The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Fobruary 28, 1901
1 every rmmmtf Im ylrwl4-Ow fux
- a4 tmm Vmtfmrm JTe mt $i sr aonttu
WE TREAT: Catarrh la all Its
form. Affections of the Now. Throat.
Cats i2tzmai. Bronchial Tubes and; Stomach. Urer. Bowels. Kld
era. Bladder. Wotab; . Hay Fertr,
b, RlroiaatisTa. Neuralgia, Par
airs ssd other td ailment which
the family physician has not the facili
ties to tkorwichly ear for and treat.
Omimm Treat as a I hf Mali.
Thcae who are- mot seriously HI or
wfco cannot spare tlae to come to the
Sasitaricra tsty fce treated by eorre
sposdeco with excellent results. We
tare treated over ia thoasand people
fey is Ail dasrfEg the pan tea years. Send
for fall question lists and diagnosis
seeeis. AIw for special literature per
talcJsg to your ease.
.Th letters Sa tetow are rare pies
of bocdreds on file In our See, We
lartte any person to write to thes
jortaer patients and find out about our
result work. We ran refer to well
V&own pmvU In all the western stales
mfcc tare found our treatment a sue
cess. Tekssah. Neh.. Sept, 11. l00. Dear
Doctor Hbepard: My catarrhal trou
W tTolred the whole mucus tract,
lsriadtcx the bladder and kidneys. My
suffering and annoyance for years was
beyond my power to full describe. Af
ter experlmectJcc with physicians and
patent . Esedicloe without number, 1
wintered la California, hoping the
climate there would cure or, at least,
relieve tae. Bat I got no better. 1
then took your treatment, which 1
can testify la a true care and specific
for catarrhal disease. You wre suc
cessful in my case In the highest de
gxe. You are certainly doing a vast
amount of good to suffering humanity.
Your fidelity and kindness to every
one of your army of patients proves
the genuine character of your work.
I will willingly answer any Inquiries.
Respectfully,"-'' MBS. ED SHAKER.
Ctrrm J!.
Hon. J. F. II in man. North Platte,
Neb- for years the register of the
mt T M ltt tlMii farmer n4
MliJiwlr "WmMmg mp 4m -t
BmmwUm ml tXm Frwtafti ve
r ? Syeaasaw
Russia's retaliation upon our com
, zaerce because of the imposition of a
countervailing duty upon her beet su
gar is not only attracting the atten
tion ef the cations of the world to our
trade regulations, but Is awakening
members of congress to the danger of
a trade war unless oar tariff is modi
fied. Representative Mann of Chica
go has introduced a bill repealing sec
tion & cf the Dingley act, under which
counter-tailing duties are Imposed, and
; stated that he hoped "the sugar trust
holdings would heed the warning."
Mr. Mass entertains no hope of se
cruriBg action upon his amendment at
this session. ...
The Cost millers and farmers of th-j
jsorthwest are becoming excited over
what appears to be a purpose In conti
nental Ksrop tu discriminate upon
cm pretext or another against our
agricaliural products. Representative
Tawney has received several letters
froia Holland warning him that un
less the tarts on bulbs is modified Hol
land will increase the tax on flour, and
practically prohibit Its Importation.
Unless we amend our tariff laws this
commercial resentment will crystal
lise Into discrimination oa the grounds
of seif-protectioa If no other excuse
can be offered- Thoee nations which
consider they hate a ground for com
plaint are coming rspidly forward, and
Representative Tawney, a protectionist
republican himself, admita the Justice
of the complaint. lie says that white
our duty cn bulbs was Imposed to
stimulate domestic Industry, there has
beea a Urge Increase la the importa
tion of trails and no material increase
In the prod action of bulbs la this
country. He says there would be no
"kzrir'? sold the tariff be removed,
and will m a day or two Introduce a
bill to rerwve it.
- The Independent hss been telling its
- readers for the last two years that the
republican party would soon be an ad
. locate of free trade. The mullet heads
who have been shouting for protection
will next time shout Juct as loud for
free "trade if It Is put In the republi
can platform as they ever ahouted for
protection. Heretofore when free trade
was mestiostd they shivered . from
head to foot. Just name It republican
doctrree ad they will silver no more.
. The fart is that protection can no
lfager be esdared. " The selling of
manefaetttrtd co!s to Americans zl
doable the price that Is asked for them
,.tft-r thy nave beea ftiped across
the. ocean Is at lut becoming known in
spite cf a subtidued press.
