Sift fri r Mr VOL. XII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, APRIL 25, 1901. NO. 4R; ( THE UNIVERSAL CENSORSHIP CapitM Bae ft44 la Ftabllihlaf; Om a EiTeetfve as Amy Iept Cald I lr The universal lying and complete unreliability of the press dispatches is at Jai becoming a erious question. When cm takes up a daily paper he b i so assurance that anything that he read is true. This degeneracy is ttcdet raisins the foundations of so ciety itself. The following paper was read by the editor of The Independent bfere a club consposd of university professors, lawyers and leading busi ness mea cf Lincoln and was dis cud ty them for two or three hours. When Washington and Jefferson laid the foundations of this government one of their chief concerns was to pro Tide for the freedom of the press. It Is stips la ted in the first amendment to the constitution that congress shall isaite no law abridging the freedom of rpech or of the press, but In these later days a way has been found that is much more effective than any law that "oc gress could enact to that end. It will b the object of this paper to tell how it has been accomplished. The Una "the press at first includ ed the whole literature of ;he co'intiy. but of late years it is rpplied almost exclusively to periodical publications, uch s dally icd weekly newspapers and the monthly and quarterly maga zines, ft is In that sens that the term will be osed ia this discussion. The existence cf the press is made pofsitle by the universal and never ceasing demand for news. Unless & writer has an opportunity to get the cti that is the current.happeniags of his own nation and of rfce world no one would read his productions. That is true of every department of lltrrmtttre. with perhaps the exception of fiction, and It applies in a measure thr. A man could not write an ac ceptable scientific article unless be had the ecws of the most recent discover ies in science. It will be admitted without disputa tion thtt the power that controls the soarce cf news or its distribution, con trols the press. The chief ani almost sole source.of news in the United Ftates is the Asso ciated press, the means of distribution is the telegraph and beta of these are private monopolies, , free press be comes a myth ander tLee-tlrcum-sticcs. Only such information will be famished as the Associated press sees fit to furnish, and only that dis tributed to the people that the tele graph trust wishes to forward. While loth oi these monopolies profess to be public corporations serving all alike, yet every cewtpaper rrran knows that the above statement Is as true as any geners.1 statement can be. It is only Eecessary to know how the business of gathering and distributing is managed to atiderstand how a censorship is es tablished over all the Information dis tributed to the American people, how the freedom of the press is abridged, and how the real sovereigns are de ceived, and are induced to administer government la very different way from what they would If they had all the farts submitted to them. For the purpose of gathering the news, the Associated press has an agent la every city, town and hamlet in the country The news that these men gather is all sent to Chicago if in the western circuit, or if in the eastern to New lork. At each place there is an editor who edits all the ntws that is sent in- Not an Item of it goes to any newspaper until it has passed tin dcr this editors eye. Is it a false statement or a straining of language to call the man who has this awful pow er in h:s hands and who constant Jy exercises it, a censor of the press? If something occurs In the city of Omaha taat the agent there deems of genera! interest, he forwards !t to Chi cago. After the censor has examined it and sees proper to give it out. It is sect to all the papers in that circuit. Daring the night it will come back to all the papers in Omana taking the Associated press Jlpatches. It is not likely that any of the Omaha papers will use it for their own reporters have already written it up much more fully than It will be found In the Associated press difpatc h. The first thing to notice is the very great change in the matter that is now sent out from what was sent fifteen or twenty years ago. The burden of the Associated press matter is now de tails of murders, murder trials, divorce suits, scandals. lynching and other frivolous stuff of that character. Years asro the report was valued for the im portant matter that it con. ,t-l. Long prrcs by eminent men were fre lastly ert. I remember that one night about two o'clock, when I was handling tie telegraph matter on a daily, that I received a little slip of is mat paper which contained part of a sentence and beran. "47 Conklin." In thoe dzjs all the stuff came from the tesr?ph ce written on tissue pa per. There were no capital letters, no punctuation and no parsg.