April 4, 190L THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 5 If TAT r ILJJlni BECAUSE NORTHERN GROWN. They ire not scabby. They produce earlier. The ytdd is from 1-3 more to twice as much. The crop betn smooth and regular in size brings a higher price on the market EARLY OHIO. Oct E4 River iek of tti potato wae frown last tll ur Farf-a, N. Dak. Ttey art) fix. rzair ia hap acd fr rru scab, f IXfJ per bathe!; 10 bu. for EARLY SIX-WEEKS- Kitra ear'jr jot a to of Ohio tyr. Good jjeicer for ear! potato. isv ua CTOtriu li-llj per bu; 10 bu. for EARLY ACUL The Aetna is a little earlier than the Ohio, cam shape onlj longer and yields better. It is the best Extra Early potato grown, 11.23 per bushel CARMEN NO. E. A very large handsome whit po tato. Season late. A 6plendid good yielder. Per bu., ti; 10 bu. for $9.50 Griswolcl Seed Co., 145 South 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. Current Comment Htfpc!tfi la the Ph'li'p'cet tare bea cf f,xerl lstrrt daring the whole wk. Tie capture of Aguisal do has ba ron-rmed. The atory of the rapt -a re is to the elect that Fus toa learaM from a Filipino py where AzlzJt aa and just how many men he had with Lira. Tfcta Fucsicn forg ed the cicsatcre cf a prominent Fili pino and ftent Aruicalo a letter say tcf that he vu roralcr with re-in-fisrrementa. after which he orfanired an expedltlca coEpo4 cf Mwcabwn who spoke Tasiios. a few Flliplnoa who hc jolced the American force aa!nt their etmatrymea and three or ttnr cSeere- The forte marched with the Anwrirara dlfrulaed aa pri cser ar4 came tpoa Aralsaldo who waa taken by a-orpriae, baring glten fall credit lc the forged signature. He was taken to Manila where he la fce!4 a prisoner. The president made Funston a trigs lie r general for the fi. What effect this will hare upon the !rsrwtion it hard to tell. Filipino leaders have Ua captured a great cassy times during the last century, tot the inhabitants hare still kept up ttttr struggle for independence. The trt that all news that comes from the Philippines Is censored, and that the c'A mi "that nothing shall be sent that wvzli be detrimental to the ad-clnistratjoo- is still In force, destroys the ralue cf everything that appears is the p-blie prJ from the islands. Ve are cndr the hand of the despot as xsacb as Ag--inal2o. For some time there hare been pri Tatw letters received in the United state telling; cf a horrible state-of corruption in tie army there. It ap pears that at lat it has been found tmpcwalble to longer conceal the mat ter aa the o-TttM-i have become so fiagrant and well known that It was Impossible longer to conceal them, al though McArtnur confiscated all the Xrcperty of on editor acd transported him to the United States because he woti!4 tot keep his mouth shut- The latest news, given by Seers and men who have returned is to the effect that this editor did not tell half the truth. It appears from the iaiett reports that some cf the commissary Seers have been arrested. According to the tatement cf the o Seers the bay of Manila has been filled up with the most costly commissary stores. Ships cannot come to the p'era there and racst unload their freight in lighters cr eaacoes- Once la a while one of these loaded cascoea is upset, and the goods lost. That gava the sharper a key to the new trick. Cascoe aiter cstxm ears- to the pier where the goods were receipted for half-filled with water and reported that It had beeo upset. The goods were reported as lost at , the taxpayer footed the bills and the cemmissary Seers grew rich, for the goods were ail safely landed elsewhere and sold. The read ers cf the Independent have beea kept Informed of the corruption of the car pet bag outfit In the Philippines, and this is only the news of the details cf the way they did it. From the day that Otis began hiring bull carta to the present time, the same sort of work has bn going on. No army of roc; "-est. 1.00G miles from home ever did otherwise and never will. A etc watch iipoa the news from Fan Francisco shows that a few troops are being nt to the Philippines. So far they are the portion of the old reg ular army that has remained In the United States or served In Cuba. The recruits that are obtained are tot num erous enough to give much cheer to to the White house despot, and they will be less when the returned troops are scattered over the