The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 11, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    April 11, 190L
Our own importation of factory ends of
the finest cambric embroideries and in
sertions, bought for a fraction of their
real worth and offered here in a similar
Lot 1 Cambric embroidery, regular 8c goods, sale Cn
price, per yard J u
Lot 2 Cambric edges, worth to 15c, sale price, per
yard JU
Lot 3 Cambric edges and insertions, worth to 20, I Ql
tale price, per yard Zb
Lot 4 Wide Cambric embroidery, 25c values, sale I Dn
price, per yard... 1 UU
Lot 5 Cambric ru filings, 6 to 9 inches wide, extra values
similar price reductions.
The lengths of thee pieces vary and we can't cut any of
them when by doing so we leave too short a remnant.
LACES A lot of imitation val. laces, 12 yard pieces, Qfln
worth 35c, on ?ale now, per yard Z U U
Fine imitation Torchon lace, worth up to 15c, sale Ca
price, per yard. ..Ju
AVe bought a lot of cloths, enough to make 50 suits, from a
man who had more cloth than he could well dispose of.
We turned this over to a suit manufacturer with instructions
to produce for us the very best suits the cloth was wrorthy
of and now we offer the finished product for your approval.
They art- made of good quality Homespun and Cheviot,
double breasted and fly front jackets, 7 gored skirts, flare
effect at Irottom, fancy mercerized lining, colors, navy blue,
brown, tan, srrey and black, all sizes up to 44. Not one in
the iot worth less than $10.00, our price, while (JQ Q"7
thev la-t -UUIU I
Vfca:er it trasti wacl from Mc
Kiti'j, tor.sTfiS or a t-iite legisia-t-jr
ttey -t- It i os!y a quslioa of Ttit ii generally true of the
railroad corj-o ratios. Ail thes-e inter
en are o; jci-M to the referendum. raa iuj cnjrrets. legislatures
M.z.r attorsejr gesra!s. but to buy a
rsajonty cf tLe j-o;. wouM be too
tig a Job even for ttera.
The reputI:cans of South Dakota
tai tothiER to tay against the refer-cca--i3
cctii they got into power. Now
tie tcprece court of that tate ha de
c!ii lie referendum is unconstitu
tional. All the cefartoa Jegitlation of
la tt vlcter which the j-ople would
'.:tdoc'ct-iy Lave knocked out if they
had rot chance at St will cow stand.
The redeemer cf South Dakota are of
the came brard aa Nebraska heaven
ly tvica. Nothing hut national banks
ana railroad corporations goes where
re h i as have the majority.
A banker rorernor asd a. railroad
legislature has provided for increasing
the debt cf the state during the next
two year nearly a carter of a million
dollars. That is. the appropriations
sr.ade will exrM the Income of the
-tte that murh. That is the old re-p-jblicaa
plan. The poptjlifts paid off
all the state loaded debt during their
edsin'ttration. t-t the people didn't
like that way cf doles bcs!Ee so they
returned the republican to power.
They got wnat they voted for and it is
to be Lopi that they are thoroughly
Save Use Orctods end Gardens
Cn-ran - i - i-
flaalf In tel-r H a p!eU4
AC. frai 14 aa J trr aa
v f tire. fcssl tela trr
rey tw k Ve r If cw te
t! mg Mt. Hrr ljr, f f mgimg
tr. - mm etan tl- ( akbat
.. tmmmrrm 3Iaf m. ifm Jlt . a
Mmm-0titm -rjf f rt(tEWn,ttii,
tk.toar. etc ftmr f rait ul vect!
r " bm4 abrfciat.i.
I'r cr-' t j 114. oa'y ai-4f at
liw t of prm f.g 4 4 nm at aUfet. S
Mr a 4irt. ltrr fiiaapt. rkMB,
rkt. lM"f!lt4isj racMrKCT tm
iaUa. 1 '--. tst i "i la- t&c,
r . t in . - Largt alte. UiSBI.
f ara'l S T. fr C. f e lr
e ra4 trf tt vf ike ("eairai Farmer
a f t wjvi f th Mtk aKfc-er.
( mmrm K. rry m fcr 1 it fctt
.-r "f tkx m-mt. Jaew htla at
ctv. a trrrM; at tt- Jt - kr foe
a"! a. Ar ( TAL MKNI K. Gtm.
iatfe OamavJia, .
AUativa tttt ar.
Rosewater sharpened up his old stub
of a lead pencil the other day and
wrote the following: "Coining events
cast their shadows before. It does not
require a prophet nor the son of a
prophet to foresee the inevitable recur
rence of widespread financial disaster."
