The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 21, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Marcnsi, 1901.
means eommittee. yet no Individual
tare more than f 1. Saunders comes
next, with and only one con
tributor up to the It mark, Lancas
ter, with t, ha sly on XZ centri
st Jon. ih remainder King a Uoi!ar
CT Ifti. J27.Ci Li mi-if :p
of imt'l ectr1butior-s. Kearney's
JS-Ii lac I odes a f 2t contribution from
Jodf Adams and P from Cj -cty At
torwy Kiss; ro-ra for plenty of email
contributions there. Washington's
fliJ comes almot wholly frcci Ar
i'csroB. tbe Marahall brothe aud C.
A. Whitford ha rictc irUea more than
half of the amount : a chance there,
too. for email contributions. Hall's
J1IJ3 lnclsdes IU i1ea by Court Re
porter Bayard H- Paiae; there are cer
tainly more than tlx populists in that
county who are able to contribute
-ot&ethicx. And counties like O-dar.
Cherry. Colfax. Dixon. Franklin. Gar
field. Greeley. Ilerce and Thurston,
will surely swrt remain lone with a
credit of Jejr than II- Practically no
letters ankles for contributions hate
ba sect Info the 23 eounti-s marked;
a Lariec riten nothing: but during
the cornice ek letters will be sent
there; should any of these letters reach
twrsors UtIw; a drouth-stricken local
ity, they are resetted to not contri
bute o&less amply able so to do. Work
ers la every county of arerajre popula
tion and wraith and harics a credit
of Is than 110, are r-qu-td to make
a fecial effort this and next eek: in
fact, ozr workers in every county
eight to make ob grand effort and
clean up this whole matter in a tort
time. Thre is no tjm-1 of any man
sriTisg a large sum but hundred of
th-eta can ily ;ar a dollar, or a
half dollar, or a quarter. Art prompt
ly. If J oil haietit received a letter,
send in yoar coatrif.ut ion neverthe
Address Charl Q. Ie France.
JV; Sonth 2th t.. ULac-olQ, Neb.
Alfalfa Seed
Grown in lt in the heart cf the al
falfa cotj.rry. clan and free from Rus
flaa thlnle and other foul teed. Sat
li'sctioii gT-'arante sud prices r j&-n-at4e.
Sxspl-s sect. Low prices on
carload lot, GEO. B. YOUNG.
Long lilasd. Kas.
The railroad errploye who compete
a majority cf the Nebraska legislature
tare had a rather exciting time of it
during the week- They got up another
set of rules for a caucus and called a
new one. This caucc? had the same
disability attached to it that all the
others had. There were not enough
members in attendance to elect a sena
tor even if they all voted for the same
taaa. The peculiarity about it was
that it was a Joist caucus of the Rose
watr and Thompson forces. They
made an all-night affair of it and
didn't ro home 'til morning. With
seventeen railroad men absent from
the caucus and refusing to abide by its
decision, Thompson got otes and
was declared the nomine of the cau
cus. Then they tried their hands at
sominaticg another and the harmony
ta&Uhed. Just as the first peep of
dawn became Tiikle in the east, these
railroaders who had made an ali-aigst
res of it, with haggard faces and
dragging steps, sought their couches
for a few moments' rest before they
started is for the day run at the capi
tal. At the seventy-fifth station of the
tight ma. the brakeman called out:
-Itose water Z9, MeiklejoLn 14. Currie
The day rsa was ftarted on time at
the capltol Wednesday at noon. At
the first station the aatoutcmr.t was
made: Tfccmpaoa V. M-iklejohn "J.
i:loewa?er 7. Crout.t 1.. Martin 'J.
!t.nhaw 4. Kinkaid 1, Alien W. H.
Thorn poa 42, Hitchcock 14, lu rg e 2.
The train was then run on a side-track
and after unloading a very small
amount of legislation the engine went
to the round boue until the evening.
hen the V. P.. B. c !. ai.d North
IWrLl I!fcC ALL UlfCAfcr. ALLHEI).
Is the voice husky?
