J lb M W MM 1 I I 1 1 .t VOL. XII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH 21, 1901. NO. 48. ' (; " I i t 11 u t V r a r WE CANT HAYE EOTH If W tiaWii.li Militarist. f.reet Stead ies , ry atjui llg T, We Cea't lis I tan 1 1 - trt.I I fea r.i ratt V.'2.ir.Kt'ia. !. C . March 1. KOL it i-.a as c?jr wrt ia Wshingtoo for - k England's n-tpoEs on f!. ij-Paun-fot tr-aty would be :- ! :t 1 u-.t.l or.jr: - tad adjourned. Jr.- 'ia;ii:trt:oa y rspathized iih attitude ar. 1 was ex- t r 1 jriry t J.t tbr -a.te could !.;..'! t-'- Ei- to the UUT!t- t-a Asfl- Air. rira alliance which jil tii'At tti alitfv England i' 11 ol evt-ry Dtgotia- jj.' Tu- jMi-a-. f.o-ur, tt-M out lor 4 tiar w;.i; L ouM jw m.;t us to de-f-i I'-rt4y our Nit;r-iiJi tanal Eic t rfuf J to je-cxt the ,iL,'L.;j -I i i . 'J'suj- ! 'f ' . -a: . if s-adr - IL- .? of cou- ;!, -iI-j t i :jot'4 Ly dc t isSi-jii. ioj :r.i.. liiLj; tae , .'! i '.. ; tJa. - t li IirVtrr fto.i-; r. sv- L--n r::-:-j iuiu. 1 r. . t. a j !;. ;y to i.- t.i a any way, i.ta twim ci&u.i.t5 next ;&:. r. Lai tt, 4caia;rtoa prefrrs to cf-r '-tia rft iti. ii ix"!a!. t. t'fflc !cnho!e ikill I frentt"l -o it ca la wa.it f iirstaia dc .!. TLat tL kir.d ot a j:rictie 5ai:r.i.-tra.:ta i.:t itcak oUil lor i-"it Ti-'7 '. .i.';i., r r'ar'a h the r-p-aJ-rac watt 3 it t ;oa deUyc-4 oa tae utT- Hititi ta- trt-iity xavxnt as a;-aiv;ritiua lu: Luildiag the Ni car04 tiaaL VVna .;iaot a billion j!,., j; half S rcpriatel lor military ar-2 itrjwri!:? purpo. the rrpubli- at -1:4 !.(. aat lo a.- um- further , j-f;t.aibiiity. eea lor o meritorious a proj'---t the Nicaragua taaal. l-ur:a tt arit thr- -ar the peo ; :;i :.4tr an.p ; ;Mrtuait y to dis aiir that oar tioia ttic interests are to - .ruatiy ult td ia order ta-I j..- . i.ai iiiu b- tpt-at on por t;o: of o:tr daiaaia cre neither the . jr coagrt-:siouai reirula- uya aei harajtr tht extravagance of rv car ktd after con- ;:-. a4.ra-w: "W are going to p-ai a ratliaaa cc41ar improving the tartar at Mansia aad not a cent oa tL harbor tf the United States. Tir ii.-ith of ex-Preideat Harrison l-iiZ&M 1-iZly to ralr.4 his service to Lis to: a try rr ntly. i'l'j uo art he ever did while ia u"u or -ekisg oSte was as valuable to the i-t.-i'W aj Lu petrch at Aaa Ar to: lit Ifcenbrr khowiag how the :a; nalii poh:y violated the spirit -.aa It-ttc-r thr coaititutioa. It ra.s a p-ty thai Geueral Harrison die jvt at the tirae when he w ir.ust u-tful to hia country, la a; ttirat uii.raa;-e he could not be . of aa u-..rc to further per-fr-aai a.L.t.oa. il-t- clvij t-ui aai forecful analysis tf in. pel iiluia appralrd with great force to tae raak aad air of bis own prty, who a,re cot blinded Ly visions ol ;4aa-lvr ia the Philippines. It will be rrai.tab-red that the jouthfal aad rampant Senator Bever : If ia hU si,-:h of January . 1j0. .1-U: 3 that the Glacials whom we would tmii-l to our new po&&eioas ' raait W thriueire the highest ex-araplt-i of our civillratioa." aad as tared u that the administration could (e ti uted to Mil the places with en- tirely cea; ;..-at taea. Goiag suii furthrr aloag this illogi- j ral aad fallacious line of political rea- vjaiag, the itpubiicaas have been ! prcraiirg that the spectacle of our model froverasseat la Porto Itico and' the Philippines would exercise a salu tary tacral laSaeace over the corrup tion which characterizes republican rule ia this country. Let us see Low the problem works . jt. ik-cator Beveridge has himself :ven us a object lesfeoa. It is of3 ,:!, too. aad cannot be denied. The recently patUfched report of the ladiaaa Civil Service Reform associa t.oa taows that oa April 15, 11. Sen ator Beveridge had his father-in-law. aa invalid agd sixty, appointed to the potal service ta Porto Hico. Oa July Z, WjZ. he was tracsferred to the mon ey order department cf the New York po-tof!lce and given a clerkship under the classified er ice. still without ex amination. On February 10. 15K1, the rcatltraaa was appointed bookkeeper at the ladianapchs poetofUce at a sal ary of fl.00 a 3 ear. although be is fiOt a trains ccouatant and there is no ue for him if he was. How handy for aa administration w -nator to be able to get his needy and incompetent relatives into govern ment service by btartiag them In our ins alar possesions, where no civil ser vice rules apply aad then gradually bringing thtm home as fuil-fiedged government employes. How nicely theory and practice work with .Senator Beridge. He has fur ai.aed t: only one illuminating ex aa jle of the u-s to whirh our Insular jw.oEiS will b? pat by uaacrupul oj puLUciai. Thre will be plenty otter lt::aa . o trisraii upon the son . Titctioa will cut hrt.tate to gather the