The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 18, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    April 18f 1901
Kall-4taail lafirr Trota ptaard.raar
! Kta.e a4 !t!44r, HrlcHt'e
maaaaa, K.lieaUaaja. Grtttl, rln ta
tfca IWi, &rsay. ate.
MfcjnStef lle Ei4a es4 Bt41r rtsa
fictrat I.. JtLracaatiais. j-at. Pat in
tbm ilea a. ht'lMT IntmfT. d.tliOa t vr t"
frjfM.t IT, We.;f. rt, t v te
a tWitiva peitc Cmrm i fU'l in a
aw butaairal dLyry, f ia wtysiaffal K
kaa Pi.ri.tK, eai a! r tntuuU. tUe .jit
as tt."i. Ji-n ila bu Ri. fca
I.to4. it Laa tse lraed fcary rx.fl c f 1.2 V
to;.. ti! rir la 3Lar. It art tfireftif oa
U-a ai3sj. aa4 cay try driti oteftLe
LmmtwI ia, r- t rs Aei4. I rale. litn-
etc .. . !. dt-aaa.
I i.trj ps. ) ef .tfeurit. taa
t - t,'. i : r . jt Aaoeai ttai it kaa-
aa trab c J fc.s avueta f aer
kfii.-r ti iOk - ir l.ra-s -f ef rara
Kob. .id. t - '-v of LoL
acatia-m, h i i-t --' 4. . atwr fo
yrr 'arri!. ij K'; frier lfcl aaa a
grm-mt W t a 1 r t 4 . Iwtli uaaaa lor
ti .jr.'.t. Kt. Itu. M. .rm. f We
'alt, t acr atauUr ttjaviy.
Mefcf t.Tf.! L.'i;a Va'astaa.
l-a ij'fif. V i. Mr- Man Wall, frr-jr.
4 wS., ttsfjr i it. m4rf'ai rtt'at
Tin i4if f
rt tn""'y fsri, w 'l
OLarfa) J ' f tor-, trs S jr Jtttit
taw "S!".l JT""? f tjf ,i tKrmmt.-i it to
!-. )t a t f.r mtt4 ea ta !.
A i t . t.a k i ji7 ", Now
'I 1 v.'t- .lr.', NW i'itf.
!orf4 at Ul Nortis-l!th ftr-t, is
tt!'l fi't-s tor i:3f'3ve years,
!o pool irork. T-r are p?rnii-
crt!r lrx-3f1 tth r e4 that nsraas
,1 ftla',i-.
rat U CoIor4o Wrl4 Lef S,Ot.
OO0 Tool of (ir Tmr Ammum Two
Thlrd la from Vata,
ta !o
If yoi ar co'-- t & Hop;tal for ;
tr-2:r.:.t. i; j ;y ju j to cosut '
fir. 51-r,i.l.?r. I't tr.-is a tpclalty i
fcf 4ta:cs f tf r.roua - .
ta s2 fir.ri: i.a. 111! L '
U P8 d cd death
f rem cxc r r I.) l i , u CONNOR curea
ear-cer, :c.-., ; . no k&l'e,
Lm.i cr r latUr. HJ O treet,
Liters. Nv.
Vtiitgn insi gjtasji3
Sw:!;3lli3 Brealh
Try Toth Waah by
IaucuLl. Ivc.i JUii for
Dr. F D. Sherwin,
OB kr U II lut. riMf
tsarr BaOc, Cnr turn,
I alwaj ita rTr t- rirer,
tl ti.ry :. da ,'.t wis claim iu
rriax a;'. s.WTtwistti,
4 aay asxi all wra.iHa aritr.r (roa
f LtvT- c tv will c ae?
raaa. ex acAti tx iucr ataa4itjr.
titaia faufi. fr-aof r&ara- ta
t.aia wrarra. II att tUoroisa.; eotk
lcdi a t J ycuf eaaii.tjB acc.4 for
mrnAfSn La&a Swf jr r4ertrf . Cor-
li A II WU A KM Af Y.
J"CS i t , 0aa. h. ft- .-- '"i
. S!4 bB.a aUwtla. Liatia, .
IVaempener's ."Drag.
A full line of IVrfuoe
l39ScdhI0I!5 SUBstwssn 0
Lincoln, Neb.
Ir. Jjwt N. UVct. Jrstift. 137 So.
litis trti. Rxown!! block-
1029 0
IfiCl'SAIQHs m dr-OUi!tfiS !
