The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 18, 1901, Image 1
VOL. XII. NO. 47. soiemnc popuusu - j henceforth attract immigrants chiefly TW NrU.u.t. anmi at -bt:aipUi j froxn tLe humLler strata of east Euro 4 or i tiritjr ci iIm rur pean peoples. Yet while there are here f nr j problems that only hlf h statesmanship . . . can solve, I believe there is at the Use nrttt taoaal mtins o. te Am- j prt PCllt moment no people in the world erlcan acadtniy I political and focUI ' that Is for man equal to the Am stieace oa la Pbilad'lrMa April 71th crirans In capacity and efficiency. We asd continued In session for to day, j a mom-r.f when the ...... process of selective migrations has There to a fall auen'aac. Th t-n- fX,rari.?tod it3 vork. Tl(? tonic selec- eral topic for discission "AumI- J tlon? of the ficntier have clone for us V Bare Problems. and thr rnaj s!! tiJ?r csn. phases of that subject wc:e -,!y d!i- j .?r": InstJ!ut5c,?an! "T1 !du . . , . . . er.tion nate keyed to the highest ten- tr kuov r:;e ctrin- j Mori th(V aml.;tior.s of the American, try over. The anscal ddr' was de- ; He has been chiefly farmer and is only HttTtC ht prof. Edward A. Ro?, for- I beginning to expose bini&elf to the merly oT Lclani Stanford, jr.. univer sity, acd bow a member of the far. ally f the Lsiverfty of Nebraska, woo zpoke oa "The Caus of Bice Sapvriority." He spoke in part as fol low: The sap-riorftics that, at given time, one people may diptay over other pop!. are net necessarily rac ial. Physical inferiorities that dif ap pear as tie peoples are qual'zed in diet and dwelling; mental loferlori ies that, disappear when the peoples . leveled up in respect to culture and aans 3f education, are due not to rac but to condition, not to blood, but to surroundings, la accounting for disparities among peoples there re. ia fact, two opposite errors into which we may falL There is the equal ity fallacy Inherited from the earlier thoagtt of the last century, which be littles race difference and has a ro bust faith ia tie power of intercourse and school instruction to life np a backward folk to the level of the best. Then there is the counter fallacy grows up since Darwin, which exag gerates the race factor and regards the actual "tfferences of peoples as hereiitary and fixed. "The first cause of race superiority to which I Invite your attention is a physiological trait, namely, climatic adaptability. Just mow it Is a gran question whether- the flourishing and teeming peoples of the north temper ate mm can provide outlets for their surplus population ia the rich but un developed lands of the tropics. Their superiority, economic and military, ever the people under the vertical sua is beyond caviL Bat caa they as sert and profit by this superiority save by imposing oa the natives of the trop ica the odious and demoralizing ser vile relation? Caa the white man work and multiply la the tropics or will Ma role be limited to commercial and Industrial exploitation at a safe distarce toy raeana of a changing male costingest of soldiers, off dais, trail uers agents planters and overseers? "The answer is mot yet sure, bat the farts bearing oa acclimatization are not comforting to our race. Immun ity from the Tevers that waste men In hot humid climates seems to be la in verse ratio to energy. The French are nor succesAfui ia tropical scttlemerts tbaa the Germans or the English. The Spanish, Portuguese and Italians snr p&m the French ia almost equal meas ure. When, it comes to settling Africa instead of merely exploring or sub duing it, the peoples may unexpected ly change their roles. With all their energy and thUr numbers the Anglo Saxons appear to be physiologically inelastic and incapable of making of Guam or the Philippines a borne such as they have made ia New Zealand or Minnesota. In the tropics their very virtues tbir push, their uacoroprom isirg standards, their aversion to In trmarrUge with, the natives are their destruction. -Ominons on the otter hand i the extraordinary power cf accaai&ioda tioa njcyed by the Mongolians. Says Professor Hlp'.ey: The Chine suc ceed !a Gaina where the white man Ttcbti ConutatiBi ConTtia iu- -.lnot tlte; td tiitj tnrv t am S, f Jct th PUtt IisoloUrn beria where the mean temperature is i Wbtt Nrsi? below freezing, to Singapore on the j By a vote of 21 to 2 the Cuban con !Xtutor." There are even ome who Utitutional comention on Saturday blieve that the Chinaman is