t"tK'.i. Ml CAN SEE KRUGER" r irrial llwrrlMw wma oppmmtd t f r KlwUy tUcy warly ry ltau A, I l!aon. a lawer ad personal fri'ad. in teHing of his lat call on Garia! Harrin. a few days before &is lt Bine, said: -We reav-r-d on a variety tf sub j rts. I htd jtist finiitad reading his art:c rn the Ber war and rallied him by saying that when be should go abroad the rxxt time he worn not be zd acceptable rejt X the Esglisi court. He answered with greM quick nets: ! can go to see Kruger.' He talked for a time aliout the Presbyterian creed. He was the chair man of the committee on revision. He took up the Cuban question. His point on this was that we had placed ourselves in a position before the world where our sincerity in dealing with Cuba could justly be questioned. He W3s emphasizing his former state ment that the moral law bound the honor of cations as well as of individ uals. "His reference to the Philippines and Porto Itican matters expressed sur prise that the supreme court of the raited States had not yet handed down it decision. "Later the conversation turned on trusts. He said he had very definite id-as on the regulation of trusts, and teiieved that the problem was one which w.a fairly within the reach of ljji slat ion that would commend itself to the common sense of all good peo ple. He quoted at length, from mem ory, from the articles of incorporation rf the steel trust and expressed a be lief that a corporation should not be vlinitted to do business in any state unlets it carried on its principal busi t in the state where it was organ ized and was an actual and bona fide corporation of that state, not only in law, but in fact. "He remarked that money of the reat trust combinations organized uruir the laws of New Jersey trans acted no business in that state and ne not intended to transact any bus iness there. Of the general conversa tion thes are the things that come to my memory." BENJAMIN HARRISON a n f Revolutionary Sires Who Stood bj tb Constitution. tb Doclaratlon nd th Tlg to the lay of hit Jwth. The death of former President Ben jamin Harrison will occasion, pro found regret among all citizens and in every portion of the republic. While advanced In years he had retained in an unusual degree his physical and mental powers, and It had been ardent ly hoped by his countrymen that his life would long be spared. Benjamin Harrison represented the highest type of American brain3, man hood and citizenship. His great grandfather. Benjamin Harrison, sat in the continental congress with John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, as a del egate from Virginia, and was one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence. His grandfather. General William Henry Harrison, was a dis tinguished soldier of the war of 1812- 14 anfl was thn ninth nrirlTit nf thA 1S41, but living only a few weeks after he assumed the presidential office. The deceased inherited the abilities, pa triotism and lofty Americanism of his ancestors, and when he cam3 to the presidential. chair In 18S9 was the sec ond instance in which a single family has twice held the highest office in the gift of the republic. The first in stance was the Adam3 family, and the becond the Harrison family, and it is a coincidence that the progenitors of loth were signers of the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Harrison was a lawyer, a soldier and a statesman. He had won fame at the bar before he entered the arena of national politics, and it is not too much to say that he will take rank as one of the very ablest lawyers that the country has ever produced. His last great effort as an attorney was before the Anglo-Venezuelan commis sion at Paris, on the Venezuela boun dary case, and fully established his reputation a one of the master legal intellects of the century. He met and worsted Sir Richard Webster, Eng land's attorney general, Id an argu ment that has never been surpassed as a brilliant forensic effort. Aa a soldier he developed not only personal bravery, but rare military tact and ability, and made for the regi ment and brigade that he commanded a record for soldierly courage and ef ficiency In action not exceeded by any In the armies of the union. As a public man he was honored with such positions as governor of Ind iana, senator from that state and pres ident of the United States. In politics he was a republican, and he was not lacking in the partisanship of the time. He has been subjected to harsh criticism by his political opponents, but the sincerity of his belief and the Integrity of his purpose have never been called in question, even by those who differed from him. On the new Issues which have arisen