February 28, 100L II ' ill TOP OF THI PURCHA It has always been a part of our business policy to buy merchandise (no matter How much) when the price was named low enough to justify. OUR RECENT PURCHASE OF WER 6000 PAI RS OF MEN'S PANTS is only another instance which shows that we live up to this policy most rigidly.:;:;A.?V".':'-: STOP AMD THINK OIF Over 6000 Pairs of Men's Odd Pants actually on saleiiot a pair in the whole lot but what was bought way below value; not a pair but what is beingsold at from 25 to 40 per cent belo a pair in the lot but what is new and tempting in style and ypatte'rni.u, '.They come in plain and fancy colorings and may be had in any sizes, 31 to '50' .waist measure, and 29 to 37 length. W shortest, tallest, or largest men, and at such astonishingly low prices, toothat we feel warranted in saying that any ma with a trouser need who will investigate the qualities and styles which are involved,and then hear the price plainly named; will be tempted to not only buy for the present, but will feel it-a duty to lay in a supply for future use. ; ...... BEL0W WE TELL WHAT THE G00DS K":MOTE THEY RRB ;WRTH RERD WITH GREAT CHRE! a ( Tell your friends and neighbors. Let every one secure their share of these bargains. '' - ' v , . -. .... I I LIT I AT m WHAT THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE WORTH 600 PAIRS of men's finest tailor-made trousers, equal in all respects to those being sold about town at $6.50. Made of fine worsteds, stripes or in plain effects, also hard finished cassimeres and solidly woven cheviots in stripes, checks, and mixtures, each and every pair is silk sewed, made with finished seams, so that there are no rough edges or frills. Every pair made with French waistband, and are with highest grade trimmings. Cut and fit positively the best. LOT i AT WHAT THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE WORTH LOT 4 is indeed a very interesting lot; there are over 900 pairs of pants in this lot alone; any and all are worth at retail 54.50. You should see them. Stylish cut, properly made, nobby patterns; each and every pair guaranteed not to rip ; none of the buttons will ever show up in the contribution box; they are sewed on to stay. We ask you to investigate this lot and you will be astonished at the values. mil AT WHAT THET ARE AHD WHAT THEY ARE WORTH 600 PAIRS of pants in this lot. No greater value ever shown in our city for less than $2.00. Seeing is believing. Investigate our offerings and you will be convinced. Handsome patterns, honest workmanship. Hi-y$ v. v.. i LIT WHAT THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE WORTH 800 PAIR Men's Fine Tailor ilade Pants made from elegant Worsteds in stripes and checks, also fine hard finished Cassimeres and Imported Cheviots in hand -some, up-to-date ' jpatterns. There is scarcely a pant in this lot worth less than $5,50. These goods run in size from 31 to 50 waist and may be had in all lengths from the shortest to the longest. They are strictly high grade goods and are worthy of your careful con sideration. True value $5.50, sale price $3.50. LI AT WHAT THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE WORTH IN THIS LOT we actuallygive you the identical qual ities at $1.98, for which you pay elsewhere $3.50. There are exactly 850 pairs of. Hen's Fine, All-Wool Trousers in this lot. They are good Trousers, well made and stylish in appearance, besides being very durable. If .you 'are looking for a mighty good pant at a very moderate price you would do well to investigate the values under Lot 5. LIT AT WHAT THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE WORTH IN THIS LOT there are upwards of 500 pairs of .pants The price is low, but the qualities are strong at $1.50. What we mean is, that you can not buy equally good pants elsewhere for less than $1.50, our price 98c. LIT .. v -i'..'r: AT ttHAT THEY ARE ADD WHAT THEY ARE WORTH 1000 PAIRS of fine trousers in thisj lot, and when you take into account the vast variety; the u mighty T values, you cannot help but regard this lot as a won- ; derful . bunch of merchandise. Quality, style and fit -are the strong features of these goods. They are made of pure worsted fabrics ; some in plain colors, some in fancy effects. Then, too,' there are fine cassimeres and cheviots all beautifully tailored arid rightly made. , They are worth easily $5.00 in any store in the state. Sale price only $2.98. AT WHAT THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE WORTH 750 PAIRS of Hen's Pants In this lot. I They are at the price, the greatest bargain ever shown, being. made of all Wool Black and Fancy Cheviots, stripes or checks in Cassimeres and plain colors in Tweeds. It Is a big lot and should be seen to be fully understood. Just stop and think of it, any size, no matter how large or long, may be had from this lot, all at the same price. True values $2.50, sale price $1.50 ' j: LOT BOYS' 0D0 LONG PANTS WHAT THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE WORTH " : ' ., - -;; - , ' -. ., ..'.-" Boys' Jeans Pants . ' . . . 50c Boys' 80 per cent Wool School Pants 79 and 89c Boys' AH Wool Pants . . . . 98c Boys' Fine, All Wool Pants at $1.25, $L50, $1.75 $2.00 OTH MO b in 1 s