4 January 3, 1901 tbe Utbraska Independent LI a c$l a, Htbrssks H, 1. mSS EUXL. CORNER OTll AXO N STS Euetejith Teas PcLlMt EvCKT THCMDil Sl.OO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Wm s&aki&c realms d eet leave iff wiUi rI. potttft, vc-f lc b fcrv.44 br TWf frejaeatlj tT r remit differed inoitt taaa was viiik tWs. a4 ti wte, ibf fails to get A44re all nmaBaisieoi. aa4 mike all etraft, mmmf 4r. tc. f able to r.tbrtikj ladtjreadtnt, Lincoln. Neb. ikd Bn4 tmmtrpt te re If Whitney. CleieUnd and Hill are right, then the republican re ritht an the organization of another party to CjrLt the republicans Is only a waste of tlrse and money. - TV Late !ireH how to create wealth la larger amount than the j worM ever saw iWor". Now we will Jure to learn how to distribute wealth j to know the real facts must rely upon cr there will be uch a eatalyslsm as j some other means of communication the world ceer aw. j than the dally papers and the weeklies which are made up from them. The The isost pitable tight ever tefcfld Independent is such a source of in oa thi continent re tb poor, de-j formation. It does not rely upon the creplt, old milhoaair't- who bang j Associated jress for its facts. It has around the senate lobbies fcoM.'n,? rut j otter means of information and while their thin Land and Ionic finger, hrg- j this information comes by mail, it is glnx dole from the taxes ro'.'ec.ed often days ahead of the garbled ac from the people. It i enough to .Iraw j counts that appear in the plutocratic tears from a granite rock. ! Journals. The readers of The Inde- i pendent get the truth. It is only nec- In a cewtpaper paragraph the fact j essary to refer to its reports of the la noted that at a Fourth of July af- j war in the Philippines, in South Afri falr tan summer In Oklahoma there j ca and to the negotiations in China were six hundred Nebraskans present, j to prove the assertion. And yet the r-ruUiran managed to j For months, the whole Americau Increase the vote of tbi ftate over 20. 000 at the latt election and all the -rrease went to MrKinJey. Tom Reed was in Washington the other day and propounded the follow ing ;ueto3 in the ru!e of three to mome of the impria!its: "If the United State can kill 1J.(K0 Filipino? j la tea months and call it benevolent assimilation. Low many did Spain have to kill In thrr- hundred years to warrant the United States in delgmt Jng Spanish rule as barbarism. " The Cm of the or-an-soir.g Meam sfc'.ps built by the Northwestern Steamship Co. of Chicago was launched lat Saturday. Th? on-n of these western khip yrds w nev- er seen in Washington hu'din out of interest to every citizen intelligent Ifcelr hand begging like comtron j 17 nd bonestly discussed on the edi rjendicants. It takes tfce hip build- j torial Pa6e- ers of the east to engage in that sort In the "News of the Week" the of busineta. I whole field of news, domestic and for- ! eign. is covered. The readers of The Thof cadets at the military acad- Independent know, not only what is ay, according to tLe testimony given happening In the United States, but before the inrettigatins committee. tU matters of general interest in ev hare diEcoTered an infailible receipt , er-v Part of the wrld. It is a conden for making -officers and gentlemen." I sation of useful knowledge, just such It reada this way: "Stand the appli- j knowledge as it is necessary for every cant on hi head in a bath tub until te j man wlic takes an interest in good Is nearly ttrangled. Next, make bin j sovcrnment should have. You may fit Si prunes at one meal. Third. ! read a!1 tbe leading dailies and week git e him a do of tobacco uutf. It j ,Jefc made UP r'"m them, and you will he live after that he is an off c r aud ! not et the live facts that you will find a gentleman. Wherever the populUts have been in power, there the common schools have prospered a they never prospered be fore. Tbe dailies out in Denver say: At no time in the histwry of the state have its ecbool affairs been so eSciently administered as they have i under Mrs. Grenfell s direction. She ! has placed the oSce above all r artisan criticism and made it a controlling i factor in tbe educational advancement of the commonwealth that merits the highest praise and commendation." : There are tens of thousand of men who believe in the principles set forth la the Kansas Gty pUtform who will ver have anything to do with the ! democratic party either by co-opera-j tloa or in aay other wav. until they j are atiS-d that that party Is forever a4 the iflnf. r h. tim. 9n,i i Gormars and Cleveland and the Mor tons. The sooner tbe leaders reoog nize that fact and act in accordance with it. the sooner tfce party will be "reTnie4 and placed in a posi tion to win victories. No can who takes a glance at the map of the world can fail .o ee On trl America Is tfce $traetl: point. If America er loses rjvtri of that, the loe her dominating Influence upon world affaiis. Shall a few rail road arnrUfc change tfc- destiny f this republic? That is the broad ques tion Involved la building the Nicara gua canal. There lies that narrow strip of land. From the west It is a (defense against hostile ?!