The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 21, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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March 31, 1901
mi mmm ii I Hi r omui
Btrocff rerrps. They are the fountain
froo. "which foni ell the energy, all the
strength and all the -vital power3 of the
body. Strong nerves overcome the Tveak
&e.s?s and disorders of the system and give
to tho step a springiness, to the eye a
brightness and to the mind a clearness that
they can get from no other source. If yon
are tired and nervous, irritable, restless,
rsn-doTrn and Elecplo&s, build up your
trorn-out cerrcs with
My nervous system, "was in such a con
dition I could not endure the click of a
clock, the least noise would startle me and
perspiration would stand out on my face
like beads. When I first began taking Dr.
Miles Nervine I had wasted to 120 pounds
and was bedfast most' of the time. I took
sir bottles altogether when my health was
restored and my weight increased to 205
pounds." G. "W. Colgrove,
Plattsburg, N. Y.
me a
IS Is a brain-food and nerve-restorer without an equal; and ft nourishes, fortifies and refreshes
both body and znind, as nothing else can. .Now is the time to begin.
Soli ty dwggists oa a guarantee Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad.
more tfca a4iut to maintain cta
Ue price loti. At others. acd for
Ion jieriod. iLe iuppljr of both metals
tts tn all too luile to susula the
roar3-rc of the world, and civilixa
iiea txs Ucjruuie.l in consequence
thereof. Bat (he juetioa that presses
cpoa us to it. stall tte tupply of
mttaJJir mir-y limited to gold or
shall it te left to ret upon both met
als, a tea our ajktem of money was
etU!fce4. In all past aes silver and
gold iave leea reroznized as money
cuiterials which anytody could have
con vertr-d Into raocey. the supply de
pendiBS first upon tte production of
t-e isetau, atd second oa the part de
moted to Oar financial sys
ttns wan foutided epoa this principle,
and reoa.ic.ed so until 1173. No demo
cratic convention, or other competent
democratic authority, has ever pro
c ounce d aaint its continuance. Is
there stilScient reasm for ebmagizg
this system now! Th ratio at which
the sseta Is should he coined is a sec
ondary - matter. That ha never re
mained a 2i4 point, and probably
never Aa between gold mono-
xr;:lU:3 and birnetaliisnj. if we could
et:re that st all times the supply of
ro", J woald be suScient to maintain
stable, prtce Ivels and safe blne
ronditios. the controversy would end
there; for It is not the color or spe
cific gravity of either metal that is of
cotafcciutQce it is the supply, or quan
tity. There have beea. however, tret few
peril la all the past when the sup
ply of taoney from both metals has
U-ea tsSciett to sustain commerce
and pretest a lapse to conditions of
barter. For bri-f periods, first the
mifs tf one and then of the other
tsftal. have- yielded up their treas
ures ia quantity suC.cient to support
civilization, and sometimes to pat new
life Into the world. The supply of
fold from the mountains of 1'nrytfa
and Epala. and from the coasts of
Africa, before the Christian era. af
forded such a supply. In the sixteenth
century, perhaps the most notable in
stance in the history of the world, the
ailrer mires of Peru and Mexico qua
drupled thr stock of money In fifty
years. This as followed by tuch a
rviva! of trre as was never known
before. Ar.o;hr l-rief p-noi of abun
dant supply extended from 1SI3 to
145 and came from the placers of
Califarnl? and Auetralia. We have now
com suddenly upon another of these
prioI a period which eclip all
others Is te output of the precious
raetals. How lotig this supply will
lift be told, but doubtless for
o tic. The p-odictioa of gold
th!. the t;t year of the cectnry. is
almost certain to reach t.OO0.COO.
and If the nitres of the Rand Reef are
cp-twd cxju. tuay rise to t ti,OO0XX,
and v ith vnhfr ids ia prospect, the
proda.-tloa of no'd alone may for a
time co cars'. irrzhly above this mark.
