The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 25, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    , v "
April 25, 1901
That nervousness and headache go to
gether. The worry and cares of business or
Borne, overwork, loss of sleep,Tm proper
food all tend to irritate the temper,
derange the digestion, weaken the nerves
and undermine the health. This tearing
dow n of the life forces must be stopped!
The ebbing tide of health must be
checked, and new en erg)', new life, new
embitiofl infused into the whole system.
To do this quickly and thoroughly use
It a&s directly on the. nervous system, quiets the irritation, rests the tired brain and
restores the wasted tissues as nothing else can. You should not delay. Get it at once. , '
Sell hf aH druggists oa a guarantee ' Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Efldiaf t. lnd.
rimtMl flHra4 Jtatwrrat Mae Cemaa
lr mm4t bi I , Tl an
"Ho nsn has tak-a a more earnest
-twit ia 4rrelop'.ri te crta inanity of
Interest" idea, than Jane J. HU1.
jrnidtrt of the XI real North m rail
road. t.J director ia irrml other
r!lroal corporation. Mr. .Hill i a
xruv of aeryy o4 qatSek dlJoa. and
ace he makes cp hla rated that a
this? fs deciratle to do. h proceeds
to do it with all his csisht.
The coraraualtjr c;f Interest Idea
i3 irrowitg in favor. he said, not lony
age. 'Small lines cf railroad, with few
Ttceplicss. are cot likely to etow all
by tiienuse!tre. so it is mach better
for them to join interest with strong
lisea. It ia cot ceccrary that the
road shosli eocolldate. ahfcoueh In
many insure- more economic! ad
ministration ccnld Brdouhtodly be ob
taisec b7 snch a eoare. The time is
eomla when the ootansanity of Inter
est will be so perfected that small linea
of road will be ert oS from conneettnjc
trade so aa to make an Independent
policy or, their pert orprofitabie
-Mr lilll is the astocrat of the Great
Northern railroad. Slxre Commodore
Vanderbilt'a time there fcaa not been
ao ewitpSete an Irsta&c of oa-mn-pwer
a the Lead of a reat railroad
aynejn as It preaentei in Ue eaae of
Pnsif'ent Hill. He moires policiea
and execute them, his director bow
la; ta fats 1!I with ditsniSed bat tmn
lrwua docility. Men la the employ of
the Great Northern knw that 'tales
they titlrfy Jaraea J. Hill their fate U
sealed. There is no othr conrt of p
peaL And President Hill ha the re
putaticn of beinf ery particular
to us the caotiorts phraae of hi ub
"oriiiatc. -Ote day Mr. Hill talked Into the
oSce of a hi?h Scial of the Great
Northern railroad, in St. Paal. and
oroaqaely ancottneed:
- Mr. , I eo net think that you
and rajs if are wi! tauted. Your suc
cesoc will report for dcty tomorrow.
"Thi JiUli o3icial had been drawing
a aaHry cf tea thocaend dollar per
year for a lent tiice. and h had crown
Into the belief that he wat a flxtore in
the Great Northern rrice. Kit he
west without arrinc the question
with Mr. fiilL
Vhfn Jamei J. Hill was elected a
director of the Erie railroad a few
m or, t La ago. there wa trepidltJon
ac;o&c xaasy of te employe of that
icznpany, for the rcpori wa passed
from Up to l:r that Great Northern
methods were to be applied to the af
fair cf the Erie. Mr. Hill Is econom
ical a well a exacting, He doe not
believe la tatitE too many heads of
depart rre-ti. asd he 1 aierae to hir
ing two men to perform duties that
can be performed by one 'Quick and
alert mjun. It is the 'quick and alert
type of even that has the lean to fear
frora thi puihitg; dominating and
cscetsafa! rallroaa prttident. .
Isi ordtr to preserve harmony and
a prosperous railroad peace In the
Northwestern territory. Mr. 1 1 III e
cared a large Icttert in the Northern
I'ariCc railroad, which I the Great
Not hero natural rlL Aa effort
u made to combine these two prop
erty esder Mr. Hill management,
but aa adverse public aentimect and
anti-cosolidaUoa statutes of the sev
eral state traversed by the two roads,
compelled a speedy abandonment of
this, project No public sentiment nor
law, however, could prevent Mr. Hill
and hi friend from becoming large
stockholder In tae Northern Pact Sc.
and now it is the, common belief that
i-sould a buyer come to market with
jra!5cient money to pay for the control
cf the Northern Pacific, he need ne
gotiate with but two men. Tit. J. Pier
port Morgan and Jaase J. HI1L
"Within the pt few month Inter
est Ue4 with Mr. Hill have bought
largely of the stock of the Chicago.