-et of all Aeia to all cities of the eastern coasts. Frora tr. cast It is a defease against all Europe for our western coasts. Vt'outi England, If situated as we are. ever rllow any foreign por to get any manner of -ontrol ti ere? Would ah rpen a highway thee nt her own XKt VfT tortile fieets? OUB COJ&HXTTrJCUEX The work of reform and the sal ra tion of the republic as handed down to us by our fathers Is almost wholly In the hands of the national, state, coun ty and precinct committeemen. To them Is committed great responsibili ties. They should avail themselves of the most reliable means of informa tion. Prof. Bryce In his American Commonwealth points out that this is not a government of law. but of pub lic opinion. When public intelligence condemns a law it is repealed. When public intelligence demands the en- actment of a law, such enactment i3 sure to follow. The newspaper is the organ of public intelligence. Years ago The Independent pointed out how monopoly, by the organization of the Associated press, whose board of di rectors appoint cc nsors over all the news that reaches the American peo ple control the dissemination of intel ligence. At New York, Chicago and one or two other centres where all the Intelligence of daily affairs is sent before it Is given to the newspapers, thsre is a "press editor" appointed by and under the control of monop.'y, who Is a press censor. Nothing goes to the general public that is inimic able to plutocracy. It will be seen that those who wish people were deceived in regard to the facts in these cases except that por tion that read The Independent. Time, returning officers and men, and the mails have abundantly substantiated the information furnished to the read ers of this paper. Look over this edition of The Inde- pendent and cee of what great value it is to every man who takes an intel j iigent interest in good government, i You w ill find the official returns of the t vote of the state and every county in : it. You will find a roster of the new ' state officers and employes. You will . find a complete roll of the members of I both branches of the legislature. It is i in fact a document that will be of use during ihe whole year. Besides all j that you will find the current matters In this paper. It lays out In advance the ground work of every argument that public speakers use in their defense of the policies of the party. Those who read The Independent have the facts and figures furnished to them with which to fight the battles of the common peo ple. The leading men of all the re- form parties take it and what is more they read it every week. That is why they are prepared to make a speech anywhere at any time, full of power and force. Scores of them car ry little scrap-books filled with clip pSSS from The Independent upon which they implicitly rely, for they have learned by long experience that lDey can re,y on wnat ine nna m Tbe Independent. The committeemen of the various reform ParUes can find no Publication ln the Unitcd States of such value to thm as The Independent. It is dif- ferent from every other reform paper In the United States. It has had a long record of faithfulness to the prin ciples that it advocates. It has estab lished a character in journalism that all men respect. The 'fight against plutocracy and imperialism will go on and The Independent will continue in charge of the supply train from which tbe men at the front will draw sustenance and ammunition. It has no favorites and belongs to no fac tion. Every man who is for the Dec laration of Independence, the consti tution and the flag, one and insepar able, it looks upon as a friend and co worker. MILLIONAIRE BEGGARS. Everybody around Washington goes about singing or whistling, "The Beg gars Are Coming to Town." They are accustomed to beggars In Washing ton, They are more In number and greater in variety than can be found on any other spot of the same size on this green earth. They range from the one-legged man and the poor widow with ten small children, up to the sort who have a suite of rooms at elght-dollars-a-day hotels. These latter sort have valets and ride, ln coaches with a footman wno sits upon a high seat behind and tries his best to look like an idiot. The nearer he comes to looking like an idiot, the bet ter the beggar who rides inside Is pleased. Washington is . never without its millionaire beggars, but this year they are more numerous than ever. They swarm around the hotels. They crowd the lobbies. They are everywhere. They all want congress to vote them money. The most persistent of them are the ship subsidy beggars. Having Mark Hanna and MKinley both to back them, they are not only impor tunate, but insolent. It is all for pa triotism ' they say. They want old glory to float on every sea and wave in every harbor. That is all that they want, but to get it they must have millions of money voted to them. Meanwhile the real patriots are at work building ships to float on every sea. Hill of the Northern Pacific is building a number of the largest freighters that every slid down the ways Into the sea. Chicago ship builders are building four large ocean going ships that will go out through the canals and carry the stars and stripes to every part of the world as tramp steamers. Detroit is building one or two more. All this time the millionaire beggars are at Washington holding out their hands begging for a few millions so that they can build some ships that -wijA carry the flag to foreign ports all for pure patriotism. At first they whine and plead. Then they grow insolent. Next they begin to make threats. The Independent would not be surprised to see them finally paint the town red. They are after the cash and are bound to get it. Congress