THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT Docember 20,1900 LET KEB3ASKA LEAD Is m Hsvosv rwlM Tin VTU1 rw and ao Msrs YsJst A.ttuajt a.t Mltlmg OU as4 CTa4sr. Editor Independent: I take It for mcW that il mea not blinded by political prejudice realize that a great industrial destroying malady Is ras ing le oar coontry. and without pres ent hope of abatement. Looking out OTer the arts of political strife aal turpitude. e ULo'd conditions aal environments that sicken the stoutest hearts of those who love jatice and jart covernmt. et mea with otherwise leTl besls rr-en who In otfcer - mm Iters exercise the best of jssdfcjoest ffoae oad stark scad upon the mct vital questions that eTtr con fronted a t-ecple. Others are either placid or woopinr it op for a mott led aristocracy that no not hu manity, knows no political party as s'jeh. kr.os ro religions creed, yet panders to th?ra all; knows no God. t?st th rod of Mammon pirates banded tojreth-r. Democrats when It" to their Interests to be ruch. Kepubll cans tea that psrty caa best serre them. Slaking political prostitutes of both. s pen-ling millions upon millions of dollars to deceit and debauch the pcr!; co rclon. bribery and coloni zation with tncra become respectful el ection methods, w'th political cam paign a tething caoldrca of intemium strife. Reason la dethroned and the brat Instincts of man regn supreme. This is an absolute necessity for there who exploit the laboring masses, otherwise tees Japes would vote for their Interest. To unmark these hy pocrites Is both one of te problem duties of the day. When this is done and the people brought to a real isation cf the stupendous frauds. the perpetrators will la&e their present power to Etal by law. The pc-cp!e mean to be politically honest and would be if political shy sters would let them be. The republi can voter believes that he Is voting for the principles of Lincoln. The eastern democrat believes that h is voting for the principles of Jefferson and Jackson. Hence plutocracy seized the reins of both of the parties. Tet It Is aa Indisputable fact that about all foundation which the republican voter has for his faith la the -party of Lin coln" was buried with that great man. When he was assassinated the Intent was to also assassinate his principle with the same dicker, with which they put him out of their way. Sub sequent events attest how well the assassins did their work. The eastern democrat has faith in the party of Jefferson. Yet about all f the foundation fohat faith was destroyed by the cohabitation of that party with the great slave oligarchy, and was buried beyond hope of resur rection by Cleveland. The cream of both of these parties Is now cominjjled In the parties of the Independents of Dry a a and Teller and Town. The undeceived masses of the people have faith in these parties, but a vast cumber of them have no faith la the name democrat, and another great mass of them have no faith in republicanism, and still others have no faith in populism. This and the rea sons therefor Is plain to every observ ing mind. The hope and aspiration of ail of these classes are the same the triumph of tve principles upon which the republic was founded. To believt that the republic will be retomi to its former purity, or lr made in fact what its founders intend ed It fhould be. through either the re pallicsja party or the democratic par ty cf the east is to have faith that would remove several mountains. Our democratic" friends cf the west and south will have to have much of this kind of faith to believe that the masses of the reform fortes will loncer look to those la any way al lied with Wall street for relief from Wall street robberies. Nay. if I right ly understand or rightly judge the temper of tbote suffering: from thos robberies la the west they win prefer to dl like men upon the high plana of right than to die like sheep la a plutocratic meaagery. If this is trea son to furioa make the csot of it. Fusion with magnates of plutocracy. No more such attempts for me. I am a fuslonist. always was. I want to see fasioa that will fuse. I do not want to see any more trials made at mixing: of oil and water. Fusion of Interest fasioa of hearts that beat in unison l the only f us Sen that will fuse. This stand would perhaps cause our repub lican friends to rejoice la treat glee, believing tait they tee their long chenshed hopes attained the separa tion of the democrats and populists. I'ractlcal. tv. nrmovro vir Tu& isccfcaTo UW -l Ik t-!" FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER ariMiMUtituiii. uei umjtt m(i tt atirs - CUTS Aittiir stTamfl MkM4 rffilat. mmm mtMmr SCARS. ROEBUCK 1 CO. Chicago. SZT'r 1 sa"h& HIDES. S. J. DOBSON & Co EKES, RES, TALLOW AD WOOL T rl sorti.! la r lit.