The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 28, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    February 28, 190L
Bia-Kggf it's Supplies
To! can tare fre lkt by ordering
from u. A larre aappiy alwtya on
baud, and trial -will convince you
that tly are cheapest and Lest. Many
Improvements. S"tsd for our free
rataloT-j". AdJr-ts.
LEAHY iJFO. CO.. ITS Fo. 13th t,
Ocafca. Neb.
(alttaftM, rr. Teil
joy Lsw to ear for b
I-o at j of hi aa4
all alula of boo awppu
. Ut iai-l ipfoa
etsta. tan farm ltal
taa ior of ba a&d
4M. a44rN
jobs ytiicL a m v mfc uuu
TfH . 1-tlM -.'" -tt0
I'mmM. . 1- - 12- m
n. r !at itd. ittr rata
D3 Yea Keep
rerm fcr-trp-r. 4dra
From ILW upu Fret-elats io every r
pet. eod f i.iiy g-uarcusteed. Large CaU
Vga free.
The Monitor Co.
Box M. Moodu, Conn.
Strong, Hsnlthy Chicks
?.,-- t.r a
hollyhock poultr rnw
i rlijs lax-rar: ail abot Is- j
It fa at4 r. every ci.;ck. ti.
fcea asj fecrw t lew. iwrist be 19
at 3 aewirrJs ot a t loSwcti
cul1!4 mi a t&er catajorae. 13 ri
rt.a f-ef iLocverttsl low ma4 qte-
The Chicago Record claims to be an
Independent paper-and non-partisan.
It keeps in Washington as its special
correspondent W., E. Curtis and gives
to his matter the most prominent place
in every issue. The Record's atten
tion has been frequently called to the
infamous falsehoods to which it con
stantly gires circulation through the
correspondence of this man. The at
tention of the readers of this paper is
called to a communication signed by
three congressmen from this state de
nouncing the statements made by the
said W. E. Curtis in regard to Senator
Allen as Infamous and odious false
hoods. - While the Record continues
to print the falsehoods of this man.
giving them as it does the most con
spicuous position in every issue,: it
makes itself sponsor for a mass of
falsehood that is a disgrace to Ameri
can Journalism. If it will do that an
one instance, it will do it in others
and The Independent warns all it a
readers that the Chicago Record is un
believable in any statement that it
makes, and sensible men will pay no
more attention to what, it says than
they would to the fictitious "Arizona
Kicker." The evil that this paper is
doing by keeping the said Curtis in
Washington and printing his false
hoods, which are continuous. Is ' in
calculable. It makes itself a moral
leper and spreads the leprosy of false
hood wherever it circulates. '. " It
should be shunned as every moral
leper should be shunned. It should be
handled with a pair of tongues. It
should cot be allowed to come in con
tact with anything that is honest lest
its foulness should contaminate. It is
i not within the scope of probability
tfcat the Record will make any effort
to deny this malicious lie. It will "keep
W. E. Curtis at Washington and print
more of his lies from day to day,
therefore it is necessary to give warn
ing to the people concerning the char
acter of the Chicago Record.
National tube........)..... ;' 80,000,000
American steel and wire... "90,000,000
Federal steel . . . ; 125,645,200
Carnegie company. ........ 316,800,000
Total outstanding.
The new combinations..
Inc. in capitalization....
Taxation is twice as much in Lincoln
as it is in ihat awful city of Nsw York
where the fiend Boss , Crokor rules.
Every republican of New York thinks
that Tammany rule is horrible, but
they are perfectly satisfied with a rule
in Lincoln- that is twice as bad. -
tanks. The Standard Oil trust
leased all the land in sight. '
has i
A glance at those figures will show
how much truth there is in the state
ment that trusts reduce the cost of
manufactured products to the consum
er. The capitalization of the whole
group had been watered to an enor
mous extent before the universal steel
trust- was formed. Having placed all
of them under one control, the first
thing that is done is to increase the
capitalization again, this time to the
amount of $316,229,800. The price of
steel must now be raised again so as
to pay interest . on, this . additional
stock, besides upon the stock of the
original companies, all of which had
been watered to more than a hundred
per cent.. . That is the way trusts reduce-the
cost of products to the con
sumer. That kind of reduction is the
very idea of their being. If it were
not for that, there would be no trusts.
