THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT May 2, 1901 "Feeble palor, fainting, smothering or sinking spells all point in the same direction an impaired heart action. A heart that is weak or diseased cannot do full duty and the circulation of the blood is interfered with. There Is a medicine that gives new strength to the heart, new power to the pulse and puts new color into check and lip. xemild Junsp and beat at a fearful rate and then drop almost toa toppiig jxlnt I ct.qM cot rft at night, fet cwrlted an ! had erre pains ia chet. 'XV k Dr. Miles' Heart Cur six Vfk atd curfd" T. IL Josxs, ntubur, Texas, Dr. Maes' Heai-t Ctfue regulates the heart's a&ion, while it stimulates the digestive organs to make new, rich, red blood which rives strength to the whole body. Sold by drug- j g:sts on a guarantee. tit. l'U HHlcal Caf Hkhart, led. thr source n&a we lock far help? TT. wfeo! retina tus to b under a I!1. Truthf jJn was once the first ! reQisite of a fctlezsan. Now mea will o ccto the tork exchange or ln tc tLr Hbi of trad?, make lying the thif ihlag In their business and they tre U admitted to foot mvciety with out qrrstloa. But It Is la the dally prrw that the custom has become uai crral There i a tromlar daily In thit city that He so persistently and ! unc4in?!y that ro one believes any j rtateraest that It makes without proof J from totne :hr fource to sustain it. j rac-ft ccirersal Ijins. a decent and hcnonb man would not be caught Vth a copy fa hi hand. Till Geld Oirsscrats Several dispatches have been pub lished during the last week concerning the god democrats of Iowa. One of ttera Is as follows: "Not en!y will the democratic con vention swallow the fusion populists, but the convention will probably be controlled by the gold democrat. ?ueh gosa cmocraui as irt the party in iv.s and joined the republicans will not participate la the convention, but ttsae who wen with the gold demo cratic natlosal movement and retained their indeetidtnce of the republican organization will slide back ia and take control of the democratic organi sation. The state central committee is controlled by these mea now. The loan delegation to the national con veatloa at Kansas City last year was rratrolled by the gold men. Had not Catc Sella of Vittoa fallen under the magic ern of William Jennings Bry an by a vlfclt to Lincoln the day before the convention, the Iowa vote on res olutions would have gone against the ir-don meet of the Chicago platform. A 6ep-at-d resentment exists ia the democratic party cow against S1I for hi action at the Kansas City conven tion. But the influential democrats ex pect all sores will be healed at the state convention and factions In the party eliminated with Bryan and sil ver and the Chicago platform. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE A Wek of SwrpriM. JoMplh UaVi Gn mrm Illau Tk;r Ctilf Mas Clm 10 With Milrlip Tt4 tm It TLf Independent's "red letter spe cial edition of April IS is beginning to show gratifying results, notwithstand ing the fact that a local evening paper immediately thereafter devoted half a column cotsraectiEg upon It. some thing after the following style: "Six columns of solid reading mat ter, adorned here and there with huge patches of crimson Ink, punctuated with frenzied appeals for the cola of the realm, have Wa sent out among the faithful popoi!ts by the harrassed members of the populist state central committee. This is dose through the partisan press and by reading It one gains the opinion that the oScers of the fusion forces are up against it good and hard and something must be done to pay o2 the debts Incurred last fall. . . . Those who contribute will have the pleasure of seeing their names adorning the list of faithful printed In lurid Ink la the upper right hand cor ner of the party organ. As a starter a few names ir ran la jist to show how It would look." Ths Independent would suggest to this milk-and-water attempt at fur n!hlr.g an evening republican paper for Lincola people, that this matter of collecting funds to pay o2 the populist party debt is ur funeral; and that Its spiteful allusion to the color work arises from an envious spirit, because the ra!pmnt cf the News Is not suf ficient to do such work. This has. Indeed. bea a week of surprises, Saunders county, la the lead the oau two weeks through the efforts f Eric Johnson, editor of the New Era. has been compelled to step back Into econd place: and Thayer county, heretofore dragging along with a credit cf $2.4 hots cp serenely as the top- Eotcher. with a credit cf $103.40. This Is d-e wholly to the generosity of one man, Hoa. Joeph Limb, cf Hubbell. who this wk ct Secretary De France a New York Craft for I100 with this patriotic letter: . -ENCLOSED WITH THIS.X SEND DRAFT FOR $100 TO CREDIT OF