to tot titOft 41 VOL. XII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH 14, 1901. NO. 4?. 1 IMPERIAL INAUGURATE Million. 4 MlUia r Militarism Bat S'e a Oat fr I rr( c'i and Hon fr tfee l'pl. VafL!rsot, D. C. Feb. S The txiw irxiuj-uratioa of iltKinley with :f Us it..; aai kpiendor rarant the tx-iurtntioa cf a policy of govera tr.t gi - us a standing army and a -:--j of imperial fovtrntaeiit u.r o;ir .-p---r.dficies tbore absolute tte ithi i rc.M-1 uy any European erHgSi, !: r.t MtKIt'ey in LI inaugural &4r-.-s orr. :?:-! ati mention of the -2sy k;5e of hi firt administration. A-rUi:x to i.';ra everything was love ly r,i ! -;- liiiiy that this o: ,-r I i r!:i' -i war taxes to tun ti forty-one cillioms of dollars. fit- if: 4 Li.t point out that the fifty :!h iT,r-?a hvi put a burden of o'.s fourteen .-'-! millions on the ;-'!'- st.1 that the war taxes have taen from th" pi:p the enormous um of S-.' .'..' Of course we rhouM be thacl-fcl for even a tmall re ia,.ioa if the burden, but it is Just i IJ :.ot to forjret the relative pro p,iiloss of tht tbirg. (iz.r of thf mot sensational episodes i f the jt r. i cosgres was Senator rt r" fiit in tHkit.g the river and c arbor 1 111 to 4 3th In the closing tors of the Ion. IVr?-i:.j!!y Carter had a grievance !-4U- t ite tad been ignored in it r ."! for an rppropnation lor irr;ri!i"n p-irjo s. fh- n Carter was ts o a c.r.r riz!or any ay and had tot hits furtte.- to expect. Put ur.1r ?!l thi is the real ront of t . r -jttr Lich t f e imisi&tration pre- is er-fuily corsee aliag. Thr rp'J!--'!' ?n l:"ie$ in th sen it . r r ' unwilhr.r to have :he nr if.d barter ball dfat J. Its de . .',f tj- rrrer.t eor:ri from the t !:. -f titc a bU'.lon f rid a baif con Th ajprnprJatioTis fall now .jt oier thr fo jrt-n hundred million :..-:L. 1 Ti a jttirtifivt ration force were 'l..d to pr-d ;he racy on the mili tary and ;rr:;rl4l fmtur of poveru :r,i j.t sr.-l the domestic affairs of lis t ro'ittry to thitt for themwlres. 1: i a ir.d station of the policy that so : v;:rn1 in ti.e future. Our ri"- r d Lartor ran wait for ini-r;!-c"k rr. O'tr crld lards can re- ,c :.': i.ful d-t-n. but at each . . trf-M tL jijj!e will be t.tx-d jij'-llioa t L-ep up a bi army fr the work cf duty that is a:."ri; over the tdpies natives in .;r isu!ar po.iaiom while the fav-'r-. fnxid of the admixilftration rob l h vi. 1 . really amuinu to see the re- :-i!,;k-ir. fr-tidi:iK to lie alarmed ! r !t- df-at of tLe rivr and harbor i 'i L3 it i what they had de- rr.l Wh-3 t.e M'tiit' of the fifty--'enth n.rirr tr, t its extraordinary session ira rugately after inaujruration. Sena tcr Piatt of onnerticot offered a res olution t aJ.ioli.frh the t!m honored fre-4ota of debate and to permit the rt rjty t frce u voti upon any s-?f"r' h n - r i ?.':. Of nouj- th rnajority pretended that thTe W3 slmays great danger of the rs ic-writ y defeat i cs legislation un dr th pr -nt ru? of uciiniiled de-?- and no doybt Senator Hanna with rre5ic-r" of the cip subsidy defeat ft nini. fet that the present ti.isni of the ttate is a mischievous The riajority are often willing to let a erasure ar-parently le talked to dith 1 y tLe nj:r.ortty when there are .-.:fr-:.'S ir. the ranks of the ma jority. This was the ease with the ship ub:dy bin. The majority did not &r-- rji Hanta and felt that it was iici to pass the bill. It as r-s!!y worth while to journey to th cap:tol to s-e Itooevelt pre : i:zir o-r ti. senat1. He didn't do rt m ry ! iily. The senators were ; rr .f x art ! did not permit him to un drard the f ill extent of his Isnor jn d:ritis the three days that he pr- de!. Bjt Lre v. is the high courage and f?rnwai it of the rwash rider. All tor". ltee!t 1ked pale and wor- -f. 5!- f r.r a r-ady ear to the ; :rrr r t ics r.f the c-rk and repeated s if,r. l:ke a tvhno! loy who fears r. ! t t to -h fcxix of the class in dlra-e. The hero -f San Juan looked dread fully frijrht; :.' i atout half the time irrrr. c.- !y thankful the balance ef the t: ihs.t coihicg fcerious hap p"nej to him. The real performance will begin r. xt witter h a ltn-v;t gets over h: friLt &r.d ie:t.s to tell the nate it oaght to do. Consrtman UtineUine points out ; . lor to j :rs prior tc the j;pan-Ht-Ame!can war the army cost little i. r ieiity -thr mili.cns and but little ottr f.'