January 3, 1901 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 3 5 DR. HlcGRErj CHAHSES LOW. XtGrew mi At it ) tut. r rfE'KifL SPECIALIST inth treatment r ii form of di- f the white man. He does not reason -ANI !oitiiitM or M t.s ; so much. He does what he is ordered. i elil2.yrapr,"c 15 7mn 11 14 oetter nct to nave to much in" U5!Pf)"Cir ivi tivnsncic ! te!lJKnce In tbe common soldier. His fcUJiitLt A5J BI Jr.ULLt. ; intelligence should be sufficient to un ntvK&VWK ri:K -l ARAX- derstand a plain order and there it JL"J utl lrVviiKtVrU:ii bouW stop We do not need college 3ot si ru i, ntEtkti uj M Jmi graduate In the army. We need s.-rorvc ciiAft(iE i.ow. j brave TOen who know nothing except YPHII ,n :! nti orxSitin s UII illLIO r.r-J ir J e-rjr trx of the !.-. ta icvru t.! a.irninaieJ from tbe No "Bl'.EAKINO OUT" on It. kln or fa- or cj ti'ffi,! ci-i nct of the lSar,ae (.4lirr. A treatment that la mr -A far nr tsfctary i ibaa ti. ; -t 'tr. trtjjir.t and at I tan JIA1.V THt; COST. A rur that S rfir,!rj to t tJTtnnnt for llf. V.C IfUiiCC ? jwurx r. 1 ro1i!-.sM IHHJlf. .N rt t Iy.Mt, Nrvou IeliUy. liriu mf-l Nerve lwtT. " t.K Se.(K0 l AM.t ri'KEIl. RECTAL DISEASES fi,afcl. hwcr, I lifer. ah chrome d-w- . ti" rr-isii. !aimlit rU-f sod TL car cs zi cit4fce. CUES CURNTCO. GHABQE5 LOW Coctaal tatlou fr-. 1 fralmtat by mall M-dJ-Sf- evrytre f r from gas cr trrakic. rrsdy for u. fciw; a. ra, t r. m. S-andayi. 1 a. jr. I i p. ts I. O. lUf 70S JT.c rr r: rkiu'h ft.. tei-n Karca.m r.4 LtuuxU OMAHA. NEB. KEVEfi-ENQlHu WAR T) War la 11 t'Llli pplfa Will I.at tbe f'Bfartr Oct liinblrd Troop b tfc TbnuuBil t li Urlarn. Wl r. th 2.-. vol u rue rs. or what i- I ft of th-Tu. return from the Phil ippin look out for another pidf mi. Tt- rtirn of tL? troops from Cub:i a followed by aa psi'mlc which Kill a:!s in many parts of the f-ouctry. oftn g;iO!i-d as "Cuban ttrh." I -tit tr nwt doctors dclartd to .. .. . form of zi:x. Not or.lv iil this i- thr rai-. bet the return ing trcK's. Tail! for tre most part be a lrmM tturee upon ti e communi- j t!s in hi b u. y ...ill ,,..1. i "I eamicJ jt numt-er of men pin.." u l an army surgeon. .-and ! cially of those who pay taxes or con rwy rr.,n thn enlr.r of having i lrlbul IP criabe Jllnd Very Ld hii ..-nstltution unirminM by : bfvy One hundred thousand men f fay tvr ruined every three years will be a dis- A difre-a? "known a th 'Manila 1 ter to the producing interests, and ttn- r,. .- :f r,..,:-.? n rr,. their support for the time that they 1.1..M 'r.-r .i!a-r 'fn.V r. ! turtiir? fro.-a ur n-w j-ciop?. It ban th marks of tbe irialUxix and in manr ir:stac' ha tx a rrii'sken fnr it. It i t;:r:s!)- troubltome, and --ij o r-:it a Ftampde in many of tLe to r.s m L n 4 .-.' or S0,''K men from th-? PhsUjjpints ar attend ov-r tte routstry in the next six month. A t:: d;a. iu new to the profusion e know little about it or is cUtma!f -fTt-r-Ts. It is true, fcow ir. hat a large numN-r of men and o.-ts vtVA r or. the r-tired list dur ir. the? j-ar to tone. There is a col ony cf JIcgkiLm-!! in Manila which ha bn rcnsited many timt-s dur ing t;e fat fifty --ar-. TL experl- -t. ' f i a o. connected with the col is that a hlte man can stand the ' ci:rr.?le tut tbr or four years, even jr.Vr !.- rfsf far.r-aw n,rr,ttiHir I t'. . raritaJ citv. M.n in the field 1 rency has produced universal suffer of ctmr& ? r rarh mo-f The col- i and stagnation of business. The or v !.$ ruiariy r-r!!:-d frtira Lor- j "financiers" wanted "good money," 4n. ifi i Ki r. are jrstnilv r-turnlng ! "sound money," "money of the great to ilr!:: ! n ;?h un'i-rmir.i const itu- t ost Purchasing power." and all that t:or.. if t:ot tuIu-4. Knslishmen take rr.or rbar.s than the American, fr.r ti.