Do yoa ache ail over?
Is the bos stopped up?
Do you snore at night?
Does the soe bleed easily?
Is this wors toward night?
Does the noe Itch and burn?
Is tsere pain la front of head?
is there pal a across the eyes?
I your s-ne of smell leaving?
Is the throat dry Is the morning?
Are you losing your tense of taste?
Do you sleep with the mouth op?n?
Doet the cose stop up toward night?
Have yott a cough?
Ar yott losing flesh?
I you couLh at night?
lle you pain in ide?
Do you take cold eal!y?
Is your appetite variibk?
Do joa rough oa going to bed?
Io you cough in the morning?
Is yur coKh short and hacking?
Have joa a dUgust for fatty foods?
I there a tickling belli nd tbe palate?
Hare ;tm pale behind br?atboae?
Do you feel rm are growing weaker?
Is there burning pain :a tae throat?
No matter what your trouble I, you
will be aec-pt-d ur.Cer the five-doHar
rate, all medicine Included. TLia
appliea aa well to
You can be cured by irs. Shepard
and J lead rick rljcht at your own home.
ij4er their perfect stem of mail
tieatr-Et. Writ for their SYMPTOM
iJT. cwrerin all dleas cured by
l&em. Al.o their &9-page book describ
trsj; isefr fanitarlum. Addres
Drs. Shepard & Headrick,
aoS H. Y. Life BU., Omiba, Neb.
$5 A
western tired and sleepy train crews
Jointly get out the engine and under
took to make another night run with
no one on board but the tried and true
employes of long standing and un
doubted loyalty. It was not long un
til they ran into a broken bridge. The
last station they passed the brakeman
called out: "Itosewater 30, Melkle
john 13. Currie 7. When an inquiry
was made as to where the rest of them
were it was said that they refused to
get aboard when the train started.
The engine was left in the ditch and
the coaches on their sides out oa the
backs of the creek where the wreck
occurred. It was announced that a
wrecking crew would go out early in
the morning and get the train on the
track again. Some of them said that
the disaster was caused by disobed
lerce of orders issued by the general
superintendent in person and that
there was no excuse for the mishap
for the order read aa follows:
"Let all the employes of the rail
roads get aboard the caucus train,
choose two by a majority vote and set
tle the business at once.
M. A. HANNA, Gen. Supt."
There is no doubt that all the trou
ble was caused by the refusal of sev
enteen of the employes to get on
board. The crew was short of hands
and couldn't do the work.
Nine of the rebelious openly declare
that they wtl! never get aboard the
train aa ions as Thompson Is allowed
a K-at They ay that just as sure as
Thompson is made a conductor that
they, each and every one, will have to
hunt a new employer and they might
as well go on a strike as to be locked
It is now openly announced th.t the
United States senate will take a hand
next fall if the thing is not settled
here. It is pointed out that under ex
actly similar circumstances one Quay
came within one vote of getting a job
and that tbe said Quay is now in a po
sition to cast that vote himself. The
state pay of tbe whole crew stops at
the close of the week and a great
many of them declare that at that
time they will all go home.
lew Are Tear Kidney, t
IV riotba 8rnMrwi Pin.Care all k!1ney tils. Parts
pj free. Add. biriQ Kerned; Co.. Chicago or N. Y.
Faro for Sale
Good 400-acre farm. 200 acres culti
vated. 200 acres fine pasture with liv
ing spring, runs the year round; good
home, new barn, fine well; for sale
cheap; located In Knox county, Neb.
Address I. O. box 1442, Lincoln. Neb.