should make provisions for an organized charity association and hire an expert agent to investigate these cases before any donations are made to them, based upon the same plan that we have adopted here in Lincoln. Let us know all the facts in the case. If there are any millionaires likely to suffer for want of donations of money, apply the same principles that are everywhere now accepted in scientific charity. The beggar on the street is a nui sance. The beggar in the halls of congress is a hundred times worse and a thousand times more insolent. They should all be treated alike. If they won't work in the wood yard let them starve. A ship yard is ho better than a wood yard. There isn't any more patriotism in one than the other. The republican leaders have adopted their old motto: "The flag and an appropriation." The flag and an ap propriation always go together, but the flag and the constitution do not. That is the new doctrine. If you don't believe it you're an anarchist. An Englishman writes a letter tn the editor of The Independent and accuses him of unfairness in that he called at tention to the fact that, a year ago London society was exerting itself to the utmost to send t. -.mforrs to the British soldiers ir South Africa, while this year the devotee of so ciety went off on their Christmas holi days and left poor Tommy Atkins to his fate without a single Christmas present. He wants to know if the Americans did not act the same way in regard to the troops in the Philip pines. He says that a while ago, enormous amounts of goods were col lected and shipped to Manila as pres ents to the troops and now we hear no more of it. All that is true, but we thought that we had pounded the supporters of the war in the Philip pines enough to satisfy even an Eng lishman. If this said Englishman thinks he can hit them any harder knocks, the columns of The Indepen dent are open for him to try. Ameri can society has no more interest in the suffering of our troops in the Philippines than the London dudes have in the Tommies in South Africa. Society and imperialism is all cut from the same piece of cloth, both in England and America. John Hardwick writes a letter to the editor of The Independent and wants to know if he dare print Web ster's definition of socialism. Well here it is: "Theory or system of so cial reform which contemplates A COMPLETE RECONSTRUCTION OF SOCIETY, with a more just distribu tion of property and labor. In pop ular language the term is often em ployed to indicate any lawless, revol utionary social scheme. See com munism." . The definition of commun ism to which Webster refers us is as follows: "A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; especially a scheme which contemplates the aboli tion of ineflualities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all." All the social ist platforms contain the demand for the "public ownership of all means of production and distribution." If these words mean anything they mean the common ownership of ev- erything, for there is no species of property that is not included in either production or distribution. '-.': : ,. FIVE YEARS BEHIND. 4 .,, Hanna's subsidy bill'ls bringing out facts a line of facts that have been found only In .The Independent here tofore. . Now a whole lot of papers are publishing themv They are pointing out that 'American manufacturers are not only selling their products in ev ery country of the world, but selling them at lower prices than the "pauper made" goods of Europe are sold. They are telling the. people that the Ameri cans are paying much more for Ameri can made goods than foreigners have to pay for them. All these things The Independent has been impressing upon its readers for five years while the great democratic dailies have been as dumb aa oysters on the subject. Be sides that a few of the democratic papers have lately been saying that McKinley had coined some silver. In the former things they are five years behind The Independent and in the silver coinage facts more than five months. If you want to keep up with the times, read The Independent. It don't wait for a signal from a party leader or national committee for an indication that it should discuss cer tain current events, but goes ahead and tells its readers the news at the time that it occurs, not five years af terward. If the speakers in the last campaign had taken up the topics dis cussed by The Independent and Im pressed them on their audiences in stead of repeating the anti-imperialistic argument, the tale told at the ballot box might have been different. If the democratic papers will only begin to discuss live issues now, our losses will all be recovered. Let the people know that the trusts are charg ing them from one-fourth to one-half more for goods than the same goods are sold to foreigners, and then make an appeal to patriotism to sustain them. Let them know that ships and everything else can be made cheaper in the United States than in Europe, let them be able to see that tariffs are sustained for the sole purpose of robbing the American people for the benefit cf the foreigner and to build up trusts and they will print some readable matter. Credulity is the chief characteristic of the average republican. Every mul let head carries around with him a believer six feet wide and ten feet long. They believe that Mark Hanna is a disinterested patriot. They be lieve that you can have high prices and dear money. They