January 3, 1901. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 6 i B I V r hot in We want to impress upon the readers of the Independent that we have the W?t equipped mail order department in America. Our perfect ttem, our gigantic stocks and assortments, our tremendous business, and our location, enable us to give you the lt service and to ave you time, freight, and money. We will fill crder from any catalogue you may have. We will mail you free samples, price?, or catalogues of any goods you may need. Write fer sr new Holiday Prise List now being issaeJ. All mail orders filled subject to approval. If you have not already done buines with us, send us a trial order or write u for catalogue, etc. Mention the Independent when xrritincr. HAYDEN WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE. n.:an ca.l. Mori-y -:-nt down in th-Mf two !:rti Fpanish republics will :; t-rtter reeul! t-rhap than if P-it anyh-re -!. "The longer this 5Jay last Le Mronrer will become lh? ri!od ini-re,f, as half s dot-a Large ruisni' hae projected line to lV;f.T oa.-t ports, acd would like to control the freight truffle both wa-f. tf well a the movements of tro-r-"" The Independent Las cot the fatetett top that thi corporation lerted republican cocrref-s will pass a till to h:j:li a cnal across the isth-rsas- Senator Morgan has ;nt hit tirs iar tr. !it fii ars trying to rt fuch a till paM-d acd to do it J.a njortrijre-d his voul to the leaders ef f." republican party for the prom is. of their as!ane. tut when his m'j'T.'irxi.'-T.t ii er-"?!. there will oe to eazal &crfs th inhniu. The rail roads don't want :t and therefore It raciiot -. The bu.ldicr o? co-tly warthips un iV th i r '. :. l.f.on.-. and etje- r:a!!y by a roen.n: at situated as the States is i:tuj.te4, is simply throwm; c;ot.ey in the M-a. Cvery x.t:k,n on -rth is at pr.nt building marine io4t. All te-!s show that they are j'.o:uiriy that they fir. jro ius distant -s under the wa ter; ti t they ir prcticbl? in ev ery ay. Th larr-t armor clad war chips is the world would be perfectly helplet 'fore one of them. France h&s tit already in service, the 1'nited Ftate has two anl is building several other. They will be a perfect pro-t-etion to oar oat. and unless we are to engage in wars of conquest -ros the sm-s the warthips we no' hate are core than cuffU ier.t for all car n-de. In war the submarine will Ird a mot i important field. Then she prumice to revolutionize, or at least .o serioutiy aHe t. conditions that have exite.i since the first fleet of skin boats as sent into ac tion by pre historic mn. Heretofore it has been poiib to combat every fighting ma hic"oa the water with another ma chine of similar construction. No mat ter how t'.g the ironclad might grow, it u &lrays possible to meet her on even ground, or superior ground if the other ide built a little larger. The cnbniarti: is unique in that no ma chine exi;s with which it is possible to f,eht her. Wha the go s out on the o"-r.ie the only thing the enemy can do : to run. It is impossible to send an:h2i;r azainM Mr. even an ether suhmarin.-. Ia the air or on the surf are, the most formidable weapon ri o if ray - rrst arid combated. B:t unde" the surfa; of the water WANTED UDIES TO CROCHET ! Sik Et,t.&by Lac a4 do rm.beai'itrj work ' torn. Ctij tr eoutirjr. V. rt for i-rWcu-irm. !tiy j. Mt . HtrrKbBtr i l.it Lrmrtxtt!i M,. Chw. III. HUSTUKO YOUNB MAN. Hustiir. you eg- man ran make t"50 lr Bcxr-th tz.d exti.. Permanent liUc. Eiperi-sce ur. necessary Writ quick fur particular. Clark A Co.. 4lL d Loruit Si.. Philadelphia, Pa OR. REYNOLDS C.'C'.ce, iJurr UU -. room 1.7 19.- Tele I Loz OfSv heiirs. 10 a. m. to 12 n; 3 t Zt p. ca. Sutday II to T. C FLEJllNO. ri Watchmaker, Jeweler & Engraver 1211 O STREET. l"lf sft liatri. Ck'irk. Jwlrf. D.a B'trf1. ?;;? r. ,tci w!t. Kic Uiat iit-0u rtrct ti tju bmxi dJ&c< ejr!4tLl. rtA.il Ejtr hit prjijr attrode to. l--tK.-;u Ntraia. Sharp Cream fcrra tors Profit able diiryicif. Dr. Loui N. Wrote, dentist, 137 South 11th street llrwwtU block. CAHCER CURED WITH .SOOTHING, CALMY. OILS C-.T Ctrr. Mm. rt :.rkr mn4 all HAIL ORDERS FILLED OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, OMAHA you cannot see. This precludes any measures of protection. Those: being the facts, what sense is there in continuing the building of warships that cost five or six millions of dollars each which would be de fenseless before one of these cheap submarine torpedo boats, which come upon her unseen and sink her with one shot, just as the Maine was sunk? With a couple of Holland submarine boats in each of our harbors no hostile warship would dare come within twen ty miles. They would be a perfect de fense against the largest navy in the world, and unless we intend to go per manently into the war of conquest business, what use will we have for Immense squadrons of armour clad