The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 21, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    March 21, 1901
tie Hcbrjskj Independent
Llmceln, Tltbrask
siff rMBtlteM S 1T
Kfiij SMWS FL,tr--.
t b Srr44 fey tUa, TW tr?amitf
Wft H ttmm, mxtd ti nioiU fail to f (
A4r all fewsw atims. s stake all
Cf Kthtait Imdtptmdemt,
Lincoln. Neb.
kcsf mm c st'.rli' will wnt fc
n rotter V.Tsitfor! is fitting red hot
vxt tfc nou-rayni-r.i of the populist
dtt. Ra! whit be Las to say In an
other colors a.
TJ.e pba!t trust f till keeps a
iuadrxm of the I'nited States nary in
service fa the water f Venezuela.
Tte lawyer who is in command is
having tfce fr.t tort of a lime. Who
pays tte tin?
There is a bill before the German
relchstag to establish a government
phiCt to manufacture armor plate.
Hf rr Krvpp better s-end fcr Sampson.
Siffipon aed Carnegie and the Deth-JeLf-ci
cosijany. Why couldn't he
five ilrr Krur p?
Statistics tbow that the sanity of one
New Yorker out of every three hun
dred has been passed upon by tr.e
courts cr other authorities and the act
ual canity cf thousands of oilers has
often been railed in Question. There
are overwhelming republican majori
ties In the ttste of New York.
MeKinley still continues to coin
mere silver eauck month than was
coined under the Sherman act, which
they said must be repealed or the
country go Isto bankruptcy. Silver
coinage executed at mints of the Unit
ed States daring February reached
J2-2.1 compared with f 4.5,1 for
the two mouths of Jasuary and February.
Rockefeller tat thrown in bis for- J if that boy knows that the president of
tune with the steel trust. All of his j the United States is in the habit of ap
IisraeA Iron business. including pearing upon the most formal and im
sntse, railroad and lake steamers, portant occasions and lying like a
hate gone icto the trutt. That com- ;
bination will soon be a two-billSoa dol
lar trust, but you "can't do anything to
yppre trusts." you know. The
whole world lies heJpUs bereath the
power of roll.
Senator says: "If any one
rouM get a third trro. President Mc
Kinlej ecu! I. If tfce trusts shall or
rfer the eU-ction of McKinley for a
third term, every mullet head in this
state will get out and work for It as
!org as they can obtain a patch to put
.1,-1 ....... f . 1. A , V. 1 .4 1
to elect him for life, they would work
just as hard to accomplish it.
The recti Japanese don't want any
more returning soldier rioting In
their peart ful streets. The last two
steamer which hare come into their
ports with United States soldiers on
board, have been refused the privil
ege of allowing any of them to land.
At first they gladly granted the priv
ilege, but ccce was enough. They
tfoa't wt any more of It.
The Japanese government has de
cided, to estitliih Its own factories for
the manufacture of armor plates and
sfcfp building materials. A site has
been lect4. and work will begin
sows. If there had been an armor
plate trct over there and a Sampson j
in tte navy to defend It. the Japanese j
emperor would not ha been able to
do that thing at alb We, in this coun
try, can have what the trusts allow
us to have and no more.
Can any one blame the Cubans for
o&jecting to the proposition to give '
this country the right to regulate their
Usances when they reflect that the
Cubans bate probably been reading
the papers and know of the appropiia-
tioas of the last American congress?
A fl r raflfsf 'irh a rrrit 11 that f
who wouldn't Ljf-ct to the American
congress controlling their finances?
That sort of work if long continued
would bankrupt ea m teel trust.