believe that if the populists should get into power and coin silver, that ruin would roll over the land in waves a hundred feet high. They believe that if Mc Kinley coinsI'silver it is a great bless ing and produces prosperity. They be lieve that the more goods that are shipped out . of the country and the less returned, the richer we will be come. They believe that if we produce too much, we shall all starve or freeze to death. A ten-foot believer scarce ly suffices them. Especially when they come to matters near home does their believer need extension. They believe that a state treasurer who has brought warrants up to a premium, handled over ten million or money and accounted for every cent, should be turned out and one of the old party which robbed the state of nearly a million dollars should be put in his place. When the thing is done they believe that it is a proper thing to re joice over and call it redeeming the state. They can outbelieve a China man, who believes that, a devil lurks around and listens to every word he says. But it Is no use to try to cata logue all that they believe. It would take 400 columns of a newspaper to do it. . TREASURY SECRETARIES. For forty years the secretaries of the United States treasury have either been bankers or appointees ..of the bankers. The result has been that the finances of the government have been run in the interest of the bankers as a privileged class. The secretary spends most of his time and energy in devising schemes to add to the priv ileges of the bankers. In that sort of delightful work Secretary Gage has been engaged for many months. About every two months he makes a speech and tells the bankers what new, thing he has discovered for their benefit. A few weeks ago he delivered a lecture to some students on the elementary principles of banking and wound up with an argument in favor of issuing money secured by bank assets. Be sides that he told them that bank notes issued as money were the ex act equivalent of checks and drafts and . it was only a more convenient way of using credit, there being no difference in the principle involved. The other day he went down to New York and talked to the big bankers themselves at their annual banquet. Here is ie gist of his remarks: "Industrial activity increases the public revenue, but is checked If not throttled by its enlarged contributions to the idle funds in the public treas ury. It Is these influences which have brought our industrial and commercial life into a too dangerous dependency upon our public finances. This mar riage between these " two, whom God did not join together, ought to be put asunder. But not by any hasty. South Dakota divorce method is the. separa tion to be .accomplished. , The, chil dren of the wedlock must not be dis honored. Time, attention and great care4 must, be exercised,", : . ' ' iCo '.the ordinary - person that does not i mean very much. The bankers understood it and cheered it to the echo. That indicates that there will be an effort made to abolish the pres ent sub-treasury' system and the plac ing of the millions of public money, which Is always in the treasury, in the banks for them to loan out on call to favored customers as they see fit. In other words it means the re-establishment of the Nick Biddle system which Jackson overthrew and which had grown so strong as to threaten the very existence of free government. Jackson took the United States de posits away from Old Nick and1 in 1841 he became a bankrupt. Shortly after, the sub-treasury system was adopted and Uncle Sam has taken care of his own cash ever Since with the exception of now and then when a few pet banks, by the favor of the secre tary, get a few millions to loan out. They take the interest they get and pile it away ir. their coffers and then invest for their own use ever after wards. This scheme that Secretary Gage foreshadows is to put all of Uncle Sam's money in the banks. That, and the privilege of issuing money on bank assets, are the two things that the banks hope to accomplish during the next four years of the reign of plu tocracy. That will put all the money actually in t their hands and they will be cocks of the walk ever after. No man can do any sort of business ex cept by their permission and after he has guaranteed to give them the prin cipal profits of it. Talk about kings! They won't be in it with those bank ers. Moreover that is just what they will do. The people, except the pops, will know nothing about it until it is done. The great opposition dailies never write on such subjects. . They prefer to fill their columns with per sonal gossip about Cleveland, Gorman and Hill on one side and on the other they talk about Bryan and Jones. They never print anything that bears on the fundamental doctrines of the gov ernment. What space they have left after their personal gossip about po litical leaders is printed, is filled up with reports of divorce trials, scan dals, murders, burglaries and war news, when the censor lets them have any. The Independent is the only newspaper that discusses such matters. PORTO RICANS REBEL, There seems to be an incipient re bellion brewing down in Porto Rico. The inhabitants do not take to Mc Kinley despotism and something like a note of defiance has come from the lower house of the legislature. They are just beginning to comprehend the sort of despotism that has been meted out to them. In a discussion in the lower house the other