.'ty-. x millions dsr;n? tL- -. rt eoit rtd by the ftfty-fourth -r in but for lt'1 and 1C it ctsts sarly two hundred and thirty mil !.or.. Yt la these to years w are ;re.asJ to be en a j-ace footing nrr;,; of cu;ee for that troublesome ins-urre-tion In the Philippines. EUKDOEO DEMOCRATS J4 Oet fr II ;. c .X p p r p ri at I un In the tJr 4 KmW Hilt 4 tk IXr (bXitAM t aUla-4 t lilvr There has a great deal appeared In the dailies loth east and west concern ir. the last dsys of congress in which the cl arse coritantly sppears that deciorrs-ts sold out to the republicans a i.d having delivered the goods as rorr.ied. the republicans simply bun tvd the whole outfit. It was first tartfd in the New York Journal in an ?!':- by Creelman. It has been re l;ted in r-Vtir.ti2.lly the same form m many diierest papers. The Inde pendent is in receipt of a letter writ ten before the Creelman article ap peared, written by as well posted a man as there Is in Washington, treat ing upon the same subject. While the letter was not for publication, the fol lowing extracts are given: "It cannot be doubted that in shrewdness tho republican leadership is far superior to that of the demo crats. Perhaps you would call It 'vil lainy but It is that thing that enables the republicans to go forward in the most astonishing way in a course that borders closely upon revolution, with out any real opposition, and that, too, when a large minority on the republi can side have no heart in this new departure or are actually opposed to it. The democratic leaders have been ca joled, wheedled and deceived by. the simplest means. Take the case of Senator Morgan whom they have held in leash, when If his power of invec tive and the withering sarcasm of which he 13 capable had been turned against their plans of exploitation, he could have made the whole lot of them infamous. But they succeeded in keep ing Morgan so quiet and gentle that they could lead him around with a silken string. "They were able to do this by prom ising him to pass the Nicaragua canal bill to which he has devoted the last fifteen years of his life and which is of so much importance to his own Ftate and all the south. Morgan is absolutely honest and of very great ability, but he is not the man to fight the unprincipled managers of the re publican party on the floor of the sen ate. He will not believe in their total depravity, accepts their word of hon or, and will be buncoed out of the passage of his bill. Not only that, but tbew scoundrels will laugh at him for being taken in. "Morgan belongs to a class of states men who have passed away. They were men who would keep their pledged word even if it cost them their lives. Another class of men took charge of the republican party with the arrival of Mr. Hanna. Many of them are in a position where it is Im possible for them to keep their pledges however much they might so desire. The trusts and the corporations would not have put so much money into the last campaign had they not been cer tain that they could control matters after the election was over. Mr. Mor gan should have considered that it would be Impossible for these senators to allow the passage of the canal bill, when it was against the interest of the railroads. . , "I have no doubt that there ha3 been an agreement made with democratic leaders to allow the Spooner bill to pass, although it is within their power to prevent it. To buncoe the democrats on this measure will be just as easy as it was to buncoe Mr. Morgan. They will promise to modify it and they will promise to give large appropria tions to democratic states. They will tell them that if it don't pass, they will call an extra session and pass it any how that their opposition will be of no avail, and from what I learn the shell game will be played on the democrats, with as little trouble as upon a country bumpkin at a county fair. If the river and harbor bill, which is the veMcle that is to convey this loot to quiet the democrats, is passed a thing that I very much doubt there will be constitutional questions raised or the treasury will devise schemes to prevent its delivery. "I believe Senator Jones to be an honest man, but he has not a single qualification enabling him to meet the shrewd, corporation lawyers, trained to all manner of tricks in contests in the courts before they are sent to the senate. I would not advise an attempt to compete with these sharpers on their own ground, but put up a fight to the death against every scheme they Inaugurate and leave the conse quences to the judgment of the people. There may be much said on the other side, but I believe that if a continuous fight had been made for the ancient principles of the government, from the day that congress