warships?, HARDY'S COLUMN One Assessor More Salary Pest House Tallow Butter Creamery Trust To Starve Harrison a Trai tor Don't See It The Canal Won't Ho Fifty-cent Republican Dollars Split Hairs. One assessor for a whole county would be much the best. Pay him by the year and let him ride through the county back and forth, pick up the I sales made and price per acre; in that I way we can get an assessment of fair j valuation all over the county. As it is now every precinct and ward as sessor tries to get. his territory down regardless of comparative value. The great concern of all the office holders is how to make the present legislature raise their fees and sal aries. The sheriffs of the state have just held a large meeting and it would seem the only question up was how to pocket more money from the tax payers. Every office-holder wants more pay and less work. Why don't they strike and let us have a fresh set who are willing to work for ten times what they can get to work on a farm. Every amendment to city charters will provide for more officers, more taxes and more bonded debt. Wh; should the people of Lincoln kick so about the location of a pest house. They have one in the center of the city of Rochester, N. Y. and In the center of a large hospital. There are no side doors or windows, but is lighted and entered from the top. It Is where they treat all classes of con tagious diseases. Pure air is let in by ventilators at the bottom and the warm. Impure air is let out at the top. The warm air rises and fresh air takes its place and no spread of the diseases. Better treat the disease out a little than free for all in the center of the city as last winter. Another big fuss is cropping out over the use of sweet tallow in place of poor butter. No wonder, for good tallow salted a little is much better than poor butter. Butter men don't seem to want the tallow colored. Then why not put on the same penalty for coloring ereamery butter and leave 0'; LeDua's :iS2HS FIIF VCII ( boI Ctn4- H pKtf or ihrm far K. Fully Hrlll I 1 I II H rt". W- t Mtrtm ,rpi4 a iralM of BliUlMIVU pr. mil. mil aad bilmU, of K1UOS ffll1rT. UVOt l A Ml Om at nMm pods. Above cures all pathological troubles. Salesmen can find profitable, permanent titioi, es(erienee unnecessary ; pay weekly. vVetro Nursery Co., Bank Bid., Lawrence, Kn. ured and death from cancer? DR. T. O'CONNOR cures cancers, tumors, and wens; no knife, blood or plaster. Addres 1306 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Private Hospital Dr. Shoemaker's If you are going to a Hospital for treatment, it will pay j-ou to consult Dr. Shoemaker. He makes a specialty of diseases of women, the nervous sys tem and all surgical diseases. 1117 L St.. Lincoln. Neb. P. O. box 951. T. J. THORP & CO., General Machinists. Bepairing of all kinds Model-iaakers, ale. Seals. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Checks. Etc. 308 So. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. BROS them both In the natural color. But ter is. higher any way than any other farm, product. Eight pounds for a bushel of wheat used to be the ratio when we milked morning and evening. WTiat difference does it" make to the farmer he furnishes the: .tallow and butter both. Why not stamp each roll table tallow and sell it as such? It ia the creamery men who are making the fuss about tallow butter and not the farmers. They are all in a trust and forcing the price up thirty or forty cents a pound. They howl about adulteration. Our government adulterates her gold coin and enriches her copper coin. There is not one fourth the copper in a penny there used to be. The more sweet tallow you mix with poor butter the better, like gold in a penny. We happened to go through the back yard of a cream ery a few months ago and saw nearly a score of empty barrels that looked as though they had once contained tal low. A little tallow in summer but ter makes it stand up better and in no way lessens the value. The alarm that was sounded,, not long ago, that the food product of the earth would soon fall short of supply ing the increasing population of the world. Another economist asserts that the nuts alone, produced at the present time, will feed three times the population now on the earth. It would be good horse sense to plant nut trees in place of elm and cotton wood. Ex-President Harrison is now a traitor to the republican party be cause he will not swallow every new infernal doctrine hatched out by the millionaires and trusts. He occupies about the same relation tc the rotten old McKinley party that Bryan does to the rotten old Cleveland party. A loyal republican is expected to stand up for everything the republicans ever did and for every new thing they want to do. Why don't the republican papers say something about the rotten republican city rule of Philadelphia. Their mouths are wide