The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 21, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    March 21, 180L
: . ' mm
They arc not scabby.
They produce earlier.
The yield is from 1-3
The crop beirvg smooth and regular in size brings a
higher price on
O jr Fd Kier toek of thi potato
u growe Ut fall near Fargo. X. Dak.
Ti-fj are ft. t ular ia hap and free
from acah. tlX per bashel; 10 tu. for
Kx'ra earlr r -tato of Ohio trr.
itfimi y;ei4er fr ariy pftatt. W'i
nctm g roust. tLiS per bu; 1U bu. for
Griswold Seed Co.
145 South 10th St., Lincoln, Nebraska
R-r.t artirS-s :n tt New York ra-ltAl-'-Xf ?! i UrtOM hout.- of
f.' at t Vt r-ort r. n e tt-rrr ex---'i:ruly
tyrar nsral ati icSuraan in
th:r treatment of helytle. tias.'enjser?.
Is r-:rM to fc-itnati'" treatrr.f :... f'-c-f-xry
i ! follow s.
"Thi pmileee wa orJ2in.iS' sranl
ti only to principal Binn! ri of the
diJoraatie tarp as4 other h.ii oS
tial of atiorj, :.i to fa-lali-i"
at. i othr persons r.t;.id. un
der K)Bf swruhat cos Jit:ou to hu
3js no ; ration."
With a it fit-1 1 the White boaw.
uBlr hot or.r 0,0"'i Filipino's
Uaie r--n put :o d.?th, many of tr.r-rri
tayor.-ttct wh; lying wound.! on
ih- r.'d .f tattl. with thousand luure
roUiEs in loathsome prisons and still
thousafiti nor- sil4 froni their fa
rsihes and cat-- land, while the ty
rant ttz htzi-t and jro-s to
(Lurch, i it a:y wonder that his sec
retary dtbrn that only the aristo
crat:? f-w are nut!d to "botaice
treat meat" by rustosn hou oSSc.ra?
Tt Iowa 1'gifiature if getting after
tie 1!1 ulpicne in a way that makes
the Eiaajceris of that outrageous mon
cc'y have the hivers every time they of the possibility of mob. a law
tizz eucte i. The art provides that
! ; irr. charges by any one cona
:a !:. state hl" i, uii.form iu
every ti.t ai city with it Ixjun
4rss. Th fv-u acosoitoly Las b-n
-tie . r rotors to ; ruih o-t epposi
t.or ty the ic irje4.?Ei companies by
v rttefe :n scy uy where an in-
: i'-t.; tfrtpasy jut in a plant
w:.u ;t i crushed ut. The Beli com
; t. ran do th;s by cLarir. tho ci
t ttr- th-re is r.o con.jtition ex
traartSy L:fc rate., ard from these
-ifen prvl.ts pay the looses where
;t rut a jtem telu cot. The prin
ciple of t.h; law im fcoujid and what is
nucre. if enact ei will prove eSrctive.
it houli be applied to truhts every
her. It it doubtful whether the
law can e ot through the legislature
or if the fovertor would titn it if it
did. Th Lo outf.t over there is
republican by overwhe'cjin majori
ty it-1 tL Iade-s ay that nothing
can be done to tufpres truna.
mun column
Ferutor.i! Contest Penitentiary
Deadlock Th Wire Found Lock
jaw No More Rep-attic Rich Peo
ple Ore ex-Preldest Difference in
Republic Annexation A Bear L-og.
0r present tectorial election con
tt has aursed all the qualities of a
irtz- jrtt It is anything to lick the
ilr fellow at.d win the gate money.
Neither the party or the people are
takes it to accoant.
The penitentiary must be rebuilt,
but th stone to be u&ej mut not be
bought of the quarrymen who dig the
!on but jrfme ttausch republican
ahould be authorised to buy of kb
Kldd man. pay two prices, then one
it the prie- can b ueed for indi
vidual ai.4 party purpose. That is
lh- war ;t wj ione before.