opened until it closed, that the American people could have been called back to the old love of liberty which has fired the hearts of four generations of men." That letter was written before the river and harbor bill was defeated by being talked to death. Now the charge is openly made that the democrats laid down and allowed the Spooner and Cu ban resolutions to be passed by brib ing them with large appropriations in the river and harbor bill, when the re publicans never Intended to pass it. fktae of the republican papers are openly loasting about the ease with which they buncoed the democrats, and seme of the democratic papers are .'enouncing their own leaders for the course they pursued. P was the receipt of the letter from which the above extract was made that inspired the article which appeared in The Independent of February 28 The 1rst paragraph of that article was as follews. It is repeated here as an evidence that The Independent is never lead astray and keeps its readers posted: "The real crucial point where a fight to death must bo made has been reached in the United States- senate. The Independnt has advocated from beginning that there should be no fac tional opposition to legislation de manded by the republican majority. If this majority of congress wanted to appropriate a billion dollars let them do it. If they wanted to pass a sbip subsidy bill, let them Co that If they desired to create a standing army of a hundred thousand men, let them do that. But this question of the abdica tion of the power of congress to legis late and the passing of that power over to the president should be fought to the bitter end. We can stand the tax ation Imposed. The standing army can bo reduced at any time by a refusal to vote appropriations to sustain it, but this Philippine business. is a horse of another color." McKINLEY'S BARGAIN H Paid $30,000,000 for a Shadow to a Party that Didn't Own it and Couldn't Dlirer it if He Had. The Independent having noticed that a good many republicans had come to the conclusion that Mark Twain had gone crazy or had softening of the brain, the only conclusion that any sensible person could come to was that he had been writing something that was very logical and reasonable, so much so that no imperialist repub lican felt able to answer. The matter was looked up and the article which these gentlemen declared was proof that Mark Twain had become non com pos mentis was examined. The said article was printed in the February North American Review. That the readers of The Independent may judge for themselves? whether Mark Twain has gone crazy or not, a portion of that article is here reproduced: "Our case is simple. On the 1st of May, Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet. This left the archipelago in the hands of Its proper and rightful own ers, the Filipino nation. Their army numbered 30,000 men, and they were competent to whip out or starve out the little Spanish garrison; then the people could set up a government of their own devising. Our traditions re quired that Dewey should now set up his warning sign, and go away. But the master of the game happened to think of another plan the European plan. He acted upon it. This was, to send out an army ostensibly to help the native patriots put the finishing touch upon their long and plucky struggle for independence, but really to take their land away from them and keep it. That is, in the interest of progress and civilization. The plan developed, stage by stage, and quite satisfactorily. We entered into a mili tary alliance with the trusting Fili pinos, and they hemmed in Manila on the land side, and by their valuable help the place, with its garrison of 8, 000 or 10,000 Spaniards, was captured a thing which we could not have ac complished unaided at that time. We got their help by by ingenuity. We knew they were fighting for their in dependence, and that they had been at it for two years. We knew tney sup posed that we also were fighting in their ' worthy cause just as we had helped the Cubans fight for Cuban in dependence and we allowed them to go on thinking so. Until Manila was ours and we could get along without them. Then we showed our hand. Of course, they were surprised that was natural; surprised and disappointed; disappointed and grieved. To them it looked un-American; uncharacteristic; foreign to our established traditions. And this was natural, too; for we were only playing the American game in public in private it was the European. It was neatly