An Ecgllsi VIew
. Frederick Harrison, one of the fore
most English scholars and writers who
has opjed the Boer war from the be-
gi&xLicg and Is a most persistent op-
2oast of imperialism, delivered a lec
tare at the Auditonur in Chicago oa
Washington's birthday which it would
b well fcr the whole American people
to tak into consideration, Mr. Har
rison spoke in part as follows:
"There Is a profound moral In the
life cf George Washingtoa and his
plmm In the world's htory. Here is
a simple citixea. by birth a quiet coun
try gentleman, wis wins triumphant
serves ia one f the most memorable
cf modem wars., and welds Into a ca
tion a scattered body of colonists, so
that within a hundred years they are
grows to be one of the biggest, rich
est, most progressive people that ever
existed on this earth. He himself Is
an object cf veneration to mor than a
hundred millions whd are cf his race
and language, even though a t!rd of
them are cf the people he repulsed, for
aH who spesk cur common tongue re
gard him as one of the noblest figures
ia the annals of their race.
There are .threw Jests of. the true
reputUs ci J that power rests on fit
United States land office, writes from
personal knowledge as follows:
North Platte, Neb., Oct. 1. 1S0Q.
Dr. C. S. Shepard. Dear Sir: As a
result of your treatment I have been
entirely relieved of a chronic catarrhal
trouble that has distressed me for sev
eral years. " The ailment was Induced
by the alkali dust so common In my
locality. The leading symptoms were
stoppage of the nostrils, with irrita
tion of the throat and a blurring of the
eyes. Along with these were severe
pains running tip into the tead and
the back of the ears, with spells of
vertigo and dizziness. Your mild treat
ment with - remedies to cleanse the
blood has cured me of the whole trou
ble, and I can heartily recommend you
to all. Yours truly,
Caring-at Ilome.
Hull. Kas.. Aug. 5, HtOO.Drs. Shep
ard & Headrick, Omaha, Neb. Dear
Doctors: Will you please send me a
symptom blank for my little girl,
aged ten, who has been In very poor
health for some time. My husband,
Fred Moser, withes me to say that you
cured him entirely of catarrh of the
stomach. This is the first summer for
twelve years that he has not suffered
intensely from Indigestion. We know
it was your home treatment that cured
hire His health is excellent now in
every respect. We alwys try to get
new patients for you among our
friends and neighbors. Our neighbor,
Mr. Mat Boswell, is rapidly improv
ing under your treatment. Yours with
gratitude MRS. FRED MOSER.
Owr Santtaritua
Is well equipped as a home and hos
pital for patients. Cases too serious
for treatment by mail should come
here. Sanitarium treatment meets the
actual seeds of each case and includes
proper diet and medical attention.
Baths In all forms electric, electro
thermal and saline. Electricity in ev
ery form. Ozone Inhalations in ca
tarrhal and bronchial ailments, medi
cal and surgical care of women, chem
ical the microscopical tests In affec
tions of the lungs and kidneys; lavage
and "test feedings" in stomach dis
eases, etc X-Ray apparatus for diag
nosis in obscure cases.
For full information and literature
304i Jf. Y. Llf Bid. Onuhi, 'eb
ness to rule; (2) that its sole object
Is the public gooil; 3) "that it is main
tained by public opinion and not by
force. That is to say,- public office,
all office from the highest to the least,
ts a public trust; I mean a moral trust,
not a syndicate, and it Is not a pri
vate property. It must rest on con
sent, not fear, -and not on right or
"When we come to the third condi
tion, that the government rests entire
ly on consent and to no degree on force
it is reported In Europe that this must
be qualified somewhat In matters ot
color and race. We wait to see how
the state is going to deal with those gi
gantic corporations which have taken
the place of the feudal barons and roy
al favorites of modern Europe. And
lastly we wait to see how govern
ment of the people, by the people and
through, the people will be reconciled
with the government ot all these mil
lions whose consent is never going to
be asked at all.
"I began today with George Wash
ington, and I come back to George
Washington at the end. I trust that
the American people will evermore
look back to Washington as the truest
type of the republican chief. To look
back to Washington for guidance and
inspiration Is to look forward to the
future, for it Is to fix the eye on the
Ideal, on the model which neither you
nor any people on this earth have ever
yet perfectly attained.