open against? New York and Chicago, but the facts about the three cities are proof they are all three as rotten as a pumpkin tha has lain in the field all winter. Our congressmen can make "all the blow and bluster, over the treaties and location of the isthmian canal, they choose, but the canal will not be touched for at least four years. Ev ery railroad corporation is against it and they are one of the three powers that elected McKinley and his con gress. The other two, banks and trusts, will not dare to run over their third brother. Everything that is be ing done and said is for the purpose of fooling the people. Now the plutocrats talk of making a ifty-cent dollar for use in the isl ands. The Filipinos like a Mexican dollar just as well as an American dol lar, so an imitation must be made. Mexico can't make them fast enough for half the world. She is producing more silver than ever before, but still cannot fill the demand. The Mexican dollar will buy just about as much property in the island as it ever would and it is so in one-half of the world. There seems to be much hair-splitting in the United States supreme court just now and all for the benefit of the sugar, tobacco and liquor in terest. The court will undoubtedly de cide, as it always has, in favor of the biggest pile of money. The declara tion and the constitution will be de clared void so far as holding the states under any obligations to fair ness and justice towards the islanders. We can levy a high protective tariff upon their goods when brought here, we can go over to their country, but we can prohibit their coming here; we can establish saloons, polygamy and slavery among them, or any other institution out of which we can make money and there is no restraining power. In other words the islanders have no rights the white man is bound to respect. The treaty with Spain, on its face, shows that we do not Intend to give the Filipinos the same rights of life, liberty and the pursuits of hap piness that we claim for ourselves. Ac cording to the treaty, we cannot pro tect them by a tariff, for Spain is to have the same trade privileges as we have. In other words those nine mil lions of people are to be our slaves. McKinley, his congress and his party will say amen, it's what we want. To Cur Cold in one Day. -Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund -.he money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. News of the Week The magnificent fighting and un paralleled generalship of Dewet still continues to be an astonishment to the whole world. Nearly every day some further victory of the Boers is re corded. There is no longer any doubt but that some thousands of the Dutch in Cape Colony have joined his forces and the question with England is no longer whether the Transvaal republic and Orange Free State shall be an nexed to the English dominions, but whether England will have any pos sessions left in South Africa at all. Kitchener has not succeeded in driving the invading force out of Natal and Cape Colony, but on the contrary the invading bodies of Boers are reported as advancing in every direction. Some very important posts have been cap tured and many prisoners, as well as large amounts of war material and subsistence stores. The London pa pers are demanding that at least 50. 000 cavalry shall be shipped to South Africa immediately. It was announced in London that a body of New Zealand Moaris, the most blood-thirsty fighters on earth, were to be sent to help the English kill the Christian Dutch burghers. The very announcement sent a thrill of horror through all Christendom. In Cape Colony it was said if that "were done, no power on earth could hold in leash tha black savages of that continent and the result would be a slaughter, and devastation that, would probably leave it ah uninhabited country. This announcement Was perhaps thrown out as a feeler, for it has since been declared that the Moaris will not be sent. ' What is going' on in China is left for the most part tc the imagination of the people. . The first . dispatches said that Li Hung Chang and Prince Ching, after receiving the note of the powers, while not positively refusing to accede to ;the terms demanded, asked that they be modified. Since that time dispatches have been pub lished saying th.it they accepted the terms by authority of the emperor, and the Chinese court would soon re turn to Peklr.. ; How much truth there is in all that we will have to wait to know. One thing is certain. There is a terrible famine raging in North China in the region of the country in vaded by foreign troops. The stories of the suffering of the people are al most too horible for belief.' It is said that human flesh is offered for sale in the markets. The Russian and American officers are distributing im mense amounts of rice to the starving people. a It seems that