done, very neatly, and it bewildered them. They could not un derstand it; for we had been so friend ly so affectionate, even-i-with those simple-minded patriots! We, our own selves, had brought back out of exile their leader, their hero, their hope, their Washington Aguinaldo ; brought him in a warship, in high honor, un der the sacred shelter and hospitality of the flag; brought him back and re stored him to his people, and got their moving and eloquent gratitude for it. Yes, we had been so friendly to them, and had heartened them up in so many ways! We had lent them guns and ammunition; advised with them; ex changed pleasant courtesies with them; placed our sick and wounded in their kindly care; entrusted our Spanish prisoners to their humane and honest hands; fought shoulder to shoulder with them against "the com mon enemy" (our own phrase) ; praised their courage, praised their gallantry, praised their mercifulness, praised their fine and honorable con duct; borrowed their trenches, bor rowed strong positions which they had previously captured from the Span iards; petted them, lied to them offi cially proclaiming that our land and naval forces came to give them their freedom and displace the bad Spanish government fooled them, used them until we needed them no longer; then derided the sucked orange and threw it away. We kept the positions which we had beguiled them of; by and by, we moved a force forward and over lapped patriot ground a clever thought, for we needed trouble, and this would produce it. A Filipino soldier, crossing the ground, where no one had a right to forbid him, was shot by our sentry. The badgered pa triots resented this with arms, without waiting to know whether Aguinaldo, who was absent, would approve or not. Aguinaldo did not approve; but that availed nothing. What we wanted, in the interest of progress and civiliza tion, was the archipelago, unencum bered by patriots struggling for inde pendence; for war was what we need ed. We clinched our opportunity. It is Mr. Chamberlain's case over again at least in its motive and intention; and we played the game as adroitly as he played it himself." At this point in our frank statement of fact to the Person Sitting in Dark ness, we should throw in a little trade taffy about the blessings of civilization for a change, and for the refresh ment of his spirit then go on with our tale: , "We and the patriots having cap tured Manila, Spain's ownership of the archipelago and her sovereignty over it were at an end obliterated annihi lated not a rag or shred of either re maining behind. It was then that we conceived the divinely humorous idea of buying both of these sceptres from Spain! (It is quite safe to confess this to the Person Sitting in Darkness, since neither he nor any other sane person will believe it.) In buying those ghosts for twenty millions, we also contracted to take care of the friars and their accumulations. I think we also agreed to propagate leprosy end smallpox, but as to this there is doubt. But it is not Important; persons af flicted with the friars do not mind other diseases. "With our treaty ratified, Manila subdued, and our ghosts secured, we had no further use for Aguinaldo and the owners of the archipelago. We forced a war, and we have been hunt ing America's guest and ally through the woods and swamps ever since." . Who's Who? Who rules the islands of the sea? McKinley. Who pulls the reins of destiny? McKinley. Who is the autocrat and czar; Who governs with a rod of war? Our great and mighty emperor, McKinley. Who is the power behind the throne? Mark - Hanna. Who forms an escort to his own? Mark Hanna. Who buys- up everything he sees, From senate seats to suffrages? Who constitutes the whole blamed cheese? Mark Hanna. Who is the heir unto the crown? Our Teddy. The mighty warrior of renown? Our Teddy. Who wears a self-knit laurel wreath? Who grins so that his dazzling teeth Flash like a falchion from its sheath? Our Teddy. Who make up swell society? The toad-eaters. Our codfish aristocracy? The toad-eaters. Who yell and howl till they are hoarse To see the serried ranks of force, To which our rulers have recourse? The toad-eaters. Who pull the strings behind the scenes? The trusts. Who hbpe to loot the Philippines? The trusts. Who get up all this glory show To cover up the deals, you know, By which they gather in the dough? The trusts. Who stand in silent apathy? The people. Who get the husks of liberty? . The people. Who are supposed, to rule the land. And yet