destined j formally rejected the "Piatt amend to dispossess the Malay in Muthw-t- roent. This action was preceded by rn Asia and Islands of the PaeiSc, and i the voting down of the two comprom the Indian ia the tropical parts of So. j ise measures proposed by the two America. j members of the convention who have "Without a social ladder, without ia- I been throughout disposed not to hold fectioa from a leisure clas that keys j the government of the Utited States up its standard of comfort, a body to the letter of the Teller resolution, f yeomen set Ufcg la a new and fer- This action is mot significant of Cu- tile land will be content with th sim- ! plicity and sluggish t prevails tow among the j Boers a it prevailed among the first j ttra beyond the Alleghesies. If. on th other hand, there Is a o iai lad- : dr. but It is occupied by those of a raimary or nerecitary position, as in the Spssith cotamuciti of the south west, there is likewise no stimulus to eeergy. Bat if vigorous men from new coram snitiMi la close enoj?h' touch with rich and old communities to ac cept their exactirg standards of com fort, without at the same time ac erpiizz their social ranking, each man baa th greatest poill incentive to fwprore his condition. Such has been tb riitioa of America to England, and of th west to the east. This is why America spoils' eppor tasity. lnpired by hope and ambition the last two generations of Americans fcat amazed the world by the breato spd with wbkh they have sub- doM the westers half of th continent, asc niied the wilderness with homes and titles. Never baa the world -en fnth prodigies of labor, such miracles of enterprise as the crcatloa within a fcingle lifetime of a van ordered, civ iliied I:! between the MisSFippl and th Pvific. "It I certain that if f venture to aptly to th American pop of today the sri t tets of sup riori'y I have st forth to yott at sua Iagth. the re sult U most gratifying to our ji'tde. It is true that o-ur average of energy and rbxractfr is low r red by the presence in tfc sotith of several millions of an ls'crior rate. It is trxe that the last twecty years hate dilated us with masses of fecund but leatn huraaclty frca tit Levels ct lir Lolard7 or j Gaiicia, It is true that our free -land : 13 gone and our opnortcnltles will deteriorating Influences of city and fac tory. He i now probably at the cli mes of hlz energy and every thing premises th?t in the centuries to come he is destined to play a brilliant and iesdirg role on the stage of history." Samuel McCane Lindsay, president of the academy, preceded Professor Tln with an address reviewing the work of the academy during the past year. At the opening session at which Tal cott Williams of Philadelphia presid ed, the principal theme was "The f Races of the Pacific" Those who spoke were Dr. Titus Munson Coan of ! New York on "The Native of Hawaii The Rev. Charles C. Pierce, D. D., on "The Race of the Philippines," and the Rev. O. C. Miller, D. D chaplain U. S. A. The speakers and gest3 were tend ered a reception fcy the ladies recep tion committee and the members of the academy. This very condensed telegraphic re port, much fairer than what we usual ly find in the reports of the Associated press, will be interesting reading to the old. fighting populists of this state. In it they will find the scientific state ment of the theories for which they have been fighting. They believe that the environment makes the man, that the city and the factory are distinctly deteriorating influences upon the race and the resultant commercialism which has been the influence controll ing all departments of the government for the last decade will result in dis aster. The greed for gold and glory has had no followers in the populist party. No populist ever believed in the extreme view of heredity 4 advo cated by some pseudo scientists. They have claimed that the wretches of the alums were made so by their environ ment, that that Kind of men were bred by economic conditions, and. if-placed ia the right sort of environment they would become energetic, self-supporting citizens. The most that they ever would allow to heredity was a strong tendency. They have said that the concentration of wealth in a few hands and the congestion of population Jn great cities was producing degenera tion. Therefore in their political ac tion they have opposed the concentra tion of wealth, discouraged the flight from the farm to the city and all