Thit this larse production of gold
tttcBral!y relieves the pressure that
w& behind the silier qu-s-tion. can
en t !. lJut it it xfe to
clude, ti.-i fcr-, that hen-eforth me
tallic moa-y stmiid be made only of
gold? It snould be rmrm!ere-i that
a tsoriey iuc iird. or a monry fystrm,
is no fcr a ir. a d r or a cen
tury mere!, but should run w;th the
life oC a Nation.
la coteidt-rins thi queation we mutt
cot fors't that thtr more rapid the pro
durtkB of i;oid becumr th sooner
the mine will te exhauaied. Oa the
oth-r feisd. t-y th middle of the cen
tury we hav- est red iipoa. the United
States alone, with a populr.tloa ap-pToximsticj-
to hundred m;ll!ous,
wiih -eiHa udrupied. ill require,
n annual aupply a great as that
Rt r t:- t;rrd by all he gold money
countries; ty the -id of the cen- i
tury. with a pep .union s large a that !
of China taw, will need more gold ;
thaa all the mirs can now upp!y. !
Again, before 173 there existed for all !
practical purposes a par of exchange I
Kica go,j-us:rc as. a siiver-using
xailora. This tic u broken when
silver A iemmetixd. and it caa nev
r be restored but by restoring silver
to so as international money upon
ics tgieead ratio.
The attempts to set up the so-called
gold standard or to tatroluce a rold
enrree7 by Cngland into lndix has
prcved a ainU failure; and so will
the attempt to set up such a standard,
or to introduce such a currency. In
China or In the Philippine Islands, or
any other Asiatic country. Think of
a gold currency for a people where
waes are ten cents a dayJ Where
pounds are reqjlred in England, pence
suffice In India Such a currency as
the p?ople require cannot be made of
gold. What stores of Bilver will be re
quired for China when trade is opened
up. with that vast population, cannot
be foretold.
Again, along with the large produc
tion of gold large amounts of paper
cuirency are being issued by dilferent
nations. In this connection zhe ques
tion cay very properly be asked. If we
are to have automatic regulation of
money at all. why not have all money
so regulated? But confining our?'!ves
to this country, notwithstanding the
large production of gold an unlimited
number of basks are authorized un
der tLe act of March last to issue pa
per currency; and they are constant
ly increasing the volume of this form
of currency. On what principle is
uch currency regulated? It must be
sdrutted toat it is regulated on no
principle whatever, but the interests
of those who issue it. If banks can
make a profit by issuing such cur
rency, they will issue it. If they can
not make a profit they will not Issue it.
Think of regulating the currency of a
people, upon which the prices of all
products, the wages of labor and ihe
relations of debtor and creditor de
pend, upon such a principle! The
power to control a part of a volume of
money Is virtually the power to con
trol the whole. To put this power
into the hands of Individuals or cor
porations is to create a power outside
of the government almost greater than
the power of the government itself. It
will result In a money trust that will
in time swallow up ell other trusts
nnd dictate the conditions under which
production, trade and commerce may
be carried on.
In the great debate on the question
of currency regulation carried on in
England ard Jn the continent of Eu
rope, and to some extent in this coun
try, daring the first half of this cen
tury, or from the first bullion report
of 1810 to the great parliamentary re
port of 1837, it was finally agreed on
all sides that the issue of a currency
was of such public concern that it
could not safely be left to the discre
tion of any one, and much less to pri
vate Interests; and the right to issue
currency wss of such public concern
that it could not safely be left to the
discretion of any one, and much less
to private Interests; and the right to
issue currency at discretion was taken
away from every bank in England, in
cluding the Bank of England itself.
The president and every director of the
Bank of England were finally won over
to the support of the principle em
bodied in the act of 1844. And it is
feafe to say now that there has not
lived ince thee a statesman of promi
nence In England or on the continent
of Europe who would give his sanction
to such an act as our currency law of
March last. Nor would such a measure
set cons'deration for an hour in any
other enlightened country. And why?
Simply because there can be no sta
bility to suca a money system, and it
is perfectly safe to predict that parity
between a currency so supplied and
regulated and gold, cannot be perma
nently maintained in this country. It
has failed wherever it has been tried,
and it has been tried over and over
To preserve a parity between-gold
and ether forms of currency there
rautt be some proportion between the
gold nd other kinds of money, and
this proportion, within assignable lim
its, must be maintained. This can be
doue only by limiting the quantity of
other forms of money. Under the sys
tem now provided In this country the
promlee of redemption alone is veiled
upon to secure the parity of paper with
pold. But I repeat that this has failed
time and as&ln, here and elsewhere.