- u-s,t hoM u'Jt inducements "in our on country that are nor to be met sth in o -rowd"d England. Th Kr.elifhraan far mon-y. li willing to ak a risk wri-h tfc American do-. r.' fl ll u'xjti to tun. Our c-rarr.c Lt -.!l fron this tini on h r ; r.red to l-rtaae a much heavier ;r than vtr in the hap- of war p-r.s;ccs. and rn'.sr v--rs " tv.e .::rrf-n v ill last Not or.iy v. S'1 this- rt of a. Kurden l to jrn by tht- fopJe of the 'r :t'd t.' , ait ar.'t b r t t most f-r-''- j-harsf t'-r if thf constitution is to te M-t tif'A- r 1 lnapfriaiim is to -rors- tr-- :--r:;i:. rt policy of this ration At ?riy ofe-r wis askd wh-n tl. vk?r ta the Philir-pir.'-s would ! ov-r, r' ;''.! ! : " Not drinr the rrnt r".eratori. I It is tLc oo'.r.:c.rs of the ciot comnt- ! authiir.ti who have lmikd into th q-.-stio-j t;at it will la.t as Ion- 2 Arr-r:ar.. occ ipy the isianfl. ' In my optiflon it will continue al- r.i the time will nvrr come wh- n tp wiii have the islands subdutnl ar 1 u in i:hdn.wini onr troops, T r lre t nnt Vtai-a the frlrrie W.trid of Luzon subjueated -r.d low !cr. have we been trying? It mill U cec-fsary to garrison every town of xtl the !r-!ac-l of the arcbipl rc and t n we will have all the trou-h1- e cm ronrer !ent!y manage. The ordinary Irw-n 1o- cot Ftop to con i !r-r tht i!r.ra-nfet' population there, ho vtri-j'j; faction among the people sr ! c:-rci.T.f- ir!rets that will con tlr.fialiy h ;.rir:cisg up. No sooner will an ins;rmtioa hw put down in one prt of the i!ands than it will , fprizg up !a atother form in another res ion. The task is endless and wo'. will l 5rtlEr the Kilipirsos a century ' from t'!ay." j Tb lndetendrit doe not believe that the war will last for a century. '' Eren the mnllet heads wJH be able to the foo!Shns cf ft before that time. By the time that a few trmn- and men, with constitutions ruined ar.d live Matted hav ba scattered over the country, an ocular demon- itnttioa will b given that will be convincing. A mullet head may not Able to think, but he can fide. This officer, who seemed to be in favor of holding the Philippines, went on to say: "It will be necessary to keep at least 100,000 men on the Islands, We now hare 65.000 and it Is acknowl edged that the garrisoning of the towns Is exceedingly weak and not ; half of the communities have any pro i tectlon at all from our government, j It will require more than 100,000 well drilled men to hold the Philippines I and it will be necessary to enlist many ; native regiments to asist our troops. ; The negro regiments now in the Phil- ippincs are better at fighting the na i ties than white regiments. If I had ray way, I would enlist at least two I dozen negro regiments to take the ! places of men now about to return I from the Islands. The negro is. In I many Instances, a better soldier than. to follow their officers and the Ideal .aU, v. i nri. nary negro. Tell a negro soldier to swim across a river and storm a fort and he proceeds to do so If his officers lead the way. The business of an offi- cer Is to lead and we want no officers who are not willing to do so." The soldier as described by this regular army officer Is the Ideal of the old standing armies, but it has been knocked Into smithereens by the Boers. The British regulars who had been trained and drilled in that man ner were found to be no match for the men who did some thinking for them selves. It took ten British regulars to whip one of them and when they suc ceeded in doing it, the regulars found themselves unfit for further duty. Thir officer In expressing himself further on the subject said: "I do not believe it will be difficult to Induce men to enliet for the con tinual ce of the Philippine war, even though all the disadvantages of the services are made widely known. It will be necessary, however, to ease up in the physical examinations. Plenty of men are presenting them selves, but the examinations have been too rigid. Let congress enact toe law reorganizing the army and lt orders be sent out from Washing ton to rush up enlistments. There will be a rush that will soon fill