since he left the presidency he has not been In sym pathy with the party of which he was a bright ornament. In his recent pub lic lectures and addresses he severely arraigned trusts and imperialism. Among the men of his day and gen eration there has been no more emi nent American than Benjamin Harri son. His mental equipment was var ied. He was a great man in many senses great as a constitutional law yer, as an orator, as a legislator, as an executive, as a soldier when in the service and as a citizen in private life. He was not a magnetic man as Blaine was, but his mental caliber was of a sterner mold. His personal life was blameless, and his friends and neigh bors knew him as a courteous, upright. Christian gentleman. He began life in poverty and worked his way to the very front of the world's stage of force of character, and a power of brains that finds few parallels in the annals of the republic. He will pass Into his tory as one of the great men that Am erica has produced, notwithstanding that as president he failed to use his power and personal influence to stop the tendencies of his party that al ready were plainly In evidence. - THE RAILROAD POWER Communities Come to Fear the Frown of the Railroad Managers More Than They Fear the Frown of God, The whole nation has been watching what a couple of railroads can do to a legislature ever' since the senatorial contest began at Lincoln. What they can do, and have done to whole com munities is not so universally known. But the question whether railroads shall continue to exercise sovereign powers without supervision or control looms up, as one of the most vital and pressing questions of the near future. The Omaha Commercial club has been inviting discussion of the "question. That is the famous body that unani mously declared that if Holcomb was elected governor and the pops came into power, this state would be ruined, the fields lie uncultivated, the business houses would be deserted, society dis integrated and the few inhabitants that would be left would revert to barbarism. A change seems to have come over the spirit of their dreams. They invited ex-Attorney General Smyth to deliver them a speech on the railroad question. Smyth talked straight populism to them as did also Ed P. Smith, and they not only list ened to it respectably, but the speaker was enthusiastically cheered. Mr. Smyth went over the whole question. After indicating that the Weber bill did not attempt to fix a rate for all articles shipped, but only for the bulkier commodities, such as live stock, grain and lumber, and that it prohibited discriminations and im posed severe penalties for the viola tion of its provisions, he asked, "Whence comes this power of the state to regulate the charges which rail roads may make to their patrons?" "It comes," he said, "from more than one source, but chiefly from the fact that no railroad company could be con structed for any considerable distance without the exercise of the power of eminent domain; this power is partic ularly a sovereign power and belongs to the state alone. The state conferred this power upon railroads, a power essential to their existence, and in re turn for it the railroads assumed cer tain duties to the public, among which were the duty to charge for services no more than is reasonable and not to discriminate in their rates so as to give one patron an undue preference over another. These duties are rarely, if ever, observed by the raProads. Tbeir whole system of business is based upon a principle antagonistic to them." In suport of this contention he showed by the testimony of railroad men, taken in the maximum freight rate case, and in the case of the state against the Union Pacific Railroad company, that the rates on oranges from California were the same to Oma ha as to New York, and that in many instances one shipper was charged as much for hauling his freight thirty miles as another shipper was charged for hauling the same kind and quan tity of freight 100 miles. Instances were given where the rates on freight from Omaha to points in the state were 5 cents a hundred higher than from Lincoln to the same points, although the distance from the latter was considerably greater. He said that by the exercise of this power of discrimination, the railroads were enabled to build up or tear down a community at will; that it was a dan gerous power to entrust in the hands of private individuals, and that some communities had come to fear the frown of a railroad more than the frown of God. , He continued that the rates now charged in this state are too high. In proof of this statement he presented the testimony of Mr. Dillworth, one of the