The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 03, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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E. P. Holmes, Lincoln.
Fourth District
B. S. Baker. Omaha.
Charles T. Dickenson, Tekamah.
Jacob Fawcett, Omaha. .
W. W. Keysor, Omaha. . ..
; Lee S. Estelle, Omaha.
Irving F. Baxter, Omaha. ' ,
W. W. Slabaugh,. Omaha, .
Fifth District
R. F.. Good, York.
S. H. Sornboreer. York.
Sixth District
J. A. Grimlson, Schuyler. ,
C." Hollenbeck. Fremont.
Seyenth- DIf trlct k -
G. W. Stnbbs.-SuDerior.
Eighth District ' -
G. T. Graves. Pender.
Ninth District
J. F. Bovd. Oakdale.
Tenth District
E. L. Adams. Minden.
Eleventh District
C. A. Munn, Ord. -
J. R. ThomDson. Grand Island.
Twelfth District
H. M. Sullivan. Broken Bow.
Thirteenth District
H. M. Grimes. North Platte.
Fourteenth District
G. W. Ncrris. McCook.
Fifteenth District
J. J. Harrington, O'Neill.
W. H. Westover, Rushville.
District. Name. County. P. O. Politics.
1, Francis Martin. Richardson. Paw
nee; Falls City; rep.
2, Peter Berlet. Nemaha, Johnson;
Auburn; rep.
3, J. H. Arends, Otoe; Syracuse; rep.
4, W. H. Newell, "Cass; Piattsmouth;
5. George W. Meredith. Saunders.
Sarpy; Ashland; fus.
6, Howard H. Baldrige, Douglas;
Omaha; rep.
John Liddell, Douglas; Omaha;
Frank T. Ransom, Douglas; Oma
ha; fus. '-
7, Anarew R. Olson, Cuming, Burt;
Wisner; rep.
8. T. F. Zeieler. Dixon. Dakota.
Knox, Cedar, Thurston; Hartington;
fus. .
9. Chris Webber. Antelope. Boone,
Greeley; Spalding; fus.
10, Lorenzo Crounse, wasnington,
Dodge; Ft. Calhoun; rep.
11, W. W. Young, Wayne, Stanton,
Madison, Pierce; Stanton; rep.
12, Joseph L. Paschal, Platte, Colfax;
Columbus; dem.
13, Frank Campbell, Holt, Garfleld,
Wheeler, and the unorganized terri
tory north of Holt and Keya Paha;
O'Neill; fus.
14, J. R. Van Boskirk, Biown, Kya
Paha, Cherry, Sheridan, Dawes, Box
Butte and Sioux; Alliance; rep.
15, F. M. Currie, Custer, Valley, Loup.
Blaine; Sargent; rep.
16, James E. Miller, Buffalo, Sher
man; Majors; fus.
17, J. A. Woolstenholm, Hall, How
ard; Grand Island; dem.
18, Charles Krumbach, Polk, Merrick,
Nance; Shelby; fus.
19, Dr. H. B. Cummins, Butler, Sew
ard; Seward; fus.
20, Richard O'Neill, Lancaster; , Lin
coln; rep. '
John J. Trompen,- Lancaster;
21, William H. Edgar. Gage ; Bea
trice; rep.
22, Hugh McCargar, Saline; Crete;
23, C. F. Steele, Jefferson, Thayer;
Fairbury; rep.
24, Nathan V. Harlan, York, Fill
more; York; rep.
25, Henry Reuting, Clay, Hamilton;
Saronville; fus.
26, 0. R. Pitney, Nuckolls, Webster,
Franklin; Inavale; fus.
27, J. N. Lyman, Adams; Hastings;
28, B. Hodges. Kearney, Phelps, Har
lan; Atlanta; fus.
29, E. N. Allen, Furnas, Red Willow,
Hitchcock, Dundy, Gosper, Frontier,
phaca snH M vs : Aranahoe: rep.
- "-" "af . " av - -
SO, E. D. Owens, Dawson, Lincoln,
Keith, Cheyenne, Logan and the un
organized territory west of Blaine and
Logan; Cozad; rep.
1, J. R. Cain, jr., Richardson; Stella;
John Lichty, Kicnarason; raus
CAtv fna.
A. H. Fellers, Kicnarason; num-
boldt; fus.