-l'c or mall It, pmt thm mrk priem. WoBmpener's Drug STO R E DRUGS.PAJHTS.OILS.GLASS A f si! line ol Ptrf nt&M and Toiit Gooda 139 Scutli loth St.fB.tYi23D&H, Lincoln, Neb. But, my good sirs,' don't ' cross the bridge yet. Democrats and populists as such may b3 separattd,.but patriots, as patriots will be together. Fusion of these that can fuse and should fuse will be perfected a something that has never been. Plutocracy will then be forced to sail under Its true colors. Wall street magnates can then ride la Hanna'a boat or in that of the Clevelands and the Hills. No one will be necessarily deceived. Of course the parties of the great American im mortals. Jefferson, Jackson and Lin coln, will still be prostituted as In the past. Robberies will still be attempted In the name of virtue and high heaven. Four years more of unconstitutional war and gatling gun Christian civili zation will arouse the latent manhood of this nation and the pulses of for eign nations, and the predicament in which our country will be found will bring a revolt against wars of con quest and greed. The time will be ripe for the fusion of the oppressed and robbed of every party into one grand and mighty party of the producing masses. When such party is formed and not until then will the great east ern monled oligarchy and trust kings, enthroned behind the bulwarks of the old republican and democratic parties be hurled from power. Either this great party formation or' the destruc tion of republic is coming. My friends, let us get in line to do battle In this, the second great struggle for American Independence. ... Shall Nebraska lead In this great fight for civil, religious and industrial freedom? She has .been in the fore front In the past, though now tem porarily checked by frauds of the most stupendous nature, the tpirit of her people la not phased in the least. The greatest of living statesmen, her owu Bryan, will lead and, the hell-fire or commercial , greed, though belched forth in torrents, will not deter her pa triotic people from following where Why hot throw to the breeze the freeman's banner. Not its a populist banner. Not as that of the democrats. But as that of men determined to be free. Inscribed upon that banner shculd be: Humanity, civil, religious and industrial liberty. Eternal war upon a civilization, and a religion born of the Infernal regions. JONATHAN HIGGINS. Cambridge, Neb. We Can Stand It Editor Independent: Enclosed please find my subscription for another year to The Independent. We got beaten in the election, but I think a great many who voted the republican ticket will have plenty of McKlnley soup in the next two years enough to ' be eaten with a quart spoon. We have the con solation of knowing that the minority can stand it If the majority can. If Dietrich i3 an upright man, then I am deceived by the looks of a man for the first time in my life and I am now sixty-seven years old. I think that we shall see some wonderful changes In politics in the next two years. The people who have indorsed the McKinley administration will have enough of it and a little to spare. I am thinking that the English lion will be hanging his head and tail before an other two years mark it. If we will shut our eyes when we cast our ballots, we will have to swal low some strong and bitter dregs, but we can stand it as well as the repub licans. GOTTLIEB BALLMER. Gothenberg. Neb. Hem Give Up Editor Independent: You will here with receive my subscription I feel sorry that your earnest work for our cause did not produce a different re sult, but so long as there are so many rascals who wiU sell their votes, we never will win. They are worse than the mullet heads. One of those great rascals will shake hands with a man who offers him a cigar or a drink, and say: Oh! he Is Euch a nice fellow." These chaps have been trying to civ ilize and educate other people, but I think there is more need of civiliza tion and education here at home. 1 did my share and the. township where I have been committeeman elected all our officers by a great majority. I felt Joyful about our election, but when I came to Mlnden and heard the re tarns. I was so miserable and angry I could not sleep. But we must not stop our fight. I will not trouble you any longer, be cause I know you have plenty of work. If I would WTlte all I have In my mind it would take me a week. CHRISTIAN BROTHE. Minden, Neb. no I INCUBATOR which bu nor ueCMstul tbaM UtlUkriL. You TH rwiom li thm they do Uitlr work o welL B-nd 80 la (tamps lanUHn sb4 Brtmtm. TWy ilumi tMrmiB. Dm Wtatc Iftcvbstar C.. Box tl Des MeInet,Iwa. Platform J Mr mmt ads m um rxr. WESTEKX HERCAJual CO. ' Dtpt. 5 Onaha. Icb. . OPTICAL GOODS. Tte Western Optical and Electrical Co.. located at 131 North 11th street, is composed of old citizens and thorough ly acquainted with the business, hav ing fitted eye for twenty-five years. Certainly they ought to be competent to do jood work. They are perma nently located with us and that mean ranch to the pcrchaser of eye glasses and pctaels. Estray Notice Taken np One bay horse, about 14 year old. weight 1,000 lbs; one gray mare, about 14 years old. weight 1,000 Its. Owner can have same by calling at the farm of Wm. Werger, Martel, Neb and paying feed charges and costs of recording and for the publica tion of this notice. Wm. Werger, M ar te I. Neb. - LOW RATES WILL BE MADE FOR ROUND TRIP TICKETS via SL Joseph & Grand Inland Rail way for Christmas and Nevf Year toll 1 '"k w f9! 1 I" Democrats Insist on Tax Reduction. 