country and be gin to tell their tales of service la the Philippinc. A1I the new from Cuba, and that is rr sored too. is to the effect that the Cuban cotuTitctiosa! convention will rot aTpt of the restrictions that Mc KlL'ejr is trying to Impose upon them. A wto host of congressmen have b ioa there. When the republi cans sft back they declare that Cuba mcst be annex-d that they can never govern themselves and that they will neier be happy until McKlnley sends the earpt baggers down there to take charge of them. Wfeat the other con jreraaa say. the Associated press loe cot ttlL amount must be added $20,006,000 paid to Spain under the treaty of Paris and 1100,000 paid for the islands of Caya yan and Slbutu: interest on the war loan alnce June 30, 1899, $S,423,000, and the cost of the various Philip pine commissions and other miscel laneous expenditures estimated at fSOO.000. This brings the total cost of the islands to date up to $202,583,000. There is another cost that cannot be figured in dollars and cents. It Is the suffering on sick beds in hospitals, the tears of mothers, wives and sisters and the rula that has been wrought ' in health and morals. The total cost in lives are figured up by the department to be: American officers and men, 3 .CCS. Of these the army lost fifty four officers and 836 men killed in ac tion or died of wounds, and forty-eight officers and 2.072 men who died of disease. The navy lost two officers and sixteen men killed in action. The latest news (censored) from the Philippines Is to the effect that Aguin aldo has taken the oath of allegiance to McKlnley. If that is so, it makes him a good republican and the pluto cratic press will stop their abuse of him. From henceforth , he will be a great patriot In their eyes. Other news (censored) is to the effect that the capture of Aguinaldo will have no effect upon the resistance of the In habitants to being conquered by Mc Klnley s armies. Disturbances still continue in Rus sia. Tolstoi has been banished and the last word was to the effect that the feeble old man was making his way toward the frontier. The news from China (censored) is so mixed up no one can make anything of it. Russia seems determined to hold onto Manchuria. - fa regard to what the taxpayers will have to pot up ia clean cash for Mc Klnley "a war of conquest, there la no telling how many millions will be re quired la the future, but the war de partment gave out a statement the other day concerning what it It has already cost. It says deducting $73,- GOO.000 for the increased expenses oa account of Cuba and Porto Rico, the fcet Increase on account f the Philip pines is Sin,O00.0Ctf, and to this DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP IS still in the lead. The people seem to like this old reliable coush medicine. and we don't blame them; it is the best remedy for a deep-seated cough or cold, and will effect a cure in one day. Hardy's Column The robins chirp, the blue birds sing, A sure harbinger of coming spring. The ground hog is out for to stay. And every big dog is waiting his day. The south wind has melted the snow; The sunshine Is making things grow. The farmer Is wielding the plow. The milk maid Is milking the cow. And all things are lively just now. How tickled King George, his royal family and all the lords and nobles would have been If General Corn wallls had captured George Washing ton at Yorktown. Just so tickled now la Emperor McKlnley, his millionaire bankers, trusts and lumber men over the supposed capture of Aguinaldo. Our legislature that has just ad journed did pass one act of retrench ment and reform, that of doing away with the railroad commission. Three men drew pay while one did the work, and his work was only talk and ad vice for he had no power to inforce. Governor Dietrich proposes to play the same game Dave Hill did, when he was elected to the senate; that is. to draw two salaries, one of five hundred a month and the other over two hun dred. When Hill played that game the republicans had coniption fits all over the land. Now it will be all right. George Evans was the only son of a rich merchant in one of the large vil lages of western New York. He was the pride of two older sisters, in fact, he was the pride of the whole village; ia short, he was a model boy. He loved books and hated cigarettes and tobacco in all forms, and as