The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 03, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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January 3, 180
lazsit. Ttl Is zn abuse of justice
which Impairs the credit of both the
state and the Individual, and which
a-i:tr the state cor the Individual can
aiTord to license. Innumerable cases
now pesdlcjK before the supreme and
district cocrta would be dismissed Jf
a pe4jr trial could be had. and
knowledge of the fact would no doubt
Rrmiy restrain litirants la the fu
ture. ! therrfore recommend, with
a view to temporary relief, that an
a"t be psd empowering the su
prns court to appoint referees whose
"lutr It itz.ll be to assist said court,
aad wfeeee tenure of ffee shall be
iof ice Immediate biennlum.
I alM recommend the submission to
the roters of the state of a proposi
tion ty c amend the constitution as to
eirpower the legislature, under proper
restrictions, to provide for such an
Isscre la the number cf judges of
the supreme court as shall Insure per
lsascrt relief.
The laws cf Nebraska teed amend
ment la inarjr setial particulars,
and should be codified. I recommend
the eresaUon of a commission of suit
able prrt-8. learned In the law, to
submit for the consideration of the
neat legislature, a codification of our
Laws, and sorjresti'jns of changes
where xsectssary. and to also prepare
a revenue measure providing for an
:u:taU taxation of all property
throughout tht rtate.
Eection Zt of article 5 of the consti
tution should be so amended that the
1'gislatcre shall have authority to
create a state board of control for the
management of our state Institutions,
and I threfofe recommend the sub
mission cf an amendment of that pur
port to the people without unneces
sary delay.
Your attention is directed to the
pan-Amfrlcan exposition which Is to
be held at Buffalo. N. Y.. this year.
A reasonable appropriation to be used
for advert leg the resources of our
tat win meet with my approval.
Nebraska should be properly repre
sented at the exposition to be held In
Ft. IjouU fa VjjZ. and a liberal ap
propriation should be made for that
Your attention Is hereby directed
to the Inadequacy of the law applying
to the crimes of kidnapping and child
stealing. I would recommend that the
law be so amended as to make kid
napping or child stealing a felony,
punishable by Imprisonment In the
penitentiary for a period of not less
than Eve nor more than thirty years,
that the age limit be removed, and
that the unlawful or forcible holding
in captivity of any person at a place
other than the natural or lawful do
micile or abode cf aid person shall
constitute a crime of kidnapping. I
also recommend tnat an appropriation
be made, to be placed at the disposal
cf the chief executive of the state, for
us by him in apprehending such
criminals or repressing this sort of
The state has several cases pending
la the courts sgainrt sureties on od
ds! bor. 'a. The prcsecutlon of these
rases has been attended with great
erpense, and has continued for several
y r. In the Interim, some of the
sureties have died, many have be
come lasolrent, and the cbances for
ultimate recovery on the bonds seem
to be growing -tt. It is the excep
tion, and rot the rule, that personal
bonds hsve ben fatiffactory. Private
corporations deem It for their Interest
to tay surety company bonds for
their employe. Oar present state
treasurer finds It Impossible to fur
nish, a satisfactory personal bond
without subjecting himself to terms
and conditions which have proven to
be annoying and disastrous to others
who hare held the same position, and
be has been obliged, as was his pre
decessor, to purchase a surety bond at
a cost incommensurate with his sal
ary. I submit that the law should
pern: It corporate surety bonds to be
given la all cases where a bond Is re
quired, and should provide that any
public o fleer may be compelled to fur
nish a corporate surety bond, the cost
thereof to be defrayed by the state or
municipality for wfeose benefit such
bond is required. . ...
The game, song and other Insectiv
orous birds are the property of the
state and are being ruthlessly slaught
ered. I therefore recommend that the
laws for the protection of these bird
be so revised as to prohibit their ex
portation from the state, and to pro
vide for a state game warden whose
duty It shall be to see that violators
of the law are duly prosecuted.