the plutocratic tendencies of the times. Now come the scientists preaching the same ; doctrines. " They are heard, whereas the populists were called luna tics. We have believed in the equality be fore the law of every man, bnt not in the foolish Idea that all men are equal in physical or mental endowments. We have demanded equal opportunity, not special privileges. These scientists who assembled at Philadelphia grant the fundamental principles of popul ism, make them the premises upon which they base their arguments. Call it science and it Is respectable. Call it populism and it is lunacy. THEY WON'T DO IT ban public sentiment. If the members were under American supervision, and acting as thev were with General Wood in direct contact with them day by dav. voted thus overwhelmingly, what must be'the feeling of the Cuban people? The claim to a part of the island of Cube itself, the Isle of Pines, .which has always been a division of the pro vince of Havana. The right to Interfere In Cuba's in ternal affairs when we might see fit as If we would not iaterfere without permission if it became vitally neces sary to onr own welfare so to do. The Cuban convention's action does not mn that the "negotiation" Is closed. But it does mean It is ' a warning that negotiation should be conducted as negotiation, not as dicta tion, and with politeness and forbear ance; that the administration can get 1 notMiig from Cuba with the consent j and approval of the Cuban people' by using thinly veiled threats delivered by a military man with his hand upon the hilt of bis sword. New York World. ' . - : The republican redeemer legislature has provided lor plunging the state a quarter of a million dollars further in debt. Under an efficient and econom ical government such as the populists gave Uic people, the state would have Deen out of deot in five years and the common schools and university would hav prosperei and lecorae the pride of the whole nation." The last legisla ture was tv.e most Incompetent that ever assembled at the capitoL The re publican party has proved t.iat it is not nt to govern. '5 Ways and Means Committee Makes AH Friends of Reform. - - .' : .-!-'. .. ' : ', . ,,.' . i Act: Promptly. To Contributors and . to those who have not contributed: As secretary of ways and means committee, I have been laboring diligently ever since the 24th day of last January attempting to accomplish what was generally con ceded to be an uphill undertaking: I. e., the collection of funds to pay off a campaign debt, after the campaign had closed and the election gone against us. - It was a matter of "pay ing for a dead horse." as the saying goes; and I was frequently encouraged by such remarks as: "you will find it like pulling eye teeth." Yet, notwith standing, I have lost no opportunity of calling to the attention of our. peo ple that this, debt must be paid if we are to maintain our organization as a party. It was contracted near the close of the last campaign when it was sim ply a question of go In debt or close up headquarters, and,, although "pay as you go" is a good motto, circum stances sometimes arise when one must go whether be-can pay of not. Occasionally the ' action of the state committee is criticised and doubt1 is expressed as to the wisdom of its hav ing contracted certain of the items. Such criticism is proper in Its place but should not be used to prevent pay ment of the claims. Whether any cer tain expenditure is wise or foolish is wholly a matter of personal judgment and it is difficult to find any consid erable number of persons who would agree on everything. Certain it is, that had . our campaign been success ful there would not now be any ques tions raised as to whether the expendi tures were wise or otherwise. It is sufficient to know that there are debts unpaid and owing by the state com mittee: that, these debts were con tracted in good faith; and that, with possibly a , few minor exceptions, all the claims are just and .. ought to be paid. Now ia not the time for "post mortems;" it! is a time for action. Something must be done and - done qu!ckly-if we clear fup tbe: debts of-the last campaign before another is upon us.v iJrery cent -of the debts could be pad off. and a snug little sum placed in the committee treasury for the com ing campaign,' if every .man who voted for Governor Poynter last fall, would "drop a nickel in the slot." ;: The same thing could be accomplished1 if one out of every five - of those voters ga ve : a silver, quarter.; Or,, 5,600 of them giv ing a dollar apiece, could, swing, it. ; It it possible that there arevnot 6,000 pop ulists in Nebraska who are able and willing to give each a dollar to . main tain the party organization? I find ,6'y toniultirig ; my, records- cnal since the' 1st day of February I have sent , out nearly. 