I w'.'.- f k sol b- ins Soc'' i in ath
are tyuoy n.'ii term to auy political
It is reported that the w tr has I .- u
ffiun-! that arrid the electric t-park
tha! :?r.:i.-i t! m:t.e that blew up the
No the Spanish say that it
w t:. r. :. : that did it m order to
rfwi ti. Ar. r:-ai.s i th-y would
VYi at s-ra tn difference between the
d' ad lock and the lockjaw? said a col
ored man. On th dead om-s before
th- kwk and the other jaw coajes after
the im k.
It i clear that the pr-er.t adminis
tration toe not intend to give Cuba
an independent government. One con
ffMcaa opn!y stated thai a bad
ptcraiee ! better broken than kept. We
crust conclude that McKisley and his
Uaderw are cot friendly to republican
government. The two republics of
Africa are about to be blotted out and
not a MeKiniey man protest. What
a tplendid opportunity to tpread the
principle of oar government over Cu
ba and the Philippine.
Tit wfcr rich, psjI4. prefer
more to twice as much. ,
the market
i The Acme is a little earlier than
j the Ohio, same shape only longer and
I yields better. It ia the best Extra Early
(potato grown. Wisconsin grown, $1.25
per bu; 10 bu. for $11-50
A very large handsome white po
j tato. Season medium. A splendid good
yielder. Per bu., $1; 10 bu. for $9.50
an empire or a kingdom to a republic
is they can get all the wealth, monop
; olie and business facilities into their
hands and the people can have nothing
' further to do with them.
IJut one ex-president left. General
HarrUon has gone; Cleveland, alone,
lives. They both pleased the million-air-,
though Cleveland pleased them
much the lest or he would not have
been elected the last time over Harri
son. One of the highest honors has
been conferred upon Harrison the last
year of kicking out of the party be
cause he stood up for the declaration
and the constitution. He was a na
tional statesman and could not be
bought by the millionaires or trusts.
There is quite a difference between
the French republic and the American
republic. In France the common peo
ple rule while the royal family, em
peror and princes stand to one side.
The dukes and the dudes, the counts
and the blanks are of no account. In
this country the emperor is on the
throne and Prince Hanna stands on
the right and Duke Roosevelt on the
left. In France republicanism reigns,
in America imperialism. It is a grow
ing sentiment among the upper crust
of our nation that the people ought
not to have the power to change laws.
Royal rulers, not elected by the people,
but by birth .are more pleasing to the
Why should England oppose Rus
sia's annexing Manchuria? The people
are heathen Chinee, much more ignor
ant than the Filipinos or Boers and the
territory is not five thousand miles
away. Of course Russia will give them
all the free government they are capa
ble of enjoying. It would seem that
Russia has just as good a right to dic
tate what England should do with the
Boers and a little better right, for Af
rica is far away, while Manchuria is
clos-e at hand. Imperialism or presi
dectism. which.
The neutrality of the Isthmian canal
is not so bad when looked at with un
selfish eyes. It means that ships of all
nations shall be permitted to pass
through by paying the regular toll in
war or in peace. It Is so with the
Suez canal. No; it is our railroad in
terests that are fighting the canal be
hind the Clayton-Bulwer treaty.
One fall on our return from a Penn
sylvania hunt we stopped, middle af
ternoon, for the night at Tar Port on
the Tanawanda Indian reservation. We
had bought fur of the Indians before
and thought perhaps we might get an
other small haul. There were several
Indians around the tavern, for they
liked the resort as well as the white
men. We had just commenced talking
fur with them when a young Indian
came up on the run and said he and
his brother had found a bear log on the
Chipmunk, they tracked three or four
bears In and had stopped up the log
so they could not get out and wanted
the men to come up and help kill them.
