not ah ounce is pro duced in the United"' States and prob ably never will be," was" not to protect an "infant industry for no such in dustry existed or exists' today. It was cold-blooded 'robbery of the poor Jor the benefit Of thei-ich ; . x There are many and; serious objec tions to a lottery but "more and just as serious to a "rush." A lottery that could have been, conducted without personal registration , on the ground would only have increased the number of 'applicants and the chances of spec ulators. The whole thing was wrong from beginning to end. " The giving away of property, Is 'demoralizing. A plan whereby the actual' settler could have paid for his land in small annual installments, would have avoided most of the evils, ana if, any more reserva tions are to- be . opened to settlement that, plan or something, similar should be adopted. J. M.4 Snyder, in writing a business letter,, incorporated the following as his opinion of The Independent: "Ex tending the circulation of The Inde pendent, is the maintning. Nothing that comes I under .my ,'ye .equals ' it, . or comes nearly , up to t It leads in clearness of view souhdness of opin ion, discretion of, expression, fine av erage of selections;, from others, and courage up to the deman,d'of the hour. I would .be glad to get a thousand, new subscribers and,- should , feel .sure that I pleased God in doing it.. I, read. The Independent with jnore interest and r.e ceive more benefit .from ,'it than any thing that I see in current literature." Secretary , Wilson, has been sending out dispatches from. Washington de- claring that Nebraska and Kansas are semi-arid," "uncertain," - and not in the corn- belt. Nebraska and Kansas have ranked from first to fifth as corn producing states during the last de cade while their other crops have held similar positions. This sort of thing we are all accustomed to. As long as the grabbers and plutocrats hold the government we must; expect it to con tinue. The farmer-who votes to keep the gang, in power at Washington de serves no other treatment. But the mullet head will - accept it tinue to vote 'er straight, know any better. and con He don't The . Argentine ; farmer is . getting about $1.80 for his wheat and he has a big crop, while-the .Nebraska farmer, is getting from 45 to 50 cents for his in this year when pretty nearly every thing else Is a failure, but wheat. Ar gentina is a free silver country. V if the Nebraska farmer could get " that price for his wheat, wouldn't the mer chants sell some goods? But the mer chants generally hayent sense enough to know that ; high prices for farm products is as much a -benefit to them as to the farmer.1 They prefer to fol low; along in the trail of the trusts, which means a . few millionaires - and millions just above starvation.. Cfa with the dance. - '''. ' 'Theonly thing that is possible for the leaders In -the reform movement' to do Is to absolutely refuse to give an. interview at all. Let it be known that everything purporting to be an inter view is absolutely and wholly false. Bryan, Towne, Johnson, Webster Davis" and : others can't' forever be denying Interviews. If they have anything to say, let them write it out, sign it in their own handwriting and give it to. the prdss. Not one of the dailies will quote t&m borre'ctly and more often manufacture the , , interviews out of whole cloth, so it seems to The Inde pendent that the best thing that these gentlemen can do is" in some way to get the fact before the people that all interviews are fakes. .. : , A CLEAN SWEEP SALE Will begin at the store on Ilonday, August 12 th. It will be just what the nanie implies, a clean sweep a thorough cleaning of all the summer goods. Brdken lines, odd lots, remnants everything belonging to the summer season is to be disposed of, and that quickly. " ; There'll be no question about actual cost, no figuring of profit- there is but one motive, to clear the shelves and counters for the winter wares. - 1 " t s - .... - .."'"' . ' , . - - i x ' - SEND NOW for a special prico circular. Well mail it anywhere uponrequest."-" "'.';,; V"-- .V'.i y:':.-'''::::: ' Lincoln. Nebraska. : The Omaha Bee is now bragging about the great tin industry that grew up under the McKinley tariff. Rose water ought to be ashamed of himself. He knows that since the tin that was used to salt a mine in the Black Hills was taken out, not an ounce has. been mined in the United States. The tariff on the terne plates" is so great that it prohibits the importation of any of that sort of goods and has raised the price of tin two or three hundred per cent. Tin is imported into this country and the plates are dipped here to the benefit of the tin trust and the rob bery of every American family, espe cially the families .of the poor. The rich don't use tin, but the poor do. A great long list of what are called "tin plate mills' don't alter the situa tion or make the robbery less, v , With universal accord all the repub licans declare that the populists and democrats fuse for the sole purpose of getting the offices. Did it ever occur to them that it was very apparent that the republicans .want .to .beat Jusion so they . can.r get the - offices themselves: Do they suppose that any one is. silly enough to believe that they wish to beat fusion for "the simple reason that they want to benefit the people and don't care for the offices at-all? No one wants the offices but the fusion ists. Republicans all feel thatthey make a wonderful sacrifice when offices are forced upon them and they accept them with the greatest regret. The fact is that most of the republican edi torials on fusion are so silly that they would give a monkey the consumption to listen to them. Children and fools often tell the truth under the most unexpected cir cumstances and that is the way the Cheerful Idiot came to write the fol lowing of a recent court decision ren dered in Hawaii: C "It will be seen therefore that the shout that went up from the aunties when they heard of . the decision be cause as they claimed it was an impor tant constitutional ruling "In favor of the constitution, is founded, on no very stable basis." v - In the eyes of this Imperial Idiot it Is a ridiculous and shameful thing to shout for "an important constitutional ruling in favor of the constitution." He takes it for granted that the con stitution went the same way the Dec laration of Independence- did and to longer shout for it is ridiculous. Some "of the fusion papers are tak ing It for granted that we have the gold standard established In this coun try. Don't be fooled that way. We are not within a thousand miles of the gold standard and are getting farther away from it every day. We will nev er have the gold standard until there Is no legal tender money but gold. We have more legal tender silver and pa per in circulation today by far than we ever had at any time in all .the past. We are getting further and further away from the gold standard i every day and the further away x we get the more prosperous the people : become. There is nearly $600,000,000 of silver and an -immense amount of legal tender paper money doing, busi ness every day. To call that the gold standard is to use words without knowing their meaning. If you desire to know something of the discovery, history, people, climate, productions, resources and possibili ties of the vast island possessions' that have come under the protection of the American flag since the Spanish-Amer ican war, you should read "Our Islands and Their People." The Independent desires a reliable agent In every coun ty in Nebraska. Write us for full par ticulars. ' ; Hardy: s Colamn Loss of Crops The Two Great Ad mirals J Good Fortuned The Jour-1 nal's Tariffs Gun Rain and Prayer RainJ . ; " . The loss of half or two-thirds of the corn crop in the state of Nebraska is not the worst thing that could happen to the farmersA Had the same thing occurred lasti year it would have been much worse because the wheat crop then was more than' half of it plowed up, this year : it was " a full average crop. Now the thing for farmers to do is to cut up the corn fodder and sow a double dose of wheat this tall. As a rule if wheat is not winter killed it will make a good crop and if it is winter killed, corn . can be planted in the spring, thus the farmer will take two chances for a crop Instead of one. The corn' fodder that can be saved this year will be worth half what a crop of fifteen-cent . corn would be. Save all your, corn fodder and sell yours and It will surely bring a good price. May and Junj make the wheat," July and August make the corn. We are not liable to have a dry spell in May and June more than any Other state in the union. . Neither wheat; corn or cotton can be grownr by Irrigation and com pete with the section" that does not need irrigatibn. There are somethings that seem to pay out, such as fruit and vegetables and . perhaps some years irrigated potatoes may pay. It is no small job to irrigate a large field. The farmers of Nebraska have no rea son for discouragment. Count this year with the four . preceeding years and we hae produced 10 per cent more than any state" east of the lakes ac cording to the number of acres plowed and 20 per cent more than any state east of Ohio. Both of the two great admirals have got a foot in it, and yet their men won a victory hardly . equalled in history. Why did Sampson take the best ship In the navy and go off, out of sight, at such a critical time? Was he afraid? Had our navy been sunk he would have laid it all to Schley.' Was it very important that Sampson should talk with Shatter just as that time? Then why did he not send a little tug after him or go himself on a little tug and leave his ship where it could help in the fight should it be brought on? There is no use in denying it, every body expected a greater battle than they had. The, Spanish were supposed to have, some of the best warships in the world. If Sampson had judged the chances even he would undoubt edly . have stayed . there and' would have been accorded all the glory. Then, as for Schley, his ship took a turn to starboard when he ought to have turned the other way at the very be ginning of the -battle and let another ship, the Texas, take the post of dan ger. Then only a day or two before the battle Schley started for Key West to get coal and was sent back post haste and ordered to stay in battle line. Had he been permitted to go Into Key West, he, too, would have been absent from the water of blood. Sampson seems to be the pet of the army and also of the. present admin istration. Schley does not seem to be petted much more than Grant was dur ing the first half of the "Jeff Davis war. As good fortune would have it, the city, of Lincoln has a republican mayor, and council who cannot be bought as cheaply, in water matters, 'as the offi cers of the same party stripe were in the street lighting matter, a few years ago. It is rather out of the ordinary that they should reject the Hon. Joseph Burns proposition. It can't be doubted that he is one of the most reliable re publicans In the state and it is the chief doctrine of that party that all public monopolies must be run by pri vate corporations. The success of our city - water works is an eye-sore to that- party all over the country. If more water is needed the third Ante lope well should be located still fur ther up the valley. The underflow seems to be toward the southeast. The city voted bonds to light our own streets, but somehow the matter hangs fire, .millionaire corporations consti tute the backbone of the party; to break the party back would be awful. Congressman Babcock is trying to explain that all he wants to do to the tariff is to take , it. off from . articles that are manufactured cheaper In this country than'' anywhere else. But what is he suffering from or what are the -people of Wisconsin, his constitu ents, .losing because there happens to be 'a tariff on something that is just now cheaper here than abroad? Ne braska State Journal. It is a fact that many kinds of goods are manufactured cheaper in this country than in Europe, but they are, not sold cheaper, nor' as cheap. We have to pay .European prices with the American, tariff added. We are relia bly informed that American glass can be bought much cheaper in Canada or Mexico than in Pittsburg or Cleveland and that after the tariff of those countries has been paid and even then this government will not let us bring 4t home free, we must pay American tariff on American goods. Ought we not to buy our -American goods as cheaply as anybody does? Take off the tariff and they will have to sell to us at the same price. Our farmers sell to the manufacturers their pro duce, of all kinds, below European prices, and why should they not buy of the manufacturers at the same rate? ; Much is being said about gun rain and prayer rain. The big guns may have some effect upon the rain clouds, but we would think that dynamite shells exploded in the air up three or four-thousand feet would Jog nature much more than the firing of blank guns on the surface. Then we can't AY D EN THE BEST MEN'S CLOTHING IN AMERICA AT A SAVING OF FULLY ONE-THIRD ON THE PRICES : USUALLY CHARGED FOR INFERIOR GRADES. - The H S. & M., The B. Kuppenheimer & Co., and The Stein-Bloch Co.. makes are recognized all over America as the best made, best fitting, best quality clothing. Special Big Spot Cash purchases enable us to quote aston ishingly low prices on these well known makes. It is worth romething to trade with a well known, reliable and established house. Satisfaction or your money back. Hayden Bros'. Wholesale Supply House is the best equipped for mall or ders in America. All 'orders and inquiries given prompt and most careful attention. Write for catalogue of any goods you need. Get our Piano Booklet. At $5.00 -there are Fancy. Cassimeres and Worsteds, Blue Black Cheviots and Oxford Mixtures, the regular $9.00 values. At $7.50 there are Brown Mixed Scotch Cheviots, Fine Blue Serges, Black and Blue Clay Worsteds and other, excellent tailored suits, the regular $15.00 values . . , . - . At $10.00 there are Fine Fancy Worsteds of imported and domestic fab rics. Fancy Tweeds, Extra Fine Thibetsy:In over 50 new, stylish patterns. They are' the Stein-Bloch Tailor-Made Garments. No such suits were ever offered before for less than $20.00. s At $12.50 there are Unfinished Worsteds and nobby patterns in Finest Cassimeres. Suits that are worth and sold elsewhere up to $25.00. At $15.00 they are the finest suits these manufacturers turned out who are known to be the best in all America. These suits are made from the most' popular patterns, and the newest things such as the new military, 'var sity .and English walking styles. These suits can only be classed with the $25 to $50 made-to-measure kind. . HflYOEM BROS., ;0tM J