4 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT April 11, 1901 A OMES Would You Like to Ow Home? Will You Investigate a Practical Plan For Securing One? Aliboajra t.t four lsue of tbe Ne braska lndt-pnjkct Lave appeared aince the ladtpexuiest Horn Makers Company was oraiiIz-d. yet tbe re tail are highly gratifying and prac tically teas tie ultimate succ - of th ca lei-taking. The Eaalr of per mits who have already a at in appllca ttffca lor location tock la greatly la exe of hat we expeetej to toon af ter the publication of our prospectus; cd the very Urge number of inquiries itowi that our plaa of tons making la fre!ri.sg wi-3-fprea4 attention. Prfcrtiealiy the same matter baring ap peared eaeh week since our first an-r-ouirtctiit. me d-ta It advisable to r-wrtt everything, presenting It la aa ch4eard form aa possible. WHAT IT IS. Tbe Independent Home Makers Com pany Is rraniied under tbe laa of Nebraska, with a capital stock of f7S, C". to be fall paid up betcre being is-j-d- Its obju are to seek a suitable location, secure zectssa.ry la ads. or ri!ie a body of settlers aad effect tbelr aettietcect upon such lands. It la purely a tnuiaea institution, to be conducted along lines of honesty aad fair-dealing, wit Lout pretense of doing a treat charitable work or of riving something fcr nothing. Its promoters re enlaced In the work for exactly tbe uxm reason that tbe farmer plants a crop or tte merchant bays and sells roods. It eipects to benefit its patrons by oitrrozzlzg a tumber of tbe difficul eeltiea tich now stand In tbe way of many becoming; tome owners. By tak ing a large ouar of settlers la a body to a tew country, we avoid most of tbe hardships which usually befall tbe pioneer, fader our plaa we make It possible for tbe settler to receive payment la advance for tbe value he ad is. wbetfcer w illingly or not. to his ue'gbbors" lands by Improving bis own. Tils Is not possible by Individual ef fort un.it r oar present system of taxa tion. It might be under tbe plaa pro posed by Henry George but tbat at pretest is only a dim possibility. L'a ul such time comes, if it ever does, we must take tbe world as we find It, makirg tbe best use of our possibili ties. L'cder our plan, too, we minim ize tbe expense of seeking a location, oar company, tt a comparatively small cot doing tbe same work and Just as well as each of tbe two thousand or more members working Individual ly. By thus acting for several thou sand people we are enabled to secure better concessions oa a larse l1y of land than coull tbe antlers themselves acting Independently. And it will be found cpon further examination of our plan that cur Interests are so inter twined with those of our settlers that we cannct afford to select any but such location as will prove most beneficial to our members. Our ultimate success depends cpoa tbe prosperity of our members. WHAT IT IS NOT. The Independent Home Makers Com pany Is not orgaaixed to exploit some new theory In sociology, politic? 1 econ omy or religion. Those managing its affairs differ widely upon many points la tbee subjects, yet all agree that while the Individual Is the unit In our system of government, the home Is the first and dearet circle ia the entire system, and that every family should own a home. Tbe Independent Home Makers Company was not organized to provide an avenue for speculation. bt to furnish - ds whereupon tbe boaa fide settler might secure a home for himself and family. There was no Intention of providing a way for the man of plenty cf means to secure a better home thaa he cow enjoys be Is able to take care cf himself without cooperating with others. It is doubt less trae that practically all of the lands most desirable in every way, are now e-rcepied by settlers; but It Is not true that all tbe fertile lands, cap able of producing large crept, are set tled. Ia a rumber cf sections there are "IAMS SIROCCO" (44639) Largest and highest priced Black Percheron 3 year Imported and owned by lams, St. Paul, Nebraska. Oar illustration I of that preat show stall too lam fciroceo iitZX't 3 year old black Fercheroa. weight "lOi pound. 