The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 11, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 11, 1001
i i ti. wm.e mTl i
Po cany hoca wires suffer from oer
Tooi depreacloa da to catarrhal w4k
ems peculiar to their sex. and offer on
J' alter year, not knowing wbtt their
ilcist la. Mri. Mary Cook, of Pitta
ford. N. Y-, suffered for tlx years before
he learned of Terns. Mrs. Cook re
cently wrote the t oilowiag letter to Dr.
Uartzaan :
was not well for six years, paid
misty doctor bills, tut nerer Improved
rery much. I grc up hopes of ever
-Finally, I wrote to Dr. II art can,
axd I ass ttaakfnl to eay that I am
cow well, through hie good ad rice
and oeditme. I am gaining in flash
ad fei young again. I wu Tery
emaciated, bet bow ray own children
svre urp rUed in the great change In tne
When tiey visit me.
Tb Attempt tm BUtr up CUftltidlint
M r,-d fcy tbe Most Mwpea
! Trmmdm
Tier can no longer be any doubt
that there will be three great parties
In the United States. That the banks
axd the trufta intend to throw their In
Caese tew&rd the Cleveland wing of
the democratic party is remonstrated
by the ruJt of tte election at SU
Louis, tre. in a republican city, a
CU veland democrat waa elected mayor
by the eSort of the leading republicans
and financial institutions. The election
of a rold democrat as senator from
North Carolina, a man whom Senator
Vance foasht as long as he lired. gives
that wing of the party additional
strength !a the senate. The republi
can of Maryland will aid Gorman fn
getting back and U!1 further help
Cleveland and Hill to push their con
quest. AU this mean that the demo
cratic party will split. The true demo
Tats with whom the populists hare
fused will nerer support that combin
ation. They may be able to carry some
of the southern states upon the word
democrat, tut some of them they can
fiot carry for the populist party will
coae Into new life and power. Tbe
text time it carries a southern state It
will toll It. The democratic shotgun
policy which downed Tom Watson and
thT uo-A men of the south has
played its last card. If that sort of
democrats want ciril war they can
have It. An effort like that to bolster
up a plutocratic candidate for presi
dent on the democratic ticket will fail.
There are too many men in the south
who are intensely interested in the
truths that liryan has taught them for
such a policy to succeed. As a sample
cf the way they have carried elections,
the following document is printed from
the Cosrr-f!osaJ Record, pages 4059
4070. This sort of force and fraud was
used to e!rct a gold democrat to the
United States senate. There is al
ready a revolt In that state. The same
infernal rascals undertook to Impeach
the supreme J'ldgrs of the state and
remove them from office so as to get
hold of every branch of the state gov
ernment. It as a most disastrous fail
ure. They began by the most stupen
dous frauds In the election. Those
freed extended all over the state and
the following document only gives the
history fa one county:
Immediately after the close of the
!it Aur-:t election the election frauds
In Sampson county were reviewed in
an article written by Major George B.
liutler, and published in the Raleigh
Caucasian. The article is as follows:
"The people of Sampson county in
diccact The Simmons democratic
machine forever doomed in that county
-Or. thousand white men deprived
t their vote by the democratic can
vassing board Five hundred qualified
voters refused registration A graphic
story cf democratic outrages The
county still populist, after the gigantic
steal, by wO majority Names of the
machine gien The Fight was strict
ly between white mej The Invasion
of armed red shirts revolutionary and
wi!l b condemned.
The populist, majority in Sampson
county by democratic count was 1.400.
a gala of nearly In the past two
years. The In Sampson was be
tween white men with the ratio more
than two to one tn favor of the pop
ulate and the iticreased majority this
year waa caused by the shameful con
duct of the democrats by wearing red
shirts and importing all the red-shirt
cut-throats and tramps in adjoining
counties to invade our county for the
imrpo of terrorizing our people and
driving them from their boneit convic
tions. The leaders cf the democratic party
in Ricijnon county, and especially in
Clihtoa, encouraged and protected this
Miss Annie Zlott,72 Livingston street,
Newark, N. J., took Peruna for extreme
nervousness. She says : 44 1 was rery ill
and thought I would die. I had a ter
rible headache and my head swam; I
thought I would never get well; I
seemed to have a great complication of
diseases and bought medicines, but they
did me no good.
