The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 21, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    March 21, 1801
I ' I Of 1
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I 1 1 " vV fyr '"fW (l
Kr. Brock, Csni la Raaeombe Co.. North Carolina, March 1, 1788,
at: "I attrlbate ray extreme eld age to the use of Peruna."
'3 '
Bom be faro United States ai
Saw jtf Pretldents elected.
Fe-ro-ti has protected bias 4
from all sadden changes.
Veteran of tour wars.
Shod s tort mbea 99 years
Tfc. H4 Tyraat of 1U WhlM Houm )
T.Otf Id r; Life lUwsd Oat
Tb trr.ct of tfc Whit fcou I
I fins tis Lavr tacd down to bard
ca lb p-?p of I'orto Kiro thai the
S1r4 U likely to con:e depopulated.
Kpfe& I'orto Khsn !a tLia
cGisrury ievUre that during si! the
tin: tit the FpAsiEi despotism, the
rople of tht islatid mere never so
caressed a bow. Tfcey My that I'or
to lUcas are pre at lot em of home and
rjitiir lard, and that although Spain
, retted and oppretsed them, nerer be
fore -Bere the inhabitant drirea to
cb despair as to begin to emmirrate.
Sow they are Ceeing to Cuba. San Do
miro acd the British Wett India isl
ands ia large cu raters.
It appear that there were two par
tie, orgaElz-ed in Porto Ilico. one un
der the patronage cf the carpet-bag
appointee nt there by McKlnley.
one rr.d the republican party, and
the ether headed by the most respect
able eiessent aruong the na!es. ca!!ed
the federal party. McKinley's $o.00
ro eraor and the other carpet -bakers
Ka found out that the federal would
be in th E2aority in the lower hou&e
cf the le?1ilature. which u the only
place where the people have any rep-resM-ntatiOa.
and they went to work to
t-o i;erry&ander the districts that the
- !
a. f- g- ... . Yf Tk mm gl T ' iim i . Milling
ktUlLAlUa ",t !
u" - i-...!. i.-ut:.
Without pood teeth you eacnot per
fectly educate jour food. Without
Irfect caseation you cannot hare
food digestion. Therefore give attention
to your tetiL Crown and bridge work
at rr bxth.
ArtiSciai teelh from 10 to t.Ji
it D. P.SLMS, 1222 0 SU Liaala, Neb.
Woempbiiefs Drug
A fUii lice of Perfume.
Linnotn, Neb.
'.7 !. 1
tal tiy iU u a v rLa.n; m
s.nMf s)ti :.. brr . u.
4sr ' rt. ti;.!:. Jr-3
flj ta -.. -.r .1,4-.;, ..! o:si.
Ifea LHf. & U-i lr -. tf
, iso to.U.- Uuw ft.40it.
H. r t f- , ' T; :j
pimtn fi'V'k. i? t t '.-m-.s .f ca
Ti&ei w ft r t -,L . u-i fr
9fmA.tna t lltf- ..-.r.f 4 Cr.
H a M VS I'll A : H r T,
:-5 Tt.rx.xm. 0i . VU
w44 hf Z. O. Kotka. Li:-,.. N b
Dr. Loui .X m ttiAvuvaUst, 147 Siutl
lth atrt iirowcJ Lkck.
ill I
Always conquered the grippe
with Pe-ru-Tia.
Witness la a land suit at age
of 110 ye Mrs.
Believes Pc-ru-na the greatest
remedy of tho age for catarrhal
McKlnley party would have a major
ity. Of course the people could do
nothing, for McKlnley had an army In
the island to put things through.
When this body got together they
passed a tax law that is impoverishing
the common people of the island. It
is worse than anything ever done by a
earpt-bag legislature In the south.
The emperor of Porto Rico the other
day graciously gave audience to
Messrs. Wenceslay Borda jr. and Vi
cente Balbas, members of the Porto
HU an commission, which was ap
pointed at a mas meeting cf the citi
zens of the island held at San Juan on
February 2. to protest against the law
enacted by the legislature known as
the Hollander bill. This measure pro
vides for the raising of revenue by
property and excise taxes. Messrs.
