The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 25, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 25,1801
What Peruna Has Done - For
a Brilliant Actress.
mm ,
la rcat Utter to The Perona Medi
tis Co., Mi Julia Marlowe of New
York Cl: j, Lui the following to uy of
A2J glad to write my endorse
ment of the great remedy, Peruna,
es m nerve tonic i do so most
beartlly." Julia Marlowe.
Ntrrotuseii ia rery comraoa among
wcaeiu Tfci coadiuoa idu toaneralc
urve ceater. The nerve center are
tb renrir of nerroaa vitality.
ThcMCe&ter become bloodies for want
ef proper Bamticn. Thi ia especially
tret la tb spring uon. EreryvprinR
a aot of iaralll are produced aa the
tirt retoJt of weak cerTea.
This could t txt'Aj obriated by tho
c of X'ercaa. Peruna atrlkea at the
root cf the diSeaity by correcting the
iUjCMtloa. DieUon foraUhea nutri
tion for the nerve centers. Properly
digested food furnishes these reserroira
of life with vitality which leads to
ftrong, steady nerves, and thus nour
Uhes life.
Peruna is in great favor among wo
men, especially those who have voca
tions that are trying to the nervous sys
tem. Peruna furnishes the lasting in
vigoration for the narves that such
people so much need. Thousands of tes
timonials from women in all parts of the
United States are being received every
year. Such unsolicited evidence surely
prove that Peruna is without aa equal
as a nerve tonic and vital invigorator.
Buy a bottle of Peruna to-day.
If you do not receive all the bene
fits from Peruna that you ex
pected, write to Dr. tiartman, Co
lumbus, Ohio.
44 ftlklvvrfwg I tc Ui for
ffr Waiting tm SMnthiag;
Editor ltiiepcdent: The overc
taect t founded ron the immortal
4-f.raUon cf inlfjeii!ence. which de
clared all men ere equal before the
lir. it " a r!or5oy event, the peo
ple ere quick to the meaning of
the document and every man took hi
leva r to worn wsy Hd those mho
il4. In 11 the tame feelinir made the
black s!es free. Tte time ia now ripe
for another declaration mhlch would
mean the fredom of the white slave.
On Lm TtankfglTitg day I met a
minuter hil I was looking over
Wst 2W mn to were in line eev
ra4 baurs viltscr for a turkey dinner
a charity one. He was interested in
eitt that all were fed. After being
aured tbit tfcey would be. he came
alone to where a few of us were stand
injc looking and remarked:
"Is tot thi awful? This looks like
prosperity! DM the rich chamber of
iBtrte ever appoint a committee to
jeal with this question of starvation?
They appoint a committee to get con
trol of the government and shut their
eyes to this." pointing to the men in
lice, "who stand here for hoars, half
starved, half clothed, in this bitter
cold to get a !:ttle meat to eat. God
only knows where the next meal will
corse from. This is republican pros
perity, I am a minister of the gospel.
I preach oa the public streets. 1 am
controlled by no one. 1 am free. No
money poaer has me ia its grasp.
What we want is a pare democracy,
the kind advocated by W. J. Bryan and
outlined In the Kansas City platform,
live us the principle and starving
hamac bcin&s will diminish in the
large and rich cities. No one will
atarre on an American farm"
The spoke the minister without a
church. .
It may be tated also that these men
mere thrown Into prison by the whole
sale before the election, oa the ground
that having no home their vote would
be illegal. .
Oecaaae a political party wins at the
polls is no reason they should be al
,iowed to act contrary to the principles
of e3saiity and freedom. Some day we
may have a party which will declare
la a national platform for gold and em
pire. If they should win, no matter
by what tactics, they will claim that
tfee principles have been established,
and without farther consideration, (if
there is money in it I enter into the
o!d and empire business. Then who
eer fays it is wrong will be met by
the army, arrested, tried by a drum
head court-martial, found guilty of
treason, shot and explanation made af
t rwarda. The neat season the asking
for aa explanation would not be tried.