who cannot understand They're robbed Sfc'd dirped on - every hand? The people. J. A. Edgerton. EVER ONWARD Populism Invad "Kurop and is Conquer ing State After State Even In Re publican Strongholds. At the election held in London the other dav that city went populist by an overwhelming majority. London now will own its own waterworks, its city lighting plants, its telephones ana many other things that have been pri vate monopolies. There is not a day when dispatcnes like the following from St. Joseph, Mich., do not appear in some of the papers: "Intense interest was manifested Dy thA citizens in the SDecial election held today to authorize the issue of bonds to the amount of $12,000 for tne con struction of a municipal lighting plant. The fight was bitterly contested be tween the city and the St. Josepn ana Renton Harbor Electric Street Railway and Lighting company, which is owner of the present lighting plant operated in the city. The proposition favoring city ownership of an electric lighting jaa plant was carried Dy a majority oi iia or 70 votes more than the necessary two-thirds provided by the state law." The initiative and referendum has taken possession of the lower house of the Wisconsin legislature. By a prac tically unanimous vote one member only voting in the negative that body has passed va bill providing that on petition of 10 per cent of the voters of anv citv in that state any franchise which may have been granted by the city council shall be submitted to a vote of the people. The committee which had the bill under consideration exempted the city of Milwaukee from the operation of the law, but this amendment was killed in the house af ter one member had made a sensa tional speech regarding the corruption existing In the Milwaukee city council and declaring that nowhere in the state was the right of the people to vote on franchises so badly needed as there. An initiative and referendum bill, relating to state laws only, is pending in the Colorado legislature. It permits a certain percentage of the voters to demand submission to the popular vote at the next succeeding election of any measure already enacted by the legis lature; it permits a percentage of the voters to demand new legislation, which must be submitted to popular vote, and it permits the legislature to submit such measures as it pleases, of its own will, to popular vote. The legislature of Oregon has just decided to submit a similar constitu tional amendment to the people of that state. Everywhere,- both in Europe , and America, the fundamental principles of populism are being enacted into law. The things for which we were ridi culed and abused six years ago are now defended and taught in the great uni versities. Aren't you glad that you are a pop? The Independent wishes to secure an agent and representative for every village and precinct in Nebraska and adjoining states. Liberal pay; easy work. Address with references, . HE INDEPENDENT, Lincoln, Neb. NOTHING FOR THE WEST But Thousands of Dollars to Make Navi gable Creeks With Six Inches of Water in Them Down East, Washington, D. C, March 11. In the session of congress just closed the senate fully recognized the national importance of the irrigation move ment. In the Indian appropriation bill the senate amendment appropriated $100, 000 to complete the surveys and pre liminary tests of the foundations for the San Carlos dam in Arizona. The chairman of the house commit tee on Indian affairs, Mr. Sherman, of New York, defeated it in the house and in conference. The senate increased the appropria tion for irrigation surveys by the geological survey from $100,000 to $200,000. The chairman of the house commit tee on appropriations, Mr. Cannon, with Mr. Moody, defeated this increase in conference. They declared themselves on the floor of congress in favor of state ces sion, though it involved a repudiation of the platform of the republican party in the last campaign. That platform declared: "In further pursuance of the con stant policy of the republican party to provide free homes on the public do main, we recommend adequate na tional legislation to reclaim the arid lands of the United States, reserving control of the distribution of water for irrigation to the respective states and territories." These declarations are utterly irre concilable with state cession. The senate amendment to the river and harbor bill appropriated about three hundred thousand dollars for reservoirs in Wyoming and South Da kota. The bill, as it was