Finally I gave up and thonght I
would wait for my end. One day 1
happened to pick up one of your books.
I read of other women who were near
death and had been cured by Peruna,
o I thought I would try it.
" took a couple of bottles and began
to feel better, I continued Its use
until now am a well woman. praise
Peruna highly and wish other women
would use it"
howling mob to the disfcust of all de
cent people In the county and to their
utter rout and repudiation at the polls.
"With a fair registration and honest
count Sampson would have gone pop
ulist by not less than 2,500 majority.
After all the stealing they could possi
bly do on the day and night of election
we then carried the county by 1.400
majority, according to their own count.
This majority was appalling to
them. They did not expect it. They
hoped by their stealing on the day and
night of election, together with their
fraudulent registration, to carry the
county. They decided that this big
majority must be reduced by the can
vassing board on Saturday, and here in
the court house of the county, a vener
able temple of justice, and in the
broad, open daytime, in the presence
of several hundred good people of the
county, there was perpetrated the
blackest and most damnable outrage
ever witnessed In a civilized country
before. The highway robber who sits
by the roadside for his unsuspecting
victim, or the chicken thief who
crouches in the henhouse in the night
time, or, meaner still, the sheep thief
who walks off with an innocent, cry
ing lamb on his back any of these in
the estimation of good people in a
Christian community would be regard
ed as honorable men and gentlemen
compared to the measly gang that
called themselves the canvassing board
of Sampson county and polluted the
county's court house on Saturday,
August 5. After taking a solemn oath
to do their duty before God and man
and to administer justice to all parties,
they proceeded while their breath was
still hot on the book to throw out Lis
bon township with 247 qualified vot
ers. Turkey township with 228 quali
fied voters. Herrings township with 213
qualified voters. Honeycutts township
with 400 qualified voters, making a
grand total of 1.0S8 qualified votes
stolen by a Sampson county demo
cratic canvassing board In one day.
The populist party Includes more
than twice as many white men as the
democratic party In this county, and
own more than twice the real and per
sonal property of the county, and poll
more than twice as many votes as the
democratic party, yet the populists
were denied representation on the can
vassing board and in several of the
townships were refused a judge of elec
tion, but appointed democrats in their
stead. The registrars were all demo
crats, and every scheme and subter
fuge was resorted to by the registrars
to prevent populists and , republicans
from registering. Voters applying for
registration were asked all kinds of
foolish and absurd questions and re
quired to answer upon their oath. Hun
dreds were denied registration because
they could not give their exact age in
days and months, though they swore
to their exact age in years and had
been voting regularly more than a
quarter of a century. Others were de
nied registration - who swore . to their
exact age but could not 111 what year
they were born. Others who swore to
tfaa day ana year In which they were
born and gave their exact age, but ref?
erence to the old registration books
did not correspond either in the day
or the year given, were denied regis
tration. Nearly all were asked If they
had listed and paid their poll tax, and
if not they were disqualiaed, when the
constitutional requirements to vote In
the election law makes no such re
quirements. "In many townships men were sol
emnly asked upon their oath about
their private family affairs. How he
and his wife got along together, and
The larrest proportion of th troubles and ills
towhirh teas ale are liabls is tbe direct result
ft an irregular memtruatioa. "Dr. Le Due's
Female UejrnSator. guaranteed by Kidd Drug
Co. to keep the periods regular and to bring
them on promptly. Sold retail and wholesale
f K'Zf Pharmacy Lincoln. Neb. $2, or 3 for
ried aad seat anywhere. Nam what you want.
Mrs. Anna Roes, 2813 North Fifth
street, Philadelphia, Pa, writes :
"Four weeks ago I believed I had
consumption; I took a severe cold, and
although for the first few days the mu
cus in my throat and chest was loose,
It finally became so bud that I bad dif
ficulty In breathing.