With banks of issue at every cross
roads, who is to place a limit on this
kind of currency? An over-ie3ue of
uch currency alters the value of gold,
raiees prices, turns the course of trade
agalnkt the country having the in
flated currency and sends fold out.
For instance. If two thousand millions
1 W. C. SHINN,
If -
. .. .... ... " . .
4 1 ?
' .
and dealer in X-Ray Machines and
Electrical Appliances.
2 no O St., Lincoln, Neb.
HONEST MEN wanted in each county
to sell goods.
t '-2 t .- C Ac frUh4 with Thunder Storm" T.
some who are slaves only provisional
ly, becoming in their turn owners of
slaves, or because there are others
who at the same time are both slaves
and the masters of slaves.
The fact remains that humanity' Is
divided Into the two classes slaves
and masters just as clearly as the
day, in spite of the twilight, is divided
into day and night. "
If our modern master have no long
er his bondman who can be ordered to
perform certain work, he has money,
which is so necessary to others that he
can choose among them for his bond
man any he may wish, ana a few
dollars have this modern slave per
form the work and look upon the per
formance as a privilege.
The slaves of today are not only the
underpaid toilers in the factories who
in order to exist sell themselves to
their masters, but also nearly all of
those who cultivate the fields for oth
ers or for themselves that they may
pay the interest on their debts.
Slavery exists in full force, but we
do not remark It any more than in Eu
rope at the close of the eighteenth cen
tury they remarked the condition of
the serfs. The man of that epoch be
lieved that to cultivate the earth for
their masters and to obey their mas
ters was a necessary condition as nat
ural as life, and did not regard It as
slavery. In the same way men of this
present time believe the rltuation of
the laborer a natural and inevitable
economic condition, and do not con
sider it as slavery.
The situation of modern slavery
finds itself in exactly the same phase
as was serfdom in Europe at the end
of (he eighteenth century or slavery In
America In the last half of the nine
teenth century. The slavery of the
worklngman of our time has hardly
yet been recognized by the advanced
men of modern society, and the ma
jority are entirely convinced that slav
ery no longer exists among us. The
fact that slavery has been "abolished"
only recently in Russia and in America
makes it well nigh impossible for so
ciety to understand the actual situa
tion. r
As a matter of fact, the "abolition"
of serfdom and slavery was only the
abolition of an old form of slavery that
had grown Impracticable, useless, and
it was replaced by another form
stronger, more enduring and affecting
a greater number of souls the mod
era slavery. The liberation of the serfs
in Russia and the enfranchisement of
the slaves in America, while destroy
ing the ancient form, of slavery, does
not even touch the essence of the con
dition. One form of slavery disap
pears, only to be replaced by another
The forms are many, and one or the
other or sometimes several forms to
gether hold the people in this position
the small minority has full power over
the work and life of the great major
ity. In this control of the majority
by the minority is to be found the
principal cause of the miserable situa
tion of the people. -
In what consists this slavery? The
laborer in the fields who owns no land
or too little of it Is forced in order to
provide for himself -from the land to
give himself Into perpetual or tempo
rary slavery to those who possess the
ground he cultivates. If by one means
or another he obtains a parcel of land
sufficient to give him a living, taxes
are demanded of him, directly or in
directly, and he passes into slavery
anew. And if, in order to escape the
slavery of the farm, he ceases to labor
there and goes elsewhere, making for
himself a trade and exchanging what
he produces for other things of which
he has need, again the taxes press upon
him on the one side, and on the other
the combination of capital which prod
uces the same wares, but by perfected
means, and he is forced to give him
self into temporary or permanent slav
ery to the capitalists. And if by work
ing for the capitalist he can arrange
matters so that he preserves a little of
his liberty, the very position he has
taken brings him again Into the rela
tion of servant to the man of wealth
The published statistics of England
show that the average longevity of
persons of the higher classes is fifty
five ysars; the average duration of life
of the laborer and servant Is twenty-
nine years. Knowing this and we
cannot be ignorant of it does it seem
possible that we who profit from this
work, which costs human lives, unless
we are wild beasts, should have a
moment's tranquility of conscience?