The idea of having the privilege - of
paying twice as much for their..goods
as the same goods are sold to foreign
ers, or interest on stock that has been
watered four hundred per cent, so de
lights the average republican that they
will likely hold a ratification meeting
over the organization of the billion
dollar steel-trust, especially since the
senate has kicked all anti-trust bills
clear off the capitol grounds. '
The fact that police and police courts
even in the smaller cities of the west
are just as corrupt as those of the
larger cities of the east ; is becoming
generally known.. Last, week the
school board of Omaha brought
charges against the police of that city,
in which they claim that the police' are
constantly collecting fines from houses
of prostitution, and gambling dens
which they do not turn over... Every
body knows that they collect these
fines, but every member of this school
board did his best to elect the present
Omaha city government, -and - at the
next . election they will jio the same
thing. Of the two, the school board are
greater villains than the police. They
would work night and day to prevent
the turning out of the government
headed by. a known, embezzler and thej
election or nonest men. inai is me
way the" republicans have of doing
things.- - : - . -
It is quite certain Hanna is not go
ing to get his subsidy bill through
this session. It is also quite certain
that the corporations have killed the
isthmus canal for a time anyway.
The chief concern of our present leg
islature seems to be how to raise the
assessment, so as to raise the taxes
and also to . increase the number of I
office holders , and raise their salaries.
If offices went begging at the present
salaries it might be the thing to do,
but there are a score of office-seekers
for every office. A little economy
would be better medicine.
A young person should give' preference.
either seat or standing room, to an
old v person. Ladies should have the
prefered advantage, age being equal.
The" right hand. is. the hand of honor.
either in walking or' setting. Attach
but one title to a name and let that be
the highest to which the person is en
titled to.
He Gets" the Truth
.Editor Independent: Enclosed -find
order for renewal for the best paper
on earth. I hear lots of rumors, but
when I get The Independent I get the
truth. Long may it and its editor live.
I -would be glad to get Towne's speech
as soon as it is printed,
other fight, C. W.
Peru, Neb. k' ,'
.Yours for an-GILLILAN.
N Those Artichokes , V
Editor Independent: .In my., article
on artichokes in your issue of the 14th
inst. I think I said "I am satisfied that
my artichokes were worth from $25 to
$30 per acre to me," etc. As I raise
10 to 15 acres each year; it makes a big
difference as to weather, my -crop Is
worth $25 -or $30 as hog feed or are
worth that .much per acre, If. you will
correct you will, greatly oblige.
; ; ; ;w'. GEr; a. arnold.
''. HaydonNebi - - . .
Eic&k Ltj"i-3 mt.4 rsrrl fc'k, atai. o4
at rriU prut for good Mock.
Or&wr for srr boJ aow. is. f4ngn4
b; do. m saia. it. X. HITf UKi.
A rhnioou N.U
Tfccrtrejrbbr"! ard pedigreed. Gooi
rolor and hap. Stock from the best
biooJ lice, including Champion Fah
o4m Ossporledf, Lord Banbury, Lord
Britain. Yccon, Noaparell and others.
Sotse ood hn-f-ulzs does for sale.
Aio jonnK bucks and do1 old enonsh
to tred ty Royal Faahoda, acore 56,
ton of Ch. Ft Lola and dam by Lor l
Britain. Iitca lav tor the quality.
Black Locust. Hooey Locuat and Cat-
alpa Fence Posts.
I hae for fa! 20.000 Black Locttft.
Hocy Vrut and Catalpa fence post.
Ctalja gnTtntel to t a durable a
Jtd Cfiitr. Etjttt feet long, round
pofta. rarigins In diamcur from 3 u
ROBT. W. FLRNA3. Browne Il!e, Neb
Alfalfa Sssl
Giora la iy in tb heart of th- al
falfa rmistry, rlesn and free from Rus
sian thltl and otter foul seed. 3.t
itfartioa ynaracteed and price reason
able. Samples aect. Lew prices on
carload lot. GEO. B. YOUNG.
Ijnzz Ifland, Kas.
Sweet Potatoes.
Snt out to be sprouted on SHARES.
No exrericnr required. Directions for
rprotitins FREE with order.