Bariiartea and Qiacy railroad, and
there are lsdicaiion that la due time
that proaperoo system will be brought
into cios relati&i.p with the
Northern Pacific." Earl D. Berry in
Air. sice's for May.
CAif (tmrtlt. ecr rocupatVo fanrrer.
13c, So II CCC.fiitrarcirws4tsaey-
Tvy r UWUty tfe f Iajper
UiUam 4 t EUtfcr mt tl
r, 'eiZA irT of the United State
wts dssunguished by the higU honor of
its crxers. - Pot a Hundred year tx.ey
miistaned Itzi character. They were
r--. i- mtnr tor Bkore truthful and
t anr cher class of men.
tt they were aSway eurrounded by a
f- Tntslm and frt tresa, at liberty
to expose and exilic!. 11 ta
vircsrr-ect that produced the high
character of - the ofSeem ' When the
freezer f the pfeas wa aboliahed In
the Philippines the, environment wa
ch4r4 and the rec!t we have heard
te report cf te extensive frauds
-. cosasisaary dtpartmtct. In the
VlF '
United States when the freedom of the
press was unquestioned, the commis
sary offker wan the soul of honor. In
tbt Philippines, with a strict military
censorship in force, he becomes a thief.
In this connection It will be well to
read over the report of the arrest and
exportation of Editor Rice.
When Editor Rice printed accusa
tions in Manila he was brought before
Colonel Crowder, and according to his
account this colloquy ensued:;
Crowder Don't you think! you are
wrong In this matter? r -
Rice No. sir. ' . f:
Crowder Then you still think you
are right? 4
Rice Yes. sir; I know I am,
Crowder I am sorry for you, young
man; If you still persist in saying you
sre right, rey orders are from General
MacArthur to deport you.
Rice If you will give me a fair trial
in court I can prove that I am right. .
Crowder Under martial -law such
characters ss you receive no trial. We
have not the time.
Rice Can I see the evidence In the
investigation which you claim proves
my charges false? -
Crowder No; the investigation was
placed In competent hands and does
not aeed your approval. Your state
ments have been proved to our satis
faction to be without foundation, and
you wLjl be deported as an incendiary
character and a menace to themill
tary situation. You are too young to
let go on slandering men of honesty
and capability, and I consider your
character as having fallen to Its lowcnt
level. In writing and publishing such,
articles vou endanger the foundation
of our military system. Such conduct
as this I consider equal to traitor! sm.
Rice So far as being a traitor, I
have served my country In the field for
overa year, and never Aad my love of
corn try to much as questioned, while
you have never been under fire and
never expect to be, and you dare ques
tion my patriotism! I have more to
the square inch than you have In your
whole carcass. - ' " ''''
Crowder Be careful; a few more
words and I will put you In Billhid
(the Jail)!
The order cf deportation was then is
sued, but before the ship sailed Col
onel Crowder gave the culprit anothia
chance. Ia this fashion: " : ; a-
Crowder The military governor
(MacArthur) directs me to ask you
that If your conduct Is satisfactory tp
to the time of your deportation and te
sees fit to remit your sentence, will
you promise that in the future you will
never write articles of a similar char
acter against any office? of the mili
tary? Rice No. sir. I hold the right to
publish anything anywhere, whenever
I have proof of my statements. "
Crowder Your case Is hopeless. ?
Thereupon Rice was put Into soli
tary confinement, where he stayed un
til the ship was ready to take him
The subsequent proceedings seem to
show that immunity from criticism Is
not Just what is needed to promote a
healthy administration. Publicity la
even more important among "subjectu"
than among dtixens. - -
For over sixty years Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup has been used ty
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night acrt
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cut
ting Teeth? If so send at once ard
get a bottle of -Mr. Wlnslow's Sooth
lag Syrup" for Children Teething. Its
value la incalculable. It will relievo
the poor little sufferer Immediately.