"He anticipated the great social re
formation accomplished in this com
monwealth some sixty years after his
death, when he freed his own estate
by will from the curse of negro slav
ery. No man that ever bore power
over his fellow citizens shrank with
a more scrupulous, a more religious
horror from the thought of ruling by
force Instead of by free choice; no
man was more truly the republican to
the very marrow of his bones, and was
less the despot or the master. May
the spirit of George Washington, the
just, the free, the far-sighted patriot,
Inspire the people of this common
wealth In all their problems of govern
ment. May it enable them to crown
their work in the word of our Eng
lish historian: 'He founded a demo
cratic republic, with no shadow on It
of military despotism "
Mr. Harrison says "that It is re
ported in Europe" that the doctrine of
the consent of the governed must be
modified. He was to polite to intimate
that he had ever heard such a damna
ble doctrine advocated la this country
where the government of the people,
by the people and for the people was
first established.
Sample shoe sale 1.000 pair wom
en's, misses, children's, men's, boys'
and youths shoes at & price. Webster
& Rogers. 1043 O street.
11.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla
11.00 Ayer's Sarsaparilla ....
11.00 Paine's Celery Compound...
J 1.00 Lydia Pinkham's Compound.
$1.00 Peruna.....
11.00 Pierce's Prescription
$1.00 Pierce's Golden Medical Dis,
$1.00 Swamp Root..
$1.00 Miles' Nervine
$1.00 Wine of Cardul
3.HaN0ixvxs jo axn xshkiji
XVlVlvJO, Druggist.
Funke Opera House. - ,
ttth an O t. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Read the advertisements in The In
dependent If yon need seed or farm
supplies write the different advertis
ers for price-lists and fray where your
dollars get the most and best.
A . Dctpondtnt Dmormt Wh Has
Faith ia This Reptbllc aor Hep
of Its Paefal Frwtervatien
by the Ballot.
. Brother Casper of the Butler County
Press seems to have the dumps and
has turned pessimist. The Independent
knows him well enough to know that
he will not remain in that state very
long. When the next campaign begins
he will be fighting with as much vigor
and force as ever, and with just as
much hope also. He has gone so f ar
in his pessimism as to Indicate that
The Independent is afflicted with par
tisan Insanity as well as the followers
of the old parties. The Independent
denies the accusation. It has, said a
hundred times that it cared not" a
farthing for parties or party names. It
don't believe that any great number of
populists In this state do. If a populist
state convention should alter the par
ty platform in any essential partic
ular, populists could not be forced to
vote the people's party ticket. If they
couldn't find any party representing
their principles, they wouldn't vote a;
all, A great many ot them did not vote
for years when the two old parties
were as near alike as two peas In a
pod. Then they organized a party that
they could vote for. When the demo
cratic party adopted most of their
principles and put up a man for presi
dent In whom they had confidence,
they all voted for him. They showed
no. signs of being Infected with parti
san insanity then, and with the ex
ception of the middle-of-the-roaders,1
they have shown no signs of being in
fected with it since. ,
' Brother Casper should cheer up.
There ,is an old saying that there is
more ways of killing a dog than chok
ing him with hot mush. What he
and all the rest of us are after are re
forms. They may not come in the way
that we want them to come, but com
ing they surely are. Remember the
history of the Chartists. They waged
In England just the same sort of ;a-i
fight that we have been waging in this
country. They were treated in the
same way that we have been treated,
but every one of the reforms that they
advocated have been enacted into law
except one, and that one Is coming.
They never captured the house of com
mons, but they captured the reforms.
They were shot down Just as working
men in this country have been shot
down by the military.
The Chartist demands were as fol
lows: (1) The extension of the suf
frage to every male native 21 years old
and to naturalized foreigners. (2)
Equal electoral districts. (3) A vote
by ballot, (4) Annual parliaments.
(5) No property qualifications for
members of parliament. (6) Payment
for members of parliament. Every one
of the demands have been enacted into
law except the last. Everything indi
cates that it will not be long before
that will be the law in England, too.