Chass Editor Replies
Mr. Christian Brothe of Minden
takes exceptiona to the Chess Editor's
solution of Mr. Mcllduff's ditch dig
ging problem, and then turns around
and finds that A must dig 8S 8-9 rods
of stony diteh at 12.23 per rod. receiv
ing 200 therefore; and that B must
dig 100 rods of "dirt" ditch at 51.75
per rod ($173) and 11 1-9 rods of stony
ditch at J2J23 per rod ($25), receiving
in all $200 for digging 111 1-9 rods of
ditch. Now. that is exactly what the
Chess Editor stated; bat. in arriving
at the result, he said, "B gets $200 for
digging this 111 1-9 rods, or an AV
ERAGE of $1.80 per rod." This is
surely correct. Divide $200 by 111 1-9
and see. That being true, B must dig
enough ditch at the higher price to
gaia Sc a rod over the $1.75 iate on
111 1-9 rods; hence, he must gain
5-9 to make up his $200. At the
$1.75 rate. 111 1-9 rods would bring
him $194.44 4-9. thus proving that he
must dig enough stony ditch to gain
the additional $5.55 5-9. Now, on ev
ery rod of stony ditch he gains 50
rent over the "dirt" price; hence, he
rai'frt dig 11 1-9 rods of stony ditch to
gain $5,55 5-0 over the "dirt" price.
This brings the result Mr. Brothe
claims is correct: A digs SS 8-9 rods
of stony ditch for $200 and B digs
11 1-9 rods of stony and 100 rods of
"ditt" ditch (1111-9 rods in all) for
Well Heeled
"Your medicine has helped me won
derfully." she wrote to the patent
medicine house. "Three weeks ago I
could not spank the baby, and now I
am able to thrash my hus'aand. God
bless you! "April Smart Sit.
Was It a Plot
We firmly believe the burning of the
state penitentiary was a premeditated
plot of designing men who expect to
profit by big contracts for its rebuild
ing. Just wait and watch and see if
we are not right. Lyons Mirror.
Public Ownership
From Business Politics.
Meeting the plausible argument that
the selfish Interests of private owner
ship secure the most economical man
agement of any business, Tom L.
Johnson, the well known and very sub
stantial capitalist and business man
of Ohio, offers to take a street car
franchise in any city in that state
where a street railway system is well
established, and operate it for 3-cent
fares, and as a premium for the priv
ilege to pay off the bonded indebted
ness of the cities besides. The usual
fare under private operation is 5 cents.
The late attorney general, Monnet. is
to be associated with Mr. Johnson in
this enterprise.
The executive council of the Na
tional Civic Federation, in order to
make a test of public opinion, has sent
the following letter to editors of news
papers and public men generally:
"IXar Sir: Would you favor an
amendment to the constitution of the
United States making the president in
eligible for a second term? If so. what
would be the length of time? Would
you faor an amendment to the con
stitution of the United States provid
ing for the election of United States
senators by the people? Please favor
the National Civic Federation with
your views on either or both of these
questions. Yours very truly.
-R. M. EASLEY, "Chairman.
Secretary. ; - - -
If the replies to these questions are
sufficiently encouraging the federation
will make a systematic campaign to
bring about the adoption of the pro-
jpoied amendments to the sUtutlou.
:) Y :' f
Do You Own a Home?
Would You Like to Own
Will You Investigate a Practical Plan
For Securing One?
Our books are now open for member
ship, and when a sufficient number
have been secured the books will be
closed and no more members accepted.
Provision is made to settle about
fifty thousand acres of good land.
When we have sold a sufficient num
ber of shares to take up this amount of
land we will sell no more. We shall
then determine on our location, in
which we will be aided by a commit
tee selected from the members them
selves. When the location has been
made we shall then select the most de
sirable point nearest the center of the
tract and found and locate our city.
For this purpose 640 acres will be set
aside, surveyed and platted into busi
ness and residence lots. The business
lots in the center and residence lots
surrounding them. We shall then be
gin at the city limits and for a short
distance out lay " off five-acre tracts,
beyond these ten-acre tracts, then 20,
then 40, then 80 and farther out 160
acre tracts.