witnesses in the maximum freight rate case, to the effect that Ne braska rates were about 40 per cent higher than Iowa rates. This could not be justified on the theory that the Iowa roads earned more per mile than the Nebraska roads. The earnings per mile of road on the Northwestern in Iowa in 1893 were $5,000, while the earnings of the Burlington in 1899 in Nebraska were $8,000, and the earn ings of the Union Pacific about $5,500. "According to the interstate com merce commission reports, the Iowa road received $1.21 for each ton of freight carried, while the Nebraska roads received $2.10, or 79 per cent more. The cost of operation in Iowa as compared with the income of the roads was 6 per cent lower. The cost per train mile of the Burlington & Missouri in Nebraska is 94 cents, while the cost of the Chicago & North western railway in Iowa is only 92 cents, or 2 cents less. Mr. Smyth showed that cattle rates had been raised from 15 to 20 per cent during the last year, and that there was no excuse for this. The Burling ton road earned more in 1900 than in 1899. While the Union Pacific paid in round numbers $7,000,000 in dividends in 1900 as against $3,700,000 in 1899, the earnings of the Union Pacific en abled it to pay about 4 per cent on $100,000 per mile in stock and bonds, while the road was worth, according to the testimony of its chief engineer, but $30,000 per mile; thus compelling the people of Nebraska to pay $3.30 in interest and dividends where they should be required to pay but $1. In fixing rates, he showed by the testimony of a railroad man taken in the cases "which have been mentioned, that the cost of transportation cuts little, if any figure. That traffic man agers know, in the language of one of their numbers, "no more about the cost of transportation than the man in the moon." Fixing freight charges the rule Is to exact as much as the traffic will bear, "but never," according to the testimony of one traffic manager, "to exact the last drop of blood." SVith respect to the charge by rail road men that the rates fixed in the Weber bill were outrageously low, Mr. Smyth said those- rates were substan tially the same as the rates fixed by the state board of transportation a year ago. The board invited the rail roads to join with them in investigat ing the reasonableness of those rates. But the railroads refused to do so and instead secured from the federal court an injunction restraining the board from making the Investigation. Then, Mr. Smyth said, was the time for the railroads to show that the rates were unreasonable, if they believed they could show them to be so, but having taken the course they did take, it seemed to him quite clear that they could not prove the rates to be unrea sonable. In conclusion, he insisted that the republican party was the railroad par ty of the state; that it no longer made any pretense of representing the inter ests of the people where they conflict with the interests of the railroads. There is room, he said, for but one railroad party, 'but there is room for a party which will insist that the railroads obey the law, keep within proper bounds, respect the rights of the people and keep their hands off the throat of government. The only party fitted to occupy that room is the democratic party.- Those who would stifle its voice When it should speak out against railroad domination, do not understand its mission. If it be true to its traditions and the prin ciples of its founders, it must take a definite position with respect to the railroad question, and that should be, 'justice to railroads as well as to farm ers and merchants, and death to cor poration domination in the state of Nebraska.' " HEART RENDING A Noble Woman, Descendant of Many Generations of Patriots, Denounces McKlaley. Below is a letter received from a woman, whose son, Lieut. M W of the signal service, was killed in the Philippine islands. The heart-broken mother states in terms most positive that she would rather far have her only son in Paradise than serving in the army of the United States engaged in the most unholy war.. This lady, as she states herself, "is of a family whose record dates back over eight hundred years, with men of rank and influence among them-1-from a family that in colonial days cast their fortunes with the colonies against the crown and left estates be hind them to do it. I dislike notor iety, but if my letter will help your country, you are at liberty to publish it." The letter was written to a repre sentative Filipino who was at Wash ington and was as follows: Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1901. Senor Fontela: I sent one to Senator Mason of Illinois and