The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 27, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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December 27, 1900
Zht Rebraska Indtptndtnt
Llmcelm, Htbrsska
FRESSE ELDG-. corer dth and n sts
Elstrtth Year . -PrsLUHio
Evrr Thcmdat
Wbc avekiag reuite do bo 1mt
so&y with agtia, ptaif. eta.,
t fornlod by Um. TW freqoeaUy
target of rastt different amount tka was
lft wilk tm, a4 tk aabeeribe fails to gt
ffr ereaii.
AodreM all sMwirttiu. aad make all
Aral u- aMy "Wa. te-. iy iU to
CJfr tltbraska lwdtpndtnt, "
Lincoln, tleb .
Asoxysoa roBBBBtrtt!:! will not be no-td-
Brtd aoaaerista will aot b re
Whit to do mith oar x-presldents
hu became a cabinet question since
Benjamin Harrison made bis famous
speech on Porto Rican tariffs and
PuMlipplae subjugation.
It la jood to rely upon your own
opinion, but It U vastly better to do
your own thinking- So very few men
do their own thinking that they are
cot hard to count in any community.
The republicans belles Mark Hanca
and TVall atreet can do their thinking
for the a much better than they can
do It for themselves.
Thl nation has more than once been
surrounded by perils which affrighted
the most courageous men, and we have
escaped frcra those perils and guided
the ship of state into seas of peace and
harbors of prosperity- If the supreme
court will only be guided by the wis
dom that has been our salvation in the
past, we shall escape the maelstrom
for which McKinley has been heading
for the last fire years.
t"p to and including November 13
there had teen issued by the treas
ury department of the new
'Mrty years two per cent bonds, for
tie benefit of the national banks.
Thirty years more of debt and Inter
est paying tor the benefit of the bank
ers, but then that was part of the
"money scheme. Seven million of
voters said that they wanted it and
they got it with seveial other frill
thrown in.
A cablegram from Cork savs that
the English troops that had been or
dered to South Africa had to be dis
' s red and driven aboard the troop
t h!r at the point of the bayonet, while
I the ship was delayed for more than an
hour because another lot was drunk
and carousing around Queenstown.
The dispatch says: They were final
ly collected by the police and forcibly
put aboard." When a nation carries
on a war where the soldiers that do
the fighting act in that manner, there
must be something wrong. English
men have never been accused of cow
ardice when fighting in a good cause,
but when the Anglo-Saxon is lined up
to die for capitalists axd fight against
liberty, the case is different. It is
' claimed that there will be no difficulty
la enlisting 100.000 men In this coun
try to fight the Filipinos. But we
shall see.
The Chicago Record, while it has
some good features. Is the strangest
made-up paper in the country. Its
editorial matter appears In the first
coiuma cf the first page, generally car
ried over onto some other page and
always over tre signature of the most
efficient - liar that this country ever
produced. What appears on the page
designated as editorial comes the
searest to being a string of meaning
less word, with a rare exception now
and then, that was ever printed in any
newspaper. The other day it gravely
announced that the price of silver was
I "about 0 cents an ounce." If the
writer had glanced at the commercial
columns of the Record at any time
during the last year he would have
knows better. In the same paper in
j which the editorial appeared, silver
? certificates were quoted at 3 and bar
silver at C4. With the increased coin
age of silver, under the McKinley ad
ministration, the price of the metal
has been gradually riling, just as the
pops said It would.
Both the house and senate engage in
the most transparent fakes and they
are becoming very frequent of late
years. A while ago Several hundred
CwJy dres-d ladies of the W. C. T. U.
filled up the galleries of the house
when the army bill was on its passage.
With the temperance ladies looking
down oa them, the members, brewers
and all. promptly and by an almost
unanimous vote passed an amendment
prohibiting the army canteen. The
ladies were of course delighted. The
bill went over to the senate and the
committee oa military affairs prompt
ly knocked the amendment out
it goes back to the house, that body
will as promptly and unanimously
sanction vest the senate has done as
it put the amendment In. It was all a
pure fake. Just like the dispatches sent
out during the discussion of the'Hay
Ia.ucctfote treaty.