If the army was near. The enquirer
would probably not leave his address,
bat leave for the' hills, a fugitive from
justice. Gascon is the principle of aa
vur pire. that all the people my be
dealt with Ia the same manner. It
does aot require a Lenta to eee this
comics principle. As the president
Lis ereater power than any of the
kings of the. earth, there la no telling
wbes the pop!e will be confronted
with the army ard navy.
The solid qution it: Who ts going
to say that all this is wrong? The
court may ?ay that It is all right if
eso'jcij of the judges children are
carcrsily provided for and appropriate
military titles conferred..
When laws are enacted affecting the
rich Ihey are generally taken td the
court and there pronounced unconsti
tutional. Who is going to take the case
of the poor to the court? Courts cost
money. The Income tax may be cited
as one taken to the courts that af
fected the rich. These the ques
tions. Who can answer them.
New York City. N. Y.
cahot caTfiatmc
f I if ill a
sac mT 1 7 1 ' i ill W
Cavir stamped C C C Never sold la bulk.
. . yrm mi ths jJcticr vho tries te sell t
xwacthipj Jot as
II ! Xet m Caa41dt for Ronator, Gt-
traor r Anj Other Political
The never ending lying of the Asso
ciated press and plutocratic editors ia
enough to make the life of the average
citizen a living misery. Soon after
Tom Johnson was elected mayor a dis
patch was sent to every paper in the
United States saylng that he had made
a deal with the whiskey element and
that tbe next Sunday all the saloons
were thrown wide open where the
worst elements held a jubilee over the
overthrow of the republican party.
Some days afterward an editorial was
printed In one of Chicago's great dail
ies not at all friendly to any section of
the reform forces, which gave the fol
lowing account of Tom's program for
his term In the mayor s chair. It
"Mayor Johnson, the street railway
magnate, has been mayor of Cleveland
two weeks. During that time he has
laid plans for reforms that promise to
convert Cleveland into the model city
of the Union. " Gambling houses have
been notified that they will do well to
dispose of their outfits at once, as gam
bling will not be tolerated. Confi
dence men will be driven from the
city, disorderly saloons will be closed
and all unsafe and unsightly build
ings will be torn down. If the order in
regard to unsafe buildings is not
obeyed within forty-eight hours the
fire department will be called out and
the buildings torn down over the heads
of the occupants. Saloons that do not
obey the ordinances with reference to
closing or persist In running disorderly
houses in connection with their resorts
will have their licenses revoked. The
mayor will also place the civil service
upon the merit system without waiting
for any special state legislation.
MIt is easy to see that there are live
ly times ahead for Cleveland under
Mayor Johnson. The significant thing
about the reforms about to be insti
tuted by the mayor Is the fact that no
special legislation vesting the execu
tive with new powers appears to be
necessary to carry out his plans.
Mayor Johnson merely -declares his
purpose to enforce the city ordinances
that have been enacted by the common
council of Cleveland. He purposes to
act clearly within the authority al
ready vested In th-a mayor. He will
suppress gambling, close the dives and
disorderly saloons and tear down the
firetraps under pow;r3 long ago grant
ed to the mayor."
The editorial wound' up with the
most positive statement that Johnson
would not be a candidate for senator,
governor or any other office while his
term lasted. That he was going to be
mayor and devott all his energies to
the reform cf Mark Hanna's home city
which needed mort reform than any
other place In the United States.
Destruction of Grasshoppers
On account cf the continued pres
ence in hurtful numbers of grasshop
pers in portions of Nebraska bulletin
discussing methods for their destruc
tion has just been issued by the Ne
braska experiment station. It begins
with a description of grasshoppers in
general. -This outline Includes a state
ment of their life-history, habits, and
relation to other instt forms, as well
as the effects of climate, latitude, alti
tude, and diseases in keeping them
within certain limits. The subject of
parasites and other natural enemies Is
also taken up. Much stress is laid on
the past carelessness in our efforts at
bird protection as a cause for permit
ting our native locusts to become suf
ficiently numerous to cause the trou
ble of the past few years.