one to Senator Berry of Arkansas and I sent the letter with pity and pleading but . . I oubt :if either had any effect: "I am only" a woman who loves her country and feels deeply the present disgrace and wrong done to the Filipinos. I enclose you a newspaper clipping which will tell you all about how this war has hurt me for that Lieut. W mentioned as killed was ' my son. With my last letter to him I sent a copy of Senator Hoar's speech in favor of the Philippine question and begged my son to come out of the army. He .entered the army at an early age in the signal service and served several years. But when he again entered it and was ordered to those islands neither he, nor I, thought it was for war on .them. He thought it was to help them to their indepen dence and it is impossible for me to forgive the men, who have brought about all this woe. I despise McKinley just as I despise any man who per verts his position to serve his purse or person. Our country is worse off than yours for we are doing wrong your people are suffering wrong but the witches pot is boiling. God grant our land be saved. My heart is broken and I presume yours is also. Do I blame the poor Filipino who fired the shot? No! I do not! I blame McKinley! I despise him. God received my son into Para dise better than in our army in these days. Men and nations do not bear prosperity and if you get your liberty and a free government, you will find that your people will grow corrupt. I pray God for your land. My prec ious boy is near me as I write it nearer far nearer. When the sea with its miles flashed between and I feel that he forgives the Filipino who fired the shot that set him free. Most truly yours, J . S . W . Later it was shown that a band of about 300 natives were out to capture the wagon train, but why they took my son instead is something I do not understand. J. S. W. In another letter she says: The news of my sons death was flashed across to us on the 4th day of last October and though every one has been very kind to me, yet your words of full understanding of what it is all to me, have been a comfort such as nothing anyone else could have spoken or written. More than 28 years ago everyone died that loved me and I was left with a little son but hard as it is if I must choose I would rath er be where he is today, in Paradise, than to be in the army of the United States doing the wicked work of Mc Kinley. The conduct of the administration toward your people is dastardly and shameful and I pray God to atone you all for It. Many a Filipino mother has wept In agony above their murdered sons and my heart has grown more to them since my loss. I am. most trul. your friendt . J. S. W. McCABE'S SAINT Ha Signs Appropriation Bills on Sunday and Thereby Throws Doubt on t Their Legality. President McKinley's action in ap proving appropriation bills on Sun day, March 3, has had all official Washington in a fret lest the laws should be declared void. A declaration of the illegality of such laws by the attorney general would require an ex tra session of congress to reapprop riate more than $300,000,000 to keep the wheels of government running during the next fiscal year. The acts which the president ap proved on Sunday and which are in volved in the question discussed are the following: Postoffice approp. law... $123,782,688 75 Naval approp. law 78,653,973 75 Sundry civil law 62,553,108 21 Legislative, executive and judicial law....... 24,600,753 S6 General deficiency law.. 14,340.574 94 Indian approp. law 9,596.221 09 St. Louis exposition law 5,250,000 00 Total $318,777,320 59 CAPTURED TEXAS The Corporations Seem to Have Got as Complete Control in Texas as They Have in Nebraska. The Texas legislature continues to make pops by the thousand. It is ov erwhelmingly democratic, but it has repudiated about every principle set forth in the Kansas City platform. It began by inviting Dave Hill out there to make an address. Then it sat down on all of Governor Hogg's plans to restrain the greed of the railroad cor porations. It has been going from bad to worse. The other day it surrend ered, horse, foot and dragoons, in open daylight to the railroad corporations. That was a little to much for some of the Bryan democrats. Judge W. W. Dillard gathered up his private papers, cleaned out his desk and announced his departure from the legislature. Judge Dillard opposed the passage of the bill allowing railways outside the state to lease Texas railways not over 115 miles in length. The bill passed. Today Judge Dillard said: "I am going home. This legislature is controlled by the railway lobby, and I have lost more self-respect since I came here than I will ever regain. I