Nevertheless we men of ease, liberal,
humane, sensitive to the suffering not
only of human beings but of animals
of burden, profit without stopping
from the work of our fellow men, al
ow him, at the expense of his life, to
enrich us more and more, and our con
science remain undisturbed. At rest
with ourselves and the world, we con
tinue to buy and sell, to traffic for
gain. We are very solicitous of the
welfare of our employes. We take care
of the education of our children. We
zealously prohibit the teamster from
overloading his horses. In our butcher
shops we are careful that the beasts be
killed with the least possible pain, and
yet we allow millions of working men
fellow human beings to kill them
selves slowly, painfully dying at their
work that we may add to our comforts
or our pleasures.
This astonishing blindness of mod
ern society can De accounted tor in
only one way. When the world goes
badly men always invent an explana
tion, according to which their bad acts
are made to be unintentional, unpre
yentable, resulting from immutable
aws which are beyond their control.
In ancient times the explanation was
made that the unchangeable will of
God had decreed that some should be
n high places, others in low places,
obliged to work; some should produce
while others enjoyed all that was good
in life. Upon this theme libraries of
books were written and sermons
preached almost without end. They
were to prove that God had created
men . different slaves and masters
and that all should be content with
their lots.
Then it was decreed that the slaves
should he' rewarded in another world.
Later it was explained that the slave
should still be. a slave, but that the
master should treat him Indulgently.
And at last, since the enfranchisement
of slaves has come, this, the most re
cent, explanation: Riches have been
confided by God to certain men that
they may employ them in good works,
and then the riches of the one class
and the poverty of the other will work
no harm.
, These; explanations have for a long
be, at a given time, our distributive
share of the world's mor-ey, that is if
such a volume falls to us in the course
of trade as necessary to maintain an
equilibrium of prices between this and
other countries, then if the volume of
money other than gold be limited, say,
to one billion five hundred millions,
leaving room for five hundred millions
of gold to circulate with it before the
channels of trade are overfilled, there
would under those conditions
possibility of a break between such
currency and gold. But if, on the con
trary, the entire two thousand mil
liors required to maintain an equili
brium of prices be issued in paper, or
other forms of money than gold, noth
ing will prevent a breakdown sooner
or later.
A few years ago greenbackers were
charged with being inflationists. But
that charge can no longer lie against
them. It is not the greenbacker that
is the inflationist now it is the
Hence, as the importance of the sil
ver question lessens in the presence of
a large production of gold, which is
the foundation of our present prosper
ity, the currency question increases in
importance and is destined at no dis
tant day to become an absorbing issue
with us.
I know it will be said that clearing
houses and bank credits now do most
of the work of money, and therefore
less and less real money is needed. The
wonderfully perfect machinery of the
New York clearing house system, by
balancing accounts, reduces the use
of money to the payment of the small
balances that constitute the residue of
a day's business. So it is in the trade
between nations, balances only are
transmitted in money. But all this
does not change the law of value in
money. The U3e of natural gas does
away with millions of tons of coal,
but the price of coal is nevertheless
determined by the law of supply and
demand. So with money, so with ev
erything else.
While the present large production
of gold admittedly lessens the present
need for silver for national purposes,
the principles upon which bimetallism
is founded are not changed, and the
time will come when either both me
tals must be again resorted to for mon
ey supply, or a paper currency, reg
ulated on scientific principles, substi
tuted for them, leaving metallic money
to serve the purpose of settling bal
ances between nations in International
Meantime, I think it safe to say that
the democratic party will not wage an
other fight over the ratio at which,
sometime in the future, the two me
tals shall be coined. Nor is the silver
phase of the money question likely to
assume the prominence in the imme
diate future, that it rightly held from
1873 to 189G, uor will it likely again
embarrass the party in its struggle to
maintain the great primary principles
upon which it was founded a hundred
years ago.
Modern Slavery
It U Mere Cruel and Far More KxtenslT
Than the Slavery of Any Former Age.
The last news from Russia was to
the effect that Count Leo Tolstoi was
very near death's door and that he had
been excommunicated from the church.
The last word that he had to say to
the thousands of Americans who have
so fondly loved and earnestly studied
his books was published last Sunday.