up the list to any desired number." That there are a few million mullet heads in the United States who have no more sense than to enlist and gc to the Philippines, where if they are not killed, they wili have their con stitutions undermined, the last elec tion sufficiently proves. If they went l" l"f ' -m iuur, . ! try. but most of them will come back lu uf w" "w J IU mar vUliiuiuuiuca wjitrjtr iiitrjr iii reside. That will have a tendency to make the "white man's burden." espe "ve after coming back with ruined health will be a drain that will con tinue for tne centurv. In the end it will mean more bonds, mere national, state and county debts. But that is a condition that the money lenders hope and pray for all the time. It is prob able that' their prayers will be an swered. SAME OLD GAME Tbe 'Financiers' Worked the Mullet Head of Itraxil Juit They Did Those of the United States. The "financiers" have been working .1 -1 f T If 11 X .1 j inc same oiu gauie in oriun max mey nave worked in every other country of the world and the same results have roiiowea. a contracucn oi ine cur- sort or tning wnn wnicn we are so familiar, and they proceeded to get it in the often tried way of contract ing the currency. The results that al ways follow such work by the "finan ciers" came in an avalinche. Mr. Sidney Barnett, a leading jour nalist of Brazil, writes to an official of the Pan-American exposition from Para, an important trading center at the mouth of Amazon river, in ex planation of the situation in the great est of the South American republics. He gays that the republic of Brazil is passing through a financial crisis, the government having withdrawn a large part of the paper currency of the coun try. This was done with the idea of making the remainder more valuable It has had this effect, but in the mean time a stringency in the market has I been caused, and tbe contraction in the circulation of money has caused much confusion In valuation and dis turbance of business. It will take some time to adjust things to the (changed conditions, and under these circumstances. It is hard to arouse in- I trest in a matter like an exposition ! Even the Brazil exposition, which was inaugurated the first of December, j fonrid imiisuinl rilfHcTiltips In thft WAV of its success and exhibitors delayed until the last moment tending in their exhibits. Who wanted money "made more val uable" In Brazil? Those who held evl dences of debt and lived on interest or taxe. But the mullet heads who t WEAK MEN AND BOYS O X 5 TURKISH LOST MANHOOD CaP nule. the only positive cure for aesual weaknesa, niplit losse. nerTous ceas and all weaknesses caused by youthfal Indiscretions. We refund mcmr j in ery mm here not perfectly tisSd. Tbee celebrated Capsules not ooly male 700 feel cood, but develop parts to normal condition . Write tody for full particulars. Foil and positive ruarante to cure with eTery f5 order six boxe $5. inle boxes $1. Goods est in plain wrappers by mail. IIAHN'S PHARMACY, 16 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. 2 Sold br R O. Kostis. Lincoln. Nebr. Our incubators! aTt kll tbe lutectimnrovameau. anaold T at very lr prloea ana tar ' teed ! aimaevrTauwiDar.EHi y a eeat cor oarl4 oa eataiocuc, a ' m'aic'a eoniaiDtralldraerlDtlona 4 tt oar muun im "a Mlia haw a ta raiaa paaltrT aeecaa I fails' rUaa for aoaltiy as4 brocxMtao'W. T j Pc Mots Incubator U.. Boi 33 Jtt i M&BM.la. created wealth by the labor of their hands or brains were mnde to be lieve that they wanted it, too, so they all went in for it. just as the mullet heads did In the United States. Now they have their John Sherman Cleveland soup houses with all their trimmings. After a while they will find out what is the matter with them and will do just what McKinley has been forced to do, go to coining silver and issuing more paper money to save themselves from financial destruction. Meanwhile