Dorian Who Treat and Cure Patients
Withoat I'y.-Tlil U Wht the British
lo-trs srs Doing wt their Oftlce In the
hei4t Block. Corner 11th and X Sts.
A staff of eminent physicians and
surgeons from the British Medical In
stitute have, at the urgent solicitation
of a large number of patients under
J their care in this country, established
j a permanent branch of the Institute in
tin city in the Sheldon block, at the
I corner of 11th and N streets.
i nese eminent gentlemen nave de
cided to give their services entirely
free for three months (medicines ex
cepted l to all Invalids who call upon
tbtm for treatment, before April 13.
Tl.e services consist not only of con
sultation, examination and advice, but
also of all minor surgical operations.
The object in pursuing this course
ia to lecome rapidly and personally
acquainted with the sick and afflicted,
and under no condition will any charge
whatever be made for any services ren
dered for three months, to all who call
before April 13.
The doctors treat all forms of dis
ease and deformities, and guarantee a
cure in every case they undertake. At
the first Interview a thorough examin
ation is made, and, if incurable, yon
are frankly and kindly told so; also
advised against spendirg your money
for useless treatment.
Male and female weakness, catarrh
and catarrhal deafness; also rupture,
goitre, cancer, all skin diseases, and
all diseases cf the rectum, are positive
ly cured by their new treatment.
The Chief Consulting Surgeon of
the Institute is In personal charge.
Office hours From 9 a. m. till 8 p.
m. No Sunday hours.
SPECIAL. NOTICE If you cannot
call, send stamp for question blank
llot Jfeoxoe treatment.
Tho landlord told us we could drive up
to the mouth of the creek and then we
would have only a mile . or two to
walk. Before we got our horses tackled
the Indians were all gone,- but we over
took them at the mouth of the creek.
In a short time we were at the log.
The Indians did not want us to shoot,
for the rule was the first bullet hole
drew the hide, so we stood back to see
the fun. They pulled the chunks out
of the log and began pounding. Soon
out came a bear, about , two-thirds
grown; every Indian fired, but none
hit, and away the bear went. One lit
tle Indian took after - him and soon
run him up a tree, another Indian
went and shot him and brought him
back. ,Then they commenced pound
ing on the log again and soon another
came out, but they killed him the first
shot. Then they pounded and pounded,
but no more bears came out. They
were all confident the mother bear was
still in there. They run in a long pole
and could hear her growl. Then they
commenced to hack a hole in the log
about where the growl was heard.
They had not cut a hole large enough
to run in a pole before the bear came
out and instead of running turned
for fight. The Indians all fired, but
missed again, and as the bear ap
proached began to run calling upon us
to shoot. Bill Sweet let fly and put a
bullet through the bear's head and she
fell over. The log had been selected
as a winter bedroom for a long sleep.
In the morning we paid them $15 for
the three skins and several dollars
more for mink, martin and coon.
Current Comment
Since the advent of the military cen
sor all over the nglo-Saxon world,
every species of news gatherer has be
come corrupted. The reporters for the
daily p:.pers falsify in an outrageous
manner about the most common news.
The other day the Associated press
reported a sensational affair where a
woman fell in a fit. It was said that
she had a small dog that was very
much attached to her. When the wo
man fell, so this reliable source of
news informed the public, the little
dog went mad with fear and fright and
jumping on the body, tore open the
jugular vein of its mistress and the
woman bled to death. It turned out
that the whole story was a lie, and it is
only a sample of the degeneracy and
demoralization of every department of
the news service. Such things occur
every day until no one can place any
reliance whatever in the matter
printed in the daily papers.
The falsehood and deception con
nected with the small affairs of the
news gatherers runs all along the line.
No one can believe anything concern
ing what is printed about the great
aftairs of state and matters of utmost
impoitance to an the people. It is
the first time that the affairs of the
whole Anglo-Saxon race was under
the supervision of c . sors. If the pub
lic submits, self-government is over
thrown. The voter cannot decide in
tel. .gently, if the facts are suppressed.