The Independent asks it readers to
read these farewell word's of Tolstoi
with care and reverence. It will be
seen that they teach the same truths
and assert the same facts that have
been constantly put before the readers
of this paper. They are the last words
of Tolstoi, but they will continue to be
the words of The Independent. It has
proclaimed them for twelve years and
will continue to proclaim them until
the people of this nation listen and
take action. Count Tolstoi says:
All men of our time are divided
clearly into slaves and masters.
The truth of this proposition is not
affected because It may be more diffi
cult now than it was in former times
to define accurately the relations be
tween the master and the man or be
cause among these modern slaves are
time satisfied the rich and the poor,
especially the rich. But there now
comes an epoch, when these excuses are
insufficient, above all for the poor, who
begin to cqmprehend their situation,
and m order to satisfy them it will be
necessary to evolve new theories, the
ories which will enable us to escape
from the situation to which our minds
have been so long accustomed the re
lation among human beings of master
and man, owner and slave.
cure throat and lung trouble without
fail. For grippe, influenza and a deep
seated cough or cold, it is the best
remedy offered to the public. The
doses are small and a bottle costs only
Did th Women Take the Job Away
From the Men or Did the Men Take
Women's Job VlrstT
That women are to be found In every
avenue of labor, In every trade and
profession is a fact. Formerly the
women stayed at home and the men
did the business and followed the
trades. Sometimes we hear the com
plaint that women have invaded the
fields of labor that should be reserved
for men in fact that women are tak
ing the jobs away from the men. In
an article by Lydia Kingsmill Com
mander, she complains that the men
first took the Jobs away from the
women. After giving a description of
the field of labor in which women once
reigned supreme, when she did the
work of the kitchen, the laundry, was
dressmaker and tailor for the whole
family, when every hour of the day
was filled with diligent toll, when wo
man had her sphere of work which all
tho work considered God-appointed,
Bhe goes on to say:
"There came a day, however, when
the man quietly slipped into the house,
grasped the loom and carried it off
to the factory. The woman looked sur
prised, but relieved as well. It was
easier to buy cloth than to make it.
"Presently back came the man and
took the spinning-wheel. 'I will make
the yarn, as well as weave the cloth,
he remarked, and to complete his task
he tucked the carders tinder his arm.
"Ever since he has een visiting the
house, and each time he has carried
away some kind of work. Now it was
the bread-making, again it was the
laundering, and another time the shirt
making. On each occasion he offered
to bring back the finished product,
better and cheaper, because it had been
made in quantities and by scientific
"The first visif pleased the woman,
but soon she found time hang heavily
on her once busy hands. After cen
turies and ages of toil she could not
be idle and happy. So she rose, and
left her home, and went to the factory.
"There were protests then that she
was trying to get man's work, though
she had spun for so long that it had
given her sex a name. Who ever heard
of a man being called a 'spinster?
"As her work disappeared, she con
tinued to follow it, demanding always
something for her willing hand and
brain to do. But at every turn she
was opposed by the man who boldly
assured her that the work was his and
told her to go home and labor there
as she always had done.
"At last one day she went home, de
termined to investigate and to secl
ously' consider the matter. This is
what she found:
"On the windows, instead of the cot
ton shades, which formerly she made,
were patent rollers, manufactured and
put up in place by man. The cur
tains were made in factories owned by
men and were hung by men.
"Instead of the barrel-armchairs and
box-dressers was furniture made by
"The rag-carpet of her own weaving
was supplanted by a brussels, made
by men, cut and sewed by men, ana
tacked down by men.
"She rushed to her old sanctum, the
kitchen, once the important part or
the house, because the center of in
dustry. Behold, it had shrunk almost
to the size of a mere closet! The day
of its glory was past and the contents
of the pantry told why.
"She didn't need the kitchen tor
baking, as Mr. Bunn's men did that;
nor for washing and ironing, as
Starcher & Co. attended to that; nor
for preserving or pickling, as it was
done by canning companies; nor for
making head-cheese or sausages, be
cause Chop, the butcher, did that; nor
for drying apples or stoning raisins or
makins cake or roasting conee or
grinding spices or mixing mustard or
making jelly, for all those things were
better done outside the house by men.