Now look at the reforms 'that we
have been advocating. State legisla
ture after legislature is passing resolu
tions asking congress to submit an
amendment to elect senators by tha
people. City after city is taking over
the ownership of light, water works
and street car systems. In many of
the great dailies where such a thing
would have been considered high trea
son, lunacy, anarchy or something of
that sort five years ago, there are in
dorsements of many of the principles
of reform which we have been advocat-'
Ing. Reform moves onward. Brother
Casper. The very insanity of the party
in power helps it forward. When the
people look upon this new army that
McKinley has organized with a thou
sand officers and fifty privates, the
other Poor Bah incidents of his world
power-destiny-divine-providence busi
ness and begin to pay the new taxes
imposed, that will be a help to reform.
Cheer up, Brother Casper. There is
one body of men, about two million
strong, that are never going to lay
down or give up the fight. Whatever
happens, you can rely upon them. No
bosses, no reorganizationists, no mili
tary glamour will ever get them to
swerve one inch. In discussing the
article that appeared in The Indepen
dent entitled "A Word to Sane Men,"
Mr. Casper says:
In "A Word to Sane Men" the Ne
braska Independent makes some very
goqd points, but, indirectly proves
there are no sane men, it is a little
doubtful whether the advice to voters
will make the impression it should.
The Independent takes the ground that
in the event that the Cleveland crowd
captures the democratic organization
three years from next summer, the
south will vote just as solid for them
as it ever did for Bryan. We are will
ing to admit the truth. Then again it
says: "There can be no possible doubt
that if the next republican national
convention should declare for free sil
ver, for the Declaration of Indepen
dence, for the withdrawal of oui
troops from Cuba and the Philippines,
for a reduction of the standing army,
for free Bhips, for the greenbacks as
against national bank currency, that
the mass of republican voters would
support the ticket with just as much
enthusiasm as they do now when it op
poses all these things." When The
Independent takes the ground that
populists are free from this partisan
blindness, we have doubts, about the
editor's sanity. However, the articie
is full of good sense, if good sense was
any value in politics-which it isn't.
People who think the masses need edu
cating, might as well begin to revise
their tactics. Every great question
that has been canvassed and thorough
ly explained, since the close of the
civil war, has been defeated. The bet
ter the cause, and the stronger the ar
gument for it, the surer it is to be re
jected. Partisanship is stronger than
family ties, religion or the oaths of
brotherly love, as taught In a multi
tude of fraternal orders. If the peo
ple fail to watch the primaries, and
defeat the baleful influences that put
their parties in a wrong position, the
cause of "equal opportunities for ail,
and special privileges for none," Is
lost. The Ocirus of ancient Egypt,
and the Baal of the ancient Syrians
were no more objects of worship In
their time than are party organizations
of our day. This editor has no faith In
the future of this republic, so far as Its
peaceful preservation by the ballot is
concerned, but we dont propose to
abandon honest discussion, -or fall in
our duty as a citizen on account ot
our lack of faith, but our desire to
worship at the shrine of party idoltry
has felt the frost of destroyed confi
give Immediate relief to a child suffo
cating with the dreadful croup. Moth
ers, keep this reliable medicine al
ways handy and it will save yon many
uneasy hours. It costs but 25 cents.
War Dijartcxat Egetlsn
"General Miles is not the first occu
pant of his position to be at odds with
the head of the war department. In
deed, it is a tradition that there should
be irreconcilable differences of opinion
between the secretary of war and the
general commanding the army. When
Sherman was in charge of army head
quarters the conflict of authority be
came so acute that the doughty hero
of the march to the sea, driven to des
peration by the slights he felt were put
upon ,him, packed up his belongings
and moved the army headquarters
bodily from Washington to St. Louis,
where he remained in solitary splendor
during all. the later years of. his In
cumbency. Sheridan was as unfortun
ate as his predecessor in his relations
with the secretary of war. He was not
quite testy enough to allow himself to
be driven from Washington, but there
were continual clashes between him
and Secretaries Lincoln and Endicott
down almost to the day of his death.
Schofield was able to get along with
his civilian superiors without friction.