for li quor, he never knew the taste. He rather went fishing than to a dance, and on a squirrel bunt rather than to a circus. Maggie Searls was the youngest of a large family; her father was poor and pounded out a living on the anvil before a blacksmith's forge. Maggie was the pride of her family and was the pattern girl of her neighborhood. She was bright and good-looking, though not considered a beauty. George and Maggie attended the same school, forty years ago, and were always in the same classes and were counted the two best scholars in the school, at least that was their standing when under our instruction. They en joyed fun, snow-balling, coasting down hill and skating on the Ice as well as any boys and girls ever did, but fun never kept them from learning their lessons. ' On opening our last term In the school we offered a prize of a small red covered book to the one who left off at the head of the class the most times during the term. The book gave a history of the babes la the woods left to starve. The class stood in line ' and - when one missed a word the one below, who could spell the word correctly, would take his place. Then to wind up each recitation each one had the privilege of pronouncjng any hard word in any back lesson to the one above him. Then, too, and after all was through, the one at the head went to the foot. The last lesson was nearly through. George was at the head and Maggie stood next. Their record . was . even sixty-one and the one leaving, off at the head 'would draw the book. Every word was learned and the whole school took as much interest in the match as a crowd of men ever took in a horse race. The lesson had all been spelled, but a few words when George looked around at Maggie and saw her eyes filled with tears and one or two large ones had rolled down her cheeks. The next word that came to George was pancake. He spelled it p-a-n-k-a-k-e. Maggie spelled it correctly, took George's place and received the book. We could see through it with no trouble for they always were together, they came and went from school side by side and if there was ever such a, thing as true young love it was in the hearts of those two children. Some of the large boys tried to guy George a little, but he replied, "Who do you take me for? Hadn't I rather Maggie would have the book than to see her cry. There would not have been but one k in the cake if it had been any of you boys." A few years afterwards George went away to college and Maggie went to teaching district school. In the mean time Mr. Evans and several of his neighbors had opened a large bank and when George returned he. was made cashier. . The warm corner in George's heart for Maggie had never cooled off. One of his sisters undertook to convince him that Maggie was not the girl for him to , marry. She was not well enough educated. "Don't you suppose she can learn yet and can't I teach her all I know." "But she is poor." "Do you think I am going back on Maggie now for that. I would not trade her for all the rich, starched-up girls in America." The controversy ended there and they were married. The last time we visited them George was president of the bank. There were little Georgies and Maggies play ing in the yard. There had been no talk of divorce in that family. Maggie brought out the little red book with our name as giver on the first blauk leaf, dated June 28, 1848. On almost every page in the book there appeared a large written K. This story is dedicated to the boys and girls of Nebraska. FUNSTOD'S COUP-DE-MAIN An Ideal Paper Editor Independent: Enclosed you will find 1 to renew my subscription for another year. The Independent is the nearest to and ideal paper, accord ing to my ideas, of any that I know. I want to give my commendation to the editor for the article in answer to the European diplomat and ex-President Harrison's illustration for standing by our country when it is in the wrong. Their Illustration does not apply, but even if it did, it would be arguing the case from a low standard of morals. It is hard, very hard, for" us to un derstand' the doctrine jof 1 universal brotherhood, or to comprehend the full meaning of Christ when in answer to the one who told him that his mother and his brother stood without the crowd and wished to speak to him. He asked: "Who is my mother and who is my brother," and stretched out