"Not even the thought of house-
cleaning could reassure her. bee re
called that when that essentially
'feminine" occupation was In progress
men kalsomined the ceilings and pa
pered the walls, cleaned the carpets
and dyed the hangings. Indeed they
did everything except tie up tneir
heads in towels to Keep the dust on.
"The woman turned to her wardrobe.
Surely the needle, her age-long Imple
ment, remained to her. JUut her lin
gerie was factory-made, her shirt
waists bore a masculine name, and her
tailor plainly lacked the affix 'ess.'
Even her milliner was a man.
'Finding that all the work once
called hers was now done by men and
that nothing was left In the house for
her to do, 6he returned to her place in
the outside world.
"Thereafter she listened unmoved to
the protests of the man who claimed
she had taken his job. She was calm
and strong and satisfied, because she
had fully and truly answered the ques
tion, 'Who stole the work?"
'Reader, do you know?"
r rv lsnn tobacco spit
L1J1 I and SMOKE
A purchase of 500 dozen towels enables us to offer you the
most unusual towel values we have ever known. In fact it
makes it possible for you to procure the very best towels to
be had for about half their value. , The maker is the man
who loses; we don't.: ; s -
Linen Huck Towels, red blue and white borders,
size 17x33 inches, fast edge, hemmed, each"
Linen Huck Towels, same as above, 18x34 J inches,
wunu xoc, special price, eacQ...
Linen Huck Towels, white and red borders,
19x36 inches, worth 20c, special price, each.
lib inches, . j Qq
Linen Huck Towels, large size, 21x39 inches, worth and I 7rt
and never sold before for less than 30c, special price, each. 1..... ...... I iC
Pure Linen Huck Towels, inches wide 45 inches long, fancy border.
nemsuicnea, cannoi oe Dougnt anywhere for less than 50c, on Okift
sale here now, each...,. . .... .... ...... .... ....Z Jill
UNLESS YOU ORDER AT ONCE we cannot guarantee to fill your order.
Miss Kate Cline and Mr. F. N. Somerville are in charge of the
dressmaking department. Miss Cline supervises the making
of fancy dresses and Mr. Somerville devotes his time to tailor
gowns exclusively. Absolute satisfaction is assured. ;'
White Shirt Waists, latest novelties, 07a rriV Cl flfl
ranging in price up ward from... Oth 1.0 0411111
V enetian cloth suits, in black, tan and red, bishop sleeves, wide
nare oouom SKirts, seven gore, lined with percaline, late
style jackets, our price
We fit garments and guarantee perfect satisfaction always.
4 3-4c
Lawns, 27 inches wide, dark and light color.,
10 yards to a customer only, per yard ,
Dimity, 27 inches wide, light or dark, fancy,
worth 8 cents, special price, per yard,;.......................,
Minerva cord, fancy and plain, dark colors, a good fabric for
early spring, worth 12 cents, on sale here, per yard,
Many exclusive novelties, our own direct importations. Send for samples.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
KM Will . . I
f AMD 5
Your Life away t
rm of tobacco usinor
silj, be made well, strong:, magnetic, full of
vigor cy using mu-t U-UJiU,
weak men strong. Many gain
that makes
REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York.
J. W- Mitchell Co.
1338 O STREET.
Wall Paper
& Painting P
Good patterns
here to choose
Yocr First tatd
to pet th
&20 Bootrio
Doit for onty
fiTw Tmnwvvsyl
Electric Belts
Warranted to evtra
wlthotit medicines.
the following tllieaier.
Heart Tronhlf,
Spinal Diwtatem
Torpid MAvor
Throat Troublom
Kidney Complaints
IFervoMO MtebtUtv
Xjoot Tigor
Cold Extretnitiom
f)i Femalm Complaint
Jatno iw Uta JBoeJt
All TTealcMMM 4m
) JbTen and
I good for
if sent with an order
for a $30.oo Belt, not
later than thirtvdavs
from date of this
Paper Dec. 6. 1900
t of onrbctt Belts at a nominal pric. tityr la U HU
w. ffered to ajl thU BU at loth a prle., but wt want
We make t&U Special Unprecedented Offer to Onirkiv
Introduce and Obtain Agents in liew Localities.