have been to the theatre, where I paid my money, and I have seen the boxes full of legislators who were guests of the railway lawyers. I will go to my people and tell them what I have seen and heard, and will ask them what they want me to do. I have my resig nation written out and am ready to send it to the governor." Judge Dillard charges that the rail way lobbyists have put the gag rule on the house and that no legislation can be considered even, much less passed, without their consent. MONUMENTAL LIARS A Specimen of the Falsehood Constantly Appearing in the Great Plutocratic Dailies. Among all the lying newspapers in America, Chicago has an average lot. No one can believe anything that he sees in a Chicago daily. As an exam ple of their mendacious falsehoods it will only be necessary to notice a story that every one of them published about a riot in the village of Highwood, oc curring upon pay-day for the soldiers at ft. Sheridan. The Chicago Rec ord's account, and all the rest were similar, was as follows: "Highwood is a military camp to day. Martial law was proclaimed last night by Colonel Bowman, command ing at Ft. Sheridan, who sent two com panies of infantry to protect the resi dents of the peaceful suburb, not from a foreign foe or from rioting people of the town, but from soldiers of the fort. "In addition to the infantry twenty five special deputies under Marshal Gordon guard the town. "Colonel Bowman's action was the result of a reign of terror started early last evening and kept up for several hours by drunken soldiers. Stores and saloons were sacked, citizens knocked down and the soldiers, as is the custom of most of them, have been busy ever since getting rid of their money. "The trouble was started last even ing by Corporals O'Brien and Stayd. They went into a Highwood restau rant and ordered supper for two. Both men had been drinking and were in a quarrelsome mood. They picked a fight with the proprietor and his em ployes and then proceeded to "clean out" the place. They shot at the lights and smashed the windows. Several of their comrades heard the noise and joined them in wrecking the place. "Corporal Jack O'Brien, Corporal John Stayd, Fifth infantry; Charles McCullough, Henry Rixon, W. J. Mo ses and Fred Adelberg, recruits, are now in the hospital laid up by their in juries, and numbers of other soldiers fill the guard house, while many vil lagers nurse painful cuts and bruises." One and several, collectively and in dividually, are falsehoods. In plain, everyday, colloquial Anglo-Saxon they are lies, without basis of any kind whatever, and the men who .wrote them are a pack of liars. (1) There was no declaration of "martial law" in Highwood and no "two companies of soldiers" were sent to the town to protect it, nor for any other purpose. A patrol of possibly twelve men passed through the streets, but -this is a common occurrence and In no way indicated any special dis order. (2) There was no "rioting," no buildings were injured neither stores nor saloons. During the night a tailor's shop was burglarized, but whether by soldiers or others no one knows. (3) Not a shot was fired in the town. (4) No "special deputies" at all were sworn in under anybody. Gordon is not marshal of the town, the marshal's name being Roger More: (5) No villagers were injured. (6) Citizens of Highwood unite in pronouncing the past week one of the most peaceful weeks that have oc curred In connection with a pay-day at Ft. Sheridan, in spite of the fact that the garrison at the fort is larger than usual on account of the recruit ing of the Twenty-ninth regiment there. These stories were published to en courage the re-establishment of the army canteen. It is said that the offi cers at the post got a big rake-off from the breweries whose beer was sold in the canteens. Notice is taken of the matter to draw attention to the fact that it is these sort of newspapers that the voters must rely upon for their information. Think of the moral standard of the men who are engaged in publishing such sheets. Not one of the whole lot will ever publish any cor rection of the lies sent forth. All Chi cago and all the country where those newspapers circulate will continue to believe that there was an awful riot at Highwood. During a campaign they will set afloat just such lies and the people will have no chance to get the truth. The Chicago papers are no worse than those of any other city. This is an age of mendacious lying. The read er will perhaps ask, what is to be done. There is only one thing to do. Take The Independent and get the truth. The editor of --this- paper saw those stories when they appeared. His long experience