The editor of the Bee is not so cock
sure of the eternal blessings that the
McKinley policies were to confer upon
this nation as he was a few months
The administration papers an
nounced when Aguinaldo was captured
that "real American rule" would now
begin. We waited to see what Amer
ican rule outside of the constitution
would be. We did not have long to
wait. Within a week the reports of
the worst frauds ever discovered la the
army and elsewhere began to arrive.
So we suppose that that is the "real
thing. Great Is the carpet-bagger
when he gets outside of the constitu
tion. The press dispatches say that Aguin
aldo has taken an oath to support and
defend the constitution of the United
States. That puts him in a splendid
position. He can now go out and or
ganize an army and fight for the set
ting up of a government in the Phil
ippines based on the consent of the
governed and if he can raise a force
sufficient, he is bound by that oath to
run the whole set of carpet-baggers
that McKinley has sent out there clear
into the sea. Including the Taft com
mission and all the rest of them.
The Home Makers Company that has
been so extensively advertised In The
Independent la going actively on to
success. It Is a colony organized on
sound economic principles, not an at
tempt to bring down to a dead level
some hundreds of people, all different
ly constituted and all having different
capacities. For that reason it is at
trading men of good, hard common
sense, who expect to enjoy the fruits
of their own labor and the result of
their own skill, each for himself and
his family, as far as the trusts and
other plutocratic Institutions of the
present stage of social evolution will
permit. Strict business principles are
relied upon, not faith in weak human
nature, by putting up a guarantee
bond to secure every man who goes
into It.
The analogies used by republican
writers are sometimes somewhat amaz
tng. Now here Is Bixby who says:
Why Is it that the democratic leaders
have to go eo tzx back for a party
model as Thomas Jefferson? Has no.
man since his day given evidence of a
sturdiness of character and simplicity
of life worthy the adulation of the
common people?"
Bix evidently thinks that is a clinch
er. One might ask with equal pro
priety: "Why is it that leaders of
Christianity go so far back for a
model as Jesus Christ? Wouldn't
some modern model do just as well?"
With the usual republican abtuseness
he fails to see that in either case it is
not the men who are the models, but
the truths that they taught. Truth is
eternal and does not change with the
passing centuries. -
Very few of the republican weeklies
have anything to say about the heav
enly twins except to announce in the
most formal manner their long delayed
birth. One of them calls their gov
ernor "a bull in a china shop," and the
rest of them have nothing to say. Evi
dently, they, one and all, have con
cluded that they did a very bad job of
redeeming. They all express great sat
isfaction over the breaking of the
deadlock, but as t the capacity for
statesmanship of the twins they have
no remarks to make.
The pension list has become the
greatest that the people of this nation
have to carry. It is certain to grow
heavier year by year for some de
cades to come. Instead :f trying to
keep it in a bearable shape there were
several bills introduced in the last
congress to largely add to it. It would
be a hard-hearted man who would
stop a pension to the wounded or dis
abled private soldier, but the enormous
amounts that are vo'ed for officers
and their wives is unjust and will
soon become an utterly unbearable
burden. Besides this, the bills that
were introduced were to extend the
pension list to judges and other civil
officers who draw good salaries and
have an easy life. , All patriotic men
need to keep a watch upon this insid
ious microbe of pensions.
A plutocratic editor can outlie satan
and do it as easy as falling off a log.
Just at present they are exercising
their genius in that line by talking
about the "great majority" of Rolla
Wells, the democratic gold bug candi
date for mayor of St. Louis, whom they
declare was fought by both Bryan and
Altgeld. The facts about that matter
are that St. Louis has always been a
republican stronghold. In this election,
Rolla Wells got 43,012 votes, the re
publican candidate got 34,658 votes and
Meriwether, the advocate of the public
ownership of city utilities, got 30,320
votes. The "great majority" of Rolla
Wells. was less than 40 per cent of the
votes cast for the three leading candi
dates. He was onlv saved hv thA m.
raordinary effort of the "business in
terest" made during the last three days
of the campaign. If the populists had
not become so exultant and laid low
they would have elected their candi
date, but they went to bragging and
the franchise-holders, bankers and
promoters got scared and threw their
whole influence to Wells. In the eyes
of a plutocratic editor less than nnc.
half the votes cast is "a hie- mainr.
