August 8, IDOL THIJ NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. i i x ' t 'A f s V, 1 SIEGFRIED OH AMERICA. Interesting Impressions cf a French Political Economist. CUE F20GE3 MOST TTODEZIITL. rrcli Xlaf strr of Com. Bya Tkat Wo ny mm lm rtt f'.rt la lltntii DtlUr. "Wrltea f lrpeta ! Fotoro d Foeiora of rrsrlf y. H. J ules S'fffrtrO, at one tloe Ireach b&Jsit cf com mere ana" a political cernoxlat of ocj rrpute, Las address d to MHrllle 11 Stoue as open letter eatbetlrlcf the lrcprv-Mlons of tbe United State trhWU be formed dories ti rereot mended tour cf the United State, ujt the New York Herald. ATtT tendering Us tLanks to all wbo bowed Lira tbe'.r kind attention M. Siegfried write in part: I refaro bozne wJtb tbe impression cf tat Is sn a -wonderful country. It ss df rrj treat privilege to Tisit A 3 tries twice at n Interval of 40 yearsand t 4 re say tLose 40 year tat e Le-o tle rrlod cf tte most won Sf fcl - pcocrews tte world bat ever n, You were 20.000.000 la 1W1; to day you arv 75.0f mkjO. and we will not tar to waft more than a quarter f a vr,ti.Tj to aee you 100.000.000 of peo rie. No doutt you we tL!s extraordina ry growth to tbe catural wealtb f jtxsr immense country, but I ttlnk yoa we It still tsre to tbe energy and go mbr-4 ;tu!:ties cf your people as well as to the frCouj of yocr republican destitution. Of eourso yocr ajrrSeuIfural re aosrtvs reisaia oue of tbe greatest fac tors it jour prwpenty. Hut i care beea really startird ty tbe recent and ttvcUk:z: xjrowta of your industries. "If yea ip ca golnz at tbat speed, I tllik tLe tlxse is net far UUtant wbea yoJ wtll jfriie tacre tbaa you ran twcs. and as yocr marvelous ra li re d t.ratipcrtaxia and your Inventire p.rJt alluvr yoo to produce ebeap de ; ite L'.U wajra yoo will certatnly be at e ta rc-tsp. te fn tbe fonrffa markets ted etettnaiiy to cot:trt4 sccse f tbeta. As a eot-:ifnseie f (Lis your interest Is feyw to ;rtt i?fw cuarkrts, and yon win lo it .:.! f adeptiac a policy cf ntr',lxelj treati-. TXat will te a!o tbe tet way of mmnnzs go-i wages to yocr working fcp. wto eertaliily desenre tbeta. WLat 1 tare sea of tbesa Las led tse to tbir.k tbat if t bey are tbe best paid rtlat4S la tbe world tbey are also rns&yas tbe ruumi rierrr. "Vur tbe pre-tt tbe eondition f the wcHictajp&eti "la Ataerk-a Is certainly &srb l-etirr than In Etsrope. Tbe wsjrs are twice Libber and tbe llrlnr Is UJt tte satse. so tbat qnlte a Ltre itrt c f tbe esminjs can be de-tt-l either to pleasure cr to saTlng. .Tbe A Sirica a worklcjian Las under stood alwo ttst reroiublon Is. after ail. io soJsstioa sod tbat tbe first point for Liia is to iLTeae Lis wages and sbort es b'.s Lours cf labor. No Cbristian ran be p$joed to socb a programme. "Yor prtcress Las been f late so enormous tbat yoa play cow a a lco portact part la tbe destiny of Lnraaa Ity. If yoa continue to V Inspired by Cbtistisn principles, yon will bare cer tainly a sIutsry infiuecce a tbe de Trlopccent f ririiltatloa la tbe world. T! tasnstra cf your conuierce and lidetry .bow es a taagnlscent exam ple of vneio!ty and true solidarity by tle!r clfts to csitersHWs and ctarlta - tie Isstitetkms." ASTHMA, CURE FREE! ASTIIMALENEf BRINGS INSTANT RELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE IN ALL. CASES. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Write Your Name and Address Plainly. CHAIHED ron TEW YEiARS WW:'. ff' 'w11W i'Ai 1 RCLiri'. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when , all else falls. r ' ' - ; -;. The Rer. C. F. Wells, of Villa Ridge, lU says: "Your trial bottle of Asth inalene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a Elave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your ad vertisement for the cure cf this dread ful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." - REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Rabbi qf the Cong. Bnai Israel. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. Drs. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. Gentlemen: .Your A.sthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition - alleviates all troubles which combine with As thma. Its success is astonishing and ttrAPtarfn I TSV. tut ( After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Avon Springs, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901: Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co. ' Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalene for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130th street. New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical Improvement! After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, . O. D. PHELPS, M. D. Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co. Feb. 5, 1901. Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numer ous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see fit. Home address. 233 Rlvington street. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East 129th st., City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY" FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS MEDICINE CO., TS East 130th St. N. Y. City. K THE HOME MAKERS PROFIT IN RAISING MAINE. Cmtrmrtr r ' lir Syaalarda Bl f p or Ship. Moch wa t'. Jd about tbe battleship liaise recently by N. t Chamberlain f tbe firta tbat Las tbe contract for ra.Is$ tbe sunken war veseL Mr. CbsKiUfJiala arrlred at New York from Harass tbe tber day a tbe stracssbip Morro Cattle- Tbe Maine. II r. Cbanubetiais said, uodoubtly was blown up by tbe Spaniards. He fur-tib-d farts to Lear ut Lis assertion, says tb New York Press. Tfce work f rautrj: tbe Maine, be '1 woctd be proStabie. a there Is a Uard ibe a a munition that cot tiUjuj, "f wbtctt ij per cent Is la rod e-o&ditJoa. Another item is la tbe f srtUbitics f tbe Maine. "It is Laowa to tscy persons ia II a vaua." said Mr. CLaiaberlaln. tbat tbe M'ie was sank by tbe Spaniards. Vho tbe sb:p ancbored ia tbe harbor cf Hsrs&a, ran rot ton was stored la tbe arsenal tbere. &oa after sbe an rbcrrd tbe Alfonso Xll an -bored close tHf ber. so tbat br shadow frll at Eiml dirertiy o tbe Maine. Tbere was r.nly a space f 3J feet between t&e two vessels la which tbere was l'flt After tbe Alfonso Lad anchored Isf-t poccds f frzxx cotton was taken oa beard f Ler frota tbe arsenab and three taen were Llred to explode It ststntt tbe Masne. Tbey were prom ised f'XbJJ tot tbe Jeb" A Lr mt ert. TL rjhcbes f Sutherland, who. It ! rejorted. ts planner to brtnt to tbe Ceited State a sarty f fnesta a her bramiful stam yacbt Catania to at tend tbe Interest lettal csp races. Is a iorer f sports, says tbe New York Tribcne. Oa Ler Sco!tIh Jonrneys sbe has trateSed e-a tbe rr.j ti cf tbe date's private tra'a. often lending a helping ttUfL la ttls sbe rMrfnb4-s the Mar-ebko-s cf Tweed.tale. who kss also tried ber band at enc'ne driving and wb drove the first train across tbe Forth brttlse. Tbe duchess la also a aktllfvl cardeser and a practical phi- j lasihrepist. Ire !! Mary mmd Acrtry lie France Toar of Xapeetlen Kesrotlatlons Tar lL4x-tta Xrlj Closed There Is nothing particularly new to communicate to our members this week. The membership is growing fast and many are preparing to join us. During the past week Secretary De France made a business trip to the west and together we visited the irrigated regions of Idaho and espe cially the .proposed" location of our settlement. Owing to the fact that not sufflcient land is under option. at the present writing It is not safe to an nounce the location until that is com pleted. .Some of this land is held by eastern parties and it will require time to get matters In shape. One of the great difficulties has been to find a large enough body of land in one tract. Sufficient land can be picked up In various places, but not in a com pact body. We are, however, now in a fair way of securing all the land we want; It will take some little time, but that was to be expected. A heavy immigration from Nebraska, Iowa and the Da kolas as well as from Utah is now on, and within another year land will be hard to get and prices will have materially advanced. Many have written to the company Inquiring whether wo can employ them and give them an. opportunity to pay at least a portion of their loca tion stock in labor." In reply we can say that we are at present making arrangements by which we may be able to take a limited number of mem bers and let them pay for their allott ments in labor. We would like to hear from all who wish to pay for their lands In this manner. It will be nec essary for these parties to have teams which will be put to work building canals, laterals and such other Im provements as are under contempla tion. If our arrangements carry, which we expect within a few days, it will be necessary for those