with plutocratic liars Jed him to conclude that there was not a word of truth in them and no notice was taken of them. v ENGLISH WHISKEY TRUST It Was What Downed. Gladstone and Turned the Course of Empire They Make Peers of Whiskey Men and Give Them Seats in the House of Lords. A series of public meetings, or, rather, conferences, have just been held in Manchester, in which Lord Peel, lately speaker of the house of commons, took a deciding part for the purpose of devising and deciding upon some course of action to be taken with the view of compelling the con servative government to show a little more interest than it has lately been showing in the work of temperance re form, writes Justin McCarthy in the Independent. Lord Peel, since he released him self from the laborious duties of the speaker's office, has. been devoting himself unweariedly to the consider ation and the promotion of legislative measures to combat the increase of drunkenness throughout these Islands. Some few years ago Lord Peel presided as chairman of a royal commission which was appointed to make inquiry into the whole subject. The commis sion could not agree upon any plan of legislation, and, in fact, the majority of its members were opposed to all leg islation which could by any possibility be made effective in dealing with this growing evil. I am only repeating what was openly said at the time, that the majority of the commission was made up of men who were more or less under the Influence of the great capi talists by whom the country is sup plied with intoxicating drink. I do not believe that any of the great commercial and industrial trusts of which you complain so much in the United States can possibly have more influence than is exercised here in England by the brewers of beer and the distillers of whisky. A great brew er of beer or a great distiller of whis ky is certain in England to be raised to the peerage. I could name several men who are members of the house of lords at present who have acquired that dignified position merely because they or their fathers were successful manufacturers of intoxicating liquors, and, having acquired vast fortunes by that industry, made lavish public ex penditure of money in the patronage of popular charities, and thus adver tised themselves as public benefactors. The liquor trade is an organization of immense importance in all parliamen tary contests, for the public-house keeper is in the. vast majority of cases a mere dependent on the brewer or the distiller, and has to bestow his vote according to the direction given to him by his master. Now, the powerful brewers and distillers are generally on the tory side of politics, and the present government : has, therefore, a good deal to thank them for. The late liberal government owed its overthrow mainly to thev earnest efforts of Sir William Harcourt: to introduce a scheme of legislation which would have Interfered with the profits of the liquor trade. ' ' , . Lord Peel, who, as I have said, was president of the commission to inquire into the whole subject, drew up with his own hand a minority report, as it was called a report embodying the views and recommendations, of those members of the commission who thought with him. There was nothing extravagant or even immoderate, there was nothing impracticable or fanci ful in the recommendations of Lord Peel. He is not a fanatical teetotaler; he is, in fact, not a teetotaler at all, and is not the man to indulge in any hope of making everybody sober by act of parliament, but he is a man of ear nest purpose, of great intellect and of comprehensive practical knowledge. Ideal Enough For Earth Miss Bridesoon:. "What is your idea of the ideal lover?" ' Miss Yellowleaf : , "The . one - who marries."--ApriI Smart Set. POPULIST ECONOMICS While the Sociological Principles An nounced at Omaha are now Forging Forward, Populist Money Theories ' Are No Less Certain of Triumph. For years The Independent has tried to clear the discussion of political economy engaged in by the people of the senseless terms in common use. The employment of those terms only confused thought and landed the ora tors in an impenetrable fog. The democratic orators were afraid to drop them. They imagined if they did that they would be called populists or so cialists, and they continued to use the double-back-action blunderbusses that were furnished them by their enemies. The Independent appealed in vain to the orators to stop their use. It point ed out time and again that "value" could not b "measured" and that the term "measure of value" was non sense. Most of them after a while stopped talking about "intrinsic val ue," but they went on using