THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT April 11, 1901 tbt Vebraska Independent timctlm, DtktMMks ygfssg euG, covnx am and n its .oo rj? y ::? advance mmmmf with , to W Urmt44 hf Um. Ty frjt:y fa w rraais 4.Jf t lat wit U. a4 U akcnkr t a ;! W ret CI" tf -! i.44rwa iJJ etieti. wl JJ b Httrtiks Imdtpiudtnt, Lincoln. Neb. E'wd mameTic4 will Boi t r Ti heavenly twin will aerre the railroad will they live and g o to the harker heaven when they die. Bat they tr that !i warn country. Is there an overproduction of law yer! la this state? It is said that one hundred and twerty-fire of theia ap plied for the cine places as cosaxais s losers of the supreme court. There axe two thing that a repuh'I caa hates with all the vtndlctireneaa ever aarrtutd to eataa. The first Is a peptJiti and the second common schools and urlvcrt'tie. As a proof, exaxolxe the recent repahllcaa vetoes. A3 Id pop fanner writes to The Independent that he litres next to the "xseasest republican la the whole state. That faraer Is mistaken. The real, low-down, meanest republican la the state Is a cold democrat. The tariS a steel does cot produce dolar of revenue. It oaly makes the Asserleaa consumer cos tribute serea dollars a toa oa all the steel used ia thlr country to the steel trust. This Is a bzslitets tana's government. General Grant did tot receive so treat a reward for the capture of Vkkahcjx. Z9M prisoner aad SOO caaoa. as Fsastoa did for catchlns oae runaway Asiatic The ways of Im perial I as were rot la rorse whea Lin cola was president. The asceasloa of a thrcce asd the p!art&r X a crowa upon aay xaaa's head these days la simply a seateace for life la a guarded palace, with seml- orcasloaal cutlsc under a heavy rzr It the mcaarchs like that sort of thlrc tie rest of u caa stand It. McKinley army has captured and made a prisoner of the first president of a republic ever set Bp la Asia. Isat thai fciory enough for oae administra tion? V.hat greater clory could a gold standard president attain to? Is there aaythlac fceyesd that to which he caa aspire? 5T pay shout fifty millions a year la. taxes a txrv besides the ennura fcered millions that so into the coffers c th snar trcrt. "We hare a business srernment. tj has! cess men. for busi ness men. That Is what the Wall street eexTfcCiioa said they wanted aad it seemrthat they got It, The steel trust was rganlred to re- &sc th cott ct producing steel to la trodecsj eccticmy and stop waste, waa said to be the causse of Its organization. Its' first aci economy wss to pay its president ll.SO0.OO a year. Now let tat what it cext effort at economy wllll. Thompsca does not seem at all mls- SLathropic He goes about his bus! Xt aa tsrsal although it is said that he has fces heard humming that old Scotch fcallad la which these lines ap pears The hst laid schemes of mice aad Xea Oang aft agiey. The Chicago American and Crovtr Cleveland wast to "go back to the principles of democracy, they say, but they do not tell ut how far back they wact to got Do they want to "go back- to Cleveland or to Judge Tafiey and Boh Toombs? If they will only go back fer enough. The Independent will be with them. Lt them "go back tJ the democracy of Jefferson. Evea Bryaa wocld cot have any objectioa to that. Jest let thm fix the place where they want to jrr back to and they needn't say anything tore. The republicans of Topeka. Kas.. have suddenly become populists, as they se-3 to be doing all over the cocntry. Their candidate for mayor, who for Urn. yrs has branded every thing advocated by the populists as either anarchy or socialism, undertook to coaviaoe the dtiteas of that city that he ford the city ownership of waterworks sore earnestly thaa his opponent asd made a campaign oa fwirriy populist principles. Just as sooa as he labelled city ownership "repub i.caa" every mallet head ia the town waihed bp to the pells aad voted for it- FOCX DATIOlf TOM CORRCPTION By the aid of an unlimited corrup tion fund and the Importation of 20,000 Toters, the republicans managed to redeem Nebraska. The result was that Bartley's partner was sent to the United States senate and the other heavealy twin turned out a mere ward politician who was as full of malice as a green persimoa of puckers. No man who is not a partisan lunatic can fail to see that every veto of the gov ernor was based on malice. Not a veto is directed - toward any , Institution which was under republican control. The supreme court was fusion, the state university was fusioa. and the Peru normal school was under a board that was fusion. This governor, that the republlcaas ga. i us, undertook to wreck all of these. If he had regard ed the taxpayers, which Is only a pre tence, he