his hand over the crowd and said: "Be hold my mother and my brethren." That is a standard that we as a na tion and as individuals are yet far from. Yet we must come to it as well as to other precepts taught by Christ before we can call our nation a Chris tian land and ourselves a Christian people. O. E. HARRIS. Crete, Neb. Farm for Sale Good 400-acre farm, 200 acres culti vated, 200 acres fine pasture with liv ing spring, runs the year round; good home, new barn, fine well; for sale cheap; located in Knox county, Neb. Address P. O. box 1442, Lincoln, Neb. Op i ening a Chestnut, Burr The county officers of Hamilton county who are populists or demo crats, together with their respective deputies, last week contributed $4.50 toward extricating the state commit tee from the aperture into which they have plunged by Chairman Edmisten's extravagance and poor management. The total subscription now reaches $535.70. Hamilton County Register. A Good Hint The populist state committee is still in debt near $1,800 for money expend ed legitimately in last fall's campaign. This is a shameful condition of af fairs and it ought to be . remedied in two weeks. Defeat is discouraging, of course, but defeat will be turned Into victory by honest and intelligent work. The debt was over $2,300, but a little more than $500 has been sub scribed of which Merrick county is credited with $1.50. Now, boys, take this hint. Merrick county has over 1,200 fusionists, who, if they thought their principle worth 2 cents a piece, would raise Merrick's proportion of this debt in a few minutes. Don't wait for some one to call on you, but send your precinct chairman 10 cents, 25 cents, a dollar or five dollars as you can spare it, and he will see that it reaches the treasurer. Then don't rest. Remember that every time you buy a dollar's worth of sugar you pay 35 cents that will, if necessary, go into the republican campaign fund. When you buy a barrel of salt, 75 cents; on a keg of nails at least a dollar, and so on down the list. Remember "God helps those who help themselves. Work must be done to regain your lib erty, and effective work takes money. There will be a preliminary skirmish this fall and a battle royal for con gressmen next fall. The treasurer of Merrick county's committee ought to have a fund of a thousand dollars and you can better afford to give it to him than to try to keep it in your own pockets. ' It is your liberty and your children's that is at stake. Can't you make a little sacrifice to save it? Uncle George Wells, in Central City Democrat. General Vifqnatn Says Such Thing Only Attracted a Five Una Notice Daring the Civil 'War 5 Editor Independent: I do not be lieve in President McKinley's Philip pine policy at all, -and as I once told G. M. Lambertson.in a public meeting. I would rather emulate Lafayette than George III. Furthermore, I-hope that one of the Issues of the next presiden tial campaign may , be, the indepen dence of the Philippines. But never theless I desire to say that , General Funston's coup-de-main in Luzon is a most admirable affair and he deserves credit for it. g The plan was most in genious, ' its execution perfect. Of course it was not " a great military achievement; it does not make Funs ton a great general by any means, but a very useful and lucky soldier. By the information that he received from the Philippine spy he knew just where to find Aguinaldo, how many soldiers were with 'the latter, and Funston .-went there with twice , the number. Severe fighting, was not ex pected; yet one was likely to get shot. Some people and some papers call Funston's achievement deception; non sense, it was American cunning. Some also call it treachery, but Is cannot see it in that light. All is fair in war so long as one backs his cunning and is willing to die in the performance of a necessary military deed exposing one's self to be shot, I cannot see where the treachery comes in. , We owe no allegiance to the Fili pinos, they owe none to us, and cun ning is always a useful weapon in war. The republicans .call them rebels, .but they call all men. rebels. who dis agree with them. As Nebraskans we have no reason to feel ashamed of the Kansas man. I remember a coup-de-main by four young officers who had been mustered out at Washington " in JMarch, 1862. They were intimate friends, and being soldiers out of a job, they