The executive mansion should be
either sold, or an appropriation made
for Its proper maintenance. It should
be cared for as any other public prop
erty. Another matter to which your at
tention Is called Is the boundary line
between the states of Nebraska and
Iowa. The original Intention un
doubtedly was that the center of the
channel of the Mlsouri river should
form the boundary line between these
two states. Owing, however, to
chtnges In the river bed. the channel
in many places has been so changed
that Nebraska territory lies east of
the said river. Iowa territory lies west
cf the river, while in some instances
the question of Jurisdiction Is In doubt
aad dispute. This state of affair
leads to a condition of lawlessness,
specially la the disputed territory,
which should cot exist. It Is recom
mended that a boundary commission
b provided for by joint resolution of
the two houses to act with a like com
mits! on from our sister state of Iowa,
that shall have power, with the con
sent of the federal government, to es
tablish a permanent boundary Lice be
tween the two states.
Your attention will be called to the
advisability of establishing a sUte cir
culating or so-called travelling library
which la other state has proven to
be- a great success.
The century Just closed has been Im
mortalised for all ages to come by
th gallant achievement on land and
ea cf the American soldier and ma
rine, and by the patriotic sacrifices of
cmr American women. Let us. then.
In this, the first year of a new century,
show our appreciation of their deeds
of valor and love for country and hu
manity, by appropriating a liberal sum
of money to erect a fitting monument
to the memory of our heroic dead.
Committees should be appointed at
once to visit our various state Insti
tutions, with instructions to make an
early report f their needs, so that the
legislature may have ample opportun
ity to act intelligently in the matter
of appropriations.
!c conclusion. I wish to tate that
every act of your or mine, should be
governed by that same honesty of
purpose, and basinest tact and care,
as though our state and her Institu
tions were our own personal belong
ings. (Signed)
IITTu FjeaMtly, Economically and Effi
ciently Admlalatered-We are All
Proud of It.
The populista have held -the office
of governor for six years,' the land
commissioner. 1 auditor, secretary of
state and state treasurer for four years
and the democrits that of the attorney
general for four years. During the
time of the full control of the govern
ment by the fuslonists the state has
prospered as It never prospered before.
The theories of government and polit
ical economy, believed Inand ttaught
by tBe parties that have co-operated
in this government; have had an in
fluence upon the whole people, and
will for decades to come modify their
policies both In government and pri
vate life. This government was not
overthrown by the people. Between
15.000 and 20,0(K) voters were brought
Into the state and cast their ballots
against it who were not legal voters
here. In 1896 the vote for fusion elec
tors was 115,007 and for governor 116,- !
415. Since that time seven counties
in the southwestern part of the state
have been half depopulated on ac
count of a continued drouth In that
strip of country while the rest of the
state baa had plenty of rain, and ev
eryone knows that the cattlemen have
displaced hundreds of homesteaders in
the sandhills in the northwestern part.
There has been a decrease in the vote
la the state since , 1806 instead of an
Increase. At this election the fuslon
ists cast 114.013 votes for presidential
elector and 113,018 for governor. That
is Indisputable proof that those who
elected the fusion state government
four year ago remained fuslonists
still and voted the ticket last fall as
they did four years ago. The vote
of the state was Increased 20,210.
There were cast In 1900 251,005 votes
and in 1896 only 230,735 votes.
The republicans cast for their presi
dential electors in 1896 103,064 votes
and for their governor 94.723. In 1900
they cast for presidential electors 121,-
2S3 votes and for their governor 113,
876 votes. It will be seen from these
returns tbat all the Increase In the
vote was cast for the republican ticket,
several thousand of these Imported
voters voted only for the republican
presidential electors and did not vote
the stabs ticket at all. It seems that
they were sent here to beat Bryan In
his own state and that was all they
had contracted to do.