Ilorda and Balbas were accompanied
by Mr. Freeman Halstead. the secre
tary of the commission, Mr. Pedro Sal
azar, the third commissioner, being
detained In New York. The commis
sioners presented a formal protest,
which enumerated a series of eighteen
objections to the law.
It Is contended that there exists to
day in Porto Rico three taxes levied
anc collected for the same purposes,
"from the Impoverished pockets of the
people;" the new excise taxes under
the Hollander law, the old Insular and
municipal taxes, and the customs du
ties uqdir the Porto Rican civil gov
crnnK tft act. Any of these, it is held,
is sufficient to cover the budget. Un-
rir t" a t nnnns
The Western Optical and Electrical
fV I(vatw1 at 131 Knrth 11th street la
! . - -
: composed of old citizens and thorough-
iy acquamtea witn ine ousiness, nav-
, jng fitted eyes for twenty-five years.
i Certainly they ought to be competent
to do good work. They are perma
nently located with us and that means
much to the purchaser of eye glasses
and spectacles.
Pmate Hospital Dr. Shoemaker's
If you are going to a Hospital for
treatment, it will pay you to consult
Dr. Shoemaker. He makes a specialty
of diseases of women, the nervous sys
tem and all surgical diseases. 1117 L
SL. Lincoln. Neb. P. O. box 951.
Li T6Cl and death
from cancer? DR. T. O'QONNOR cures
cancers, tumors, and wens; no knife,
blood or planter. Address 1306 O street,
Litcoln. Nel r:--'-i
To Car Cold iu one Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund -he money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Vhiten ttia Teeth and
Sweeten the Breath
Try a Tooth Wash made by a
Lincoln Den tut- Ask for a
Sample Bottle.
Dr. F D.Sherwin,
UEe be nr. 9 to 1 JK 1 toE. S.oond rioor
llarr IS lock. Corner room.
Car.Tp mar, C.twrh. TW; riottUXlcr and all
i-ub m none unwt. wntfor tila.trst.d book.
. Isaac Brock, a citizen of McLennan
county, Texas, has lived 111 years.
He now lives with bis son-in-law at
Valley Mills, Texas.
Ia speaking of bis good health and
extreme old age, Mr. Brock says :
"After a man has lived in the
world as long as I have, he ought
to have found out a great many
things by experience.
"One of the things I have found
out to my entire satisfaction is the
proper remedy for ailments that
are due directly to the effects of
the climate.
"During my long life I have
known a great many remedies for
coughs, colds, catarrh and diarr
hoea. I had always supposed
these affections to be different tfs
eases, but in reading Dr. Hart'
man's books I have found out that
these affections are the same and
that they are properly called ca
'I had several long sieges with
the grip. At first I did not know
that Peruna was a remety for this
disease. When I heard that la
grippe was epidemic catarrh, 1
tried Peruna for la grippe and
found it to be Just the thing.
"As for Dr. Hartman's remedy,
Pe-ru-na, I have found it to be the
best. If not the only, reliable rem
edy for these affections. It has
been my standby for many years,
and I attribute my good health and
extreme old age to this remedy.