Here are the official figures for the
coinage in the month of October. Show
it to your republican neighbor. Make
a big blue mark around that total
coinage of silver. Point out to him
that II Is more than twice as much s
was ever coined in one month under,
cither the Bland act or the Sherman
act. Ask him what he thinks now of
the cry that the republican leaders
raised In 1896? Ask hira if they didn't
say at that time that the coirage of sil
ver must be stopped or blue ruin
would submerge the country? Ask him
what he really thinks of this pop plan
of coining more than $4,000,000 a
month of silver? Ask him if he still
believes that the coining of silver
means repudiation, cutting of wages
and reducing the deposits of the poor
in the savings banks? Ask him to tell
in tha light of these figures what be
really thinks about "sound money"
anyhow? You need not stop with tha
questions Indicated, but go on poping
them to him for ten hours and after
a night's rest go back and try him
again for a few hours more. After
a few days of that kind of treatment
you may be able to make aim see what
an ass he made of himself when he
went around shouting that the coin
age of silver must be stopped, and
talking about "sound money." You
can take other copies of The Indepen
dent and show him from the official
figures that McKinley has been at this
same sort cf business coining silver
by the ton for many months, and
then you can ask him whether he
thinks after all that if it was the be
nign influence of the administration
that made times better or the adoption
of the pop policy of coining of silver?
Ask what he now thinks of the con
stant assertion made during the cam
paign that if .Bryan were elected he
would go to coining silver, and if ht
did, waves of destruction, mountain
high, would roll over the land?
Coinage executed at the mints of
the United States during October, 1900,
was as follows:
Denominations. Pieces. Value.
Double eagles 256,000 $5,120,000
Silver dollars 3,002,000 3,002,000
Half dollars 1,326,000 663,000
Quarter dollars... 1,620,000 405,000
Dimes 780,000 78,000
Total silver
Five-cent nickels.
One-cent bronze..
6,728,000 $4,148,000
3,680,000 184,000
5,661,000 56,610
9,341,000 $ 240,610
Total coinage.. 16,325,000 $9,508,610
When partisan Insanity becomes as
prevalent as It was in the last cam
paign, it really endangers the exist
ence of civilized society The blind
adherence to party bosses, whose dic
tates drive men who deem themselves
possessed of ordinary moral attributes
to support slavery and polygamy, and
defend the action of a president who
puts polygamlsts on the pay roll of
pensioners, as McKinley did when he
thus enrolled the Sultan of Sulu and
his chiefs, shows a moral degradation
so low and vile that it i3 hard to see
how civilized society and the Christian
religion is to be preserved. Bishop
Potter's startling words Indicate that
he begins to see the danger that The
Independent has long pointed out. A
few ladies . met in Philadelphia the
other day, who also seem to be fright
ened. They call attention to the fact
that polygamlsts have the controlling
vote in five states of the union and
they are gaining footholds in others.
They may well be frightened.
All this has come about by the wor
ship of Mammon. Commercial inter
ests demanded and secured the treaty
with the Sultan of Sulu and the in
dorsement of polygamy. The greed for
gain sent Perry Heath to Salt Lake
City to make a deal with the AiOrmons
very much as General Bates was sent
to the Sulu islands on the same sort
of a mission. The old standards of
morality went by the board with the
Declaration of Independence. New
standards have taken their place and
a new god is worshipped. It is a real,
substantial sort of gol and looks
something like this:
$$ $$
:$ $$
$$ n
s$ $$
$$ $$
is t
$??$ $m$
There are things in the present econ
omic conditions that puzzles the best
economists. There has been a very
i large increase in the volume of money
and the result that has always fol
lowed has been an increase in the gen
eral level of prices. Heretofore among
the first of human products to respond
to an Increase in the money supply
has been the great fundamental crops
the real source of all wealth like
corn, wheat, cattle and hay. While
manufactured products have Increased
50 and 100 per cent, and in some cases
more than that, the price of farm
products have risen but little. With
the present amount of money in circu
lation wheat should be worth a dollar
a bushel and corn 50 cents.