The returns therefore plainly de
monstrate that a majority of the peo
ple of this state appreciated the good
work done by the fusion state officers
and voted to continue the same pol
icy. That being the case those officers
who retire can do so with the assur
ance that a majority of the legal vot
ers of Nebraska recorded their votes
In approval of the good work they
had done while those who came In
from the outside added treir votes
to those partisans who would vote
the republican ticket If the state ol
cers not only robbed the treasury, but
stole the state house itself.
Before this issue of The Independent
reaches its readers, the fusion state
government will have retired and the
republicans will be in complete con
trol of the state except the supreme
court and the university. It there
fore seems to The Independent a prop
er thing to review the work these offi
cers have done and give them the
hearty thanks of those who supported
them at the poll for the efficient, hon
est and economical manner in which
they have conducted our government
for us.
The Independent takes pleasure on
the ocas ion of the retiring from office
of our governor. In giving a resume. of
his official acts, the conduct of his of
fice and care of the state's business
and affairs during his term.
Governor William A. Poynter was
called by the people from his Boone
county farm, took the oath and as
sumed the duties of the office of gov
ernor on January 5, 1899. He retired
after faithful services to the whole
people of the state of Nebraska, on
January 3, 1901.
He Is the most representative farmer
governor in the annals of the state,
and by his efficient career he has
proven the wisdom of the selection. Ass
a mau he was easily approached, is
courteous, obliging and kind. He
treated the poor and the rich alike,
and none so humble but what their
welcome contained that which con
vinced that It came from the heart.
Many and varied are the calls upon
the time and attention of a governor
of a great state, and to all he gave pa
tient and courteous hearing. Early in
his career he proved to be a man of
stamina, and that he could not be
caught by republican legislative chi
canery, shown In the attempt made to
have him approve un-American prin
ciples clothed in a pretended garb of
a vote of thanks to our volunteer sol
diers then in the Philippine Islands.
Much as has been said to the con
trary, he did approve the vote of
thanks, but vetoed the real object of
the resolution, an approval of Mc
Kinley's policy In the Philippines. In
this connection he proved himself by
far the greater friend of the soldier
boy because he untiringly labored
for their material interests and com
fort. He attempted to secure the ap
propriation of a sufficient sum of
money for hospital purposes, but met
with refusal by this self same legis
lature which wanted to spend a large
sum in cabling their pretended vote
of thanks to the Philippines. He final
ly succeeded in securing two thbusand
dollars to be used for the benefit of
the sick and wounded in the hospitals.
Again, when through his efforts the
regiment was one of the first to return
to San Francisco, his untiring push
secured sufficient subscriptions from
the citizens of the state to return
them free to their homes. He did
more at his own expense he proceed
ed to the Golden Gate, accompanied by
his military representatives, to give
tbem official welcome, and personally
visited each member and saw that
nothlne was wanting for their com
fort. With the parents whose boys
were wounded or killed in the service,
Governor Poynter will ever be held in
high esteem because of the interest he
constantly displayed in securing all
possible information of their condi
tion, and conveying it the afflicted
parents. . - s :
One of Governor Poynter's acts has
received but little public mention, yet
it was of momentous importance to
the state of Nebraska and all the
great west. An attempt was made in
congress to lease or sell all arid lands
of the west. Had the bill become a
law the result would have been the
utter annihilation of the small stock
man who is mainly feeding his herds
on public domain, as large corpora
tions would have secured control of
the vast areas of the grazing lands of
the west. He lent every effort to de
feat the bill and thereby avoided
great hardship and loss to one of our
greatest industries. 1
Under him the state's various in
stitutions have been conducted in a
businesslike manner. The greatest
care was constantly exercised so that
every Inmate received proper care, and
the most skilful attendance. It can be
said that never before were a like
number of improvements inaugurated
for the better care and comfort of the
state's wards. The sanitary conditions
are all, that can be desired. The in
mates' food, clothing and care has
been excellent, and yet the per capita
cost of maintenance has been but
$160.27 as compared with $242.61 in
1892, as can be seen by the official
records on file in the governor's office.