day this is what occurred : "If this interpretation is correct," said Senor Vevi, "then we should ad dress the American council as con tinentals, and we are legislators in name only. The Foraker law is a rat hole for Porto Ricans to fall into." Senor Morales made a motion, which was seconded and carried, to disregard the Foraker law and fix salaries. It seems that among his "plain du ties" McKinley secured the passage; of a law for the government of Porto Rico that provides a government about twice as costly as any state government in the United States hav ing approximately the same number of inhabitants. Governors, judges, marshals and like officers receive from $4,000 to $10,000 as annual sal aries where in the United States they receive from $2,000 to $4,000. Besides this our beneficient president reserved the right to appoint the upper house of the legislature and then gave the governor, another McKinley appoin tee, the right to vote everything that he did not like. This upper housa consisting of carpet-baggers appointed by McKinley, claimed the right to fix all the other salaries. No wonder that Senor Vevi thought that they were not legislators at all, but should address the American council sent to rulo over them as "continentals." The truth about the matter is that American rule. in Porto Rico and the Philippines under McKinley is as vile despotism, as the world ever, saw at any time. Who ever thought that this great American government would be come the worst despot of the ages. It will not be many years before its re flex action will be felt in these states. That is in the very, nature of things. REPUBLICANS IN POWER. The fusionists turn over the state government in splendid condition in every department, a great contrast to the condition in which it was turned over to them. When they came into office they found the treasury looted, the school fund depleted, warrants at a heavy discount, and demoralization in every department. They hand it back to the republicans with the bond ed state debt paid off, warrants draw ing a reduced interest at a premium, not a cent embezzled . or misapplied riii FRAN K I A M S returned from Franco, Oct. 20, 1900, with larokst importation of tUl lions to Nebraska in 19U0. umlt man in United Mates that imported all black stallions He imported. 28 Black Percherons 28 They are the "town talk. The people f liments, "The most and largest black stallions ams ever imported," "But lams always has the "His horses always win at state fairs.'' He has 100 Black Percherons, Shires, Clydes and Goachers 100 They are two to five years old, weight 1.600 to 2,400. lams has mere black stal lions, more ton and big stallions, more cracker-jacks, more tops, government approved, royal bred stallions, than all IMPORTERS OF NEBRASKA. IaOQS Speaks French and German; needs no inter-' preter; knows the breeders in pcbch county. This, with twenty-five years' experience, saves him $300 on each stal lion, and he selects only the very best individuals. Has no salesman saves you middlemen's profit Guarantees to show you more ton black Percheron stal lions than all importers of Nebraska, or pay fare and $20. Don't be a clam Weits Xms. FRANK IJKMS SHIP YOUR PRODUCE D! There is no way to get full value for your produce except by shipping direct to market. The fewer hands the products of the farm passes through before reaching the consumer the more profit thereis for the producer. We Distribute Direct to the Consumer. We receive and sell BUTTER, EGGS, VEAL,, POULTRY, GAME, FUR, HIDES, PELTS, WOOL. POTA TOES, SEED, BROOM CORN, POP CORN, MEANS, HAY GRAIN, GREEN AN I DRIED FRUIT Of all kinds, Or anything you may have to dispose of. We guarantee prompt sales and qulok returns for all shipments, also full market price and full weiKht;weguarantee to get more money for your product than you cau get at home. One shipment will convince you of this fact We are reliable and responsible ; you run no risk in shippingto us; have been established here for 27 years. Write us for prices, shipping tags or any information you may waat. SUMHERS, BROWN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND RECEIVERS FOR THE PEOPLE, Ref. Produce Exchange Bank, Chicago, and during the whole four years, the schools more flourishing with larger endowment, every institution in first class order with many large tu;ld!ngs added and the whole machinery of government in better condition than in any other state in all tli-? west The republicans control the whole affair now and if after receiving it in this condition, they fail to keep the expenses down to the point that the fusion government has obtained, if money is again embezzled, u v. arrants fall to a discount, if it takes more coal to keep the asylum warm in Aug ust than the fusionists found neces sary in January, if state deposits are lost in broken banks, if journal rec ords are again printed at so much a page and are double leaded between the lines and three words made to fill a line, they will have none but them selves to blame. Neither will the peo ple have any one to blame but them selves. They .knew the habits of these fellows and habits, well established, are hard to break. The fusionists have given Nebraska the best state government that it ever had. They did that after the foulest reign of thieves that ever governed a state had been deposed. They took the government when it was bankrupt and disgraced, its credit destroyed, when every