Pain in the shoulders followed. As I
had placed my confidence in you and
Peruna, I followed your directions strict
ly, and improved from day to day, and
am now well again."
Most women feel the need of a tonie
to counteract the debilitating effects of
summer weather. Peruna is such a rem
edy. It cures all catarrhal conditions
whether it be weakness, nervous depres
sion or summer catarrh. For a free book
on summer catarrh, address The Peruna
Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
other foolish and absurd questions,
and in many instances if he was not
living with his wife, or had not been
divorced, or domestic troubles of any
kind, he was promptly disfranchised.
In Hall township a white man was dis
franchised because he plowed half a
day. without a plow point. After they
had denied several hundred in the
county of registration in the way I
have stated above they drove many
from the polls by - intimidation and
threats, and by requiring-them to take
solemn oaths about trivial and irrele
vant matters and threatening them
with criminal prosecution for perjury
if they made an Incorrect statement in
any particular. Hundreds were reg
istered on strips of paper, and these
strips were afterwards destroyed by
the registrar and their names never
carried to the registration books at all.
"All of this fraud and deviltry was
of no avail. The county grew strong
er populist every day. Some other
plan must be resorted to. Their next
scheme was larceny, and it began in
this way:
"Honeycutt Township This town
ship, the old home of Senator Butler,
Is a large and strongly populist town
ship. On the last day of registration it
could be easily seen by the democrats
that the populists would have a tre
mendous majority in the township. W.
A. Baggett, the democratic registrar,
on returning home in the evening of
the last day of registration, claims that
he was assaulted about dark .within a
few hundred yards of his home by a
mob of men and made to surrender the
registration books. He made no alarm
and had no search made for the par
ties, but came to Clinton and reported
the fact and had it wired to the state
papers that the populists had stolen
the book, claiming his book showed a
registered majority of 27 votes for the
democrats, while both Baggett, the
registrar, and John D. Kerr, who sent
out the libellous report, knew that it
was untrue.
"There was a legal election helf" in
this township, each man taking an
oath that he was registered, and the
registrar, in the absence of the. book,
certifying to the same fact, and passed
all that were properly registered to
the polls, who voted. The actual count
after the polls closed showed 29 dem
ocrats and 241 populists, and yet in
the face of this Jonn Kerr wi:ed to the
state papers the vile slander upon the
populists of Honeycutt township that
they had stolen the registration books,
as the democrats had 27 majority in
the township. The canvassing board,
at wir. Kerr's request, threw out the
entire vote of Honeycutt because they
alleged that not all the men in tne
township voted on the day of election.
The populists then agreed to give them
every man in the township wnose
name vas on the registration books
and count all not voting as democrats.
This t ey refused, and, after having
stolen the registration book from their
own registrar, committed the double
crime by throwing out the entire vote
of the township, thereby stealing 241
populist votes in one precinct.
"Their next crime was in Lisbon
township. This is another populist
stronghold. The first registrar the
democrats appointed was given his in
struction how to proceed with the dirty
work of cheating the populist out of
votes, and he was either afraid to do .
or he was too honest to do it, and, af
ter registering about 50 voters, re
signed. "The county board of elections then
appointed another register. He reg
istered a few and then he resigned,
and instead of sndi-g the book and his
resignation direct to H. E. Faison, the
chairman of the board, he expressed
them to J. D. Kerr, to Clinton, via
vilmington, in order to cause delay;
and consequently for about ten days
there was no registrar or registration
book in the township. The county
board then appointed another, and af
ter considerable delay he resigned;
and men another, was appointed, vrho
was a practicing physician with many
sick fever patients, and of course it
was understood he was to reslgr
"The democrats and populists of the
township then recommended another,
who was a democrat and who promised
to serve as registrar, and he came to
Clinton to receive his appointment, but
the board refused to appcir t him, bv,
appointed another man who they knew
beforehand would resign. Finally the
last day of registration came and no
registrar, and less than one-thir . of
the qualified voters In the "township
registered. Every intelligent man in
the township and Sampson county
thoroughly understands the trouble in
Lisbon township: It was a contempt
ible conspiracy between the election
board and the chairman of the demo
cratic party of this county and these
registrars. And to complete their dlr
tr work they took advantage of their
own wrong and not only refused the
148 voters they had denied the privil
ege of voting, but threw out and re
fused to count the 99 votes properly
registered and properly voting, there
by throwing out the entire vote of this
township, consisting of 247 votes.