MtrELF, TO APPLY TOWARD PAY- IXG THE PEOPLE'S PARTY IN DEBTEDNESS. CAMPAIGN OF 1900. I DO THIS FOR THE CAUSE OF RIGHT. I CAN AFFORD TO CON TRIBUTE THAT AMOUNT TO PART LY PAY FOR THE PAST. GOOD AC COMPLISHED IN OUR" GREAT STATE BY OUR GLORIOUS PARTY. MANY OTHER MEN WE CLAIM ARE FULLY ABLE TO DO AS MUCH. YOURS TRULY, - "JOSEPH LAMB." Well said. But there are populists, perhaps fully as able as Mr. Lamb to rlTe $100, who hare sent in a silver quarter to Secretary De France with the admonition: "Do not publish my name." And. while it is not expected that many will be able to give $100. yet there ought to be a thousand men who would walk up willingly and pay $5 each, or $10, $20. $50, Just as they are able to give. Many of the men who hare given $1 apiece are less able to afford it than many others who might give ISO and sneaked in a quarter under a nom de plume and then leaned back and said: "Snake Hollow pops are always ready to do their sharp I've done nne. -. jThe FheAij County Times-Iinde-jidept. Loup City, has also taken up the campaign collection, and gives new subscribers the paper one year for a dollar, donating half of It to the fund. . Open till May 15. . THE HIGH COUNTIES. Counties having a credit of more than $30 are as follows: Thayer $103 40 Saunders 65 95 York 58 65 Kearney 48 00 Cuming ( .44 50 Custer 41 05 Polk T 37 80 Washington ... 37 11 Lancaster 36 50 Antelop 33 65 A large number of interesting letters from contributors are unavoidably frowded out this week. RECEIPTS. Previously acknowledged S 935 81 To Tuesday noon 171 80 Total $1,107 61 BY COUNTIES. (Contributions of 25c, unless other wise specified.) ADAMS Previously acknowledged, $14.37; collection of $2 by Gotthardt Fischer. Holstein, for Cottonwood township, (Fischer, 50c; Hans John son. 50c; Anson Turno, Fred Hohfeld. Blacksmith Ilenrlckson, Wm. Harger- ode all Holsteia. Total, $16.37. BUFFALO Previously acknowl edged. $5.05; "Populist." Pleasanton. Total. $5.30. CASS Previously acknowledged. $15.50; collection of $1.75 by J. P. Rouse. Alvo. (Rouse. $1; J. Wolf, G. W. Wolf. 50c) all Alvo; W. K. Fox and P. E. Ruffner. two democrats, Platts mouth. Total. $17.75. CHERRY Previously acknowledged $95; "Democrat." Chesterfield. 50c. Total. $9.75. DAKOTA Previously, acknowledged $3.95; collection of $1.05 by J. M. Woodcock, carpenter and builder, South Sioux City, for Covington pre cinct (Woodcock, 50c; M. J. Tunnicliff, W. H. George. J. F. Clark, 5c) all Sioux. Total. $5. DAWSON Previously acknowledged $3.75; W. W. WInslow, Elm Creek. $1 for Independent collection. Total, $6.25. FRANKLIN Previously acknowl edged. $10.25; second collection by O. Pool, Upland". $2.50 (Pool. Perry Park er, Frank Osterlund, A. S. Hisey, N. P. Work. 50c) all Upland, and $1 for Independent collection. Total. $12.j.o. FURNAS Previously acltnovledged, $7.90; "Sam and Sam." 50c; Ernest Huxoll, 50c. Arapahoe; collection of $3.50 by G. W. Knisel, Oxford, for Era preonct (Knisel, Nick Gusselman, P. D. Fisher, Mr. Kalnandcr, M. Bally, 50c) all Oxford, and $2 for Independent collection. Total. $11.40. GOSPER Previously acknowledged, $5.40: R. Cawthra. $1; G. W. Lathrop, $1. Kolbrook. Total, $7.40. HALL Previously acknowledged, J25.25; James W. Smith. $1. Doniphan; collection of $3.50 by M. Burk, Doni phan (John Waters, $1; Father Dun phhy, $1; W. J. Burger, 50c; Burk, $1) all Doniphan. Total, $29.75. HAMILTON Previously acknowl edged. $15.75; collection of $2 by Geo. Hagey. Aurora (Hagcy Bros., $1.50; Hamilton precinct Bryan club, 50c). Total. $17.75. HOLT Previously acknowledged, $13.25; "No Name." $1, Amelia. Total, $14.25. JEFFERSON Previously acknowl edged. $13.75; second contribution Jud Clark, chief of police, Fairbury. To ut $14. KEARNEY Previously acknowl edged. $47.50; Anton M. Anderson, Norman. $1 for Independent collection. .Total, $48. KEITH Previously acknowledged, $L70; M. D. Krah. Paxton. Total, $1.95. KEYA PAHA Previously acknowl edged. $2.50; Ralph Lewis, $1, Lutes. Total. $3.50. LANCASTER Previously acknowl edged. $34X5; "Mill Precinct," 50c; A. J. Young, $1, Firth, for South Pass precinct. Total. $36.05. LOUP Previously acknowledged, $3; L. D. Austin, Moulton. Total, $3.25. OTOE Previously acknowledged, $17.35; S. Landon, $1, Syracuse; col lection of $1 by E. S. Whittaker (him self. W. C. Lambeth, J. M. Ruth, Jesse Anderson) all Syracuse. Total. $19.35. PHELPS Previously acknowledged, $7X0; John Swanson. Aug. Bengstrom, Holdrege. Total, $8. PIERCE Previously acknowledged, $2.25; "Fuslonlst," $1, Pierce. Total, $3.25. SAUNDERS Previously acknowl edged. $54.95; -collection of $7 by J. S. P. Moyer, Ceresco, for Richland pre cinct (Hans Swanson, 50c; Hugo Carl son, 50c; Ed Quick, Otto Randall,. S. Nordstrom, Lars Mortlnson. $1; An drew Carlson. 50c; Peter Carlson, 50c; S. S. Johnson. 