11, 000 letters and cir cular letters; and, including this week's paper,' nearly 20,000 copies - on The - Independent all for the purpose of keeping the voters in touch with-the work' being done by .our committee.! The table which appears 4 in another column shows that out of T.466 letters! sent to individuals, tisking a. personal contribution, 821 r spouses - have -bf enj received xi p to last weelc (or 815 up to Tuesday noon), understand, this ; is! not the total number of contributors; frequently one person sends in for! three or four of "ihis- neighbors,! whom - letters had not been : sent. . and this counts as but one response. ; Some thing over 6,000 persons to whom th'esej .letters were sent, , have , failed to re spond, whether on account of inability or. disinclination to contribute, or i cause of carelessness and a disposition to put oft until tomorrow what, ought done today, I am unable to say J Atijui) one or pes? p'w. , , Ana now a word as to wno ought to pay, and who ought rot: There has been a growing tendency in our party the past few years to allow the office holders to bear most of the burden of making the stale campaigns. It makes little, difference now just what caused this tendency. The question is: is it a good tendency? Now, it seems to me that every member of the people's par ty who is benefitted by having that party in power, ought to be willing to contribute according to his ability to ward maintaining the party organiza tion and fighting the party's battles. Office-holders certainly ought to con tribute liberally toward keeping up the organization which placed them In office but there is such a thing as go ing to extremes in the matter. The farmer or business, man who is ben efitted by economical populist "govern ment ought to' be - willing to contri bute something also. And, as, we have seen, if only one-fifth of our voters should each, contribute a silver, quar ter, the burden could be borne without being' felt by anyone. ,The difficult question. . however, is to reach the ; voters. True, we have an organization in nearly every voting precinct in the stat! have something over 1,400 , precinct committeemen; and it would seem that it ought not to be- a difficult task to : reach 20,000 to 25,000 of our voters through these com mitteemen, and do it quickly. But let the inexperienced man try It! He will be astonished to learn that not more than 50 or 40 of them will answer his communication in the first three weeks and after that the replies will come in in such a straggling manner that he will give up; hope and agree with me that for first-class procrastination, no man living, excels the average populist precinct committeeman. , Apparently about 80 per cent of these commlttee- i men believe they were selected for dress ' parade purposes, to look wise, and talk knowingly but work! Never. I freely admit that we have a goodly number of energetic .committeemen and my;jmarks are not intended ', to apply. to them., . There Is but one successful way. to raise' a campaign fund by -popular, sub scription: that is to go directly to the people themselves and not depend upon a committeeman 'to do the ;work,iUn less .you bave personal knowledge that be is a worker. -f. Acting on the knowl edge gained in a futile attempt to get the precinct committeemen to .work (I speak of. . the thousand or , more who have done notbing-rabsolutely nothing and not of the comparatively .small number who did nobly). I sent out the 7,466 letters mentloned in the table ap pended. . Eleven per cent of responses is very fair but. Ja this particular matter there ;is no reason why fully 50 per: cent should not respond. The habit; of putting off runtil tomorrow what ought to be- done today. Is one which has a firm hold on thousands of people it is nearly as vexatious as the drink habit. I firmly believe that 3,000 letters . containing .contributions ought to reach me before . the first of May,,; if only those who, are ? delaying will . act promptly Are. YOU one of the procrastinators? . I am pleased to see thai Brother Eric Johnson