T. J. SKINNER, Columbus. Ka.
Eeilj J213 Spring Wfcsat
New variety maxima four to ten
Ciy earlier than otber varieties and
J' i la r per. Teted at the Iowa agri
ei'Tcral college, on tbe Wallace farms,
and by other -airh above results. L'n-dtit-tdly
the L j-t wheat on the mar
ket. Seed for sale.
Cab with order. Uncoln Oats, SO-;
pt r btish-L Write at once, as the sup
ply will not last long.
CF. MORTON. Union. N be.
From la years experience in rai
lg tlem in Nebraska I find them oe
th iarf f t crops and healthiest
fcog food one can raise, as well aa th.
cheapest. The tog. do the harvestln.
For particular and price address.
GEO. A. ARNOLD, Haydon. Pnelpi
Co'iniy. Neb.
Salesmen t a prctabia. pwnwi
iwra twt bun tt.Mm ia
Several of the great New York pa
pers have been denouncing Senator
Teller and others as enemies of their
country because of the resolution de
daring that Cuba was, and of right
ought to be ' free and independent.
Ttev say that the resolution was of
no binding force because it was passed
without deliberation in a moment of
hysterical excitement caused by the
breaking out of war. But they forget
about another assembly of some im
portance that met long after the war
was over and that assembly by a
unanimous vote declared and put on
record the following;
"Cuban Independence. To Cuba in
dependence and self-government were
assured in the same voice by vrhich
war was declared, and to the letter
this pledge shall be performed."
That is what the republican national
convention did. Was it suffering from
hysterical excitement when it made
that solemn pledge? Isn't it rather
to be supposed that these editors who
write in that strain have received or
ders from the power that controls the
press and that they themselves have
been thrown into hysterics? Nothing
short of hysterics can account for the
wild writing that they do.
In the old days when the republicans
rah things to suit themselves 'in this
state and we had stone "plugged to
size," and it took 144 tons of coal to
keep the asylum warm during the
month of August, there were also fre
quent mutinies in the penitentiary.
The old way of doing things seem to
be-revived. Last week it reported
that a mutiny was only prevented by
a lucky accident. In one of the cells
a revolver was found and a lot of am
munition. Also keys that would open
nearly all the cell doors and the out
side, door. After that there was talk
of dark cells and all those things with
which we were so familiar in the good
old days of republican rule. While the
penitentiary was under the care of
Warden Leidigh there were no mu
tinies and when penalogists visited the
institution they were always aston
ished beyond measure when they
looked over the book in which all the
punishments were recorded. They
could hardly believe their eyes. Lei
digh always had perfect discipline,
faithful work from the convicts, hard
ly ever a punishment worse than cut
ting off their tobacco, or a few days
or their good time, ana there were no
mutinies or thought of 'mutiny.
Whether it was organizing an army,
running a penitentiary or cutting down
the expenses of the public institutions,
the populist government was equally
The terrible.disaster in San Fran
cisco harbor whereby 130 persons lost
their lives, among them Consul Wild-
man and family and the editor of the
American recently expelled, from the
Philippine islands by order of General
MacArthur because he . criticised -the
action of the captain of ' the port of
Manila in the collection of duties. The
ship Rio Janerio had made a success
ful voyage and , after, entering San
Francisco harbor, was run on a rock
and sank almost' immediately In very
deep water. This disaster is the result
of carelessness, but as the person re
sponsible the captain, went down with
the ship, there will . not be much said
about it. Even a landsman knows
that the bay of San Francisco, is full
of rocks and what is still more dan
gerous to careless navigators, swift
and powerful currents which vary dur
ing every hour of the day. This cap
tain undertook to sail his ship into
the harbor in a dense fog. . There was
no necessity for haste. Yet he took
the awful risk and his ship went to
the bottom carrying with it 130 living
Gambling among children of public
schools and among students of uni
versities has been detected in several
of our large cities. It takes on differ
ent forms in different places, but al
ways connected , with a low-down, cor
rupt hole. In some instances they give
prizes to the boy who buys the most
beer or whisky. This is even worse j
than straight gambling. In England
the social entertainment among all
classes is gambling with cards for
money. v They generally limit the
amount put up at any game for the
evening and when church members or
Americans exhibit conscientious scru
ples against the gambling sin, they all j
promise to give all they win above
what they lose to the church. This ar- !
rangement - soft-soaps the religious
conscience. Gambling for money there
is as common as high-five for a goose
egg or booby here. (We don't know
what goose egg and booby mean.) The
gambling sin is at the bottom of most
of the thefts, forgeries and embezzle
ments. A treasurer, cashier or clerk j
will steal his employer poor before he
thinks of restraining his covetousness,
appetite. or lust. The ranks of the
fallen are filled by starting the school
children in the downward road.