Very truly yours,
For a free book on catarrh, address
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
der the bill $500,000 or more will be
collected semi-annually, in advance,
thereby, the protest says, lessening the
money in circulation (of which there is
less than $2,000,000) and producing a
state of impoverishment and business
stagnation, as the taxes are collected
by summary process. It is asserted
that the measure is both an income
and property tax law. and that two of
the principal industries of the island
(rum and tobacco) are taxed so heav
ily under it that their production un
der present conditions is practically
The white-livered old hypocrite of
the White house was true to his char
acter in the reply that he made to this
petition. He told' them that if the peo
ple of Porto Rico did not like these
tax laws they could go to work and
change them, well knowing that the
people of Porto Rico had no more pow
er to change the laws of that island
while the carpet-baggers were there
with an army to back them up, than
the peasants of Siberia have to change
the form of government under which
they live. These taxes were imposed
at the dictation of the tobacco and
whisky trusts, backed up by the sugar
trust. The object of them is to im
poverish the people of Pcrto Rico so
that they cannot come into competi
tion with these trusts and McKlnley
knew It all. It was by the order of
these trusts that he proclaimed him
self a paltroon and liar tc the whole
world when he signed the bill putting a
tax on the trade of the Porto Ricans.
There have been several riots in
Porto Rico during the last two weeks
in which nearly the whole population
was engaged and the people of that isl
and who welcomed our troops with
shouts of joy, tore up their garments to
make American flags, are becoming to
hate us with a hatred only equalled by
that of the Filipinos. What honest
man can blame them.
A Disgusted Democrat
A New York democrat writes to the
Buffalo Times as follows:
"A former president and a former
senator practically withdrew their sup
port, and influence to the national dem
ocratic ticket for two elections in suc
cession. The luke warm, the disgrun
tled, the disappointed follow their lead
and what is the result? Republican
"Then those same men write demo
cratic organizations deploring the suc
cess of republicans and asking them
Individually and collectively to stand
together for the party. Such incon
sistencies drive their party to defeat
and me to drink."
It is not so reported, but it is prob
able that this discouraged democrat
made a dive for the nearest saloon.
The Little Sinners
It is amusing to the average sinner
on the outside to attend church these
days and listen to the preacher score
the innocent young people for attend
ing balls and other places of amuse
ment. Not a word is said for or against
the great Inaugural balls that are giv
en at Washington City. They, by their
silence, consider them O. K. The in
augural dance for President McKlnley
outdid in splendor anything ever seen
in America. "Brilliancy of royal courts
recalled by jewels, decorations and
gowns in Washington." "Tropical
plant3, electric lights, flags of all na
tions, from a bower wherein beauty
revels." "Head of the nation. Vice
President Roosevelt, diplomats and
others are present." "Pension building
is the scene of festivities designed to
give golden tone to the administra
tion." "Descriptions of some of the
gorgeous gowns wore by women fam
ous in many states." .
WThy is this sort of thing tolerated
J by the churches? Why score the Inno
cent young and let the head of the na
tion pass unnoticed? Please answer,
Senator Hoar, a republican from Mas
sachusetts, in speaking of the affair,
said that the inauguration of McKln
ley would be the day from which the
downfall of the American republic
would be dated.
When Greece rose to heights of in
tellect and wealth such as have never
been excelled, she abandoned the re
publican ideas that made her great
and started on a career of imperialism
pomp and splendor. The world
knows the result. The Roman repub
lic did the same thing. Now follows
the United States.
"If another lose the way,
My feet also go astray.
Sleepless watcher, lead us back,
Safe into the homeward track."
Custer County Beacon.
Valuable Poultry information
The, Hollyhock Poultry Farm Is
sending a valuable poultry catalogue
free to all who write for it. If you are
interested in poultry raising you
should write for it. Mr. F. N. Ed
wards, who - has received a copy,
writes: -
Hollyhock Poultry Farm, Des
Moines, Ia. Gentlemen: I am in re
ceipt of your catalogue for 1901 which
you kindly sent me recently and I
Cannot refrain from expressing to you
my admiration for same and thank
fulness for your kindness in sending it.
I have made a careful perusal of it and
I must congratulate you upon its
uniqueness and. practicability. It cer
tainly contains valuable information
and although I have received numer
ous catalogues of thoroughbred poul
try from various breeders I frankly
admit that I have never received one
containing the information on poultry
culture in all its branches as yours
contains. I consider it the most prac
tical and most useful catalogue that
it has ever been my privilege to re
ceive and I mast say you have mani
fested a very magnanimous spirit in
presenting to the public gratis so much
valuable and useful information in re
gard to poultry culture. I have in my
possession numerous works on poultry
raising in all its branches, but one can
obtain more concise information from
your catalogue than from an elabor
ate work. I like something short, terse
and to the point.