-aphs. Thse came in little bits and It was the duty of the telegraph editor to paste them together and capitalize, punctuate and Iwrasrarh the matter, as well as to write the head lines. " Forty-seven ConitHn meant that that distinguished gei.tlemsn had made a speech in the scrate an thst was the 47th section of it as divided up by the office send ing it. A ;reat deal more attention was raid fa tbo& days to work of the house and senate than row. Every day some thing was sent when congress was in session. Now ore may read a great daily for days and hardly see con gT-&s mestiond. The serious fact? of life are igtsored and the papers filled with frivolity. No matter how much an editor ?t?y deplore this, he is utterly helpless. A power far above him reg ulates the dissemination of news. It is said that the publication of a newspaper is purely a commercial af fair, and such matter in printed as will sell. It is true that the commercial spirit rules the newspaper office as it does everything else in these days, but t is not always true that such matter s printed as will sell the best. A newspaper is published to make mon ey, but it can often make more money for its proprietors by not printing what the people want to read than by printing, it. Great financial interests are aided or discouraged by what ap pears in the newspapers, and there is much more money in the creation of public opinion that will affect legisla tion than In a large circulation. These financial interests can bring to a news paper an immense income. In fact, the wealth of most of the great" dailies ani some weeklies has accrued from this policy. This is especially true of what is ralied the religious press Advertise ments are the great source of income to all papers. If any lone will look over the advertisements in the great religious weeklies he, if at all a prac tical man, he will imniediately recog nize that a large part of the advertis- ng that they contain pomes from the great financial concerns, and that the returns from such advertising in that class of papers must fall far below the amount of money that is paid for their insertion. The religious weeklies cir culate largely among the well-to-do farmers. The advertising that farmers are Interested In is J farming imple ments, blooded nvo stock, dairy ap pliances, seeds, bee culture, fertilizers and things of that kind. But what Is the advertising in these great religious weeklies? It is bank statements, life insurance and great financial deals. On the other hand these great finan cial concerns refuse to advertise in pa pers where returns would be certain," because the policy of the paper Is op posed to the public policy which brings to them most of their millions. Very frequently letters ccme to the busi ness office of the paper which I try to edit, in reply to applications for ad vertisements saying that if the policy of the paper Is changed they will give us a liberal line of business. As another illustration that the man agers of papenrdo not print the line of news and follow the editorial policy that will secure the greatest number of subscribers, or, as it is said, that which will sell, was the "flop" of all but one or two of the papers started by the farmers alliance and kindred societies a few years ago. -.. These .papers- were all run on the same general principles. A very large part of the space was filled with purely agricultural matter, and the editorial policy was to defend the political principles announced by those organizations. That " sort of writing was what these people wanted and what they were willing to buy and pay for. It was what secured their circulation. , Within a few months all, except one or two, suddenly stopped the editorial discussions and made the papers purely agricultural. They lost hundreds of thousands of subscribers, but, without doubt, it paid them better not to print the kind of matter that would sell. There was a paper printed in St. Louis which for more than twenty years had been purely an agricultural paper and had a circulation of from 15,000 to 20,000. All at once It began a vigorous editorial policy advocating the doctrines of the farmers' alliance. Its circulation Increased by leaps and bounds. Within a few months it had over 80,000. It was printing the matter that would sell. Suddenly this sort of matter ceased to appear. As soon as the subscriptions expired that had been obtained by the new policy, the list dropped back to less than it was be fore. No doubt the proprietors made money by not printing what would sell. 4 , The change of policy made in the Chicago Times In 1S93, quadrupled its circulation in less than three months. Then it again changed Its policy and proprietors ana no doubt made a Dig sum cf money by refusing to print what would selL From these Instances and hundreds more that could be furnished by any well-posted newspaper man, it is plain to be