IAM8 imported more black Percherons from Francs in
1900 than all importers of Nebraska. Only man in United
States who imported all black etalliont. t-;
At his barns daily are "hot propositions" to competitors
Z,360-lb 3-year-old, largest and best drafter in tbe United
Buyers remarks: "Aa orvto-date horse show:" "most se
lect and largest stallions I erer saw;" "glossy beaui'r''
"wide as a wagon "lejr under every corner; "see that
States a ripper." MIams saved me $500.00 on a stal
lion last year, and I bought that 2,UUU-lb 2-year-old today
s top-notcher." "See that barn of 20 Ton' stallions,
and they all look alike to me'." "lams pays freight and
fare of his buyers and sells a $2,000.00 Stallion at $1,000.00.
lams has on hand
100 Black Pcrchcrons, Clydes, Shires, Coachers
Its ported and home bred registered stallions and mares, 2 to 6 years old, weight 1,600 to 2,400
pounds, to per cent blacks, lams naa more tnica, ton, Diack rercnerons; more Koyai orea, gov
ernment "approved and stamped" stallions : more Paris and Omaha Exposition and State Fair
winners ; more stallions to suit yon and big bargains than all importers of Iowa or Nebraska.
T.. i c u i - i i r . v i. t-i. : : . u ,, .A,
uia Boua c icucu, 1UUW9 umucis vi 1 m i 1U13) witu ui J o I n hivucuvi: nnfca unit
$300.00 on each stallion bought in France; and gets the "tops" irrespective of cost. Me will save
you $500.00 on a stallion, because he has no high-priced salesmen or 2 to 10 partners
to snare proms, and saves you tbe middle man s and company s organizer s pronts Dy ouying di
rect from lams' barns. Eon't be a clam. Write or telephone lams and get an eye-opener.
There has been heavy fighting dur
ing the week in South Africa. . Both
Generals Dewet and Botha have been
engaged. The first reports were to the
effect that Dewet had been caught be
tween two swollen rivers by a super
ior force and that his whole army had
been broken up and his oxen and. sup
plies captured, ne nimseit escaping
across the river in a boat with a few
followers. But the next day came word
that he was attacking a town in Cape
Colony and the British were hurrying
forward reinforcements. Botha .had
escaped from the force that was sent
to capture tim and was making lots
of trouble. It will be some time before
the Boer side of the story will reach
this country.
It is stated that the company owning
the line to which the Rio Janerio be
longed has lost twenty steamers in the
Pacific, most . of them by Just such
carelessness as resulted in the sinking
of this sliip. The United States navy
has lost two magnificent warships In
the Pacific during the last two years,
and came very near losing the Ore
gon. The mishap to the Oregon and
the loss of the Charleston , were both
the result of carelessness and the offi
cers' in command,' if they had " be
longed to any other government, would
have been court-martialed and cash
iered. The united States , navy is a
close corporation as' .was pointed, out
by a republican congressman the other
day " " The officers stand by-each other
and "the, guilty parties arenever puo-
ished. .. , -.'f;.-,- ;
Admiral Sampson has shown to the
whole country what manner "of maft
he is so that it can no longer be dis
puted. When he sent that famous-telegram!
saying that the squadron under
his command had sunk all of Cervera's
ships, when he was not in command at
all and not even present at the fight, it
disgusted the whole nation except Mc-
Kinley and his cabinet. They were so
pleased with it that they tried to force
Sampson's promotion over the man
who was in command and who did
sink the ships. This last caper of his
is in line with the character of a man
who could send such a telegram. Con
gress has at last provided that there
may be promotions from the enlisted
men in the navy who pass an examina
tion and have proved themselves to be
fully qualified to commission officers.
One of the gunners who fought in the
famous battle made application for a
commission and Sampson wrote to the
president saying that he noped that he,
the president, would ignore the law
and not make any such appointments.