He had tact in abundance, and was a
born diplomat. Nothing else could
t - J - T a. t all till.
uirc HTVU ClIU., no Oiuuo ui cut m 1
officers recently in command of the!
army has understood the true relations
of the general commanding with the
secretary of war. He appreciated the
fact that the commanding general was,
after all, subject to the orders of the
secretary of war, and was to all in
tents a chief of staff, whose duty it was
to see that those orders were carried
into effect. Sherman and Sheridan
were never able to adjust themselves
to this relationship. They were sol
diers, and nothing else. Accustomed
to command and to have their orders
obeyed without question, it Irritated
them and angered them that a mere
civilian untrained In the practice of
war should be In a position to overrule
their judgment In matters relating to
a profession to which they had de
voted their lives." L. A. Coolidge In
Ainslee's, - - '-c:
Three Months Services Will be Given
rrtf tm Invalids Who Call Befere
April IStlu
A staff ' of eminent physicians and
surgeons from the British Medical In
stitute have, at the urgent solicitation
of a .large; number of patients under
their carfciu this country, decided to.
establish a permanent branch of the
Institute in this city. A location has
already been secured at the corner of
liti' and N streets, in the Sheldon
block. The office will be open and
ready to feceive patients next Monday
morning at 9 o'clock.
These eminent gentlemen have de
cided to rgive , their services entirely
tree for three months (mdicines ex
cepted) to all invalids who call upon
them for treatment between now and
April 13. These services consist not
only of consultation, examination and
advice, but also, of all minor surgical
The object in pursuing this course
Is to become rapidly and personally
acquainted with the sick and afflicted,
and under no condition will any charge
whatever be made for any, services
rendered for three months, to all who
call before April 13.
The doctors treat all forms of dis
ease and deformities, and guarantee a
cure In every case they undertake. At
the first interview a thorough exam
ination is made, and, if incurable, you
are frankly and kindly told so; also
advised against spending your money
for useless treatment. .
Male and female weakness, catarrh
and catarrhal deafness, also rupture,
goitre, cancer, all skin diseases, and
all diseases of the rectum are positive
ly cured by their new treatment.
The Chief Consulting Surgeon of the
Institute will be in personal charge.
Office hours il a. m. till 3 p. m.
No Sunday hours.
(Address all eonamnaicatloas intended
5 or this department to the Chest Sditor
oaependent, 1838 South 25th street, Lin
coln, Nebraska.
February 28, 1901.
- Composed for The Independent by
H. W, Barry, Boston, Mass., and dedi
cated to the Chess Editor. White
mates in three moves.
OS n&
&m i
. -. . . ..v .v WHITE. - v,; - .7 .
Pieces, 10x6; 1 B 6. 4 p 1 S K. 3 p B 3.
8, 1 p R P k 3. p 4 p 2. P P 3 P 2. 7 R.
A three-mover by the Chess Editor.
Suggestions will be thankfully received
as to a different key-move and other
arrangements of the pieces to avoid
certain impure mates. .
3 S 4. 7 B. 6 R 1. 3 p 3 P. S 2 k 4. B P
1 P 4. CP I. 4 K 3, Pieces, 10x2. White
mates In three moves.
(Filched from our exchanges, and
Absvs enree all pataoiotieal trombks,
m m&m -E3j
-E3-.E3 m
acknowledged with all the courtliness
that flourished. . among the robber
barons in the days of King John.)
Tom Checkmate," cover page, a
two-mover by C. H. Wheeler. Chicago:
2K5. plp2srl. 6R1. 7sqlPkp
1. 2 p 2 P 2. 3 R 1 S l b, 6 S L I B 4 B r.
From American Chess World (Jan.)
an announced mate in four by H. A.
Stauffer, Butler, Pa.: 5 s s r. i S 1 k
From St, Paul Dispatch, a two-mover
by M. Kurschner: 8. 4 r 3. 3 1 4, 1 p k
5. S p 3 Q 1, P 1 S 5. K 2 B 2 P 1. 8. -
From Western Graphic, a two-mover
by i'Titx Peiners. Los Angeles: 3 Q 4
P l k p 3, R 4 P 2. f R L
From Brooklyn Eagle, a two-mover
by George E. Carpenter of Tarry town,
N, Y., from his recently published col
lection "200 Problems D'Echece:" 4 K
3, 3 R S S 2. 4 p P 2. 7 Q. 4 k r 2. 4 r 3.
K 1. 8.
From Boston Post, a three-mover by
R- G, Thomson, Quincy, Mass.: 8.3 9
3 w. p b 2. K l p k 4. 32.
From Literanr Digest, a twa-mnw
by Walter Pulitzer, author of "Chess
Harmonies:" 8. Q b 8 B p P. s 2 p 4
ro, fKD3nS.lKlnlP2.2tt
4. S.
Owing to press of other matters.
solutions will go over another week.