paupers and millionaires will be permanently established as part of their political system. A Public Function In the nature of things the construc tion and maintenance of irrigation works are public functions like the building of lighthouses or public high ways, and the former can as ill be made objects of commercial enterprise as the latter. There is water sufficient for the irrigation of from 75,000.000 to 100,000,000 acres depending upon the methods of eonserv&t'on naploye''.. Probably 10,000,000 people could find homes on farms and be self support ing If the water supply should be prop erly regulated. A better investment was never made by a government since the world began, Philadelphia Record California Orchard to Trade Two 20-acre orchards in Sacramento Valley where no irrigation ts needed, clear and just beginning to bear, to trade for farm land in Nebraska. Real bargain. Address Fruit Farm, Ne braska Independent. Lincoln, Neb. Give full description, title and price of property offered. Common Sense At the state meeting of the teachers held in Lincoln last week Chancellor Andrews made an address distin guished for good, hard, common sense. Among other things he said: "Unless all signs fail, we are on tne threshold of a momentous new devel opment in the matter. The time seems near at hand when our public scnoois will be able to teach the elements of morality in a positive way. For all practical purposes morality car. be taught without dipping Into religion and all sects are becoming aware 01 this. "To teach ordinary morality you need not refer to or even know any of morality's profound implications. Pub lic sentiment would sanction it should we at once systematically begin teach ing such virtues as cleanliness in speech and thought, thrift, temper ance, fortitude, perserverance, verac ity, laws cf property, public spirit, love of country, regard for parents, fo.' the aged, for the feeble, the unfor tunate and for brutes and a great var iety of kindred virtues. No parents exist who do not wish their children schooled in these highly important du ties. All denominations will agree to this kind of teaching, none fearing that it will collide with dogma." Future Campaign Funds Ships can now be built in our ship yards cheaper than in Europe. Ev erything entering into the construc tion of ships is now cheaper here. During tbe past year enormous quanti ties of steel rails, . plates and beams have been shipped from this country into England as well as into other for eign nations, and during the past six months we have sold iron ore, pis iron, steel billets, manufactured steel and even coal in England in defiance of the competition that we have been wont to dread in the past. This is not all. During the past year our capital ists have been successful bidders for twenty-five million dollars of British consols. Therefore, every argument that had any weight in the past against the ability of Americans to FOR MEN AND WOMEN. OR. HOME'S i Kew TmnravAf 1 Electric Belts Warranted to etf re without medicines. sell for 80 dara only, onr tbe following- diseases. JZfceumaUam y Sciatica CatarrH Asthma Xeuralgia Bytpepaia Constipation Heart Troublmt, Paralysis ye rvou n nesm Spinal JHmeatm Varicocele Tsrpld. ZAvetr Tb.roat Trublcm Hi ts 4 Kidney Complaints Sleepl csm ess Ferrous Debility Xst Vigor Coltl Xuctremttie Wewutle CotmpUU-mto JPmins iti jiaofc Miul lAnibm All Weaknemsta tn .If en osmC Wometu . t , E!;5l:Ei As 51. Chjcapo, and . ...v READ Nff SSH EVERY ril WORD.! Lwruic! ncccD nnnn cnrnnnnvonini build and sell ships as cheaply as Eng land does, namely, the cost of Iron, steel, fuel and interest on money, Is now. disposed-of. ; w -. . Hanna has campaign debts to set tle, and the Hannaltes are anxious to keep faith with the men who fur nished the corruption funds to carry the election so as tc be able to obtain funds for , future j campaigns. The awakening