1, December 27, 1900. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. HAY We want to impress upon the readers of the Independent llsat we have the l-t equipped mail order department in America. Our perfect ?y.tem, our gigantic stocks and assortments, ur tremendous bujbes4, and our location, enable us to give you the !et service and to save you time, freight, and money. We will fill order- from any catalogue you may have. We will mail you free sample, prices, or catalogues of any goods you may need. . Write fcr czr e:w Holiday Pri-e list now being issasi All mail orders filled subject to approval. If you have not already done business with us, send us a trial order or writ1 u for catalogue?, etc. Mention the Independent when writing. HAYDEN BROS. WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, OMAHA it rr.- xz as icere&s of 12. .".) tarn tor -rvle In the Philippics, and instead of taricug an array of we shall fca os of 11 2. .. Th Indf j-cdent rail la the brcicxung that this de for aa mcr-a of th amy to 1 ,.' rnn os!d Rot nd there, but it did not thick that the plutocrats mould ucd-rtak to make the increase beyond ihxl joint at this eeioa of rgra- If the supreme court sus tains the idea of conquest, with tfcia in rretM ic the artsy and cavy. we mar all i-T rood-ty to the American re public. The departure from the lines laid down by Washicrton and Jef lron IS! folkjw fat and furious af tr that. That Mcuon i drawn for the pur of if-c I ' '11 1 ortrud t j rr (in tht not to ex- '. rjis in Philippines. The adminMr&tion kuoas th.tt there : no r."r of r-.-;r ri:.g the inlands itb l'-s 'Lss 1 . men in actual wnri-' 'iifr tildes the riraenta that rnunT r main in the United States, ur.d it has taken this method of get i:rz then; The rmsrk made 5n the A&tIaU-d jrc-s report drawing par tirular altectson to the claui restrict ing the number to 1mmV are of th-. character and sent for the same p-jrpo-s-e jls the dispatches wnt out j h the fenatora mere eoing to do to the lh) -Psjncefcte treaty. Pl locrary is in. the saddle. It will not ! iocs before the man on horseback will rorre titles dca Penneylrani? eaue. The Chicago Chronicle fays: "Am fruia Kr!fr;tr in in the Philip ; -r.es not ss a theory, not aa a dream t-t empire sr.d not ae an experiment, h -it as an accomplished fact. Mr. Mc Kinley and congress have to power to abrogate It." And further along It ay: No pref ldent can alienate, no orgr- can giv away or surrender American territory." Nor there is gold bug democratic wisdom. This if not a sovereign na tion. It can't do what other toxer ein nations do. It has its destiny ir revocably fixed by tome outside pow er. I it God or devil or whatever it is, ft hold in its hands the unchange able fortunes of this American people, who every one of them honet!y be lieved, until the Chronicle fpoke. that they were citizens cf a sovereign na tion, having all the powers of any other toverrign. There is no fool Hke gold bug democratic foci, if any one doubt it a'er readlr.;: the Chron icle articli. ! t him take a glaru-e it Ne jik Clf. In writing advertiser mention this papT. WANTED LADIES TO CROCHET fiUer-farc !- tst d t broidrrjr work 1 L.. C'.ij or etmKirj. W rit fur imeu- Vir, JH I.r txro, 4. t L.ru. 111. HUSTLING YOUHG HAN. Hu.tl:r-ir joxirg man can make trO lr u.-ctit and eipne. Permanent j.i.i. Experience unnecessary Writ quirk for particular. Clark Jt tv,-. 4th A I--ut ijt.. ituladelphia. Pa OR. REYNOLDS if re. Tiu rr lO ck, rw-n 17 P. Tele. I L;-e t-Zt. fLie Lonr. 10 a. m. tu 12 u-.: J U Z p. m. Sunday A to IE. rLiniNQ. r:u.t WstchrruKcr, Jeweler & Engraver 1211 O STREET. ! m V au-lte. tlurks. Jiry. Iia m. .irre. 0,.i lwU. t he !. t '. im w. rrrtiB tt scMt 4iuit jixiit. LitmiMDoa !-. &arj;e' Crram toejarator -Pruiit-ab diurjit;. Ir- Louia N. Wnt. denti.t, 07 Smith 11th atrei Provceil block. CAHCER CURED WITH .SOOTHING, BALM Y OILS C J'wT.urrt. K'm. rvU.rwra4 at Mmntimm. AMtmm ats BIK.II smm c Uy . SI. MAIL ORDERS FILLED HARDY'S COLUMN Waiting Room The Oldest and Smallest Republic As Mean as Yankees Our Christmas Mayor Morton's Inconsistency Poor Joe Bartley More Salary Time to Re form State Farm. Waiting rooms in town for country people would be a great improvement In Lincoln. Then sheds for teams and carriages to stand under during the time country people are shopping in town. Why cannot these conveniences be started In Lincoln? There are plenty of vacant