The Independent has endeavored to
get the opinion of several economists
of authority on this subject. None of
them are prepared to say to the public
just at present what the reason is, but
all of. them have the same opinion, al
though they have not obtained all the
facts which they deem necessary to
sustain the opinion before they speak
They all believe that there is some
where a great ; secret combination,
which by methods not yet fully known,
s able to control the prices of these
great fundamental crops. Some of
them believe that they will in the near
future be able to expose these methods
so completely and with such proof as
will put the matter in so clear a light
that there will be no opportunity for
further dispute.
All the economists are of the opinion
that the phenomenal rise in many
manufactured products a rise that
goes far beyond any result that could
be secured by the increase in the vol
ume of money is the result of trusts,
which are monopolies controlling both
the amount produced and the price at
which it is sold. There can be no ques
tion that a rise like that in the price of
salt is a result of a monopoly, which
if the old common law were enforced,
would not be allowed to exist for a
day. It seems that the common law,
as expounded by Kent and Blackstone,
has gone by the board along with the
Declaration of Independence and other
things which have been held sacred by
the people of this country ever since
we had a country.
The system that is now everywhere
operative whatever may be the power
behind the throne that keeps it In
force- -i a system that adds to the ac
cumulations of the billionaires, whily
it robs the farmers and laborers of
their rightful share of the wealth they
create. Part of it is the over-capitalization
of everything from railroads to
the manufacturing of a match. One
thing is certain that if natural laws
of trade were not in some way inter
fered with, wheat wouiu be worth a
dollar' a bushel and corn 50 cents. The
producers of these crops are entitled
to those prices and they would re
ceive them if it were not for the arbi
trary interference of the money power.
Whatever less the farmers receive,
they are robbed of, just as much as if
they were held up on the highway.
A majority must prevail. There is
no other way of working a free gov
eenment, but the existence of a minor
ity implies that there are many who
believe the majority to be wrong. The
result of an election does not imply
that the minority must abandon its
views. It is the duty of the minority
to restate its views, reorganize and
strive to prevail. If a man honestly
believes in his cause, he feels no dif
ferent toward it than he did before he
was defeated. Every time an admin
istration is overthrown the former mi
nority prevails. Nevertheless the ma
jority must always rule. Factious op
position is not wise, but an opposition
that votes its convictions and tries to
Impress them upon the public is no
less patriotic than the majority. Af ter
years, it very often proves to be
much more patriotic. Those who
fought human slavery were in the mi
nority for many years a far smaller
minority than those who have fought
plutocracy for the last ten years. Plu
tocracy is a greater menace to this re
public than slavery ever was. Slavery
never claimed the imperial powers
that Attorney General Griggs asserted
in the supreme court the other day.
Slavery was bad very bad, but plu
tocracy and the claim of imperial pow
ers outride of the constitution are
Mark Ilanna has secured the ser
vices of all the bankers magazines
and financial papers of Wall street
and vicinity in the advocacy of his
subsidy bill. The propositions that
they put forth in support of the meas
ure, besides being fundamentally
wrong, are ridiculous. When this na
tion is manufacturing locomotives,
steel bridges and scores of other like
articles which the manufacturers are
able to sell all over the world by un
derbidding the foreigner, it is ridic
ulous to say that they cannot build
ships also as cheap as the Europeans.
What the matter is with our merchant
marine is not the want of subsidies,
but a renovation of our antiquated
navigation laws and prohibitive tar
iffs. The Hanna bill is nothing, but a
steal for the benefit of a fast ocean
steamship line in which a few mil
lionaires are interested. He will get
his boodle. There is not much doubt
about that. If we had ever so many
ships, they could never be manned by
American sailors, until some of the
laws affecting seamen are repealed.
Americans, except the very lowest
class, would never submit to the treat
ment that is accorded to the common
sailor under our present system.
Patronize our advertisers.