department was filled with disreputable men and raised it to the highest standard of excellence, re deemed its credit, and made it a model state government for honesty, effic iency and economy. In that condi tion they hand it over to the republi can party. The power and the re sponsibility Is now with them. The imported voters seemed to thing that the sort of ' government that the fu sionists had given Nebraska needed "redeeming," and they , proceeded to redeem it. A NEW WORD WANTED. The Independent will give a year's subscription to any one of its readers who will furnish the proper word or phrase to describe the conduct of the gold bug editorial writers who con tinue to talk about the danger of Bryan's silver ideas after McKinley has coined and put in circulation more silver than any other executive who ever occupied the White house. It mustn't be "a swear word" for the editor could supply that himself at a moment's notice whenever he thinks about it. The Chicago Record says: "According to Mr. Bryan's recent supporters the late campaign was the last chance for redemption for a land "to hastening ills a prey." The Lin coln speech discloses that the decisive battle, in Mr. Bryan's view, has yet to be fought. He refuses to admit that the election of McKinley twice in suc cession means a steadfast opposition to free silver. How, then, does he explain the result? How does he ex plain his own large popular vote, which was gained in a campaign avowedly made upon the issue of anti-imperialism, and which, in the minds of many well-qualified observ ers, was cast in spite of reservations as to the Bryan silver policy?" Would the result be any different if silver were coined and put in circula tion by Bryan than when it is coined and put in circulation by-McKinley? According to the report of the director of the mints, he has.; run "those insti tutions night, and day coining silver and Bryan could not have, coined any more unless congress had passed a bill to build new mints. After all that, these chaps continue throag his barns and babble over with these com- I ever saw," "Every one i largest and finest horses,' on hand a winner." "The bst St. Paul, Howard Co., Nebraska, on B. & M. and Union Pacific Ily. this paper 198 S. Water St., Chicago. to . talk about the danger of coining silver. Now give us the right word to describe such hypocrites and deceiv ers. Is there anything in the English language that will fully reveal their infamy? Will we have to invent a new word to express it? A populist long in the service and whose integrity no one ever doubted, writes a letter to The Independent in which he assaults the democratic par ty most vehemently. He is mistaken in some of his premises. The demo cratic party, never since the war had control of "all" branches of the gov ernment. It had nominally the' con trol of the legislative and executive branches, but not of the judicial branch, which of late years sometimes seems to be the most important of all. The democratic party with the assis tance of the populists in congress passed an income tax iaw, but the ju-T dicial branch of the government, which it did not control, annulled it. He says that "the democratic party never fails to make a fool of itself when it has the opportunity." That is only quoting what the editor of The Independent said to the Sioux Falls convention. Pettigrew and Butler thought otherwise then. Wonder what they think now? ' The poor ignoramuses who live down east, at Boston, New Yo?k and other towns, are not to be blamed for their ignorance. They don't have any chance to learn. Not a democratic 01 republican paper down there would dare hint that McKinley had coined some silver or that Americans were charged fifty per cent more for their goods than the same articles were sold to' foreigners. How can . the peopit. down there know these things? Them is no pop paper to inform them, so they live in blissful ignorance and spend their lives in whooping it up for McKinley and Mark Hanna, An angry pop writes to The Inde pendent and says that D D after a preacher's name stands for d d. He is moved to make that disgraceful re mark because he knew of a certain preacher who was always talking about temperance in the pulpit and then went out and worked all day at the election for Dietrich, although Dietrich had been in that very town and rounded up everybody that he could get and treated tnem in the low groggeries of the place. Nevertheless The Independent must insist that D D stands for Doctor of divinity, although the doctoring the preachers do some times damns more than it saves. , If Mark Hanna will so amend his subsidy bill so as to make the prin ciple involved apply universally, The Independent will consider the proprie ty of giving it support. If he will pro vide for subsidizing farmers, black smiths, carpenters and hard-worked editors treat all alike with special privileges to none the project would be worth considering. To subsidize a few millionaire ship owners and le-ivu all the rest of us out, is another and altogether different proposition. Xu one but a mullet head will agree to that. That "sort of a critter" will vote to subsidize a millionaire every time he gets a chance. The railroad lobby Is working all sorts of schemes at Washington. It has its paid agents not only in Wash-' lngton, but in Costa Rica and. Nicara gua as well. With them it is any-" thing to beat the building of an ith- , . a?H'J -; v. - - s ( -i