1I is the largest and fciffb priced Percheron im ported ia n.t. He ha a right 10 be a Pari Ktpoaitioa win ner. He ia bred ia the purple a po3khHi diauv-jcd "a kicgf amos draft stallions. He of rriTe farm, tine fln ib, a "CfcaaterSeld' ia tyle and a ceacher ia action. U i from "the bom of the wia tsers"" of Frank lam. St. Paul. Xb?ka and one of the "sel ect or great -Brilliant farvily," th mt ro(-d aai faihioaabi family of Percher on ca arth. They brtv j black and drafter that 11 at t30O aad I3X) each. Thi U emly of the caiy poM thirjr to be f aaoi at lam Im port ir. Bam. Ha ha whole barcsiuli of cp-to-date drafter acd he I tcf them. He re 1 ire fmrs lit to 23 letter dally akir? for fine a tallica aad ' last ha them. He i avl2g hi bcyer eay fSOQ cn a top tvotcher. He haa no a.etDfc r? talddletcec, no 2 to 10 men a partner to share profit, la fact every tain that Wu I art bm Cad stal Iknui to emit hirx, aad If he can trak baskab: tsetea or ha the erma, fee hrty of Iars. Tte em half f tS. thlsc of Jars hare bar sever beea a large bodies of excellent land, where the water is good and climate health ful, yet unoccupied by settlers, or only sparsely settled, because ttey are sit uated a long distance from railroads. This disadvantage Is reduced to a minimum by our plan. In otber local ities are large tracts of denuded timber lands still awaiting settlement by per sons energetic enough to clear them up; and, while we have no thought now of attempting such a task, by co operation and modern methods the work of clearing off the stumps need not be such a Herculean undertaking as at first sight appears. THE PLAN. About SO ,000 acres of land will be needed for our undertaking. This will be ia as compact a body as possible. Near the ceater, or at aome point where natural advantages render it advisable, a section, or so much as may be necessary, will be surveyed and platted as the cite for our city into business lots, residence lots, and sur rounding them, five-acre and ten-acre tracts. Further out, twenty and forty acre tracts will be laid out; and still further, the 80 and 160-acre tracts. The Home Makers Company will re tain the alternate land tracts, allot ting the others to members according to their desires and the number of shares taken. But no allottment of a tract of land manifestly inferior to that surrounding it will be made to any member, as we desire to please and satisfy all our members if possible. Membership in the Home Makers Company is secured by purchasing lo cation stock at $23 per share. No member may purchase more than 20 shares. Members are not required to make complete payment down, but ap plication for location stock should be accompanied by an advance payment as follows: For twenty shares. ...$100 00 For twelve shares 75 00 For eight shares 50 00 For five shares ; 60 00 For three shares or less 25 00 This Is a guarantee that you mean business, because we cannot hold our books open indefinitely, or waste time with those who might otherwise join out of pure curiosity and later with draw at the last moment. On our part we agree, in the event that we cannot secure a sufficient number of members to put the plan into practical opera tion, to return to you your advance payment, less a small amount to cover postage, advertising and little inciden tal expenses. None of the company's officers receive any salary out of this their reward depending wholly upon the success of the undertaking. Final payment on location stock must be made within thirty days after notice is given that a sufficient num ber of members has been secured and the location selected. There will, however, be no forfeitures should any member be unable to pay for the whole number of shares he subscribed for. For example, you have subscribed for twenty shares and have paid down $100; should you be unable to raise the remaining $400 when call Is made, payment of $200 would entitle you to twelve shares (80 acres); $100 would give you eight shores (40 acres); $25 would give you five shares (20 acres) ; or you could ask for four paid up shares, without additional payment, and be entitled to a ten-acre tract and residence lot. or such other combina tion as the four shares would cover. However, we earnestly request mem bers not to ask for more shares thaa they can pay for conveniently, as our purchase of lands will be based oa the number of shares upon which first pay ment has been made. RULES OF MEMBERSHIP. ONE SHARE gives you a city resi dence lot. TWO SHARES gives you a city busi ness lot or a five-acre tract adjoining tbe city. THREE SHARES gives you a ten- . . . - H yr- .V- .iff " ' acre tract, or a five-acre tract and res idence lot. If a ten-acre tract is se lected, the Home Makers Company will, besides deeding you the land, is sue to you its" Guaranteed Bond for $25, payable on or before five years, drawing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. This