lots near enough to the business center. We noticed the other day a short history of the smallest republic in the world. It was the repub. .?" on the top of the Pyrenees between France and Spain. The territory con- siists of one square mile and has one hundred and thirty inhabitants. A president and twelve councilmen are elected and serve without pay. It was established in 1648. The Yankees will not let the China men come to their country neither as missionaries or laborers. Now why not let the Chinamen go one step fur ther and drive the Yankees, mission aries and all out of their country. This is a progressive age and if the heath en gets a step ahead of us who is to blame. Our mayor handed out boxes of ci gars to the employes of the city on Christmas. Why not hand out boxes of rotten eggs and skunk tails to such. How is it that Pound Sterling Mor ton can oppose the ship subsidy bill framed in the Interest of the million aire ship owners and at the same time support the gold standard law, passed in the interest of the millionaire mon ey lenders? If Bryan should oppose the subsidy bill in his first paper Mor ton would flop over for it. One week more, if then Governor Poynter has not pardoned Joe Bartley, he. with the twenty-five thousand, will be left to the tender mercies of the new governor. If Joe would tell whore the money went to he would have more sympathizers. The condi tion the treasury is now in, nearly all the funds invested according to law, it will be a long time before the treasurer will be able to steal a half million. City, county and state treas urers should be subjected to the fol lowing questions: How much money have you received, how much have you paid out and where is the balance It appears that our county officers are not going to be satisfied with their reduction of salaries, deputies and rlerks to correspond with the legal limit in counties numbering less than seventy tho usand population. For ten years they have been running on a stuffed census. The papers state that our new ccunty attorney has a bill prepaied giving himself the same help nis predcceFsor had. That is the way, an oSicer wants help enough to do all the work, leaving himself to only draw his salary and spend it. G ON OVAS r Male ud ccurvof Gor L'aaiuml I1- Salesmen can end profitable, permanent i-utiliou. vsperience unnecessary: par weekly. Western Nursery Co., Bank Bid., Lawrence, Kaas. ancers whJBuf. llliAJ ferpain UrCU and death from cancer? DR. T. O'CONNOR cures cancers, tumors, and wens; no knife, li!nod or r.Iaster. Address 150G O strt I Lincoln, Nebraska. ! When Sick You Want a Home; You Need a Hospital Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital furnishes both. Diseases of women a specialty. All the latest appliances for pelvic and abdominal surgery. 1117 L ST., LINCOLN. NEB. P. O. box 951. 2u T. J. THORP & CO., General Machinists. apairinr of all kinds Modal-makers, ate. 5U. Rubber Stampi. Stencils, Check Etc. joS5o. nth SL, Lincoln, Neb. c 5 t i i - ' ' " ... - . - Election is passed and no candidates up. It seems a good time to sow truth and pull up error. We believe it would . add Interest and influence " to any newspapers to present both sides of current questions. The Atlanta Con stitution never flourishes better than when the two brother editors took op posite sides on the prohibitory amend ment question. There are great wrongs attached to our system of gov ernment. Our motto should be, stand up for justice and condemn wrong even in Nebraska and in our own par ty. The tendency is to cover up the wrong our own party commits or else to sanction and justify them even to the stultification of our own , judg--ment. We nowhere invite any gold standard republican to give us eight or ten hundred words in defence of the present administration on the money question.. We will be glad to publish It in this column. Or if any republi can paper will publish that much against the way the money question has been handled by the republican party wo will write it, without money and without price., We spent an hour at the state farm last week. We saw many things to approve and many to improve. The object of a farm experiment station Is to better the methods of farming through the state. Common farmers cannot adopt the hot-bed or band-box system and make it pay. A profit and not style Is what farmers desire most. It pays to change climate and soil with grains, seeds