He must havethe facts to form a judg
ment upon those things submitted to
him for decision.
Private letters uom responsible j
writers affirm that the prisons in the
Philippines are crowded to repletion j
with thousands of persons who have j
been arrested without forms of law i
and who are never allowed a trial of
any kind. They are simply imprisoned
by order of the empeiv of the Philip
pineo upon suspicion and torn from
their wives ana families to be incar
cerated in loathsome dungeons at the
picture of the great American hypo
crite who occupies the White house
19.000 miles r.way. They are rotting
in those prisons. There is bubonic
plague there and leprosy. The port
of Manila has been put under ban by
the Russian government on account
of the foulness of those disease-breeding
'i-. glowing accounts sent to this
country over the signature of the Taft
commission are so frequently contra
dictory in themselves and so often in
direct conflict with other news that
the censor allows to come, that no taith
can be placed in any of them. If some
great paper like the New York Journal
or Herald would send some reliable
newspaper man to the i'liilippines in
disguise, and he could avoid the spies
of the military until he got at the
facts, it would be a service that would
be remembered by the generations Vet
to come. He would have to unite the
silence of the sphynx with the cour
age and patience of an Arnold Winkel
reid while he worked at getting the
facts. It would not do to go to Hong
Kong and cable his report. He would
have to send it under seal in a private
letter, or bring it in person to the of
fice of publication. That woulu re
quire at least six months in time and
a large outlay, but it would pay the
journal that did it.
Continuous reports continue to be
sent by the Taft commission about
thousands of Filipinos taking the oath
of allegiance. Sometimes it is said
that whole provinces are petitioning
to become subjects of our new empe
ror, (of course they could never even
harbor the idea that they could be
come citizens of the United States),
and are pleading and begging for a
foreign government to be established
over them. Those who choose can be
lieve these stories. The Independent
has not a particle of faith in them.
If conditions were as represented,
there would be no further necessity for
a military censorship, neither would
the lists of killed and wounded con
tinue to come. It is hardly probable
that a people that have been fighting
and longing for independence for a
century or more, all at once have come
to the conclusion that what they really
want is a carpet bag government ad
ministered by foreigners established
in their country. Tne truth is that no
one but a mullet head would believe
McKinley may think that he has
abolished "the rights of man," that
Jefferson declared were "Inherent"
and "unalienable." No one else will
think so. The truth is if our emperor
of the Philippines holds his foreign
possessions, he must do it as every
other emperor does it, by force of
arms. That will require the service of
a regular army three times as large as
was ever maintained before in these
United States. That he knows it is
shown by the transports that have re
cently arrived at San Francisco. There
was a great deal said in the cable
grams a short time ago about the re
turn of the regiments in the Philip
pines. But the transports bring only
the sick and wounded. There will
have to be a censorship established at
San Francisco and stop the sending
out of dispatch esT from that point giv
ing, the details; of the cargoes that
these transports bring in, or the peo
ple will get at the facts in this case
and that would be disastrous to im
perialism. .
.. The stories cabled from South Af
rica are now acknowledged by all to
be of the same sort that have come
from the Philippines for the last two
years.- Botha never had a thought of
ail unconditional surrender. Dewet and
his followers are in just as good fight
ing trim as ever; they have plenty of
horses, ammunition and arms. But
Lord Roberts says that Kitchener will
very soon have the whole Boer outfit
in his hands. Meantime the increased
taxation in England, which is not hid
den away under- indirect taxes as it is
in this country, is becoming a very ser
ious affair for the party in power. All
England is agreed that the increase i
their navy must continue. But when
five hundred million or more is added
to that as the cost of carrying Chris
tianity and civilization to the Boers,
even the most enthusiastic braggart
among the John Bulls begins to look
serious. However, none of them seem
to think of anything but the present.