4 ECONOMY THE WATOHWOKD. Vast Revenues Collected a ' Source of Peril. . . BUT THEIB PEOTEST 13 IN VAIN. JHepnlil leans Sneer mt Economy, and Appropriation of Public Money Are Growing Vaster Senator Frjre Indictment of Ulm Party's Policies. ,. Hor the Country May Accoutre a . Merchant Navy Remove Tariff From Shipbuilding: Materials Phil, ipplne Outlook-Ratio of Represen tation Eagan Whitewashed. Special Washington Letter. ' If It be true that imitation is the sin cerest flattery, it must be particularly gratifying to our American imperialists to learn from the declarations of a member of the British ministry that j the burning of houses, sacking of towns and other outrages perpetrated against the Boers are only imitations of our performances in the Philippines, j Like teacher, like pupil! Fine exem plars truly of Christian civilization In the closing days of the nineteenth cen tury I Hon. James D. Richardson and the other minority members of the commit tee on ways and means do well to in sist on a $70,000,000 annual reduction of taxes instead of the $40,000,000 cut suggested by the majority. "Economy in the public service that labor may be lightly burdened" was one of Jeffer son's tenets, and it is a tenet of his fol lowers today. "Lower taxes and more economical expenditures!" is and should be the battlecry of Democrats every where. It is just as necessary to econ omize as It is to cut down taxes on the principle contained In old Ben Frank lin's sage saying, "A penny saved is a penny earned." The minority report very properly and tersely declares that "the vast rev enues now collected and the expendi tures now made by the government, if not remedied, must ultimately become a peril to our home and foreign enter prise and business. The pruning knife should be applied vigorously to both taxation and expenditures." The minority, however, might as well have saved its breath and economized its ink, for extravagance will continue to be practiced all the same. There will be no economy in federal expenditures until Democrats once more control the machine. Food For Reflection. Nevertheless the appropriation bills for this session of congress should af ford much food for reflection to those palpitating patriots who In the melan choly" days of November voted a new lease of power to the Republicans. There has been a vast deal of splen diferous talking done about our com merce growing by leaps and bounds. So do our appropriations. They grow after the fashion of Jonah's gourd vine. Economy and economists are sneered at. The cry Is that "the people in dorsed the administration in every re spect," "the administration," I suppose, being intended to embrace congress. So they appropriate the public money In tast sums, ever growing vaster, be cause they were Indorsed at the polls In November, don't you know. An Outraareous Steal. Hon. William P. Frye, senator from Maine and president of the senate. Is one of the ablest of the Republican chieftains. His parts are solid rather than showy. He does not figure In the public press so much as some others, but he is universally regarded as a man of rare good sense. That he is a pa triot no one will seriously question. Nevertheless It remains for him to for mulate a most serious indictment of the Republican party and its policies. It was in his speech in favor of the Payne-Hanna or Hanna-Payne ship suj)8ldy bill. I really do not know which of those eminent Republicans attained wLat Milton denominates "the bad em inence" of fathering that outrageous measure. That really is not a question with which the general public is con cerned. No matter who concocted it, it I is here and Is quite likely to become a i law. I invite . everybody not only to read Senator Frye's indictment, but to ponder it thoroughly. It is found in his exordium, which is as follows: Yt. President Our present condition aa a great maritime nation ia humiliating; beyond expreaaton. With thousands of miles of aeaooaat equipped with fine harbors, boundless forests, iron and coal enough to supply the world, skilled mechanics, enterprising ahipbuilders, the largest exportationa of an country in the world, imports amounting lat year to $840,000,000 and abundant capital we have permitted other countries our commercial rivals, our inferiors in most of these regards to seize upon the pathways of the oceans and hold them to our practical exclusion. Lest year we carried under our ftag to and from Europe only per cent of our exports and Imports; to and from the world a fraction over 9 per cent. We paid foreign nations, principally Great Britain and Germany, $500,000 a day in gold for trans porting our foreign commerce. " I fail to see how any one can be blind to the dangers of our position in this regard. Our short and decisive war with Spain compelled us to hunt the seas over for transpcrta and colliers; to pur chase or charter 0 ships from foreign nations. Suppose the wsr had lasted a year or had been with a more powerful nation and neutrality had bern enforced, as it should be, we would have been in most serious straits. As it was, our pro ducers paid heavy penalties in increased freight rates. Great Britain in her war with the Boers hai transporta enough; but even then rates were seriously advanced in