Krota ll.csj tfi. Fr: -ii-in eerj r
pert. a4 fully goAria-ti-rl. Lr; Cat !
league fr. i
The Monitor Co.
Oox M, Mcodus, Conn
T. J. IJ i. Alt trf.
Is tJx r.att i? t t,f
Tfama ira lrari
Nucia ta b.?f bt ia pMsttr f
a a trf r-l .r a I Ki a. Ja4f. f ibe
sad.oa i f,a day f brr A. ii Jm.
i&f tt aat tta rai rtai t.rflaftf ti-a-rtfa4.
ir w-U t aoii at ysbiie asrta at
li at 4vr f hem at Liaeola.
Latw en3t7. Ntlita. oa tfc zvta Uay
Uf. A. !.. tv.i. at t oVl r p. at.
trt iai4f' fr caab ta foJwait) A-"-tN'i
! .-at. tcrait: t-ia oaa aa-1 tre
iata-'l block
: -'f tit L4;., L&4raii ecMsaty,
raiaa. Ut.air i:a Ss 3it $t. ti
Lii3. Sa4 aS mitt reasaia ota
htmt. U'itt.t ItJaaaril Attt.AU.
f. J.
ot areata cf Tlxwaa -eu dxaaod.
rf avo MONEY
S v-w "" "" i
am. 1 - -1 ? aywfAt Ut 1
Th operation of the Nttloail Beet
Sujar company In Colorado baa re
sulted In th9 completion of . three
planta. one of which produces sugar
from Iat season's crops. They are lo
cated at Grand Junction. Rocky Ford,
and Eugar City. When all are well
under way thousands of hands will be
employed and the money thus put Into
clrcalat!oa will go Into the common
ccfifrt of the people. The world's pro
duction and consumption of sugar is
cow about S.250.000 tons per annum,
two-thirds of which is produced from
fcets and the other fraction from su
gar cane. It is estimated thst the
normal consumptive ? demand Is - in
creasing at the rate of 250,000 tons
yearly. Statutes indicate that this
country con mes more sugar than
any other i Jon. or about one-third
of the world's product. The condi
tions of soli, elknate and other adv 1
tagea are quite as good In the Un d
States, and especially In Colorado,
far the development of the beet a
Its sagar extraction as in any of the
countries of Europe and Asia. It has
been satisfactorily demonstrated that
the cultivation of sugar beets in Colo
rado may be a perfect success. A large
plant has been built at Rocky Ford,
Otero county, which cost, it li claim
ed. 11,000.000 to build and equip. To
supply it the farmers in the vicinity
have contracted to grow 88.000 acres of
btu a year for five years. From tests
made, they claim their beets will
yield 15 to 19 per cent sugar. It is
proposed to have it ready for the crop
the coming season. The factory, when
running at its full capacity, consumes
dally 1,000 tons of beets. This It con
verts Into about 100 tons of refined
sugar of the highest purity, with a
beautiful crystalline appearance. This
Is nearly 100 pounds per minute per
raicute. The beets here retch perfect
maturity, with a very high percentage.'
Beets seldom go below 15 per cent; 12
per cent Is taken as the basis of buy
ing beets at the factory. .
The beets are grown by the farmers
tinder contract with the factory and
paid for according to the saccharine
content determined: by chemical ;tests
made of samples taken from the wa
gons at the time of delivery. Besides
that, the factory controls abo it 5.000
acres of laid. Most of this land will
be fanned by tenants, but only a por
tion of each leasehold is devoted to
beets each year. Beet raisers sell their
beets based upon the -eugar- content.
The tests somewhat resemble the as
saying of ore from the mines. Selling
upon this basis encourages better
fanning and the raising of better
beets. It Is the only fair way, both
to the raiser and the manufacturer. At
Sugar City a farm of 12,000 acres has
been opened for raising sugar beets,
and a sugar factory has been built
with a capacity of 500 tons every 24
hours. Oa the farm 1,000 men and wo
men have been employed during the
summer, and this season's crop will
be converted Into sugar which will be
sold in various big markets. The es
tablishment of the sugar factory at
this point built the town, which a few
years ago consisted of a hut or two
and thousands of prairie dogs, sum
total. Nest year fully. 4,000 acres of
beets will be In cultivation. The out
put wil be increased a rapidly as pos
sible, and every day the demand for
workmen is now increasing. Denver
Times." , . . tV'
Vaat Daaatapoaaat of tba Koaplra Dor
lac tlta Cast dry. -
An English writer contributes some
interesting facts relative to the great
growth, of Great Britain and her col
onies during the century now closing.