The very heavy burdens that they are
laying upon coming generations in the
payment of war deb is not discussed.
There have been the usual amount
of cablegrams from 'China. One thing
seems certain and that is that the
United States troops have been ordered
away, except a legation guard. Mc
Kinley has urgent need of those troops
in the Philippines. There have been
stories of very great disagreements
between the Russians and the British,
which were to the effect that both
claimed some territory in Tien Tsin
and that the troops of the two nations
were drawn up facing each other with
fixed bayonets. Then it is said that
Russia has been making secret trea
ties with China by which she gains
control of all Manchuria, and that Ja
pan and England are in a great state
of indignation about the matter. Noth
ing, however, is known about this ex
cept what the military censor sees, fit
to let the people have. The settlement
of Chinese affairs seems as far off as
ever. Minister Conger has started on
his voyage home and Mr. Rockill
takes his place. The republicans talk
of running Conger for governor of
Dave Hill made a speech on St. Pat
rick's day in which he denounced the
government for not interfering in
favor of the Boers. When such a
speech as that might have done some
good, Mr. Hill was as silent as the
caverns of the Mammoth cave. Ha
also congratulates this country upon
still being a republic, and calls atten
tion to the great"-'differences in this
country and England, where Kink Ed
ward speaks of "my army" and "my
navy." Mr. JHill could have pointed
out, but he didn't, that this was a
mere form of words and that McKin
ley constantly exercises powers that
King Edward never wouldthink of as
suming. McKinley declared a war on
the Filipinos of his own sweet wHl and
carried it on for more than tw; years
without any authority from congress.
If King Edward should attempt a
thing like that, his head would follow
that of Charles the First in short or
der. There is not another despot on
earth that is exercising more imperial than McKinley. King Edward
may talk of "my army," but he would
have to get the aulhority of parlia
ment before he would dare to order it
to move.
From the tone of the dispatches
more than from what they actually
say, it is evident that there is a very
serious state of affairs in Cuba. The
proposals made in the resolutions,
passed by congress giving the United
States coaling stations, a supervision
of finances, sanitary laws and other
things of like nature which McKin
ley desires to be inserted in the Cuban
constitution, is meeting with a hot re
sistance. Private information re
ceived at this office is to the effect that
the whole population with very few
exceptions is opposed to them. If this
plan of McKinley is pushed with the
stubbornness he manifested in his in
structions to the commissioners who
made the treaty. with Spain, there can
be little doubt , that it will result in
serious trouble, perhaps war.
For the first time the cry has been
raised in Cuba: .., "Down with the Am
ericans." Everywhere it is being pub
licly stated that the whole American
policy from the beginning was hypoc
risy - and deception, that there was
never any intention on the part of
this government to allow the Cubans
an independent government. There is
no doubt that the more conservative
and wiser, among them are doing all
within their power to suppress the
radical expression of the wishes of the
people, and the open announcement of
their suspicions, nevertheless these
same conservatives are no less deter
mined on independence than the more
excitable. These Cuban radicals have
their counterpart among the imperial-
For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup has been used by
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cut
ting Teeth? If so send at once and
get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its
value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no
mistake about it. It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and bowels,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces inflammation, and gives tono
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil
dren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest Bl&X oest female physicians and
nurses in the United States, and is for
sale by all druggists throughout the
world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be
sure and -ask for "Mrs. Winslo v's
Soothing Syrup."
i a - -' ! . . .. I,.,.-
ists of this country." Some members
of congress have given out interviews
expressing their belief that it would
be necessary to call an extra session
of congress to take such action as
would force the Cubans to accept the
terms offered. The whole affair is
taking on serious aspects.