MeKinSey accounted to the world in
bis Inaugural address that the United
States, was at peace. There-Is a law
that the private soldiers and non-com-mistloned
ofScer shall draw SO per
cent more pay la time of war than In
time of peace. AH the soldiers in the
Philippines are drawing war pay. The
privates get IliJWI per month Instead
.f 111. as th law provides In times of
peace. Ws ilcKlnley's statement Just
ce of his co a mo a every-day official
ii? Are the soldiers la the Philip
pines engaged In active war? That
alia seems to be one of the things that
o pop can Scd out. '
The censorship of I the press, the
editing out of everything that plutoc
racy deems detrimental, together with
the unparalleled mendacity of the pres
ent president of the United States is
producing 'a state of. affairs that was
never before seen, Long; arMcles are
published In the great dailies that are
absolutely false from beginning to end,
and known to be false by the responsi
ble editors.. Yet they, continue to ap
pear from day to day without any gen
eral protest from the people. As a sam
ple take what purported 'to be a . spe
cial dispatch from the, City of Mexico,
which appeared ln the Chicago Record.
The article was more than a column
long and went Into many details. It
was to the effect that President Diaz
was hopelessly insane; that there was
likely to be a revolution in Mexico as
soon as the fact became generally
known and that foreigners doing busi
ness there were in a great state of ex
citement concerning the safety of their
property. As soon as the news of this
publication reached the City of Mex-
i Ico. telegrams began to be pent to the
United States by the score denying the
truth of the article, and saying that
President Diaz was in unusually good
health and was out on a hunting trip.
There is not a particle of doubt that
the pretended dispatch was written in
the editorial rooms of the Record. The
paper never received any such dis
patch. It was probably done to influ
ence the price of stock, prevent the
making of some contract or in some
other way to deceive and by the de
ception make money. The dispatch
from South Africa, or what were pre
tended to be dispatches, concerning
the certain capture of Dewet and the
surrender of Botha were the means of
transferring many thousands of
pounds from the hands of one set of
men to another in London. Those dis
patches were also .written in the edi
torial rooms of the papers printing
This universal lying has become so
common that it no more is the occa
sion for remark. All .the great dailies
are engaged In it. The United States
will soon become known as the nation
of universal lying. It is well known
that in many offices of great dailies
there is a rule to never correct a mis
statement. Will there be a revolt against this?
If there is not, our civilization will
disappear. What use is it to reprove a.
boy In the common smools for lying
horse thief? The boy has heard how
the president time and again asserted
that the state troops in the Philip
pines of their own motion agreed to
stay and fight the Filipinos after the
protocol was signed with Spain, when
he knew that they and all their offi
cers were using every means in their
power to get permissicn to return to
th United States. He knows that
when the president declared in his in
augural address that this country was
I at peace with all men and nations,
I luai ri-u oa n
t . i - . i xi
I'M M r nl noo inn . nr rrwtna n-nvn
ing paid for war services, that is 20
per cent more than In time of peace.
What is the use to tell a boy if he
makes a promise be mutt keep it,
when the president openly advocates
the violation of the most sacred prom
ises and the boy knows it. What is the
use to try to teach ethics in the com
mon schools here In Lincoln, when
prominent lawyers go about the streets
saying that the United States has a
right to violate a treaty and repudiate
a promise whenever it sees fit? Is not
the very foundation of business, fam
ily life and society itself being de
stroyed? McKinley is the first president of
the United States who was vile enough
to appear before an audience and lie.
He is the first president who would
write out a lie and. incorporate it in a
state paper. He is the first one to ad
vocate the repudiation of solemn
promises made by the nation, and it is
to his vile Influence, more than to any
j other one thing that lying has become
almoft universal. .
The trusts are no respectors of per
sons. They go for the New England
i Yankees Just as they do for the west-
merchantg. A committee has been
j annolntrf hv ,h Masrhcptta iela.
lature to Investigate the tyrannies of
the tobacco trust. Some of the vic-
tims appeared before the committee
on mercantile affairs of that body to
protest against the methods of the to
bacco trust In preventing the sale of
the goods of smaller manufacturers.
Mr. E. U. Harrington of Boston said
that he sold some tobacco to W. E.
Sanborn of Holyoke, and after it was
delivered It was returned with a note
from Mr. Sanborn saying that the Con
tinental Tobacco company had dropped
him from the list of customers, and
that he was forced to give up the to
bacco. C. E. Austen of Lowell also
had written Mr.. Harrington that he
could not handle his good3 because of
the trust.