50c; Ray Templeton, all of Swedeburg; F. A. Pape, C. B. Boyd ston, 50c; C. Mattsen, 60c; J. S. P. Moyer; $1. all Ceresco; G. A. Rowell, Wahoo); John Kavan, 5Cc. Morse Bluff: collection of $3.50 by Eric John son, editor Saunders County New Era, (F. E. Way, M. D., 60c; Andrew Oake soa, 50c, both Wahoo; C. T. Johnson, 50c. Valparaiso; New Era subscrip tion fund. $1: W. M. Davis. II. Colon). Total. $65.9$. V SEWARD Previously acknowledged $19.75 Harrison Mundhenke, 50c, Mil ford. Total, $20.25. SHERIDAN Previously acknowl edged, $1.95; A. Rolke, Gordon. Total, $2.20. ,. .- t SHERMAN Previously acknowl edged, $6; collection of $4 by James Slote, Litchfield, for Harrison town ship, (James Slote, 50c; A. Dickerson, $1; Lars Iioldt, 50c; E. W. Go win, 50c; Chas Comma, 50c; E. A. Slote, 50c; Paul HeisnerFrank Slote) all Litch field; W. C. Dietrichs, Rockville, $1.25 for Independent collection; J. F. Van drala, Ravenna, $1.25 for Independent collection. Total, $10.50. THAYER Previously acknowledged $3.40; JOSEPH. LAMB, HUBBELL, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which places Rose Creek precinct and 'i-ayer county at the head of the procession. Hurrah for Joseph Lamb, old Rose Creek and Thayer county! Total, $103.40. VALLEY Previously acknowledged, $6.95; "Arcadia," 50c. Total. $7.45. WAYNE Previously acknowledged, $4.55; S. W. Elder, Carroll. Total, $4.80. YORK Previously acknowledged, 32.65; fourth collection by J. D. P. Small, York, (Hermann Behllhg, coun ty treasurer, $1); collection of $25 by A. G. Pruitt, treasurer York county fu sion executive committee (no names submitted). Total, $58.63. No receipts during the week from counties not named above. Print the Names The Crete Democrat declares that many democrats and pops of promi nence in state politics are flirting with the corporation managers. The charge is true, and the Telegram is pleased to observe that Brother Bowlby's ac knowledgement of the fact. Fact is, Nebraska had never been lost bythe fusionists but for the dishonesty of our leaders. Democratic and pop platforms promised the people relief from rail road rule in Nebraska. Our leaders ignored the platforms. This disgusted the great body of our voters, and well, they turned us down because we had been traitors to our trust. Our good .brother in Crete promises to print some names in case certain fusion leaders continue sleeping with corpor ation harlots. Clipped from Edgar Howard's Columbus Telegram by a number of fusion papeis. Yes. print the names. What is the use of all this twaddle about "sleeping with corporation harlots," unless both the whores and the whoremorgers are mentioned by name? "Fact is, Nebras ka had never been lost by the fusion ists but for the dishonesty of our lead ers." Name the specific acts of dis honesty, Mr. Howard, and name the leaders who committed the dishonest acts. No flapdoodle, no monkey busi ness, no hedging, no glittering gener alities; but spit it out! It may ins- prove that dark brown taste in your J mouth and it will surely help both the populist and democratic parties if you can demonstrate to the satisfac tion of any reasonable man that you are not talking through your head gear. Now, put up or shut up; shoot, or give up the gun; you are particeps crim'inis if you continue to whine week after ' week about "the dishonesty of our leaders" and fall to tell what, and where, and whom, and how. For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teeth ing. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cut ting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic; softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tono and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Sootning Syrup" for chil dren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of tho oldest aCfl best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout tho world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Wlnslo v'a Soothing Syrup." THE MAD MULLAHS The Fopl of Both Sldea of the Ocean are Getting- Very Tired of Imperialism The craze of imperialism that seized the civilized nations of the earth two or three years ago seems to be sub siding. It has imposed heavy addi tional burdens upon the producing classes of the nations and the results have been disaster and financial loss. The American press has beeti point ing out to England the foolishness of their jingo war and now the English press is doing the same kindly service for the Mad Mullahs of the McKinley administration. These wise men are just beginning to say what The Inde pendent has said from the beginning. They are finding out that imperialism comes exceedingly high and when it gets established there are no finan cial returns. The London News gives Mark Hanna a pointer in the follow ing article: "Why should not