Each member should designate in
his application the kind of lots or the
size of the land tract he wishes to
take. A great many people desire bus
iness and residence lots, while others
will want city lots and small tracts ad
joining the city which, as the city
grows (and this one will) can be laid
out into additions to the city and be
made to yield the owner handsome re
turns. Others will want the smaller
tracts for fruif raising and truck farm
ing. Others will take the 40, 80 and
160-acre tracts and later add more,
which they will be able to do, from the
company lands on long time and easy
The settlement will be located in a
good farming country, with a good
healthy climate and good water. Then
with the good class of membsrs we
will have it will make the neighbor
hood all that can be desired, and we
will have all these. It is the intention
to locate in a good section somewnere
in the Territory of Oklahoma; yet we
shall not bind ourselves to one local
ity and thereby be compelled to take
lands less desirable perhaps than in
some other locality. Besides we want
to be free to make our location where
it will be to the very best interests of
our members. The success of this
undertaking depends almost entirely
on the location selected, consequently
the greatest care will be exercised by
the Home Makers Company with ref
erence to the location.
All allottments will be made by the
Home Makers Company on alternate
tracts. No poor or inferior lands will
be allotted to members. If there
should be poor tracts they will be re
tained by the company and disposed of
for grazing purposes. Should a mem
ber be dissatisfied with his allottment
the company will try to exchange with
him for a better tract. We will aim
to please and satisfy all our mem
Shares of membership are placed at
$25 each, and will entitle members to
allottments as follows:
ONE SHARE gives you a city resi
dence lot.
TWO SHARES gives you a city busi
ness lot or a five-acre tract adjoining
the city.
THREE SHARES gives you a ten
acre tract, or a five-acre tract and res
idence lot. If a ten-acre tract is se
lected, the Home Makers Company
P'rBHHwsM3Karn g.jT-,,js'pi uj ! i-.
1 1111 : :
m m Sf II R H H r T a
inch Plates, la Tea Cupe, is Saucers, 6 Fruit Plates, 6 Butter
Plates, i Bowl, a Cake Plates, i Covered Dish, i Platter.
EVERY PERSON answering this advertisement can Pet a handsomely Dec- B . . . f?e.d t( you, together with the Home
orated Set absolutely fre we mean it. A straightforward, honest offer, by
a reliable House to advertise its business, for everybody to accept. Send at once
youi name, post-office address, and nearest Express or Freight De-pot and vou will re
ceive it. JGRemember every one can have their choice of a QQ piece Breakfast,
Dinner, or Tea Set Free. All sets carefuljy boxed and packed at ourexpense. a
No one is barred out we positively will hot go back on it, no matter what it costs us
FASHION COMPANY, Stat ion l, Dox 35, New York City.
will, besides deeding you the land. Is
sue to you- its Guaranteed - Bond for
$25, payable on or before five years,
drawing interest at the rate of 5 per
cent per annum.- This bond- will be;
accepted at par by the Home Makers
Company at' any time in payment on
any lands or lots bought from.: the.
company. v ' J . ,, .. " 7
FIVE SHARES gives you a twenty
acre tract. Besides the Home Makers
Company will issue to you its guaran
teed bond for $50, payable on or be
fore five years,-drawing interest at the
rate of 5 per cent per annum. : This
bond will be accepted as cash at par
by the Home Makers Company at any
time in-payment on; any land or lots
bought from the company.
EIGHT SHARES gives you a forty
acre tract. Besides the Home Makers
Company will issue to you its guar
anteed bond for $75, payable on or be
fore five years; drawing interest at the
rate of 5 per cent per annum. To the
above bond will be added $10 for each
mile over two miles distant the tract
may be from the city limits. This
bond will be accepted as cash at par
by the Home Makers Company at any
time in payment on' any lands or lots
bought from the company.
TWELVE SHARES gives you an
eighty-acre tract. Besides the Home
Makers Company will issue to you its
guaranteed bond for $100, payable on
or before five years, drawing 5 per cent
interest per annum. To the above
bond will be added $10 for each mile
the tract may be distant from the city
limits. This bond will be accepted as
cash at par by the Home Makers Com
pany at any time in payment on any
lands or lots bought from the com
pany. TWENTY SHARES gives you one
hundred and sixty acres. Besides the
Home Makers Company issues to you
its guaranteed bond, payable
on or before five years, drawing 5 per
cent interest, for a sum equal to $10
for every mile the tract is distant from
the city limits. No other rebate is giv
en on 160-acre tracts. This bond will
be accepted as cash at par by the
Home Makers Company in payment
on any lands or lots bought from the
Home Makers Company.