During 1S00-1S00, he says the British
empire baa Increased at the rate of
to acres per second. In 1800 the Unit
ed Kingdom had a colonial area equal
to sixteen times Its own area; in 190U
the United Kingdom has a colonial
are equal to nicety-six times its own
area. Roughly the increase has been
from 2.900,000 to 12,000,000 square
miles. If the Orange river colony and
the Transvaal be taken Into account,
the colonial area is now more than 97
times that of the home country. The
French colonial area Is only eighteen
tines the size of France, the German
colonial area only five times the size
cf Germany. In population, the Brit
ish empire has risen from 115,000,001
In H03 to 290,000,000 in 1900. In the
same interval the United Kingdom has
risen from 15,000,000 to 41,000,000,
Francs from 27.000.000 to 39,000.000,
and the state now Germany from 21,
C00.005 to 55,000.000. The populatioa
of the British empire outside of the
United Kingdom was. In 1800, about
100,000,000, of whom only 2,000.000
were white. Now it numbers 349.000,
000. of whom 12.000.000 are white;
then one person In 50 was white, now
one person in 28 Is a white. The Brit
ish empire Js peopled at the rate of 33
persons to the square mile.
'."tir. a m a..., i.i. u,
. :- . .. "a
' r "T- Tgf J " - C it 14.
x T v'
, ... k s"" ; a
u.f .r it
'4m tea mmm mmba ffF .
t.mtwmmm Urn ca r
Lmm W aaa Ca, fss Cmui lata MU . Cataafa
Cmparar Devotad to Aatemabila.
Emperor Willlata of Germany has
now become a devotee of the automobile-
One was constructed under the
Instructions of the German war offlce,
and after completion was carefully ex.
amined by two engineers from the
Daimler mtnefactory at Stuttgart. The
automobile weighs thirty-two hundred
relgat. and Is propelled by a b?nin
motor rap&ble of Imparting a npeed of
sixty miles an hour. The vehicle coat
, The Country Coll ges.
Dr. D. K. Pearsoas, the octogenar
ian benefactor of small colleges, has
been signally honored by the legisla
ture! of this state in the adoption of a
complimentary set of ret A' ions.
The legislators, recognizing that Dr.
Pearsons wealth was accunalated in
this state and that here his greatest
benefactions have been made, took
occasion, on Dr. Pearsons', personal
visit to the legislature to record with
a rising vote their appreciation of his
splendid work in furthering the cause
of education. f T " '
The keynote of Dr. Pearsons' ben
efactions to 'the colleges is contained
In the following saying by- himself:
"Not a -penny to the rich or well-endowed
institutions. I am helping the
poor, struggling colleges because they
are helping the poor boys and poor
girls to obtain an education."
If, as Dr. Pearsons and ? great many
others believe, the best American
types of the future are to come from
the west and middle west this liberal
giver, to the cause , of education is
shrewd and far-seeing in confining his
gifts td the small colleges scattered
over the middle and western states.
Dr. Pearsons sharply defines the work
of the smaller colleges as distinct from
the great, richly endowed institutions
of learning. In the latter the ten
dency is ever to concentrate, consoli
date and absorb. In the small col
leges the opposite tendency is para
mount, and hence they must ever re
main "close to. the , soil," whence the
best types of young America are re
cruited every year.
The great universities are constant
ly absorbing more wealth. They are
also absorbing smaller and weaker
institutions at an unparalleled pace.
Dr. ; Pearsons believes, and a great
many will agree with him, that this
tendency is not representative of true
democracy in learning. Nothing can
ever supplant the beneficent work of
the smaller colleges. It is In them
that the moral fiber of students fresh
from the country or mountain home
is developed as It cannot be in the
glamour of a great centralized uni
versity. Probably the tendency of the future
will be that the immensely endowed
universities, with their magnificent
equipment and facilities for special in
vestigations, will devote themselves
more and- more to postgraduate -work-The
training of the raw material in
the ordinary academic and college
years will be left to the smaller Insti
tutions near the homes of the stu-
dents. 1
: This tendency is even necessary : if.
we are to retain the principle of dem
ocracy in the field of learning. The
attempt to . consolidate and affiliate,
scores and even hundreds of small
colleges .into' one centralized institu-
tion Is an artificial policy that may vlU
timately fall of 1 its own weight.
