2Xay 30, 180L THIS IfEBRAOKA INDEPENDENT. TLer w tccr a faro Ujr-o-t ta AxkosA thai eq-.l th urHLhi&f la Wall ttreet. A trust can, Ibf paaairg ft dMiecJ cr declaring aa extra iirft cz, put stocks cp cr down at tz cvo tweet wllL t!U ttt calltt lead 20 Iriatlt tla prOTlscea along t-elr i07 asaiatt aa tura a taiag ai tia taU gasa. Tta tier day the British aad the Gerrura cars la contact la China aa4 two rrstn were killed. That mat tr a hardly adjusted b or the GematJi case lc contact with the Cn'.teJ Stata ol2r and one Ger sia waa wounded. Tie Germans' will bare to atop tie arrogance which they tare b-o iispUyfcg or there will be txoctle cutsMe of China. A Chic go Daily ta j: "Tb resump tion of gold export!, with a balance of trte c! nearly 1700.0 W O in our f at cr. tan mean. csIt one thine. We fnust be making Euro;- our dettor at aa aton:hirr rate. It is a gxd time for people who hate Aanrn stocks to held ea to them." That editor is fTisItntly c!T. for Mr. Roewater has Irfomatlos that 1- hSm to beliere that the roll in circulation in this eocstry ha ba largely increased by cur .xtrn cf imj-orta. Oar eart of export over imports far the jrar wa l hat la about s-qual to the whole amount of : fold in th'.s country. The to state- j neatt takes together show that the j balance waa not pail in gold. There ;trt two war in which settlement j iojH hare ten made. Foreigners ; co-Id have returned to this country j ASMicas tor.i. storks and other eri- S dencea of indbednf or foreigners j tx?e beco&e czr dbtori to that j asKKitt. j 1?ZZZSz i Two hur1rd Indiana editors met j the r.ttr day and d'-riared that they wcruld not longer ue the loiW plate j patent inside. They Lave juft found out that a truf t controls the output and that tie price charged is altogeth er too high for the tort of goods fur r .ted Th'-e editors all ran the patent xr.f during the last cam jairn h: the matter was devoted to Sing up th trusts and now that they tzi that a thesa they kick. trust is squeezing j Rer J. M. Greene preached before tie general assembly of the Presbyter lia church recently upon the mission ary work ia Porto Rico. He has a very iy t-nfsics of the "civ Hirers' who Kir t-eis sent down there. The ! n .hn nu.rrei and fieht i ., sfinH nf!iff! and ren. I trj.A: put on air of lord of the world i,e d'" net think have a tendency to t-i -rate h- pop up to that point vitere thy "will be capable cf elf- t.3rTf-rcsnnt." The Arsericn Economist, published ty tte American Protect ie league. which has for years --r.t out Urge j ti.'.ys in fi;;"'rt of the tari2 baron. tablish socialism among the rich. Their i c hat-rl tts t;r.e lately. It is now j watchword has been, "community of hht:r.g r-:; r'xntr treaties, and says: j interests. If they had said com--Th pri" la any comet-tic market i munloa of the ricn lt wouM have ex H the m or 13 "a prire, pJu the duty." It j pressM tbe eame thing. Their attempt 5.14 to u that the foreigner paid ! hag deveIoped just same difficulties the tat.' When it raid that, every j tfaat has attendei communion among BttXSet tea a Cnerei ii. woe . u mj ti other thing cow, every znullet head ilip t?eli"ea it. The circulation pr capita in the lnitd 5:au is about 33 per cent larg- er than it a in when tbe mullet heads got o-t ani voted to further di minish it. , Who won in that fight? The pop. What u the result? Just hat the isps sail it ould te. Hur rah for popullsni! It was the salra t;os cf the l"nitel tats. It f'ill carete on MrKiniey is coining more j ii!er every day and the only thing that the grM have to say is: i Look at the r-rotperity.' and then j dram that e have the goM standard. I I Jf a vousg n,an enlist, in McKinly s I army ail the great dailies declare that ! he mu be provided wuh a saloon I wher he can gt beer at co.t. fur- I furr.shed by the government cr there j t ,he r,rr Old Nick to car. If ! he r.'r.t in any one of the industrial j armies, under any of the "great cap- taiti" he Is forbidden to go Into a sa'-joa at all and if he is caught drink- te is :mn::ia:ejy given a ancon-1 thus . c.e cf thoe things that no ;vp can Isi oat. C.t- W. H. Ashby of Beatrice haa launched out into journalism and will putl:h on May Ashby'a Crucible. It wii l a five-coiumn folio, all home print. He says: The Crucible will be "jMst to subscriber who pay tl.00 per year is advance, and to no others; and will be atopped when the subscrip tion expire-"" The Independent hopes that when Captain Ashby g-eta his Crucible aeren times hotter than usual that he will chuck every Nebraska rattUet head into it and keep them there catil he roasts the political ia aazity cut of then. Rudge " " " When the demand comes upon the Ne-v York banks for the movement of the crops and the banks call upon some of the trusts to return the loans that have been made them on five or six times the true valuation of the plants that have gone into the combination, what will happen then? The western I auks will be needing money at the ram time and if all their reserves are down in New York, how will they get them? There is an immense amount of money in circulation, but