2, John F. Wenzi, rawnee; late;
Andrew Scott, pawnee; rawnee; ren.
3,J. W. Armstrong, Nemana; soum
Auburn; rep.
Fred G. Haroxby, Nemaha; wema
ha fna.
a h a. Crissey. Jonnson; urau
5.C. H. Beethe. Nemaha, jonnson;
Elk Creek; rep.
6, Charles Marshall, Otoe; uougias;
. . . m,i
H. H. Hanks, Otoe; weDrasKa uny,
7. M. L. Friedrich, Cass; Fiatts
Richard Wilkinson, uass; agie;
8. David Brown, Cass, Otoe; Ne
braska City; rep.
9 nans Grell. Sarpy; onaico; aem
lO.Vaclay Buresh, Douglas; Omaha;
S. A. Corneer, jjougias; umana;
Henry McCoy, uougias; umana;
rep. "
George A. Mead, Douglas; Omaha;
rep. .
P. M. Mullen, Douglas; Omaha;
Mel. Uhl, Douglas; Omaha; rep.
, Burton E. Wilcopt, Douglas; So.
Omaha; rep.
Cary M. Hunt, . Douglas; South
Omaha; - fus. ' -v . - --u .
Charles T. Johnson, Douglas; Om
aha; fus. ,. .
11, Henry Rohwer, Washington; Ft.
Calhoun; rep.
.12, William G.. Sears,'. Burt; Teka
mah; rep. -, k
13, Jbseph ;'.Hall, Burt, Washington;
Tekamah; rep.
14, Daniel Swanson, Dodge; Fremont;
rep. . - - ; - .
Geo. L. Loomis, Dodge; Fremont;
fus. ." I .
15, Henry Schinstdck, Cuming; Wost
Point; dem. .
. 16, Mark W. Murray, Thurston ; Pen
der; dem.
17, Louis Smlthberger, Wayne, Stan
ton; Stanton; rep. r
18, John J. McCarthy, Dixon; Ponca;
rep. .
19, A. J. Watson, Cedar, Pierce; Col
eridge; dem.
20, Charles Crockett, Knox; Bloora-
fleld; fus.
21, H. M. Stockwell, Antelope; Clear
water; fus.
22, Frank Jourenat,- Boone; Peters
burg; rep. v
23, P. F. Zimmerman, Madison; Maa-
son; dem. - " '
24, Dirk A. Becher, Platte; Olden-
buschjdem: ' i ' '
25, J. W. Tanner, Platte, Nance; Ful
erton; dem.
26, John C. Sprecher, Colfax; Schuy
ler; fus. , . :
27. Alex Boulier, Saunders; Cedar
Bluffs; fus. r
James M. Jamison, Saunders;
Touhy; fus.
28, David W. Hamilton, Butler; Rls-
ng City; fus.
John Kaveny, Butler; Linwooa;
us. "
29, George W. Fuller, Seward; Sew
ard; pop. .
William H. Beekly, Seward; Dor
chester; rep.
30, A. W. Lane, Lancaster; Lincoln;
Jno. H. Mockett, Jr.; Lancaster;
incoln; rep.
C. R. Tefft, Lancaster; Lincoln;
E. J. Shellhorn. Lancaster; Uni
versity Place; rep.
Chas. J. Warner, Lancaster; Wnv-
erly; rep.
31, J. T, Calkins, Saline; Friend; fus.
Edward W. Mlskell. Saline; Wil-
ber; rep.
S2, Thos. E. Hibbert, uage; Adams;
Henry Steinmeyer, Gage; Cla-
tonia; rep.
R. W. Laflln, Gage; Wymore; rep.
33,Alvin D. Spencer, Gage, Saline;
Barneston; rep.
34, J. E. Mendenhall, Jefferson; Fair
bury; rep.
35, Robert Tweed, Thayer; Daven
port; rep.
36. Conrad Beisner, Thayer, Jener-
son; Hebron; rep.
37, W. H. Cooksey, Fillmore; ur-
russ; dem - :
Charles A. Fowler, Fillmore; Ohi-
owa; rep.
38, Andrew L. Sandall, York; xotk;
rep. ' ' .
Herman Diers, xork; uresnara;
fus. -" . - - : - '1
39, C. H. Hoy, Polk; Silver Creek;
fus. -
40, W. , Y. R. Gawne, Merrick; Cen
tral City; rep..