"The cause of their cowardly and
niggardly conduct is explained by the
fact that the populists had about 215
majority in the township.
"Their next steal was at Turkey
township. This was also a populist
township, and the election jocsed off
orderly and quietly and the registrar
and judges declared that it was a fair
election. ' When the canvassing board
met Saturday the " ord was given and
passed around by J, D. Kerr, the chief
mogul and adviser for the sheepish
loo ng outlay, and .turkey township,
with its entire vote of 228, was dumped
on ty i litter heap. Luke Kennedy, '
demweratic registrar and brother of
the populist' candidate for the senate
J. T. Kennedy, in order o throw out
tne township and - defeat his own
brother, took the Holy Book and swore
that there was intimidation at the
polls, but said he r not intimidated,
and when asked who was, could ncc
name a single man or produce a single
witness; yet, . upon this hearsay evi
dence, which is inadmissible in any
court, and evidence which would be
incompetent and insufficient even if
were admissable, this board threw ou
Turkey township. It was done at the
instance of the registrar of that town
ship, the ungrateful brother of the
populist candidate for the senate. It
was an ex-parte hearing r.nd their con
duct is without precedent in North
Carolina and was without authr of
law or shadow' of evidence.
"(The Caucasian is informed fron
another source that five or six wit
roborate the der.-jcratlc registrar, and
nesc js were put on the stand to cor
every one of them swore that there
was no . intimidation so far t.s they
could see.)
"They began their rascality again
when they reached Herrings township.
There was another strong populist
township and must be disposed of. The
election passed off quietly and satis
factory to everybody until the count
began. The election was held in an
old shop and the registrar had himself
roped off and crouched in one corner
of the shop. When he began to count
all alone, . denying the right of any
qualified voter seeing the count,' as
provided for in the election taw, h.a
reason for not allowing anyone t."
come near him was that it . was "too
hot." One of the boys on the outside,
in order to give this "hot" registrar
more air and ventilation, to'i off two
planks on the side of the shop. Thi:
registrar, "when his. deviltry could t..
longer be hidden, fused to continue
the count, but it was promj-tly taken
up and completed by other democrats,
who feigned the returns and swore to
their correctness. , . The judges and
registrar who refused to make this
count are indictable under the election
law and the code for tailure to perform
the'- duties, but their refusing to do so
did not invalidate the returns, as sub
stitutes were appointed who promptly
did the work and signed the returns.
Yet this stultified gang of county can
vassers proceeded to throw out the en
tire township with 213 votes simply be
cause the populists had a majority of
53 votes.
"This brings us to North Clinton
township. This townshi. by actual
count, was popu.i t by 3 majority, ar
the populist poll book in which was re
corded the name of each populist voter
as he voted verified this sta;errent by
showing a majority of 3 votes for the
populists, yet the democratic count i .
this township was from CO to lh ma
jority for the democrats. It was do .
in this way:. The boxes we: roped off
and the count was made by the demo
cratic judge of election, who not only
refused the presence of any . jectators
to verify the count which was de
manded, and which is required by the
election law, but failed to read aloud
the names on the tickets, and many of
the tickets were counted for the demo
crats without even 1 einj unfolded.
Unis was done in tae presence of a
large n mber of populist voters and
pcpulist candidates for ouice, who, by
tuis arbitrary ruling of the democratic
registrar and judge of election, en
forced by democratic bailiffs, were
compelled to stand off an see the
votes cast counted for men they did
not vote for, and counted ior men they
would have dieu before they would
vote for. The democratic judge count
ed all the boxes but the township box,
and the populist' judge counted this
box, which showed a majority of
votes for the populists in North Clin
ton township, and it was so recorded
on the tally sheet when ie count was
"In the absence of the populist
judge, the registrar and democratic
judge" changed this tally sheet after it
was signed, to show a democratic ma
jority of about 40 votes. This was done
to prevent too grt at a variance be
tween the township box and the other
boxes, and ttv prevent their rascality
from being too noticeable. When this
township was reached by the canvass
ing board, they passed it over without
investigation, as it was one of the
two democratic townships in the coun
ty. The populists thereupon demand
ed, an Investigation. It was at first re
fused, but through the appeals of the
counsel for the populists they finally
agreed to admit evidence. The pop
ulists preferred charges of fraud and
irregularities in North Clinton town
ship, as follows: .....
"First The registrar and demo
cratic judge of election were not sworn
on the day of election, as required by
law. (The populist judge was sworn;)
"Second The counting was done by
the democratic judge of election se
cretly and fraudulently, not permitting
anyone to see the face of the tickets
as they were being counted, as is re
quired by law.
"Third The names on the tickets
were not read aloud as required by
law; in fact, the names on the tickets
were not read at all, but counted 'pop
ulist' or 'democrat,' as the said judge
chose to count them.
"Fourth That the counting was so
illegal and fraudulent as to change a
populist majority of 3 to a democratic
majority of from 90 to 111 votes. Upon
these charges the counsel for the pop
ulists began to introduce evidence, of
fering as many as six men of good
character to prove each charge. The
evidence began to pile up against these
democratic election officials and it was
black and sickening to behold. We
demanded the tally sheets to prove
our charges of fraud In the count and
show that they had been tampered
with since they were signed up on the
night of the count. We offered the
populist judge to prove this against
them, who would swear that two rows
of the tally sheet had been erased, as
well as the figures which showed a
populist majority in the township box,
whereas it was made to count 40 demo
cratic majority. The democratic reg
istrar ; admitted having these tally
sheets, but refused to produce them to
verify our charge. The evidence was
growing, so large for these dirty fel
lows that they adjourned the board to
meet again on Monday morning' to
continue the hearing. They met again
on Monday, and upon coming together,
to the dismay and disgust of all decent,
fair-minded people, they passed a res
olution , to admit no . more evidence
against their crowd, for it was evident
to everyone that a fair and full investigation-
of the democratic regis
trars and judges in North and South
Clinton townships would not only war
rant throwing out both these town
ships, fraudulently counted democratic
but would also forever destroy the
character and reputation of every
mother's son of them that participated
in the steal. '
"Counsel for the populists demand
ed the roll call of the board when they
passed this disgraceful resolution, and
demanded the same when the vote was
taken to throw out the four populist
townships above, but to the disgust of
all the spectators they scringed, and
squirmed and crouched behind each
other and cast sheep-killing glances on
the floor and voted "no," thereby
showing the world that they were
ashamed to go on record before the
withering scorn of an outraged and
indignant people. These are . grave
charges we have preferred against the
Sampson county canvassing board, and
in order that the people may know
upon whom to fasten their contempt
we give their names in full below:
"Chief adviser and ringmaster, J. D.
O. Kerr. North Clinton, H. B. Ches
nutt; South Clinton, J. A.;Beaman;
Lisbon, John Johnson; Franklin, Bulie
Moore; Taylor's Bridge, Amos Smith;
Turkey, Luke Kennedy; Piney Grove,
Henry L. Clifton; . Halls. Tom Hobbs;
Newton Grove, J. W. Bryan ; West
brooks, George barren; Mingo, Eli
Wilson; Herrings, Blake Warren;
Honeycutts, W. A. Baggett; Dismal,
Lewis Spell; Little Coharie, A. R. Har
ris; McDaniels, Owen Owens.
"South Clinton Township. The pop
ulists demanded an investigation in
this township as well as in North Clin
ton, but an investigation was promptly
refused by that Immortal canvassing
board whose names we have given
"This township was also safely pop
ulist, but was counted in for the demo
crats by some 75 majority by the same
fraudulent methods that were adopted
in North Clinton Township, with the
additional advantage that all the elec
tion judges were democrats. There
was no populist representation at all,
and the voters were counted by one
man, who counted the tickets "pop
ulist" or "democrat" according to his
own wicked proclivities.
"I have enumerated above some of
the crime and wickedness of the demo
crats during this campaign, which has
forever disgraced and damned them
in this country. Our people, regard
less of party, color, or previous condi
tions, are thoroughly indignant. They
could not steal enough to capture the
county or this senatorial district, and
they never will. This county, what
ever may be the alignment of parties
in the future, is lost to the democrats
forever. Hundreds of men who voted
the democratic ticket in this election
have denounced them and left them
since the election.
"As we have said above, the fight in
this county was strictly between white
men, and why our county should have
been invaded by a foreign invasion of
red shirts and cut-throats, who walked
out streets with Winchesters and pis
tols, unmolested by police authorities,
is a blistering shame, and when this
lawless mob of red shits, with guns
on their shoulders and pistols in their
belts and murder In their hearts,
should be countenanced by civilized
people and encouraged by professed
Christians is a scene not witnessed
since the reformation, when Martin
Luther thundered at the -Diet at
Worms and people were , persecuted
and burned at the stake for their hon
est convictions.
"Here In the year of our Lord 1900
ministers of the gospel, who are chosen
to teach religious toleration and lead
people to Christ, were actually seen
riding on horseback at the head of
this lawless and irresponsible mob of
red-shirt anarchists and murders.
" 'When the fountains are destroyed,
what shall the righteous do?'"
The gold democrat in whose Interest
this sort of work was done, so he
might be sent to the United States sen
ate was one F. M. Simmons, one of
the most disreputable politicians and
bulldosers in the state. Chas. N.
Vance, the son of Senator Vance, in
writing about him under date of Octo
ber 21, 1900, says:
"Under ordinary . circumstances I
would not be inclined to revive recol-
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REMEDY CO, Chicago or Mew York. 437
lections of political controversies with
which my father was concerned, but
when impressions, as I understand, are
being made in the state that at the
time of his death he and Mr. Simmon's
were on friendly terms," I desire to
state that this is not the fact, but on
the contrary a short time before my
father's death he stated to me that in'
hla, opinion Mr. Simmons was not fit
for this office, or worthy of the confl-
dence of the people of North Carolina.
I know the fact that my father re
garded Mr. Simmons as an unscrupul
ous politician, and for that and other
reasons he opposed his confirmation
for collector. But for his death Mr.
Simmons would never have been col
lector." These democratic gold bug bulldoz
ers undertook to further intimidate
the men who made this protest. They
had them indicted in a distant county
and when about 200 of them made a
long journey to attend the trial the
bulldozers declared that they wanted a
continuance because some of their wit
nesses were not there. The persecuted
men replied that they were ready for
trial and had two hundred witnesses
ready to testify to the truth of every
assertion in the document. Then the
persecutors concluded that they dis
miss the case.
That is the way the populists have
been treated by the republican bosses
of the democratic party in the south.
Such men as Tom Watson, Cyclone
Davis and Harry Tracy, they would
have nothing to do with. Eut all these
men stood by Bryan to the end. Now
tho same gang' have Jumped onto Bry
an with both feet. Some of their bit
ter comments were printed in last
week's Independent. All this means
that there will be a Bryan democracy
and a Cleveland : democracy, and , the
Bryan democracy will act with the
populists in the future as they have
in the past.
$5 A
Is the voice husky?
Do you ache all over?
Is the nose stopped up? ,
Do you snore at night?
Does the nose bleed easily?
Is this worse toward night?
Doe3 the nose itch and burn?
Is there pain in front of head?
Is there pain across the eyes?
Is your sense of smell leaving?
.- Is the throat dry in the morning?
Are you losing your sense of taste?'
Do you sleep with the mouth open?
Does the nose stop up toward night?
Have you a cough?
Are you losing flesh?; 1
Do you cough at night? . ; - ;
Have you pain in side? ' J
Do you take cold easily? j
Is your appetite, variable?
Do you cough on going to bed?
Do you cough in the morning?
Is your cough short and hacking?
Have you a disgust for fatty foods?, ;
Is there a tickling behind the palate?
Have you a pain behind breastbone?
Do you feel you are growing weaker?
Is there burning pain in the throat?
No matter what your trouble is, you
will be accepted under the five-dollar
rate, all medicines included. This
applies as well to . , , f
You can be "cured by Drs. Shepard
and Headrlck right at your own home,'
under their perfect system . of mall
treatment. Write for their SYMPTOM
LIST, covering all diseases cured by
them. Also their 80-page book describ
ing their Sanitarium. Addres
Drs. Shepard & Headrick,
308 N. Y. Life Bids., Omaha, Neb.
A Hit
For a Miss
Our Misses Hats are making quite a hit.
We have some ready trimmed for ladies
going to school, and some shapes for
trimming. They are really as nice as
could be obtained.
Mrs. W. E Gosper
1201 O Street
J. W- Mitchell Co.
1338 O STREET.
Wall Paper
Meets all com
petition. Write
for prices.
Good oatterns
here to choose
When to Go Cheap
On April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, the Burlington will sell tickets' to the
following points at these extremely low rates., Tiz.: .,'
To Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena, Anaconda and Missoula, f 23.
To all points on the Northern Pacific Railway west of Missoula, in
cluding Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, as well as .Vancouver and
Victoria, B. C, $25.00.
To all points on the Spokane Falls & Northern railway and the
Washington and Columbia Rirer R. R., $25.00.
On the same dates to CALIFORNIA COMMON POINTS, $25.00.
City Ticket Office ' Burlington Depot
Corner 10th and O 5ts. 7th St,i Bet. P and Q.
Telephone 335. ... , Telephone 35.
Of Interest to Farmers
- are distrloutlng a li-e of -fcrd-ware
of especial concern to every
' up-to-date farmer, blacksmiths,
mechanics and farm tools of all
description. Hay forks and car
riers, tackle , blocks and pulleys,
hoisting rope, hay rack brackets,
barn-door rollers and .ack. Wa
" gons, buggies and plows, double
and single trees tongues, neck
' i? yokes, clevises, wagon and buggy
springs, poultry netting, field fenc
ing, barbed plain wire, nails and
general hardware. Our goods are
bought direct from the manufac
turer and sold direct to consum
e rs at dealers prices. 3al and
be convinced.
The Lincoln Hardware Co.
1219 0 Street
1 i
WE WANT you to know that we are the
N .only v exclusive picture f ramera in
Lincoln. ' The' work and prices can't
: be'beat. HEBB, .1234 O STREET.
THIS AD clipped . is worth 25c on a $2-
' order for framing, t
here: is
in buying, unless you deal with
those who give you the best for
your money. Visit our place
and we will show you a line of
not change. Our line of goods
has, been the same for years.
Your careful consideration of
our list is solicited. 1 ,
Rock Island
Walking and
Riding Plows
Disc Harrows
and Listers
Geo. W. Brown
Corn Planters
. and Listers
New Departure
Newton Farm
Champion Binders
r Mowers and Rakes
Plymouth Twine
Henhy, McFarland,
Burg, and
Enger Buggies
Cor. IQIh & Q Sis., Lincoln, Heb
Morning & Brge, Attorneys.
In the District Court of Lancaster County, Ne
braska, in the Matter of the Estate of Wil
liam Barr, Deceased.
Notice is hereby siTen that in pursuance of
an order of Hon. Lincoln Frost, one olf the
jndg-es of the District Court, of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, made on the 10th duy of
April 1901, for tbe sale of real estate hereinafter
described, there will be sold at the east door of
the Court House of Lancaster County, Nebraska,
at Lincoln on the 3d day of May 1901, at 10
o'clock a. m., at public vendue to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described real
estate, to-wit; Lot three (3) Block one bun
dred and forty-seven (147) in the City of Lincoln,
Lancaster County, Nebraska. Said sale will re
main open one hour. Haidreal estate is clear
and will be sold subject only to the ta tea of
Administrator of the estate of William Barr,
. Deceased. .