Among tho artificial remedies which
are suggested and described in this
bulletin the most important ia that f
"disking" in early spring alfalfa fields
r and other grounds containing the eggs
of these insects. This disking can be
done at any time after the frost is out
of the ground, but the best time seems
to be early in April. Instead of injur
ing the alfalfa numerous experiments
in Kansas and Nebraska have shown
that, by running the disk over the fields
the yield is greatly increased. This
stirriner of the soil breaks up the egg-
! masses and exposes them to the drying
influences of the air and the keen eyes
of the birds.;, . r
The kerosene pan, or 'hopper dozer,
is also recommended as very valuable
for the destruction of the insects after
hatching. - '
Owing to the uncertainly of fungus
diseases the "inoculation method is
discouraged, it having failed to give
satisfactory results after repeated ex
periments with several different forms
of grasshopper, diseases. i
Nebraska Experiment Station.
Vaccination In Chicago
The board of health of Chicago has
published the following statistics in
regard to the result of vaccination in
that city: v -
"Out of the total 171 cases of small
pox found in Chicago between Nov. 30,
1900, and April 10, 1901 the period of
the present epidemic 140 had never
been vaccinated.
"Of the remaining 31 cases, 29 were
adults showing faint, poor or irreg
ular scars claimed to be evidence of
attempted vaccination . in infancy or
early childhood the most recent be
ing 23 years old.
' "Only two out of the 171 cases ex
hibited typical scars of successful vac
cination. Of these one was 35 years
old "vaccinated when a child r" re
vaccination attempted three years ago,
without result: vaccine lymph prob
ably inert.' The other was 40 years
old, also successfully vaccinated in
childhood, but never revaccinated.
"These are the only two cases out of
the total 171 upon whom vaccination
was ever successfully attempted, and
the most recent of these was more
than thirty years ago."
Since vaccination was made compul
sory in the schools smallpox has van
ished from them. The requirement
was first put into effect in 1867, and
from that year until 1881 there were
only seventeen cases all told of small
pox and varioloid. It is the opinion of
the health department that these may
be explained by the imperfect inaug
uration of the compulsory system, and
it is certainly remarkable that as it
continued in operation the disease dis
appeared entirely. For twenty years
the schools were immune, and four
cases which were reported last winter
simply s serve to strengthen belief in
tho efficacy of vaccination. The pa
tients were pupils who had been let in
on fraudulent certificates and who had
never been vaccinated. They were the
exception which proves the rule.
Finally, since vaccination nas been
universally practiced in the Chicago
police department the officers have
been free from smallpox, and that is a
fact of much significance. Policemen
go everywhere, among all sorts of peo
ple, so that they are exceptionally lia
ble to exposure. Is it a mere chance
that several thousand Chicago police
men are exempt from smallpox or Is
It because that they are all vaccinated?
H Proposes to Fight tko Stoel Trust and
8avo His Working: Mem From -
t - Destitution
Ex-Mayor Abram S. Hewitt has by a
recent act pointed out one of the worst
effects of large trust companies. He is
at the head of a steel mill at Trenton,
N. J., and was solicited to permit his
property to be scheduled in the Morgan
steel trust. This, however, he declined,
giving as one of his principal reasons
that he had in his employ' 500 men who
owned houses in the vicinity . of the
mill, and did not wish to place them at
the mercy of a non-resident corpora
tion, which might at will shut down
the ' works and bring ruin upon them.
This indicated not only just and ben
evolent consideration for the welfare
of his employes, but the wisdom of a
practical student of the workings of
trusts. , , ,
. The proper definition of a trust is
the union under one management of a
number of concerns engaged in the
production of the same material for
the purpose, if possible, of controlling
its output and price at which it shall
be sold. As incident to such combina
tion comes the decrease in the cost of
management by one central body in
stead of by a number. But when the
trust represents a large output the
chief source of profit is its ability to
regulate its price, by raising it when
the demand is greater than the supply
and lowering it when the opposite
condition . prevails or to break down
the competition; of weaker concerns.