resolved to go it on their own, hook, and deter mined to go to Richmond for the pur pose of kidnapping Jeff. Davis if possi ble. This was an immensely danger ous proposition, it seems to me, and Funston's achievement, : famous as it was, does not begin to compare with it. Surely there was nothing of the opera bouffe about it at all, as the Chi cago Record calls Funston's coup-de-main. It was tragedy from start to finish, so I was told by one of them and I can well believe it. It would make the bravest of brave men quiver at- the idea. Not so . with Funston's deed. Three of them (one was shot near Manassas) entered the rebel lines at Stafford court house near Aquia creek. They were taken prisoners by Col. Fitzhugh Lee's pickets, then in command of the 9th Va. cavalry, a famous rebel regiment that gave us great trouble in the Shenandoah val ley and elsewhere. . Perhaps Lee may remember the incident. Ihave for gotten many of the particulars, but re member that it was In early April, it is so long ago that I was told about it, nearly forty years ago. I also read one short account of it, some four or five lines in a New York paper: that is all. I was assured'Tay the one who told me about it, tbafcif Norfolk had not fallen on May 10v Mr. Davis would have been delivered to, General Wool at Fortress Monroe on the 13th, as safe and sound as Aggy was a few days ago. That was one time when Gen eral McClellan was too fast. If they had succeeded, it would have been a feat without parallel in the annals of history. The war would not have ended if they had and it -would not have fitted these young men for the position of general any more than Funston's feat has fitted him for a generalship. The papers all over the world are full of well-merited praise for Funston, but only a small record in New York for the deeds of those young men, who for the space of two or three months were continually in danger of death. True, there were so many great deeds of daring going on during the civil war, that one more or less like Funs ton's would have passed without no tice. While they are not so common now. I recall only two, Hobson's and Funston's, and the latter is as nothing to the former.- It is not the fault of our boys, the men behind the guns, if they don't come to the front, the op portunities are wanting, the circum stances are different and what the press now says is altogether a different VICTOR VIFQUAIN. Lincoln, Neb. BRYAN ON POPULISM A Leader in Reform and Has Profoundly Influenced the Policies of all the Part ea The week before last Bryan gave Grover Cleveland a dressing down and last week he handed out a hot roast for David B. Hill. He follows those two articles with an article ?ntitled, "Jus tice to Populists," in which he says: ' "The populist party, ridiculed by the republicans and denounced by the gold democrats, has really been a great educator. It is an historical fact that many political organizations have been influential in moulding public opinion, even though they have never secured control of the federal government. The populists have never had at any time more than a score of members of con gress, and yet they have given an im petus to several reforms which must ultimately be accomplished. "For years the democrats preached tariff reform in states like Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and the Dakotas, but they seemed to make little progress because republican prejudice was a barrier to democratic doctrines. The populists did not denounce a protea tive tariff in their platform, but in at tacking the republican party they weakened the protective sentiment among their members and today tariff reform is much stronger in the west than . it would have been without the assistance of populism. The Wilson bill, the only tariff reform measure en acted since the war, "could not have passed without the aid of populist votes in the senate. "The first national platform written by the populists demanded the elec tion of United States senators by a direct vote of the people. That was before the matter received serious at tention in congress, but since then the house of representatives . has three times adopted a resolution proposing the necessary amendment. In 1900 the democratic platform indorsed this re form and it is now receiving the sup port of many prominent papers which until recently . have