prepared by the house committee, carried appropria tions aggregating $60,000,000. The sen ate cut this amount down to $50,000,- 000. Twice the bill was sent to conference and twice Mr. Burton, chairman of the house committee, and the house conferees, refused to concur in the res ervoir amendments. They were ready to pour money out of the treasury with reckless wastefulness for work on in significant creeks and streams in the east, but unwilling to spend a dollar for reservoirs In the west. , They, no doubt, thought the senate would yield' as it did on the Indian bill and the sundry civil bill, but in this instance they reckoned without their host. The arbitrary and unreasoning op position of the chairman of the house committees cannot continue for long to stand in the way of the reclamation of the west. The sentiment of the country favors progress, and this sen timent is rising like an ocean tide, slowly it may be, but steadily and surely, and it will sweep away with an irresistible force the opposition of a few men who seem willing to use their temporary power to stultify their par ty. But between now and the next ses sion tireless and unceasing work must be done to broaden the influence and extend the organization of the Na tional Irrigation association. Success can only come to this great movement through the widespread campaign of education and organization which this association is carrying on. THE REAL FACTS One Newspaper Man Left Who Has the Courage to Write the Facts and the Enterprise to Get Them. The Independent long since ceased to rely upon the Associated press for the news of the real transactionsTak ing place in Washington. Until this year there has always been someone there who would try to keep the peo ple informed of what was going on, but it seems that the whole crowd have relapsed into inocuous desuetude. At present there is only one man there that has a particle of snap left in him and he writes for the Voice. He tells the readers of that paper the real facts about the inauguration of our imperial president. From his correspondence the following is quoted: Republicans Inaugurated today the Methodist president who w-as elected last fall by the great rallying of the church people of the country, and to night the city Is turned over to rev elry and wholesale debauchery. Within the last half hour there have been five or six drunken fights on Pennsylvania avenue. Squads of in toxicated republicans are now march ing up and down the streets, holding up peddlers, robbing them of their wares, upsetting peanut stands and committing other similar depredations. The saloons on Pennsylvania avenue are packed with crowds that in many places extend clear out to the middle of the street. In the disreputable district 70 or SO liquor selling brothels are packed with drunken patrons. The crowds in some cases half fill the street in front of the place. They are hammering on win dows and doors and clamoring for ad mission. In front of one dive a porch overloaded with intoxicated republi cans has just collapsed. In the pension office building, where government business has been stopped for many days past to allow prepara tions for the occasion, the great in augural ball Is now in progress. s Of course, it is a very elevating occa sion, for the ball was opened by the great and good Methodist, whose elec tion, according to the testimony of a bishop, forwarded toward victory ev ery cause that has its root in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount; but a law-breaking "blind pig;" . is doing business in the cloak room, where the initiated can be served with intoxicants just the same as if the president just Inaugurated were an ungodly reprobate. There is not a brothel or dive in all Washington, so far as I can learn, that is not decorated from mudsill to rafter with bunting, flags banners and photographs of the Methodist presi dent. So far as I can learn, there is not a church in all Washington that is deco rated with so much as a five-cent flag: The old brown steeple of the presi dent's church pierces the sky tonight like a copper lightning rod on a morgue. During the past few days all of the vacant stores along Pennsylvania ave nue have been taken up with "Turkish Dance Houses," "Oriental Palaces," "Paris by Gaslight" dives, "Oriental Attractions," "Gay Burlesquers In side," with loud-mouthed patriots bawling out a list of smutty things within and crowds of small boys standing by trying to borrow enough money from each other to see the