and grasses. To start with a r.ingle handful of grain from a distant country would not pay. The change should be from a more northern or a more elevated section. Seeds are so small of weight that dis tance costs little. The old grasses seem to hold the prestige yet. AJfalfa may climb to the top, but not yet. Every grain, seed or grass that does crop out should be handed over to farmers at cost price. Timothy, blue joint and the clovers are still on top. Buffalo grass and civilization do not seem to agree. Just turning over its old home brings in new grasses much jnore profitable for either pasture or meadow. Mutton sheep are the most profitable in Nebraska, but the band box method of fattening will not pan out in profit as well as field feeding from the hill. They, are the best grinding and digesting animal in use. The sheep business on the state farm should be confined to breeding and handing out to farmers at cost the best breeds. The same may be said of hogs and yet we believe cross breeds are better than pure blood bred in and in. Perhaps the farmer can put up the cross best by buying first one line and then another. Hogs seem to have a more deadly enemy than any other domestic animal, that of chol era. We would like to se the experi ment tried that of breed up from the peccarv. If the disease is the result of feeding too much dry corn it would of course do no good. In cattle we believe the state farm should breed for milk. We have seer, large dairies in the east, all the descendants of a single cow. Horses should be bred for work and not fast driving. Steam does our fast work. There is one thing the state .farm is entirely . short of , and that is poultry. There is no farm money made more easily than poukiy money. The state should bring to the front the best breeds of hens and hand out the eggs and chickens to the farmers at a price but a little above their eating value. Here again the crossing of breeds seems an improve ment. Hand out the pure bloods and let the farmers do the crossing. News of the Week The Independent remarked last week that the news from South Africa was puzzling. The British generals seemed to have been worse puzzled over De wet's maneouvering than the writer of these columns. Dewet's strategy has been magnificent. There does not seem to have been an equal to him since Na poleon. He wrings unstinted plaudits from the English themselves. A fight near Pretoria and an invasion of Cape Colony both at the same date was what astonished the world. But il seems that Dewet fooled the English generals. He lead them away in a hot chase after himself while his main force was hundreds of miles away making a dash across the Orange riv er. It was a daring piece of business and made possible his own capture. He saved himself aDd his small force by the most gallant cavalry charge in all history. Even the English newspa pers compare it to the most celebrated cavalry charge in their own history that of Balaklava. "It will be unworthy of the British name," says the Times, "to refuse the credit that is due to a feat of arms so brilliant as the unexpected dash back ward of Dewet and his men through, the British lines." But few of the details of Dewet's brilliant maneuvering have reached the public. None at all are allowed to come through the regular channels, but his escape from the encircling British columns shows that it was one of the boldest incidents of the war. When Haasbroek's command joined Dewet December 12, some fifteen miles east of Thaba Nchu, General Knox was only about an hour distant and the Boer situation appeared desperate. But Dewet was equal to the occasion. Dispatching Haasbroek westward, to make a feint at Victoria nek, Dewet prepared to break through the British columns at Springhau nek pass, about four miles of broad, flat, unbroken ground. At the entrance were two for tified posts, while artillery was posted on a hill eastward, watching the Boers. Suddenly a magnificent spectacle was presented. The whole Boer ' army of 2,500 men started at a gallop in open order through the nek. President Steyn.and Peit Fourie led the charge and Dewet brought up the rear. The British guns and rifles boomed and rattled incessantly. The Boers first tried the eastward route, but encoun tering artillery, they diverged and gal loped to the foot of the hill to the westward, where the fire of only a sin gle post was effective. . e whole maneuver was a