desiring to pay for their allottments In labor, to go onto the lands at once. Good liberal pay will be allowed. Of course we cannot take everybody In on this basis, only a limited number, and those applying first will receive first consideration. It may be possible that we caa secure transportation at least part of the way for the working outfits for those who will work for the company, this, however, is not definitely settled. All desiring to work out the cost of their allottments must make application In the regular way and pay tbe advance payment the same as all others are required to do, and as Is shown In the company's prospectus, after which the remaining payments will be paid In labor. Only those who can at once or within a short time get ready to go to work should make application. The ad vance payment Is required for the same reason that we require it of those who pay on: in cash. We have no time to lose on idlers and Irresponsible parties and for that reason will adhere to the above rule. In communicating with us on this line state what your outfit consists of horses, wagons, imple ments, etc. Considerable has been written on the matter of irrigation and the enor mous production under this . system. Out time Is so thoroughly occupied this week that It is impossible. to say much more on the subject In this ar ticle.' Thoss who have seen farming by irrigation in a rood country are fully informed and can gain little adr ditlonal knowledge by repeated argu ments in its favor; those unfamiliar should read up on the subject there being several publications devoted to this kind of farming. The drquth condition of the middle west has caused an enormous interest being taken in the' Home Makers set tlement enterprise. Every mail brings us large numbers of applications and the inquiries are piling in at al most encouraging rate.-1 It has become nec essary to increase our facilities to han dle the ever growing business. Few have any conception of the amount of painstaking labor and care falling on the shoulders of the management. Many obstacles &t6 encountered In such a gigantic undertaking, which must be met and disposed of to the best advantage. Thousands of ques tions are asked and must be answered. Yet everything is moving along nicely and we are more than satisfied. As was stated last week, success is now assured. Many have been waiting In order to see how the movement would succeed and are now rushing in to se cure location stocks. "Nothing suc ceeds like success," is an old saying, and a glance at the busy force at our home office . Convinces that the Home Makers are on the sure road to suc cess. . We are anxious to finish the work of filling the membership at the earl iest possible date, so that we can de vote our time to surveying the lands, platting the city and making x allott-' ments, and getting ready to receive the settlers. .The company will have; to erect a number of buildings where our members can secure temporary shel ter while they are erecting homes. Every provision will be made so that members will experience as little dis comfort as possible. Many details must be looked after all of which re quire time and which cannot, be done until the matter of filling the mem bership is off of our hands. Every present member, can render us ma terial aid by securing new members, by organizing clubs, the members of these clubs will then act as mission aries in the movement. Good homes await every member and at a cost far below the actual value.- No individual eould go Into the same region and buy lands at anywhere near the price he receives his allottment for from the company. As soon as arrangements can be made we expect to put con siderable time to the matter of or ganizing clubs all over the country. There are many advantages to, be de rived by the formation of clubs. Its members are acquainted with each other and the new home will be suiS rounded by old associates. The mem bers can assist each other In the mat ter of erecting buildings and exchange labor in a thousand ways. They can get along with a much smaller outlay for Implements at the outset and in numerous ways can be of assistance to one another. Present members will not only give us material aid by se curing additional settlers, but they hasten the day on which the lands will be ready for them. FRANK L. MARY. Salt Lake City, Aug. 5, 1901. Cabinet officers, major