I am going to adopt your systems
the ensuing year, and as I am confident
of success you will find me one of your
staunchest advocates in the future;
you are certainly very solicitous in
regard to your customers' future suc
cess and welfare in poultry work when
you expend such a large amount of
money in presenting them with such a
handsome and useful catalogue.
Assuring you of my appreciation of
this beautiful catalogue, I remain,
A Strange Case
"WTord blindness, did you call It?"
said Thomas R. Supplee, when seen at
his home, 1106 Poplar street, Denver.
"Well, that is. a peculiar term; but I
guess it about. describes my trouble. I
cannot read a wordL; Reading used to
be my greatest pleasure, but now the
days seem to be so long and dreary.
"I cannot understand it. My gen
eral health Is of the best; my memory
and eyesight are good. But I cannot
put the letters together into words. I
can still use my pen, but cannot cor
rect what I have written. I may re
peat the same word two or three times.
"This happened about two months
ago. One day I felt a sharp pain In
the left side of my head. Picking up a
paper I was amazed to discover that I
could not decipher a single word. The
doctors say it is a blood clot on the
brain. They believe it may be ab
sorbed." Dr. Frank Woodruff, former profes
sor of clinical medicine and therapeu
tics at Medico Chirurgical college,
speaking of the case, said: "The afliic
tion is very rare, althought not un
known. WThile at the college I saw a
similar case a man much younger
than Mr. Supplee. He recovered. Mr.
Supplee is undoubtedly suffering from
word blindness, a form of ephasia
known as amnesia.
"It may be due to a plug in one of
the small blood vessels shutting off
the supply of blood to the third fron
tal convolution (left) of the brain,
which governs this power; or it may
be due to some slight rupture and con
sequent blood clot on the same nerve
"In such cases all written communi
cations reaching the speech center
through the sense of sight are cut off.
The patient may be able to write from
dictation, and can also write out his
own thoughts, but cannot afterwards
read them."
We Move Faster
About 350 years ago the Portuguese
started out to civilize and Christianize
the barbarians in one of their colonies
on the southern coast of China. They
have finally reduced these natives to a
happy state of benevolent assimilation.
The people are Ignorant and brutal.
They have been reduced to a state of
abject slavery. The women have be
come beasts of burden, because they
are cheaper than mules, and they are
worked twelve hours a day for a wage
of from three to five cents. The Por
tuguese are a slow people it has tak
en them a long time to finish this
blessed work, but as we are a young,
thrifty and energetic people it is hoped
that we may reach the same happy
conclusion in the Philippines during
the present century. Central City
Australian Land Tax
The government printing office has
issued as a senate document the official
report of the Colorado tax commission
to the thirteenth general assembly.
This makes it frankable and it is now
possible to circulate that interesting
document widely without postage. The
report was printed on motion of Sena
tor Butler of North Carolina, who took
this action at the suggestion of Judge
John C. Bell. Accompanying the re
port is the follbwing brief preface
written by Senator James W. Bucklin,
chairman of the commission:
"One of the most persistent objec
tions to a system of land value taxa
tion has been the claim that such a
system was a mere theory and not
practical. The system of land value
Genuine stamped C C C Never sold In balk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"something just as good."
taxation now existing in the colonies
of Australia forever silences all such
contention. The practical working
success of that system can no longer
be questioned. All that I claim for
this report is strict accuracy in detail
ing facts and that the conclusions
drawn therefrom are conservative. My
hope is that the American states, and
first of all, my own state of Colorado,
may likewise find relief from intolera
ble fiscal and economic conditions by
adopting the rational system of taxa
tion which has been so successful in
the progressive colonies of Australia."