the republican par ty, having discovered that imperialism does not pay, "trump the Bryanite card and come out against the unfruitful expansionist policy?' American com mercial authorities are saying that the islands will never pay for their keep even were the miserable war over. Even if humane and ethical reasoning fall, that argument should appeal to the great business party of America. "If the American people as a whole are not eager for more expansionism in regards to the possessions they have acquired, still less are they anx ious for military displays in behalf of those who . sit in darKness, as Mark Twain has put it. They are not wry proud of the recent Chinese expedition. They do not intend to play the part of Huns under a German field-marshal any more. In objecting to any other CANDY CATHARTIC. Drugs Ista. Gcnulns stamped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Btwurt of the dealer who tries to sell "something Just as good." ffy CAN Or CATHARTIC- tcftO. Hfc.illTii'i i . '. ; I -r. : expedition into the interior of China the Washington cabinet is undoubted ly expressing the general sentiment of the people. The American mission-' aries have on the whole given sensible advice, and the people are not so mad as to suppose that trade is to be pro moted by robbing and killing your cus tomers. The raucous strains of the 'White Man's Burden' no longer attract the American mind. - The jingo pulpit, which has been such a pernicious force. Is. more quiet, the yellow press has been found , out, and a portion of it has taken on. quite another hue. In a word, the silly imperialist fever has greatly subsided, and the clear, gray of dawn has succeeded to the orgies of the night. ... The, Americans have had their bout," and like Agathon's companions, they are feeling the ef fects, so they now propose a more rea sonable course. No people in the world learn so quickly as they, and consequently when they find that the course on which they embarked three years ago leads to grave constitutional problems, to immense expenditures to complications with foreign powers, tftat it does not mean one dollar's worth more trade, and that it--does mean a serious loss of self-respect,, we may feel certain that this path of thorns, and briars "will not be trod much' longer." , These 'grave constitutional prob lems and immense expenditures" were all pointed out and thoroughly dis cussed in The Independent from the very beginning of this new departure from American principles and the re sults predicted. But the Mad Mullahs would "on with the dance." COSTLIEST WAR OF HISTORY ETry Boer Killed Has Coat England $150,000 and There are Some Thou - land Not Yet Killed. Every day men more and more con demn the foolishness of the jingo Brit ish government in waging war upon the Boers. The war has already cost the English more than any other war they ever fought. If they conquer in the end they will have gained nothing but the hatred of liberty-loving men of all nations and a few thousand square milesjsf South African desert made so by the devastation of war and some gold mines. The Chicago American in summing up the results of the war so far says: When the English budget was intro duced somebody said that every Boer killed had cost $5,000. The estimate was generally accepted and commented upon without examination. The truth is, as a moment's reflection will show, that the figure is ridiculously low. The British have certainly not killed 10,000 Boers. It is doubtful whether they have killed '5,000. If it has cost them $750,000,000 to kill 10,000 Boers that is $75,000 per Boer. If only 5,000 have been disposed of, the butcher's bill amounts to $150,000 apiece. There were less than 40,000 Boer families in the two republics when the war began. England could have giv en every family $20,000 to keep quiet without spending any more than she has paid for fighting;, , The Boer republics, whose combined population is less than that of Detroit or Milwaukee, have given the British empire the most costly war it has ever had in its .whole history in the same space of time. This week England is borrowing $300,000,000 to pay a mere installment of the cost of the Boer war. The British national debt practically began in the reign of William III. and the 'entire amount borrowed in that reign, including the support of an eight years' war with France, was $60, 000,000. The ten years war of the Spanish succession added $115,000,000 to the British national debt. The nine years of war from the be ginning of hostilities with Spain in 1739 to the end of the general war of the Austrian succession, 1747, caused borrowings to the amount of $145,000, 000. The great seven years' waf involved $290,000,000 of new debt.. The eight years' war "of the Ameri can revolution, including wars with