of the Saunders County New Era, Waboo,. has - taken , up the cam paign fund, matter in bis county. The very first- week be 'pushed Saunders county tc the top of the list. He has voluntarily offered to donate one-half of every new, paid-in-advance, yearly subscription received before the 25th of this month. s Saunders county pop ulists ought to take advantage of this liberal ; offer. -It killsi. several birds with one stone: gives the subscriber a good newspaper; gives; the New Era another "good subscriber; and helps out the campaign fund; Populist pa pers : in ; other counties might take ' a bint from, this. 5 f i r " v; , In th feytnneetion, f have made ar4 j raugemeatS;' witn u :ae. J ndependettt VPuMisliinsiCompany :tmr a .similar deal! on-aew 'subscriptions received for Thel independent.. Every populist. ought to fake as iniaqyi reform -papers, as. "his "means will justify and he can find time to read, I should say(l) that he ought to take his lotml reform county. paper; N2) that he outbt to take the. Nebras ka Independent. -If. you are ndta s'ub- teeriber to TJie Independent, send me :a. dollar, and. the ipaper: willi be '.'m'ailed lyouregularly for one year; fifty,, cents of that amount will be placed in thej campaign fund.- If, however, you are a subscriber,-get your-neighbor to take it; send me his dollar (or yours) and "have:him;read the doctrine that cures 'mulletheadism." l!se : the blank which lb conclusion: This is the orous effort I. shall make In behalf of the ways and means committee, be cause other duties now demand my at tention. The weekly reports, however, will be continued as long as receipts justify: using the space. There is no good reason why at least a thousand new subscriptions should fail to reach me iu the next two weeks. If you have already contributed, speak : to your nelghbot who has not done so If you have neglected the matter well, bet ter late than never; the eleventh, hour will do, but don't wait till high noon. With none but the kindliest feelings, for the eight hundred and more corre spondents I have bad the past three months, and urging a prompt response irom you, if you intend 5 to respond, am, yours for success. , CHARLES Q. DE FRANCE, v Secy Ways and Means Com. " 1836 So. 25th St,' Lincoln, Neb. CORRECTIONS. . In report of March 14,. deduct 50c from Madison county and add to Pierce for Elmer Saltz contribution. In" report of April 11, deduct 50e from Franklin county, account of Jas. Carpenter -contribution. (Carpenter sent $2, but being an old subscriber, $1 was. for the fund and $1 for the paper, instead of $1.50 for the fund as credited.) . . , ' RECEIPTS. Previously - acknowledged $863 31 To Tuesday noon .............. 41 80 Total ,................$905 11 CAMPAIGN FUND C.'Q. DeFrance, Lincoln, Neb. V Enclosed rind f... . ..... for-which following: names and addresses one year, People's Party Campaign Fund, credit Name -of Sender,. .................. . P.O., Precinct,.. J.. ....... yrAvrrs - posxoffick , - j state . ' . - ' . - t -: :" i - . . .' .- . .... ; : ' ' - - ,, ' ... 1 - - 1 1: ' - .s .'-.- ' " .' ' " - 111 " "" "-' 1 "' "1 1 " , : . , - . 1 - ; ; -. ; - ' '.''-'" '''" '' ", . ' ' ' V M t' ,t y: ' '"", M . ' r,n',f nm 1 'i, ,... u,. ,,, , ,;-.;,. 'jrNj..i..ini ,-' 1'-' i-'i " ' w-.mri-., n'-,,,. - 'tn hi . . . i '- im - w 1 " "' - ' -J , - . . . - - - y 1, ...i .. .1 in. m mail i nvnin m iinmni. ,M - mm a Final Appeal to Let Us v ......... 4 . . ... ., . ., , : BY COUNTIES. . . (Contributions of 23c. each, unless otherwise specified.!- jf " . ; - Adams Previously .acknowledged, $11.37; collection of $3 by M. B. Foote, S1.10, Ayr, r for Ayr township. (C. W. Foote. G. C. Foote, J. Sheets, J. C. Woodworth, J. A. Franks A. Gardner, H. Boelke, W. H. Brown, 5c, E. Smith, 5c, E. N. George. 5c,) all Ayr. Total, $14.37. v r v i:. :; C : I Antelope $33.63; no receipts. . Boone $22.75; no receipts. Box Butte--Previously acknowledged $7.83; collection of $15 by Frank Caba, Iawn. - (John VLortscher, John Caha, Joseph Caha, 50c, Lawn: Ed ward Larson, -v Hemlngford). Total, $9.08.'. - - Boyd Previously "- acknowledged, $3.75; "Cash," Lynch. Totals $4. ; . : Buffalo-rPreviously ( acknowledged, $4.55; 1 F. Stark, 50c, -Nantasket. To tal, $3.05. . ;" - 1 Burt $10.05; no receipts. - Butler Previously acknowledged, $15.33; Lewis Swanson, Surprise; B. Boyers. Ware, $1 for; Independent col lection. .. Total, $16.08. ' t Cass Previously acknowledged, $9.73; collection of $3 by J. W. Hollen beck, Elm wood.- for Stove, Creek pre cinct, (no names submitted) ; collec tion of $1 by Z. S. Welliever (Ingerson, Setb Covel, Sours) all Weeping Water; also $1 for lndependent collection, pa per to be sent William Stockham. To tal, $14.23. Cedar $2.78; no receipts. Chase 25c; no receipts, f Cherry $9.25; no receipts. Cheyenne $1.35; no receipts. Clay Previously acknowledged, J. W. Smith, Ongr collection of $1.25 by Frank Lange (Henry Weber, John Buttell, Herman Wachter, E. Fleming) all Sutton. Total, $26.93. 11 Colfax $2;, no receipts. ' Cuming $440; no receipts. Custer Previously acknowledged, $37.95; Andreir Allen; 50Westerville. Total; :385: y . - ,:- . : : ' fJH Dakota Prevlonsly acknowledged. z... Tf:B. Slocnmrtl, Sotrth'SIour City TotaV $3.95r I : Dawes $5.50; no receipts. -; 1 ; Dawson Previously r acknowledged, $5.50; Otto 'Wiederanders, watchmaker and jeweler, Gotbenburg..T Total, $5.75. ! Dixon $2.50 ; no : receipts, t . Dodge $3.50; no receipts. -- Douglas $3.50; no receipts. Dundy Previously acknowledged. ;$1; G. W. Parnell, 50c, Benkelman. To,v ' . Fillmore $15.75; no receipts. ; Franklin $10.75; deduct 50c; total, $10:25. - Furnas Previously acknowledged, $6.75; Wm. T. Manahan, Arapahoe; Jeff McKown,, 40c, Hendley; Wm. As key, 50c, Oxford. Total. $7.90. Gage $3.30 ; no receipts. -Garfield 50c; no receipts. ' Gosper Previously . acknowledged, $4.90; S. W. Spring, 50c, Bertrand. To tal, $5.40. -i- -.-.-;.v : V : Greeley $4.50: no receipts. i Hall Previously acknowledged, $24.25; E. WTiitebead,' Cairo, $2 for In dependent collection (himself and W. J. Porter). Total, $25.25. , Hamilton Previously acknowledged $13.75; collection of $1-by J. L. Evans, Aurora, for "Orrille precinct; Cbas. Fedderson, Hans J. Olsen, 50c, ; Mar quette. - Total, $15.50.- , - 4 Harlan Previously acknowledged, $16; J. M. Sbull, Ragan; Wm. Doak, Republican City. - Total, $16.50. Hayes JEreviously acknowledged, $15; Geo. J. Hahn, Hudson. Total, $1.50. .." - : . Hitchcock Previously acknowl edged, $1;.N- T. Hall, 50c, G. W. Ben jamin. 50c, . Trenton. Total, $2. Holt $10.25; no i-eceipts. ; Howard $24.45; no receipts. Jefferson Previously acknowledged, $13.55 T. M. James, 20c, Powell. To tal; $13.75.,' .'. :.'.,-.-, Johnson 9.05 ; no receipts. Kearney $47.50; no receipts. -; Keith Previously acknowledged, $1; A. "Baker, 70c, Ogalalla. -Total, $1.70. Keya Paha $2.50; nc receipts. Kimball 25c; no receipts. Knox $10.60 r 00 receipts. Lancaster Previously r.cknowl edged, $30.75; collection of $2 by Gid eon Purbaugh. 50c, (C L. Momenson, 50c,. John Buckley 50c, Levi Wilhelm. SPECIAL: OFFER. send The Nebraska Independent to the - and "place one-half of said sum in the td.;'..i..:, . County 50c,) all Havelock for North Bluff precinct; Nels Rasmussen, Lincoln. Collection of $1.50 by Owsley Wilson (lawyer), $1, (John Love, r W. L. Breese) all Lincoln. Total, $34.50. Lincoln $2.30; no receipts. Loup Previously acknowledged, $2.50; Lyman Lydall, Lucius Lydall, Taylor. Total, $3. . McPherson 25c; no receipts. Madison $3.50; deduct 50c; total $3. Merrick $3.25; no receipts. ! Nance $7; no receipts. Nemaha Previously acknowledged, $7.50; Joseph Leahy, Julian; contribu tion of $1.50 from Nemaha precinct by C.-.W." Roberts. F. M. Anderson, Wm. Hawxby, committeemen, Nemaha. To tal, $9.25. ":: ; . Nuckolls Previously acknowledged, $3.73; R. N. Simonton, Superior. To-' ui. $4. :. :'-;: - r:; Otoe $17.35; no receipts. Pa wnee-Prfvibusly acknowledged, $7.75; collection Of $L5u by. Barney Bergman (C Holle, Herman Soellner C. Hungath, Albert S. Cox. W. L. Til ler), all Pawnee City. Total, $9.23. Phelps Previously acknowledged, $5.75; H. Pickering. $1, ; Atlanta, for Industry township; A. White, Loomis; Chas. E. Staberg, Westmark. Total, $7.25. -.V; . J , Pierce $1.25; add 50c; total. $1.75. Platte Previously acknowledged, $11; collection, of $1 by J. W. James, 50c (E. D. James, F. S. James) all Co lumbus. Total, $12. Polk $37.80; no receipts. Red Willow Previously acknowl edged, $6.55; add .50c for Stelnmetz subscription; Chas. Hopt, 50c, Cam bridge; B. A. Jones, 30c, Indianola. Total, $7.85. s ' , . Richardson $9.60; no receipts Rock 25c; no receipts. Saline Previously acknowledged, $20.15; collection of $4.25 by Peter Johnson, Wilbcr. Total, $24.40. Sarpj $S; no receipts. - Saunders Previously acknowledged. $43.93; F.vO. Olson, Colon; collection of $3.50 by Eric Johnson, editor Saun ders County New Era. Wahoo, (J. A. Olson, $!, Colon; A. J Johnson, 50c. Mettd; John Hansen, 50c, Wahoo: Olof Mattsen, 50c, Ceresco; $1 as half of two ?. sew,, subscription's to the New Era)., Hurrah for Saunders she heads the list. - Total JJITTO. ; . Scotts Bluff $2; no receipts. ; Seward $18J0; no receipts. i; Sheridan $1.95; no receipts. - - Sherman Previously acknowledged, $5.50; Chas. F..Krehmke, Rockville, $1 for. Independent collection. Total,. $6. Stanton $7.50; no receipts. -Tbayer $3.40; 1, no receipts. - : Thurston 75c; no receipts. ; Valley $6.9F; : no receipts.' ': Washington $37.11; " no receipts, I Wayne $4.55; no receipts. . , " Webster Previously acknowledged, $16.90 ; A. D. Baker, Blue Hill. Total, $17.15. v . .. ; . : W heeler Previously acknowledged, $6.96; - John Ferguson,1 50c,. Brewster. Total. $7.46. ' " . York $32.15: no receipts. Unknown 50c; no receipts. TABLE. ' Showing the quota which each' coun ty ought to pay, calculated on the basis of 5c for each vote cast for Governor Poynter last' fall, dropping the odd change and making it even dollars; the amount which has been received by the (Continued On Page Two.) Modem Strategy Mr. James N. Miller, writing to a Chicago paper in regard to the cap ture of Aguinaldo, says: "During the latter part of the civil war a company of confederate soldiers dashed Into Cumberland, Md., one night -and captured Generals Crook and Kelly, taking them from their beds at a hotel. It was a deed of dar ing bravery, well planned and ably executed. But when General Robert E. Lee heard of it he ordered the pris oners sent back to our lines, saying he did not approve of this style of war fare. He did not consider it honor able, ' "Admitting all the reckless bravery of General FuDston's exploit in cap turing Aguinaldo, in what respect did it differ from that of the capture of these Union generals? The story of the recent capture says: . 'They were now so weak that it was necessary to send to Aguinaldo's camp for food. Aguin aldo dispatched supplies and directed that the American prisoners be kindly treated. After having their lives thus preserved, they were enabled to march on and meet their preserver under an assumed guise, and by false pretense capture him at a time when he was un armed. ' 'v:.. ;-' i:..''-'. "Perhaps General Lee was wrong in bis notion of military honor." Degeneracy .The populists have constantly been enunciating some very weighty scien tific truths. The only attention that they attracted from the would be wise, resulted in denunciation. and the only reply that was mads was . to call the populi3ts lunatics. It seems that when a man who has "Prof." before bis name and a long list of capital letters after it says the same things, that is an altogether different matter. Then it becomes science and is no longer lunacy... Prof. Max Haushofer, the emi nent Vienese sociologist, says; "I am not an alarmist, ; but am free to say that in the course of time it will be impossible to provide enough insane asylums, jails and hospitals for. the degenerated and useless, if people are not made to understand that the high est service that can possibly be ren dered to . humanity is to give to the world well-behaved, intelligent, sound and active children." - ; . Ten years ago populists talked in the same way and said the same thing; But they were called long-haired, wild eyed and crazy. Now the most emi nent scientists are saying what they said ten years ago. THE PORTO RICANS A Case Where the Censorship Didn't Work Satisfactorily Awful Sufteritig- De- ' scribed by a Missionary Porto . Rico is too near our own shore to work the censorship satisfac torily. When the laboring men of that island sent a man to petition the Em peror, of Porto Rico for relief for the starving inhabitants with a document signed by 6,000 of the inhabitants, all that it was thought necessary to do was for. .a carpet-bag official to de nounce him as a disturber and walking delegate. But other things are creep ing into the papers that have an ea tremely ugly look. Rev. E. S.,Tead who is the Porto Rican representative of the American missionary society, reports as follows: v - "In some of . the towns where the greatest poverty exists Spaniards live who are worth "all tft way from $100. 000 to $1,000,000, but' they are not touched by this condition of the poor, nor are efforts made to alleviate a Is tress. Beggary is common and in some of the stores little baskets of coppers ou the shelf hold the amount which the merchant Intends to dispense that day. All sorts of bodily deformities and dist ease are displayed by these beggars, such as blindness, twisted feet, dropsy, sores, bruised legs, paralysis, women carried in carts or hobbling along on their haunches or men seated by the wayside holding up a maimed limb and begging for a pittance. "The need of the island is a general hospital equipped " with modern ap-. pliances. A hospital could be built and equipped at comparatively , small ex pense. Dr. Atkins, a woman connected with the Presbyterian - church of Sau Juan, has twenty-five to forty calls a day from patients who need hospital treatment, many of whose lives, are lost because of the lack of it." , The plutocratic press has a fashion of denouncing every private citizen who reports a fact that interferes with their methods of exploitation in such vituperative terms that ordinary men are deterred from bearing testimony.' a private letter was sent to tne editor of The Independent written by an Am erican citizen who was in Pcrto Rico under the most positive instructions that it was not to be. printed or the name of the writer made known. He says that he could not stand the tirade of foul words that would be poured out upon him if the letter was pub lished and that bis wife is in delicate health. and such abuse would endanger her life.. The readers of The Indepen dent can rely upon the fact that there is a most horrible condition' of tblugs in , Porto Rico, that "hundreds ' are dy ing for, the lack of the most' common necessaries of life. Meantime the Por to Ricans are taxed as no community in the United States was ever taxed. McKinley is , playing the same game there that the British have played in India. . ., The Landless It is pitiful to see the struggle for a little land upon which to labor and die. The contest for the land that is to be opened for settlement In the Indian territory is likely to be so fierce that various propositions are being sub mitted to the government to avoid the terrible contest that is sure to ensuu. The Oklahoma State Register has the following upon that subject: i "Thousands of petitions are sent to the government praying to the .'powers that be not to open up the new coun try with a horse race. Most of the homeless petitioners ask that. the 16, 000 homesteads be distributed by drawing lots. That method would pre vent bloodshed, , and infinite litiga tion, and the wiley sooner nor bluffing clalm-jum per would be "in it." It is hoped that the government will heed the fervent prayer of landless citizens, and not allow another breakneck horse race for a few acres of mother earth." . "' - - .- . ; ', It's Coming, Sure Editor Independent: I am just now snow-bound and so having the time will attempt to invade the editorial sanctum of The Independent. I have been a careful reader of your paper as well as of current events in otht t a pers the past few years and I wish to say as briefly as possible that in all human events, if any one thing is more sure than another, that one thing will be the taking over of some of our huge corporations by the people to be owned by them, that being in fact the only remedy for present economic evilsf I believe that the great mass of voters who have given the subject any ser ious thought have arrived and can ar rive at no other conclusion as being the true solution of the greatest of our difficulties. "' .. The plundering of the public by "po litical bushwhackers" will be reduced to a minimum and the second largest economic evil will be eliminated. Now this new order is coming whether vou will or no, and I only write these few lines that it possible you may help it along. ',;. """ ' . The people who advocate legislating the trusts and combines out of exist ence and stfll believe in keeping within constitutional, law, are blind leaders of the blind. Ju&t wach and see. V C M. OILLETT " Pullman, Neb. (The position of The Independent Is now and alwa5's has been that the pub lic should own all the public, utilities, such as street railways, telegraphs, tel ephones and railroads. It further be lieves that when any combination be comes a monopoly so that It can con trol .production and regulate prices, that there is power in the states and general government to suppress it. To exercise that power with force and ex pediency that we should have the in itiative and referendum.) - - '- . ' I.