would have begun on his own office where there are a greater lot of idle tax-eaters than in any other in stitution of the state men and women who draw big salaries and sit around two-thirds of their time and gossip and berate the populists. The glory of the fusion administra tion was that It doubled the distribu tion to the common schools and pro vided increased funds for the univer sity which under Its management near ly doubled in number of students. Now comes this republican governor and undertakes to wreck this institution which is the glory of the state and hich Is educating the coming genera tion as no previous generation ever was educated, by cutting oil $90,500 of Its income, when that act will not re duce taxation one cent. This republican governor is a na tional banker. His solicitude seems to be for the bankers Instead of the struggling thousands or young men and women who are tryiag, by the closest economy and the endurance of many privations, to get an education. The 130,500 will be doled out to the bankers without interest, for the tax that produced it was levied two years ago and the money will come into the bands of the state treasurer, just the same as if no veto had been made. Here is the foundation for some more Bartley business. By the dec! slon of a fusion court and the new methods of doing business in the state treasurer's office introduced by a pop ulist treasurer, it will hardly be possi ble for a republican treasurer to get in his haads six or seven hundred thousand dollars of current funds for the banks to handle with a rake-off for the treasurer. This veto of Dietrich's wiU provide about a hundred thousand dollars for the old plan that was prac ticed by republican treasurers for twenty-five years. Dietrich is a banker. The Independent has no hesitancy in declaring that this business from top to bottom and from beginning to end is as foul and disreputable a scheme as was ever entered Into by the republi can party In this state, even in the darkest days of Its corrupt career. The plea put up that the tax levied for the university together with its other sources of income would not have paid the amount appropriated is false and the men who are making such excuse are doing it to cover up as foul a piece of work aa was ever concocted by Mother, Outcalt, Bartley, Dorgan and the rest of the gang who ran the party a few years, ago. They robbed the schools thea and they are laying the foundation to do the same thing again This money that Dietrich has with held from the university was levied for paying the expenses of that institution and can be used for no other purpose. Dietrich cannot take it away from the university. He can only withhold it for a while. It must finally be ex pended for the purposes for which It was levied. All that he could do was to turn it over to the banks to be used without interest by them for two years, except what rake-off they may have to pay to the treasurer to get It, It Is very evident that we are to have the old reign oX corruption over again. The foundation has been laid for such performance by the republican gover nor. Let it come. The people voted for it with their eyes wide open. That Is what they wanted and what the majority want, they must have. There is oae thing that Is surje to make the angry passions rise in this editorial heart. It Is that phrase j "class conscious" which the socialists are so fond of using. There is neither sense cor reason In It. Many social ists are rich men. In fact they are the only ones who give life to the thing. It is not a class movement, for there are no classes in this country so dis tinctly formed as to differentiate them from all others. When such classes are formed, there will be trouble ahead. The Independent don't believe In classes. It believes in the brother hood of mankind. POLITICAL COHMXSSIOXERS After the Nebraska legislature got through with horning the heavenly twins, an act was announced that is the most disgraceful thing that ever was placed on a statute book. It prac tically does away with the office of at torney general and creates a commis sion to endure as long as republican ism continues to curse this state, au thorized to compromise all the suits that have heretofore or may hereafter be brought by the state against any corporation or person. Three of the state officers are in fact constituted a court to attend to all the legal affairs that may arise. There will be no more cases settled in court nor will the su preme court ever be called upon to construe the law. These three officials can do the whole thing themselves. There is one thing about the matter. The supreme court will be called upon to decide the