France, Spain and Holland, required loans to the amount of $5S0,C00,000. The greatest amount borrowed by Great Britain in any one year in the wars of the French revolution was $150,000,000 in 1795, repeated in 1797. The largest amount borrowed in any one year during the Napoleonic wars was $198,000,000 in 1813. The Crimean war of three years in creased the national debt by $195,000, 000. , The Boer war has lasted a year and a half. In that time England has had to borrow more than she ever bor rowed in any two years of any other war in her history. Moreover she has spent more than we spent In our civil war in the same length of time. Our most expensive year was the fiscal year 1865, when we had over a million soldiers under arms. In that year our expenses, military and naval, were nominally $1,135,307,834.13, but as they were paid In depreciated paper, whose average value was 49 H cents on the dollar, the actual gold cost of the war for the year was $570,887, 377.89. England has paid over $750, 000,000 in gold for a year and a half of Boer fighting and expects to pay a bil lion before the, job is over. Norris Humphrey The death of Norris Humphrey was one of the saddest things that has hap pened In Lincoln for a long time. He was one of the oldest residents and thrchigh his business had made a large list of acquaintances and - friends among the farmers as well as among the business men. He had resided here for more than thirty years. He was happy in his family and had ac cumulated a competence for himself and those dependent upon him, yet he took his own life. He was a man of unimpeachable character and was re spected by all who knew him. Some time ago there arose a difficulty about the settlement of his brother's estate, but it had been settled to the satisfac tion of all and In the manner that Mr. Humphrey first suggested. He was a man of such sensitive feelings that the remarks thi.t had been made about the matter seemed to prey upon his mind and he became very melancholy. At last he began to fear that he would lose his reason and the matter grew worse and worse from day to day. The kindness of his friends and family had no Influence toward leading him to take a brighter look at things, and no one had a more devoted family or- more numerous friends. The sad affair oc curred on Sunday night just after he had taken a ride with his family. The funeral took place Monday af ternoon at the family residence, under the direction of the Knights Templar conducted by L. B. Treeman. - Rev. Wm. H. Manss read a selection from the Bible and made a prayer Lewis Gregory spoke and the quartet of ithe First Congregational church sang three hymns. "Rock of Ages," "Jesus Lover of My Soul," and "Lead Kindly Light." At the grave W. J. Bryan spoke briefly and "Rev. Mr. Manssr delivered the closing prayer. A profusion of flowers covered the casket. Many friends of the family were pres ent at the funeral, the number being so great that a large number were un able, to gain admittance" to the house. The cortege was long. The remarks of Mr., Gregory concerned the mystery of life and death, the character of Mr. Humphrey and the esteem in which he was held by those who really knew him as a man and benefactor.. There are many ways in which mankind makes exit from the world and all are In accordance with the great plan of God. , Mr. Humphrey Vas a man of honor, uncommonly sensitive and could not endure the reproaches that were cast upon his name. The Tem plars In full uniform then completed the ceremony. The pall-bearers were W. J. Turner, .Morris Turner, J4 H. McClay, W. J. Bryan, A. S. Tibbets and E. E. Brown. , Mr. Bryan's remarks were eloquent and sympathetic, touching the hearts of all who heard. He spoke in part as follows: He was my friend. Loyal, confident and devoted. The departing of his life reminds us anew of the slender thread which supports and attaches. Little we know of the future beyond today. Death never comes as a wel come visitor to any home that change when a mortal puts on immortality and corruption incorruption. It is a consoling thought in this case that our brother was spared until a son has reached an age where he can be a com panion and a comfort to the mother. It is hard to speak words of comfort to those who are related by marriage or blood, but there is a little poem that brings to all devoutness and suggests a future recognition. Mr. Bryan then read the poem called "Amen" in a way to bring comfort to all who heard it. , The memory of Norris Humphrey was not buried in the grave with him. It will be cherished by many citizens of Lincoln for long years to come. A 20th Century Marvel Deotors Who Treat aad Cure Patients Without Fay. This is What the British Doctors are Doing" at Their Office at the Corner 11th and N Streets, Sheldon