The most effective device in case of a
plethora is toshut down one or more
of its mills in order-to make a real or
affected reduction in supply. In such
resort favoritism is shown to partic
ular plants which are kept in opera
tion while others are closed. In this
manner innocent millworkers are shut
out of employment and wages, while
the trust is able to maintain prices
aVtheir expanse. Many instances have,
in fact, occurred where) competing
properties have been bought and per
manently, closed for the purpose of
suppressing competition, involving
ruin to the operatives and a blight up
on the locality previously prosperous
as the seat of such manufactory. This
is the favorite practice of the Stand
ard Oil trust, vhich when a new field
is discovered will get control of it by
taking options upon the land in the
territory so as to prevent development
by others and let it lis idle. Kentucky
is fairly covered by such options in
the regions showing indications of oil,
and in only one of them, in Wayne
county, are there any wells In opera
of Clothing
-' i.
and Furnish ing Goods
Arranged especially for our ! -,
Fill out this blank, writing your name and address
plainly, and we will ship either assortment to you by
express C. O. D., subject to your examination. When
the goods arrive and you examine same, if you are
not perfectly pleased' with the goods, refuse to take
them. But if satisfactory you pay the express agent :
charges and the goods are yours.
Armstrong 0tbing
Lincoln, Debraska.
Please Send me Assortment
My name is'' ' " " f ! " - :: --
My town is ' " ' "
My state' ia
Mv size of shirt is.
My waist size is.
My leg length is.
My .ch est measure is.
My size of hat i r
I afn fppit. "
'My AQ-ft iV -f : - yw''"
.inches tall. c My weight. IKa
S.J X "7-
8 SiM&i ... I . . . . $1.50 "$100"
12 Pr. Rockford Socks or ia pr. I nn on
Black dress Socks iK"" f" ! Oil
2 Pair Blue Overalls, en i nn
with or without apron ....... . liUU liUU
1 Pri Men's all wool black or " ' r) cn I Cfl
blue Cheviot Pants..... ZiUU LOU
Collar Buttons....... .10 .05
v- Suspenders . . J.."... .... li50 i25
Handkerchiefs .... .25 .10
5 turkey Red . ' nc ; nr
- Handkerchiefs. iZu t illj'
1 Silk Tie, qc IQ
most any color iUJ ilU
v:a4MTlatedlfar Buttbaffor' 'Y c T ,fl ji
front or back state which.... ilU .,?ill4t
1 Pair Cuff Buttons, link or " ' 1 r n ; 1 Q O
plain state which lUU i(.L
Ummmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm mmmmimmmimmmm TiT T i"""T " i rv
1''??S'B"'r-i1 S8.8Q $5.00
S 1 6.90 Worth of Goods for ST6
1 Full Suit of nen's Clothes, mad from n t f r n a -i . n
our all wool Washington lilts Gray I V nil I AH
Worsted, lie34 to44.. ........ VlfciwU OliHU
Fur Hat, Roosevelt Style, In black, I r n ' inn
brown, or light colors state which . I h I Mil
color you desire: J lUU liUU
3 Linen collars, standing or ' ' iic nn
lay-down i40 ! ,11
'5 White Llnenf"'" -v' .;' if ' t iic-
Handkerchiefs, ..ii.i.;.... 10 Ad
Suspenders . s. , , . , . , , . .50 .25
12 Pr.Dress Socks in black.brown I Qfl Cf)
red, blue state colors desired . ' . lUU
$16.90 $10.00
How to Make a Lawn
In-the arrangement of the grounds
about the hOiise -a -well keptlawn in
fine condition is one of the most im
portant factors. If the grounds are
such that the lawn can broaden as it
leaves the house the effect is improved.
Allow the lawn to lead up to the house.