Several extracts from this report
were printed in The Independent some
time ago. Those interested can now
get ' the whole report by writing to
their congressman or senator.
He Will Not be a Man Horaebaek, but the
Creature of Corruption and Ex
pediency. Is the enthronement of unscrupulous
wealth in the politics of our states and
In Washington a thing which the Am
erican people really desire to abolish?
Any one who doubted it would have
many things to show for his opinion.
Many of our ablest public men would
admit, do so privately, that they like
the present system of purchasing leg
islation. In this sense, many of our
best would say, as Paley said of him
self in his day: "I am an advocate for
corruption." And the kind of emperor
we shall get from the continuance of
our method of making politics an an
nex of business is not at all a bold
usurper on horseback. No, he will
be still more of the negative and un
resisting type of 'our existing "Empe
ror of Expediency," as ex-Speaker
Reed calls President McKinley. He
will be, that is, still more of a meeting-point
of vast financial interests,
still more the line of least resistance
along which they move steadily for the
subjugation of the powers and forms
of government to their own private
ends. And if a violent reaction comes,
it will not be towards personal and
arbitrary power, but towards a man
who can utter and execute the pas
sions of the masses. If President Had
ley is thinking of a regime which will
break the grip of greed upon our gov
ernment, he must look for it In the ad
vent of a man who will arise, as Burke
said of Chatham, to use the mob as
his raw material of power.
In mere appeal to the moderation
and forbearance of the man who has
made himself unlawfully rich, and who
has it in his power to prey upon the
community, we confess that we see
little hope. When was it the charac
teristic of power to be moderate?
When will greed admit itself satiated?
9th and
BUGGY ....
These ars prices to think about
hand rubber tire phaeton, two new full
leather top phaetons, regular price 1125,
for- $75; two extension top carriages,
$175 cost $250, and $125 cost $225, nearly
asgoodasnew; three second-hand sur
reys, $75, $65, $110, painted and re
varnished over; one spring wagon, $20;
five road wagons, $8, $10, $15, and $20;
one milk wagon, low down, short turn,
new, $175, $115; eight second hand top
buggies, $10, $15, $20, $25, $40, $18; two
road carts, $12 and $20. We have some
bargains in rubber tire surreys, buggies
and carriages left from state fair, fine
goods. We are agents for Columbus
Buggy Co., Wilson Moline Buggy Co,,
Racine Carriage Co.. the latest and best
styles. Power elevator, no trouble to show goods. The largest stock in the state. Will trade new for old at their cash value.
...T5-; v."si?iv.- i.'.i?s
All new Grass and Field Seeds. Blue
Grass, Clover, Timothy, Eed Top,
Cane, Millet, Alsyke, and Orchard
Grass. If you want anything, call
and see our stock. It is complete in
all lines.
Humphrey Bros.
Hardware Co.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
When did a vulgarized society, drunk
with wealth and mad with the com-
petition In ostentation; ever long ostra
cise a man whose" millions can min
ister to its Bybartic delights? Ask Dr.
Huntington, whose Lenten sermon yes
terday in Grace church was also a
prophet note, piercing to the recesses
of the vice that flaunts itself in Fifth
Avenue, though really as foulUcs any
that lurks festering in -the" city's low
est purlieus. We are, in truth, living
in a time when we can hear little but
the jingle of the guinea. It Is the ugly
side of our prosperity. We have gone
over frankly from the standards of
General Gordon to the standards of
Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes once asked
Gordon if It was true that the Chinese
emperor had offered him, and he had
refused, a room full of gold after the
suppression of the Tai Ping rebellion.
It was so, Gordon said, and he asked
Cecil Rhodes whether he would have
accepted it. "I would have taken it,"
replied Rhodes, "and as many more
room-fulls as they would give me. It
is of no use having big ideas if you
have not the cash to carry them out."