. To floieWr Jntwjduee and obtain KnU In ai nr new loe.lltlw u possible
fof.?r- J0 New 1 "I prowl Electric B1U and Appllanee. v bar daeidad to
'1'or ? L'r. - Ho"1 Impro.d B.ruUr taO.OO Elactrto
. .V. Will J VO.WW. W J"ll W .11 . .Ill IU.B. 1.
aaYortisement to get en
U,rj t oar baaiaooa lave
an arent in youi 'locality, and w beliore that if yea boy a Elt yo triU b wail
rrnn.mnNiajn.uiIUiniWH WUT afM W H0ip U tO f.t ODO,
n.mbr, the Belt wo ara offerinf yon for only 6 C8 1. onr No. 4 Dr. Borne
New Improved Regular $20.0 Combination Belt for an or women. It l. adiuit.
able and can be worn by any member of the family. 6a.pea.erT free with ererr
aJe B"U It is the beet Belt we manufacture! in fact, the Beat e. larthVand wi
make no axoerW to thie el ate men t. We have acid hundred., yea, thousands of
them, op to 40.00. There il not a family but what should bare oWet theaeBelts.
M.'V" 'H P"4 doctor and yon do not hare to r out of the house ti
get it. It will last yon for ysars with Bronereara. 4 will ..... it..i: i",.
ten times over. These Electric Belts hare cured thousands and will ... " EaSEi
wi 1 only (ire It a trial, as the many testuaoniala which we publish in Our catalogue I&;
Vfin BUM ttn ? fts asset aa.w..
ins nwrt tiw niSl IN UEAlInU mill USe
belt, we are perfectly willinf to aond it to your nearest e Z offloTS. O. F
- - wv.., jhh ia, same as lr you came into
our omce or to into any .lore and if yoa are perfectly satisfled with It, pay the et.
presa arent the price ot the Belt and eipress cnaryee and take it; otherwYsY X "u
be returned to os. Can any fairer offer be made you than this! We era thvr,.
manufacturers ot Electric Belts Who send Belts r. O n loJJI.vIL
S?d dv " .' T" "T orry for it, aa we shall n.rer again offer
,Uch,7 rP.T J'"m T' "T at austtinio atoeaoi
. . r . . -T . , ,. .. . . v " cneaper to introdnee them in
...,. . aaea so ae II lor us. if yea w
"" C'U'X" OUT OOTtrrw
and send to aa with your waist measure in rm'a .. si, .
possible, otherwise you ma tonal it. ww wamj u
new lo
yea want ana at
Dr. IIorne Electric Delt Q Truss Co.
JWMi J-J CHICABB. nine k
f. 8. ytra tare aa ate ror an r ectrie Belt please hand or nail' u,
kunentla una nu h L . ""'
.hiaywiafth'aZ Vw.Vod
we can giro steady employment. We only employ those who Uyuel oar
and can epeak of their merits from Bcreonal a.. . OUT
thit adrer-
l rr-eak or their lunl,
REFERENCES aa so enr raliahilit .-- JT :
.i i I . n . . . " w " I. WIT U1I1.U
rZJti IZSaElffi! 2V f U Tr the VnitedSteaoa wi
Z-JJLZZZZZ-ZZZZ-Z2 ' 1 wmtw gnncg me peat go years.
AiCin.m its vOatlwCu - ir lit t'z ..: ftii;
Hffm.i- ' ,. fH sam, .J .Ui-AavUmflTiignv
i V aae
W I - I
City Ticket Office Cor. i oth and O Sts
Telephone 335.
Depot on 7th St., Between
Telephone 35. .
P and Q.
THE BURLINGTON announces a still greater reduction in
rates from Lincoln to Puget Sound points. - (
On March 19 and 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, the Burlington will
sell tickets to the following points at these extremely low rates, viz:
To Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena, Anaconda, and Mis
soula, 123.
To all points on the Northern Pacific railway west of Missoula,
including Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, as well as Vancouver
and Victoria, B. C, 125.00
To all points on the Spokane Falls & Northern railway and the
Washington & Columbia River R. R., $25.00.
On the same date to CALIFORNIA COMMON POINTS, $25. v
tujuibe brk ladepcadeok.