Governor Poynter has constantly
guarded the state's interest and was
ever alert to serve the people and
there is not an instance where he
failed. Some little tjme ago, what was
termed "pressure" was brought to bear
on Governor Poynter, seeking to se
cure a pardon for ex-Treasurer Bart
ley from his long term in the peni
tentiary for embezzling hundreds of
thousands of dollars of the state's
money. The state was raked over for
the purpose of securing "influence"
which would assist in liberating the
ex-republican officeholder. Every
thing was done, no stone was left un
turned, but Bartley remains in prison,
and if he Is released it will be by re
publican friends. In every particular
Governor Poynter has proven himself
a man of strong convictions, and
moral courage. That he was viciously
attacked by the opposition is only
proof that he was serving the people
Coming down to the conduct of his
own office and his official family, no
better conducted department can be
found anywhere. Business was at
tended to with promptness and dis
patch, and that courtesy and refine
ment pleasing to all whose business
brought them in contact with the of
fice. As accurate a set of records were
never before kept, and commissions
and documents engrossed in his office
are not equalled by those of any state
in the union.
In conclusion, Governor Poynter has
well and faithfully served the people
of Nebraska; he has fulfilled the great
trust reposed in him by his fellow citi
zens, and retiies with honor to him
self and the respect and confidence of
the electorate of the entire state.
Four years ago this office, for the
first time, was wrested from the re
publican party and given in charge of
a populist or fusionist. J. V. Wolfe,
now more generally and familiarly
known as "Uncle Jake' beat his re
publican opponent, H. C. Russell, by
a very decided majority and was in
stalled into office January 7, 1897. The
office of commissioner had been re
garded heretofore as of minor im
portance by most of the people of the
state and its full importance is per
haps yet not fully realized, but when
it is considered and realized, that by
it and through it is derived a very
large portion of the money that goes
to support our common schools, it
then becomes as important as the edu
cation of the children of the state is
important and we think all will con
cede that there is no interest para
mount to this intrusted to any state
officer. And at the close of four years
of Mr. Wolfe's administration it is
due to him, if he has done his duty
and been a faithful" servant of the
people to say so, and if not to be
equally candid and to point out wher?.
In he has failed. Mr. Wolfe, with the
other state officers, made his canvass
four years ago before the people main
ly upon issues of reform. In our state
administration, charging that extrava
gance and criminal negligence, if not
corruption, pervaded every department
of the state government, and the peo
ple by their votes said they believed
the charges true, and for the first time
in the history of the state the republi
can party went down in defeat, and
new men, and new blood, and a new
party took charge of all the state
But it Is not enough to say that a
man has done his duty as a public of
ficer, for this is very easy and is but
the natural expression of party and
partial friends, but what the people
want, and what they are entitled to is
the evidence of reform and of duty bet
ter performed by one man or party
more than by another. Let some of
the facts therefore be submitted to a
candid people.
We have already said that the office
of commissioner has much to do with
the semi-annual school apportionment
and the increase in these apportion
ments for the last four vears has been
almost wholely due to the work of the
commissioner, both in the field
throughout the state, and in his of
fice. But what has been that increase.
We will compare for this purpose Mr.
Wolfe's four years with the four years
immediately preceding believing this
to be the fairest comparison. During
the four years of Commissioner
Wolfe's administration the apportion
ments were $1,702,184.67, or a gain of
$684,533.17, or an average yearly in
crease of $171,133.29. This may not
be considered a very large amount
when distributed among all the dis
tricts of the state, but it has been felt
In every district and has lengthened
the school term or lessened the school
levy in every school district in the
This result, however, is not wonder
ful when we compare the number of
acres of school lands that has been
leased by Commissioner Wolfe during
hi3 four years with the number leased
during the four years preceding.: The
total number of 'acres leased during
the four years preceding Mr. Wolfe
was 659,476.55, while .Mr. Wolfe, by
looking carefully after the. state's in
terest, has leased during his four years
1,507,933.03, ; or 848.456.48 more than
More important than ever
mild winter season has left more
has made greater
tive. The sale is
Clearing Sale -Domestics
Light shirting, full standard
per yard.