this country has gone into the business of buying human be ings as a permanent policy. It was announced in the papers of Copenhag en that the United States had offered the Danish government 12,000,000 kroner ($3,240,000) for the Danish An tilles. We first bought 10,000,000 Fili pinos at $2.50 per head and now we are going to buy some Danes and Negroes for a little higher price. The unalien able rights of man life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are things not recognized by this administration. They - belonged to the old foggy days of Washington and Jefferson, and this mighty nation under the leadership of Mark Hanna, count them as things of the dead past and say: Let the dead bury the dead. We have found a more excellent way. The financial wave of trouble that wrecked three banks in Germany reached London last week and four teen brokers went into bankruptcy in one day. .Things .financial were in very feverish condition last week both in London and Berlin. WThat the out come will be nobody knows. The last panic we had started over there and that is the way the next panic will start. That Wall street felt pretty uneasy at the turn affairs had taken in Lon don and Berlin was apparent. The fi nancial writers all began to point out why it was impossible for the dis turbance to reach this side of the sea, their chief reason being that a few financiers now really controlled affairs in this country and the millionaires would see to it that the panic did not reach the United States. As these millionaires can always say with St. Paul, "The lif i that I now live is by faith," most of their wealth being in stocks and bonds in which the people must have "faith" or they would van ish, it can be seen that things are not as stable as they might be. One of these writers says;; "Wall street is full of rumors of impending deals. Hints are heard of "extraordinary pos sibilities Consolidation projects big ger, than any hitherto heard are xuy der discussion in quarters wr.ere ordi narily idle gossip is hot indulged in." That is to say, th "universal trust" is near at hand and when its organi zation is accomplished, there will b3 no more panics and bank failures, for haif a dozen financiers will have the world by the tail and swing as it pleases them. Lord Dufferin, who used to be gov ernor of Canada, was the head of the London and Globe Finance Co. that failed last week. A whole lot more of lords and dukes were on the board of directors. The London dail ies denounce it as another Hooley af fair. Within half an hour after the failure of this concern was announced, fourteen other firms threw up and went into bankruptcy. Thousands of people are rendered pennyless. Itis a strange thing that the London dailies never know anything about these Hooley schemes with lords and dukes for directors until they "bust." A newspaper man of Washington writes The Independent that many of the conservative old senators were struck dumb with astonishment when they learned that McKinley had au thorized the signing of the joint note to China. One of them expressed him self in the following words: "Does the president comprehend the import of what he has done? He has affixed the signature of the United States to an "irrevocable' document. He has made the United States the party to a contract involving war. Does he think that China, with 4,000,000 of people, will for a moment seriously contemplate the effacement of her na tionality? Has McKinley made a treaty with all the civilized powers and bound the United States to a new line of policy without ever consulting the United States senate, which, un der the constitution, is the real treaty making power? What meat has this Caesar fed upon that he has suddenly grown so great? Is he the unfettered autocrat of 76,000,000 people? Mind you, the senate will have something to say about this matter unless the State of Ohio, City of Toledo ss. Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes cath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J, Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum Of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and. every case of ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are. the best. UOtlEST TREES 1 1 S6 : ciieivv . to 8tu,Hi; treet honest In qnalltr, ho net-tin price. Wepy .