bond will be accepted at par by the Home Makers Company at any time in payment on any lands or lots bought from the company. FIVE SHARES gives you a twenty acre tract. Besides the Home Makers Company will issue to you its guaran teed bond for $50, payable on or be fore five years, drawing interest at the rate 'of 5 per cent per annum. This bond will be accepted as cash at par by the Home Makers Company at any time in payment on any land or lots bought from the company. EIGHT SHARES gives you a forty acre tract. Besides the Home Makers Company will issue" to you its guar anteed bond for $75, payable on or be fore five years, drawing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. To the above bond will be added $10 for each mile over two miles distant the tract may be from the city limits. This bond will be accepted as cash- at par by the Home Makers Company at any time in payment on any lands or lots bought from the company. TWELVE SHARES gives you an eighty-acre tract. Besides the Home Makers Company will issue to you its guaranteed bond for $100, payable on or before five years, drawing 5 per cent interest per annum. To the above bond will be added $10 for each mile the tract may be distant from the city limits. This bond will be accepted as cash at par by the Home Makers Com pany at any time in payment on any lands or lots bought from the com pany. TWENTY SHARES gives 'you one hundred and sixty acres. Besides the Home Makers Company issues to you its guaranteed bond, payable on or before five years, drawing 5 per cent interest, for a sum equal to $10 for every mile the tract is distant from the city limits. No other rebate is giv en on 160-acre tracts. This bond will be accepted as cash at par by the Home Makers Company in payment on any lands or lots bought from the Home Makers Company. AS TO LOCATION. Our first thought was Oklahoma, but a very large percentage of our members and prospective members prefer Oregon or Washington. Upon investigation we agree with them. The president of our company will, in the near future, make a preliminary tour of inspection in those states and report progress from week to week. Be tween the Cascades and Coast Range mountains are millions of- acres of good land, in many places unsettled or only sparsely settled because of great distance to railroads; but rail roads will come to a community as large as ours; and until they do, over land freighting will give occupation for a good many of our people. The disadvantages of such a location to the single settler, or to half a dozen families, are manifest; but two thou sand families or more would hardly feel Isolated, even a hundred - miles from a railroad. The prerequisites are: good soil, good climate, good water the good neighbors will go to gether. Objections to Oregon or Washington on account of greater transportation charges to the place of settlement will be met as far as possible by our com pany. After we have secured our lands we . shall enter into negotiations with the leading railroad systems for rates on trainloads of household goods, stock, etc., and believe we can make arrangement favorable to our mem bers. AS TO OURSELVES. The officers of the Independent Home Makers Company are composed of the following well-known gentle men: President, Frank L. Mary, Lincoln, Neb., six years chief clerk in the office of the governor of Nebraska; four during the incumbency of Governor Silas A. Holcomb, and two under the succeeding administration of Governor William A. Poynter.. Vice president, A. H. Armstrong, proprietor of the Armstrong Clothing Co., Lincoln, Neb., one of the largest and most substantial clothing houses in the state of Nebraska, with busi ness extending into all the surround ing states. Auditor and secretary, Charles Q. De France, Lincoln, Neb., recording clerk in governor's office during the administration of Governor Holcomb 1 -it V,, - - r A -V' T- X.. . 'it- ' . . V:.. 