From the Brooklyn Eagle: The first
batch of games from the first round of
the Monte Carlo tournament reached
here yesterday,, including Marshall's
first encounter with Tschlgorln, the
Russian champion, which resulted in
a draw. Jt proves to be a splendid
specimen of daring chess play on the
part of the Brooklynlte, who, at the
start, sacrificed a couple of pawns and
played with a pawn down the greater
part of the game. Tschlgorln had his
work cut out for him to escape with a
whole skin, but the contest eventually
ended In a draw. Scores:
Marshall (white) ts. Tschlgorln
P Q 4, P J 4.
2. Kt Q B l, P K 3.
3. P K 4, BKt 5.
4. B Q2, PxP. ,
5. QKt 4, QxP.
i. Castles, P ,K B 4.
7. B K K 5, QxB P.
8 QR 3, B K 2.
9. K Kt, B Q 2.
10. P K Kt 4. Kt Q B 3.
1L PxP, OxP.
12. BxB, QxQ.
IS. BxQ, KxB.
14. KtxP, Kt--B 3.
15. Kt B 3, Kt Q.
16. Kt B 6, B B 3.
17. K R K B. P Q Kt 3.
18. KtxP, KtxKt.
19. Q RK, Kt K 5.
20. B B 5, Kt (K 3) B 4.
21. P Q Kt 4, P K Kt S.
22. BxKt, KtxB.
23. Kt Kt 5, K R K B.
24. RxR, RxR.
25. KtxKt. BxKt.
26. RxB ck, K Q 3.
27. R Q 4 ck, K K 3.
28. R K 4 ck, K B 3.
29. K Kt 2, P K Kt 4.
30. P Kt 5. P K R 4.
3L R Q R 4, P Kt 5.
32. RxP, R B 2.
33. R R 8, P R 5.
34. R R 8, P Kt 6.
35. - RxP, P Kt 7.
36. R B 4 ck, K K 4.
37. R K Kt 4, R B 7.
38. K Kt 3, K B 4.
39. P K R 3, K K 4.
40. K Kt 2, R K 7.
41. K B 3, R B 7.
42. K Kt 2, K B 4.
43. K Kt 3, K K 3.
44. P Q R 4, R K 7.
45. K Kt 2, K K 4.
46. K B 3, R K B 7.
47. K Kt 2, K K 3.
48. R Kt 5, K B 8.
49. P R 4, R B S.
50. K Kt 3, R B 6 ck.
51. P B 3, R B 7.
52. R Kt 8, K K 2.
53. R Kt 3, K Q 2.
54. R Kt 7 ck, K B.
55. P K R 5, R B 4.
56. RxP, RxP.
57. P R 6, RxP.
58. R Q R 2, P B 3.
59. PxP, R Q B 4.
60. R Q R 4.
Boys, our letter box is overflowing.
Our stenographer i still away on her
vacation. Will you pardon any ap
parent neglect?
"Checkmate" Is the felicitous title of
a neat little 16-page monthly "devoted
to the Interests of chess amateurs ev
erywhere," published by J. H. Graham.
Prescott, Ont., Canada. Mr. Graham,
in his salutatory, observes "that inter
est in the game' was never so wide
spread as at present, and that even the
leading journals of the country now
willingly surrender a liberal portion
of their space to a chronicle of the do
ings of the chess world" and believes
that there is room for a moderate
priced publication "recording faith
fully all events of general interest to
lovers of our favorite pastime."
Mr. Graham, being a practical print
er as well as an all 'round chess crank.
Intends to publish Checkmate for a
year at least, regardless of the sup
port it may receive. V This should be
liberal, ' for the magazine shows "ar
tistic printerian ability," (as Guy
Seeley would say) on the part Of the
publisher, and its arrangement is ex
cellent. Eight pages are devoted to
general news of the game, and the re
mainder are filled with twelve selected
games and sixteen problems. The
problems are sandwiched In on each
page, one at head of first column and
one at bottom of second a decided
novelty.' r- ;- - -.- i - - - -
Every chess enthusiast should sub
scribe. Price, $1 per year Unclo
Sam's "rag-baby" money accepted at
par. -
Have 14!80 acres of school land la
Cherry eounty, suitable for a ranch, ta
trade for cattle or horssa. Address
Cattle. JUnefe, care of Nebraska In
dependent, Lincoln, Ntb.