constitutionality of an act of the legislature that transfers to a commission a great part of the judi cial and executive business of the state. The commission business has flourished grandly under McKinley the number of them that he has created no man can remember but this is commission business gone to seed. There Is no telling what a re publican legislature will do. This one has done things that no legislature ever did before, and this Is one of them. The redemptioners were an original lot of statesmen. They fully equalled some of the performances of their governor. HEARST'S FOOL EDITORS If there Is a set of men anywhere on earth who can make bigger fools of themselves than some of Hearst's edi tors, they certainly do not have a resi dence in the United States. Hearst's papers all claim to be democratic and during the last campaign they, sup ported Bryan after a fashion. Half the time they are writing pure socialism and the other half trying to tie up with plutocracy. Last week one of them in speaking of the democratic party wrote as follows: "For four years it was led to abso lutely certain and overwhelming de feat by preposterous follies having no resemblances to- the ancient and true democratic faith. One was the free sil ver craze, which proposed a dreamy and impossible monetary system for a nation of sane people, and the other was the so-called anti-imperialism that would surrender the Philippines with out an effort to solve the problem they offered for the benefit of humanity and civilization." Then he followed that in the same column with the following proposed platform for the Cleveland-Hill dem ocracy: "First Public ownership of public franchises. "The values created by the commun ity should belong to the community. "Second Destruction of criminal trusts. "No monopolization of the national resources by lawless private combina tions. "Third A graduated income tax. ' "Every citizen to contribute to the support of the government according to his means, and not according to his necessities. "Fourth Election of senators by the people. "The senate, now becoming the pri vate property of corporations and bosses, to be made truly representative and the state legislatures to be re deemed from recurring scandals. "Fifth National, state and munici pal improvement of the public school system. "As the duties of citizenship are both general and local, every government, general and local, should do its share toward fitting every individual to per form them. "Sixth Currency reform. "All the nation's money to be issued by the nation's government, and its supply to be regulated by the people, and not by the banks." That sort of a platform would have a joiiy time witn tne uieveiana-mii crowd. Fancy Dave Hill advocating an income tax or the Stuffed Prophet declaring for the greenbacks! The ob ject of the whole was to catch the gudgeons and get them into old Gro- ver's camp. Last week all the great dailies ran a big fake about there being five or six hundred million dollars of gold in the treasury. Any man of common sense who saw It, knew that it was a fake, an absurdity and an utter impossibil ity. Yet the editor of The Indepen dent met a republican of some promi nence in the state who at once began to brag about McKinley and his six hundred million of gold. The Indepen dent has come to the conclusion that 1 there is nothing too absurd for a re- publican to believe if he sees it in his party paper. The official statement of the treasury department on April was: "Treasury balance in the gen eral fund, exclusive of $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption shows: "Available cash balance, $161, 075,779; gold, $97,232,628." If any one has heard anything about the present condition of the crimina case against two of McKinley's carpet bag thieves who stole thousands of dollars from the Cuban postal funds' and wno were arrested so long ago that the public generally has forgot ten all about the matter, will they please report to this office. Their names were Rathbun and Neeley.or something like that. Before the presi dentlal election we were told that these men would be punished, but since the election nothing has been heard about the matter. The ways of imperialism are the same as cf old. A TRIUMPH OF POPULISM Several states have during the last winter adopted the referendum, num berless cities have made provision for the public ownership of city utilities, but the greatest triumph of populism has been the adoption of its financial theories by the republican national ad ministration. The increase in the price of farm products and the consequent prosperity, of the farmers has all re sulted from putting populist theories nto practice. If there had been a populist president and congress, but one thing would have been done dif ferently from what the national ad ministration has done. The populi&ts would have put out the same amount of paper money, but instead of issuing it through the banks, they would have ssued It direct by the national gov ernment. The effect upon prices has been exactly the same, the only differ ence has been that some millions of profits have gone to the national bank ers instead of to the whole people. As regards the coinage of silver, McKin- ey has coined more silver each month than the populists ever asked to be coined and be is still keeping it up. The tremendous output of gold has added to the circulation still more dol lars. The result has been just what populists said it would be. In fact the administration has in creased the circulation faster and cheapened money more than a conser vative populist administration would have done. A populist administration would have taken into account the speculative interest that was sure to get control of the markets upon rising prices, and put the boom to the burst ing point. The reckless expansion of the currency that McKinley and his administration has permitted, prin cipally through the national banks, is sure to produce a collapse sooner or later. The more conservative among the promoters have already begun to take in sail. Of course this issue of paper money through the banks instead of by the government is bound to have an after clap to it, but the issue of that amount of paper, in its first effect. Is exactly the same on prices as if it had been is sued by the government. Populist principles are so necessary to the wel fare of the nation that the republican administration was' forced to adopt them. The adoption of them has sent this nation to the forefront of all the nations of the world in its commercial transactions. If they had not been adopted and the money of this country had been confided to the theories advo cated by the republican party in 1896, panic and gaunt famine, would stalking through the land. Suppose that the coinage of silver had been stopped, no paper money issued and the money of this country confined to gold alone, what sort of fix would the people be in? That is what they advo cated and they straightway, notwith standing that thousands of half- starved and needy farmers were shout ing that they wanted "the best mon ey," "the dearest money" and all that sort of thing, went to work to cheapen money by Increasing the amount in circulation, until now money is cheap er than it has been for the last twenty years. The most amusing thing about this whole business is to see J. Sterling Morton still denouncing "cheaD money." When The Independent uses the term "cheap money" it wants it dis tinctly understood that it does not mean what the bankers do when they use that phrase low interest rates but it means money of less purchas ing power. Money will not buy more than half as much now as it would in the days of the Morton-Cleveland soup house reign. Money has grown cheaper every day since that gang was kicked out of power. - The populists have fixed their finan cial theories upon this country for ever. Let any party try to reduce the money of this country to a per capita circulation such as produced the panic and distress that swept over us like the besom of dlstruction in the first years of the last decade if it dares The time may come when the mines will be so prolific that gold alone will furnish a circulation greater than when we had silver and gold both, but the idea that an increase in the cir culation increases prices is eternally fixed in the minds of the people of the United States. That is the great pop ulist triumph and it Is a triumph that will endure as long as money is used. THE ASPHALT WAR In 1897 certain Venezuelans got grant of an asphalt lake, La Felicidad and sold it to what is known as the Warner-Quinlan syndicate, of Syra cuse, N. Y. The Asphalt Trust claims that La Felicidau is a part of its con cession. The Warner Quinlan syndi cate denies it. President Castro of Venezuela . agrees with the Warner- Quinlan syndicate. Frank Loomis, the United States minister to Venezuela and a close personal friend of Carner, tne Asphalt Trust's Venezuelan repre sentative, agrees with , the Asphalt Trusty Both the trust ar.d.the synd cate are controlled by conspicuous re publican politicians. But the trust has as its president General Francis V Greene, whose standing with the ad ministration is indicated by the fact that he was grand marshal of the augural parade on Mar .a 4 last. The trust had influence enough to send a squadron of the United States navy into Venezuelan waters for the purpose of intimidating that govern ment. But it stood ,.s ground r.nd now the. United States minister to Vene zuela has been ordered home. The as phalt, lake which these parties are fighting over is said to be valued at $10,000,000. The Independent has no dea but the, trust will get it, even if McKinley has to go to war. Let us all whoop it up for the asphalt war. "My country right mr wrong." If you say a word against it you are a copperhead and a traitor. FIGHTING BRITISH BATTLES Everybody knows that England could not have carried on the war as long as she has without the war sup plies that McKinley has furnished her armies. He is making a precedent that may some day be used for the destruc tion of this government. It is claimed by the Boer sympathiz ers, among whom is General Samuel Pearson, formerly commissary general of the Boer forces, that Great Britain is using New Orleans as the base of operations against the South African republic and the Orange Free State, two nations with which the United States is at peace. A case has been brought in the Unit ed States court at New Orleans to pre vent the further shipment of goods contraband of war by the British gov ernment and a ship loaded with mules has been held up by the courts. The American mule has proved to be the best fighter that the English have em ployed in South Africa. It is true that at first they were inclined to sym pathize with the Boers and a victory was gained by the burghers because the American mule refused to obey or ders. That was in the beginning of the war, but of late they have been the mainstay of the British army. Cavalry horses and army mules are surely contraband of war. McKinley is setting the precedent that a nation can furnish goods contraband of war. to a people making war on a friendly nation. Great Britain will be quick to take advantage of that if it is her in terest to do so when the United States gets into a fight with any other nation. McKinley is just as much fighting British battles against the Boers as if he sent two or three regiments of United Statestroops over there. . ; , CLE WS ON WALL STREET Henry. Clews says that "Wall street is the most sensitive barometer of the country's well being." That has been the statement for the last thirty years. It is important to keep such a state ment constantly before the people. Then congress can be induced to leg islate for the benefit of Wall street. The statement, if meant for the truth, should read: "Wall street is the bar ometer that indicates the prosperity or bad luck of the most vicious set of gamblers that ever cursed the world." There is some legitimate business done in Wall street, but a hundred times as much actual gambling. They simply meet and bet on the rise and fall of stocks. At the close of the day they settle up their losses and gains and if not dead broke, try their luck again the next day. Stock exchanges are the curse of the world. More money is in vested in gambling in the United Stat es than in any other one business. There are many large banks whose business is almost exclusively with gamblers. Clews has progressed far enough to say:- "The contraction of the circulat ing medium depresses prices." When the populists said that in 1893 and af terwards, Clews denounced it as idiocy. He and his gang of gamblers were at that time engaged in curtailing the circulating medium, or in Wall street phrase tbey wanted to bear the market and gather in the farms and other property upon which they had mort gages, so as to sell them cut at enor mously increased prices as soon as they could get a president that would, under their auspices, flood the coun try with paper and silver money. As soon as McKinley was seated he went at it and has kept it up ever since. Wall street is organized to make money out of money. The rest of .he country is engaged in making money by labor applied to land. Washington ever since 1870 has stood by Wall street and legislated to suit the gam blers while labor has been sheared time and again. They are now get ting ready to play the old game over again. They will soon be denying the proposition that a contraction of the currency depresses prices. The mullet heads will all line up with Wall street and there Is no use to try to prevent them. As the republican hands over the money to pay his taxes this year, he should be exceedingly happy. He can rejoice that the state has been "re deemed" and that a large part of the money that he hands over will be used by the state treasurer and bankers to speculate on during the next two years If that don't make him happy, what will? Their governor and United Stat es senator planned it all out for them. THE SUGAR TRUST It begins to look as if the sugar trust went a little too far when it or dered the secretary of the treasury to put an extra tax on Russian sugar and a good many men who have never be fore dared to say a word against that monopoly are beginning to , make sternuous protests. " They have been whipped in in the past for fear that their special . privileges might be as sailed. Now that their trade has been ruined by the greed of the sugar trust, they have nothing to loose, so they speak out. Several technical trade journals have lately been making hot protests against the destruction of our trade with Russia for the benefit of one trust. In one of these magazines, Mr. Alexander Hume Ford describes the boundless opportunities for Am erican energy in Russia ' in supplying the needs of that continental empire for machinery, railroads, bridges and manufactured goods of every descrip tion all depending, of course, on ac cess to the market upon such reason able terms as the sugar trust is de stroying. Already there are a thou sand Americans in St. Petersburg en gaged in making openings for Ameri can products in Russia. And the edi tor comments: "America is fast com ing to see that what she needs is not paternalism and political meddling, but wider markets." Every right thinking man in Ameri ca is not only coming to see, but for years has seen that it was the most nuwise and robber-like policy that any government ever engaged in. As long as it was called "republican" that was all that was necessary to perpetuate, it. It is now extremely probable that the republican party' will become a 'free trade party. Just as soon as it does, every mullet head in the land whose hair used to rise on end at the mention of free trade, will be for that policy. As loug as it is called "republican" to put a, prohibitive tariff on steel and make Americans pay $7 a ton more for it than the same trust sells the same goods to foreigners, . it is the right thing to do, and every man who op poses it is a copperhead and traitor. If you want a thing to go, just call it republican. Public ownership went with a rush in Lincoln, where there is always more than a thousand republi can majority, just as soon as it re ceived the party brand. The men who had denounced it for years and called every man who advocated it a wild eyed lunatic, marched to the polls and voted 1 - As long as a tariff on sugar puts fif teen Or twenty millions a year of un just profits into the coffers of the sugaij trust Is called "republican," it is all right and the political imbeciles will vote for it. They will vote for any thing called republican just as the bourbon democrats will vote for any thing that is called democratic. If they are told that it is not republican to vote twenty millions a year to the sugar trust, then they won't do it any longer. There is an effort being made by the men who are Interested In sev eral industries, whose trade has been greatly curtailed by the sugar trust to make some of the republicans believe that that is not republican. That is their only hope. . When free silver was republican, they yelped for that. When the gold standard was republican they yelped for that. When free trade with Por to Rico was republican they yelped for that. When a tariff tax on Porto RicanJ trade was republican they yelped for that. When forcible annexation was criminal aggression and republican, they yelped for that. When forcible annexation was not criminal aggres sion and was republican, they yelped for that. The majority who vote the republican ticket are just that sort of people. Rose-water continues to make re marks. Here are some of them: "Scandalous appointments in the fed eral service and a reckless disregard of public sentiment on Issues vital to the people." "It is acknowledged oa all hands that the work of the legisla ture has, been disappointing in many respects." "Disreputable and incom petent public officials in every branch of the public service must be weeded out. The barnacles and leeches that have been fastened upon the federal service, casting odium upon the party, should be . pried loose from the crib and decent, reputable, active republi cans given their places." They pried Ed Sizer loose down in Porto Rico, buc they immediately glued him fast to the oil inspectorship at the state house. Readers of The Independent in need of farm machinery, wagons, buggies, harness, furniture, carpets, or supplies of any kind will save money by writ ing to the Farmers Suppjy Association, Lincoln, Neb., for prices before buying elsewhere. Send as complete a de scription of " the article you need as you can give. If you are interested in securing a home read the plan proposed by the Independent Home Makers Co. It Is meeting with exceptional support and the success of . the undertaking is al ready assured. The first to apply get the best location. If interested write today. A tape worm elcbteen rest Ions at least came on thf scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This I am sure bas caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still taking Cascarets, the only cathartic worthy of aotloo by sensible people." Qso. W. BowLKfl, Balrd, Hits. Plftisant. Pala.ta.ble. Potent. Taste Good. HO Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c. Wo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Bt.rliat Relr Crapaay, Ckle(, Moati-cal, He Trk. SIS in Tfl DHn Sold and cnnranteed br all dmg HU I U'OAlf gists to ClJltE Tobaooo Uabiw CREAM WANTED If you are producing- enough milk so that you could ship us a ten-gallon can of nice, tweet, hand- separator cream two or three times a week, we would be glad to have you write us. We can pay yo a price for your cream that will net you more money than anything else you can possibly do with it. We can handle all the cream you produce the year round, at a good price. HYGEIA CREAMERY CO., Omaha. Bee-Keeper's Supplies You can save freight by ordering from us. A large supply always on hand, and a trial will convince you that they are cheapest and best. Many improvements. Send for our free catalogue. Address, LEAHY MFG. CO., 1730 So. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. APIARY SUPPLIES A full line of goods needed in the Apiary. All goods and work first class. Descriptive circular and price list frie. New extracted honey for sale after July 1st. Write for prices on honey. Address, F. A. SNELL, Milledgeville, Carroll Co., 111. EGGS BAKRKU OK WHITE P. ROCKS $1.00 per 13. Mammoth B. Turkey $1.75 per 9. Fekin Duck eggs $1.00 per 15. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. L. A. BROD, Talmage, Nebraska. Dark Brahmas and S. L. Wyandottes STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE. . WRITE FOR CIRCULAR. M. D. KING, . Minden, Nebraska. Barred P. Rocks Standard Mating. Breed true. Eggs from prize winning stock $2.03 per 15. AL. N. DA FOE. Tecumseh, Neb. EGGS GUARANTEED TO HATCH at least 7 chicks per setting or order refilled FREE. BLACK LANGSHAN and BARRED ROCK. Pedigreed Belgian Hares reasonable. G. M. WHITFORD, Arlington, Neb. HOLLYHOCK POULTRY FARM 56-page Illustrated Poultry Catalogue. The secrets of successful poultry rais ing told in plain language; all about in cubators, brooders. Doultrr houses how to hatch and raise every chick, what, when and how to feed, loreingr bens to lav and hundreds of valuable subjects contained in no other catalogue. Tells of 85 vari eties popular thoroughbred fowls and quotes ex tremely low prices. Send 4c in stamps for postage. Hoi yhock Poultry Fa.m, Box 1409 Dcs Moines, la. . J. THORP & CO., General Machinists. Repairing of all kinds llodel-makers, at. Seals, Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Checks, Etc 308 So. nth t... Lincoln, Neb. Alfalfa Seed. " Grown in 1900 in the heart of the al falfa country, clean and free from Rus sian thistle and other four seed. Sat isfaction guaranteed and prices reason able. Sample sent. Low prices on carload lots. GEO. B. YOUNG. Long Island, Kas. A L F A L F A Home Grown RE CLEAN ED Alfalfa seed, crop 1900. For prices and samples write CHAS. BUSHNELL, " Wilson ville, Furnas Co., Neb !TJe Can Save You (10 to S20 on this buc-u-r. Pries Oaly You would have to ta the dealer at least that much more for it. It's thoroughly srood throughout mater ial, workmanahip. trie, trim and fin ish. This Is not a special bargain of fer. We can sare you proportionate amounts on every article in our lartre general catalog We WertiM ourwives to b "Te ffm ikot Sartt Tim Hotuy," oa that is just what we am. fcaud at one f nr th catalogs. Yen are aor to nwH some on or mora of tha 10.000 article abowa thr. WESTERN MERCANTILE CO., DEPT. 6 OMAHA, NEB by buying one of our combination 3. Forty pounds best granulated sugar for one dollar, packed securely and delivered at railroad station here, by ordering this com bination. Remit "by draft, poat office or express order. COMBINATION NUMBER 72 40 lbs. best Granulated Sugar $l.CO 1 keg choice Syrup.. 1.CO 1 bucket White Fish ....... . .75 16 lbs. Beans.. .JO 1 lb. best 50o Tea.. . . 1 lb. best Baking Powder . . , 5 lbs. Rice , 5 lbs. choicest Raisins ...... .frQ " All the above for ....... $5.00 THE FARMERS GROCERY CO. 226-228-230-232 -234-236 North 10th St. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Established Ten Years, Always Reliable CANDY ' KLyJ CATHARTIC s VRAOE MASK S8WTm0 Y&.7 S A V E MONEY