show. Tomorrow night a "grand Sacred Concert" is to be held at the "Bijou," a joint where unclean performances are habitually held, the nature of which are periodically reported to the chief of police. They might as well be reported to Balaam s Ass. Following the "Sacred Con ;ert" Sun day night at the Bijou, the fete t Monday will occur. The features as told in advance by the daily papers are suggestive of civilization. "Forty cousins of "Teddy" Roose velt are advertised to attend. Mrs. McKinley will wear a fifty-dol lar prize bonnet. A battalion of native Porto Kico troops will follow close upon the in augural chariot. A Bessie Mulhall, the "she cowooy," is advertized to lead a band of cowboys through the streets. Badges are being worn with a beer bottle attached with such inscriptions as "When I Am Full, Send Me Home" with a line left blank for the wearer's address. The indorsement of the Methodist bishop to which Mr. Johnson refers was as follows: "I not only believe that President McKinley is one of the best and purest and bravest men I ever knew, but I believe him to be a worthy successor of Abraham Lincoln and that his name will shine in history as one of the greatest presidents this nation ever had. I believe that every cause that has its root in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount will be helped to victory and success by h's re-elction." Bishop Charles C. Mc- Cabe, of the Methodist Episcopal church, in the Chicago Times-Herald, October 31, 1900. In the beginning of this fight the populists kept two correspondents at ashington to send out the news that was suppressed. In those days the party had the facts and Were full of fight. Now populist members of con gress do not seem to think that it is of any importance for their supporters to have the news. The old pop farmers will have to do as they did in the be ginning chip in and send some good newspaper, men down there at the be ginning of the next congress so he can keep them posted as to the facts. ADMIRAL SCHLEY All He Asks is a Bronze Medal and the Thanks of Congress. The editor of the Naval Service Ga zette comes forward with the state ment that he had a conversation with the admiral on board the Brooklyn the day after Cervera's fleet was destroyed. When Schley was congratulated on the previous day's victory, says the editor, the commodore (as he then was) dis claimed his right to any special credit for what he simply called the perform ance of his, duty; but what he was chiefly delighted at was that the Am erican fleet was in such a state of prep aration as to make the winning of the battle so easy. A third person who was present at the time said to Schley: "Of course, you'll get a substantial reward for yesterday's work; but If you could name your own reward, what would yqu have from the presi dent and congress?" After saying that it was not for him to measure the value of what had been done, and reflecting a little while, the commodore, still according to the edi tor of the Naval Service Gazette, who was present, said: "I would suggest this as a good and sufficient reward: Let the president or congress have struck off bronze medals commemorating the victory. Let one be given to every officer and man who participated in the battle, one of these medals to go to me. I would value it highly. You know, I don't believe in special medals of gold and silver, just plain bronze medals for all alike. Then there is one more reward which I would like. It would mean much to me. It is 'the thanks of congress by name.' That's all I ex pect; all I hope for. With it and ray own consciousness of duty done, I shall be satisfied." The editor of the Naval Service Ga zette, in publishing now this conversa tion with Schley for the first time, adds that the admiral's views have not changed in the least since that day and that the senate, If it so chooses, can satisfy Sampson and his friends by giving him all the titles he wishes, without annoying Schley. With mere ly "the thanks of congress by name," and a plain bronze medal commem orative of the victory, would the hero of the Santiago victory be satisfied; and without a touch of envy would he see the emoluments of the victory and the title of vice admiral, with the ac companying increase of pay, go to Ad miral Sampson. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE RECEIPTS. Previously acknowledged $294 69 To Tuesday evening,.. loi. 35 Total ..$39fi 01 COUNTY OFFICERS. Previously acknowledged $ 58 66 (No receipts this week.) LEGISLATORS. Previously acknowledged .