Depend upon It, mothers, there is ro
mistake about It It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and bowel I,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces inflammation, and ' gives toiw
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Sootnlng Syrup" for chil
dren teething is pleasant to the taste
and u the prescription of one of tha
oldest a&A Vest female physicians and
nurse in the United States, and is for
tale by all druggists throughout the
world. Price, 25 cents a bottle.
sure and ask for "Mrs, WInsIo t'i
Soothing Syrup."
Tti Paper Trust
The industrial commission has list
ened to no more instructive testimony
on trusts than that given before it on
Friday last by Mr. John Norrls, the
business manager of the New York
The International paper trust was
the subject of Mr. Norrls testimony.
He showed that for eighteen years
prior to 1137 there had been a steady
lall In the price of news print paper.
It fell from 9 cents a pound to 1.6
cents a pound within that period. This
cheapening of paper was, be pointed
cut. of broad public benefit, because It
1 educed the cost of newspaper produc
tion and made possible the enlarge
ment of daily and Sunday editions at
a lower retail price per copy. So that
a tax on paper Is a "tax on knowl
edge r ..-.. ?
Ia December, 1S98, congress was be
sought to pot higher duUes on wood
Ptilp a nd piper to protect the Ameri
"From the almost constant suffering
caused by frequent attacks of severe head
ache, nervousness and stomach trouble, -,
my health became greatly run-down. Al-
though I spent much money with physi
cians and tried many advertised remedies
I never ' found any lasting relief until ' I
began taking Dr. Miles Nervine arid
was cured." H. J. Volker,
U. S. Weather Bureau
. Washington, D. C.
(J - V:
V iiiUio
can paper-mills from Canadian compe
tition. The duties were raised to a
prohibitive point. The promoters of
the paper trust gave the most positive
assurances, Mr. Norrls said, that the
consolidation of the independent mills
was not intended to" raise the price of
news print paper. He quoted the ex
aci' words of the late Mr. William A.
Russell, of Massachusetts, the creator
and first president of the combine, to
the effect that 11,500,000 would be
caved by the reduction of the working
force, that a large export paper trade
would be developed, and that a policy
of enlightened self-interest "would im
pel them to keep prices down."
Such were the professions and prom
ises with which the paper trust began
its career. Mr. Norris declared that
"every expectation it held out to the
newspapers and the public" had been
disappointed. "The" promised policy
of an enlightened self-interest has
been entirely abandoned," he said,
"and the net result to newspapers has
been cn increase of over $4,800,000 per
year in the cost of paper."
This exposition of the operations of
a trust erected into an iron-clad mon
opoly by a prohibitive tariff barrier
against foreign competition is highly
illuminative. It shows most clearly
the difference between a trust held in
check by the fear of foreign competi
tion If it presses prices to the extor
tionate point, and a trust made ruth
less by the knowledge that competition
is impossible.
Interesting as Mr. Norris testimony
is In itself, the most interesting fact
about it is that most of the newspa
pers suffering undeisthis tariff-created
monopoly are silent under its extor
tions. Why? Is it because they are
afraid of this trust or afraid to touch
the sacred tariff at any point? .
The history of the paper trust is the
history of all of them. They organize
to reduce the cost of production and
to lessen the cost to the consumer.
When they get to going, they no doubt
In some measure lessen the cost of
production, but the other part of the
promise is reversed and the price to
the consumer la raised from 50 to 200
per cent. That is the history of the
wire trust, the nail trust, the salt trust
and every other trust. After all that,
the cheerful Idiots who edit republi
can papers go on, writing about the
great saving to consumers resulting
from the organization of trusts. A
trust is organized to get two or three
times 'the profit that was made before
the trust came and that is all there is
of It. They are not organized for
philanthropic purposes and no one but
the cheerful idiots believe that they
"GonoTa" Tablets are guaranteed by Kidd
Druff Co. to cure all diseases and inflammations
of tb urinary ritem, bladder, ets. Internal
with Injection. Jrer mall 96, or z for $5. sold
retail and wholesale by Riires' Pharmacy. 1146
O street, Lincoln. Neb. Regular and legitimate
robber goods carried and sent any where. Name
what you want.