Reliajble and what is believed to be
trustworthy information has been re
ceived at this office to the effect that
the people of Porto . Rico, are in the
most pitiful condition. The riots have
continued and in many different cities
and towns the cry has been heard:
"Down with the Americans." The very
worst form of carpet-bag government
has been established there. The ap
pointees are in many cases the most
disreputable politicians that this coun
try has produced. Some of them have
been appointed from this state and
their characters were such that the
party in power hardly dare give them
places here. The taxes imposed in
Porto Rico are very heavy. An expert
in Washington after making a long
and patient investigation declares that
thy are more than three times as
heavy as in any state in the union.
The cruel oppression of this gentle
and ignorant people in forcing them to
pay enormous salaries to a horde of
politicians from the United States is
indescribable. It must be remembered
that the people of cue island are very
poor and that they are suffering from
the almost total loss of crops caused
by the great hurricane. Add to this
that the taxes imposed by the orders
of the sugar and tobacco trust, has
completely destroyed their former
markets and rendered their two great
crops almost useless. There is no
dar-.ger of forcible resistance in Porto
Rico. The people there are too weak
and helpless to resist. McKinley can
continue his infernal despotism until
the island is depopulated and there
will be no war there.
Numerous dispatches continue to be
printed dated at Moscow and points
in China which declare that England
and Russia are at swords points over
the aggressions of Russia upon Chi
nese territory. It must be remembered
that all such dispatches, purporting to
come from either China or Russia,
must have the sanction of the British
or Russian governments before they
can be sent. It does not. seem hardly
possible w hen we consider the strained
relations existing between those two
governments, that the censors w?ould
allow such cablegrams to be sent. The
truth about the matter probably is
that all those cablegrams were writ
ten in the editorial rooms or tne pa
pers that publish them.
Dispatches which have some marks
of truth about them are coming from
Russia to the effect that there are dis
turbances in various parts of the em
pire of rather a serious nature. Like
those of some years ago, when the
famous "movement to the people" be
gan, it originated in the universities.
Tnere have been serious riots in var
ious places and the cry of "liberty"
has been frequently heard. It seems
that, imperialism, even in Russia, is
meeting with serious opposition. The
only place where it has perfect con
trol is in the Philippines.
. Chamberlain announced in the house
of commons that General Botha had
conveyed the information in a letter
to General Kitchener, in which he an
nounced that he was not disposed to
recommend the terms of peace General
Kitchener was instructed to offer him,
to the earnest consideration of his
government. General Botha added
that his government and its chief offi
cers entirely agreed with his view.
Here is the official denial of the
dispatches that General Botha was ne
gotiating for the purpose of making an
unconditional surrender. At the same
time comes the news that the British
are engaged in general devastation. A
force under Bruce Hamilton reached
Wepener, where the troops found hea
vy stocks of grain and cattle. They
carried away as much as possible, but
destroyed 30,000 bags of grain. The
houses at Wepener were fouad to be
Neither Years nor Loss Can Keep Father
Soyder iu the Kewr When the En
emy is in Front.
Dear Independent: Yours of the
2Sth ult. received. I would gladly
help, but my buggy is at the shop and
has been for weeks and will be longer.
My harness is at the harnessmaker's
for a handsome bill of repairs. The
team I drove for several years is gone,
and the money invested in granite on
my family lot. However. I am getting
a team ready for the buggy and har
ness when they are done, and with
coming better weatherI expect to be
on wheels again.
I do not even attempt any more to
brave the storm could not cucceed if
I should try. Fortunately I am well
quartered, with a No. 1" stove and
plenty of good coal; well housed from
snow and storm also. As summer
comes I hope to be on the move some
what. I am deeply interested in your
work. Read it all every week. I think
you are not as sure as you seem to be
of your bearings. There is destiny in
the hour. I doubt if any man living
fully comprehends it. Nor can the
deepest thinker or ripest scholar cor
rectly forecast the next ten years. We
all know that abuses provoke their
own destruction, and these times are
not likely to be an exception to all his
tory. England in South Africa, Mc
Kinley in the Philippines, and the
trusts dominating all things will bring
something. Just what will come, God
only knows. I think government own
ership would save the shedding of
blood, and preserve civilization. But
these United States have more "greedy
dogs" and less average brains than
any other highly civilized country on
earth. Slave-holders were arrogant
fools and forced a war they lost, and
the nation was saved. Capital is
stronger, more merciless, vastly more
ciuel than slave-holders ever were.