Current Comment
From all that can be eathered from
the censored dispatches from the Phil
ippines, it seems that Aguinaldo has
not only taken the oath of alleei
to support the constitution, but he has
signed, some sort of a peace proclama
tion, the contents of which the Ameri
can people are kept In entire ignor
ance. It matters little how many
oaths and how many proclamations
Aguinaldo signs. None of them are
binding in law or morals. A captured
prisoner cannot surrender armies or
act for a people over whom he had be-
rore exercised his authority. That is
as well established as anything can be.
bo an this performance is a farce and
the rejoicing over it by those who
know that it is a farce, amounts to
nothing. A captured general, a pris
oner in the enemies' hands, cannot'ex-
ercise any authority. Oaths forced
from a prisoner while in captivity are
not binding. All that is well known,
but the imperialist papers do not
choose to mention it.
The concurrent testimony of all the
official reports, all the private letters
that have been received and all that
returned officers and privates have
said, is to the effect that the whole
Filipino population is determined on
independence and that they hate the
Americans worse than they hated the
Spaniards, because they believe that
they were promised Independence for
co-operating with the American army
to drive the Spaniards out. It Is hard
ly reasonable to suppose that upon the
capture of Aguinaldo by means of
forgery and treachery, that the whole
population has changed its opinion and
are now becoming the loyal subjects
of a foreign power which they have
fought for over two years." Any one
who choses can believe these censored
dispatches, but The Independent puts
but little faith in them.
The censored dispatches from China
are to the effect that Russia has gob
bled Manchuria, and that she has not
gobbled Manchuria. That Japan is
about to declare war against Russia
and that Japan has no idea of going to
war with Russia. That Prince Tuan
ha3 engaged in a rebellion and has a
large army of Mohamedans under him
and that he has no army at all. That
the embassadors have come to, a final
and happy agreement and that they
are i.t swords' points and can't agree
on anything. That the integrity of the
Chinese empire, is assured and that its
independence has been completely de
stroyed. ; If any one is not satisfied
with that state of affairs let him write
to McKinley. .
In regard to the Boer war the Eng
lish seem to be getting very tired of
the job. Mr. Cremer, a member of the
British parliament, gave out for pub
lication the following interview last
"During the Easter holidays I have
spent a great deal of time among the
voters of London. They are slowly
gravitating toward a revulsion of sen
timent respecting our seemingly futile
efforts to whip the Boers into sub
mission. The men who once raved for
uncompromising prosecution of the
war now discuss the South African
problem like sane, men. They fully
admit the extreme difficulty of the sit
uation and freely express the wish
that the government would find some
way of substituting diplomacy for its
present costly and ineffective military
measures. ,
"This change of opinion will be ac
celerated when Sir Michael Hicks
Beach, chancellor of the exchequer,
discloses his budget and the nation
sees what a vast burden of taxation
and debt we are accumulating. As
suming that the Boers maintain their
baffling resistance, I expect within a
few months' to witness a great outburst
of popular enthusiasm provoked by
anti-war speeches that only a little
while ago would have got their deliv
erers mobbed.
"When the British succeed in divest
ing themselves of prejudice and pas
sion, they cannot do otherwise than
indorse the Boers' desperate defense
of their national freedom. If the Salis
bury government expects to keep the
support of the people It must close up
this South African business very
quickly." . -
The Right Hon. Sir Henry Campbell
Bannerman, leader of the liberal party
in the house of commons, entertains
views similar to those of Mr. Cramer.
He writes to the Enfield Chronicle: "I
am very glad" to know that in the En
field division there is a public journal
propounding right views and main
taining a constant protest against the
strange policy both at home and
abroad of the present government. Af
ter all, we have nearly half the elec
torate with us already. To what ex
tent will these be increased when the
country realizes the cost of all this
showy policy!"
The war office refuses to discuss the
present aspect of South African affairs.
Lord Roberts answers correspondents
to the effect that he has no idea when
the war will be over. Reports as to
the surrender of small bodies of Boers
reach the London papers daily; but
the Morning Post;, correspondent at
Bloemfontein asserts that only burgh
ers without backbone and influence are
giving up. He adds that the "stal
warts" clearly intend to die in the last
ditcK. . ...
Hardy's Xoluran
Library Man Eggs Cold, Backward
Spring Witches. , ,
Andrew Carnegie will be known in
history as the great public library mil
lionaire. His money will start more
public libraries than that of apy other
ten men has any time n the past.