Light Receipts the Past Week. Outlook
Brighter for Next. An Offer of $100
Owing to spring work, which has
kept the majority of our people busily
engaged at home, the receipts this
week have been very light; but, judg
ing from - correspondence received,
during the next few weeks every effort
will be made to close up the matter
Along with many, other populists
over the state. Hon. M. F. Harrington,
of O'Neill, has bsen . watching the
progress of the ways and means com
mittee. The slow growth of the fund
has caused him to speak in no uncer
tain language regarding what . ought
to be done. Here is what he says:
Law Office J of M. F. Harrington,
O'Neill, Neb., April 17, 1901. Mr. C.
Q. De France, Lincoln, Neb. Dear Sir:
Judge McCutchen is just in with me as
I write this letter talking about the
condition of the finances of our , state
central committee, and I think just as
he does, that something' ought to be
done and done promptly to straighten
this matter out. He is willing to do
all he can, and will in this county,
unless an easier way can be found. In
any event I think so far as we are
concerned here that by getting the
leaders together some night we can
raise our share of the contribution.
But I have just ben elling the judge
of the way that I had suggested to get
this nettled without appealing to the
rank and file. When In Lincoln in
January or early in February Mr. Ed
misten and John G. Maher and myself
talked it all over and I outlined a plan
which Edmisten took down in writing
and said that he approved of and
would try to carry it out. I proposed
that he assess Lee Herdman. $150 and
Lee came Into the hotel and ' I called
him right up to us and told him what
was lieing proposed, and he said he
would pay it. I then suggested that
they assess the two judges of the su
preme court $50 each and the twelve
district Judges $50 each and their
twelve stenographers $25 eacu and the
sixty-one fusion members of the leg
islature $5, each. I suggested further
that they " assess Senator Allen and
Representatives r Neville,! Sutherland,
Stark and Robinson $100 each, and I
told Edmisten to write these five gen
tlemen that if 1 they would pay $100
each Ir would contribute another $100,
although' I had already paid $250 and
had paid my expenses during the entire-campaign."1
' . ;. . v- v -
On receipt of word from you, at any
time, that these five gentlemen have
paid - $10G Veachi I will sea., you my
check for $100. I believe that th8 mat
ter ought to bo taken up promptly and
vigorously and cleaned up without
delay. If the ' leaders of the populist
party in this state are not interested
enough in the party to pay $4,300 with
out appealing to the boys in the
trenches, then we are in pretty bad
condition. During the next campaign
we will have no state employes to ap
peal to - for contributions and It will
be time enough then to appeal to the
rank and file to carry on the cam
paign by voluntary contributions. But
as to this old debt for the last cam
paign;, it is pretty harsh criticism of
the beneficiaries of .the late adminis
tration to say that with 500 men on
the pay roll of the state for four years
and with control of all branches of
the government, a majority of the con
gressional delegation, we cannot pay
$2,300 without asking twenty-five-cent
contributions from our voters in the
precincts. Yours very truly,
(The Independent gives its indorse
ment to the abovV letter, but suggests
that the court reporters should pay at
least as much as" the judges for their
salaries and fees amount to as mucn
as that of the judges and in some in
stances to much - more." Senator Al
len should pay at least $250. Ed. Ind.)
In report of , April 18, deduct 50c
from Wheeier county and - add to
Blaine for John Ferguson contribution.
Previously acknowledged.. ....$905 11
To Monday, night; . . ; 30 70.
Total i.... i.... $935 81
(Contribution of 25c, unless other
wise specified.) , " - "
BLAINE John Ferguson, Brewster,
50c.-- rx--j : x
BOONE Previously acknowledged,
$22.75; collection of $4.50 by Thomas
Sinclair, Albion, for Manchester town
ship ; H. C. Ki ester, St. Edward. To
tal. $27.50. ; : :.. .
BROWN C. M. McClure, Ainsworth.
CASS Previously " "acknowledged,
$14.25; collection of $1.25 from Eagle
(W. B. Burton, Wm. Burton, T. C.
Burton, F. Lanlng, L. Stewart) all
Eagle. Total: $15.50. t -
CHASE Previously acknowledged,
25c; T. T: Jordan, Champion, $1 ' for
Independent collection. Total, 75c.
CUSTER Previously acknowledged,
$38.45; R. E. Brega, $1, Callaway; col
lection of $1:60 by T. S. Crosley sr.,
Mason City. Total, $41.05.