, . .-THS9 GLASS TRUST. ; ' ; -:
The Philadelphia Record says: "The
extortions of the glass trust have Tse
come so. unbearable under the' cover
of the high duties imposed by the tar
iff upon imported glass that the deal
ers tn paints and glass have beer
driven Into open revolt. "There is no
remedy for consumers except to drive
the trust from under its tariff shelter.
The dealers know precisely, what
pinches them, and they have resolved
to carry their grievance to the door
of congress." . - -
It' will do little good to appeal to
congress.. Before the glass trust put
up its campaign contribution it se
cured itself from assault along that
line. Of course there can be no rea
sonable excuse made for not lowering
the tariff on glass., but an unreasonable
ono will do just as well. The question
of revenue does not come into the mat
ter. Not one cent goes into the treas
ury now from a tariff on glass. The
duty is prohibitive and no glass, to
speak of is Imported. The tariff is
simply for the, benefit of the glass
trust and of the republican party from
the contributions it gets for having
enacted the law. There is no econ
omic question connected with it. It is
a little arrangement made between
McKinley, Mark Hanna and the trust
owners, whereby the parties of the
first part agree that they will impose
a tariff on glass and the parties of tho
second part agree to turn over a cer
tain part of the money which that
tariff enables '- them to filch from the
pockets of the people to help buy vot
ers to keep the republican party in
The American Banker is publishing
a serial form of work on political econ
omy, by Albert S. Boles, "Lecturer on
banking in the university of Penn
sylvania," This is a new kind of po
litical economy something never
heard of by such men as Adam Smith,
John Stuart Mill, Ricardo or any other
economist known as an authority.
Boles should go to school for a while,
(really he ought to begin in the third
grade of the common school), then af
ter a few years he could perhaps learn
a few definitions of the terms common
ly used. Here is a sample of his wis
dom: "Silver certificates, therefore, cr the
silver they represent, may be regarded
as a mixed form of currency, consist
ing partly of faith and partly of in
trinsic value. At the present time sil
ver dollars contain in intrinsic valu
about 50 cents, yet they circulate read
ily at their nominal value, for the
reason that the government is willing
to redeem them at their face value in
Think of such ar combination as
"faith in intrinsic value!" He must
have dreamed out that mixture after
he had dined on minced pie and lob
ster salad. It appears that the New
York bankers believe in it. They must
have the sort of faith that removes
mountains for no financial patient
could be induced to swallow such a
dose who had a faith of less heroic
kind. According to' Secretary Carlisle
and all the other secretaries of the
treasury who have spoken on the sub
ject, silver dollars are standard money
of the United States and are not re
deemable. They are at par with gold
because they are a legal tender for
debts, public and private unless oth
erwise specified in the contract, and
not because they contain any mixture
of "faith" or "intrinsic" value. That
is tho strangest concoction ever yet
offered to the mullet heads. But they
will all take it and swear that it is
sound medicine.
A silver certificate is simply the
equivalent of a silver dollar and is
sued in place of a dollar which the
government will hand over on demand.
Boles couldn't have been talking about
"intrinsic" value in the paper certifi
cate. We give him credit for having
that much sense. It is the silver dol
lar that contains "faith" and "intrin
sic" value.
When we fought the fight in 1896,
this nation was a debtor nation. The
tremendous output of the mines of
coal, iron, copper, silver and gold,
added to the wealth produced by sev
eral years of good crops on the farms,
has gone a lor.g way toward changing
the conditions that then existed. The
excess of exports has ben used to pay
foreign debts and if the crops continue
good and the miues produce as in the
past for a few years, this nation will
no longer be a debtor nation. While
we were in a condition of a debtor na
tion, it was to the interest of our Eu
ropean creditors to demonetize silver
and make money dear, so that the
evidences of debt which they held
against us would be the more valuable.