of the republican voters to the corruption of the party is a good omen for the future, but the Han naite combine has so, firm a grip upon the republican machine that they will be able to hold it against any protest on the part of the voters that is like ly to be made. ARMY SCANDALS One of McKinley 's Pets and His Especial Appointee hsvs Been Caught In Most Disgraceful Work. Serious charges have been filed at the war department against Lieut. Col. H. O. S. Heistand of the adjutant general's office, who Is now serving In China on the staff of General Chaffee. Colonel Heistand, who was on Presi dent McKinley 's staff while governor of Ohio, was appointed major and as sistant adjutant general by Mr. Mc Kinley shortly after he assumed the presidential office, Colonel Heistand being at that time a captain in the 11th United States Infantry. About a year ago he was appointed military at tache to Paris and detailed afterward for service in China. Major Erastus L. Hawkes, who held that rank in the 10th United States volunteers during the Spanish war, files the charges. . He alleges that on or about May 1, 1898, Colonel Heistand represented to him and others: "That his superior officer, Adjutant General Henry C. Corbin, and also As sistant Secretary of War George D. Meiklejohn, Former Assistant Secre tary of the Navy Allen, now governor of Porto Rico; and Former Assistant Attorney General James L. Boyd, now United States district judge for North Carolina, were ready and willing, and had agreed to enter a combination for the purpose of organizing a company to manufacture cordage at Manila, Philippine islands, and to control the output of hemp from the Philippine islands, stating that the said islands would be under military rule for at least ten years, and that by reason of their high official position those named could procure for the company certain business advantages, including among others an arrangement of the tariff to meet its necessities, and fur ther after much money and several months of time had been spent on my part, Lieutenant Colonel H. O. S. Hei stand represented that Assistant Sec retary Allen and Adjutant General Corbin had withdrawn all connection with the proposed company." Isn't it awful to think that our owa dear and spotless Meiklejohn, whom the U. P. railroad and Mark Hanna are going to make a senator from Ne braska, should be mixed up in a job like that? The whole story is mon strous. Could any one be made to be lieve that United States officers en dowed with unlimited power over 10,- 000,000 of people, 10,000 miles from home or the possibility of inspection, where every newspaper correspondent is under the control of a military cen sor, would dare to form such a com bination to make money as that? No sir! The Independent repudiates the whole story. Military officers, 10,000 miles from home, free from public criticism, endowed with unlimited power, would never think of forming companies to make money out of the Malays whom they so dearly love. Never! The thing Is impossible. Final Crop Report The final crop report for the year was issued by the government last week. The statistician of the depart ment of agriculture estimates the United States wheat crop of 1900 at 522,229,505 bushels, the area actually harvested being 42,495,385 acres, and the average yield per acre 12.29 bush els. The production of winter wheat is estimated at 350,025,409 bushels and Your First and THIS GOUPOSi is good for Sf3i34 LAST OPPORTUNITY to fret the World-Renowned DR. HOME'S $20 Elects to Belt fo only 3i Ira if sent tenth an order tor a $20.00 Belt, not later 4han thirty days from date cf this paper Dec. 6, 1900 Til $6.66 UK lit 1 in 1(1 111 II Ml 1 1 In 1 II 1 1 In 1 11 lllll 1 We make this Special Unprecedented Offer to Ouicklv Introduce and Obtain Agents in New JuocallUes. To onicklT introdnea and ftfittln iMnfi in m m... . . 1. 