; Long may the small college prosper,
and 1 such prophets as Dr Pearsons
multiply. Chicago Chronicle. : - , .
, .j ... .: ,
any case of . bronchitis, lung affection
and grippe. Physicians prescribe this
reliable remedy,, and druggists recom
mend It r because-it never fails to cure
and costs but 25 cents a bottle.
, 1 Anarchistic Nebraska. ; ,;
The , legislature of Nebraska .has
'passed a new law governing cities, of
the second class., . VY'-V' " .
This ' law allows cities to put in
public heating plants.
In Nebraska at present cities may
own and operate water plants, gas
plants, heating plants and supply the
public at cost.
What depravity! What miserable,
socialistic degeneration! How much
better it is here in New York. The
gas and heat are owned by private in
dividuals and peddled out at the high
est possible rate, in connection with
official bribery.
What a calamity it would be to shut
o.ff the profits of half a dozen corpora
tions and supply at cost gas, heat and
electricity, as we now supply water.
New York Journal.
The Income Tax.
ouqnd mu mouh o SuijCjhbjS st
opinion is fast crystalizing In favor of
an income tax, as one among the most
equitable ways in which revenues for
the support of the government can be
secured. Its adaptation to the needs
of local government, as well as to
those of the general government, is
also becoming generally recognized.
Congressman Grosvenor has publicly
announced that "there is no fairer or
morevequitable tax than that which is
levied upon profits and the gains of
business." That a man with an income
of ten thousand dollars a year should
go - untaxed, while the man with an
income of but one thousand should be
taxed to the extent of twenty per cent
of that income, is an arrangement that
cannot merit the approval of .any hon
est citizen; still that is one of the re
sults of our present system of taxa
tion which we meet with" every day.
The democratic party, as a whole, has
been advocating . the . basing a ' good
portion of our tax JeYy;upon incomes,
for some time back.. Now, with in
fluential members of the ' republican
party advocating the same , thing, we
may reasonably hope to see it soon
adopted in some form. Columbus
Press-Post. 1 . . v : t T :
Parties who intend to purchase a
wagon, buggy or harness should .write
the Farmers' Supply, Store, Lincoln,.
Nebraska; for prices. . Several carloads
have just been received by that great
mail order house, best ; construction,
newest styles, lowest prices. Send a
description of the 'kind of rig you
want and you will be surprised at the
money they can and will save you.
When Abraham Lincoln pleaded for
a government by, of and for the peo
ple, it is probable he had no thought
of the direct ownership and operation
of public utilities by the public; the
term, "public utilities," had been lit
tle quoted, if any. at that time, and
was not so full of meaning as now.
The leaven Is growing, however, and
the increasing popularity of the ques
tion of the municipal ownership of
street railways, water, light, power
and heating plantsa step in the di
rection of government ownership. 4s
tut a following out of the intent of
Lincoln's "by, of and for the people."
After all, may It not be that Bellamy
drew his " inspiration from the- great
commoner, who, in turn, was in truth
917-921 0 St., Opp. P. O., .
Lincoln, Nebn V,
20 Per cent discount
on our entire line .
of Worsted Dress Goods during
this sale. We have a nice line in all the
new spring shades and blacks, ranging
in price from 12o to $1.75 per yard. Do
not fail to avail yourself of this oppor
tunity. t
Several styles and generous quantities
of each are offered at much less
than their actual worth, at
..:....v... .29c and43c
Hosiery and
15c Misses Hose,' double knae, fast
' blacky alBne hose ati per pair.". 120
ifyc IieS'JHose to close out, at. -10c
12fc" MenV; tieavy .Hose, in 1 black "i
' and tansat per pair;,., .; .... ..JOc
Ladies' medium weight ribbed vests, .
at, eaehi iV; . . . ..... J
Men s meolum weight shirts and -drawers
;it... r.... -50c and $1.00'
Continuation of
Our Great
at one-fifth to one-third
less than value.
An immense variety of new and at-
. tractive patterns, from 2 to 10 inches
wide, all of them well made on cambric
; and nainsook. Edgings and insertions
ranging in price from 2c upward as high
as 75c per yard.