The University of Nebraska
OF MUSIC. . ...
Is the leading institution of its kind in
J:he west.' It offers complete arid thor
ough courses in all branches of Music,
lt has a corps of twenty instructors and
: a fine building for its exclusive use,
and would ask you to send for catalogue.
(Iab mm
2 boxta
Sold by B.O.Xottk, Lseom.HKl BABM'8
Citmka Pich:j
Editor " Independent: Twenty-five
years ago in Nebraska those of us who
planted the peach thought that as it
was usually grown in a milder cli
mate than we were favored with here,
we ought to plant in sunny sheltered
valleys or on the south of our wind
breaks, selecting sheltered locations,
with the result that the peach which
is naturally a late, rank grower, was
tempted to grow too late in the fall,
and trees were eftimes unripe when
winter set In. Worse than this, the
periods of very "soft, mild weather
which we sometimes have late in Feb
ruary or March tempt rising sap and
expanding buds, with destruction by
succeeding cold waves. Though suf
fering from serious loss and dlscouN
agement, here and there chance plant
ings demonstrated the fact that peach
trees planted - on the highest eleva
tions on northerly slopes and in the
bleakest positions were more likely to
ripen their wood early enough in the
fall to be dormant: when the severe
cold of winter set in. The buds also
were likely to be more completely ma
tured and to remain dormant during
the occasional periods of soft weather
in late February or March. Close ob
servation and experimenting with a
large number of varieties and the de
velopment of an occasional hardy seed
ling, has demonstrated that there are
now within the state varieties that
have fruited after experiencing a tem
perature during the previous winter
of 25 to 30 degrees below zero.
Working on these principles com
mercial peach orchards have been es
tablished as far west as Deuel county
and as far north as near the corner of
Cherry county, 235 miles northwest of
Lincoln, with encouraging promise of
success. A number of varieties of
peaches passed through the very try
ing winter of 98-9 without destruction,
though exposed to a temperature of 40
degrees below zero; were cut back the
succeeding spring and are now full of
healthy fruit buds indicating a crop
the coming season.
The Indications are that the success
ful crowing of the peach In commer
cial quantities may be extended more
than 200 miles west of the Missouri
river and 150 miles north of the south
line of the state. Since peaches are
likely to be grown in commercial
quantities may be extended more than
200 miles west of" the Missouri river
and ISO miles north of the south line
of the state. Since peaches are like
ly to be grown in commercial Quan
tities over the greater portion of our
state, fruit may ripen on the trees.
reaching heme markets in the best
possible condition and with such su
perior Savor as to invite largely in
creased consumption.
E. P, STEPHENS. Crete, Neb.
(Continued from Page Eight)
page, and the statement made by the
correspondent that he fell asleep and
snored aloud, is wholly untrue. Sena
tor Allen was not under the influence
of liquor and throughout the entire
proceedings of the Joint session, con
ducted himself with becoming dignity
and in a manner befitting his high
At the conclusion of the joint session
he arose, advanced to the speaker's
stand, locked arms with the vice presi
dent pro tempore and they v led the line
of senators in the march out of the
hall of representatives to the senate
chamber. . ?' .-. -..-
The statement that the vice presi
dent pro tempore would select for his
companion on this ' occasion a man
who was under the influence of liquor.
as represented by the correspondent of
the Chicago Itecord, to lead the line of
senators from their chamber through
the long corridors of the capltol build
ing into the bail of the house of rep
resentatives, in the presence of that
vast assemblage' of cultured people. Is
itself ridiculous and bears upon Its
face its own refutaUon.
Senator Allen is so well known to us
and to the people of Nebraska that a
denial of a story of this kind 'coming
from the source from which this state
ment emanated, is in our Judgment en
tirely unnecessary, but as the editorial
in your paper indicated that you con
sidered a denial proper, we beg you to
find space for this letter in the col
umns of your valuable papr. Yours
Third District, Nebraska.
Fourth District, Nebraska,
Fifth District, Netruks,
T. 4 P. PILLS ferlnn Vnonthly meni irua X
Ia (k. JBHtf fltunmtntl Tm- ill rf tftt
uw distDDOlnt
will bip Any . By mall.
Pharmacy, 1805 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb.
If you want tq do your neighbor a
favor invite him to subscribe for The
INGTON POINTS. . . . 4 . .