The Independent has advocated for
a long time the sending of some mis
sionaries down into that benighted re
gion. Those chaps have been advocat-
ing every proposition put forward by
Wall street for the last thirty years.
Now that the gentlemen of Wall street
begin to turn down the screws, they
don't know what is hurting them.
They have advocated and upheld the
policies that have concentrated wealth
and produced trusts, the most pernic
ious of which has been the idea of
protection. The populists told them
years ago that the policies they were
advocating would make the people of
the whole nation hirelings working for
a few trust magnates, whose orders
would have to be obeyed. This sort of
kindness was rewarded by the retort:
"Oh! you are a wild-eyed lunatic!"
The death of ex-President Harrison
gave McKinley another chance to play
the hypocrite. Notwithstanding that
he had done everything in his power to
humiliate and disgrace the Harrison
name and family, he now comes out
and calls the dead ex-president "the
dearest citizen." It is well known that
President Harrison was engaged in
preparing a case to be brought to rein
state his son whom McKinley had
practically dishonorably dismissed
from the United States army. The
world has never seen a sneak and hy
pocrite equal to this man McKinley.
This last act is in perfect conformity
to his whole reign. He declared that
it was our plain duty to give Porto
Rico free trade and then signed a bill
laying heavy import duties. He talked
about benevolent assimilation and
then slew 30,000 Filipinos, bayonetting
many of them after tney were,wounded
and helpless. If any such creature
ever lived on this earth before Mc
Kinley appeared, The Independent
would like to know when he lived and
what country he inhabited.
The republicans have succeeded in
buncoing the Mormons just as com
pletely as they did the democrats and
Senator Morgan about his canal bill.
There is no doubt that the bill that
passed the Utah legislature legalizing
polygamy was in strict compliance
with the contract entered into with
Perry Heath whereby the Mormon
bishops agreed to throw Utah into the
republican column. The Mormons ful
filled their part of the contract, but at
the last moment they were buncoed in
the approved republican style. . The
governor of Utah, who is a Mormon
and the progeny of a plural marriage,
saw that it was to the interest of the
state to veto the bill. How he came to
see that fact so suddenly is not ex
plained. If he had intimated while the
bill was before the legislature that he
would veto it, the bill would have been
dropped. The republicans got the leg
islature and the senator who holds of
fice for six years, now the Mormons
have nothing to show for their part of
the deal.
Palestine was at one time in a high
state of cultivation. By the Mosaic in
stitute, after the exodus from Egypt,
the lands were divided among the
adult males, each receiving from 16 to
25 acres. The fields were watered from
canals and conduits communicating
with the brooks and streams. When,
through the vicissitudes of war and
rapine, these irrigation works were
destroyed and life rendered insecure,
agriculture declined. What was at one
time a fruitful land of plenty under
irrigation, today is practically a bar
ren waste.
There is an old legal phrase that
declares there is no wrong without a
remedy. The plutocrats have now
twisted this bit of common sense
around so it reads: "No remedy no
wrong." There is no remedy for trusts,
therefore trhsts are not wrong. This
is equal to some of the economic
phrases that they invented when the
money question was under discussion.
It will not be long until we find posted
up all over the country and in the
house of every mullet head, "No rem
edy no wrong." There is no remedy
for trusts.
The Philippine commission has
found it necessary to pass a bill mak
ing it a felony with punishment of
fine and imprisonment to refuse to
accept an office in the civil government
which the McKinley carpet-baggers
are trying to set up in that country.
Those "millions" of loyal Filipinos
which McKinley talked about in his
inaugural are very queer patriots.
None of them want office. They all
love the old tyrant of the White house
with all their hearts, but none of them
want to accept service under him.
Ed P. Smith, one of Nebraska's fam
ous democrats, in a speech before the
Omaha Commercial club said he
doubted the competency of the average
legislature to pass a bill that would
successfully stand the test of tte
courts, that would afford the public
much relief. He said it was a very
difficult thing to do, and was inclined
to doubt whether anything short of
government ownership of the roads
woula satisfactorily solve this prob
lem. He thought the general tendency
of things indicated that such would
be the final outcome. .