,0n Bargain Counter 3 Lots.
Lot 1, worth up to 11c, per yard :i . 5c
" " Lot 2, worth up to 12c, per yard. . . . - 9o
Lot 3; worth up to 20c, per yard .120
Mackintoshes, Rubber
Coats and Umbrellas. -
. Days like last week make one wish for
a good mackintosh or rubber coat, There
will be a lot of such days before May 1.
There's just the kind of mackintosh
here you'd like, and it's probably priced
lower than you'd expect. Special for
this week at v
$1 98-$3 15-S4 50-6 75
Reg. pr.t235 f 3.50 $5.00 $7.50
Umbrellas are always useful. We
show the economical kind economical
because there's strong values in every;
one and satisfaction, whether you
choose an expensive one or one at a low
price. Special for this week at 47c
69c.98cand$l:4T '
Percales. Muslins and
Qc a yard for a lot of Percaline, Fran-
caise and Mascot Percale, 36 inches
wide, fast color, worth 11c
7-0 per yard for Elkhorn Percale, 31
inches wide, choice style in light and
: dark, worth 10c. . . ' -
. 44c yad, L. L. Muslin, worth 5Jc
7ard 'or Salisbury R. fine Muslin,
worth 7c. - .
3io for avortfe fancy Prints, worth
- ,m5c, a' . , "J.' '
I 4JO for Jc Indigo Blue Prints.
" '
, ; . All the shapes, styles and colors wIth
the bat artist has conceiyed are here 'for
" your choosing. Tou can only wear one
' hat at a time,, why not get the latest tnd
;;bestf, We can sell you hate for CI. GO,
$1 50. $2 00. $2 50 and (3.oa
will find 2 special bargains' at 30t3 d
An elegant line of Gents' (3-50 noes '
in Russian calf Vici kid and ; box calf j
; up to date in style. .? . ; '
A lot of children's and misses' elippers,
black and tan, at reduced prices, c; ,
Special Prices on ? !
Ladies9 Oxfords and
.- ' -'. .,, ; :,. ... '
: Opera SIlpiS
Ladies' 'Kid Oxfords and Opera '
" slippers, all sizes,7 regular 11.00,
this week per par..,..,..,,,.,..Q4Q
Same as above, in a better grade, "
regular $L25, at.. ..... $1-10
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, black and tan,
all sizes, regular $1.50, during this '
. sale, at per pair.. .............$1.28
Same as above, vesting and kid "topi ;
all sizes, regular $1.75, at per pair ".
a.,...,....'............ ........$1.40
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, black and tanj
regular $2.00 at per pair.........$J.'T8
Ladies'. Kid and Patent Leather -
Oxfords, turn and welt sole, regu- V
"f la $2.50, this week per pair... 2-10:
I 1 .
f . r v
"s C
a desciple of - Jefferson It - is 'with
much "-, pleasure that we V"- note ' the
growth of our hobby and the tendency
of the democracy to make it a na
tional issue. Our other pet measure
the issue of all moneys direct by the
government was made5 a part of the
Xlattorm in the campaign of 1900, and
with the, growth of public sentiment
In favor of both these reforms, we
hope to see them the successful issue
of the future. St. Louis Labor Com
pendium. Most Pnpular Books of the Month.
The" latest reports from booksellers
md librarians in the chief cities of the
United . States (sent to The World's
Work, April) give the following re
sults: . ' -BOOK-DEALERS'
1. Alice in Old Vincennes Thomp
son. 2. Eben Holden Bacheller.
3. The Life and Death of Richard
Yea-and-Nay Hewlett. .
4. Eleanor Ward.
5. Stringtown on the Pike Lloyd.
6. An Englishwoman's Love Letters
7. In the Palace of the King Craw
ford. 8. Monsieur Beaucaire Tajkington.
9. Rostrand's L'AIgion Parker.
10. Uncle Terry Munn... . , - . , ; .
31. The ; Cardinal's . Snuff -Box Har-
. land; '. ; V.
12. Napoleon, - the Last Phase -Rose-bery.
- - - 'v'- ' ''
.13. The Mantle ,of Elijah Zangwill.v
14. Quincy Adams Sawyer Pidgin..
15. The Master Christian Corelll. .
16. Elizabeth and 1 Her r German Gar-
. . .den Anon. .-K.- ;?."..,'-..'-5
17. The Toice of the People Glasgow.
18. More Fables In Slang Ade. " ;
19. The Lane that Had no Turning
Parker..: ""; -'a ' V: . " '':.-''-
20. The Redemption, of David Corson'
21. The. Life of Phillips Brooks Al
... len. , i.:-.i". .