Members are not required to make
complete payment down, for such num
ber of shares of location stock as' they
may desire. Yet, , .s .a guarantee of
good faith, the Home Makers Company
finds it necessary to require a partial
payment down at the time application
is made.
The schedule of payments which
should accompany applications for
stock is as follows!
For twenty shares.. $100 00
For twelve shares. 75 00
For eight shares.... 50 00
For five shares J 50 00
For three shares or less 25 00
Each applicant, at time of making
his application, should state the num
ber of shares he desires and the kind
of allottment. His name will then be
entered upon our books for such num
ber of shares and alfottment and credit
given for the advance payment. The
unpaid balance is payable within thir
ty days after notice is given by the
Home Makers Company that the se
lection of a location for the settlement
has been made. If, however, during
the time which intervenes between
making the first payment and the call
for final payment, some misfortune
should overtake the subscriber, he will
UAT &ir: n
i a Gutter Plates.' 6 Cups, 6 Saucers. 6 Fruit Saucers, Large
Plattsr, a 5mall Platters, I Cake Plate, i Soup Tureen. -
not lose the amount already paid in,
but may take such number of shares
and such allottment as the money he
has paid in will cover. For example,
you have sent in $100 and desire a
quarter section of land. If you can
not complete the payment of $400
more, or can raise $200, you can take
twelve shares and get an eighty-acre
allottment, Or, you can put in $100
and get eight shares and a forty-acre
allottment. Or, $25 and get five shares
and a twenty-acre allottment. Or, the
$100 already paid will entitle you to
four shares, which will give you a ten
acre tract and a residence lot. In
any event you will not lose your ad
vance payment. - -
A. d dress
Lincoln, Neb.
It will be impracticable for us to an
swer by letter the thousands of com
munications received from prospective
members. Therefore," we shall endeav
or to make everything so plain, and'
simple that it will be unnecessary for;
them to write makin g further - in-'r
quiries. We shall aim to answer all
questions in a general way through
the columns of the Nebraska Indepen-'
dent;. and if every. member will care
fully read The Independent each week,
he can thereby- keep himself thorough-:
ly informed on all phases of the ques
tion. Watch for The Independent ev
ery week. Read every word about
the progress we are making. Your
question will be answered in some of
the articles about the Home Makers
Subscribers for location stock should
use the blank printed in another col
umn. Send money by postpffice order
or bank draft, made payable to the
Independent Home Makers Company.
It is not good business to send cur
rency in an ordinary letter. Fill in
all the blanks. We want to know
your occupation, whether you are mar
ried or single, and how many in your
family. Write your name in a plain
hand or, better still, print it. Names
are much harder to read than common
words; and no person likes to have his
name spelled incorrectly.
We want a good, wide-awake, ener
getic man in every county to represent
the Home Makers Company. While no
fancy salaries can be paid, yet we are
willing to pay for personal work as
much as it would cost us to obtain
members through newspaper advertis
ing. Address, Independent Home Mak
ers Company, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Subscribe for the Nebraska Indepen
dent and keep in touch with this great
home-making enterprise.
After having read the proposition of
the Independent Home Makers Com
pany hand or send The Independent to
some of your friends who are In need
of a home and call their attention to
the great opportunity here offered to
obtain one at moderate cost.
Last week's Independent had bare
ly been mailed when letters began
pouring in to the Independent Home
Makers Company, which goes to show
that our plan is feasible and that the
people are going to take hold and avail
themselves of our unparalleled offer.
"Why have you adopted the name
Independent Home Makers Company?
Why not call it the Independent Col
ony Company?" J. H. S., Holden, Mo.