Blk. A staff of eminent physicians and surgeons from the British Medical In stitute have at the urgent solicitation of a large number of patients under their care lo. this country established a permanent branch of the Institute in this city in the Sheldon block, corner of 11th and N streets. These eminent gentlemen' have de cided to" give their services entirely free for s three months (medicine ex cepted) to all invalids who call upon them before May 12. These services consist not only of consultation, ex amination and advice, but also of all minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally acquainted with the sick and afflicted, and under no condition will any charge whatever be made for any services rendered for three months to all who call before May 12. The doctors treat all forms of dis ease and deformities, and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At the first interview a thorough exam ination is made; and, if incurable, you are frankly and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for useless treatment. Male and female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also rupture, goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all diseases of the rectum are positive-? ly cured by their new treatment. The chief consulting surgeon of the institute is in personal charge. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. No Sunday hours. Special Notice If you cannot call send stamp for question blank for home treatment. Discharge of Kar Permanently Cured -. ' " Lincoln. Neb.. April 6, 1901. Editor Nebraska Indspbndkmt: This is to certify that I have bean suffering , - j; 1 . ... without finding any cure or relief. I was cured sound and well by tne imtisn Medical institute, and the discharge was completely stopped with one month's treatment. Axbl Wkdkll, Ceresco, Neb. DEPEWON POPULISM He Says That , They Did Not Tell, Half of the Truth About the Concentration of Capital The following is an extract from the speech of Chauncey M. Depew, deliv ered before the Montauk club of Brooklyn: 'Marvellous as has been the develop ment of corporate combinations and capitalizations, it is not nearly as won derful as the advance In public opin ion in the twelve months. The possi bility of the formation, in any state or under any conditions, of a company dealing with one of the great necessar ies of a commercial and . industrial people, with $500,000,000 of capital, would have placed a populist in the presidential chair and a populist ma jority in both houses of congress in 1896. The animal most frequently seen upon the pages of a large portion of the press of the United States during the canvass of 1900 and brought out upon the platform at every meeting of one party was the octopus. "It frightened millions of voters as to the dangers to themselves, with Its tentacles spreading over and envelop ing the country, but the octopus of the imagination of the populist writer and speakerX3f October,. 1900, was a lamb compared with a lion beside-the real octopus of March, 1901. A billion dol lar corporation formed in October might have reversed the November verdicts. . "Fifty years ago there was not a man In the world worth fifty millions of dollars; there, was only one man in the .United States worth five millions; there were not five worth a million. A hundred thousand dollars was counted a fortune on which to retire, and five hundred thousand was thought to be the mark of a supremely rich' man. Today, in Pittsburg, which is one of our minor cities, are seventy men worth over a million dollars apiece. When Commodore Vanderbilt died in 1876 his fortune of a hundred millions had passed the mark ever before reached, while now there are in our country several who are worth between two and four hundred millions, and a large number who have reached the hundred million limit." ' ' , v "A large number of these fortunate citizens of wealth are throwing pro tection around the accumulation of themselves and their class by liberality of gifts and contributions for ; educa tion and benevolence unknown in any other age or country. But there is a section of the very rich who are doing more to promote socialism and an archy by their actions than all other agencies combined. They aim to hedge themselves about with a social exclu siveness unknown to Europe. London has been long the social centre of the world. Genius, tvhich has won distinc tion in arts, in arms, in literature, in public life, in education. In ; invention, upon the lyric or dramatic stage of in journalism, finds a cordial welcome and appreciative recognition in the homes, both city and. country, of the proudest; of the aristberacy and the descendants of the oldest and most dis tinguished titles among the nobility. Their parks and picture galleries are