; DAWES Previously acknowledged,
$5,50; , Isaac I. Hallsted. JEsther. To
tal, $5.75. U ;.; ff.. v; ;
; FILLMORE Previously!! acknowl
edged,; $15.75; Aug. Bengstrom, $1,
Shickley ; O. P. Swett, Strang, $1 for
Independent collection. Total, $17.25.
GAGE Previously ' acknowledged,
$3.30; Fred Synoyec, $1,.. Barneston.
Total, $4.30 - v ; V
" ; HAMILTON Previously acknowl
edged, $15.50; Joseph Neptune, Aurora.
Total, $15.75. - , - -
HAYES Previously acknowledged,
$1.50; J. E. Hammond, C. J. Rice', Ed
dy. Total, $2. - r
HOLT Previously 4 acknowledged,
$10.25; collection of $3 by J. M. Put
nam, Meek, for Rock Falls township.
Total, $13.25." -
; KNOX Previously acknowledged,
10.60; W. R. Haskin. 20c, Ed Hubbard,
Mars ; P. B. Neff, 50c, Wausa. Total,
$11.55. - ' .' - 5 .. . . .
LANCASTER Previously acknowl
edged, $34.50;, "Pop," 5c, Lincoln. To
tal, $34.55.- :,r ,
MERRICK Previously acknowl
edged, $3.25; collection of $1.35 by E.
R. Farnham, Archer. Total, $4.60.
I PHELPS Previously acknowledged,
$7.25; Fred B. Carlson, Holdrege. To
inch Plata. I a Taa Cups, is Saucers, 6 Frwlt
nates, i wwi, a vwe natea, i cover uima,
EVERY PLTRGON ansring this
orated Set absolutalj f rv we mean it. A Btnughtforward, honest oner, by
a reliable House to advertise its btteinessfor everybody to accept Send at once"
you name, poet-office address, and nearest Express or Freight Depot and you will re
ceive it. aRenwmber every one can have their choice of a 5G piece Breakfast,
Dinner, or Tea 8et Free. All sets carefully boxed and packed at our expense.
No one is barred outr-we positively will not go back on it, no matter what it costs us.
TO OUR RZASZ3.MVBf u raUoMa4 carry out e gprvmim mad U tkU mdmeremnt; m 4iM oil wiaUufct M SSS
tal, $7.50. ' ' .
PIERCE Previously acknowledged,
$1.75; -Frank Birch, 50c, Birch. Total,
$2.25. - -.s , '
RICHARDSON Previously , . ac
knowledged, $9.60; k ; Geo. P. Dennis,
Humboldt. Total, $9.85.
SAUNDERS Previously acknowl
edged, $47.70; Edward Anderson, $1,
Malmo; collection of $6.25 by Eric
Johnson, editor - Saunders County New
Era, ,Wahoo,' (Oscar Hanson, 50c; B.
F. 'Whitney, 75c; J. B. Whitney, 50c;
J. H. Crawford, 50c; C. R. Goucher,
50c; Cash - (democrat), $1;1 Trenmor
Cone, 50c; John H. Barry, 50c; J. L.
Sundean, 50c; Crawford & Holtz, 50c;
Eric Johnson, 50c). Total, $54.95. And
still old Saunders leads! ; .
SEWARD Previously acknowl
edged, $18.50; D. L. Francis, German
town; W. E. Mercer, $1, Seward. To
tal, $19.75. ..:-vv'
STANTON Previously acknowl
edged. ; $7.50; collection of $2.50 by C.
H. Harris, Bega, for Dewey precinct.
Total, $10. -
WHEELER $7.46; deduct 50c; to
tal, $6.96.; '-r-r'-r;-''-
YORK Previously. . acknowledged,
$32.15; W. W. Elliott, W. J. Barker,
Benedict. Total, $32.65.
No receipts during the week from,
the counties not named above. , ' .
, WANTED Trustworthy men and
women to travel and advertise for old
established house of solid financial
standing. Salary $7S0 a year and ex
penses, all payable In cash. No can
vassing required. - Give references and
enclose self-addressed stamped envel
ope. Address Manager, 355 Caxton
bldg., Chicago.