Will they force a fight will we all be
slaves will the people take posses
sion? Who kaows what will come?
We'll just fight on and "trust to God,
but keep your powder dry."
Loup City, Neb.
r It
100 Black Percherons, Clydes, Shires, Coachers
Imported and home bred registered stallions and mares, 2 to 6 years old, weight 1,600 to 2,400
pounds, 95 per cent blacks. lams has more thick, ton, black Percherons ; more Royal bred, gov
ernment approved and stamped" stallions; more Paris and Omaha Exposition and 8tate Fair
winners; more stallions to spit ypu and big bargains than all importers of Iowa or Nebraska.
i l?,nspaks ren?h-' knows breeders of JLa Perche. This, with 2 years' experience, saves him
JT' 2 nr?ach stalJi?n bought in France, and gets the "tops" irrespectire of cost. He will save
you $500.00 on a stallion, because he has no high-priced salesmen or buyers, no 2 to 10 partners
to snare profits, and saves you the middle man s and company's organizer's profits by buying di
rect from lams barns. Don't be a clam. Write or telephone lams and get an eye-opener.
Large and Complete line of Nursery Stock,
consisting of varieties adapted to the north
west.. Location one of the leading fruit
districts of Nebraska. ..........
We pay all freights to points in Nebraska and Western Iowa.
'-"We -guarantee satisfaction with our customers. Catalogue
mailed free upon application. Adrress all communications to
MARSHALL BROS., Arlington, Nb.
Establlshwd 1878
S sksajj '
P Write For Prices and Tiffs.
'i n ii in.! ii Vii
; Write for Free Catalog.
1D1 mm
that with our Great Western Jr.
money this spring to buy this
at our wholesale nrice of S97.R0.
freight) on 30 days free trial, make a hatch,
f3 pense.
II It's the
ukEAT western jr. incubator assess
ter. Safety lamp ; ventilation and moisture reg
ulation perfect. You take no chances on it.
TELL YOUR HUSBAND we sell everything
used in the home and on the farm at 10 to
40 below other dealers. Our big catalogue
sent (or 10c poatago. Special Vehicle and Incubator
Catalogues free. (We haTe larper incubators, too.)
"The House tkat Saves you Money.'1
iol water DiDintr. no com
ti. sax . jnrwwaM mm mm
m v
uiOI r I r I II
yea ctfr saw orkeara
tS Nil 1 lOUR
trial la yearewa
2 - 5 hit M E I I I M .1 BMslks
hi lilUMak Jour
ii oeiirn Aiiretisi
is made by one of the best sewing: tna
5.1 "'fSSSiS.S J
chine makers ia America, has every new and
nn.tiulitiinDTOTcmcnt. bifirh arm. oositiva
four-motion feed,
work that can be done on any sewing machine made. It cones la a beautiful
solid ant ique oak.droa cadcablnet,a Illustrate. Oak cabinet la beaatl-
fully flnlahed, fetrbly Poli.aea , ia aormiri j b ui . o -j in " " " V. . .
Complete with all aeeesawrles, Including- lqullter, serewdrtjeia, ob
bins, 1 package of needles, 1 cloth sjuide and screw, 1 (! can filled with oil,
and a complete instruction book, which makes everything- so plala that efts
a child without prevloes experience can operate the machine at once.