been silent upon the subject or opposed to the change. "The populist party Is an advocate of the system known as the initiative and referendum, whereby the people can compel the submission of important questions and pass upon the acts of legislatures. This reform has been in dorsed by many democratic state con ventions and was last year approved by the national convention of the par ty. South Dakota, at the 1898 election, adopted an amendment providing for the initiative and referendum, in spite of the fact that the republicans carried the state by a considerable majority. Even more recently, a republican leg islature in Oregon has given Its in dorsement to direct legislation. "The republican governor of Wis consin is urging the adoption of a sys tem - abolishing political conventions and providing for party nominations by a direct vote of the people a sys tem entirely in keeping with the con tentions of the populist psrty. "Prior to the organization of the populist party, comparatively few men advocated the municipal ownership of puf lie utilities, and yet today business men in every part of the United States are openly defending this . policy. Whenever" the question his been sub mitted to the voters a large majority has generally been polled in favor of this reform, once denounced a3 pop ulistic but now regarded as prudent business policy for a community. "The populists favor a postal tele graph system operated in connectiou with the postoffice department; this reform has already been recommended by one republican postmaster genel, Mr. Wanamaker, and the matter is now being investigated by, an industrial commission. ' s "The populists, while holding to their belief in the government owner ship of railroads, have given their in fluence to all legislation which tend ed toward the regulation of railroads or the securing of reasonable rates. ' On the money question the populist party has done a great deal of educa tional work. It has steadfastly de fended the greenback against the at tacks of the national banking interests and has insisted that the right to issue money is a sovereign function of gov ernment which cannot" safely be dele gated to private individuals or cor porations. The democratic party has in two conventions supported this doc trine, although differing from the pop ulists on the subject of redeemability., The democrats advocate a legal ten der greenback, issued by the govern ment, redeemable in coin, the govern ment to exercise the option as to which coin, while the populists believe in an irredeemable greenback. This differ ence, however, has not prevented the democrats and populists from acting together to save the greenback from annihilation. "The populists believe in the quanti tative theory of money and favor bi metallism because it would give more money than monometallism. Wuile the democrats in the senate and house of representatives had for twenty years been voting for free coinage at sixteen to one. the populists were the first to name the ratio in a national platform. The unexpected and unpromised in crease in the supply of gold, while it has tended to lessen the immediate im portance of the money question, has vindicated the quantitative theory which is advocated by democrats and populists, but was until recently denied by republicans. "The populists, as might be expected, oppose imperialism and trusts. They also unite with the democrats in fav oring arbitration and condemning gov ernment by injunction and the black list. "No one who understands the his tory of the last ten years can doubt the influence which the populist party has exerted upon public affairs. It has been a great educational factor and the democratic party has strengthened rather than weakened itself by Indors ing a number of propositions which are called "populistic." To repudiate our pcpulist allies and surrender to the corporate influences which now domi nate the republican party would-be as impolitic as it would be unpatriotic. The democratic party has no reason for existence except to champion the cause of the people. It must stand ready to co-operate with those who are fighting organized greed, for to refuse such co-operation is to give aid and comfort to the common enemy." During last week Senator Jones, chairman of the democratic national committee, made a speech before the Arkansas legislature in