The Wall street gang of tory traitors
did all that they could to help our
commercial enemies and the American
mullet heads followed in droves o
f A
Now there is a change coming over
the spirit of the dreams of these for
eign financiers. They beheld with dis
may the prospect of the United States
becoming a creditor nation, which will
place them on the other side of the
market. The prospect now is that
several of those European nations will
be demanding the free 'coinage of sil
ver; with louder shouts than ever a
long-haired,' wild and woolly "pop In
dulged in. : They are "skilful manipula
tors. They are beginning, their clam
or with a talk about the rise in the
price of silver and to prophesy that
the time Is near at hard when "silver
will be at a. parity." . .
They now say that the great output
of gold has cheapened that metal a
thing that they denied, in 18?6; Then
they said that gold had ah "intrinsic"
value that .-never; changed. The y say
that there is a great demand in China
and India for silver. "When we saia
that four years ago they declared that
we were lunatics. They say that they
made an attempt; to introducethe gold
standard in India and it failed because
the people there , would not use gold
for money and demanded - silver or
they would have : nothing. When we
told them that, at the time they were
wrecking business, establishing soup
houses and making millionaires, they
said that we were repudiators and
anarchists. - ;
Germany was one of the most per
sistent advocates of the gold standard.
She went into it on account of a de
sire for -revenge upon France. She
had forced France to pay her; an en
ormous sum as war indemnity, and
she wanted it in "money of the great
est purchasing power." So she went
in for the gold standard. Now Ger
many is in sore straights. Three of
her largest banks recently failed. Th i
minister of finance made a speech in
the Reichstag and told that body that
the people of Germany might expect
some years of hard times. The Ger
man and Belgian economists have al
ways been ardent bimetallists and
some of them have been saying to the
finance minister, "We told jyou so."
In a letter to the editor of the Inde
pendent, an English economist of the
highest authority, asserts his belief
that within three years two or three
European nations will be demanding
the free coinage of silver, not at the
ratio of 16 to 1, but at the ratio of
15 to 1. That will be worse than
any demand that the populists have
ever made. He says that the big finan
cial men are as fast as possible chang
ing their investments from national
bonds into industrials. He believes
that bonds of most European nations
will fall far below par m the near fu
ture. They will be unloaded upon the
unsuspecting lambs. If such a change
as that is made to any extent, it will
throw the money power to the other
side of the financial question. In the
opinion of The Independent it can only
succeed if the trust system is made
permanent. If the trust system is to
stand the "financiers" will have a new
grip on the world, and it will be more
powerful than the old one.
When the English go into txcessive
glorification, get up a . drunken satur
i aj?"a lasting twenty-four . uours over
the defeat of the Boers, do they ever
stop to think what the historians will
If John Li. Sullivan had jumped upon
a small boy, hammered him into in
sensibility and then had gone on a
drunk for twenty-four hours bragging
about it, what would these English
men say about it? That is a parallel
case to their own. The British have
had 200,000 men fighting 30,000, ant.
have gained some, victories. If they
finally succeed, will it add anything
to their military glory? There is no
more glory to be got out of it than
there is for Americans fighting Fili
pinos. There is no glory for the Anglo-Saxon
fighting for conquest
against men who are willing to die
for independence, either in South Afri
ca or the Philippines. We crowner
the heroes, whether on land or sea.
who fought for liberty against Spain
with laurels. Those who have come
home from the Philippines, though
they were just as brave and sufferer,
more, have received but few plaudits
Prof. Bryce in his American Com
monwealth says: "A majority is tyran
ical when it cuts short the discussion
needed to give the minority a fair
chance of convicting the majority that
it is wrong." That was written be
fore the Reed rules were adopted by a
tyranical majority in the house, but
since that time the republican major
ity not only "cuts short the discus
sion," but it absolutely refusess to dis
cuss public questions at all. That has
been its settled policy for tha last six
years and more or less for the last ten
years. These tyranical republicans not
only refuse to discuss, but if one of the
minority tries to reason with them,
they antwer back with the vilest
epithets. A statement made . by a
member of the minority which has to
support it the well considered opinion
of every economist of authority in the
whole world, is. met by them with the
insulting remark: "You are a luna
tic; you rre an anarchist, you are a
socialist. Bimetallism, which had
the backing of the scholarship of the
whole world, was called by them "that
silver lunacy." What further remarks
Prof. Bryce- would have felt called
upon to make if lie had written a few
years later about the tyranny of ma
jorities, it is impossible to conjecture.