If any poultry keeper wants eggs
without regard to meat they want to
keep Leghorn hens. I have seven and
twelve Plymouth Rocks, the seven lay
ing twice as many egr? as the twelve
and not one of them has wanted to set
yet, while at the same time my hen
prison has been full of Plymouth Rock
hens all the time. I know which hens
lay the eggs by the color. The Leg
horns are white and the others are
brown. I could spare a few dozen eggs
if wanted. . . . .
The cold, backward spring has its
advantages as well as disadvantages.
Cold weather up to the middle of April
insures a bountiful fruit crop. After
that time the frost is not likely to put
in an appearance to such an extent as
to kill it. Then spring snows seem to
do winter wheat more good than rains.
From all accounts winter wheat never
looked better the first of April, from
one end of the state to the other, than
it does at this time.
Anything that deceives the enemy or
defrauds him in times of war is justi
fiable. Christians have rules of war
fare and yet anything that will injure
the enemy Is Christian. Loving our
enemies in times of war is out of the
question altogether. I begin to doubt
whether I am a Christian or not.
They had witches in Bible times, at
least they thought they had. The
witch of Endor seemed to hit the truth
in Saul's case, though Saul himself
had forbidden her to foretell coming
events. It appears that all the way
down from the' flood to the present
century they believed in witches, and
believed they had them and that they
were capable of working great mis
chief. There was a time in puritan
New England-when it was sure death
for a lone woman to keep around her
house a broom-stick without any brush
on it. They believed that witches rode
through the air on broom-sticks. If
the butter did not come as soon as
usual the cream was bewitched, and a
hot horseshoe was dropped into the
churn to drive the witches out. It is
from this-superstitious notion that so
many horseshoes are hung up over
doors at the present day. When the
horseshoe could not be used a leaf out
of the family Bible would have the
same effect. Twenty-nine women were
burned in religious New England for
practicing witchcraft, only they did
not practice it. Not a single wizzard
was touched, for-it would hurt to burn
a man. It is quite inconsistent for
Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"something fust as good."
Protestants to hang upon what the
Catholics did, their Spanish inquisi
tions, with rocks and thumb-screws
for their treatment of witches in New
England was ten times meaner. If
the baby cried harder than usual he
was bewitched and the superstitious
mother thought she could see where
the witches pinched him. What they
could not understand tbey charged to
witches. We remember a case in our
early boyhood. A neighbor came run
ning across lots to get father to go
over and help him doctor his best cow
that was bewitched. Father permitted
me to go along to see the witches.
When we got there the cow was froth
ing and dreuling and shaking her
head. The family Bible was brought
out, it would not do to take the old
one not in use, a leaf was torn out
and Mrs. Sykes held it. The cow's
head was "tied to the limbs of an apple
tree, a beetle ring put into her mouth
to hold her jaws open, her tongue
pulled out to one side and held, and I
waselected to push the leaf down the
cows throat, because my arm was the
smallest one anywhere near, I thought
to only push my arm down to the el
bow, but Mr. Sykes grabbed my arm
and shoulder and pushed it down the
whole length, then shouted, "Let go
the leaf and pull your arm out." I did
so. The ring was taken out of the
cow's mouth, her head untied and she
was permitted to go free. At once she
commenced eating the bran they had
mixed up with a Bible leaf before com
ing over for father. "There.'V they
said, "the witches are "gone and the
cow is all right." I asked father go
ing home where the witches went to
I did not see any. "There were no
witches; the cow was choked with an
apple that had fallen into the lane
during the day, and she picked it up as
she was coming to the milk-yard, and
your pushing the Bible leaf down also
pushed the apple down into the cow's
prove a quick and sure cure for croup.
Mothers, when your children are at
tacked with that dreadful disease, you
can depend on this marvelous remedy.
It never fails to cure at once. Price,
25 cents.
Is the Old Doctrine That Everything: Is
Fair In War to be the Policy of the
Twentieth Century.
Just how was Aguinaldo captured?
"We have a frank and clear account of
the exploit in Brigadier General Fun
ston's own words. '
Funston begins by saying that he
"secured" (method not stated) from
"Aguinaldo's confidential agent" let
ters written by Aguinaldo ordering
that 400 men be sent to him, the confi
dential agent to act as guide. Several
months previously, Funston says, he
had captured General Lacuna's camp,
"obtaining Lacuna's seal, official pa
pers and a quantity of signed corre
spondence." General Funston says:
"From this material two letters were
constructed, ostensibly from Lacuna to
Aguinaldo. One of these contained in
formation as to the progress of the
war. The other asserted that, pur
suant to orders, Lacuna was sending
his best company to Presidente Emilio
General Funston goes on to relate
that his expedition, guided presum
ably by "Aguinaldo's confidential
agent," and further protected by the
forged letters, consisted of
"Seventy-eight Macabebes, all of
whom spoke Tagalo fluently. Twenty
wore insurgent uniforms and the oth
ers the dress of Filipino laborers.