9 tor Dr. noma's Saw Improved Electric Belta and Appliances, va hv. a.ISZi - No. 4 Dr. Horn, a New Improved Krrulir S20 00 Hertrie Belt tor enlyf6.be. a price that will make it possible for every person reulinrthii advertisement to et one ot oar best Belt at a nominal price. Karer ta taa THU twry ar our baalaeaa bare we fferea to aeil tbia Celt at aaeb a price, bot we want ,'UV1v,OCmUty''n4bcIie,, thait 7b buy a Belt you will be so wail r. ... ..... j Kk a wur afem or neip u to get one, Bf member, , the Belt we are offerina yon for only S6.66 is onr Ho. 4 Or Bome'a Hew Improved BesnlarJ.20.00 Combination Belt tor men or women It is adjSTs able and can ta wora by any member of the family. 8apensery free with every ale Bet. It is the best Belt we manufacture j in f ict. thaBeat aa KarU.."dw. make no "cfPtion tothia statement We have sold hundreds, y thaSsandVof them, ap to S40.0O. Therei.nota family but what should have onaiftheMlts; i".4 chI,e' doctor and yoa do not have to go cut of the hase to jetit. It wOllast you for y tare with propercare, and will save itself in doctor bills ten times over. These Electric Belta hWcnred thousuds andwUl cure 5 Jt yiS will ro ,lT ' uth" """J testimoniaii which we pubUsb. in oucatalce " Tl Y0 RD!I "0 KISS IN DEALING WITH DS. We oe act ask yoa ta aesd any aaaaey ta advaace. If von want na m iv belU we ar. perfectly willin, to send il to yoSrert siSLvtl O.d'S that yon can sea and examin. it f ree of any cost. Just the same as if Vou can., iito our office or go into any store, and it you ave perfectly aatisned with itpwthee" E. ve?IihPC r h Btli ,n4 rtes Li taka it; olherw!? it wUl be returned to ns. Can an fairer offer be made you than this t We an&aiml TllT'T ot DeVri0 L" who Dd C O without askinaoewnuJ "c- M you wish to aend cash with order we will prepay all express rtlreas and soarantaa the Belt to be aaaeUy aa represented, or iorfeit S1O0.O0? WE HAVE BOW QFFEE ED TOO All OPPORTUNITY OF YOOR LIFE f; J!,.T? dL fl ""Pi ' y00 ay be aorry for rt, as we shall never again offer n !?V?" JLeem, to aay that we are sustaining lrl JIf2rJrU.T?"eUth,.,boPTic"' titcheapertointtodueethem inaewlo. eahUestn tlua way than to .and travaunj men ta doit for ns. If you want one cf uese beita CL! 1 J 1 1 a ttvtv onv-rr-kw i JJ and send to . ns with your wvist measure in inches. Don't delay. Order todav it possible, otherwise yoa may forget it. . 7 7 " Per Dr. Hobke Electric Belt & Truss Co. Dept. l, , chioabo, ill, o.s.a. .r;?;'T? n a Bectria Belt please hand ar mail this advar. fhTv.u w?;iT.vnr ttr"1 ?W h0 "t enjoyin, ,ood health. By domj i . "'J 7 th" ni - swant a food afrentta every locality to whom wecjn eive steady employment. We only employ those wha We el our BriS sod canspesk of their merits from personal experience. or reliability we refer to any Express Company. the many thousand, sil over thi VniSsauiwhi o,. m, ppunees quripg trie past 80 years. In All Its Phases and Stages Cured by MRS. J. E. MILLS, OF NORWICH. CONN. Jlrs. J. E. Mills, 464 Main street, Norwich, Conn., in a recent letter 6ays : ' write to let you know what Peruna has done for me. I have been troubled with catarrh since I was ten years old. I would be obliged to stay in a dark room. Nothing helped me and my physi cian said I could never be cured. began taking Peruna this spring i have not had an attack since I took . m cure me. Peruna nas improvea my appeiae ana neann in general, i nave gained twenty pounds in three months. I have recommended It to several ot my friends, who also find It very beneficial, I advise any one troubled with catarrh to use Peruna." Thousands of men and women all that of spring wheat at 172,204,096 bushels, the area actually harvested being 26,235,897 acres in the former case and 16,259,488 acres in the latter. The winter wheat acreage totally abandoned in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois is finally placed at 3,522, 787 