seen that the' freedom of the press, as understood by those who founded this government, no longer exists. - Along with this censorship of the news, and the control by certain inter ests of nearly the whole of the press, there has come a change in the editor ial writing. Instead of discussing the great questions of government and so cial progress, most of the editorial writing in the great dailies is of the most frivolous kind. In one of the metropolitan papers lying before me containing so many pages that it is a burden to handle It. there is not one single item that wouk' he of interest to the scholarly man. The leading editorial article discusses tooth-picks. In regard tc what has , been said about "yellow journalism," the reply may be made that it is no worse, and possibly not as bad, as some that pass as resoectable. A member of this club described a "yellow journal" as "a pa per made up of large black headlines, illustrations and rot." The new pro cess of transferring photographs to the printed page and running them on fast cylinder presses, the cost of filling the space with them Is about as small as to fill It with solid printed matter Especially Is this true where the artist is made a member of the staff at a salaryand the whole process is com pleted In the office. Some of it is ex cellent work, but in the main it is an tppeal to the prurieiit desire of what Is vicious and low. The colors that are used are sometimes not only re pugnant to good tasbi, but would hor rify a hottentot. Whether the freedom of the press as was understood ' by the fathers ' can ever be re-established Is a serious question, and one thai might well em ploy the best minds, not only in this j club, but the best in the nation. There Is certainly one thing that all moral ists should take an Interest in, namely, the universal lying that has become so common that it no longer attracts adverse comment. It is a habit of the great dailies to write what they call "special dispatches" date' them in a foreign country . or at some distant plae and send them out as legitimate news. Other papers copy from them and they secure general 'circulation. A short time ago a Chicaeo paper printed more than a column that purported to tie a special dispatch from the City of Mexico, the substance of it being that President Diaz had gone Insane affcr the country was on the verge of revo lution. Of course all the other dailies reprinted it. As soon as the news reached Mexico there was a flood of dispatches sent to all parts of the United States in denial, saying that President Diaz was in excellent health and had gone on a hunting trip. No correction of the story was ever made in the paper that first printed it. Dur ing the last month I have made a list of nineteen. such things. What use is it to try to teach truthfulness to our. school children when the newspapers which they1 all read, are every day packed with lies. Is it any wonder that the editor, when he knows that there is not a line in the dispatches upon which he can rely, sits down and writes an editorial on tooth-picks? It is not the lies that are sent out In these dispatchs that trouble the honest editor the most. It is the supression of the news. There was a recent oc currence tnat illustrates mat state ment. At the time the Porto Rico cases were argued before the supreme court there was an intense desire for a full summary of the arguments sub-, mitted. I myself wrote to a friend in Washington beiore U;e case v. and asked him to use every endeavor to have such summaries sent out by" the Associated press. He replied that many similar requests had been made to him and to other parties. Every honest editor was extremely anxious to get what those most eminent law yers had to say upon the question of whether the constitution followed the flag. They were anxious to get the argument on both sides. What was the result? Only the most meagre and fragmentary report was sent. I was assured by this gentleman - that very full repqrts were made ot and given to the - superintendent of the Asso ciated press in Washington. My in formant, who Is a newspaper man of long experience and high standing as a Washington correspondent, maae such investigation as convinced him that full reports were sent from the. Washington office, Trey . as the censor in the New fYork office and then reappeared in the very con densed and mangled form in which you saw them in the daily papers. ... Of course any newspaper that had a Washington correspondent could have ordered that matter sent as a spe cial dispatch. Two things must be taken into consideration, before the managing editor is condemned for not so doing. First, the very great differ ence In the cost of special dispatches and Associated press reports, and, sec ond, that the editor had a right to ex pect that the matter would be sent by the Associated press. If after finding that the