generals In the American army, prominent naval officers, governors, United States sen ators, congressmen, authors, lawyers, clergymen, physicians, business men, and last but not least, hundreds of brave American volunteers "who have campaigned in Cuba, Porto1 Rico and the Philippines, and are familiar with the scenes and - customs described in "Our Islands and Their People," unite in words of praise and Indorsement. - TO TEXAS IN UUTOMOSILE; Mr. sad Mrs. Daoker t,ea-r Hsw Tark on a Wovet Trip ';: .. . "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pecker, two thuslastlc chauffeurs, left to Gllaey House In ' New "York at half . past 0 o'clock the other morning eh routs for Texas, covering every mile of th road In their, automobile. , They, will accom pllsh the Journey, they any, if It takes half a do;zen machines, though they 3o not anticipate the possibility of renew ing the machine more than once. 1 In reality Mr. and Mrs. Decker win travel from tovrh1 to town, calculating always to reach a" lodging place by nightfall, and. from each city or "village will decide how, to proceed, says. the New York Telegram. It is their theory that the residents of each locality will be able to tell them more of the roads than feny; mapmaker could possibly know and that they will thus be able to see much more of the country than In any other way. - .: , The adventurers crossed to Jersey City on "their , way down the coast to Cape May. -Then they will go by way f Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing, ton, . Augusta Ga . and Savannah across a long stretch of southern coun try, to Mobile and New Orleans. Then a direct: cut .will be made across to Beaumont, (Tex., , which ,1s the chauf feurs' destinations v : Mrs. Decker In the two' months she has owned an automobile has traveled 1,800 miles without accident, and she says she has perfect confidence in the ability of her husband and herself to make the long trip successfully. The original cost of the, vehicle was $850, but $300 has been expended upon It In adding every modern Improvement. The original gasoline supply was five gallons, and the machine could be run only 40 miles without reloading, but the fuel capacity has been increased to 17 gallons, which is held in a tank in place of the dashboard, and reloading need be done only' once In every 100 miles. . ... -s-; 'v; .- No attempt will be made to create a record, and the antomobilists will not hurry. The trip Is made In this particu lar fashion for .pleasure alone, and while the travelers have no exact Idea of the time it will take they have al lowed themselves seven weeks. Their speed will depend upon the condition of the roads and the behavior of the ma chine, though they are calculating upon covering from 70 tor100 miles a day. Tbey will make "no attempt to travel afterdark. N AMERICA'S WORKING WOMEN Organization Perfected tad Demands Formulated. , The Working Womenof America have elected officers and adopted a wage scale, says a Chicago dispatch to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The rules governing the demands are as follows: Kule 1. Work hii riot bg1n before 5:80 a. m. tnd shall cease when the evening's dishes ar wished afid put- away, liro hours "each afternoon and an evening at least twica a week shall he al lowed the domestic as her own,. . : Rule 2. There shall be no opposition oa the part of the tnistresa to club life on the part of the domestic Entertainment of friends in limited numbers shall not be prohibited, provided the do mestic furnishes her own refreshments. - i ':- V ' Rule a Gentlemen friends shall not be barred' from the kitchen or back porch.' Members of the family of the house shall not interrupt the conver sation arising1 during; said visit. '-' - Rule 4. Domestics shall be allowed such hours off on Monday as will permit them to visit the bargain counters of the stores and enjoy on tbat day the came privileges enjoyed by the mistress and her daughters. r " - v . Rule 6. All complaints shall be-made to the business meetings of tbe union. The question of wages shall be settled at time of employment, and no reduction" shall be allowed. . ' Three hundred members belong to the organization. The officers are as follows: President, May Murphy; re cording secretary, Stella Wendt; finan cial secretary, Margaret Keehn; treas urer, Hannah Johnson. This Is the scale of union . wages of servants: Cooks and , housekeepers, $5 to $7. a week; general and second girls, $4 to $5 a week; young and inexperienced girls, $3 to $4 a week. Housekeepers who were at first In clined to make a jest of the union are now beginning to see that the matter Is a serious one. The other night the girls met for business, The officers : were elected, but their addresses are ept se cret and will not" be divulged until the organization is 1,000 strong. A FIRST AID PACKAGE. Device of Major Tan Hoff to Be Tried f In the Army, Major J. Van R. Hoff, the army med ical officer, has designed a first aid package to be carried by the soldier In the field, especially, in time of war, where a great many soldiers mislay, lose or throw away the valuable pack ages which are not to be found when they are most needed. : " Major Hoff, according to the Wash ington Star, recently submitted to the board of ordnance and fortification a pouch fitted with a" flap, the whole made of tbe same webbing as the Mills cartridge-belt, to which it is attached and from which it suspends by means of two small wire hooks. Of course the pouch is detachable, and the flap 'se cured by means of fastenings such as are in common use on the wrists of gloves. The board has allotted $500 for the purchase of probably 2.000 of these pouches. ' which will be Issued to the army for practical trlaL ,'" " ,fc: Novel LI glit ah t p. " r A novel sort of lightship is to be moor ed off the Otter rock. I slay,. It will have no crew and will be worked by the compound gas system, says the Cin cinnati Enquirer. Two large gas hold ers will contain as much gas as will light the lantern for. several months. The gas. escaping from the holders to the lantern, will operate the clapper. of a bell placed on a deck belfry, and the rocking of the vessel will set a tongue going as well. ' The Otter rock marks a particularly dangerous part of the West coast.; and the new plan will, be submitted to a severe test. ' LONGEST BRIDGE OF ALL Facts About Chicago's Movable . - Singlfe Span Structure. . WITHOUT AH EQUAL IB" THE WOULD Exceeds London Tower Si-tCar Xa Lencrtk snd Is Designed to Carry Doable as Uaek Wtigat-Coutalui Aoant 1.600 Tons of Stool lias olondld Giootrto Bamtpsnent. " To the many things In Chicago which can be spoken of as the highest, longest and grandest has been added the lon gest movable single span bridge In the world, aays the Chicago Post.' Work on it has just been completed, and trains of the Chicago Terminal Trans fer Railroad company, the Baltimore and Ohio and the Chicago Great West ern roads will cross the Chicago river south , of Taylor street on the new structure. '": " ' . ' Construction of the drainage canal made It necesnary to remove the pier of the old bridge south of Taylor street. The necessity for a bridge without a pier presented a condition of affairs new to engineers, and much discussion resulted as to. the beet plan to follow. After plans for the structure were made It was some time before a construction company was found ready to under take the work and guarantee its suc cessful operation. - Its success is now assured,1 and Chicago has the longest movable bridge in the world. - The Tower bridge in London Is next to It, but the Chicago bridge exceeds Its length by 75 feet. The bridge contains In all about 1,500 tons of steel In addition to TOO tons of counterweights. - Each- moving leaf contains about 2,000,000 pounds, and, aside from having the longest span of any movable "bridge ever built, the structure is especially noticeable In that It is built for the heaviest railroad service, carrying" double tracks. The bridge is designed for a load of 10,000 pounds per, lineal foot of bridge In ad dition to a concentrated load of 100, 000 pounds at any point on the floor of the bridge, thus giving a carrying ca pacity of more than twice that of the next longest lift bridge in the world, the Tower. bridge of London. The lat ter bridge has a span of 200 feet and is designed only for highway traffic' In the construction of the substruc ture In connection, with the present work difficulties were encountered in that owing to the narrow channel at the center' pier of the present swing bridge it was necessary to construct a cofferdam of a single row of Wakefield sheeting and to excavate to the depth of 26 feet below city datum, a feat thought by most of the rivef men of Chicago to be impossible. The sub structure of each leaf on, either' side of the river is built on a foundation of 600 piles 50 feet in length and includes 3,500 yards of Portland cement con crete mixed In the proportion of one part of cement, three parts of sand and six parts of broken stone. 