'f and first bookkeeper in the state treas ury under Treasurer J. B. Meserve. Treasurer, Col. Frank D. Eager, pub lisher and proprietor of the Nebraska Independent; and late lieutenant col onel of the First regiment Nebraska volunteers. - - Reference by permission is made to ex-Governor Silas A. Holcomb, now judge of the supreme court, and to ex Governor William A. Poynter, both of Lincoln, Neb.; as to the honesty and trustworthiness of the company's offi cers, especially as to the president and auditor and secretary. The reputation of our treasurer, Col. Eager, as a suc cessful manager is established in the business world; and the same may be said of Vice , president Armstrong, who by energy and fair dealing has built up one of the largest mercantile establishments in the west, v But we desire to , make every pros pective purchaser of location stock perfectly assured that his money will be used as outlined in the company's prospectus, and arrangements are be ing completed to bond our treasurer in the United States Fidelity and Guaran tee company, of Maryland a corpora tion with $1,500,000 cash capital. This bond will be increased from time to time as the amount in the treasurer's hands increases, thus giving absolute security and insuring a proper han dling of the funds. We have selected the Columbia National bank of Lin-, coin as our depository. Dr. P. L. Hall, late secretary of the state banking board, is cashier of this bank, and is known to nearly every citizen of the state. By permission we refer pros pective members to Dr. Hall also as to the integrity of our officers. Our company is organized to afford people of small means to secure homes at a moderate outlay, securing the benefits . and advantages of a large number of people co-operating, and we guarantee that promises to our mem bers shall be honestly and faithfully fulfilled. Perhaps you have a son, or several of them, growing up to manhood, and your present farm will soon be too small to ,furnish employment for your whole family. Why not take some shares in the Home Makers Company and get a quarter section of good land for each of your boys? A gentleman who has travelled ex tensively over, Oregon says that be tween the Coast Range and the Cas cade mountains is a vast territory with soil of great fertility, plenty of rain fall, (yet not so extreme as west of the Coast Range), where, as he ex presses it, "All a man needs is a ca bin and $2.50 in money he can raise absolutely everything he needs to make a living." He remarks that a great portion of this fertile soil is very thinly settled because of long distance to railroad or water transportation. The principle of "first come, first served" is always? fair, and will be ob served in making" allottments. In the very nature of things it will be im practicable to allow each member to make his choice because that would necessitate his Jjfang on the ground at the time allottment begins. But mem bers will be divided into classes, ac cording to the allottments they de sire.. Suppose yours is the first appli cation for a forty-acre tract: when al lottment of the-' forties is made, yours will be the first-forty allotted, which, other things being equal, would place you nearer the .city limits than later comers. In addition to the regular printed number on your receipt will be found a notation like this: "1-40," 2-BL, 3-80, 4-160 which means that yours is the first application for forty acres, or the second for a business lot, the third for an eighty-acre tract, or the fourth for a quarter section, as the case may be. Should there be any of the tracts manifestly inferior to the average of the whole . tract (which nearly always is the case in any large body of land, no matter how favorably located), these will be retained by the company and not allotted by members. Already applications have been made for nearly SO per cent of the 160-acre allottments. And the smaller tracts and city lots are going at a gratifying rate. The Home Makers Company has in formation of large bodies of agricul tural land of excellent quality in the state of Oregon, properly situated as to rainfall and climatic conditions. The greater part of it is removed from railroads and is, for that reason, yet old stallion in United States . - 11 eTViV only sparsely settled. All these tracts will be personally inspected by the president of the company in the near future. ' Honest and reliable men who desire to represent the Independent Home Makers Company in their locality should immediately communicate with the company. If you are not personal ly known to us, kindly give references. You have no risk to run; you are ab solutely safe in buying location shares, if you desire a home at moderate cost. The money you pay in will be secured by one of the largest and safest bond companies in the United States. Send In your application at once and secure a good position in the lire of allott APPLICATION FOR LOCATION STOCK IN THE - In nt Home depende Zo tbe Independent Borne Itlakers (& Lincoln, nebraska. 