Associated press had failed to send It, he had ordered it, it would have been two days behind and not "news" any longer. Perhaps the most remarkable exam ple of the suppression of news occurred in 1892, when the Associated press sent an order to all its agents on the eve of the' election to not report the vote of a' party that cast more than 2,000, 000 ballots and carried several . states. It was more than six weeks before the returns of that -party could be gath ered from the- county weekly papers and anything like an estimate formed of the vote of that party, and it was not until In January of the next year,, when the year books appeared, that any accurate knowledge on the sub ject could be obtained. The effect upon the government of this country - by this - censorship of news is as great as that of an immense standing army under the control of a dictator. The only remedy is the gov ernment ownership of the telegraphs- and the sending of all press dispatches at the same rate, whoever offers them. Editors have also degenerated and no excuse can be made for the way they conduct their papers. There , is certain news that they can all get If they try, such as official reports of the government. There is one thing that has been an- unsolvable puzzle to me. I cannot imagine, why the editors of one of the leading party's papers has constantly ignored one class of news that one would think would be to their interest to get even if it did not come by the Associated press or through the regular channels. The people of the United States are in the most pro found ignorance of the fact that there has been more silver coined under Mc Kinley and put in circulation than was ever coined before, in the same length of time since the government , was founded. It . is being kept up every month; the sum of $2,242,166 was coined during the month of February. The amount for March has not yet been received. Why the opposition press has not taken this matter up and pointed out that the present ' ad ministration which 4was elected the first time upon the distinct proposition that the coinage of silver must be stopped, is a thing that I could never find out. The facts are obtainable by all editors. - - , , All sorts of schemes have to be re sorted to in the event of starting a new paper. The news franchise Is of ten" the most costly thing about the starting of new papers when it ought to be given to all alike. The New York Journal, to , get a press fran chise, had to i. buy an . unknown paper with an insignificant circulation and pay $50,000 for It to get the press dis patches, when it first started, and It still carries as a sub-title the name of Advertiser. . , - Many communities would have a daily paper or another daily paper, if it were not Tor this monopoly of news by the Associated press and - Western Union telegraph monopoly that can- hot now have one. .' If the monopoly of news can be de stroyed, the American people need fear no other trust even if engineered by the shrewdest intellects that world pan produce. .. . In the symposium of great men re cently held in New York on how to elevate the press, Edison's essay was the best. It vas as follows: "Once in a while publish a fact." - THE ENGLISH DISMAYED They Find That Warn of Conquest Against s Brave Fn Feopl art Ex- j.v " . eeediB&rlT Expensive . There has ibeen a greater sensation in England during the last week than any. of their great celebrations - over the; defeat the Boers ever caused. The whole population seems paralyzed. John' Redmond's comment on the budget speecS, to the effect that there would, not befso many Maf eking cele brations now! was perhaps the most judicious criticism which .found ex pression fromf the crowded house. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach made a most de pressing speech, rwhich sobered both sides of the commons. The cost of the '.war, the magnitude of the deficit and the extent to which recourse, ta borrowing powers must be had were on a larger scale than had been expected and the new burdens of taxation - were more serious than ex pected.,; " ' , The estimate or approximately $921, 500,000 &s the net cost of ' the war would have- staggered the taxpayers even if the end of the military opera tions hadj been in'sight, but with the resources of guerrilla -warfare appar ently inexhaustible there was "a gen eral conviction in the commons that it mignt , exeeed si,wx),oou,ouu before a settlement cduld be f eached. : The permanent Mebt, as already increased- would be enlareed. by $300.