free and open to the people, and It is this acknowledgement and welcome of the leadership of those who have won success in every department of human interest and the brotherhood of man which have kept the nineteenth cen tury car of progress from running over and levelling the ancestral orders of Europe. But our millionaire exclusives bar the doors and refuse to let in upon a social equality these representatives of intelligent achievement. "They seek to make 'all except the possessors of exaggerated incomes so cially second class. The result is seen in the resentment which well informed people are discovering to exist and to be growing among those who educate, who form and who guide public opin ion and whose teachings ultimately crystalize into laws against the holding or devising of great wealth." The largest croDortion of the troubles and ills to which females are liable is the direct rult of an irretrular menstruation. "Dr. Le Due's t em ale Regulator, guaranteed by Kidd lrug Co. to keep the periods regular and to bring them on Dromptly. Sold retail and wholesale by Kizga Pharmacy Lincoln, Neb. $2, Or 3 for $5. Begular and legitimate rubber goods car ried and sent anywhere. Name what, you want. : IMPERIALISTS NOT POPULAR GoTeraor Allen of Porto Rico Teels the Force of Disapproval and Wants ' to Resign How any American, be he republi can, democrat, prohibitionist, or what not, can uphold the policy of imperial ism as enforced by the present admin istration in the Island of Porto Rico, is beyond comprehension. . We have not yet heard one good, sound argument in its favor, but arguments against it are. to be met on every hand. It needs not words to frame them the deaths, the famine, the impoverishment which pre vail among the people of that once prosperous but now unhappy island, form an avalanche of unanswerable protests against the un-Chrlstian, un American, heartless; greedy policy of imperialism. A few days ago Viceroy Allen came to Washington from Porto Rico and asked to be relieved from rurther duty there. The impression was given' that his part had been performed, and that there was no longer need for his services; but the fact of the matter probably is that he does not care to reside where his name has become a bywoid of hatred, and is never men tioned save with execration and dis gust. But Emperor McKinley has so far refused to release him. Why? Perhaps because he wishes to show the Porto Ricans how little he cares for their wishes or opinions. He has been pe titioned by more than 6,000 merchants and planters of the Island, to remove Allen, yet he persists in his refusal, even though the petitioners agree that some one else be appointed in Allen s place. Listen to n extract from that petition to the president of the United States of America, and then consider that the conditions portrayed An that awful pen-picture have been brought about by no less a person than the controlling power behind the presi dent; then'blush at the thought that your country, this great and once glor ious republic, . has become so steeped in deceit and crime: "Misery with all its horrible conse quences is spreading in our homes. It has already reached such an extreme that many workers are starving to death, while others, who have not the courage to see their mothers, wives, sisters and children perish from hun ger, commit suicide by drowning them selves in the rivers or hanging them selves from the branches of trees." Let us draw a curtain over the pic ture. It is too horrible for contem plation. We can nevermore point the finger of scorn at England for her treatment of Ireland, or call a halt upon the infamous practices in vogue in Siberia, or under the Moslem cres cent, until we have wiped the blot from off our own escutcheon, and made re paration, so far as possible, for the awful crimes Inflicted in the name of the republic. Buffalo Times. ' The Pries Too High 0 The King of England costs the Brit ish people about four million dollars annually. Isn't that a pretty heavy price to pay a sixty-year-old rake for wearing the gorgeous raiment which is suitable for no one but kings and cir cus clowns, for leading the cotillion at state dances and for riding at the head of the procession on all official occa sions. Perhaps you think the English people capable of great folly for thus giving Ed the Seventh the money that would support four thousand families or twenty thousand people in comfort, but we are not getting off much cheap er in these United States, when we fig ure the' bills for the military pageants and official display that go with our: imperial presidency. Central City Democrat. - . : $5 A MONTH INCLUDING ALL DISEASES, ALL MED ICINES AND ALL TREATMENT THERE IS NO OTHER CHARGE THE SUM TOTAL FOR TREATMENT DY DRS. SHEPARD & HEADRIGK CATARRH, HEAD