which he roasted the "reorgantzers" and de clared for most of the principles of the populist party. Hon. J, G. Johnson of Kansas, chairman of the executive committee of the democratic national committee, published a statement in which he drew attention to the work o'f the progressive democrats of San Fran cisco and Chicago. In both cities the democrats have adopted the public ownership of monopolies and utilities and the referendum. He says that: "Democrats everywhere recognize these principles as being luminous with the purest democracy. They har monize with and emphasize such time honored democratic maxims as 'econ omical government," 'special privileges to none' and 'the preservation of power in the hands of the pebple," and no consistent democrat will advocate a purely local application of these salu tary policies. These principles are in the platform of the democracy to stay. They will not be 'reorganized' out. They are in the hearts of tne democ racy in the state and nation as well, and woe to the 'reorganizer who is willfully or ignorantly Dlind to that fact." All the foregoing occurrences taken together forebode a new alignment of partif s. There is no doubt that the Cleveland-Hill clan are making every endeavor to capture the organization of the democratic party. They have made wonderful progress. If they suc ceed, the above occurrences indicate that they will not take the Bryan forces along with them by any means. That means that the old democratic party will be split and go the way of the old whig party. Whatever happens, the people's party .'with its unassail able principles, stands ready, not only to meet every foe, but to welcome the assistance of all men who sincerely believe in Its principles. CANDY OWT1ART1C, r - w. a. w Genuine stamped C C C Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell : "something just as good." J. W. Mitchell Co. 1338 O STREET. Wall Paper & Painting Meets all com -Detition. Writ II for prices. Uood patterns here to choose from I i, . !. jFr&ml V-i- i . J 1 LU IAMS imported more black Percberons from Francs in : 19CX) than all importers of Nebraska. Only mis in United , States who imported all black stallions. IAMS HORSE SHOW j At hit barns daily are "hot propositions" to competitors Buyers remarks: " An up-to-date horse show;" "most se- ' lect and largest stallions I srer saw;" ''glossy beauties;" 'Vide as a wagon;" "leg nnder every corner;" "see that l 2,300-lb 3-year-old. largest and best drafter in the United States a ripper.' "lams tared me $500.00 on a stal- , . lion last year, and I bought that- 2,0(JO-lb 2-year-old today a top-notcher." "See that barn of 20 'Ton Stalllont, and 'they all look alike to me'." "lams pays freight and fare of his buyers and sells a $2,000.00 Stallion at 81,000.1)0. . Isms has oa hand ' 100 Black Pcrchcrons, Clydcs, Shires, Coachcrs Imported and home bred registered stallions and mares, 2 to 6 years old, weight 1,600 to 2,400 j pounds, 95 per cent blacks. lams has more thick, ton, black Percherons; more Royal bred, gov ernment "approved and stamped" stallions: more Paris and Omaha Exposition and State Fair i winners; more stallions to suit you and big bargains than all importers of Iowa or Nebraska. 5an?fL?peaks French, knows breeders of La Perche. This, with 20 yeart' experience, saves him JOO-OOon each stallion bought in France, and gettthe "tops" irrespective of cost. He will save you $500.00 on a stallion, because he has no high-priced salesmen or buyers, no 2 to 10 partners to share profits, and saves yon the middle man's and company's organizer's profits by buying di rect from lams' barns. Don't be a clam. Write or telephone lams and get an eye-opener. . FRAN K 1AM 5 StPaul, Howard Co., Nebraska, on B. A M. and Union Pacific By. HARDY TREES THAT BEAR AND GROW FRUIT W. Largre and Comnlete li consisting of varieties adapted to the north- , west. Location one of the leading fruit districts of Nebraska. . . . . . . . ' ' "ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Wepay all freights to points , in Nebraska and Western Iowa. . , We guarantee satisfaction, with our customers. Catalogue maed free upon application. Adrress all communications to MARSHALL BROS., Arlington, Nb. I E0tabllahdia7a MARKET PRICE fOR HIDES, FURS, WOOL AND TALLOW y Write For Prices and Tasrs. 918 Q St. Lincoln. Neb; 3. 