He Wants Pie
The newly elected Senator Mitchell
of Oregon is determined to get up to
the pie counter. He recently published
a letter in the Outlook in which he
says: ' ' " , r
"1 am a republican, in full accord
with the principles of the republican
party. The democrats and citizen mem
bers of the legislature who voted for
me well knew this, nor would they
have any respect for me whatever if I
did not, in all respects relating to par
ty matters, act with my party. They
were high-minded, honorable, patriotic
men every one of them. They were
opposed to a legislative deadlock
which was threatened by a minority
of the republicans." ,
If that don't get a place in the front
row at the pie counter nothing will.
What good will it do to relate the
fact that he voted with the free silver
republicans in 1893 and that he got
the votes of the independent members
of the legislature by telling them that
he had not changed his views on the
money question? He was after the
office and he got it. Now he Is after
pie and he will get It.
head taken at forced sale. Fine pedi
greed, healthy stock, all ages up to 1
year. Here Is your chance. We own
the best in America. Book for stamp.
Also poultry. , . , .
E. J. WHITE & Co.; Brighton, Colo,
. .Ungrateful Cubans ,
The captain of the port in a town oc
cupied by American troops seems to be
an exceedingly formidable personage.
It was for lese majeste against the
captain of the port of Manila that Edi
tor Rice was banished from the Phil
ippines by General MacArthur without
trial. --. -
Even more summary methods seem
to be in vogue at Havana There the
captain cf the port, when his dignity
was offended by two Cuban editors,
summoned them before hira and forth
with sentenced one of them to thirty
days and the other to sixty days' im
prisonment at hard-labor. He based
these sentences on the ground that a
certain article in the paper with which
the culprits were connected was an in
sult to himself. Neither of the men
imprisoned had written the article.
And yet the ungrateful Cubans pre
tend not to enjoy American liberty!
ia Batter Plates, Caaa, Saucers. 6 Fralt Saucers, I Large
Platter, a Ssaall Plattera, i Caka Plate. I Se Tareen.
PITCHED, is six
PITCHER, is mix
Plate. 4 Batter
advertisement can get a handsomely Dec
The British Doctors are Doing This to In
troduce Themselves. Three Months Serv
ices are Given Free to all Who Call at
Their Office at the Corner 11th and N
Streets, Sheldon Block, Before May IS
A staff of eminent physicians and
surgeons from the British Medical In
stitute have at the urgent solicitation
of a large number of patients under
their care An this country . established
a permanent branch of the "Institute in
this city fn the Sheldon block,, corner
of 11th and N streets, . w Vti r ,
These eminent gentlemen have de
cided to give their services , entirely
free for three months (medicine ; ex
cepted) to all invalids who call; upon
them before May. 12. i These services
consist not only of consultation ex
amination and advice, but also of all
minor surgical operations, f . -
The object in .pursuing this course
Is to, become rapidly and personally
acquainted with the sick and afflicted,
and under no condition will any charge
whatever be" made for any;, services
rendered for three months 0 all who
call befpre May 12. ;7i -h .
The doctors treat all forms of dis
ease and deformities, and .guarantee a
cure in every case they undertake.- At
the first interview a thorough exam
ination is made; . and, if incurable, you
are trankly and kindly told: so; also
advised against spending your, money
for useless treatment. " .
Male and female .weakness, catarrh
and catarrhal deafness, also rupture,
goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and
all diseases of the rectum are positive
ly cured by their new treatment.
The chief consulting surgeon of the
institute is in personal charge.
Office hours from 9 a. jn. till 8 p. m.
No Sunday hours. 1 ':
Special Notice If you cannot call
send stamp for question blank for
home treatment. " ' 1 .
Discharge of Kax Permanently Curd
Lincoln, Neb.. April 6. 1901.
Editor Nebbaska Independent: .
This is to certify that I hare been suffering
from a discharge from my ear for two years,
without finding any cure or relief. I was cured
sound and well by the British Medical Institute,
and the discbarge was completely stopped with
one month's treatment. . Axel Wedell.
; . Ceresco, Neb."'
TI'! Vmr we fnrnlnh the trenntiie and only
"J rMdwat tkto ppr. hm am; teiJVaBM wry tow CMt
"I ,! . . 95r5 ALMOST HDTHINO mpi Hh
mot all other treatments. Cmnm whrm mU Ihrr elMtrle
bIU, rlMca u4 rravdlM fH. 0UICK CURE for more
than SO aUaeata. OSLT SrSB fXtMHtr all aarwaa IImuh,
wMkaeuM aaa abaracra. Far eaaiDlete aea.le4 eaaw
deatlal estalarae. cut this ad. out and mail to lis.