The Bee in commenting on Presi
dent Hadley's populistic speech, says:
"President Hadley of Yale last win
ter proposed that the octopus be ex
terminated through ostracism. He has
had another revelation, and now sees
the establishment of the empire and
the coronation of the emperor within
twenty-five years as the result of mod
ern commercial methods. To avoid
this social catastrophe he proposes the
wider spread and more general appli
cation of the Christian religion. Pres
ident Hadley is yet'a young man and
will easily live to laugh at the appre
hensions that now perturb him."
That Is the old plan. When the peo
ple wrere warned that the republican
party would establish imperialism we
were told that In a few months we
would laugh at our apprehensions," but
imperialism has been established in
its most disgusting form. When a
protest was made against militarism,
we were told not to be perturbed. No
such thing was possible in this repub
lic. The last congress provided for a
standing army of 100,000 men and a
large increase in the navy. Don't have
apprehensions. Don't be perturbed.
The constitution has been overthrown,
the Declaration of Independence has
been trampled underfoot, a standing
army has been established, a great
navy has been built, we have made an
emperor to govern the Philippines and
Porto Rico, but don't be perturbed.
It is all right.t President Hadley says
that the next thing is an emperor at
Washington to govern this country,
but don't have any apprehensions. It
is all right.
The P Street Idiot in commenting
on President Hadley's remarks heads
his article: "Humor vs. Emperor,"
and says:
"President Hadley of Yale prophe
cied the other day that there would be
an emperor ruling this country in
twenty-five years, if this trust business
isn't stopped. But as the most of the
aunties claim that there is an em
peror on deck at Washington this
blessed minute, and his name is Mc
Kinley, it may be that we shall not
notice the change."
The Idiot never heard any one talk
about there being an emperor of the
United States. William I. has always
been called Emperor of the Philip
pines. President ' Hadley has set the
time when there will be an emperor
of the United States at twenty-five
years. The prospect of having an em
peror of the United States the Idiot
thinks is very humorous, and goes on
to say that "This country is too famil
iar with great titles to be intimidated
in this way."
The disestablishment of the English
Church has been indefinitely postponed
by the course of the nonconformist
churches themselves. The dissenting
churches have become very much what
the protestant churches in this coun
try are, while the self-sacrificing la
bors in the midst of the poorest and
most oppressed parts of the population
of the great English cities, which has
characterized the clergy of the estab
lished church, has endeared them to
the hearts of the people. The noncon
formist manufacturer considered it
one of his divine rights to be elected
to parliament and after making a suit
able donation to some charitable in
stitution, to be knighted. The actual
work among the poor has been done by
established church curates.
The general unsoundness of mind in
the people of the eastern states, who
on account of their numbers overrule
the conservatism and common sense
of the west, is demonstrated by the
thousands of cranks who are at large
in those communities. If a man from
any cause becomes prominent before
the people, he will not only be hurried
in clouds of letters from cranks, but
his house will be beseiged by them
and life itself made a misery to him.
If a woman becomes prominent be
cause she has engaged in active char
ity and it becomes generally known,
an ordinary mailsack will hardly hold
her dally" mail. The statement of
Helen Gould, made to the public some
time ago, is a case in point.
The steel trust continues the old
practice of selling steel rails to Am
ericans for $28 per ton and to Japanese
and other foreigners for $21. The Din
gley bill was simply the grant of pow
er to the steel manufacturers to tax the
American people $7 a ton on steel rails.
The old companies exercised that pow
er to the limit and the new steel trust
will continue the practice. Still the
mullet heads believe that "the foreign
er pays the tax." They will continue
to believe it until Mark Hanna or some
other republican boss tells them that
it isn't any longer true. After such a
statement they won't believe it for an
other day.