-v. to 8tu.U; ireeetone peacn,x; concord arrape, SS per 100. low Ash. 1 ; Catalp, Locust. K- Haw berry ,B.Kider and Osaev Hedm;low prices. Catalog frea. MJS8IJUU, Box 5, Fair 17, Xafc. A Great SixDay Sale . On Wednesday January clearing sale. If . you just what this means. If you Clearin not regret it. During this sale every article will be sold at a reduced price except the follow ing articles: Cotton and silk sewing and embroidery threads, a few toilet preparations, sev eral makes of corsets and a line of rugs, Great special drives will, be, offered in every department, which we have not space not space to mention in detail,; but which it will certainly pay 'you" to investigate. This is certainly a good time to buy all the winter dry goods you will need this season. Remember, that in addition to the many special bargains, everything in the store except the few items mentioned below will be sold at reduced, prjpes r majority has concluded to abrogate in favor of the ruling executive." This act of McKinley is only an other step in the path of imperialism. The reply of the Chinese embassadors is ingenious to say the least. They say: ' "If China places her coast at the mercy of .foreign war ships, her interior at the mercy of alien armies in complying with the demand that she dismantle her forts, transfer the control of her lines of communication, abstain from importing arms and per mit foreign troops to be stationed at her capital, China believes she has the right to ask the powers td have a regard for her helpless condition." Af ter that statement La Hung Chang and Prince Ching ask as a preliminary to the signing of the "irrevocable" note that the powers enter into a solemn compact to respect the territory of China and agree not to undertake to divide it up among themselves. They wind up by saying: "If a man hands over the kev to his house and all means of defending it he has a right to know that he will not be disponed." The more this matter is looked into the clearer it appears that the dis patches announcing that the Chinese emperor had agreed to accept the terms of the powers is a fake or that it is done for deception. Even ac cording to European ethics and law, the Chinese would have a moral right to repudiate such terms. If a man were compelled by overwhelming force to sign a deed to his real estate, there is not a court in Christendom that would not set it aside. Under the barbaric laws of war the powers can invade China, dispossess the ruling power and hold it by force, but they cannot compel the emperor to deed awatf his sovereignty in a treaty and then hold it. It must be force and force alone and not treaty rights. The latest news from South Africa is to the effect that Botha has been taking a hand in lampooning the Eng lish invaders and has proved himself as successful a fighter as Dewet The following is Kitchener's report of the affair- "General Lyttleton reports that our post at Helvetia was cap tured yesterday morning by the Boers. About fifty were killed and wounded and 200 taken prisoners. Colonel Kitchener reports that he is follow ing with a small force in the track of the enemy, Helvetia being reoccupied by Reeves, who has been reinforced from Belfast. . "Helvetia was a very strong posi tion on the Machadodorp-Lydenburg railway and was held by a detachment of the Liverpool regiment. Am ask ing for further information." This fight close to Pretoria, while Dewet and the other Boer commanders were away in the Orange Free State and invading Natal and Cape Colony, make it look very much as if the Boers had the British surrounded instead of the British having them coralled. A private letter has been received in New York by a distinguished man who vouches for the responsibility and truthfulness of the writer which says that the English censorship is very severe and the .people in Europe know little of the real condition of affairs in South Africa, As an instance of this he says that General Buller was captured by Botha and paroled on con dition that he would leave South Af rica and not again fight against the Boers. He says that is the reason of the return of General Buller. He also asserts that Dewet captured General Hamilton and released him on the same terms. There have been, many B Commenced Wedn esday Will Tuesday, morning, January 2, we commenced our regular semi-annual have ever attended one of are a stranger to us, come while this sale lasts and you will O and Thirteenth Sts., Lincoln, Nebr. inquiries why Generals Buller and Hamilton returned to England and no satisfactory reason has ever been given. This "letter also contains the fol low ing paragraph: "The -best of all is, however, that the English have to ask for passes from the Boers field cortiets to travel safely with their ambulances.