4 The two piers contain 940 cubic yards of first class masonry O '',', The electric equipment for the bridge Includes for its operation two 50 horse power motors for each leaf. The power Is obtained from the electric plant at the Grand Central station, from which point' underground cables are laid to the operating houses on the bridge, which houses are connected by sub marine cables laid in a trench below the bottom of the river. Each leaf can be controlled from Its, respective oper ating house, and the operating devices are also arranged so that both leaves can be .controlled and operated by one man from the house on the east bank of the river. For this arrangement one controller has. been placed In the west house, while In the house on the east bank two have been installed. Each of the operating houses is fitted with a switchboard. an indicator showing the position of the bridge and operating de vices.' -. ..: ' : .'. . : SHIPPING LIVE FISH TO JAPAN Well Boats L'aed In Carrying; Them . Across tbe Pacific. The exportation of live fish, an In dustry just in its inception, promises to assume pretentious proportions with in another year, says a dispatch from Tacoipa, Wash to the St. Louis Re public. The Increasing demand from Japan and other countries for fresh fish and the good market in all parts cf the world are responsible for the innova tion. A large Puget sound fish shipper says the day is not far distant when live fish will be sent by the shipload from Pacific coast fisheries to oriental points and other parts of the world. So far as this coast is concerned, the plan Is an Innovation, but it ts said that in England it has long been in prac tice. . - . ... Tbe fish are shipped In "well boats." These have large tanks or wells in which the fish are kept alive until they reach their destination. After being caught they are put In the tanks In the "well boats" and fed on their natural food until they get to the consignee. In this way the buyers get fresh fish In exactly tbe same condition In which they are taken out of tbe water. Gold flab Aaralast Moaqnltoes. Feople who own water gardens are loath to make use of petroleum In wag ing warfare on mosquitoes, because this mineral oil Is as disastrous to the life of the plants as to. the pestiferous insects. A fish culturlst, however, de clares, according to the Philadelphia Ledger, that goldfish are as effective In destroying mosquitoes as petroleum and that a dozen or two of these pret ty fish In a tank full of aquatic plants will effectively keep the water free of larvae, '' ' - - ' San 113 Gall , In nearly four cohwnna of space ia his paper, ,and under -the title '"Thf Sentinel" and Its Critics," Mr." Samuel E. Morss, owner of the Indianapolis Sentinel, pays hla,' respects to those politicians,, and papers, . of Indiana, who have the hardihood to object to the Sentinel assuming the party organ of the . Hoosler, democracy, and for its Wall street proclivities, dally exhibited. ;-" , The North Vernon Sun may be a "poor, weatZthlng," just as. Morss says, but there is. this:.. If we felt the Sun was as weak In its field, and of as little service to the political party it represents as the Indianapolis Senti nel is in its ,fleldrwe would shut up shop immediately and stop getting money under false pretenses. We do believe, and we believe three-fourths of the democracy - of the . state will gree with , us, tbat the Indianapolis jentlnel is about the poorest excuse for a daily paper published in any town of the size of Indianapolis to be found in America, As to being ' the party organ of the Hoosler democracy, we want to offer an humble protest. For one, the Sun Is not willing to fol low Its leadership for its democracy is of the subsidized brand taken from the same kettle as that of the Louis ville Courier-Journal. We believe as firmly as we believe anything that the Sentinel , is the subsidized organ of Wall street. -If It Isn't, It belles, daily, its position; for hardly a day: passes that one can't find, somewhere In its columns, matter,-1; either original or clipped from some well known