He declared that no matter how brave.
intelligent and well qualified a war
rant officer in the navy might be, It
would never do to promote him to the
position of a regular commissioned of
ficer because he lacked the social re
finement necessary to associate with
the officers of the navy. Since the let
ter was made public; Sampson has
been denounced as an ass' and a snob
on the floor of the senate. It is not at
all probable that he will now be pro
moted over Schley.
. 4
TEES 23 j FUhTS &
Jw Sbary Plarfs 53 Bcjt Sorts.
Aim iv!mt7 a I3rl t-r-y i"itaa wfcoU-
20,000 Cfcsrry Tru:,
30,000 ?tuh Trees.
H freit.TTgTwna 4 few-
rjie tor prioa lift. Ad&rmmi
It is announced that the recent rail
road consolidations will throw out of
employment over enty-five thou
sand employes, many of them holding
high, positions in railroad circles.
: ;arly all of these men, many of them
past middle age, are left perfectly help
less. Supposing that they had life po
sitions they have lived up to their
salaries. What they do now? They
are unfitted for other business. Poor
fellows! A pop can't help plttylng
them. Last fall they were out work-
in for their own destruction and im
agined that we who gave them warn
ing of their coming fate were lunatics.
What do they .think of a pop now?
Wonder if some of them will turn pop
themselves? One of them who had
been drawing a salary of $4,000 a year
was seen sitting in a hotel the other
day. He looked very miserable, and
remarkeu that he did not know what
would become of him and his wife and
children. If the people insist on hav
ing trusts these sort of things must
come along with them.
There has been a noticeable change
in the tone of the editorial writing in
the great organs of the republican par
ty during the last week, in regard to
the "protective" policy. In some of
these staunch defenders there is even
attempts made to ridicule this holy of
holies of republicanism. One or two
of them openly declare that the re
publican leaders intend to steal this
issue from the democrats and make it
one of the principal planks In their
next platform. If they do. the seedy
mullet head will be as enthusiastic a
defender of free trade as he ever was
of the interests of the tariff barons.
Just call it republican doctrine and
that will make it a sacred thing to him
to be defended with his voice and his
vote. The truth about the matter is
about this: For years the subsidized
press has been able to keep the people
in ignorance of the fact that through
the tariff Americans are made to pay
about twice as much for their goods as
the same goods are sold to foreigners.
This fact is now becoming so gener
ally known that it endangers the pros
pects of any party that upholds it. In
the ranks of the republican party there
are some men who are not so afflicted
with partisan insanity but that they
can comprehend so plain a fact as that
and If they should desert, it would
make trouble for Mark Hanna.
A billion dollar iron and steel cor
poration, trust and monopoly; a bil
lion dollar oil corporation, trust and
monopoly; two or three billion dollar
railroad corporations, trusts and mon
opolies how can we better things and
what is the remedy? To start with,
nothing can be done until the people
want something done and they will
have to be pinched hard before they
will break with their party. If Hanna
should propose to tax all farm prod
ucts as tobacco is now taxed republi
cans would swallow it just as they are
now swallowing the ship subsidy pro
position. Removing the high .protec
tive tariff on all trust goods will help
a little. - It would at least enable the
American consumer to obtain Ameri
can goods as cheaply, as European and
Asiatic consumers do. But the next i
move would be to bring all the rest of
the world into the American trust.
Tne Standard Oil company has divided
territory with Russia, neither sells oil
in the other's territory. The Russians
will not ship oil to America at any
price. Oil was put on the free list by
Bryan, when in congress, but it has
done no good; the oil trust has stead
ily grown. The only way out of the
woods is for the government to start
and iron and steel foundry and also an
oil refinery. - Ten millions in an iron
and steel plant somewhere on tne east
shore of Lake Michigan, half way be-
tween the coal and ore, run by the best
help at the best wages, the product
sold at a little abov. cost would knock
the teeth out of the biggest trust. And
if railroads could net be made to car
ry as cheaply for government as for
the trust the government could build
her own railroads. Five millions in
an oil refinery located somewhere be-
tween Cleveland and Toledo, run in
the same way, would have the same ef
fect updn the oil trust.
St. Paul, Howard Co.,
Nebraska, on B. & M.
and "Union Pacific Ry.
Large and Complete line of Nursery Stock, .
consisting of varieties adapted to the north- , -
west. Location one of the leading fruit .
districts of Nebraska. ... . . , . .