Webster defines the word "colony"
thus: "A company or body of people
transplanted from their mother coun
try to a remote province or country, to
cultivate and inhabit it, and remain
ing subject to the jurisdiction of the
parent state; as, the Spanish colonies
in South America." The word is de
rived from the Latin word "colo,"
meaning to cultivate. The members
of the Home Makers Company will be
colonists in a limited sense; that is to
say, they will cultivate the soil in the
settlement selected; but they will be
subject to the laws of the United Stat
es, and of the state or territory where
the settlement is located, and, for this
reason, cannot properly be called col-
Plates. 6 Meat Plates. 6 Dessert Plates,
CONDITION. Only pin this
dress and m-ith it you must send
penses and you will receive
together with our offer of a
we shall positively send the same day this coupon is returned. If you comply
prompyd.ceert wewlllcOT
fast, Dismar. mr Tea saiaosoiuieiy tree, wnueuiuiu paciteu at our expense
and further Eruarantee asrainst
mens Is made because we want a big circulation quicc,
independent Home
Zo tbe Independent fiome Makers (&
Lincoln, ttebraska.
I hereby apply for. .....shares of Location Stock in the Independent Home
Maker's Company at $25 per share, an advance paymentof $ .being herewith
remitted. It is understood that this stock is to be placed as hereinafter di
rected, on such farming lands or city lots as are to be felected by said Homo
flaker's Company, assisted by a committee of holders of Location stock; that the
same are to be divided and allotted .to members as provided in the prospectus pub
lished in the Nebraska Independent; and .that I agree to pay in the remaiaing
amount upon 30 days' notice that the required number of members has been se
cured and the location selected. . Should I fail to pay in the remainder due, the
said company is authorized to make such allotment as the amount paid
will entitle me to.
My choice is.
. acres;
(Number of)
(Married or single)
(Number in family)
onists. We like the term "home mak
ers" much better. Home is a good, old
Anglo-Saxon word, and every English
speaking person knows exactly what it
means; everybody understands what
the word "make" means. Our com
pany is a company of persons with the
avowed object of each making a home
for himself. Every member is a home
maker. "Will the member lose his advance
payment on location stock in the event
that you fail to secure a sufficient
number of subscribers?" W. E. F.,
Tama, la. Certainly not. In view of
the great interest manifested in our
plan, by persons living in a number
of different states, and within such a
short time after the first publication of
our prospectus, we do not look for
such a contingency. But should it oc
cur, every member will have his money
returned to him, less such small
amount, pro rata, as may have been
expended for necessary postage and
advertising a very small sum for each
meniLer. But there will be no such
failure. There are too many homeless
people in the United States looking for
an opportunity to make for themselves
a good home at reasonable cost. Our
only fear is that we shall be obliged
to turn away many deserving persons,
because, after our books are closed,
no more can be taken.
"Several families in my neighbor
hood would like to take advantage of
your offer. Will It be possible for you
to locate us near to each other?" W.
J. S., Sioux Falls, S. Yes; where
two or more families, or even large
clubs, desire to have their allottments
made in the same neighborhood, we
shall endeavor to satisfy them. As we
have said elsewhere, it is our aim to
please all our members and locate
them where they will be near their
friends where they can be of mutual
assistance to each other.
"Will members be asked for any ad
ditional payments, for any purpose,
other than the amounts you advertise?
In other words, if I ask for twenty
shares and an allottment of 160 acres,
is $500 the total sum I will be asked to
pay?" F. C. M., Arapahoe, Okla. Our
plan was carefully figured out before
we adopted it, and contemplates no
other payments by members than
those advertised. For 160 acres, $500
is the total amount you will be asked
lllc? TEA SET S??1??"'
OQ IT llCf? Il d cream pitcher, ta Cup snares of location stock. Your ad
ww " l3 saucers, 6 Large Plates, 6 Small vance payment is $75; balance of $225
r's'nSi.K.&r P,atter' Lpj4ln s above mentioned. You
NUMBERED COUPON to your name and ad -
IOo. silver or stamps to help pay advertising ex-
a rour montns-suo!cripi.iuu io oeauijrui magazine
56 Pieo China Sat (exactly as illustrated) which
break a
ee or damage- oxiraorainary induce-
if you wish asetor dishes fUEKdont delay,
Makers Company
(Town or P. O.)