41. J. H. Edmondson, Hamilton; Au
rora; fus.- ' i -
John A. Whltmore, Hamilton; Au
rora ; rep.
Hs.raska's Futile Officials
As a result of tt lart election al
nvost th entire pertonne! of Nebras
ka's smUlc ofEclal will Te changed
Tlse follo-ricg Is lirt of the men who
-rill acid the cSee and make laws
for the fscj:! cf Nebra.ka until others
art veiecifed to take their places: -STATS
.CLarles 1L Dietrich, Hastings, gov
Ezra P. Savage, Sargent, lieutenant
governor. George W Marsh, Falls City, sec
retary of state.
Charles Weston. Hay Springs, audi
tor public accounts.
William Steufer. West Point, treas
urer. ' : .'
William K. Fowler, Blair, superin
tendei.t of public Instruction.
Frank N. Prout, Beatrice, - attornev
general. .
George D. Follmer, Oak, commis
sioner of public lands and buildings. "
U. S. Senators 1 . . .
John M. Thurston.
William V. Allen.
(Terms expire March 4, 1901; suc
cessors to be elected by legislature,
which convenes January 1.190L)
Elmer J. Burkett, First district.
D. H. Mercer, Second district
J. S. Robinson, Third district.
W. L. Stark, Fourth district.
A. C. Shallenbarger, Fifth district. ;
Wm. Neville. Sixth district.
Supreme Court of Nebraska
T. L. Noryal, Seward, chief justice,
J. J. Sullivan, Columbus, judge.
Silas Holcomb, Lincoln, judge.
Lee Herd man, Omaha, clerk
preme court.
First District '
C. B. Letton, Fairbury,
J. S. Stull, Auburn.
Second District
Pan! Jessen, Nebraska City.
Third District
A. J. Cornish, Lincoln.,
Lincoln Frost, Lincoln.
T-ft Qa.ea" only ftl7.60.
Other tift, rtOTes. furnltura,
Mc, am la w tna "TW How. thai
8.TM to. Mot." Doat fall to aataar
blf ..Ulog. Ewtyth-t for tb. mu i
for eIPSm. 'tr adatatkfcpai
0pt. Omaha. Neb, .
h 41
west, LTg Supply of SMALL FBU1T8.
Two Million Strawberry Plants 50 Best Sorts.
Also Raspberry and Blackberry Plant at whole
sale price. Catalog-ue FREE.
Whiten the Teeth and
; Sweeten the Breath
Try a Tooth Wash made by a
Lincoln Dentist. Ask for a
Sample Bottle.
Dr. F D. Sherwin,
' Dentist.
Officft hour to IS A ltoff. Second Floor
Bwrr Block, Corner room.
Hotel Mon
1516 O Street.
Largest and Best Low Priced
House in the city.
Rates, $1.00 per Day and up.
Only four blocks from Capitol. Writo
for special monthly rates to members of
th Legislature.
Report of the
Condition of the Hajiam Bank
C-TNO 618. (Iiccojoti.)
At Hall am. tn tbe 5tat of Nebraska, at the close of business December 13. 1000.
Loans and Discounts.
rw.w4r.ft.. nMMirad and unsecured .
Stocks, Becuritioa, jade-menta, claims,
Other a-sets . . , . -
Banking house furniture ana fixtures..
Other real estate
Current expenses and taxes paid
Premium on U. S. and other bonds and
Checks and other cash items...
Due from National. State and Prirate
Banks and Bankers.... 19,455.92
$ 901.00
Total cash on hand.... 2,513.91
Total.... ...34,514J3
Capital stook paid in $3,000.00
Surplus fund 100.00
Undivided profits 67.30
Individual deposits subject
to check $19,370.23
Demand certificates of de
posit 1,780.00
Time certificates of deposit.. 8,197.00 29,347.23
ska )
ToUl 34,514.53
I, John J. Meyer, cashier of tha aboT titmed
bank, do solemnly sear that the above state
ment is correct and a true copy of the report
made to the state banking: board.
John J. Metfra,
' Cashier,
attest: Johm J. Meter, Director.
Gochabd Rippen, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th
day of Dee., 1900. Q. H.,
Notary PufeUe.