A New York physician writes a pri
vate letter to the editor of The Inde
pendent in which he asserts his belief
that leprosy will break out in many
different places in the. United States
during the next five or six years. He
says it takes that length of time for
the disease to develop in the ordinary
healthy person. There are over 30,000
lepers In the Philippine islands. Hun-
1 '
dreds of soldiers and officers have been
exposed to contamination. When the
army returns from the Philippines
these officers and soldiers will be scat
tered all over the republic. He fur
ther says that there are known cases
of leprosy in eleven different states of
the union at the present time. All of
them have developed from contact
with Asiatics. : He advises the burn
ing of every article of clothing that
the soldiers bring from the Philip
pines and the disinfection of every
other article ina the most thorough
manner; He; says even that 'will not
make us safe. The day that McKinley
went-into this imperial business will
be a day of sorrow for inany genera
tions yet to come. '
. Whenever the republican party
wants to carry three or four states
where the production of wool is a
large feature, the boss simply orders
the wool combine which is located in
Boston to raise the price of wool for
a few weeks. The combine obeys and
the mullet heads in those states go
wild shouting for McKinley and Din
gley tariffs. As soon as the election
is over, down goes the price of wool.
Wool comes into the market in the
spring and summer months. By the
time the election comes on in the fall
the combine has its hands on most of
it, so when it raises the price there
is not very much offered. Wool has
been on the decline ever since McKin
ley's election. But Hanna, after the
campaign began, had it announced
that the republicans would carry Mon
tana, Wyoming and several other stat
es on account of the rise in the price
of wool. Now a dispatch from Chey
enne in speaking of the wool com
bine says:
"The whole game Is in their hands
and they manipulate the market at
will. The producer is "not in it" to
any appreciable extent. From present
indications there is no telling when
and where the present slump in wool
will end, especially when the market
it loaded up with the new crop."
The republican leaders have arrived
at that point where they openly and
without shame plead the baby act.
The trusts are here, they say, and
nothing can now be done to suppress
them. . Not only the republican party
can't do anything, but the whole na
tion can't, not even if they were all
united and determined. Never was
there a more silly proposition soberly
put forth. '
The trusts being illegal could be
treated as outlaws in every state in the
union. They could be forbidden the
use of the courts. Their contracts and
their debts could be repudiated. If
any defendant should plead and es
tablish by evidence in the court that
action was brought by a trust the case
could be immediately dismissed. How
long could a trust do business under
such an order of things as that. About
two minutes.
Any state in the union has a right to
pass a law that no corporation can do
business within its limits without a
charter from that state. If any state
finds that a trust is doing business
within its jurisdiction, the trust can
be forced to cease doing business.
The power of taxation can be
brought to bear. The cost of charters
can be graduated so that after a rea
sonable capitalization the taxes can be
made so high that no billion dollar
trust, or half billion for that matter,
could exist.
It is well known that trusts crush
out opposition by going into the mar
ket and selling goods below cost un
til their weaker competitors are forced
into bankruptcy or to join the trust.
Justice Clark of North Carolina says
this can be met by a statute empow
ering the courts in such cases to issue
writs against any corporation that
has thus reduced prices of the manu
factured article from again raising
them, and making an attempt to do so
a forfeiture of the charter, provided a
jury shall find that the reduction was
made for the purpose of destroying
competition. As under the statute re
ferred to in the paragraph above, a
corporation can not do business in a
state without taking out a charter
therein, this would close out all such
operations. Individuals may reduce
prices at will; but, when corporations
created only by the state use their
powers against the public interest, it
can be made cause for withdrawing
those powers.
There are numberless other ways in
which the trusts could be crushed out
of existence, if the government only
wanted to do it. The trouble is that
government is In the hands of the
trusts and they are not going to abol
ish themselves.
But when the republican party puts
up the plea of "can't" it makes the
open confession that It is a weakling
not fit to be trusted with government
at all. It is the first great party that
was ever known to openly plead the
baby act.
Read the advertisements in The In
dependent. If you need seed or farm
supplies -write the different advertis
ers for price lists and buy where your
dollars get the most and best.'
It may not be out of place for The
Independent in a modest way to ' call
attention to the fact that its subscrib
ers receive during the year more first
class literature for less money than is
furnished by any other publisher in
the whole United States. Recently a
man who has a world-wide reputation
as a scholar and writer, said: VI take
the Nation, the Springfield Republican,
the New York Independent and some
of the. Illustrated weeklies, and I say,
that the writing In the Nebraska In
dependent Is equal to the best of them.