36 inch unbleached muslin, 10 yards to a
per yard...
Lonsdale bleached muslin, green ticket,
per yard... .
All the flannelettes, worth 12Jc, this sale
Cream domet outing, the 9c, 12c and
per yard
Sanitary outing flannels, dark colors, all
than lUc, sale price, per yard
All the 10c, 12c and 15c silkaline 36 inch
in one lot for this sale, per yard
Fancy flannels, all wool, colored, 28 inches
per yard
Outing flannel skirt patterns, full size,
Choice of any of the all wool skirt patterns, worth $1.50, 11.75 to $2.25, O I I Q
clearing sale, per pattern v 1 1 1 U
Half wool blankets, extra large size, worth
3 lots of grey woollen shoddy mixed blankets, full size, prices were $1.50, I f"J
$L75 and $1.89, one pair to a customer
Clearing Sale-
Fancy figured all linen crash, also fringed crash, former prices 15c, 20c and
2oc, in one lot, this Bale, per yard
Bleached and half bleached table damask, all linen, 62 to 72 inches wide,
regular prices 50c, 60c and 65c, sale price, per yard '.
Table damask, all linen, pearl bleached, our 75c, 80c, 85c and 93c grades,
in one lot for the clearing sale, per yard
The $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 and $1.65 grades of 72 inch Scotch, German or
Irish table damask, pure linen, during the clearing sale, per yard ....
The best value in fine linen we ever offered.
Napkins, all linen, a dozen to a customer only, worth $1.25, size 19x19 in.,
clearing sale; per dozen.
Our pure linen napkins, worth up to $2.00,
per dozen. '
Clearing Sale Dress Goods
JNovelty dress goods, neat effects, popular color combinations 25 and 35c I Q n
values, sale price per yard I uu
Extra heavy quality, wool plaids and novelties in choice colorings, 50c QQft
values, sale price per yard uuu
Jamestown novelties in a large variety of styles and colorings unequalled for CO a
hard wear, 65c values, sale price per yard U u
Heavy quality Herringbone cheviot strictly all pure wool, 48 inches wide, KQft
85c value, sale price per yard uuu
Fine quality all wool mixed Venetians and homespun cheviots, 52 inches
wide especially adapted for tailor made costumes, worth up to $1.25, 07 ft
sale price per yard 0 I u
Clearing Sale Silks.
Black Grosgrain Silk, 19 inches wide, splendid quality, regular 75c goods,
sale price, per yard '
Superior quality black Grosgrain Silk, full 22 inches wide, elegant finish
$1.25 grade, sale price, per yard
were leased by his predecessor during
the same length .of time. With this
showing from the records of the office
does anyone doubt that there have
been reforms inaugurated in the com
missioner's office and that the pledges
of the party and of Mr. Wolfe have
been fully redeemed. And yet after all
this work Knd showing it . Is not
claimed by Mr, Wolfe that he has done
more than his duty as an officer and
he asks only the credit that is due
for having done that much, and, on
his voluntary retirement from the of
fico he is satisfied with his own record
and has had many evidences to con
vince bim that at least a majority of
the people are willing to award him
all the credit he or his? party has ever
claimed. The school lands of the
state tre no"w practicall.9 all under
lease or tale contract, f nd are con
tributing something to the seml-an-nual
tipportioanvpnts tbat go to meet
tho CHinnt expenses of our schools,
wnil. at the beginning of Mr. Wolfe'
term of office, over onv-half of these
laixls, aii.ountlng to nearly 3,000,000
acrs, were either not under any kind
of n contract, or the holders were neg
lecting to pay their rentals. In one
county alone, when he first visited it
to hold a public leasing, his list con
tained over 200,000 acres of vacant
school lands, while today there is not
in all the state scarcely a fraction of
that amount. v
But in smaller things Commissioner
Wolfe has been equally watchful of
the state's interest and has introduced
other reforms. He says he agreed to
serve the state for a stipulated salary
fixed by the constitution which he
profit sacrifices
in progress now-
2 3-4C
customer only, sale price Q
U U tu
10 yards to a customer, sale price Q
15c goods, one lot for this sale, C
shades, never offered for less C 9 ! n
U U tu
wide and the 30 inch sateens, C Q ! ft
U 0"rU
wide, 25c goods, sale pries I oQ
worth 50c, while they last
$2.25, sale price a
only, a pair y I iU I
20x20 inches, in one lot, .