22. Tommy and, Grizel Barrie. " .
23. That Malnwaring Affair Barbour.
24. Mrs, Clyde Gordon.
25. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry
Huxley Huxley -
26. The Stlckit Minister's .Wooing
Crockett. 1
27. L'AIgion, par Rostand.
28. The Reign of Law Allen.
29. Love Lyries Riley.
30. The Conscience of Coralie Moore.
1. Eben Holden Bacheller.
2. Alice of Old Vincennes Thomp
son. 3. The Master Christian Corelli.
4. Eleanor Ward.
6. In the Palace of the King Craw
ford. 6. The Cardinal's Snuff -Bob Har
land. -
7. Stringtown on the Pike Lloyd.''
8. Rostand's L'Aigion Parker.
9. The Reign of Law Allen.
10. The Life and Death of Richard
Yea-and-Nay Hewlett.
11.. Elizabeth and her German Garden
Anon, .v
12. Napoleon, the Last Phase-Rose-
bery. : :t :. :
13. vWhen Knighthood Was in Flower
Major. " : '
14. To Have and to Hold Johnston.
15. The Gentleman from Indiana
- Tarkington.
16. Unleavened Bread Grant. ; .
17. Wanted, a Matchmaker Ford.
18. The Riddle of the Universe-
Haeckel. ' ...
19. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry
Huxley Huxley.
20. The Redemption of David Corson
' ; Goss. :
21. The Life of Phillips Brooks Al
- len.
22. Tommr and Grizel Barrie.
23. David Harum Westcott.
24. The Hosts of the Lord Steel.
25. The Sky Pilot Cannot.
26. Richard Carvel Churchill.
27. Bob, Son of Battle Ollivant.
28. Black Rock Connor.
29. Oliver Cromwell Roosevelt. ,
30. Janice Meredith Ford.
Of these, "Eben Holden,", "Alice of
Old Vincennes," "The Life and Death
of Richard Yea-and-Nay," "Eleanor,"
"Stringtown on the Pike," ."In the
Palace of the King," "L'AIgion," and
"The Cardinal's Snuff-Box" are among
the first twelve of each list, and are
probably the- most widely read books
of the month. All. but the third, fourth,
seventh and eighth' are by American
writers unless Hr. Henry Harland,
who was born in St. Petersburg of
American parents, educated in Paris,
Rome an dat Harvard, and who has
edited The Yellow Book in London for
fifteen years can be put down as an
American. ;
In England the following, according
to the London correspondent of the
New York Bookman (April),-are the
most popular books, -all of them by
British writers:.
Life of Irene. Petrie,. by Mrs. Carus-Wilson.-
The . Master Christian, by Marie
The Master Sinner," by a well-known
author. V " " -
- An Englishwoman's Love Letters.
Hosts of the Lord, by Fi A. Steel.
With Christ at Sea, by F. T, Bulien.
-. Queen Victoria: -A Personal, Sketch,
by . Mrs. Oliphaht. , .
Rue with a Difference," by Rosa N.
Carey.' ; ' ? ; '. :
Private Life of the Queen,' by one
of" H; M. servants; " - -? : '
Brass Bottle, by F. Anstey. '
Eleanor, by Mrs. Humphrey Ward.
The r Cardinal's Snuff-Box, by H.
Harland.. t .
, Many Cargoes, by W. W. Jones.-
. . Literary Digest. .
An Important Deal
Located in Omaha is one of the
largest commercial houses in the west,
known as the Western Mercantile Co.,
1206-120S Douglas street. Thia concern
started in business three years . ago
and by -very hard work, adhering
strictly to business principles, selling
direct to consumers, they have built
up one of the largest business houses
in Omaha. A representative of our
paper visited their ware house this
week and was really surprised to find
them doing so. much business. At the
same time, after a little thought, it
was no surprise for when you consider
that they save their customers from
10 to 40 per cent on everything they
handle it is .evident that it does not
take long to show the people that it
pays to do business with them.,'
Their system of doing business Is
the only system for cash buyers. In
stead of asking the consumer to pay
three or four profits they have only
one small profit to add' to the manu
facturers' cost. They have no agents,
no canvassers, and do. business direct
with the consumer by catalogue only.