$ 11 00 (No receipts this week.) PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN. Previously acknowledged $100 55 E. K. Reece, Greenwood 15 00 Seth B. Bower, 25c; M. D. Kerns, 50c; Andrew Rouse, 25c; E. K. Reece, $1. E. W. Smith, Valley, Polk $ 7 40 (25c each except where noted) Geo. Woods, C. Karney, Jas. Dunn, J. F. Lutke, B. Mc- Cormick, W. Karney, L. Schuster, L. E. Hoy, D. A. Benson, C. R. Clark, L. II. Gless, C. R. Timm, A. A. Wieseman, Will Peglow, Joe Wieseman, J. V. Benson, E. W. Smith, Geo. Conkling, 5c; Pat Dwyer, 20c; J. F. Timm, 50c; C. E. Wamsley, 50c; L. Timm, $1; M. Horst, 50c. Fred Bittinger, Martin, York..$ 6 7& Ralph H. Hall, Millard, Douglas 2 50 Ralph H. Hall, $1.50; Otto Weis, 50c; Henry Kruse, 50c; John Hollenbeck, 50c; Bert Hutchinson, 50c; Chris Gold stead, 50c; ($1.50 retained for . time collecting.) J. F. Robinson, Stanton $ 2 00 STATE COMMITTEEMEN AND STATE OFFICERS. Previously acknowledged $ 71 50 (No receipts this week.) INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS. , (.Contributions of 25 cents each, un less otherwise specified.) ADAMS Previously acknowledged, $2.25; "Populist," Hastings. ANTELOPE Previously acknowl edged, $4; Jesse Peterson, Neligh; list of six by O. A. Olson, (C. W. Priestly, Clem Reno, A. H. Norwood, W.H. Dunham, A. J. Stoll), all Oakdale; J. A. Blackburn. Roval. BOONE Previously acknowledged, $5.10; Dr. D. E. Sabin, Albion; W. W. Baker, Loretto; Arne Thisthammer, Newman Grove. BUFFALO A. L. Fitch, Watertown, EOc. BURT Previously acknowledged, $6.05; J. M. Houser, Bertha, 50c; A. G. Davis, Jacob Snyder, Tekamah. BUTLER Previously acknowledi?ed, $5.08; list of six by J. C. Brown, $1, (M. Cartwright, $1; J. H. Brown, fiOc; J, H. Conner, $1; W. C. Brown, 50c; J. O. Conner) all Brainard; N. J. Pres nall, C D. Allen, Rising City; D. L. Sylvester, Surprise; , C. H. Challis. Ulysses. CASS Previously acknowledged, $1.75; M. H. Shoemaker, Union, 50cs CHERRY "Democrat, Cody, 50c. CLAY-Previously acknowledged, $2.25; H. J. Brandenburg, Deweese, 50c; G. F. Smith, Inland, 30c; J. A. Johnson, J. F. Anthes, 50c, Sutton. CUMING Previously acknowledged, $3.50; J. E. Spencer, Mike Farran, Beemer; Alfred J. Peterson, 50c, West Point. CUSTER Previously acknowledged, $1; W. H. Mauk, Berwyn; Jas. P. Ro be rson, Lomax; Samuel Berry, Pilot; Alex Pirnie, Weissert. DIXON R. C. Caulk (Farm Imple ments), Allen; J. P. Rockwell, Dakota City; I. Morrow, 50c, Dixon. FILLMORE L. R. Hoag, 50c, Car listle; F. Skipton, G. W. Smith, J, E. Westcott, Geneva. GAGE Fred Look, J. E. HH1, Cort land; Scott McFarland. Liberty; "Cash." Lewis Fink, Gerd Gerdes, 30cv Wymore. GARFIELD "Populist," Burwell. HALL "Two Populists," 50c, Grand Island. HAMILTON D. E. Burkey, 50c, Giltner. HARLAN Jno Everson, (attorney), Alma; "Cash,". 60c, Republican City. HOLT oeth Woods, Atkinson. HOWARD Ole Nielsen, 50c, Nysted. JEFFERSON Carl Sonderegger (German Nurseries), Beatrice; list of eight by J. P. Batten (LeRoy Payne, G. J. Joslin, J. E. Swett, U. Keeler, J. W. Carmony, Ed Hawkes, T. P. Tatman), all Endicott; "Populist," G. B. Clary, Jud Clark, "Cash," 50c; George B. Galbraith (Jansen Nurser ies), Fairbury; J. H. Grissom, Powell. JOHNSON W. B. Greene, H. F. Canon, "Utopian," Cook; O. M. Holmes 30c, Elk Creek; J. E. Stutheit, Sterling. KEARNEY S. Dunmire, 50c, Min den; "Democrat in Future," $1, New ark; A. M. and W. A. Emal, $1, Nor man. KNOX P. Vanderlinden, Crofton; list of eight by E. W. Davey (Jo Meyer, Henry Schwartz, Frank Carl, T. W. Donahue. Peter Glimsdall, Chas Van Camp, Chas Hubbard), all Winnetoon. LANCASTER Previously acknowl edged, $11.50; J. Smith, Denton; R- S. Montgomery, Firth; Thos. Jeffery, John Stanton, Greenwood; "Populist," Hickman; Dr. S. H. King, $1, Lincoln; list of seven by Geo. M. Crozier, 50c, MarteH, (S. S. Giffen, W. H. Frohn, Martell; C. F .Deahl, Chas. Buhemann, A. P. Furgeson, J. S. Whiting, Sprague); I. W. Jacoby, $1, Prairie Home; H. Tutton, W. V. Deboard, Waverly; J. W. Herter, Bennett; list of fourteen by A. P. Varney, (Matt Hartley, H. Harlament, John Hall, Henry Hall, W. L. Anderson, Will Jensen, J. A. Tout, J. N. Hoffman, David Jensen, F. Strieber, John Wal bach, Henry Dearsdoff, C. J. Hansen), all Bennett. MADISON T. F. Memminger, 50c; E. Winter, Madison; Elmer Saltz, 50c, Meadow Grove. MERRICK Previously acknowl edged, 60c; J. B. Branaman, v-, Chap man. NANCE G. W. Ellsworth. 50c; W. P. Hatten (Co. treasurer), A. Palmer, Fuilerton.- xTisnf U A T XT' Pnlo "Pnnii'lc '