AND THROAT. Is the voice husky? Do' you ache all over? Is the nose stopped up? Does the nose bleed easily? Is this worse toward night? Does the nose itch and burn? Is there pain in front of head? Is there pain across the eyes? "Is your sense-of smell leaving? Is the throat dry in the morning? Are you losing your sense of taste? Do you sleep with the mouth open? Does the nose stop up toward night? CATARRH OF THE BRONCHIAL TUBES Have you a cough? Are you losing flesh? Do you cough at night? Have you pain in side? Do you take cold easily? Is your appetite variable? Do you cough on going to bed? Do you cough in the morning? , Is your cough short and hacking? Have you a disgust for fatty foods? Is there a tickling behind the palate? Have you a pain behind breastbone? Do you feel you are growing weaker? 13 there burning pain in the throat? No matter what your trouble is, you will be accepted under the five-dollar rate, all medicines included. This applies as well to HOME TREATMENT. You can be cured by Drs. Shepard and Headrick right at your own home, under their perfect system of mail treatment. Write for their SYMPTOM LIST, covering all diseases cured by them. Also their 80-page book describ-' ing their Sanitarium. Addrest Drs. Shepard & Headrick 308 N. Y. LIfeBldg., Omaha, Neb. Cancers Cured Why suffer pain and death from can cer? DR. T. O'CONNOR cures can cers, tumors, and wens; no knife, blood or plaster. Address 1306 O street, Lin coln, Nebraska, Whiten the Teeth and Sweeten the Breath ( Try a Tooth Wash made by a , Lincoln Dentist. Ask for a Sample Bottle. S J Jt ' . , Dr. F. D. Sherwin, DENTIST. Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. Second floor, Burr blk., Corner room. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA Private Hospital-Dr. Shoemaker's If jxu are going to a Hospital for treatment, it will pay you to consult Dr. Shoemaker. He makes a epecialty of diseases of women, the nervous sys tem and all surgical diseases. 1117 L St., Lincoln, Neb. P. O. box 951. Dr. Louis N. Wente, dentist, 137 So. 11th street, Brownell block. 1029- 0 Street PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinets $2.00 per doa., Little Ovals 35c per doz. X. J. Doyle, Attorney. In the matter of the estate of ( . Tbom as Egan, Deceased. f Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Edward P. Holmes, Judge of the District court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, made on the 9th day of November A. D., 19UJ, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed, there will be sold at poblio auction at the east door of the court house at Lincoln. Lancaster connty, Nebraska, on the 25th day of May, A. D.t 1901, at two o'clock p. m. to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, towit : Lots one and two of Yates and Thompson's Subdivision of block 13 in the -city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, being No. 1240 North 21st Bt. in the city of Lincoln. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this lMh day of April, A. D., 1901. T.J. DOYLE, Adna'r. of estate of Thomas Egan, deceased. Morning: A Berg-e, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE. In the District Court of Lancaster County, Ne braska, in the Matter of the Estate of Wil liam Barr, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that in punuanee of an order of Hon. Lincoln Frost, one of the judges of the Diitrict Court, of Lancaster County, Nebraska, made on the 10th day of April 1901, for the sale of real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the east door of the Court House of Lancaster Connty.Nebraska, at Lincoln on the 3d day of May 1901, at 10 o'clock avm., at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash.' the following described real estate, to-wit; Lot three (3) Block one hun dred and forty -seven (147) in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. Said sale will re main open one hour. Baid real estate is clear and will be sold subject only to the taiesof 1901. GEORGE W. BERGE. Administrator of the estate of William Barr, Deceased. TURKISH LOST MANHOOD PAPQIII the wak man's friend. UArOULCO A POSITIVE guaran tee always given with every $5 order, that they win do just what we claim in curing sexual weakness, nervousness, and any and all weakness arising from early abuses. Our medicine will make you happy. 6 boxen for 15 will cure any case, no matter how long standing. Single boxes $1. Sent free of charge in plain wrappers. If not thoroughly cou vinced as to your condition send for symptom blank before ordering. Cor respondence strictly coufidentiaL Ad dress HA UN'S PHARMACT, 1805 Farnam. St.. Omaha. Neb. Sold by B. Q. Kostka, Lincoln, Neb. 1 THK FARMERS 8UPFIX ASSOCIATION X1S-130-1S3 North I3tn sc., juincoin, Pieb, Mention TM independent.