Via the Union Pacific on every Tues
day during February, March and April
to San Francisco Loa Angeles and
other common points at a rate of $25.
To Spokane, Portland, Tacoma and
Seattle, $28. To Ogden and Salt Lake,
$23. Tourist sleeping ears are run
dally. For full particulars call at city
ticket office. 1044 O street.
Jffaralag aad Barge, Attornaja.
In the Distriot Court of Lancaster Cotnty. Ne
braska ; In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Barr, deceased, i
ThU cause came op (or hearin upon the pe
tition of ueortre W. Berge, administrator of
the estate of William Barr. deceased, praying
for license to sail lot tbrte (3) block one hund
red forty-seren 17), in the City of .Lincoln,
Lancaster Count, Nebraska, for the purpose
ef psyia the debts allowed against said estate
aesonntins to four tboasaad dollars (M.000) and
she costs of administration, there net being I
sufficient personal property to pay the said ft
debts and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me at the
court house, In the City of Lincoln, on the 10th
day of April, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m.i to show
cause why a license should not be grunted to
said administrator to sell the above described
real estate of said deceased to pay said debate
aad expenses. f
It is ordered that this order be published iu
the Nebraska Independent at Lincoln. Nebras
ka, aecordinc to Uw. ALBERT J. COENISU,
. . . . . Judge of the District Court.
Dated this 23th day of February, 19U1.
V Morning- ft Berge. Attorney.
In the District Court of Lancaster County, Ne
braska; John E. Lewis, Plaintiff, . T. 8.
Deaa, first name unknown, Defendant. -
To T. S. Dean, first name unknown, non-resident.
You are hereby notified that on the 27th day
of February 1901, the plaintiff above named com
menced an action against you in the District
Court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the ob
ject of which is to require you to specifically
perform a certain contract entered into by you
wiu sne rawun wnereoy you agreea 10 con
vey to him Lots one (1), two (2), three (3) and
lour It;, in mock sis IB), east addition to Col
lege View, Lancaster county, Nebraska. The
Plaintiff asks to have said contract sneiflcallv
performed and tenders the amount of the pur
chase pries with his petition, aad asks for gen
eral equitable relief in the premises. You will
be required to answer said petition on or before
thefcthdayof ApriL1901.
JOHN E. LEWIS, Plaintiff.
By J. MOBJnuG Si Baaoa, His Attorneys.
Why not invite your neighbor to
subscribe for. The Independent? It'J
cheap at one dollar a year.
The Western Mercantile Csmpimy,
To Whom it May ConcernTake Notice
In accordance with the laws of the stats of Ne
braska, t
The undersigned have formed themselves into
a corporation for the purpote of doing business
in the state of Nebraska. The name of said cor
poration shall be known as "The Western Mer
cantile Company.
The principle place of transacting tiusiness
shall be ia Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebras-
ut branch honses and places of business I
may be maintained elsewhere within the state.
Tha business to be conducted by this corpor.
ation, shall be that of conducting a frsoer ';,
wholesale and retail commission and auction
business, for the purpose of purchasing and din
posing of general merchandise Manufacturing
all kinds of ladies and gentlemens waren.
Buying, selling and exchanging real es
tate, ail kinds of property, and the transaction
of other lawful business.
The capital stock of said corporation shall be
$50,000, divided into one hundred shares each.
Where issued to be full paid, and non-assossable.
$&,(K0 of said stock shall be known as pr ef erred
stock, and the remainder shall be known as
common or capital stock. The limit of said
corporation shall be for twenty years from the
18tb day of January, 1901.
, The officers of the Incorporation shall consist
of President, Vice-President, General Manager,
Secretary and Treasurer, and a Board of Di
rectors. Georgc Vkntess, President.
Johh C PoxLKMwlDsa, Vice Pres. and Sec. W
E. O. Goodkll, Treasurer, r
The Favorite Line
-"V TO THE ' t ";
Ep worth League
$23 Francisco, Cal July, I SO I
The Union Pacific
The fast trains of the Union Pacific
reach ; San Francisco fifteen hours
ahead of all competitors. If you are in
no hurry take a slow train by one of
the detour routes, but it you want to
get there without delay take the his-
toric and only direct route, the A- -U
N I O N P AC I FI-ic.
Full information . cneerfully ' fur
nished upon application. .
- - - - - H, B, SLOSSON, Agent.
Unecla, Neb.