is the sup ply absolutely Inexhaustible? A dispatch from Deadwood says that the Homestake Mining company. Black Hills, has declared the regular month ly dividend of 25 cents per share and the usual extra dividend of 25 cents per share, both payable May 25. This P"fit comes from ore that will not av cage $4 per ton. erage $4 per ton. That shows what the Lord is doing to the plutocrats who wanted dear money. Four dol- years ago at all. Now all the dumps in the Black Hills are being worked to make money more abundant. The attempts at combination that have recently been made by the New York millionaires are attempts to es- th u wnr wn frtr - littift while and then there was trouble. The communists then began to quarrel among themselves and a fierce fight for j control was engaged in while each side called the other scoundrels. That has j been the history of communism in all ! ages. The thing that aroused the Ire of the Chicago papers against Professor Starr Is the following statement: "Money contributes to human happiness with- out doubt, but it Js not the only thing, nor t the chief thing to be sought, n(1 is possible to pay for it several times its value. The age in which we lJve eeems to me to be money mad. Schemes are on foot where moral prin- cP,e 18 Bad,y absent and "acter is 'Morofonned that our cunning may obtaln what cannot be htd by fair xn'anR Therefore envy is stimulated b wealth- and crude and rel anl" mal PIont environ the struggle for It! We prefer wealth to peace of soul, and are too ready to sacrifice the lat ter for the former." The Independent again issues a word of warning to western bankers. Be c.ireful of the amount of money you i-ave In New York banks. The New York banks, as shown by the clearing house statements, are loaning from five to six times as much money upon manufacturing plants as they would lean before those plants went into the trusts. The security that those banks are taking for loans Is entirely Insuf ficient. When you want your re serves to save your own banks, if they are In New York, you will find that your correspondents there will not be able to call in and collect these enor mous loans made on Insufficient col lateral. What will these Inflated se curlties held by New York banks be worth when the final day of liquidation comes 1 - & . Guenzel Lincoln, Neb. Largest Mail Order House West of Chicago. Immense Stocks of Furniture, Hardware, Stoves, Carpets, Tinware, Cuttlery, Drapery, Lamps,' Sporting Goods, Queensware, Tools, Bicycles. The PRICES in our SPRING CATALOGUE you will find to be as low and, freight considered, 15 to 25 below Eastern supply houses. We guarantee safe delivery.. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Ask for our new SPRING CATALOGUE, ' SENT FREE ON REQUEST. If in this city of Lincoln, with its mullet head majority of over a thou-' sand, ore should be discovered in the streets, the city council would imme diately meet and make a present of them to D. E. Thompson or some cor poration and the mayor would stay in the council chamber to sign the bill the moment that it was passed. At least that is the way they did about the electric light plant. The street lamps were so demoralized by that per formance that they have sputtered, flickered and gone out every ten min utes ever since. A Chicago Instructor in the schools gave utterance the other day to the following truths: "More than a mil lion people are in Nebraska. The per centage of illiterates is the lowest in the nation (or was in 1890). They are freest from the dictation of political bosses, and I tell you from experience that a teacher who may hold a first grade certificate in Illinois can't pass a second grade examination west of the Missouri." He might have added that Nebraska has the greatest state university on earth, where every man has perfect freedom of thought and ex pression and is at perfect liberty to ad vocate anything that he honestly be lieves without danger of ostracism or dismissal. "The most enlightened nations," ac cording to the songs that were sung Inl896 and 1900, have national debts as follows: (1) France, $5,800,691,814; (2) Russia, $3,167,320,000; (3) United Kingdom, $3,060,926,304; (4) Italy, $2, 583,983,780; (5) Austria, $1,697,255,140. According to the republican spell binders, the United States was not en lightened enough and the first thing that McKinley did was to get an act passed that permitted him to. Issue $400,000,000 of bonds, to restore the parity, as it were. He did issue $200, 000,000 and the debt of the United Stat es now stands at $1,107,711,257. McKin ley has increased our enlightenment that much and in a few years more we will, without doubt, get to be as en lightened as France or Russia. It is interesting to watch the con test that is going on in the republican party over the tariff. While the Home Market club was listening to Roose velt and Senator Hoarvs'ang the praises of "protection," McKinley was travel ling through the country singing . the praise of an increased foreign trade and reciprocity treaties. Meantime Representative Babcock is filling