In fact, I take more pleasure in' read
ing the Nebraska Independent than
any of them. I cannot use my eyes too
much, and my wife reads to me a great
deal.: On the evening that The Inde
pendent comes to my house, she usual
ly begins at the beginning and reads
the whole paper to me and I am always
sorry when it is finished."
The publisher would also call atten
tion to the fact that tbere is more orig
inal matter printed in The .Indepen
dent than in the three-dollar, week
lies. It is always up to date and in
tensely interesting. In quality, the
best literary men, scholars and econ
omists, unreservedly bear testimony
that it is equal to the best and in
amount it is more. That makes it by
far the cheapest paper of its class pub
lished in the United States. It will be
the aim of the publisher to keep the
paper up to this high standard. It
should be a weekly visitor to every
Nebraska home. It already has a cir
culation in every state and territory as
well as in those still undefined regions
of the world, generally designated as
"our new possessions." The gentleman
above quoted also said that The Inde
pendent was different Jn style of writ
ing and the choice of subjects treated
from any other paper. It also differs
in another respect which is equally
unique. It is the cheapest as well as
the best, two qualities which are sel
dom found together.
The American citizen, unless he is
a court favorite, would do well to stay
out of the Philippines. That is the
only spot on all the earth where he is
not under the protection of the consti
tution and the treaties made in accord
ance with it. But in the Philippines he
is a subject of iho Emperor McKinley.
He cannot demand a trial by jury, free
speech is suppressed, his property can
be taken without compensation, he
cannot bear arms, he may have sol
diers quartered in his house in time
of peace without his consent, his pri
vate papers may be seized, he may be
convicted the second ume for the same
offense, he cannot demand the presence
of his accusers, he cannot demand the
service of counsel, .ccessive bail may
be demanded, cruel and unusual pun
ishments may be inflicted upon him
and he has no protection from any of
these things. All that he can do is to
appeal to the tender mercies of the
emper-: who is more than 10,000 miles
away. He cannot even do that without
the permission of the emperor's sub
alterns. Anywhere else in the .world, whether
it be Russia, Austria, Turkey, Persia
or Hindostan, the constitution follows
him and shields him, but in the Phil
ippines he is the abject subject of the
emperor whom the republican party
has set up in Washington. The con
stitution does not protect him there.. If
he dares to criticise the subalterns
whom the emperor has sent there, he
may be shot, imprisoned for life or de
ported, as was Editor Rice.
Therefore The Independent says to
all American citizens who are not
sure of the favor of Emperor McKin
ley, and they will consult their own
best interests by staying away from
the Philippines. Every natural right
is gone the moment he lands in that
land of despotism. All the newspaper
correspondents left long ago.
A writer in a Chicago paper asserts
most vehemently that the old original
thirteen states will never allow this
republic to become an empire. In an
swer to President Hadley he says:
"Never, never, never." But this re
public is already an empire. If It is
not, there is no meaning in English
words. The lexicographers have all
given us false definitions. A country
including several nations and exercis
ing supreme control over any of them
is an empire. That is what the United
States is today. McKinley is emperor
of the Philippines or there never was
an emperor. President Hadley says
that in twenty-five years we will have
an emperor of the United States if the
trusts are not overthrown. What is
the prospect of the overthrow of the
trusts as long as the republican party
remains in power?
The naval estimates presented in the
house of commons last week the
budget for the coming year shows an
expenditure of upward of 181,000,000
against 150,000,000 for last year. Un
less the revenue is increased the state
ment .of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach,
chancellor of the exchequer, will show
a deficit of nearly 54,000,000, the larg
est ever estimated. The people of Eng
land are finding, as well as the people
of this country, that imperialism
comes high. If we will . have it, we
must pay. the bill. '
m.'j lyj id h un
. . TYxriilnr. healtbT movement of th
If you haven t a fr will be. Keep j our
we !,ndybeywelirForco,ln tlio chape of vlo-
clear and clean is to take
m m - a
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. PoGaod,
Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, j "nd ".Jf
per box. Write lor free sample, and booklet on
health. Address ' Tn k
If you ar pcoducing enough milk so that you
rould ship us a ten-gallon can of nice, Bwi?et,
hand separator cream two or' three times a
week, we would be glad to have you write us.