piece of magnificent daring and its success was, complete, in spite of the loss of a fifteen-pounder and twenty-five prisoners. Not only the half dozen Englishmen who stopped The Independent' because they did not like its position on the Boer war, but Lord Salisbury himself now wishes that he had taken The In dependent's advice and submitted the nlatter to arbitration. There has a great change come over the British public. Last Christmas the Queen was sending chocolate to every private in South Africa, and London "society" was loading down ships with Christ .mas. presents for the -British soldiers" who were fighting for the "honor and glory of the English flag." Now. these soldiers, battered by the hardships of war, thousands 'of ; them in " hospitals and the rest worn to skeletons by long and continuous service, are 'eft with out a thought while "society" goes to the country to spend Christmas and London is deserted. Suffering from fevers, dying of wounds, or maimed for life, Tommy is left:to his fate without a thought by the class that brought op the ' war, while they give themselves up to holiday revels of beer, beef, wine and fair women. What news has leaked through from Cape Town Is to the effect that thou sands of the Afrikanders, heretofore British subjects, are joining the burg ers .from the Transvaal and Orange Free State. Dewet's dash across the Orange river with 3,000 men has aroused all the disloyalty of the Dutch colonists, and the state of affairs - is such that all . the troops that can be spared are being rushed to the front. It is only meagre news that slips through Lord Kitchener's censors, but what does come is significant. The Boers have occupied Colesberg, and the treason court, which has been sit ting there trying the colonists who joined the Boers, has fled from ther6 and gone to Cape Town with all its records. The Colesberg district is seething with anti-British excitement, and the people along the, border line are up in arms, or about to be. There are reports of fighting at var ious points, but since Lord Kitchener'3 dispatch fully confirming the invasion of Cape Colony and expressing the hope, not of capture but only to "drive them north again," not a word has been issued officially as to the sit uation in South Africa. The military authorities in England are straining every nerve tc forward more troops and supplies, and the colonies have been asked again to send more troops. The more supplies that are sent the better Dewet likes -it. He has cap tured enough supply train to feed an army for months in .the last few days and enough Lee-Medford rifles and ammunition to "arm them. This being the state of affairs in South Africa, the .sapient State Jour nal felt called upon to enlighten the mullet heads and this is what it had to say: "The Boers still in the field are precisely on the same plane as belligerents, that, the wandering guer illa bands In Texas and other south western states were operating after the collapse of 'the ;" confederate gov ernment." 'i Mr. W. S. Stead , has just returned from the Hague to London. He s?ys the popular enthusi&Sm lor Kritger is unparalleled since-?lribaldi's visit to London. What Kruger asks is that the governments whicb at the Hague declared their determination to Use their efforts to secure nmicable settle ment of dsprtes by means of media tion and arbitration should make a united effort to bring the verdict of the civilized world to bear on Great Britain. "The English," Mr. Kruger said, "are waging this war in South Africa like savages. They are burn ing homes, destroying farms, cutting tres, devastating fields and creating famine. They are unable to capture Dewet, but they are making prisoners of women and 'children, who are not treated with ordinary decency. Hun dreds of women have been confined in a prison krall near Port Elizabeth with only one chair." Mr. Stead says: "The man on horse back at this moment is not Mr. Kru ger, but is President Steyn. He, De larey and Dewet are masters of the sit uation, having a better disciplined and more effective force than that which followed the flag at the outbreak of the war. They have plenty of ammuni tion and replenish their stores con tinually from the British convoys. They have taken enough Lee-Metford rifles to arm all the burghers now in the field." It is declared that Mr. Kruger's ap peal to the civilized world would be received everywhere with ' unanimous