a great big scran book with compliments from republican papers concerning his plan to abolish the tariff on all trust products. Not very much reliance should be put upon the hope that this quarrel will amount to anything. Be fore th next campaign they will all get together and agree upon what kind of a lie they shall tell when they go upon the stump. The Independent has Information that Treasurer Stuefer has written cer tain county treasurers that they .need not remit collections of principal on school lands to just let it run awhile. Inasmuch as such money would be placed In the permanent school fund on its arrival at the state treasury, and in view of the fact that Treasurer Stuefer has now over. $300,000 of Idle school money, "on handV' it Is . not J much wonder that he is not anxious to have the county treasurers remit promptly. In a little while we may confidently expect to see a return to the former republican method of al lowing county treasurers to remit about twice a year, Instead of monthly, as Treasurer Meserve required. And that means temptation to speculate with public funds,' and a rake-off for republican office-holders. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. A "re generated and rejuvenated" republi can party, controlled by the same old gang, will make- no better record in governing the state-thai! did their re publican predecessors, who made no hypocritical" pretenses - of believing other than that a '"public office is a private snap;" ; 11 " " One term of office has spoilt many a good man. After sitting for two years in his office chair he is not worth a copper for anything else on earth in me times out or ten ne becomes a wire puller and office-seeker and is ut terly useless to himself and all the rest of mankind. The man who comes out of office and goes actively into business and acts as if he never was an office-holder at all is the chap who does some 'good in the world. Office- holding IS a snare and a delusion Never accept an office except as a duty you owe to the state and in return for the benefits that you have received from free government. That was the old populist doctrine and it is a good one, based, as all the populist doctrines are, upon good, hard, common sense. he paupers who are being educated by' taxes collected from the people at West Point have again violated their word of. honor and begun the hazing which they promised should be sup pressed. The result is that five of them have been court-martialed and dismissed and a good many more pun ished in other ways. . If the military officers in command at West Point can not prevent .mutinies and disobedience to orders, other officers should be ap pointed . and the court pets who are now there should be sent as legation guards to China or to Luzon to tramp through the swamps for a couple of years. If the cadets now there are of such low moral standards that they will continually violate their word of honor, the whole lot had better be sent home and a lot of farmer boys be al lowed to take their places who have been trained in a different way from these cads.' South Carolina seems to be very much of a populist state. What has been called the "imperative mandate" has been voluntarily put in force. Both United States senators have resigned and an appeal is ; to be made to the people. Tillman had a round-up with McLaurin In which he told McLaurin that having voted constantly with the republican party the honorable course for him to pursue after having deserted the party that elected him was to re sign and appeal to the people. Mc Laurin replied that Tillman never would resign, whereupon Tillman dared McLaurin to sign, a joint resig nation with him and. send it to the governor. McLaurin was cornered, but after some attempts to back out was forced to do it, so both senators re signed and a canvass is to be made of the state by. the two.. Democratic pri- xnarles are to be called and the ques tion of who represents the people and who shall represent them in the future is to be decided by, the people them selves. If that Is not straight pop ulism, what is it? ., PAYING THE PRICK Since the beginning of the Boer war 14,978 British soldiers have been killed or died of wounds and disease. There are now 13,797. British soldiers in hospitals. - " And 17,209 British soldiers have been wounded. Those Transvaal gold mines come high, but British speculators must have them if it takes every Briton available f or , military duty. If the Colorado miners keep up with their cyanide processes and cleaning up of old dumps, by the time the Brit ish get Kruger's gold mines they will not have very much value left in them. But as the British believe in "intrin sic" value they will probably keep on fighting even if gold becomes so plenti ful that Denver and Cripple Creek con clude to copy the Celestial City and pave their streets with gold. If the Joe Chamberlain lunatics are so de termined to have the gold mines, let them fight on. America and Dewet stand for liberty. ' ' Hardy's Column The Difference," Why the Fuss -J My Politics' Corn Corner & The State