That is the spot upon which our
prophets musC strike the hand to show
where we "ail;" arfd until we discover
that honor and truth and purity and
self -sacrifice and public service are
also "big ideas," we shall not make
much headway against the prevail
ing apotheosis of brute wealth. New
York Evening Post.
Utah Pclygamlsts
While plural marriages were official
ly forbidden by the Mormon church
manifesto in 1890, the practice of poly
gamy still exists in this state. There
is an attempt at concealment of this
fact among the polygamlsts of Salt
Lake City, but elsewhere in the state
the system Is openly practised.
The number of Mormon' church offi
cials living with from two to six wives
each is surprisingly large. Here is a
partial list with the number of wives
recorded opposite each name:
President Lorenzo Snow . 4
President George Q. Cannon 6
President Joseph F. Smith 3
Apostle Heber J. Grant 2
Apostle. John Henry Smith 3
Apostle Brigham .Young : 3
Angus M. Cannon....'. t..... 4
Apostle F. M. Lyman 2
Apostle George Teasdate 2
Apostle John -W. Taylor 2
Apostle Marriner W. Merrill 3
Nicholas H. Grossbeck 2
B. H. Roberts 3
C. W. Penrose 3
Jonathan G. Kimball 2
Henry Dunwoody 3
George H. Taylor 2
H. B. Clawson 3
Lyman B. Young. 2
George Reynolds 4
German Vaccination
Editor Independent: I was inter
ested in the article in The Independent
about vaccination. Smallpox has be
come epidemic in this country. It was
epidemic in Germany about 1810 and
often before they adopted vaccination.
When I was a boy I saw plenty of old
O Sts., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Paper Hangers
: . Write for Prices on
Lincoln Steam Paste Go.,
810 P Street,; Lincoln, Nebr.
people with smallpox marks on their
faces, but since that time every child
in Germany is vaccinated, and now
one will seldom see a person who ever
had the smallpox. Every child as soon
as it is old enough to visit the schools
is vaccinated, and must show a certi
ficate from a doctor before it can en
ter the school. Every one who serves,
as a soldier must get vaccinated again.
The government pays the bill. If that,
could be done here I do not believe we
would ever have an epidemic of small
pox. Please let me know when William I.
is crowned, who makes the crown and.
what material it is composed of. 1
Relieve the time 13 not far distant;
when the mullet heads will be crying,
"Hurrah for William the First."
Minden, Neb.
Gone Daft
The editors and writers of the maga
zines have certainly gone daft or they
imagine every one else has. As a sam
ple of their stupidity The Independent
presents the following from the pen of
Henry B. F. Macfarland, printed in
the Atlantic Monthly:
. "To understand Mr. McKinley as
president you must understand him aa
a man. This seems easy, since he has
lived so simply and so openly. But, on
the contrary, it is hard, because, more
than most presidents, Mr. McKinley
has been at once misunderstood and
successfully misrepresented. Nothing
illustrates the popular misunderstand
ing of Mr. McKinley more than tho
astounding delusion, entertained by
some republicans as well as by many
democrats who do not know him, that
he is more or less under the influenco
of Senator, Hanna."
Now don t such, a statement as that
beat you? v A
TRIAL Tr .wm dim, we furnlfh tha frrmilne.nd nnlr
B7 rc.dar.r uu No mob I. ad. ..mi .rj low cmK
mIUt naraatM. COSTS ALMOST N0THINQ tomptn llk
tnort ail other treatments. Can. wbra all otkor .lertrie
balta, apallaaM. aaa mHln fall. QUICK CURE for root
than to ONLY BIRR CCRxVor all aemu dlmawh
wMk.aaaa and dla.rd.ra. Fee complete aealed on.
drntlal eatalorur, cut th Had. out and mall to ua.
Notice these
FARM WAGON, complete . . . . v? 0 Z .0 U
FARM WAGON, complete . . 0 0 J . U U
Harrows, Plows
60-tooth Steel Lever Harrow CQ Kf
two-section for vvl.uU
Steel Beam Plows I Z.JU