... City Lot
(Residence or Buiiuesi)
to pay. There will be no assessment
of members, and members will not be
asked to buy any sort of investment
stock. When our membership is full
we can in a pinch by mortgaging the
alternate tracts, raise enough money
to buy the land (should it cost us more
per acre than we anticipated) and give
a clear title to each member. We take
all the risks; if land prices advance
rapidly, me increase on the alternate
tracts will let us out whole; otherwise,
we may lose heavily. But as each
member gets his home clear of incum
brance, he has no such risk. He Is
sate in any event.
"This 'colony' business has been
tried a number of times and it always
fails. That will be your fate." J. S.
B., Fort Scott, Kas. We are aware that
companies of people have from "time to
time attempted to settle In a body In a
community apart from others and
adopted certain rules regarding the
ownership of property, hours of labor,
etc., etc., in an endeavor to break
away from what is termed "the evils
of competition and individualism;"
and that sooner or later these search
ers for Utopia have been compelled to
admit that human nature must under
go a very radical change before the
common ownership of all the means of
production can become an undoubted
success. We have no quarrel with
those who believe in such plans, but
we prefer to take the world as we find
it and work along lines that do not
require any radical change in the hab
its and customs of the present age. In
dividual home ownership is possible
under our plan for many who now are
homeless. We prefer to succeed in
placing two or three thousand families
in comfortable homes, rather than
make an abortive attempt to establish
an ideal "colony" along the lines of
common ownership of property. Our
plan is to have every member own his
own home; there is no common own
ership of property, no religious or po
litical tests of membership; every
member's house will be his castle. Our
plan should not be confused with the
"colonies" our correspondent men
tions. A settlement made in a south
ern state some years ago, on practical
ly the same plan as ours, has proven a
grand success; and the promoters of
that settlement are now organizing an
other and have turned away thou
sands of applicants who came in too
"My present means permit me to
take advantage of your offer to the ex
tent of 40 acres . I am a renter: own
i;S5fimy own teams and farm implements,
and have two boys who are consider
able help to me. Could I rent farm
lands adjoining me until I could be
able to buy more land?" J. C. N.,
Swanton, Neb. Yes, sir; the Home
Makers Company will have lands for
rent adjoining yours, and will lease
them for a year at a time or for a per
iod of years to members for "crop
rent;" our share to be what is usual
In the locality at any rate not to ex
ceed one-third, where lessee fur
nishes his own seed. No cash rent will
ever be demanded. Rent in kind is
the fairest and best in the long run for
all concerned.
"I don't quite understand your plan
as outlined in The Independent this
week. Wish you would make a little
clearer." T. R. B., Oakdale, Neb. We
are glad to publish an illustration, for
It may help many others. For instance
you , subscribe for three shares of lo
cation stock and ask for a ten-acre
allottment. You send in $25 with your
application. . When our location has
been selected, you will be notified to
send in the remaining $50. The Home
Makers Company will then issue to
you three shares of location s,tock, en
titling you to a warranty deed to the
ten acres allotted to you. Your loca
tion stock is to be surrendered in ex
change for the deed. In addition to
the deed, the Home Makers Company
will issue to you its guaranteed bond
for $25, payable on or before five years,
and bearing interest at 5 per cent per
annum. This makes the ten-acre tract
cost you just $50 net, for the bond will
be accepted by the Home Makers Com
pany at par, in lieu of cash. In pay
ment for any lands or lots fnr Rni hv
P xi- - "J
.a me company.
.0r- suppose' you subscribe for twelve
. j.w c6m,jr acres, upon surrender
Makers Company guaranteed bond for
$100 and milM ShrtM Vv.J rJLt
rt,4. , ucairob
Pint Ol your allottment be five miles
from the City limits measured hv rpc
tion lines. tRO mlS fn ?JJ .C
Vv , . o avmcu iu
u.nig me net COSt OI VOUr
eighty acres just $150. Is this pUin