Wall street organ, that bears the brand of the sharks of Wall street. North Ver non (Ind.) Sun., r ; The Statfl Fair The State Fair opens this year Aug ust 30. The groiinds purchased by the board of public lands' and build ings will be refitted with all new barns for the horses -cattle, swine and sheep. The new barns will be an agreeable surprise to the stock exhibitors, as they are. a great Improvement over the sheds that' formerly, were at the old fair grounds,' The new horse barns are 34x114', 6x9 feet .stalls, shingle roof and drop siding. .The. cattle barns are built the same style, only 30x120 feet In size. The hog barns are 26x108 and the accommodations this year, for the stockmen are said to be equal to any that are furnished in the eastern states. - The board has also provided a complete - new water " plant which will be aJgreat improvement over the water system used at the grounds. The buildings are all newly painted and repaired so that they have the ap-s pearance of all new buildings. The old fence around the grounds has. been taken down and a new ; woven wire fence put' up In Its place. The race track has, been put in fine shape and is acknowledged by horsemen to be: the fastest half mile track in the state. The special attraction for this year is the firemen's, hose cart race, which conies off Tuesday and Wednesday. For this race there are some four or five hundred dollars offered in prizes and it will certainly be a very inter esting feature of the fair. The board of managers look for the largest ex hibit of stock that has ever been held at the grounds. They have several large entries from New York of blood ed stock. The agricultural and horti cultural exhibits, while they may not be as large as some years, will be very complete and from the entries already made will more than fill the buildings. The Nebraska state fisheries are making- arrangements to have the finest exhibit of fish ever held at the fair grounds. -For any, Information relative to mat ters in regard to the fair all communi cations should be sent direct to Hon. R. W. Furnas, Brownville, Neb.; - " - - ..,-. . . . . , . mi sm .f permanently cured. We can U 1 1 & T ' faithfully promise yoa an sb rll r m solute curs no matter what I 1 1st Isa W your condition for External, Internal, Blind. Bleeding or Itchinf Piles, Chronic Or Hecent, without undergoing any surgical operation or interruption of business. Thousands cured who. had given up in despair of aver getting relief. WHV CONTINUE TO SUFFKR? It eoats nothing to try our trtatuient. Sample and particulars mailed Free. Hon. S. I. Hsadlkt, Paris, 111., writes:. "I am convinced tbat you know your business and can enre where all others fail. I have doctored for Piles for three years with no beneficial re sults; and your treatment has cured me in a few days. I am County Judge of Edgar County, Illinois, and will be glad to assist you in spread ing your remedy. Yours truly, 8. 1. Hkadlkit. Mr. Edward Sohkbb, CSstleton, 111., suffered with bleeding, swelling and protruding Piles for thirty years : doctors bad given up his case as incurable. He was completely cured by our treatment in three weeks. Mi. M. McCot, Cognac Kansas Captain Co. A, Fiftieth Indiana infantry, write: Hermit Remedy Co. : Deftr Sirs I have doctored for Piles since the Civil War-thirty-six years and am now glad to report that, after using your treatment for a few weeks, I am complete ly eured. -1 believe yon ran curs anyone, for a man could not get in a much worse condition than I was and live, and I am duly grateful to you. Yours respectfully, M. McCoy. Thousands of Pile sufferers who had given up in despair of ever being cured have written us letters full of gratitude, after using our rem edies for a short time. You can have a trial sample mailed FfiEE by writing us full particu lars of your case. HERMIT REMEDY CO. 738 Adams Express Building, Chicago, 111. BESfFOR'-THE JvlBWEliS4:-;: If yon haven t a reeular, healthy movamnt of tbe bowttl eery day, yoa'ro ill or wlii be Kep yotjr bowoli open, and bo well. Force. In tbe shape of. tio lentphrsio tr pill poison, Is dangerous. The mooth est, easiest: fnoet perfect wy ( keeplag the bowel dear and clean is to take CANDY CATHARTIC fob EAT EWI LIKE CANDY Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Tante Oood. IVi Good, Never flicken, Weaken, or Uripe, 19, C5, and 60 roots per box. A'rlte for (roe sample, and booklet on aealth. Add rem 131 STERLING REMEDY. COSPAST, f IIUMGO er KEW YOKE. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Your Summer Outing. Unite health, rest, pleasure antl eorafort on the handsome, luxurious ' Steel Steamship MAfJITOU triKST.CLA.RS OJiLY.) Exclusively for Passenger Service. Tri-Weekly Sailings. IP Special Rates; 13 Pan American Exposition Ro4auooft rhlor rhaflatAlo rA.lV a.. Uo m-rt a. v v. a mivavv viiaiiTuta s ttnancTt a es s v bor Springs. Bay View, flacklnac Inland, etc.. eon n act in a- with all Stenmfthip Line for flaater. vM.oitn ana LHke miperiur I'omta- Deftcriptive reading mutter, giving particulars aboat the voraae, term nnd renervntiona aent free. JOS. ItKOIJCIIF.IU. . I. A. Vaaltnu Kleamlln CumpaiiT. rillt AtiO. Cancers Cured Why suffer pain and death from can cer? DR. T. O'CONNOR cures can cers, tumors, and wens; no knife, blood or plaster: Address 1306 O Street. Lin coln. Nebraska. ' ; 1029 0 Street PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinets $2.00 per dot., tittle Ovals 33c per dos We Gut Drug" READ OUR ADS and you Will know the extent of our cuts. Our prices are the same to all whd pay CASH. $1.00 Riggs' -Dyspepsia Tablets. .. .69c $1.00 Riggs Sarsapariila and Cle- ery Compound.... .....69c $1.00, Riggs' Female Regulator.. . .69c $1.00.' Cook's Dandruff Hair .Tonic. 79c $1.00 Peruna.. ,..v I'."........ 79c $1.00 Miles Ner7 Jne 79c $1.00 Pierce's' Remedies: . '. ... .79c $1.00 Hood's Sarsapariila. . .79c $-..60 Paine's Celery Compound. . . .7c $1.00 Wine o Cardui. l79c $1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.. 79c $1.00 Malted Milk. .79c $1.00, Lydia Plnkham's ' Compound .79c $1.00 Kilmer's' Swamp Root, ..... .79c $1.00 Scott's Emulsion . ..... .". . -79c We not only cut on all patents, but we are in a position to give you Job ber's rate on all staples. "It pays to trade here. 1 CUT RATE PHARMACY, 12th and O Streets. Lincoln, Neb. WABASH RAILROAD . is L i SHORTEST AND to PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION BUFFALO, MAY 1 to NOV. 1. The WABASH runs on its own tracks from Kansas City, St. Louis and CMcr.go. Many special rates will be elvcn during the summer months. Stopover; allowed on all tickets at Niagara Falls. Be sure your tickets reaO via the WABASH ROUTE. For rett'3, folders and other Information, call on your nearest ticket agent, or write Jos. Teahon, T, P. A.r Omaha, Neb., or C. 8. Crane, G. P. & T. A., St. Loujs. : ,' " " -." Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital If you are going to a Hospital for treatment, it will pay you to conrult Dr. Shoemaker. He makes a specialty of diseases of women, the nervous sys tem and all surgical diseases. 1117 1 st Lincoln, Neb. P. O. box 951. LINCOLN SANITARIUM A Thoroughly quipped c 1 entitle Establishment Sulpho-Saline Bath House M Sanitarium 4 . . : 14th and M Streets LINCOLN, NEB. All forms of baths: Turkish. Russian, Soman and Electric, vrith special attention to the application of H atnral 8alt Water Baths, for the treatment of all acute and chronio noo-eon-taceona cnrable diseases. Rheumatism, Skin, Blood and Nervous Diseases, lAver and Kidney Trouble, and all forms of Stomaeh Trouble are treated successfully, starrah of the Stomach and Bovrela, Heart Disease, acute and chronic,- are all freatly benefitted and many permanently cored by takiner the Natural Salt Water Baths (Schott Method as first given at Nauheim, Germany. A separate department, fitted with a thoroughly a septic surgical ward and operating rooms, -offer special inducements to surgical caes and all disease peculiar to women. Tbe Sanitarium la thoroughly equipped for treating all diseases by modern successful methods It ts managed by physicians well trained and of extended experience,- specialists ia their several departments. Trained nurses, skillful and courteous attendants. Prices reasonable. Address Li n co In , San iiafAm I -; ';L. I N C O L N , : N E . B R A S K A ; V ; K&MBafaaaaaesnlBttBBkaaatjtSV OVOIIIIIO0 BA.D BLOOP CUBXD.r-l8t.2nd.-or 3rd 'stages of .Syphilis cored tl I I II I L I U for f20- 12 box treatment naver fails-. Tl moles, skin eruptions " : f a , jnjgh as if by magio. RemeTiber money returned if not satisfactory. Jf2 single box. By mail, plain wrappers. Haan'a Pfcajrmaey, 1305 Far nam St.,Omaha, Neb. t SOLD BY Jt-O. KOSTHA. iiNCOLN, NKBR. . V Tr