FOR 5 CENTS EXTRA we faraha, la addition to the teniae aecoworles
sMatkmed, lbs folia win apeolat attachments. 1 thread cutter. 1 braider, 1
binier, 1 set of plain hemmers, different widths up to Vths of an Inch.
eeiMiuailiAUlMC ntll CDC who will order three or moremn-
aClJItfll ilMUiIlllla UULtn. chines at
riled with the same machine, under another name, and with our name entirely removed, but the price will be
iu-mi . even In hundred lots. OBDKRTODaf. DOHTDILAT. Seek aa esTsr wss asvsr kaawa bafor..
W rits f.r free Piano
Address year
See that they co me from
he Nebraska
Howard Street.
Omaha, Neb,
OR BAD BLOOD CUBED. 1st. 2nd. or 3rd stages of Syphilis eared
for $20. Full 12 box treatment never fails. Pimples, skin eruptions
vanish as if by marie. Remember money returned if not satisfactory.
$2 single box. By mail, plain wrappers. Hahn's Pharmacy, 1805 Farnam at. .Omaha, Neb.
.in ni iiiT iii'.iim 3
, . 7
IARIS imported more black Percherona from Francs ia
ia than all importers of Nebraska. Only man in United
States who imported all black stallions .
At his barns daily are ''hot propositions" to competitors
Buyers remarks : "An np-to-da te horse show ;" "most se
lect and largest stallions I ever saw;" "glossy beauties ;'
l"Ti??LaBa wagon;" "leg nnder erery corner;" "see that
2.360-lb 3-year-old, largest and best drafter in tbe United
States a ripper." "lams saved me $500.00 on a stal
lion last year, and I bought that 2,000-lb 2-year-old today
m top-Botcher." "See that barn of 20 'Ton Stallions,
and Tthey all look alike to me'." "lams pays freight and
fare of his buyers and sells a $2,000.00 Stallion at $1,000.00.
lams has oa hand
St. Paul, Howard Co.,
Nebraska, on B.AM,
and Union Pacific Ry.
am ii n hi 'i
.918 Q St. Lincoln, ft$t.
. . ' v ii r in r aw ii Hu
And BROODERS for Chickens, Ducks and Turkeys.
The BURR hatches anything that a hen can hatch.
Incubator you can make enough
elegant 150 FULL LEATHER TOP
Tou ckn havn the innuhator fwe ntv fho.
and if not satisfactory ,return it at our ex-
corners, no not cen
Clarence L Gerrard:
r Columbus, Nebr."
cut this sdrer-
tisement out
and send to us
sad we will a4
voa this Of' St
INtt MACHINE, ay frlrBt,CO.D., satye ts xaalaaiioa. You can
examine it at 7r Mtml frl(kt oi, and if found perfectly satbfa.
trj, exactly ss reprm.ateo', equalto the highest grade sewing machines
advertised by other house at S9O.O0 tottO.OO, and as good amacutne
can buy from your dealer at bom at asu.00 U MO. 00. ik. areatm bar.
r, narrow railway ageat Ail OK aaa freight ek.rftM.
OFFER PRICE t3 iieiTtk.Mki..Ure.
boate aaa we will retora year tll.'ii aajaayrsaarsastsatuaed.
very liaat raulair, does any
TU18 ILtCSTBATIOff gives you an
idea of the appearance of the H Kill
eaDK, high aaa hew qceei hew.
tN'fl HAfHINI which we furnish at
11. t, in the handsome a-drawer
drop head oak cabinet illustrated
one time will be su
WpjiDKR. Shlppd one ?,? J?triai4'
Seed Compan
FREE. . . .
All forms of baths Turkish, Russian, IU.
man, -Electric with special attention to the
application of natural salt water baths, ssroral
times strong-er than sea water, Rheumatism,
fekin, Blood, Catarrh, Stomach. Nervous, and
Heart diseases ; Liver and Kidney troabltst
diseases of women and chronic ailments treat j
successfully. A separate department, fitted
with a thoroughly aseptic ward and operating
rooms, offer special inducements to suraioai
cases, and all diseases peculiar to women.
43' ill