such terms as "standard of value," "unit of value," "double . standard," and many other phrases that the republicans fur nished them free of charge. Perhaps the most senseless of all these terms was "unit of value" as if a value could be divided into units. If asked what a unit of value was or how many units it took to make a value, they were all at sea. When the editor of The Inde pendent was one of the vice presi dents of the bimetallic league he fre quently made strenuous objections to the terms used in the literature sent oukv But.the managers were so fear ful that they would be accused of pop ulism that they continued to use those senseless4 terms. It is d relief to see that Gen. A. J. Warner, wha, was the head of the bimetallic league.Abas at last obtained the courage to take'the populistic stand and argue the money question from the premises which were ' the foundation of populist political economy. In a recent paper Ije says: nounced by a distinguished economist the "bane of economic science." Out of this has grown three or four other terms equally pernicious. If we could eliminate from the money question the terms "intrinsic value," "standard of value," "single standard," "double standard," "measure of value," "unit of value," and along with these that false definition of money so often heard, "medium of exchange," much would be done tc., clarify the discus sion of the question. Our lawmakers seem to have thought when they had hit upon the termj'unit of value" that they had got something definite and exact; but a little reflection will show that a unit of value is as impossible as a standard of value or an invariable measure of value. Value is a relation and not a fixed quantity. A unit is one in a series of numbers, each of which, whether a multiple or fractional part of the unit, is fixed and determinate. Wre can have a unit of length, of vol ume or of time, because the things the units relate to are also fixed and de terminate; but value is variable and cannot be fixed. All the powers of the world combined cannot make a unit of value. We can have a unit of money, or of account, which were the earlier and more correct terms used in the statutes. Our unit of money is the dollar. ine weight of the dollar piece, whether of gold or of silver, is fixed, and one gold dollar Is the same as ev ery other gold dollar, but what the value of the dollar is or may be, what it will purchase, ' is quite another thing. That is not fixed and cannot be fixed. It varies with conditions. The so-called gold standard, which so many suppose to be fixed and invaria ble, is "constantly undergoing variation. It varies with the supply of and de mand for gold. It is varied by the is sue of other money on top of gold. Who would contend that if the produc tion of gold should run up to five hundred millions a year, as it may do, that the value of gold would not be changed? Such a production of gold would in a little time change the val ue of every piece of gold in the world. Our gold friends might then conclude that the wrong metal had been de monetized. We would still, however, have a gold valuation. Substitute for "gold standard" or for "single stand ard" and "double standard," "gold money" and "bimetallic money," or a "gold valuation" or a "bimetallic val uation," and we would have terms that would express things as they are. Again, money is not a "medium of ex change." Perhaps no three words in economic science have led to more con fusion than these three. Goods are not sold for other goods. Goods are sold for. money, and money is bought with goods. In other words, money is one term in every exchange, and not merely - a go-between in exchanging goods for goods. We sell for money, we buy with money. There can be no science of money until our literature is divested of such terms and correct definitions are substituted for mean ingless and misleading phrases. But to come back to the question ot money supply. Civilization is built upon equities based upon stable mone tary conditions, and these conditions depend upon a stable and regular mon ey supply. How then shall money be supplied, and on what principle reg ulated so as to secure the conditions upon which the equities of all transac tions depend? The one controlling purpose should be to secure the near est possible approach to stable price levelsl" Stable price levels Insure safe business conditions. Any attempt to discuss the money question on any other theory leads only Into darkness. With metallie money, the regulation is automatic, that is, it depends upon production. It is not automatic in the sense of any nice adjustment of supply to needs Sometimes the suddIv is V ' f