J. W- Mitchell Co.
1338 O STREET.
Wall Paper
& Painting
Meets all com
petition. Write
for prices. . .
Good patterns
here to choose
kfrom ' -
sules, the only positive cure for
sexual weakness, night losses, nervous- V
ness and all weaknesses caused by V
youthful indiscretions. We refund J
money in everv ease where not perfectly t
natitfiiid. "Ths c!nhrtid ('ansules not V
jr only make you feel Rood, but detelop
Y parts to normal condition . w rite too
for full Darticulars. Full and positive
giiarantee to cure with every $5 order
six boxes $5. Single boxes $1. Goods
ant in rtlafn wmnrukra Kiv mftil
1S05 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
P Sold by B. O. Kostka, Lincoln, Nebr. T
16 PEGF.
jriaies, ia
omaii miur, a vaae fiaics.
41 89
COIDITIOB. Only pin this BUnBCRCD COUPON to your name and ad
dress and with it you must send 10 a. silver or stamps to help pay advertimnjr. ex
penses and you will receive a four months' subscription to a beautiful mapasino
together with our offer of a 86 Piece China Sat (exactly as illustrated) which
we shall positively send the aame day this coupon Is returned. If you comply
?romptIy and accept we will carry out this offer to ship a full 9e Pieee Break
aat. Diaaer, ar Tea Set absolutely free, all boxed and packed at our expense
and further a-uarantee ajrainst break air or damajre. This extraorrllnary inducrx
aaent ia made because we want a big circulation quick,
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 1, 1901.
It is hereby certified that the t
Farmers and Merchants Insur
ance Corof, Lincoln in the
j State of Nebraska
has complied with the insurance law of this
stata applicable to such companies and is
therefore authorized to continue the business
of . v - - ' - . .
Fire Lightning and, .Torn ad o
: m - ; Insurance -
in this state for the current year ending Jan
uary 31,1902. ' ,
Witness my hand and the . seal of the Auditor
of Public Accounts the day and year-first above
- Auditor Public Accounts.
By H. A. Babcock, Deputy. I j -
Lincoln, Febniary r, iqo.
It is hereby certifir-i that the . : "
Concordia' Fire Insurance Co.
; of Milwaukee in the State
of Wisconsin
has complied- with, the : insurance 'itaw of this
state applicable to such companies and, is there
fore authorized to continue the business of , .
Fire and Lightning Insurance
in this state for the current year ending January
3t, 190a. - ' y , , ;; , ;-,
Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor
of Public Accounts the day and year first above
written. - - ' - r
Auditor Public Accounts.
By H. A. BABCOCK, Deputy. "
K. v' OFFICE OF . . '.
1 Lincoln, February 1, 1901. '
It is hereby certified that the Stat Life In
surance Company of Indianapolis, in
the State of Indiana has complied with the In
Insurance Law of this State applicable to such
Companies and is therefore authorised to con
tinue the business of Life Insurance .in this
State for the current year ending January 31,
1908. ...
Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor
of Public Accounts the day and year first above
' Auditor of Public Accounts.
, By H. A. BABCOC&t Deputy , , ;
" "-.J : '" ., OFFICE OF ' r
s - , r , Lincoln, Neb., February 1, 1901. .
It is hereby certified that the
Stat Life Insurance Company of Indian
apolis In thestate of Indiana has complied with
the insurance law of this state, applicable to
such companies and is therefore" authorized to
continue the business of Life insurance in this
state for the current year ending January 31,
Witness my band and the seal of the Aubitor
of Public Accounts the day and year, first above
written. - . . .
Auditor Public Accounts ,
By H. A. BABCOCK Deputy,
WE WANT you to know that we are the
; only exclusive ' picture framers in
Lincoln. The work and prices can't
be beat. HEBB, 1234 O STREET.
THIS AD clipped is worth 25c on a $2
; order for framing. , , .
a Saucers. 6 Larra Plates. 6 miii
ouxier rimcw, woverea utsn, l Larre Plattar.
and if you wish a set of dishes FREE don't delay.
SBT of CBIBAOAC3 to r st oHW. PvmLuaua.