- 000,000, with the suspension of all ar rangements for a sinking fund. The consumers of beer, spirits, to bacco and tea were spared a further in crease of taxation because the limit of profitable . revenue had been . ap proached, but $55,000,000 was the es-, timated outcome of the increase from fresh taxes on Incomes, sugars, mo lasses,, glucose' and exported coal. ? ; The main' burdens will be 'fourteen pence Instead of a shilling on iaeomes. the duty on sugar, averaging a half penny on the pound to consumers, and the export duty on coal, which consti tutes 12 per cent of the export trade of the United Kingdom. s " A crowded house heard the speech of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach with mingled feelings of dismay and satisfaction. Many conservatives would have been better pleased if the sugar duties had been doubled and two pence . dropped from the income tax.. ' . The liberals would have been de lighted from a party point of view if the area of indirect taxation had been widened by duties on corn and manu factured goods, so that there could have been a grand rally of the opposi tion in defense of free trade. As it was, Harcourt was enabled to make a strong protest' against a revival of the antiquated export duties which would embarrass shipping interests and also against a repudiation of the tariff pol icies of Peel and Gladstone. " f ': There was intense excitement in the galleries and lobbies and the impres sion prevailed in the clubs that a wedge would be driven into the free trade tree and that it would never come out, but would be hammered further in another year. The new scheme of taxation may be summed up as follows: ' . . Revenue, 1900-1901 $651,925,000 Expenditures, 1900-1901. . . . 917,960,000 Deficit, 1900-1901.......... 266,035,000 Revenue, 1901-1902 ........ 'fl6,275,000 Expenditures, 1901-1902. .. . 921,060,000 Deficit, 1901-1902 204,785,000 To meet the deficit it is proposed to increase the income taxi put a grad uated duty upon sugar, the West Indies product not excepted, to tax molasses and glucose, place an export duty upon coal and to borrow $300,0000,000 by means of consols. v - The tax on' Incomes amounts to a little over 5 per cent. Cowardly Subterfuge Funston is credited to Kansas, but not all the citizens of that, state credit him with heroism. The Johnstown Democrat fires this hot shot into those who aro shouting for Funston and glory: ''Let Funston get what honor he can out of this capture. But let It not be forgotten by Americans that it was effected, not in honest, open, man ly war, but by base trickery, by a mean and cowardly subterfuge, by as vile a piece of sneaking artifice as any red Indian ever put into execution; and he had for, his tools in its carry ing but those bloody Macabebes whom the Filipinos themselves refused to en list In their forces; those Macabebes who are to the Filipinos what the Mo hawks were to the Americans; those; Macabebes who are the real savages of the islands; "these . Macabebes who fought with he Spaniards and who are fit allies, in the most atrocious- war that ever a free people or any other people waged against liberty." ; 'Reads Every Line ; . A lawyer of prominence said the other day: There are just two papers printed, in the state, the editorial page of which I read every line; they are the Nebraska Independent and the well, our close personal ; connection therewith prevents us from giving you the name of the other one he men tioned. Crete Democrat,"' THE LAUD HUIIGRY The Dangers, Privations and Snffertng Eo dared to Get a Piece of God's Green Earth to Call Their Own v With increasing earnestness the pop ulists have "been warning the people that soon this land of the brave and the home of the free would become a counterpart of the countries of Eu rope. There would be the landlord and tenant, the capitalist and the wage slave. 'What they said was not their own conclusions only, but were the de ductions of the scholars and philos ophers as well. The census bulletins point out that the tenant farmers are increasing at a terrible rate and the home-owners grow less and less. The opening up of the Kiowa and Co manche Indian reservations will make a few thousand acres of land availr able for settlement. The thousands who have assembled along the borr ders of the reservation, patiently wait ing, and suffering while they wait, is a sight that ought to appeal even to the heart of a plutocrat. The Ameri can Tribune makes an appeal to the government to dispose of the land by lottery to avoid the clash that is sure to come when he gun is fired that an nounces the opening of the land. In discussing the question it says: We are informed that Secretary Hitchcock has under consideration a plan to open the Kiowa lands August 6th without allowing a run. We hope he will adopt some drawing or allot ment plan, and it should be done at the very earliest date, that the many thousand people now living along the borders of that land would know it and disband. There are tens of thou sands, now upon the border; many are now suffering. They live in dugouts, wagons, "tents and shacks. There are so many there that if the lands were opened now there would not be enough to give the crowd two acres each. Therefore . thousands must be disappointed, besides, they are getting sick, the women and children are get ting sick. Many of the men are get ting short of money and are compelled to sell their last horse for something to eat; and the general government will have to keep them before the land is opened if allowed to remain Xas they are. While if the honorable sec retary would adopt some drawing plan, these mea would all register and could disband and go off to work until the drawing took place. It would be much better for the people and save the gov ernment from having to decide thou sands of contests that surely must arise from the run. " It would: also save many lives, for there are many desperate people there who expect lands or a fight, and our opinion, is there will be murder all over that sec tion the day of the run and for weeks thereafter. The government could and should vtake immediate steps to prevent It, and to amend the state of affairs existing there. No one has any idea until they go iind see for themselves. These people have gone there, because the Government is going to open these lands, and they are lined up for one hundred and ten miles on the east and west 'sides and for , sixty-nine miles across each end of the reservation. We tiave been there and seen it ourselves. and it is getting larger each day, as new arrivals are dropping in each day. None are allowed on the lands, all are over the- lines. Lines set along the railroad on the east, along Red River on the south, along Green county line on the west and along the railroad line on the north. Even the railroads are expecting to run large trains down into the territory, that people may drop off at various places and make a run. So the general thought is, to go on; it will be the greatest run ever known, the most desperate and more blood shed . than ever before. The former ones were disgraceful enough. We say by all means make It a system of drawing, or allotment, but stop the run as early as possible and disband these people for their own good." IT COMES VERY HIGH Americans Can Make a Note of What Im perialism Costs England How Bab cock Played Harlequin Washington, D. C, April 20, 1901. England has been thrown Into a state of consternation by the annoy ncement from the chancellor of the exchequer that the heavy expenses of the Boer war will necessitate a heavy increase in direct taxation ; Already higher taxes have been placed on-sugar and coal and popular Indignation is not soothed by the fact that there Is only a nominal increase in the income tax, thus leaving the actual burden of this war of conquest on the middle 'and poorer classes,. We shall have to reckon with the cost of the Philippine war sooner or later and theexpenses of subjugating the Boers give a nice little object les son in imperialism which can be per used with profit by every American taxpayer. ; The Boer war has already cost Great Britain $725,000,000. The end is not yet in sight. This "small war" has cost twice as much as the Crimean war. It is admitted that no contribu tions can bs expected .from the Trans vaal itself. On the basis of the ordinary rev enues of Great Britain there will be- a deficit of about $300,000,000 this year and this must be met by increased tax ation and a war loan. It is said that this is the most disastrous statement of finances ever made in parliament The British people are howling in wrath, but they are committed to im perialism and will have to foot the bill It will be the same way in this country when the people realize what the sub jugation of the Philippines is going to cost. 'Somehow the spirit of freedom implanted in the breasts of the com mon people like the . Boers and Fill pinos, dies hard and it takes mighty armies and much expenditure of mil lions to make slaves of peop.le who want to be free. Vice President Roosevelt has been keeping pretty quiet since his stren uous experience in managing the sen ate in the few days of extra session; j but he can't keep still more than two consecutive weeks. He has to talk to some -sort of an audience. In New York the other day , he told a lot of little ragged newsboys that each one of them had as good a chance to become vice president as he. That old story was all right about twenty years ago' when a poor rail splitter became president, but nowa days it hardly goes, even with such ignorant things as newsboys. The high dQoesof the, nation are ngyMike a lottery in which 'there are" 'seventy- -five million chances and only one gold en prize and the trusts are in charge of the lottery and see that the prize goes to one of their representatives. Little newsboys who have ambitions had better look forward to the - time when they will be required to give compulsory service as soldiers. It won't be more than ten or fifteen years before that will happen if militarism and imperialism develop at . the rate they have the last three years. Congressman Babcock hopes to be come the Moses to lead his party out of the wilderness into which it has wandered. He thinks to supplant such astute leaders ,as Payne and Dick by keeping up a pretense of wanting anti trust legislation. It will be remembered that Mr. Bab cock wanted the protective tariff tak en off steel and iron at the last con gress. At least he pretended he did and played his part in the comedy when his house, colleagues-objected and buried the bill in the oblivion of committee -'- Mr. Babcock is entirely right in the idea that the trust issue is bound to become the greatest one " before the American people, but it rather jarred one's belief In 'his sincerity to see the dignified member of congress bobbing in and out- of a broker's office in Wash ington during the closing weeks of the session and it was painful to note the current rumor that the gentleman had made a very tiay sum oi money on cer tain stocks which went skyward through trust manipulation. Really Mr. Babcock needn't trouble himself to play the harlequin on the trust issue. When the people are suf ficiently aroused they, will take the trusts in hand and deal with them in a decisive manner and settle the ques tion in a way which will put it out of the. .range : pf picayune, politicians who have so little knowledge of fcval issues that they think pretended anti trust legislation will advance them personally. :. - Fourth Auditor Castle of tne post- office department has just written an article for one of the magazines in which he deals real hard blows to the postal savings system under govern ment supervision. ' -Of course that ought to settle it. If an administration menial who lets the affairs of his department go at loose ends and who is ever ready to ignore civil service requirements, says that a proposed reform cannot be accom plished, why the thinking public. will be only too glad to take his word for it. Mr. Castle attempts to show that the system is a failure in England, though his statistics. are drawn, from doubtful sources and very badly mixed indeed. But why does he neglect the history of the plan in France? Can it have escaped his omniscence that the French government conducts a postal savings system with satisfaction to both the government and the deposi tors? Mr. Castle is tob pessimistic. He re minds one of the people who were sure that a steamboat would never float and that steam railways were Im possible and that the telegraph was rank blasphemy toward the creator of the universe. The postal savings sys tem under government control is one of those things that the government could do for the private individual and save him being fleeced by the banks. It is coming in spite of Mr. Castle. The administration seems to have an uneasy conscience over its treafci ment of the son of ex-President Harri son. It' dislikes the comment that is being made about the matter. The last congress opened a way to provide for the appointment of officers in young Harrison's situation, but the admin istration has determined to give him no appointment. Senator Fairbanks is willing to give $1,000 toward a monument in memory of General Har rison, but will not aid his son to get an appointment. Pardon Bartley A Nebraska man Is being most un justly treated and Governor Savage is the only man who can give him jus tice. That man is Joseph Bartley now In the penitentiary at Lincoln for the embezzlement of a certain large war rant, which warrant was paid with the indorsement of J. H. Millard just elected United States senator from' Ne braska. If the partaker is to be re warded why should the thief be pun ished? Let Governor Savage do his duty as a Nebraska republican and pardon Mr. Bartley and then call the leeislature together to pass an. appro priation bill to cover his salary while, serving the state. Exeter enterprise. Typical Senators Mr. Dietrich and Mr. Millard are both typical United States senators They will average well with their as sociates in the upper branch. The former is a bank president and stands for the B. & M. railroad in Nebraska, the latter is a bank official and repre sents the U. P. railroad In the state. Each has the qualifications -required for his position. The Arrow-H?ad. . A STANDING ARMY An Old Officer Declares That the Regular , Array of the United States Sto aid Not Exceed 1 0,000 Men Frank E. Farnam, who served in the First Massachusetts heavy artillery during the civil war, in a letter prlnt&d in Our Dumb Animals says: "Having served three years in our civil war and having taken part in some of the fiercest conflicts cf that war, my conclusions in regard to the subject are not wholly those of a theorist. MThe result of my observation, in vestigation and' experience had led tue to believe that the standing army cf ffielnjt'9d., States, should .'not exceed ten thousand in number, andthajt .all the militia systems