;Vjpay ail freights to points in Nebraska and Western Iowa.
We guarantee satisfaction with our customers. Catalogue
mailed free upon application.' Adrress all communications to
MARSHALL BROS.? Arlington fl$e&
r Establlahad 187B .
Write For Prices and Tazs. -:- .918 Q St. Lincoln. Neb;
iirr Iricubators
And BROODERS for Chickens, Ducks and Turkeys.
The BURR hatches anything that a hen ran hatch.
Write for Free Catalog. BURR INCUBATOR CO., Omaha. Neb.
Current Comment
J. A, GAGE. Beatrice, Neb.
m I . s tm I tjM, It
Sit Caoaiy. tm t. St. Mn
A3 C-wt-caaaa, N9 or
TwX2jm. Grfl&fia2isd
grsJa. for sei-ek I wm&i?
- AgMtta watted.
The continual increase in the num
ber of failures as well as the enormous
liabilities of the firms going into bank
ruptcy is attracting attention. Add
ing to this tbe fact that the banks owe
$30 for every $2 of cash they have on
hand has had a tendency to ccrb the
speculative eplrlt and , even Henry
Clewa feels called upon to make some
remarks upon the subject. Every man
of common sense knows that this mod
era South Sea bubble must burst some
time and the wise ones seem to be
starting ror cover. When it comes,
the fierceness of the explosion will be
felt most In the east.. The pops have
so educated the people In the west that
they will largely escape.
The gold democrats of the east are
still pushing Qlney as their candidate.
Even the republican papers are forced
to confess that Oln'ey is more of a re
publican than a democrat. The fact is
that Olney is just such a republican as
Senator Hoar. There is . not a par
ticle of difference in their political be
liefs. The only thing in which thev
differ from Mark Hanna and McKlnley
Is on the question of imperialism. Both
Olney and Hoar, living as they do in
the shadow of Bunker Hill, cannot en
tirely free themselves from the old
revolutionary traditions, which at one
time inspired all the people of this
nation. .
Gas Less Drunkenness The Senate
Don't Care to . Mqye rExpensive
"Struck . lie" More Taxes Corpor
ations. Win Gambling Trusts and
' Monopolies Prosperity Behavior.
Gus Addicks runs the senatorial
deadlock in the" Delaware legislature
and .Gas Thompson runs the same re
publican animal in Nebraska. - - .
There is one thing quite certain if
Thompson : and - Rosewater are elected
to the United States senate we will not
have two whisky barrels in the morn
ing there and two barrels of whisky
at nignt, as we nave now.
Three good crops in Nebraska have
given us a surplus and four good wars
outside have given us good prices, but
what has contributed most toward
making good times is the increase ot
legal tender money by coining silver
and gold. Then money has been more
plenty, on this side, by our exports ex
ceeding our imports. The man or na
tion who sells more than he buys has
more money than he would have if he
bought more than he sold. Then again
the most rigid economy has been prac
ticed the past six years. There is a
stronger feeling against contracting
debts among the older class who were
pinched in the nineties. Since so
many horses and mules have been tak
en out of the Mississippi valley for
the wars about the only farm product
Is wheat that ranges below average
price. The reason of this seems to be
because of the new and extensive
wheat fields opened the last ten years
In South America and Russia. The Pa
cific railroad in Russia opens up much
more wheat land than the Pacific road
did in this country. There is no cot
ton or corn land in Russia, but mil
lions of acres of wheat land yet un
cultivated. The most of southern South
Aiperica is wheat land. They are just
now shipping to Europe a bountirui
crop from the Argentine Republic
They have no corn or cotton land ex
cept in the northern part and in south
ern fBrazil and there the area is lim
ited! .": We again caution farmers to
keep out of debt, for if the policy ot
the millionaires and trusts are car
ried out, we are going to see harder
times In the next four years than we
have ever seen before.
wZ- '
Farm Seed
"Minnesota Blue Stem" and "Early Fife"
epring wheat.two earliest and best rariaties
known. "Mammoth White Russian," "Early
Champion White" and "Lincoln" Oats.
Seed Corn a Specialty; $I per Bushel
lift fiXSfe
sfSff atss?"- fee? fei w
tx vv. -tV A
w if
Pride of Nishna" yellow dent, "Gold Stan-
i'd yellow, and "lowa Mlver Mine ' white
three best varieties of seed corn on earth.
Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn." "Early
Amber" Cane Sed. Katiir Corn, "Dwsrf
Essex Rape .Seed, fresh, just imported.
Also all Standard Garden Seeds by oz., M-lb,
',i-lb and pound quantities, at lowest prices.
A 6H-page book on "Corn and Corn
Grooving." combined, with three samples of
seed, for 4c to pay postage. Write today
and pet it by return mail. Catalog free for
the asking. Addrea
J. R. tatekin & Son,
ia arence L.Gerrard:
(Columbus, Nebr.-
The outstanding securities bonds
and shares of the eight steel and iron
companies combined by Mr. Morgan
were aa follows:
American etel hoop $ 14,000.000
Tmerican tinplat 4e.325.000
American sheet steel 52,000.000
Xsliuul steel...........;. 6,000.000
There Is soon to be a city election in
Lincoln. Republican : candidates " a?e
spending money very freely to get
nominations to offices that pay very
small salaries. After they get tbe
nomination they will have to put up a
lot more of money to get elected al
though they have about a thousand
majority in the city. Any man of com
mon sense knows what that means. . It
meana boodle. These poor fool? who
turn out to primaries and spend time
trying to elect their candidates may
think that they don't pay the bill, but
they do. Not one of them would listen
to a proposition to have an honest city
government administered for th? ben
efit of the citizens instead of a f w
office-holders and the , corporations.
Why does" not the 'senate pass the
house resolution submitting an amend
ment to the several legislatures, al
lowing the people to elect senators?
The only reason given is the million
aires would not be able to buy their
office of the people with money as they
do now of legislatures.
The estimated government expenses
for the next two years will be $1,800,
000,000 in gold, about the same as it
was under Lincoln, with nearly a mil
lion of soldiers In the field. If Iark
Hanna and McKlnley have their way
during the coming extra session much
more will be expended in subsidies and
other republican robberies.
They have "struck ile" in Texas near
Beaumont, 1,300 feet below the surface,
and it came up with such force as to
throw six tons of iron tubing 300 feet
in the air. The flow was estimated at
2,000 barrels an hour. They have
plugged -It up until they can build
Etiquette is the stylish term for be
havior in company. A few hints on
this line may not be out of place. One
of the first rules of behavior in com
pany is to do nothing only what your
company can join you in doing. Don't
eat. drink, read or wfcisper by your
self alone or by twos. Never spit on
the floor or blow your nose with your
fingers, use your handkerchief or go
to the door. Never smoke, chew, or
swear in company, such filth should
never be thought of. Nor should your
tainted breath be detected by ladles
chef coffee or cloves and hide it. Af
ter the wedding, then what? In men
tioning yourself with others, give their
names first, unless you are confessing
a fault. Jim and I killed the snake,
but I and Jim stole the mellons. In
waiting upon company gentlemen
should wait upon ladies first, but la
dies should wait upon the -gentlemen
first. A gentleman should address an
audience "Ladles and gentlemen," but
a- lady speaker should say "Gentle
men and ladies." The opposite sex
should be given the place of honor.
Departure '
Heats up through the center; uses less
oil than any other machine made; per-,
feet ventilation; equal heat; absolute
ly automatic. CATALOGUE FREE.
Trester Supply Co.,
103 S. Hth St. Lincoln, Neb. .
'that with our Great Western Jr. Incubt-r si9 can males enough '
money this aprtng to buy this elegant S125 FULL, LEATHER TOP
PHAETON at our wholesale price of I77.5;L- s:- can have the tn-
.euh&tor fwA Tvntr tne freicrhtt nn 2m da v free trial. rruLk-it a. iAtfh. ' nd If not. satisf actorv.
(oueggs,j.$v ireignc prepaia. not water pipingr, no cold corners, no
not center, baxety lamp, ventilation ana moisture resru-
lat ion perfect.
home and on the farm at 10 to 40 below other dealers.
a perfect. She taices no cnances on it.
TELL YOUR WIFE wo sell eTerrrhinft- need in the.
Our hxg catalofrue sent for 10c postage. Special vehicle
ana uicuoator uaratogues rrec ( e nave larger M
incubators u you wanttnem.)
"IH that Bare jmrn mXmmmj."