Even at that time he looked upon it as
a serious threat to free government.
Our advertisers are reliable.
FRANK IAMS returned from Franca, Oct. 20, 1900, with larokbt importation of tal
lions to Nebraska in 19UX Only man in United States that imported ALL black stallIoks
He imported.
28 -Black Percherons28
They are the "town talk."- The people throng his barns and bubble over with theso com-
Fliments, The most and larjrest black stallions I erer saw." "Every one a winner," The oe;fc
imi erer imported," "Bat lams always has the largest and finest horses," "Won t hare 0011,"
VHis horses always win at state fairs.'' He has on hand
100 Black Perctiarons, Shires, Glydss and Coachers -100
They are two to fire years old, weight
1.600 16 2,400. lams has mere black stal
lions, more ton and big stallions, more
cracker-jacks, more tops, gorernmeut
approved, royal bred stallions, than all
iMFOftTSBS or Nebraska. lams speak s -French
and German; needs no inter
preter) knows the - breeders in perch -
coCNtT. This, with twenty-five years
experience, saves him $300 on each stal
lion, and he selects' only the very best
individuals. Has no salesman saves
you middlemen's profit. Guarantees to
show yon more ton black Percheron stal
lions than all importers of Nebraska, or
pay fare and $20.
Don't bb a clam Write Ims.
There is no way to get full value for your produce except by shipping direct to market. The
fewer hands the products of the farm passes througa before reaching the consumer tue more
profit there is for the producer.
We Distribute Direct to the Consumer.
We receive and sell
TOKS. SEEI; BROOM COKN, l'OP cohn, beans, hay chain, ukjccn and
Of all kinds, or anythi
return for nil shipments,
money for your product th
Wa , paIibKIa anil rAennncif
for 27 years. Write us for prices, shipping tags
ng you may have to dispoe of. We guarantee prompt sates and quick
Ref. Produce Exchange Bank, Chicago, and
The Independent has received sev
eral inquiries from farmers about tho
oleomargarine bill that was recently
before the house. Nearly all of them
take the same view of the matter.
They want no special legislation, no
exclusive privileges conferred upon
them by law. They will stand by their
principles, live or die. One man says
he believes that the passage of the bill
is for the purpose of laying the foun
dation for a creamery trust.
That the manufacturers of oleomar
garine have been engaged in swin
dling the people, no one doubts, and
those who have been - swindled have
been for the most part the poorest of
the people. They fix up tallow so as
to look like butter and sell it at a
profit of 500 per cent.
On the other hand there are many
thousands of working people, who in
these times of McKinley prosperity,
cannot afford to buy genuine butter.
That being the case, this butterine, as
they call it, makes a very fair sub
stitute. Butterine is a farm product just as
much as butter. If its manufacture is
prohibited, it will effect the price of
fat cattle. It is well known that the
best dairies use coloring matter. To
prevent manufacturers of butterine
from coloring their product, and allow
tho dairies to color theirs, looks to a
pop like unjust discrimination between
two sets of men who should be equal
before the law.
It is perfectly easy to draft a law
that will prevent fraud in the manu
facture and sale of butterine. It
should be sold for what it is. If poor
people, want to buy it they should be
allowed to do so. If put upon the mar
ket as butterine and sold for what it
really is, the meat trust could not
swindle the poor people out of thou
sands of dollars every year as they
have been doing in the past. Butter
ine should be sold for four or five
cents a pound."
Those interested in dairies say that
that would ruin their business. Peo
ple would not buy butter at 20 and 2o
cents a pound when they could get
butterine for five cents. They want
"protection" for their business. They
say every other kind of business has
"protection" except the farming busi
ness. There is a good deal in that
argument if we are to favor "protec
tion" at all. The farmer sells every
thing that he has to sell in a free
trade market and buys everything that
he has to buy in a highly 'protected"
market. The farmers who have dair
ies want a little slice of that "protec
tion" that has been sc liberally dis
pensed to the manufacturers. They
think that they can get it by killing
the manufacture of butterine. From
the republican standpoint that is all
right, but to a pop there seems to be
something wrong with It.
The Independent says: Pass a but
terine law that will make the million
aires of the packing houses sell their
product for what it really is. Congress
can do it if it wants to. Put a rea
sonable tax on it. The millionaires
will have to pay the tax and not tho
consumer, if the stuff is scld for what
it is. The dairies will also be able to
sell their butter at remunerative
INCREASE in money
Last week The Independent gave the.
output of gold. This week it gives the
increase in the circulation for the last
year. In reading the report It should
h borne in mind ; that silver eertlfl-
I cates arc to all intent and purpose sil
St. Paul, Howard Co.,
Nebraska, on B. Jfc M.
and Union Pacific Ry.
or acy information you may wa . t.
this paper,
198 S. Water St., Chicago.
ver dollars, and the silver, is as much
in circulation as if the actual sllvf-r
dollars were . in use. All. classes of
people prefer paper money to metallic
money, and it is for the convenience of
the people that the silver is stored and
the certificates issued. This report
ends with November 30. It will be seen
that the total Increase in the circula
tion of silver up to that time certifi
cates and dollars was .more than tw o
million a month for the whole year.
That is, McKinley has gone the Sher
man act, which he said must be re
pealed or destruction would visit the
land, $4,5S2,335 better.
The tables printed last week, and
they are all official, together with
those to be found in this week's Issue,
will place in the hands of the readers
of The Independent many facts with
which they can defend their principles.
If the republicans co'me around sneer
ing about sixteen to one, you can make
their lives miserable for them until
they repent. It will be a good idea to
call their attention also to the fact
that the increase of the national bank
notes, up to November 30, was $86,
038,065. That was a clean gift to the
national banks of eighty-six millions.
You might ask them how they like
Incircul'fn Incircul't'n
Nov. 1, '99. Nov. 1. '00.
Gold coin..$
Standard .
silver dol.
Gold cer...
Silver cer..
Treas. notes
act July 14,
U. S. notes.
Cur'ncy cer
tifier's, act
June 8, '72
634,650,733 $ 621 ,761,2f.:j
Nat. . bank
notes 230,067,193
Totals ..$1,963,716,148 $2,139,181,412
Net incr 175,465,264
The house bill to Increase the stand
ing army has been reported back to
the senate from its committee on mili
tary affairs. The bill is changed in
many particulars all in the interer.t
of plutocracy. The old artillery ar
rangement is restored with its regi
mental formation and useless colonels,
lieutenant colonels and regimental
staff, but the milk in the cocoanut is
in the last paragraph which reads as
"That, when in his opinion, the con
ditions in the Philippine islands jus
tify such action, the president is au
thorized to enlist natives of the isl
ands for service in the army, to be or
ganized as scouts, with such officers
as he shall deem necessary for the
proper control, or as troops or com
panies as authorized by this act, for
the regular army. The president is
further authorized in his discretion to
form companies, organized from com
panies of the regular army, in squad
rons or battalions, with officers and
non-commissioned' officers coi respond
ing to similar organizations in the
cavalry and infantry arms. The total
frumber of enlisted men in said native
organizations shall not exceed 12,000
and the total enlisted force of this
army, together with such native fores,
shall not exceed at any time 100,000."
1 The field officers of the native troops
are all to be Americans for the pres
ent, but whenever the Filipinos show
fitness for command , the. president is
authorized to make provisional selec
tions from among them for the-grades
of tflrst and second lieutenants.
Now Ufthati means anything at ;all
fe lt 1
lEV ig-a '7. 'A 4AElJ
alofull market price anrt lull weieit;weguaranioe 10 gestvinxiru
an you can got at home. One phipment will convince you of this fact
vnn run no risk in suiDDinarto us: nave ooen estaonsne i nero
1 . f il