draws out of the state treasury by
warrant after appropriation by the leg
islature, and believes that .11 moneys
coming into the commissioner's hands
belongs to the . state and should be
paid into the state treasury. It is
known, however, that there is not
much money received at this office, as
all the school land Interest is paid to
county treasurers and duplicate re
ceipts sent to the commissioner, but it
is also a fact that some money is or
ought to be received by the commis
sioner for he is ex-offlcio surveyor gen
eral of the state and therefore Is the
custodian of the government plats and
field notes for which a sm
is made for certified copies. From this
source Mr. Wolfe has" turned inw
state treasury $336.65, the first money
from this source, it seems, that ever
found its way to the treasury, or ac
counted for in any other way. Mr.
Wolfe also discovered from former re
ports of the office that the state still
owned a little over a section of land
lying, in fractions, on the west side of
Lancaster county and the east side of
Seward county and went personally
and inspected the land and found it all
occupied and being used and mostly
under fence and some of it had been
used by the same parties for more
than a dozen years and disputed the
commissioner's right to lease it or col
lect rent. But ne verities- .
tized it and leased it by the year and
has received and paid into the treas
ury as rental for the same $2,758 and
this is the first money, from this
source, that we have been able to find
any record of having found its way to
the treasury. It is true that Mr. Rus
this year from the fact that a very
goods than usual
necessary, greater selling impera
Send for a special price circular
Clearing Sale
The entire line of $1.00 flannel and fleece lined waists,
sale price, each .'.
The $L75 and $1.97 flannel waists,
, sale price.
Broadcloth and French flannel waists, assorted sizes and colors, 07
$5.00 values, sale price OOi J I
Black taffeta silk waists, white silk fronts, fancy silk and satin waists, CO 7R
$5.00 goods, each , ..mZi I u
Broken lines of dress and walking skirts, $5.00, and $6.00 goods, one lot CQ 7R
sale price each . . . . $Ui I U
25 extra fine novelty skirts in black, all new styles, no two alike . CQ 7R
each vvil w
Children's heavy winter jackets in fed and blue, sizes 4 to 8 years, C K ft
sale price, each............... ..Uuu
Women's all wool boucle capes HAJj CXFl
Golf, Kersey, crushed or plain plush capes, prices ranging $7.50, $3.50 and p
$9.00, in one lot, for the clearing sale, each ....... . y ti I J
Women's box jackets in covert, black Kersey and rough goods, former C I fl fl ft
prices ranging $15.00, $16.00, $18.00 and $20.00, clearing sale, each. . I UiUU
$10.00 and $12.00 Kersey box jackets,
S10.00 and $12.00 plain and fur trimmed, plain and crushed plush jack- CR 7K
eta, this sale, each v Ji I U
The $1.47, $1.75 and $2.97 wrappers and 2 piece suits in percale, the bal- Q7a
ance of the stock, each O I u
Muffloon and grey Astrachan collarettes, $10.00 to $20.00, collarettes
electric seal with combinations of ether furs, worth tt vi tt in yvT7T?i
$10.00 to $20.00, clearing sale 11 A 1 a H (Ji J?