1 " I hereby apply for shares of Location Stock in the Independent Home Maker's Company at f 25 per share, an advance payment of being herewith icuuiiwui Ait a uuuvioiwu uiat iiuia d buutv is iaj us placed as iioroin alter Ql- rected, on such farming lands or city lots as are t be 'elected by said- Home ilaker'a Company, assisted by a committee of holders of Location stock; that the same are to be divided and allotted to members aa provided in the prospectus pub lished in the Nebraska Independent; and that I agree to pay in the remaining aiuuuuk upuu uu ubj-b uuuvb tua u mo requurou uuuiuer oi memoers uas Deen se cured and the location selected. Should I fail to pay in the remainder due the sam company is autuonzea to macs win cuuut) ue w, My choice ia.... , acres;. (Number of) (Married or single) (Number in family) (Occupation) . ABOARD A PEST SHIP A Recent Experience With th Modern Savage of tbe South American Re public. Seme very hot protests have been made to the state department concern ing the barbarous treatment of a ship, by several South . lerican republics, that had yellow fever aboard. A case Is .cited of passengers being confined in a fever ship for a month while the vessel was turned away from port af ter port and all assistance refused, the fever meanwhile continuing its rav ages on board. The consul general inclosed a letter from Archer Harmon, manager of an Ecuador railroad enterprise,, who says that he was one of a party of fourteen who boarded the steamer Chile at Pa nama on July 9 last. The second day out there was a death from yellow lever. There was no quarantine sta tion on the Ecuador coast. At Payta there were two more deaths. The port refused to permit, the steamer in the harbor. The supposed doctor aboard the ship had palmed himself off as a physician to secure free passage. At Callao there were two deaths, and the authorities there refused to permit connection with the short, or send a physician, medicine or disinfectants aboard. The Peruvian authorities declined to allow a steamer W. R. Grace & Co. had chartered for the party to take them off, and the Chile had to proceed to sea until the Peruvian authorities would permit a landing. The ship went to Arica, but meantime two or three deaths occurred, and a small gunboat from Arica drove the steamer out of the harbor, refusing to provide either medicine or disinfectants or provi sions. At Pisagua the authorities at tempted to drive the ship out of the harbor, but as the steamer had no coal it wras impossible to proceed. Finally, with the steamer five miles off shore, coal barges were anchored a mile and a half from the steamer, the steamer crew towed the barges out and unloaded them, and the barges were then sunk. Meantime one or two further deaths had occurred. Failing to get either medicine or disinfectants, the. ship proceeded to Valparaiso, ar riving, after several more deaths, about August 15, where the passengers landed after a careful inspection. Mr. Harman says there Is no place where a steamer with an infectious disease aboard can land or discharge its pas sengers on the west coast of South America, nor is it possible to secure medicine, disinfectants or medical at tention. The shadow of the dark ages still hangs over those republics. If this government instead of spending its energies in wars of conquest should do a little toward bringing tbe meth ods of modern civilization to the be nighted regions lying next door to It, it would be much more laudable busi ness than trying to destory the aspira tions for freedom in the people of Asia and South Africa. KANSAS CITY BOODLERS The Only Wy to Rid Thai Municipality and all Others f Them Is to Adopt, tbe Principle f Populism. For 'years city councils have been bought by the corruption funds of cor porations. So have legislatures. The populists proposed a sure remedy for such evils and it was received with cries of "lunacy." Untold millions of property has passed Into the hands of the rich manipulators of corporations owning street car franchises, city wa ter works, electric lighting, gas com panies and most of all to railroad mag nates by the purchased votes of leg islators and city councilmen. The evil has grown to unbearable proportions. There Is a general revolt in society against It. Populists say that there is but one sufficient remedy the refer endum. Down in Kansas City they are trying another remedy. It is a hang man's noose. A Kansas City paper gives an account of how that sort of a ments. Members are restricted to holding not td exceed twenty shares each. Thev may, however, make such selection or commnation or selections of allott ments as they may desire. They may apply their shares on city lots, snbar ban tracts, or farm tracts or any com bination of all, Just so they remain Within the limit of. twenty shares. A number of parties interested in our Home Making plan have sent in valuable suggestions In regard to the laying out and platting of our city. We desire to express our thanks for the same and will keep their sugges tions in mind when the time arrives for that part of the work. Makers Company (Town or F. O.) ,1901 aucn allotment as the amount raid ... ...City Lo (Besidonce or Butiaeia) (Name) (Postoffica) (County) (State) scheme is worked and the effect pro duced: "Armed citizens with noosed rones prevented an extension of the street railway franchises at a council meet ing here last night which did not ad journ until after midnight this morn ing. "There has long been vigorous oppo sition to the asked for twenty-year ex tension, and every council meeting has been attended by "committees of safe ty" to see that the council did not put the objectionable ordinance through. Last night, although the attendance of citizens was larger than usual, the council put the ordinance on Its final passage. When the roll call began, half a dozen coils of manila rope were thrown from the lobby Into the midst of the aldermen, and there were cries of "Hang them!" "Choke the bood lers!" and the like. "A big laboring man leaped over the rail, seized one of the ropes and be gan to make a noose in it. At this an alderman, instead of voting when his name was called, moved to adjourn un til this afternoon. The motion was de clared carried and Mayor Marshman and the alderman tried to make their escape by a side door. The mob crowd ed around them, however, and refused to permit them to leave the hall. "After speeches by Mayor Harshman and several members of the citizens' committee, it was . agreed to let the councilmen go on their pledge not to attempt to pass the objectionable or dinance that afternoon. The pledge was kept, and it is probable that no further attempt will be made to pass the ordinance. The present council re tires next week, having been . over whelmingly defeated at yesterday's election." There is no doubt that the members of that council deserve hanging, but will this process prove successful? Would it not have been much more orderly for Kansas City to have adopted populism and long ago provid ed that no franchise should be granted until submitted to a vote of the peo ple? Populism stands for law, order and sound principles of government. Let Kansas City elect a populist coun cil and such scenes as are recorded above will not occur. THE DOCTORS EXTEND THEIR TIME Oaring to tbe Vast Numbers Who Ht Been Unable to See Th British Doctors, These Eminent Gentlemen Hare Ex tended tbe Time for Giving: Tbeir Serv ices Free to all Who Call Before May 12 tb Owing to the large number of in valids who have called upon the Brit ish Doctors at their office, ,cor. 11th and N sts., Sheldon block., and who have been unable to see them, these eminent gentlemen have, by request, consented to continue giving their ser vices free for three months (medicine excepted) to all who call upon them before May 12. These services consist not only of consultation, examination and advice, but also of all minor sur gical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally ac quainted with the sick and afflicted, and under no condition will any charge whatever be made for any services ren dered for three months, to all who call before May 12. .. The doctors treat all forms of dis ease and deformities, and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At the first Interview a thorough investi gation is made, and, If incurable, you are frankly and kindly told so; also ad vised against" spending your money for useless treatment. . Male and female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also rupture, goitre, cancer, all skin diseases, and all diseases of the rectum are positively cured by their new treatment. The Chief Consulting Surgeon of the Institute Is in personal charge. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. No Sunday hours. SPECIAL NOTICE If you cannot call, send stamp for question blank for home treatment. DDK. clESIHJErJ Offlee open continuously from 8 a.m. to B p. m. Sunday from 8 a. m. to CHARGES L017. (Dr. ifeOrtxe mt Age M.) ' - TBI MOST UCCS9FUL SPECIALIST In the treatment of all form of SA8B1 AND D180RDXUI OP MEN ONl.Y, 86yar experience. 