enthusiasm were it not for the deep rooted distrust and jealousy of the dynasties of Hapsburg and Hohenzol lern against the president of a repub lic. If he were a king the courts would have been open everywhere. But the central European monarchs dread the popular enthusiasm excited by the heroic figure of the republican presi dent pleading for justice. Perhaps that is the reason that the Boer en voys got the cold shoulder at Wash ington. If the envoys had been the embassadors of a king, instead of a farmer president, our snobocratic sec retary of state would not have piloted them out on the back porch and told them to view the beautiful scenery. The powers have got far enough along in China to. sign a joint note, DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way . to cure Deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deaf ness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will givo One Hundred Dollars for any case cf Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send, for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY. & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, .75c. Hall's Family Pills7 are the" best.- The Great Mnnua GREATER greater THAN EVER THIS YEAR which is published in another column. That they are any nearer a settlement with China than when they first began does not seem probable. The demands in that note aside from the foolish rot about building monuments to dead men are simply that China shall ab rogate its sovereignty as a nation and turn it over to the powers. If Li Hung Chang signs it, it will mean nothing. The demand is "irrevocable." China will not surrender its sovereignty. Mark that. It may pretend to, but that is all. When a nation gives up its right to arm and defend itself it is no longer a nation. The powers in tend to divide China among them selves and that is all there is in the mind of these diplomats. After wading through fifteen or twenty columns of the evidence given in the West Point hazing investiga tion, The Independent is satisfied that ihere is a sort of brutality allowed there that has a tendency to make brutes out of the caits instead of gentlemen. Nearly all the cadets ac knowledge that they have been in th habit of forcing lower class men to drink peper sauce. Such conduct was instigated by the lowest sort of a de sire to inflict torture, just because they had the power to do it. Prize fighting is one of the regular order of things there. Out of such training as that, men fit to command the armies of a republic can never come. They will be the right sort of chaps to take commissions in the army of plutoc racy which McKinley is determined to establish. The private soldier who serves under such brutes will not have an easy time. The kidnapping of the son of Mr Cudahy at Omaha and the payment of $25,000 as a ransom has excited much comment all over the United States. There are many mysterious things connected with it. The brother of Charley Ross, who was kidnapped some years ago and never returned, in speaking upon the subject said: "Little Charlie's abduction is a sor row which can never be effaced from my mind, and one to which I am no inclined to refer. My father was vig orously opposed to payment of ran som for Charlie's return, as he re garded it as a premium on the life of the child. Later he agreed to the pay ment of a ransom after all other ef forts had failed, but the forced nego tiations ended in naught. I am heart ily in accord with my deceased father's views on the subject. A ransom is a premium on life, and likely to estab lish an iniquitous precedent which might result in sorrow to many fam ilies." There seems to be an epidemic of bank burglaries all over the country. They average from ono to Ave a day. There is also an epidemic of vice of the foulest soit. Nearly every large city in the United States and in Eu rope as well is rotten to the very core. The people are bewailing the condition of morals. When libertines have the best seats in the churches and the rich endow the pulpits, when gamblers on the boards of trade are accepted as members in full standing by the most exclusive eccliastical . organiza tions, nothing less than a general de moralization could be expected. It will not be remedied by police methods. The very latest specials from Lon don say that something very serious is happening to the British in South Africa. Lord Kitchener has complete ly