Fair ,5 Which Person The Rich Must Be Made Richer 5 Educations Dunkard - National Meeting" Who ever saw a greater difference in Marks than there is between Mark Hanna and Mark Twain. Why make so much fuss about the Boyd hotel having a saloon handy by the side with doorways connecting, while the Lindell and the Lincoln have saloons inside? Saloons are all of them either good or bad everywhere. I was not a Buchanan democrat, could not be one; neither was I a Cleveland democrat. I was a Lincoln republican, but cannot be a McKinley republican. I am now a Bryan demo crat. The corn corner is off and No. 2 is worth but little more than No. 3. The small quantities of No. 2 and large quantities of No. 3 and there was no way of mixing No. 1 with No. 3 and making No. 2 as Armour, did with wheat on the Leiter corner, for there was little or no No. 1 was the real cor ner of the corner. Twenty thousand for the old state fair grounds, with buildings thereon, is a low price, and why the state board do not see it we cannot imagine. It may be another Dorgan deal. Which person will be most likely to pass the pearly gates into the New Jerusalem? The one who makes no profession, belongs to. no church, yet leads a pure, kind and benevolent life, or the one who makes a loud profes sion, occupies the highest ckurch re lations, but at the same time leads a brutal, indulgent life. Right living is the corner stone of salvation. He that does others good gets more good to himself than he can to be selfish. How few in church or state work more for the masses than for "themselves. Who besides the wealthy ship own ers are at work for the subsidy bill? Whom else will the law benefit? Any thing to make the rich richer and the poor poorer will not be vetoed by Mc Kinley. We must conclude that the Yankees are not smart enough to hold their own on an evener with foreign ers they must have protective tariffs, subsidies and who knows what next. Make a law to tax United States bonds to pay the subsidy 'and we would not object or tax corporation, but no, the farmers must pay it or the most of it. Education, like suffrage, has been extended more and more contrary to the will and wish of the high bloods. Free schools and free colleges have been fought by the upper crust. Fifty years ago none but the wealthy could get a college education. Now a poor boy or girl can work their way through college by tne time they are twenty one. We have been fifty years fighting the aristocratic colleges for the ad mission of girls as well as boys. Most of the college doors are now open for both sexes, rich and poor. So line af ter line. of business has been open to the fair sex. More and more the girls of today demand an even marriage or they will support themselves. It is no longer necessary for girls to marry or be left homeless.' Sne can make her own home and unless a man is a home-maker she is justified in turning a deaf ear to his proposals of marriage. It is the doctrine of imperialism that the masses are made to "ork and sub serve the interests of the few. Much comment has been made on the fact that some of the women lost on the board of trade the other day, but ten times more men lost. Some of the women made large sums. It is just as proper for a woman to gamble, smoke, chew and drink as for men. Lincoln has been thronged with sev eral thousand Dunkards, from all parts of the United States, in attendance up on their national yearly meeting. The name is derived from the German word which signifies to dip. They are baptists and believe in immersion.They read the Bible, sing, pray and preach as other denominations do. r They seem to be plain, common-sense peo ple. The men's hats are the same as other people wear. The only pecul- PONT TOBACCO SPIT and S M O KB Your Lifeawavt ... . . . ... - xou can oe curea or nr iorm or tocacco usiajr easily, be made well, strong:, masrnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking: MQ-TO-BAC, that makes weaE. men strone. Manv train ten pounds in ten days. Oyer BOO -OOO cared. All druggists. .A a il J : -a J j . cure mi Jet- and advice FREE. . Address STERLING :u. auuiuceiMs. v.ure euaranieea. i-sooic. advice PRE REMEDY COn Chicago or New York. 437 Lincoln. ,-ve m 1 T m r. JV ... VL &Hm KXiTmZ.ZJ,Vrrt J. lraTV;fvL ii.1"!! "!., lift Ii The success with which the sale and demonstration of Faust Blend and other of Blanke's Coffees have met during the present week at. this store is proof sufficient of their superior worth, of their being all that is claimed for them. Among the leading hotels serving BLANKE'S RENOWNED COFFEES exclusively are: ' The Hopkins, Tecumseh, Neb. The Exchange, Waverly, Neb. The Blodget Hotel, York, Neb. The Auditorium Hotel, Chicago, 111. Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark. Brown's Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo. Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, O. Grand Hotel, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Del Prade Hotel, This famous coffee is also served exclusively on the Pullman dining ar.d buffet cars; on the elegant steamships of the" Ocean Steamship' Co. of New York and Sabannah; on the dining cars of the Denver & Rio Grand, the Bal timore & Ohio, the Wabash, Lake Shore and New York Central railroads. All this week this coffee is being served free at this store. A special demonstration is in progress and visitors will receive a pretty souvenir. Handsome and valuable presents to purchasers of FAUST BLEND and other high grade coffees. ARE ClHw V rifrM-M ar WHOLE -f 13 V tSOME larity in their -dress . seems to be in buttoning . the coat and vest to the chin. The. women wear bonnets and not hats, which are of similar shape, but of different color and made of dif ferent material. To tell the truth, they are just as good looking under their, plain bonnets as are the Lincoln women under feathers, flowers and rib bons. They get along without tobacco just as well as other churches do with It. The young people , seem to be lieve in twoism as much as other young people. We saw several pairs sitting and standing, walking and talk ing as though they had more interest in each other than in all others in sight. These people not only dress 'plainly, but they live otherwise plain ly. The one course begins ani ends their most fashionable meals. They are mostly farmers and live off the farm on their own productions. Wish they would buy the western Normal building and. start a school a3 the Quakers have at Wichita, Kas. For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teeth ing. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cut ting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup" for Children' Teething. Its value is incalculable. It' will-relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tono and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Sootnlng Syrup" for chil dren, teeth Jug is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest aCoVbest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price, 25' cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WinsloVs Soothing Syrup." f Filipino Civilizers A recent cablegram from Manila un der date of May 23 says: "As the outcome of a drunken-quarrel in the officers' quarters at Camp Stotsenburg Tuesday afternoon, Lieu tenant James F. Howell of the 6th ar tillery, shot Second Lieutenant Chas. R. Lloyd of the . same regiment, the bullet grazing the left side of Lloyd's head and inflicting a slight wound. - "After retreat that evening Lieuten ant Howell, who . was temporarily in command; took field battery 12 on a wild "hike" through the jungles and rice fields of Mariquina valley. ' Later Howell, Lloyd and Dr.; Overton, who dressed Lloyd's wounds, .were placed under arrest. The affair is being in vestigated." ' ' 100 POUNDS GRANULATED MUM Don't send money write for . particulars. KOHL BROS. & CO. . WHOLESALE TO CONSUMERS. 47-49-G, W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO Nebraska Lindell Hotel, Lincoln, Neb. Paddock Hotel, Beatrice, Neb. The Talmadge, Auburn, Neb. The Brown Hotel, bterllng, Neb. The Imperial Hotel, New York, N. Y. Tony Faust, St. Louis," Mo. Battery Park Hotel, Ashvllle, N. C. ; Hotel Colorado, Colorado Springs. Chicago, 111. BEE-KEEPERS' SUPPLIES. Send us your orders for nives. Sections, Extractors, Smok ers, Veils Swarm Catchers, Foundation Bee Books, etc We handle Irfkbmer's Goods and n mv jrna time and freight. BEES WAX WANTED. CATALOGUE FREE. TRESTER SUPPLY CO, 103 South 11th Strett, LINCOLN, NEB. To make cows pay, use feharples C'reaut Separators. Book "Business Dairying" and Catalogue 270 free. W. Chester, Pa. POULTRY fRfS 10c More reading matter than Any otbrr poultry paper In the world. Sample free, western Poultry News, Lincoln, Neb. APIARY SUPPLIES A full line of goods needed in tbe Apiary. All goods and work first class. Descriptive circular and price list free. New extracted honey for sale after July 1st. Write for prices on honey. Address, N F. A. SNELL, MilledgeTille, Carroll Co., III. 42Q Quilt Sofa and Fin Cushion de signs. Book contains be sides, lesson on embroi dery, on Battenburr lace making. All illustrated. AIm lUiutretad Hit, of mwrtil,, Ia)u4. tut HO fcwy nttnhM for pttah wmk. Regular prlo it 36n, but to men rKlY of thll paptr w, will HMl ft taaf Ban pimB. TEN CENTS. - LADIES' ART CO.. OCPT. 1T6A, ST. LOUIS, MO. Grindstones Direct from maker to riser. 7Mb. stone, diam eter 20 inches, $2.80. 100-1 b. stone, diameter 24 inches, $3.30. Either siae stone mounted. $L2S extra. The prices include cost of delivery at nearest railroad station. Write for circular. P. L. Cole, Lock Box 381, Marietta, Ohio. A L F A Ii F A Home Grown RECLEANED Alfalfa seed, crop 1900. For prices and samples write , CHAS. BUSHNELL, Wilsonville, Furnas Co., Neb 1029 0 Street PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinets $2.00 per doz.. Little Orals 35c per doz. T. J. THORP & COMPANY GENERAL MACHINISTS. Repairing of all kinds.,58 Mod el -makers, etc. S 5 Seals, Rubber Stamps, Sten cils, Checks, Etc. 308 South llth St., Lincoln, Neb J. W- Mitchell Co. 1338 O STREET. Wall Paper sj"$ com- rite II for prices. & Painting (lpc pattern choose