- All trains get held up. Th-j Boers lately captured five trains filled with ammunition and provisions; thi English all made hands up. All bridges from Malalane to Waterfal! Onder are blown up and washed away, and only one wooden bridge is stand ing where the De Kaap River goes into the Crocodile River. But this bridge also will soon go to blazes." The news from the Philippines dur ing the week consisted of a very long list of killed and wounded and the following item from San Francisco: "The army transport Grant arrived today from Manila, bringing a large passenger list and over 300 bodies of soldiers, ninety-six of whom had died of smallpox:" What is all this for? A pint of glory badly off color, and a million and a half of trade. The fol lowing table shows , the imports into Manila and the .countries from which they were received during the last year: Hong -Kong, $7,777,715; Eng land, $3,703,759; Spain, $2,026,483; East Indies f 1,845,016; United States, $1, .643,846; Germany, $1,196,119; France, $479,699; Australia, ; $528,103. ' The Cudahy abduction case still holds a prominent place in public in Dr. Bull Cough Syrup never ' disap points those whQ use it for obstinate coughs, colds, , and irregulations of the throat and lungs. It stands unrivaled as a remedy for throat and lung diseases.. Sold by all druggists at 25 cts. - VICTOR INCUBATOR Is Practical. The IMPROVED VIC TOR INCUBATOR hatchet 411 the fertile eers, is timpla, durable. ana enr opermiea. 166 pf e ktlega contain iaf eomp;te information and tnoouDilt . of testimonials cat free hr adxlreauuc ' Oee. Ertel Company, Qalaey, 111. FREE ELECTRIC DELT OFFER WITHTtll DAY 5 FRiE WEARING J KIAl in your own Dome, we furnish the genuine and only HEIDaLBIRS ALTEBNaT' lSOCl URKST ELECTRIC BELTS to any reader of this paper. Se awaey la aevaaeei my lew eMlieealllveiraaraatea, COSTS AIMACT MnTUIlin mmiirl 'With most an other treatments. Cares wkea all alarr ele. trie keits, appliances aarl reaMtHes fall. 0UICK CURE (or more thaA 60 ailments. OXLTBCRXCIRK for ail nerToos diseases, weaknesses and disorders. For complete sealed confidential catalogue, eat this sleet aad stall te as, SEARS, ROEBUCK fc CO., Chicago. HIDES. S. J. DOBSON & Co., Successors to Dob son A Landgren, Dealers in BIDES, HIRS, TAILOW AND WOOL 0 R StVLINCOLX, NEB. We want anything in our line large or small legs. - We pay the highest market price. Woempener's Drug DRUGSPAIHTS.OILS.GLASS A full line of Perfumes , and Toilet Goods. 139 South I Oth St., Between 0 &N, Lincoln, Nob. 2 f v : our clearing sales you will know January v ; End January 8 Pita terest. There seems to be no doubt that Pat Crowe, a notorious criminal, was the man who put up the job and executed.it.. Friends of bis, and with out doubt accomplices, have been send ing letters to Mr. Cudahy threatening to kidnap other of his children and to commit murder If he does not with draw the reward of $25,000 which he offered for the capture of the crim inals. The . mayor of Omaha has ad vised that the city offer a reward of the same amount and allow Mr Cudahy to withdraw his. Mr.. Cudahy has so far refused to withdraw. The sending" of" the threatening letters is an offense against the laws of the United States. It seems that the de tective forces of the general govern ment. and of the city of Omaha and the Pinkerton force which are all spurred- on; by the great reward of fered, now that the criminal is known, should be able . to capture him. If they do not, it will be an example of very great inefficiency. All sorts of rumors continue to be published. Pat Crowe's brother has been arrested, the pony that the bandit rode has been identified, and that is about all that has been accbmplished. The boards cf trade In London, New YorkJUand-.ChicagQ-.,.were astounded upon. receiving a cablegram from Dr. Martin , Gait ia Merou, the minister- of agriculture of the Argentine republic, saying tht he estimates that there will be 1700,000 tons of wheat avail able for expprt this season. He says also that the corn crop is good. If such an amount is for export there, It means lower prices in this country. bbbbbbi isjaaiaM ! SMWrisawaSMeMdSB.-WW-1 j I WWII III III I H Anys You ESeaf?? Ireaaea of DEAFNESS or HARD. HEARING) arenowCrRABLB by oar new inTention;onW those hors deaf are incurable. HEAD KOISES CLASH IMKtUATtLT. lescribo your case. Examination and advice free. You can cure yourself at home at a nominal cost. International Anrai Clinie. KitiWcuKisa. Sfl-TK BUYS THIS' BelldOak, Golden Finish Keeker. Bat- ibi action guaranteed, utner iurmiure equally low. . You can get everything for the house and farm from "The House that Bares Ton Money." Big Catalogue FREE. Send f or it tcMlay. tW See onr other ads In this paper. WESTERN MERCANTILE COMPANY, ' VV a A. aw v I J I OPTICAL. GOODS. The .Western Optical and Electrical Co., located at 131 North 11th street, is composed of old citizens and thorough ly acquainted with the business, hav ing fitted eyes for twenty-five years. Certainly they ought to be competent to do good work. . They are perma nently located with' us and that means much to the, purchaser of eye glasses and spectacles. " - - Estray Notice Taken up One bay horse, about 14 years old, weight 1,000 lbs; one gray mare, about 14 years old, weight 1,000 lbs. Owner can have same by calling at the farm of Wm. Werger, Martel, Neb., ' and paying feed charges and costs of recording and for the publica tion of this notice. Wm. Werger, Mar tel, Neb. I L