It is better to border the lawn with
groups -of shrubs or flowers than to
break up its smooth expanse with sin
gle trees; shrubs or beds: A roadway
to the stable may be necessary. This
can be screened with borders or
groups of shrubbery plants.
In states like Nebraska where the
rainfall is much less than the evapor
ation, the preparation of - the soil
should be such as to readily conserve
the largest possible proportion of the
annual rainfall, to allow the rains to
soak deeply into the soil. Special care
should be taken to so carefully han
dle the soil that it should be in the
best possible condition not only for the
reception of moisture, but that the un
derlying moisture In the subsoil may
freely rise to the grass roots on the
surface. This is largely dependent on
the proper condition of tilth. Soil
ought to be prepared for twelve inches
in depth, .finely pulverized to be free
from all clods or lumps, then should
be firmly packed so that, the soil mois
ture may rise up to or near the sur-?
face and help to germinate the grass
seed thereon.
- The lawn will be more- luxuriant and
will retain moisture better if heavy
applications of , fine old manure have
been made A heavy application means
fifty tons an acre, or for a lawn the
size of an average city lot eight or
nine two-horse wagon loads, i More
than this amount can be used with saf
ety and to - advantage. The proper
place for this manure is in or near the
surface of the -ground. -Its office is to
furnish an abundant supply of plant
food for shallow rooted grasses and to
assist in keeping the surface soil from
baking. In the grounds of the trans
Mississippi exposition at' Omaha some
1,200 loads of fine old manure were
used and after seeding an additional
application of this fine old manure was
raked Into the surface to act in some
degree as a mulch assisting to retain
the moisture at the surface and in the
germination of fine lawn seeds. which
cannot be deeply covered. -
The most usual grass used for lawn
Is the blue . grass. As it takes this
nearly three weeks to germinate and
within that time quick growing weeds
may grow up, it will be found useful
to sow something that will germinate
more quickly than seeds of weeds. For
this , purpose English rye grass and
Italian rye grass are often used. In
the exposition grounds at the trans
Mississippi one-third Italian rye grass,
one-third English rye grass and one
third blue grass was used. It is also
advantageous in the hope of covering
the surface quickly and helping ' to
check weed growth to use some white
clover. The amount of seed required
for an acre would not be less than six
bushels of the rye grasses and blue
grass together,' and our habit has been
to use some five tor six pounds of white
clover in addition. The rye grasses
germinate in much less time than the
blue grass, grow rapidly and assist
during the first season to keep down
weeds, thus allowing the blue grass to
acquire a foothold.
In sowing the seed it is well to se
lect a time when there is not much
wind that the lawn may he "evenly
seeded. It is also well to sow one-half
of each kind of grass each way, in
creasing the probability of having the
seed venly distributed. ' Seed can then
be raked in, and then , It is advantag
eous to use a light coating of very fine
bid manure to assist in retaining mois
ture at the surface. Where city wa
ter can be had it is not necessary to
be quite as careful as on lawns that
have to be grown without water, de
pending on conserving enough of the
natural rainfall and bringing it
throughfinely prepared soil and a firm
surf aceio the "surf ace and thus, germ 1
xiate th'eW delicate seeds just under the
surf ace.-. -.a.- -: . ', '
. It will be. necessary to-run the lawn
mower usually oncea week, keeping
in check weed growth and to. secure
fine, even turf. If water can be had It
will be found advantageous to use. it
frequently with the , thought of keep
ing up a moist condition of .surface
until the lawn is well established. It is
not wise to run the lawn raowr week
ly late in the fall, since this leaves the
roots wlth less than proper Rheltcr.
Too frequent cutting also les;sens the
vigor of the growttn It will oftentimes
be found;. useful late in fall or early
in winter to apply a thin coating of
very tine old manure which will assist
in protecting the grass roots through
the winter and help to secure more
vigorcus Growth the coming season.
." - E. F, STEPHENS, Cretu, Neb.
- ,v.
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