acres and the spring wheat acre age totally abandoned in North Da kota and South Dakota at 1,793,467 acres. The extraordinary rapid rate at which the winter wheat acreage of Nebraska is gaining upon the spring wheat acreage of that state has neces sitated a special investigation of the relative extent to which the two var ieties were grown during the last year. The result of the investigation is that, while no change is called for in the total wheat figures of the state 590,575 acres have been added to the winter wheat column at the expense of the spring variety.' The newly seeded area of winter wheat is estimated at 30,282.564 acres. While this acreage is slightly greater than that sown in the fall of 1899, as estimated at the time, it is 600,654 acres less than the area that was act ually sown, the discrepancy being due to that remarkably rapid development of winter wheat growing in Nebraska with which, as above stated, the de partment's reports had failed to keep pace. A comparison of the newly seeded acreage with that of the fall of 1899 shows that of the eleven states and territories that sowed 1.000,000 acres or upward with winter wheat one year ago, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Kansas, California and Oklahoma report an in crease amounting to 971,704 acres, and Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Tex as and Tennessee a decrease of 1,780. 191 acres. The average condition of the growing crop on December 1 was 97.1 per cent of the normal. There are many complaints of the Hessian fly, but the low condition figures re ported from Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee 86.80, 87 and 84, re spectively are fully offset by the ex ceptionally high condition reported from Kansas. Missouri, California, Oklahoma and other states, in al! of which it is above normal. The production of corn in 1900 is estimated at 2,105,102,516 bushels; oats, 809.125,989 bushels; barley, 58, 925,833; rye. 23,995,927 bushels; buck wheat. 9,566,966 bushels; potatoes, 210,926,897 bushels; hay, 50,110,906 tons. The area from which these crops were gathered was as follows, in acres; Corn, 83,320,872; oats, 27,364, 795; barley, 2,894.282; rye, 1,591,326; buckwheat. 637.930; potatoes, 2,611, 054; hay, 39,132,890. The corn crop of 1900 was one of the four largest ever gathered, while the oat crop has only once been ex ceeded. On the other hand, the barley and rye crops are the smallest, with one exception in each case, since 1887; the buckwheat crop is the smallest since 1883, and the hay crop the small est, with one exception, since 1888. ONE EXAMPLE ENOUGH There Will be a Slump in Militarism, Im perialism and Similar Watered Stocks. . When I read many of the outpour ings of the modern imperialists, espe cially in my own country, and see how they utterly misconceive tbe nature of empire, I always think of the monkey who after seeing its master shave stole his razor and cut its throat. But it grieves me to see our American kinsfolk falling a prey to the same de lusion which is making such havoc wilb the peace and prosperity of Brit ain. Of this we have the supreme ob ject lesson in South Africa, where we have sacrificed to the phantom cf paramountcy 20,000 human lives and $500,000,000. And with what result? That for years to come we shall have to maintain ten British soldiers to uphold the flag in South Africa where Peruna. At times my head troubled me so that and find myself greatly benefited by it. my first bottle. 1 think In time it will Ami mm i si BTsT oyer the United States use Peruna, and a NEW THE GREAT MAJESTIC o tn u u rr o id z THE GREAT MAJESTIC 3 ' - A Happy (MAJESTIC sjNAJtiTIC !j Q MFC CO. .I ZZ ! 