With the Macabebes were four ex-insurgent
officers, one being a Spaniard
and the other three Tagalos (Aguin
aldo's fellow-tribesmen)."
With the expedition went Funston
and three other American officers.
These four, as Funston says
"Wore plain blue shirts and khaki
trousers, but wore no insignia of
The four Americans were passed off
as prisoners. After a marcn or seven
days and nights they' were within eight
miles of Aguinaldo's hiding place.
General Funston says:
"They were now so weak that it was
necessary to send to Aguinaldo's camp
for food. Aguinaldo despatched sup
plies and directed that the American
prisoners be treated kindly."
When the march was resumed tne
Tagalos went ahead to greet Aguinal
do." Arrived at the hiding place, Fun-
ston's men got between Aguinaldo's
house and the line of his bodyguard
and "the Tagalos entered the house."
The firing began, and then one of the
Traitor Tagalo officers "threw his arms
around Aguinaldo, exclaiming, 'sou
are a prisoner of the Americans!"
In conclusion General Funston
quotes Aguinaldo as saying:
"I would never have been taken ex
cept by strategem. I was completely
deceived by Lacuna s forged signa
We have now the successive steps
clearly before us: treachery by Aguin
aldo's confidential agent; forgery by
General Funston; a fraudulent expedi
tion composed of Tagalo and Maca
bebe traitors and four American offi
cers in disguise; the appeal to Aguin
aldo for food to save them from death
by starvation; Aguinaldo's prompt
sending of the food; his instant order
that the supposed American prisoners
be kindly treated; the final scene with
the traitor Tagalo throwing his arms
about the entrapped leader.
Is everything fair in war? New
York World.
"I think education might put an end
to war "
"Well, if the weaker parties were
educated to see that it is better to give
in than to get whipped." Harper's
"Did you get your promotion?" asked
a -friend of a .warrant officer in the
""No," was the answer, given in a
tone of disgust.
4AVhat was the trouble? I'm sure
you could pass the examination."
' That's just where I missed it. Bare
ly got through with the two-step, but
flunked completely in the waltz."
Judge. .
If you want to do your neighbor a
favor invite him to subscribe for The
100 Black Pcrchcrons, Clydcs, Shires, Coachers
"'''''-.-'"''. i V
Imported and home bred registered stallions and mares, 2 to 6 years old, weight 1,600 to 2,400
pounds, 95 per cent blacks, lams has more thick, ton, black Percherons; more Hoyal bred, cor
ernment "approved and stamped" stallions; more Paris and Omaha Exposition and State t air
winners; more stallions to suit you and big bargains than all importers of Iowa or Nebraska,
lams speaks French, knows breeders of La Perche. This, with 20 years' experience, save bun
$300.00 on each stallion bought in France, and gets the "tops" irrespective of cost. He will save
you $500.00 on a stallion, because he has no high-priced salesmen or buyers, no 2 to 10 partners
to share profits, and saves you the middle man's and oompany's organizer's profits by buying di.
rect from lams' barns. Don't be a clam. Write or telephone lams and get an eye-opener.
The bukk
Write for Free Catalog.
Large and Complete line of Nursery Stock,
consisting of varieties adapted to the north- i ,
west. Location one of the leading fruit
districts of Nebraska. ... ... . .
We pay all freights to points in Nebraska and Western Iowa.
We guarantee satisfaction with our customers. Catalogue
' mailed free upon application. Adrress all communications to
MARSHALL BROS., Arlington, Nb.
MIR tll.QR
SO-yeer guarantee, is
sewing machine makersin America, baa erery
new and up-to-date improvement,ivery hiprh
arm, positive four-motion feed, is very light
running, doeeany work that can be done on
snv tcwlmrmuhlneiiuita. ItManhikui.
oeauuiuuy nnisnea, mgniy pousnea ana aecora-ed with a c
the finest colored floral marquetry designs. AT $11.93'
a sewing machine complete with the fallowing acresaorleat 1 qui
-2 drivers. 6 bobbins, 1 package of needles, 1 oil can filled wi
" beautifully finished, highly polished and decorated
complete instruction book, whinh mikM nrMilno en nlaln that a
child can operate the machine. Fer ?o cents extra (or
in addition to these reenlar accessoriesa com nip t aet of
tathacnts la Ketal box ineladlng: 1 foot hemmer, 1 ruffler,l shirring plate, 1 tucker,
1 under braider.l binder, 1 short foot and set of hemmers, different widths up to
of an inch. In orderinr ut if Tea wnnt thnsa extra foot lUiitkauta mi IK
ditinnal. ORDER TODAY. DOST DELAY. Saeh a beaotlfnl sewlag machine was aerer
eflVrrd Before at anything like the arte. Write for Free Sewing; Machine Cat
alocrne or send 15 eents for en r llOO-pege Catalogue of Kvery thing.
Aaoress. otAKd, KUKUUUK & tU,,
See that they come from
The Nebraska
Howard Street.
BjajgnannBanaanannannm nninnnnananinfcnaa)
Write For Prices and Tasrs. -:- 918 Q St. Lincoln, Neb;
'it'll n.tfifr
They arc not scabby.
They produce earlier.
The yield is from 1-3 more to twice as much. j
The crop being smooth and regular in size brings a
higher price on
Our Red River stock of this potato
was grown last fall near Fargo, N. Dak.
They are fine, regular in shape and free
rom scab. 51.00 per bushel; 10 bu. for
Extra early potato of Ohio type.
Good yielder for early potatoes. Wis
consin grown. $1.25 per bu; 10 bu. for
$11.50. .
G piswo I d
145 South 10th
I iniCOf CDICim TURKISH T. & P. PILLS brins monthly menstrua-
, I AlllCaN - rnlcllLI. . . . tionsuretotheday nerer disappoints you. fl per box. X
X UlUIkU- I Illl-llUt a boxes wiU help inycas. Bj mail, plain wrapper. X
$ Sold by B.O. Kostka, Llncon.Neb. HAHN'S Pharmacy, 1805 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. X
IAMS imported more black Parcharons from Francs In ,
19U0 than all importers of Nebraska. Onlj man in United
States who imported all black stallions.
At his barns daily are "hot propositions" to competitors
Buyers remarks: "An up-to-date horse show;" "mosSse.
leet and largest stallions I ever saw ;" "glossy beauties
'Vide as a wagon;" "leg under every corner;" "see that
2,360-lb 3-year-old, largest and best drafter in the United
States a ripper." ulsmi saved me $500.00 on a stai
lion last year, and I bought that 2,000-lb 2-year-old today
si sop-aotcher." "See that barn of 20 'Ton Stallions,
and "they all look alike to me'." "lams pay9 freight and
fare of his buyers and sells a $2,000.00 Stallion at 1,000.00.
lams has on hand
St. Paul, Howard Co.,
Nebraska, on B. & M.
and Union Pacific- Ry.
F v;Aad BROODS fer Chickens, Ducks and Turkey.
hatChe fcoytSTpg that a hen can hatch.
(Clarence L. Gerrardt
Columbus, Nebr.-
Cut this adrertisemont
out and send to us and
we will nend you this.
mis uinu nainr nsna
C O. 0., subject to examination. You can examine it at your near
est freight depot, and if found perfectly satisfactory, exactly as nip
resented, eeaai to the hls-hest grade sewiag siachiaes adtsrllud by ollirr
heaces at i'JO.OO to SSO.OO, and as good a machine as you eeuld buy from ytr
dralerithomestSSO.OOt C40.00. therrettest bargain ?oaesrswornird
PT your railroad airent our SPECIAL QFFt.l PRICE $11.05 nd freight
charges. Give the machine threa xuonttis trial in your own home,
and we will return your $1 1.95 any day you are not satisfied.
blading j
made by one of the bent
with a complete set of
IO w i urnisn ima
quilter, 2 ecrew
with m inn .
$18.70 we furnish
highest ru,t
This Illustration glTes yea an Idee
of the nppearanre ef the Utah
Ursde, Hlsta Arm Edremere dewing
acta la, which we fnrnlah at 1 1. k
la the haadaomefi-drawerdrophiHid
oak cabinet Illustrated.
Seed Company,
f . "f at
II! TiS (fSL, iP-tr
Omaha, Neb. CAifs
the market.
The Acme is a little earlier that
the .Ohio, same shape only longer tind
yieias oeuer. ii is ue oesi tuxira. jt.ariy
potato grown, $1.25 per bushel.
A very large handsome white po
tato. Season late. A splendid good
yielder. Per bu., $1; ,10 bu. for $9.50
S e ed C .
St. ; Lincoln, Neb.