of the several states should be abolished. "Thi3 conclusion will doubtless be pronounced a radical and dangerous one by the many who have given little thought to the subject, and by the few who profit by the present antiquated, ineffective and demoralizing system, but I have some reasons for the faith that is in me. "I say 'antiquated, ineffective and demoralizing' advisedly. "The system of the regular army of the United States, of which our state militia systems are but weak imita tions, was copied from the European systems in vogue in the early part of the last century when a commission wa3 sent from the United States to In vestigate the military systems of Eu rope pBeparatory to establishing a military system here. "Cur present regular army and West point were the results (West Point with its records of caste, hazing, etc.) "The element of military caste taken from thEurcpean system, where the officers were nobles and the privates serfs, was peculiarly grateful to the south, which dominated the commis sion referred to, as indeed it did the whole nation at that time. "In this system the elements of in dividuality and manhood were elimi nated from the make-up of the privcte soldier. He was reduced to mere fight ing animal,, without ambition, judg ment, or any rights which the officer was bound to respect. "When an army of such solditrs comes in 'contact with manhood and brains, 'fighting for a principle, or in self-defense, the result is as graphical ly portrayed by Canon Doyle In his ar ticle in the October number of Mc Clure's: 'The ratio of effectiveness is perhaps ten. bo one in favor of the sys tem of which the Boers furnish the latest and mostv surprising example.' i r "Wars -of aggresion do not develop' armies of this noble class, the vital element of principles being lacking. Such wars do develop soldiers of for tune, mercenaries, cruelty, robbery. and lapine, and all the horrors that spring from a combination of whisky and bloodthirstiness. "As a rule with bathmi, as with in dividuals, self-defense alone justifies bloodshed. "Our civil war was no exception to this m"t. though the union forces were generally the attacking party. It struck blows first only to prevent the south from destroying the nation. "The province of military art, then, i3 simply to defend the rights of na tions. All the glamour, which is thrown over conquest; all the pomp and circumstance of war; all the glory of conquerors is false and Injurious to the interests of the human race, and we commit a most serious error in placing before our youth the false and gory tales of slaughter which consti tute three-fourths of our school histor ies. This cultivation of the brutish In stincts of mankind, which are always to be repressed, not encouraged, re sults in the general worship of mili tary heroism and the growth of that war spirit which is always anxious to test its prowess upon some weaker nation. "But what would this iconoclast of fer in place of our military system, and what should take the place of the militia which has been our boast? "Just this: have done with all the meretricious trappings of war, the tin sel paraphernalia of parades, the brass bands, the sergeant majors, the gen erals for day, the pips clay and red tape, the nurseries of dissipation and disease known as "musters" and sub stitute a state law compelling all young men, say between the ages of 21 and 35, to meet at least one day In a year In their respective localities, un der just such government as Is used In civil matters, and practice marksman ship (arms and perhaps prizes, to be furnished by the state), "A national school, on a plan suited to the country and the age in which we live, could furnish a class of engineers, strategists, etc., necessary to direct the million of effective defenders of our land when necessary. - - f "In this way we should constantly have such an army as to make the con-' quest of the United States, even by the combined efforts of all other nations, an impossibility. "Such an army would give us full power to defend our own righ.s, and would deprive U3 of the power, and In a' great measure of the disposition, to take away the rights of others, and would be a great step toward that mil lennium of universal peace on. earth and good will to man which you, Mr. Editor, so courageously advocate, and which all just and true men hope for." There can be no doubt that the mod ern magazine rifle will finally work a complete revoldtion, not only in tac tics, but In the organization of armies. When charges were made en masse, when the soldier was to!d to "keep shoulder to shoulder," any jiort of thing that stood on two legs and had sense enough to pull a trigger would make a soldier. It Is not so anjr more. There must also be some intelligence. The magnificent and destructive fight ing of the Boer farmers will eventually have its effect on all armies. - 4 i J