5T.10U1S. 5T.UWS, Br J HALL'S STOVES AND HARDWARE 13Q8 O St., Lincoln. The University of Nebraska SCHOOL OF MUSIC..... Is the leading institution of its kind in the west. It offers complete and thor ough courses in all branches of Music. It has a corps of twenty instructors and a fine building for its exclusive use, and would ask you to send for catalogue. WILLARD KIMBALL, DIRECTOR. before the war 'one 'was found amply sufficient. " - God grant that one such examplo may suffice for the political education of the English speaking world. , What I expect is that there will be early In the century a tremendous slump in militarism, imperialism .and similar inflated stocks. What I fear is that before this takes place the world may be shaken by a convulsion of war, the like of which no living man has seen.. All the elements abound needed to produce such an explosion. Should it come mankind In the discipline of suffering may re learn many lessons which it has for gotten In the hey-dey of its prosperity. It Is Idle constructing our pretty card castles in a region in which before They do so because they have . learned by experience ttha it is a valuable med icine. Not only is it a valuable medicine but it is applicable to the climatic- ailments of winter and summer. Extremes of heat and cold in the United States make it a land of catarrh.' Nearly everybody has catarrh. This is more especially true among the mid dle and lower classes. Exposure to the climate, hard work, and unventilated sleeping rooms are the principal causes. Charitable institutions have found, by bitter experience, that catarrhal dis eases are not only the most numerous of all other diseases put together, bul they are the hardest to cure. Peruna is a specific for this class of diseases. No other remedy can take Its place. Thousands of cases of chronio catarrh are cured by the use of simply a bottle. People who have spent large sums to be cured of catarrh, have turned to Peruna as a last resort, and been cured by the use of a single bottle. It is a sure cure for coughs, colds, la grippe and catarrh in its many phases. Whether tbe catarrh, is located in the head, throat, lungs, stomach, kidneys or pelvic organs, Peruna is a prompt and never-failing cure. Mrs. Sarah Jones, Pleasant Plain, la., writes; "I wish to acknowledge my ap preciation of the benefits received from Peruna and Manalin in the treatment of what was pronounced systemic catarrh. 1 took Peruna for a while and discon tinued the use of it as I felt so much better. The latter part of the winter and early spring there was bo much sickness here, an epidemic of colds and pneumonia prevailed. I had an attack of cold in catarrhal form, suffering with facial neuralgia and headache, but con tinued taking Peruna and Manalin and was soon restored without being pros trated with weakness." A book written by. Dr. Hartman on the different phases of catarrh and their treatment, also "Health and Beauty," written especially for women, sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio. Prosp erous YEAR If you buy a M AJESTIC malleable and steel plate Range. Built to last a lifetime. Will 6a ve fuel the first year sufficient to pay for the range. BEST BAKING and COOKING APPARATUS EVER INVENTED. Prices from $28 TO - Our GEM IDEAL is unequal led for price. SPECIAL FOR JANUARY: a a i$25 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA.! night the stoutest towers may be shat tered by the shock of an earthquake. For the war which all men dread will inevitably be followed by a social cataclysm, the ultimate outcome of which no man can foresee. I see no way of averting either the war or the catalysm if the nations per sist in their present course of preferr ing the expansive extension of their frontiers to the Intensive cultivation of the territories already in their own possession. Not in the conquest ot new dominion to be policed, but in the conquest of the world by the prin ciples of Internationalism and federa tion embodied in the American consti tution seems to lie the noblest ambi tion of the new world in the new cen tury. W. T, Stead. $56