shut off the news, serious cabinet meetings and numerous portentous conferences are taking place at the war office, while reinforcements of cav alry and irregular troops are being hurried out "with air possible speed. There is growing discontent among the volunteer troops now in South Af rica, and asop has been offered to them in the form of increased pay and mul tiplying the time credited to them. The imperial yeomanry are clamoring to come home. They went out for a year, and saw the pampered favorites of the household cavalry and the city imperial volunteers relieved, whila they have been given the nastiest work of the whole campaign. -The government now offers to pay them $1.25 a day if they stay. This is an increase on their present pay of 23 cents. The colonials . are . demanding to be returned. This in the face of great Boer activity. ' r " January From tKe -fact that a bacliward sea son Has left m ore g; op ds than usual to be disposed pf, has made profit sacrifices ?iiecessary-" greater selling imperative.! The Sale begins on and its our ) intention to; make it the most important clearing sale we've ever had. '''0M- Come to the store if Jyoix can If you can't, send your name for a spe cial circular. ' RAINMAKERS European Experiments Show That Storm Can be Controlled and Hail Pre . Wen ted. : The practice of "shooting at the clouds" with cannon or other special ly constructed contrivances for th purpose of dispelling threatened hail storms is rapidly changing from th odd to the commonplace throughout Europe. In continental newspapers one reads at present of the systematic use of artificial storm destroyers in almost every country where agricul ture forms the chief mainstay of pros perity. In many parts of France, Italy. Germany and Austria, the custom has grown ; so extensively that it often forms an official - department of the municipality. In such cases, with the assistance of .the neighboring land owners and farmers thorough systems have been devised, jiritil the elements have become so firmly harnessed that it is almost" impossible for them to in flict injury or destruction to crops. Indeed, so widespread is the public interest in this, valuable aid to agri culture at present that the leading agricultural.', societies; have taken up the project, with a view to contribut-. ing to the means already employed the results of their minute investiga tions. In . Vienna recently a con gress of the members of the Meteor ological Institute was called, at which the various methods of rfloud shooting were exhaustively discussed and many new experiments were inspired, which cannot fail to be of great benefit to the farmers in the districts peculiarly susceptible to the ravages of hail storms. From the report of the proceeding? of this congress, it seems that the idea of averting storms by means of can non shots is not ar hew one in Austria. It was first introduced during the reign of Empress Maria Theresa, who issued a decree prohibiting the use of can non by the peasantry shortly after the adoption of the practice. In time, however, this decree was overruled, and in the year 1896, the burgomaster of Windish-Feistritz, in Styria, again introduced the method In Austria, sub stituting in place of the ordinary can non a new weapon; ' .This consisted of a funnel shapea barrel, of sheet iron 6 feet long and 79 centimeters (26.8 inches) in diameter at the muzzle and 20 centimeters (7.8 inches) at the base. The idea of the ; broad muzzle was to distribute the discharge over greater space and thus to increase the effect. So successful were the results attained by the burgomaster's experi ments that in ,:897 the municipality of Windish-Feistritz counted no less than thirty shooting stations; since when VICTOR INCUBATOR Is Practical. Th IMPROVED VIC TOR INCUBATOR hatches all the fertile egfrsiii simple, dnrible, ' ua easily operaiea. - lSSpafecataktgmeontafo- teg complete information and thousands of testimonials eat Area lit addrMsinc Cee. Ertel Cotapaay, Qalaey, I1L FREE ELECTRIC CELT OFFER HTEH DAY'S FKfCWEARINO !IAL in your own home, we tori Ornish the trenuine and only HEIDKLBIRU ALTERS! ISeCtUKK9iTlllJtClRICBKt.lt to any reader of this paper. HesMaey la adraaeai -wry loir .eaatiaMimsa-aaraalea. CBITS AIM ACT MTyiH mnnutd with most all other treatments. Ceres wfcea all ether else, trie belts, eeellaeees mm rmedies fsfL fJUICa CURE tor more than 50 aU merits. ONLTbCKK CURE for all nervous diseases, weakneesee end -disorders. For complete sealed confidential eat elocpie, eat this ad set aad stall teas. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.. Chicago. HIDES. S. J. DOBSON & Co., Successors to Dobson & Landfren, Dealers in BIDES, FURS, TALLOW AND WOOL 920 R St., I.INCOI-X, NEB. We want anything in oar line lerg-e or small lots. Wj paj the highest market price. Woempener's Drug STORE DRUGS,PAIHTS,OILS,GLASS A full line of Perfumes and Toilet Goods. 1 39 South 1 Oth St., Betvrasn 0 Lincoln, Neb. Cieljhi Sale. Wednesday, Jan. 2d, ' I irrffr & Nebraska there have.beeh.no hail storms what ever in that locality. Nowhere hdwever, has cloud shoot ing found such general usage as in the vicinity of Venice, , Lombardy and Piedmont, ; djstf lets that formerly euf f ered . f earf iiliy from . the ' destructlve nesa of hall storms.: During the sum mer of last year there were at lease 2,000 statloha,, .rbullt on the plan of those constructed in Styria. At a con gress held 'a short time ago in Casala Mouferrato it, was found that in num erous localities where shooting sta tions ' had Hot- been introduced, . hall storms were ; still of frequent occur rence, causing : immense damage to crops and property, wherfas the dis tricts protected by artificial means were 'entirely; - free from , los3 from such, causes. Scientific Ameri can. . Kruger Not a Fugitive When MrvKrtiger arrived in Amster dam he was met at the railroad station by the municipal and communal au thorities. ' Speeches were exchanged in the royal ' waiting room. A bouquet was presented 'to Mr. Kruger, whoso every " appearance was a signal for. rounds of i applause. - .:.- Very .large, crowds of people lined the route to the town hall, where the burgomaster made a speech in which he said he hoped Mr. Kruger would succeed in his efforts to secure honor able peace; ! Mr. Kruger, in the course of his 'reply, 'Isald: "In 1884 w$; obtained out indepen dence, but that honorable action has been obliterated. The invaders , are ten against-one, . but we await the day when God will,; make known his will, I have not coine.as a fugitive, but by the order of my; government, with the object of terminating a war in which the British, employ soldiers against us who outrage and murder women and children.", ' It is said that over 6,000 burghers under DeWet and other commanders at different places bfv ' Colony, and all' England fears a gen eral uprising. Of. the Dutch in that col ony. , . . A Government Work As the scheme of irrigation like that of transportation covers many states, it properly belongs to the federal gov ernment. -Here is a million square miles of territory lying wholly un touched for the" want of moisture. When we remember the fact that less than 500,00 square miles of . arable land produce all our grain, hay, cot ton, sugar and - vegetables, the Impor tance of the reclaiming of this vast territory appears In its true light. -St. Paul Globe.- ' 1 Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup furnishes most substantial comfort and relief to consumptives; it works most remarkable cures. Dou't detpair. Belief can certainly be had; a cure is possible with this wonderful remedy. $n.75 niii&iiuS1 lld Oak, Coldee !! Hooker. Bat- isiactioa guaranteed. Other furniture equally low. - You eaa tret eTerythin; for the bouse-and farm from "The Bouse that Bares Ton Money." Big Catalogue FK EE. ! Beaa Tot is to-oa rvffoe onr other adtln this Mutr. WESTERN MERCANTILE COMPANY, i DetrtAcaf S Omaba, Nek. ' INCUBATORS -and -BROODERS From $4.00 np.' Frst-clasain every re spect, end fully guaranteed. Large Cata logue free. :v y . , - T he Mp nitor Co. Box M, Mood us, Conn. - OPTICAL. GOODS. The Western; Optical and Electrical Co., located at 131 North 11th street, la composed of old citizens and thorough ly acquainted with the business, hav ing fitted , eyes ' for twenty-five years. Certainly they.;ought to be competont to do r good work. They are perma nently located with us and that means much to the purchaser of eye glasues and spectacles. t ;Estray Notice Taken uprOnebay horse, about 14 years ' old.weignt 1,000 lbs; one gray mare, ". abqu)t"'!4-. years old, weight 1,000 lbs.1 Owner cib., have same by calling at the. farm, of -Wm. Werger, Martel, Neb., and;!, paying feed charges and costs.pt recording, and for the publija tlon of this notice. Wm. Werger, Mir tel. Neb. - . . -