61 - urr Incubators And BROODERS for Chickens, Ducks and Turkeys. The BURR hatches any thing that a b can hatch. Write for Tree Catalog. BUJRR INCUBATT3E OO., Omaha. Neb. . it "" aRnaOTMK-JB'MMBWaeaBeKXvnjMatwaee7t (Clarence L. Gerrard; IRRIGATION GROWN SEEDS. OT KILN-DRIED. SEND FOUR COJTS FOR SAMPLES. r Columbus , Nebr.- " li ww- taa von 'is IU1T III I 5X f ' VI I I I 1-1 I OU li I 1 I I I I 1 I-- ei va ti LSK J00R 1 5 r K1L1 IS to kiM 1 .T TEE. is mm tmmME this adver tisement out and send to u aa4 w will m4 this OI K HIGH GRADE DROP-HEAD CABINET NEW QUEEN BfcW . INtt MACHINE, r fraifkt, C.O.D., ubjMt tm iiuiIuUm. You can exajnine it kt 7ar Htrat freight dpi, and If found perfectly Mtlfa. trj, riaetlj as rrprvwBtpd, equalto the higrhcatgradesewlng' machine adTertised by other houses at 920.00 W80.O0, and as good a machine can bur from your dealer at home at U.O te 40.00. ta sraatMt bar- res ever saw er heard ef, Py jeer rallwaj street All OK aaa freight eharaes. IK SPECIAL. OFFER PRICE Ol'2flhetheeehl.etrM ithstrlallarearewaheaaaa wewllliraraartlLSeaaeaxyeeareaetsattaled. SI VII mad 1.25 II tw QUEEn machine j ftB IT A IINDIN0 SO-YEAR OUAftAN- f e by one oi the Dest sewing ma- t makers in America, has every new and rtaiateimnroTement. nisrn arm. positive four-motion feed, terr light ruahw, does any work that can be done on any sewing machine made. It eemes la a , beautiful solid aattqae eak.droB kes pa.oinev.ae '"" " JTT C . felly flnl.ked, nlraly Miles, el a be r a t e 1 T n I ? h ed t h reach oat. AT S1I.25 lit FURNISH THIS SEUIHU MACHinE Complete with all aeeeeserie, including quuw, bins, 1 package of needles, 1 cloth arulde and screw, 1 oil i and a complete Instruction book, which makes ererythlng 8 screwdrlTers, bob. lean sued with oil. t so plain tnat even child without prrvioas oxperleac ess eperate the saacaiae at eaee. FOR o CENTS EXTRA, we lrele, to adslttoa to the reralar aeeewerles mUeaea, the tellewiac epeelal attachments! 1 thread cutter. 1 braider, 1 binder. 1 set of piain hemmers, different widths up to Xths of an inch. SEWING MACHINE DEALERS lVtZnZZ I C SEWIN8 1 t.HJ I I MACHINE I I l5f II CATALOGUE J mA . Rev taw; THIS ILIX8T RATIOS glTes you an Idea of the appearance of the H16H GRADE, HlfiH ABM HKW OXKM 8EW INS MACHINE, which we furnish at tll.ti. In the handsome 6-drawer drop head oak cabinet liiustratea died with the same machine, under another name, and with our name entirely removed, bat the price will be theeeaie. eil.SS. even ia hundred lota. OBBKB TOD A T. DOVT DltLAT. Seek aa effer was aeter kaewa before. tUR "! UPRICHT CRAND PIANO IS A WONDER. Shipped on ont year's tree tr J. XlSf bL.AK5,rKUE.BUUk C& vU., MlbAUU, III. Write far free fieae Aadreee year ereers E E DS that GROW, r See that they come from The Nebraska Seed Company, 1513-1515 Omaha Neb catalogues Howard Street. V-mana, IVCP. FREE.... 0 V D U I I 0 OB BAD BLOOD CURED. 1st. 2nd, or 3rd stages of Syphilis eared ulrnlLlu for f20- 12 001 treatment never fails. Pimples, skin eruptions , ramsh as if by marie. Remember money returned if not satisfactory. $2 single box. By mail, plain wrappers. Uthn'i Pharmacy, 1805 Farnam St. .Omaha, Neb. cUiU Bl H. O. K.USTK.A, LINCOLN, NEBK. LINCOLN SAN ITARIUM Sulpho-Saline Bath House Sanitarium 14th and M Streets LINCOLN, NEB. A Thoroughly Equipped Scientific Establishment All forms of baths: Turkish, Russian, Roman and Electric, with special attention to the application of Natural Salt Water Baths, for the treatment of all acute and chronic non-con. tageous curable diseases. - Rheumatism. Skin, Blood and Nervous Disease, Liver and Kidney Trouble, and all forms of Stomach Trouble are treated successfully. Catarrahof the Stomach and Bowels. Heart Disease, acute and chronic, are all greatly benefitted and many permanently cured by taking the Natural Salt Water Baths (Schott Method as first given at Nauheim, Germany. A separate department, fitted with a thoroughly aseptic surgical ward and operating rooms, offer special inducements to surgical cases and all diseases peculiar to women. The Sanitarium is thoroughly equipped for treating all diseases by modern successful methods. It is managed by physicians well trained and of extended experience, specialists in their several departments. . Trained nurses, skillful and courteous attendants. Prices reasonable. Address Lincoln, Sanitarium LINCOLNNEBRASKA