Their new catalogue is now ready for
mailing. It cost about 35c" with the
mailing, yet the catalogue is free and
they only ask for the 10c to cover the
postage. This book will save any av
erage family 200 or 300 ' times that
amount every year and it certainly
pays every person to send for one. If
the catalogue is not worth many times
the 10c they. will refund the 10c Imme
diately without any question so that
a person cannot afford to delay send
ing now.
, Another thing, it pays every con
sumer in the west to have a large mail
order house established , in Omaha for
the v.ery fact that they are located in
Omaha will prevent the local dealer
from asking too much for his goods.
The catalogue of the Western Mercan
tile Co. shows -you what the dealer
pays for his goods; shows you, the
real value cf the goods and Is, there
fore, valuable as a buyer's guide.. We
direct your attention to "this book for
we feel confident that it is of utmost
Effective March -1 0th, 1901, '
the 1 rv v
s .....
Announces the Opening of its
Red River Division
Denison and Sherman,
Texas'.. ' f .;;'
Through Train Service tvill shortly ' ,
be established .from St Louts and Kansas
City over the, Jt v'.
St:rtc3t Lica to Tcics
interest to every one (Dfoui suoscrib
era for this is certainly getting some
thing for nothing. Ja sending for tha
catalogue be sure to send to the West
ern Mercantile Co., dept. 5Y 120S-120S
Douglas street, being sure to xaeatloa
the Independent, r-
lo The Same Old Way. ' .
The battla ia fonght, aad the world motai
. Just in th lam old war. V .
Wa waka la the mora with a lair xawai "
Just ia tba same eld way. ; - .
Tha sun jrtt riaea away back aast, 1 V'
The poor onss itarve and the rich ones ft af ;.'
The rural wifa seta har buekwhaat y aast,
Just in tha sama old way,' -j, .
Tha lovera stroll 'neath tba tarn eld mooa, 4
Just in tha sama old way.' " v J: "
Or sit In a darkened room and spoon.
Just in tba sama old way. , -The
farmer g-atbers his rlpaasd com,
The roosters crow in tha early morn, J
koA folks are wadded and bahles are bora,'
Juak in tha same old way. -
Tha brooks and the rivers downward flow,
Justin the sama old way. .
Tha breasas and politleiani blow,
Just In tha sama old way i
Tha farm kid fattens on coram! mush.
The old maids sifh and tba ffirliaa blush,
And dames for the bargain eoantars rush,
. Just in the same old way.
The sad ones weep and the elad rejofceV 1
Just In the same old way, '
Tha ra man uses tha same old voice,
Just in the same old way. '
The Jag man serves bis Kentucky ju Jet,
And sends men home with tha lodge eaeute,
To wives la waiting who alay the deuce, -Just
In the same old way. , . . -
The fight is o'er and tha old earth spin
' Just In tba sama old way. . u .
Tba Christian prays aad tha ainner alns,"
" Just in tha sama old way -. '
We have our Joy and we have our tare,
But here and yonder and every where
The old flag jewels the same old atr, -t,.;
Juit iatha tameeld wey v -"
., ; ,. . . !; ., Denver Post. '
Ranaarfcabla Orowta Badapaat.
Budapest, according to the last cen
sus taken on December 31. 1900, shows
a most marrelous growth. It now has
729,383 Inhabitants, Including the gar
rison, against 506,000 in, 1890, In other
words .it has Increased by 223,883, or
more than half of its inhabitants, wjth
ln tea years. ' -
; V '
. Max O'RaU'a Xaetajra Baaard.
Max O'Reli has been on the platfona
for sixteen years,7 vlsjtlng, the. United
Kingdom, ' France, Belgium, Holland.
America, f Canada, New Zealand Aus
tralia,' Tasmania and South Africa.
He has delivered 2,186 . lectures In all
manner -of halls, from theaters to
lunatic asylums.
The Financial Law of March 14th,
1900, with an appeal for its reinvesti
gation, by John A. Grier; published by
a committee of silver republicans of
Illinois, 345 63rd street, Hyde Park,
Chicago.'. ,,, -' .,
Vineland, or tlie Norse Discovery of
America, an historical poem; by Perry
Marshall; published by Qhaa. II. Kerr
tc Co., Chicago.