15 years In Omaha, . r VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE. A PEKMANKNT CURE GUARANTEED IN. LESS THAN 10 DAYS without cattina pttaorlos of Mm. Tbe QUICKEST tai MOST NAT UK A I CURE that As yet besa diseoTerwL CHARGES LOW. CVPUII IC -In all staa-ea and condition w I rniLlw cured, and every trac of th disease ia thoroughly eliminated from th blood. ' No "BREAKING OUT" on the skin or face or any external appearances of th disease whatever. A treatment that t mora successful and far mora satisfactory than th "Hot Spring-" treatment and at lea than HALF THE COST. A cur tbat Is 2-uara.nteed to be permanent for Hf. WEllftjCCQ of young- and mlddU-sxed HCAKNCOO men. J,OS3 OP MAN HOOD, Night Losses, Nervoua Debility. Loa of Brain and Nery Power. " Forgetfulness, Bashfulness, 8trioture Gonor rhoea, Gleet. , OVER 20,000 CASES CURED. RECTAL DISEASES StftgTSLStt the rectum has cured where all others had failed. Fissure, Ulcers, Piles, and all chronic diseases of the rectum. Immediate relief and permanent cure is made without cutting-or pain. The cure is quick and complete. CURES GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOO Consultation free. Treatment by mall Medicine sent everywhere frte from graze or breakage, ready for use. Office hours; 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. P. O. Box 766. Olflc over 215 South 14th St.. between Farnam and Doug-la Kts.. OMAHA. NEB. t4444"44 CHESS (Addrsit all communications intended 2 for this department to the Chess Editor X Independent. 1830 South 25th street, Lin- X coin, Nebraska. jC The Chess Editor, on account of Ill ness,' is unable this week to prepare his usual column. Although the Ohio-Nebraska inter state match did not begin until the latter part of December last, yet Dr. Van Nuys and Mr. De France, at beard No. 16, have completed their game. The play being somewhat unusual, score is appended. Score of first game completed in Ohio-Nebraska correspondence match. White, C. Q. De France, Lincoln, Neb., vs. black, Dr. F. B. Van Nuys, Tiffin, O. SCOTCH (EVANS") GAMBIT. 1. P K 4, P K 4. 2. ' KtK B 3, Kt Q WZ. 3. P Q 4, PxP. 4. B Q B 4, This Is the real Scotch gambit; the usual play here Is KtxP, giving the Scotch opening or game, and thought to be stronger than the text. 4. ....... B B 4. 5. O O, P Q 3. Black, by playing ....... Kt B 3 here, may transpose into Max Lac go's attack. 6. P Q Kt 4, This leads into a variation of the Evans gambit. Steinitz recommends taking both pawns as in the text, 6. ....... BxKt P. 7. P B 3," PxP. Bringing about In a few moves a position similar to the "compromised defense" In the Evans. 8. Q Kt 3, Q B 3. 9. B K Kt 5, Q Kt 3. 10. P Q R 3, B R 4. 11. P K 5, KtxQ B P seems better. 11. - , P B It , 12. Kt B 3, BxKt. 13. QxB, K KtK 2. 14. PxP, PxP. 15. Q R K, P B 3. 16. B B 4, KtK 4. 17. BxKt, B PxB. 18. B Kt 5 ch, K Q. 19. KtxP, PxKt. Seeing his chance of drawing, black accepted the gambit. 20. Rt Q ch, PXK 21. RxQ ch, Kt Q 4. If , B In, RxB ch, K K; Qx P with a strong attack. 22. RxKt ch, K K 2 and draws. If 23. Q B 7 ch, K B 3; 24, Qj:K P ch, K B 2; 25. Q B 7 ch, K B 3 draws by keeping on the two squares K B 2 and 3. If 26. R Q 6 ch, li in; 27. RxB ch, KxB; 28. B B 4 ch, etc., after a long fight wins the black Q, leaving white with Q vs. two rooks, unable to avoid . loss of the game. White, therefore, forces a draw by re petition of checks. . WE ARE ANTIORATS. This Is a new word Anticrat. The last syllable is derived from the Greek word "Kratos," meaning "power." Aa an autocrat is a "person vested with absolute power," so an "Anticrat" is against power and against an other crats," such as Plutocrats, hence it follows that we must be Anticrats, be cause we are AGAINST TRUSTS and if you will TRUST us we will save you money. Examine our Anti-Trust prices: - Pinkham's Compound ............ 69c Peruna ...63c Ozomulslon ..... 74c Physcine ..$2.50 Wampole's Cod Liver Oil.......... 79c Bromo Quinine 15e 1 doz. 2-grain Quinine Capsules... 7c 1 doz. 3-grain Quinine Capsules... 10c 1 doz. 5-graiu Quinine Capsules. . .15c Rubifoam . . .; .23c Cramer's Kidney Cure...,. ...79c Miles' Nervine r 69c Carter's Liver Pills.... .....15c Hood's Sarsaparilla .......... .....69c Wine of Cardui 69c Kilmer's Swamp Root i . . .... 63c Swift's Beef Extract. . ............ 39c Pyramid Pile ; Cure. ........... k s, . .39c RIGGS' Cut Rate Pharmacy 12th and O, Lincoln. Neb t i4- f r X V