We can pay you a price for your cream that will
net you more money than anything else yon can
possibly do with it. We can handle all the
cream you produce the year round, at a g-xxi
price. HYGEIA CRKAMEKV CO., Omaha. f
Bee-Keeper's Supplies
You can save freight by ordering
from us. A largo supply: always on
hand, and a trial will convince you
that they are cheapest and best. Many
improvements. Send for our free
catalogue. Address,
LEAHY MFG. CO., 1730 So. 13th ;t.,
Omaha, Neb,
Send for our 40 Page
Catalogue, Fre. Tolls
you how to care for bees
Ten styles of hives siid
all kinds of bee supplies
of the latest improve
ments. Can furnish Ital
ian stock of bees mid
queens. Address,
JOHN NEHEL & SOX, High Hill. Mo.
Do You Keep
Then learn how to
make them pay and
send for our large Il
lustrated catalogue,
showing the best up-to-date
hives and all
other articles used by
progressive bee-keepers. Addrejsa
JOS. NYSEWANDEK, IesMoines, Iowa
56-page Illustrated Poultry Catalogue.
The secrets of successful poultry rais
in sr told in plain langusge: all about in
cubators, brooders, poultry houses, how
to hatch and raise ever? chick, what.
when and bow to feed, forcing hens to
lav and hundreds of valuable subjects
contained in no otner catalogue, lens ot 33 vari
eties popular thoroughbred lowls and quotes ex
tremely low prices. Send 4c In stamps for postage.
Hoi yhock Poultry Fa.m, Box 1409 Des Moines, la.
at least 7 chicks per setting or order refilled
KOCK. Pedigreed Belgian Hares reasonable.
G. M. WHITFORD, Arlington, Neb.
From 10 years' experience -in rais
ing them in Nebraska I find them one
of the surest crops and healthiest
hog foods one can raise, as well as the
cheapest. The hogs do the harvesting.
For particulars and prices address,
GEO. A. ARNOLD, Haydon, Phelps
County, Neb.
Salesmen can iuj pfodtable, permanent
position, experience unnecsssary ; pay weekly.
vV'estsrn Nursery Co., Bnuk Bidg., Lawrence.
TREES ana rtjufis&sj&s
west. Large supply of 8MAIX FBUITSS.
Two Million Strawberry Plants 50 Best Sorts.
Also Raspberry and Blackberry Plants at whole
sale prices. Catalogue FKEL.
20,000 Cherry Tress,
50,000 Apple Tress,
30,000 Peach Trees,
Grapes and small fruits, evergreens and forest
tree seedlings. , Write for price list. Address
J. A. GAGE, Beatrice, Neb.
1 1 W; cherry, 2 to sri.,0( treei
honest In quality,
honaotln price. We py
freiarlit. Apple. 3 to ft..
i treeatone Deacb.8i Concord
crape, 82 per 100. 1000 Ash, 1) Cat&lpa, LocuBt. R. MaU
berry.B.Elder&nd Osro Hedge ;1ow price. Catalog' free.
4AXSEN KURSEU1ES, Box S5, Valrsary, Met.
All first-class, Sweep or
Power Mills. Grind all kinds
of grain, for stock feeding
(or family use. Our new
catalogue A- 79 free.
J. J.- THORP & CO.,
General Machinist.
Bspafrinir of all kinds
Uodal-uskers, ct.
Seals, Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Checks, Etc.
308 So. nth St., Lincoln, Neb.
Successors to Dobon Sl Landgren,
Dealers in
920 It St., LINCOLN, NEB.
We want anything in our line large or small
lot. Wm i hv tin M'rhfMit market price.
inary upening
wj rr .mj -vj BBS
Today and Tomorrow.
We trim hats to order. We
have a handsome display of
ready trimmed hats. There
are a great many styles and
shapes in vogue.' We have
1201 O STREET i