Linen Department
Pure linen napkins; 22x22 and 24x24
i.uu and $1.20, in one lot for the clearing sale, not more than 1 dozen CO Q7
to a customer, per dozen.
Bed Spreads, our $1.00 and $1.15 goods, hemmed, full size, good weight, 1
to a customer only, each.
Our $1.50 and $1.65, full-sized fringed spreads, splendid weight,
Sale price each ,
Our $2.00 and $2.25 large size, heavy weight, fringed
spreads, each
French Long Cloth, 12 yards in a piece worth
$1.50, sale price
Fancy all linen towels, fringed and hemstitched, worth 60c to 75c.
sale price.
Women's Underwear Clearing
Women's grey ribbed cotton, fleece lined
price, per garment
Women's Florence union suits.heavy ribbed cotton, fleece lined.biue.grey
and ecru, medium and extra sizes, 69c goods, sale price each
Florence union suits, best Egyptian cotton fleece lined, extra weight, 75c
goods, sale price each
Women's "Perfect Fitting" fleece lined union suits,
sale price
Child's ribbed cotton vests and pants,
close this sale, per garment
Odd sizes in children's heavy
woolen underwear at
Black Satin Duchesse, full 24 inches wide, all pure silk, beautiful finish,
90c grade, sale price per yard
Black Peau de Soie, double faced goods, in a soft, durable quality, rich
finish, $1.00 grade, sale price, per yard
Black Taffeta, full27 inches wide, in a rich rustling quality, $1.15 grade,
sale price, per yard
36 inch Black Taffeta, heavy quality, $1.50 grade,
sale price, per yard
sell says In his report that he col
lected from . these penitentiary lands
$600, but seems to have been afraid
to entrust it to a republican state
treasurer, but paid it out, he says, for
postage and other items mentioned in
his report. It is due,- however, to Mr.
Russell to say ihat he is the first
commissioner to make any report of
money received from the handling of
these penitentiary lands, but It is for
Mr. Wolfe, and the reform administra
tion to claim the credit of paying into
the state treasury, where it belongs,
the first and only money (with pos
sibly the exception of less than ten
dollars) that ever came to the com
missioner's office. Will some ex-com-missloner
rise up and tell the people of
Nebraska how much money has been
collected from these sources, and what
became of it, and if none was col
lected, why not, for the law has not
been changed in regard to either one
of these sources of revenue. The par
tisan press has had a good deal to say
of a shortage of 80 cents found against
one of the ex-commissioners by a cer
tain committee, but committees are
only able to get at facts as shown
by the records and when the record is
silent the committee cannot act or
These are not large sums, but
amount to almost half the commis
sioner's salary that he has turned into
the treasury more than any, yes, more
than all his predecessors, and yet
there are those so party-hide-bound as
to say the state officers now retiring
from office have been sham reformers.
Numerous other reforms have been
inaugurated in the commissioner's of
to be disposed of
Wearing Apparel
green and
in., double satin Scotch linen, were $3.75
SI. 19
vests and pants, worth 25c, sale
. 75C
12 1 -2c
fleece lined, worth to 34c, to
TT A "T" T7 "VTT'V
JLJLxv f jjj vJL; X
fice in business methods and Import
ant changes have been made in the
school land law on his recommenda
tions that were greatly needed and
while as we have said he asks no
credit for being honest and doing his
full duty, yet the state owes him at
least what It owes every competent,
faithful and honest officer its "well
done, good and faithful servant," and
we have no doubt it will be given him
and that his work will be more and
more appreciated as the years go by.
For over sixty years Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup has been used by
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cut
ting Teeth? If so send at once and
get a bottle of "Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its
value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no
mistake about-it. It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and bowels,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces Inflammation, and gives tono
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil
dren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of tho
oldest and best female physicians an,
nurses in the United States, and is for
sale by all druggists throughout tbe
world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. B
sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup."