.j i THE IIEBRASKA IIIDEFEITDEIIT August 0, 1901 Zht Utbraska Independent CJaetla, Htbrsskm I t i i 4 H t : i fKOSE EtDC CONNER DTtt AND N ITS rrXUSHEO iirtBT TBtTKSDAT SI.CO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE frrt remit 4.Sfet tfcaa w ln wit lUai. 4 U trf ttwr fUa to t A41r Q cowmSratietM. &4 ' all draft. mtmr c. fte, yhl to Htiraska Jadrpeadtat, Lincoln. Neb. UL IUtJ s8rrtp will m to Jsit ti oea a corporation ac i;alre a monopoly St begins to develop La4 ttUta. Tiro thisgs won out ben the repub "tlcans crri-d the state treachery and .islrxzlesert Clem Dearer and Eart hy. Britain may win by making South Africa a desert aod calling It peae. 'Izt mhere will be the glory or the profit? The republican party In Nebraska wosld be a great deal prettier without the record that It has made during the last six months. Tie ilcKIaley democrats who cap tore convections are cot so happy as they were a few dsys aco. They hare 2.eard from Indiana. Jjczz aid Sampson found that" to tsase tbe ramt distinguished Ameri can historim out f a foul-mouthed "sATal clerk was a thicg aboon their THslJ the til cf t!oc3 hounds, the 'redeemers"" were able to capture one "if the esad cf prisoners who escaped Srom the penitentiary the other day. JJe jot as far as Grand Iclanl. TTlth csl versa! accord, the populists til Kaztsas have rlfea la their places cnl said la thunder tones that the Xarty cf the people must and shall be J-STesen edL llansaa Commoner. Cn thing the Judges are great on, fit is Taxational la Chicago they go c2 for thre months and in Omaha for jtvou lleanttme they dray their salar its wltlx the greatest punctuality. Sir. Bryan says that he received a :ttlegrasi from Sir. Towne declaring 'that the interview recently published jurport:ng to be given by him was a ,Xke. He Lad given out no Interview j&t a!L Another cf the middle-of-the-road traitors has been rewarded with an icSre ty McICInley. H. II. Hlatt of Carter county has been appointed su--perictendent of schools la Guam at a jood fat salary. It has been demonstrated beyond dis Jrute that it won't do to trust a state .uovercmeot to a lot of rascals. The record that the republican party has froade la this state during the last six jsacnths proves it. A thief out Sa California stoke I2S0, ft'OO ia gold from a smelting company. ' That ia les than half the amount that JiartJey stc. but It wilt probably be suEcect to get him a pardon If he !is custt and coavlcted. The nine-hour day has been la force la the Hartford manufactories for the last lx months. The result has been that the output Is as great as whea they Lsd a ten-hour day and all the ecpiojes are s&tlsfed and much hap pier. " f "Nk Tne Omaha Bee says: "When -we 1 fcave T,of thing, why not hold on 1 o itr That Is exactly what The la- Vpeadent says about coining $3,000 iri cf silver every month by the 3fc ylaley administration. Let us keep cp. Itcporter "What do you think of this talk about reciprocity and tail IT breforta la the republican ranks? Manufacturer "Oh. that Is one of Mark's schemes to make us dig up a ' few extra millions for campaign ex penses." All the critics are pointing out the deterioration la Kipling's writing since be undertook to back up the Joe Cham-bej-laia kind of Imperialism. His lat est pom Is pronounced unmitigated dot cere L Imperialism and poetry won't fail together. Nearly all "of the republican papers Insist that Hartley dlda't get the xeony. that his republican friends got IL Well, If that is so, why don't they tret the fellows down to the peahen try who did get the money? Some- 1 Xttj gpt 1. . waa ItX . THAT OSOIBOMA LAKD The land distribution In Oklahoma has beea finished. .The thousands of disappointed and broken-hearted who could not get land for the reason that there. was' not enough for all have'de--parted to begin the struggle for a liv ing elsewhere. The distribution by lot waa perhaps the best arrangement that could be made under the law that was passed by congress. A rush such as occurred when the last reservation was opened would undoubtedly have re sulted In much bloodshed. The fault of the whole. thing waa In the law.- It would not have required a very high order of statesmanship to have drafted a law that would have secured the ob ject intended of giving the land to act ual settlers In 160-acre lots. There was no occasion for any rush. A law could have been enacted that should have required a perebn to have located on the land and actually resided there, for at least one year before any sem blance of title could have been se cured. It could have also provided that the appIlcantshould, not only' be landless; but that he sfcouldTiot be the owner of enough stocks, bonds and other personal property to make him rich without land. The only disqualifi cation In the law was that the appli cant should not be the owner of more than ICO acres of land; It he owned a railroad or a dozen bank's, that, was 'no disqualification. The result of it was that speculators from several sur rounding states rushed in, all of whom bad Just as good, a chance to secure land as the poor fellows wno had been camping on the line formanyj months in their wagons. Perhaps half of the land has been drawn by parties who have no Intention of locating on it, but expect to sell out; ; Any other "possible arrangement under the law could not have resulted differently. The fault was In the law. - . , FOUNDATION OF 1.1ES . The leaders of thl3 gold' and. glory administration .may think that .they can run the country and hold power forever by means of a subsidized press that Is.constantly filled with the most outrageous lies, but The Independent don't believe that they can. - Some day a calamity of prodigious proportions, the result of these lies, will strike the country and they will all be . over whelmed in the billows of their own Infamy. As Instances of this constant lying there has appeared in the great dailies In obscure places ,a( statement from ex-Senator Towne,?to the effect that he never gave out any Interview at all and had not spoken to a. newspaper man for three months The . war, der partment issued a reproof to Captain Schley for an Interview that -.was printed In the papers and Captain Schley replies that he . never gave an Interview and never f aid ; the - things that were printed as" coming from him. Day after day; the press continues this practice and 'during a ..campaign its mendacity is so great that ao one can place any confidence at all in the stuff that fills the daily papers.' .This constant lying has become the policy of every department of - the govern ment and especially of the treasury de partment. About the first 'of every month it sends out a dispatch like the following, which was dated Aug ust i: "'' ;?, ;,' f ;; " "The United States treasury now holds the greatest horde of gold to be found anywhere in? the world. This morning when the business of the day commenced there was in the treasury vaults $504,354,297, an increase for the month of $10,QO0,OOO and for the year of $74,422,422. This Immense pile of gold coin is held against the following items: Gold certificate, $293,535,689; reserve, $150,000,000, and general fund, or free gold, $61,818,50?. This is the highest amount of -reserve on record. On July 25 last reports were received at the department here Of the amounts held by foreign nations. They were as follows: , . Bank of England.......... $183,330,681 Bank of Germany , . 158,383,434 Imperial Bank of Russia 1. 345,408,144 Bank of Austro-Hungary.. 190,314,126 Bank of France . . -. . 478,258,230 "These banks hold tho same, relative positions to their respective govern ments as the treasury does to the United States government, so that the funds indicated are governmental and not private moneys. The amount now held by France in its bank is ihe larg est In the history of' that nation,- so that along with the United States" it 13 enjoying an unusually . large redund ance of government reserve." The object of . publishing such a statement as that Is to start every re publican paper In the land to declaring that the McKlnley administration: has piled up In the" treasury V gold surplus of $504,334,297, when the assertion Is absolutely false as a careful reading of the dispatch Itself will showj There Is only $211,000,000 of gold jn, the treasury Instead of $504,354,297, The amount held against gold certificates Is as much outside the treasury and in circulation as are tl(e silver dollars held against silver certificates. Why does not the treasurer announce every month that' there is $500,600,000 of 'sil ver -In the vaults ) and-endout .a statement that there ia over a billion dollars in the United States treasury of metalic money? There is just as much reason for including the amount held against silver ' certificates as there is in including what 'is held against gold certificates. The whole ' object of the statement is to deceive and He. The amount of gold held" by the ' United States treasury Is less than that of any of the leading nations except Ger many and England instead of being more.. No other nation issues gold certificates and stores gold for the bankers at the cost of the government. The banks enumerated do not hold the same relation to the government as the treasury does to the United States. If the foundations of a nation can be securely laid" upon falsehood, then is the government of the United States safely established. But if the Bible is true and all liars are to have a portion in the lake of fire and brimstone, the future of this administration and the whole republican outfit is sad to con template. ' i . . I '; RAINFALL AND TREKS v Every intelligent man knows ) that every land which has been denuded of Its forests has become an arid desert. Palestine and other parts of .Asia, which once were covered with trees and supported dense populations, 'are now-hot and dry. The same thing has "occurred In parts ' of Europe. When this writer first travelled over the plains of Nebraska,' all the country a hundred miles west , of the Missouri was an arid desert. There were slight fringes of trees growing along the edges of the streams, but they had hardly enough leaves '? on - them to make a decent shade. The early set tlers know that crop after crop failed and at times the drouths were so se vere that the people would all have starved to death if they had not re ceived assistance from the eastern states. We still have drouths, but they are not of, the sort that.' once made it impossible to raise corn a hundred miles west of the Missouri. Some have laid this change of cli mate principally ' to the i breaking up of the sod and allowing the water to sink into the ground. There is an other thing. There are thousands more of trees out on these plains than there were then.- It is the belief of all scientific men whose opinions - are formed after examining the data left by generations of men who have ob served ' and recorded facts that trees have a great influence upon climate and. rainfall. Even a superficial glance at the facts known of all men should i convince any one that forests haveian influence on retaining and distribution of "tne"Tranfali?" Timbered 'countries nowhere suffer from drouths as do the treeless plains!" : r j DONTP SWEAR 'O-';vV-"'-- The Independent gives this iadvice to its readers on its own ' account, as much as theirs, for it is next to impos sible to refrain from profanity when reading some of the plutocratic dailies and magazines. Here is George C. Roberts, director of the mint, who spreads himself over a good many col umns in the eastern dailies besides a monthly dose in the magazines. He was the head of the literary Hessian of the Mark Hanna campaign and fur nished the block-headed spell-binders with their arguments which were al ways -quoted as "authority." In those days gold had "Intrinsic value," and the quantity theory was repudiated. Now he writes articles about the "quantity" of the gold output and talks about the 'depreciation of gold" and the danger of its effect on prices. He knew all these things Just as well during the last two presidential cam paigns as he knows them now, but at that time he denied every one. of them. The moral quality of , such men . "as George C. Roberts is enough to make a preacher swear when he contem plates it. But don't you. swear. It won't do any good. Just nourish a su preme contempt for such unmitigated moral rascals, and try to enlighten the dupes whom he and men like him have deceived. Every one of . these rascals knew when they were making the last campaign that they were IT" CANT BE WRITTEN " The ' annual meeting of the . Royal Historical society Was held in London last week. It was the opinion of the scientists there assembled that the un precedented output of gold would con tinue and become even greater during the next ten years. It is the cyanide process, by the means of which low grade ores and the old dumps' can be worked at a profit that is responsible for the most of the Increase". The pros pects are that the output of gold for the next ten years :wlll annually be about $350,000,000. J It was pointed out "that changes in prices caused by al terations in the value of gold must be necessarily much smaller and must take place much more slowly than those caused by alterations in market conditions or by improvements in the methods of production and transpor tation."'." v- .-V'VX lv ; '' " . The "intrinsic value" of gold don't seem to be at alU: considered by the British scientists, as is" evident when they calmly,.' talk' about "the altera tions in the value;: of gold." . During the last two presidential ,; campaigns those who held to ; the view of these British scientists were denounced as "lunatics," "repudiatgrs" and believ ers in "fifty-cent dollars.'; When one thinks of the,vilenessbf the men who made an effort to deceive people who. had never had the opportunity to study political economyTf-men who knew that they were engaged in the vilest kind of slander , and. . misrepresenta tionwe fell lik.e writing a few sen tences . that would hardly; do to print in a great . family paper like The In dependent. It can be, printed, so, you will. have to imagine..what ought to be said of themen .who engaged in that sort of work. . TURN THE RASCALS OUT, The . Pennsylvania republicans con tinue to keep up their record ot in famy. The , insane' asylums of that state" are crowded to such an extent that patients are . pressed together worse than ordinary ' pigs in a pen. That being the state bf affairs the leg islature appropriated1 $500,000 for hos pital relief and $4lp00,000 for the gang to expend in a new palace of political jobbery under the guise of a new capi tol. The damning Infamy of this re publican . rule In Pennsylvania is de scribed by a Philadelphia daily in the following burning words: . "Deplorable 'aC Pennsylvania's dis grace may be, It Is "only superficial and temporary. Deeper, blacker and foul er is the shame "of her humanity to her indigent insane! f ?For that there is no palliation, no excuse. It is the out- -Vard'slgivof moral ieprosy covered by the flaunting rags of 'political vice. The deep damnation of.it is beyond the power of words touflepict. The infamy ' of it Is unutterable!" : t.That is what" republicanism Is ' in Pennsylvania, It Is ? the "same sort in Nebraska' where "its " state treasurer robs the' school fund and the governor pardons him, where the government of cities under republican ' control has become so" foul that disinterested out siders declare that they ought to be wiped off the face 'of the earth. The people . should everywhere arise and drive the rascals' out.'' , ' THE WATCHMAN REPORTS . In a letter to The Independent a farmer says: "You are a watcher on the tower for us fellows out here in the country, and while we are satisfied ' ; with the reports of the facts that you send us, we would 'like to know your opinion of whatr those facts portend. Are there any 'very large number left who would fight for the truth for the truth's sake, or has1' selfishness and immorality,-so overwhelmed the popula tion that the highest Ideal" left is to grab all you can?" ' '' : . After keeping a sharp lookout from "the 'atch tower"? for a good many years The Independent Is Of the opin ion : that ' there are "millions in the United States endeavoring to follow the highest ideals,' Whose hearts are unselfish and whose desires are to be of the most service in the elevation of the race.' Such persons are generally modest, they are not", found among gaged in a' plot to deceive the people who had never had a chance to in vestigate these scientific questions. ' ' . THOSE WICKED i BOERS ' . One A. Davis writes a scurrilous let ter which is printed in the Beatrice Dally Express. According to v this cheerful idiot all the sufferings in South Africa camps is caused by Kru ger. Kitchener and Joe Chamberlain are simply philanthropists who are doing all things simply for the good of the Boers, The height of his idiocy is reached when he says of the' Boers: "The looting robbers who care for nothing but that revenge be satisfied, carrying their Bibles with them, for getting that God is not in carnal war fare and that his word says that no murderer shall inherit eternal life, and .; he . .that hateth his , brother is a murderer in danger of hgH fire." No' doubt those wicked Boers, "with Bibles in their hands," ought to love their dear English brothers, but under the present circumstances ho one but an idiot would expect them to do so. v - propagating lies and were all en- I th0se wno seek notoriety, but sincerely wish to do that which is right and pur sue those policies that will be for the moral uplifting of the" race.' The sub sidizing of nearly the whole of the press, the degeneracy of the spiritual and political leaders, the' distortion and suppression of the facts of current hietory, have led many of them to do things and support policies -which they never would have done if they had known the truth. That the population of the United States are generally inspired with high ideals was shown by the manner in which the young men of the country responded to the two calls for troops. When they thought that they were wanted to fight for liberty and human ity they rushed to the recruiting sta tions by the hundred thousand and made a strenuous contest as to who should suffer and die for the freedom of the oppressed in Cuba. When a call was made for a war of conquest on the Filipinos, it was impossible to get enough to enlist to fill the army and the project had to be abandoned. That spoke louder for the real heart of the American people than anything thdt has happened in the last four decades. If a call had been made for troops to aid the Filipinos to throw off the yoke of an oppressor and to set up a free government for " themselves,- just as many hundred thousands would have rushed to the recruiting stations as did in, the case of Cub Americans love liberty, justice and ' righteousness and are always willing to defend them with their lives, but when it comes to killing Innocent people "for their good," they have no heart in the work. The character of those who did enlist to'fight the Filipinos Is shown by the record they have made. The'other day the dispatches announced that a re turning transport from Manila brought two hundred and twenty-five military prisoners. , ' , ' From The Independent watch tower it seems that the heart of the Ameri can people Is as nearly right as it ever was, but the people are deceived by a subsidized political and religious press. Within the last four years several of the great religious denominational pa pers have become the most effective advocates' of 'the'' McKinley policy of gold and glory, among them the Out look and the New York Independent. They are doing much more effective work for plutocracy than any of the great political dailies. Much more of their space is given to the defense of the Mark - Hanna policies, including wars of conquest, than is given to re ligious questions. That many of their readers resent the political course of those papers is shown by a vigorous protest that is every once in a while printed in their- columns. A denominational religious paper has a great influence over its readers and the protests . that are constantly made by them shows that there are thousands of. Americans whose, hearts 'are all right. The.man on The Inde pendent, watch tower thinks that he sees some signs "that foretell a vigorous repudiation of the false doctrines that have .. been forced on the church and the people.. -The great "moral truths that are embalmed tn the scriptures and which have been the salvation of the nations in the, past will reassert themselves and the false prophets and immoral teachers will be repudiated. The - battle for truth must Be ever fought and fought again, but "truth crushed to earth will rise again1 for the eternal years of God are hers." v THE BEE'S REASONING The" "reasoning" of the Bee on the money question has been a source of endless amusement to populists, but there' is lots more fun In its "reason ings" on the tariff question. Read the following : from Its editorial columns and prepare to hold your sides: "Can duties be removed even from articles manufactured cheaper here than In any other country without af fecting labor? That is a question that needs to be very carefully considered. It is safe to assume that manufactur ers very generally will say, as did the president of the steel trust before the industrial commission,- that the re moval of duties would inevitably re sult in . reducing the pay of labor, and the assumption that such would be the effect cannot be regarded as unreason able." :; The pops were In-town early Wed nesday morning, the day the : state committee met.: 'Workmen around The Independent -reported that Isomer of them showed up at 6:30. They are ac customed to getting up early" in the morning, tt was good to see them and have the privilege of shaking hands with honest, sane men from the country after being surrounded with city, cranks so long. ' ; 1 - $w" A R A R E C H A N CE FO RAG B. NT S. 5$ " ' 5 fi "f : THE INDEPENDENT DESIRES TO SECURE A GOOD AGENT. IN EVERY; CITY AND COUNTY IN NEBRASKA FOR THE J SALE OF-THE INDEPENDENT IN COMBINATION WITH "OUR ISLANDS AND THEIR PEOPLE." 3,000 SETS OF THIS ji -'- - REMARKABLE WORKS ARE. SOLD. EVERY WEEK IN THE .4 UNITED STATES. EVERYBODY WANTS IT. THE BEST : SELLING WORK EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. AGENTS MAKE BIG SALARIES. WRITE THE INDEPENDENT, LIN COLN, NEB.. FOR FULL PARTICULARS. & Jt & i & jl -. & J Jfi & J & Jit ' ' ,. '. J KIPCBLAAX ANARCHY, The Independent "was willing to wait a sufficient length pf time for the re deemers" to show whether they were fit to govern before it criticised them. They have now been in control over six months and the result is semi-anarchy In every Institution in the state. The penitentiary Js a disgrace to civiliza tion. A big part of it was burned down and other fires have been started' right undeV; the nose of the guards. The prisoners have been escaping from time to time until last week when a squad of three walked off and nothing has been heard from them since. In the other institutions corruption and mismanagement have run riot un til the officers of the state house had to do something to maintain even a sem blance of discipline. They held a meet ing and issued an order that . was printed in their organ, ex pelling four or five hundred people who had been living - off the state, being relatives of the persons employed in the institutions. One of' the state officers expressed a doubt whether they could stop the stealing by this order or not. The Cheerful Idiot 'stated it in this way: ' "One member of the board suggested that a close watch would have to be kept to prevent employes from 'get ting even' with the state as a result of this order. He thought it might pay to keep a sharp look out that none of the employes be permitted to carry ham sandwiches to their starving fam ilies living across the road from, the storehouse of the state institution." v That is an acknowledgement , that the republican party has packed . the state institutions with a lot of thieves, who are running things, in exactly the same way theydid when they reported that it took 144 tons of coal to keep the asylum warm during the month of August. The truth about the matter is that it is the same-old gang and' they are running things in the same way they did when Bartley stole the school funds and Mosher ran things around the capitol. There is no wonder that this gang declares that Bartley was persecuted by the fusion administra tion, ought never to have been prose cuted or that they pardoned him. SHAMELESS HYPOCRISY ' ' , The infernal hypocrisy of the repub lican . press of this ' state was never equalled anywhere since the world be gan. The people will remember how every republican sheet in the state, in pretending to stand for good govern ment, assailed Governor Poynter be cause he paroled a prisoner.' Governor Poynter did it upon the" report of the physician and warden who stated that the convict was suffering from con sumption, could not live long and on the further condition that his mother would take him put of the country and provide for him"; "The numerous par dons of unrepentant Criminals which have been made by the- republican governor and the almost anarchy that reigns in the penitentiary where in cendiary fires and escapes of con victs are of very frequent occurrence under republican rule, does , not bring forth from these hypocrites a word of condemnation. It is pure , hypocrisy that made them attack Governor Poyn ter and remain silent now, a hypocrisy so shameless that they call the present sort of government "redeeming the A lady .writing to The Independent says she saw a dispatch in the papers which said some teamsters in Manila struck for higher wages and that they were arrested and confined in prison on a diet of bread and water. She' wants to know how that could be done. It was very easy to do. The government of the Philippines is a despotism and anybody can be sent, to prison that the authorities want to get rid of or who do not obey orders. There is no constitution and no trial by jury, over there. The laws are enacted by a com mission on the authority of the presi dent of the United States and as the president is 10,000 miles away, and has a good many other things to attend to( he has no time to look f after the" op pression of his Filipino subjects.' VThe imprisonment of laboring men because they didn't want to' work for insuffic ient ' wages is part of the imperialism that we have "adopted. - " ';r; .'::: v -K a :'-' v. $; Some of, the tricks ' of the r British imperial - press are ! very : much i like' what ; we are accustomed " to on this side bf the water." It whs announced a few days ago that Kitchener had asked that 70,000 infantry now in South Af rica be returned home as infantry was useless in the kind of war that he was forced to engage in. It now turns out that that 70,000 infantry were very much needed to protect India and that those troops are being sent there as fast as ships can carry them. A large Russian army nobody knows how large for. all foreigners, have been ex cluded from that part of the world for over a year has assembled on the , borders of northern India and John Bull is forced to strengthen his forces ' there, Boers or no Boers. That leaves Kruger's country in a much more hope- ful condition than the Americans were i the winter that Washington - camped at Valley Forg A convict; by. the name of, Ryan. was paroled. He went down , to Omaha, got drunk and acted so. outrageously ' that his own brother turned him over to the police. ' Now his sentence U t$ be commuted and. he will .beset freel Hurrah for the "redeemers "- ' V ; A Manila dispatch Isays that- the number t)f destitute and unemployed Americans and Europeans ia that city is constantly oh the increase. It seems that the white wage-worker in Manila is getting no more out of the Philip? pine war than. the. Nebraska., farmer. It seems to The Independent that after this long and. fiercely, hot spell, of weather that the" indigent old ladies of Lincoln need an outing worse than they did last year ' when welbad such pleasant weather. But .D. IS. Thomp son issues no invitation. Can anybody tell why? - fhe World-Herald ran a picture of Rosewater and labelled it ? Dan La mont. There Is about as "much truth in its illustrations as in it editorial columns whefe it declares that Dan Lamont will be the next democratic nominee and that all the Bryanites will support him. . . s ti I ; , Our "oriental trade" of which" we have heard so much is' a great" affair. Canada bought almost exactly four , times as much , of our goods as the whole oriental outfit. It did not cqst us - jthree'' hundred 1 millions , andfive thousand lives either, as have t.ie Philippines, j , i The English '' presented Liard 'Bobs ' with $500,000 the other day while thou-k sands of the families, of the 'private soldiers who did the fighting are'Jn'a state Of starvation because the soldiers have received no pay for many months. That is imperialism of the British " sort; J ! ' . " ' ' ' ' " 'V When the labor organization- re solved to fight the billion-dollar at eel trust they showed that they had more courage than the whole gar.g of : re publican leaders. There is not a re publican, congressman in the whole outfit who dares to say a word against the steel trust. , . ? -'' - : , '.The trusts grow more insolent every day, the Sherman anti-trust law.is still on the statute books, McKinley 'Is still president- and a trust attorney : has the management of th 3 administration law . office. Taking all :. these things into 'consideration, why ghouldn't the trusts be Insolent? -i; f , " Admiral Cervera says: . ."I do ' not,, know 'Admiral Sampson. ; I never met him." No'one doubts that . the old , Spanish admiral tells -the truth. .Ev erybody knowsv that ' Cervera had .'. a noisy meeting with Schley. Where was Sampson when. Cervera made tbe acquaintance of Schley? ,;..-'.'......;.. ! It is now publicly charged in : the London papers that Lord Kitchener has armed the South African savages and turned them on the Boers. No one acquainted with the English ( policy in the days of our own rebellion against -England ever doubted that it , would . come to that in the end.' ; ". To march into a non-combatant com munity and kill men; women and chil dren is savagery. To march into such a community, capture the inhabitants and confine them in camps where they are put to death by slow starvation is British and Spanish civilisation. You can pay your money and take' your choice. V - ' When the g. o. p. fellows around these parts -who carried empty dinner pails, greasy lamps 'and big banners in the processions reflect that ail they got out of it was Clem Deaver, Mose by and Bartley's pardon they feel like sheep stealing dogs. At least one would judge that they do from the way they talk and act. England gives Lord Roberts .n earl dom and $500,000 In cash. " McKinley gives, Schley a court of inquiry. Schley ' destroyed the whole Spanish fleet-r-sent every -one of them', to the bottom of the t sea; " Lord Roberts fought the Boers, having twenty men to their one, and came back to England with the war only begun. This' state republican administra tion seems to be a little too tough for evenx the dyed-in-the-wool couutry weeklies of the party. Not one of them has a word to say in praise of it. When a republican country weekly. can't uphold a state administration which it helped' to elect, the situation must be desperate indeed. Rosewater says that Clem Deaver s a good deal better than some of the, republicans, which is no doubt true. He remarks: "Just put this down: It Is far better from every point o vew . to recognize in the distribution of fed-... eral and state" patronage a mid-roader who helped carry the state for Mc Kinley than to reward traitorous re publicans who did their beet to beat their" own party candidates and keep Nebraska in the popocratic column." -11 ; f J 1