the east. Suppose there should be s European war r s conflict between Great Britain and Germany, what would become of our enormoua export trade? Who would be ur carriers 7 Who would pay the war insurance premiums en our cargoes even if carriers could be found? We should suffer almost as seriously as either of the combatants. Out farmers, manufac turers and wage . earners would pay almost as touch as a coat of the war sa they. i- From s purely commercial point of view in peaceful beura could anything be less helpful to us than the employment of agencies whose inter ests were entirely antagonistic to osrsf Bow would they help us to find markets for our prod ucts? Could we expect them to be ambitious to extend our foreign trade? , of Republic Rule. Now, be It remembered that for only two years since 1857 have the Demo crats even theoretically had posses sion of all of the three lawmaking branches of the government at one time the house, the senate and the presidency. Even then, from March 4, 1893, to March 4, 1895, there were enough so called Democratic senators acting with the Republicans to nullify all attempts to enact any genuine Dem ocratic laws. So that it Is not unfair to charge that all the evils complained of and so tersely stated by Senator Frye are the direct result of Republican legislation. To show more clearly how great are their sins of omission and commission in this regard it is only necessary to state that in the spring of 18C1 we had the second largest mer chant marine. Our ships floated on ev ery sea, and our flag fluttered on mastheads In every harbor of the world. Consequently the Republicans cannot escape condemnation at the bar of history for bringing us to the woeful plight over which Senator Frye utters his Jeremiads. After delivering the foregoing exor dium Senator Frye says, "I have been trying for many years to find a remedy for this unfortunate condition." Tet the remedy ia as plain as the sun shining in his meridian glory, and It will be found In removing the tariff from every article that enters Into the making of a ship. We have shipbuild ers and sailors equal to any on the whole face of the world and If given a fair chance would soon not only restore but increase the glory of our merchant marine. ' Take Oft the Tariff. Take off the tariff which has driven our flag from the high seas and aban doned that rich empire to our competi tors in commerce, and at ence from a thousand lips will Issue the command: Build me straight, O worthy master, Stanch and strong, s goodly vessel That ehall laugh at all disaster And with wave and whirlwind wrestle I Take off the tariff on shipbuilding materials, which has made us feebler on the water than Turkey or Morocco, and in scores of shipyards this splen did scene will be witnessed every year: When the master, With a gesture of command, . j Waved his hand, . And at the word Loud and sudden there was heard All around them and below The sound of hammers, blow on blow. Knocking away the shores and spurs. And seel She stirs; - She starts; she moves; she seems to feel The thrill of, life along her keel,' And, spurning with her foot the ground. With one exulting. Joyoua bound, She leaps into the ocean's arms! ' And, lo, froth the assembled crowd There rose a shout prolonged and loud. That to the ocean seemed to say: "Take her, O bridegroom, old and gray! Take her to thy protecting arms, With all her youth and all her charms!" How beautiful she is! How fair She lies within those arms that press Her form wfth many a soft caress Of tenderness and watchful care! Sail forth into the sea, O ship! Through wind and wave right onward steer! The moistened eye, the trembling lip. Are not the signs of doubt or fear. Sail forth into the sen of life, O gentle, loving, trusting wife. And safe from all adversity Upon the bosom of that sea Thy comings and thy goings bel For gentleness and love and trust Prevail o'er angry wave and gust, And in the wreck of noble lives Something immortal still survives! Most assuredly there is not much comfort for the American people in the following dispatch from San Francis co: "It will be IS to 20 years before the Philippines are on the same footing aa the United States." This statement is made by Captain C E. Polk of Company I, Forty-third infantry, who arrived in thia city today on the United States ahip Xinuck. Be is invalided home on account of wounds. Speaking of war in the Philippines, he said: "I wish that the people of the United States could understand conditions that exist in the Philippine Islands. It will take 15 or Z0 yeara before those people are on the same peaee basis as we are here in the United States. The conditions at present are such that the United States govern ment cannot say to any one city or town in any of the islands, 'Come here; I will protect you!' because of lack of troops. "It will take 75,000 men to establish peace as it should be, and aa long as the United States hesi tates about sending this number there wiU be the same kind of warfare that ia now being conducted. "The truth of the matter ia the Filipinos have come to think Americans 'softer' than anything they have ever had to do with before. Of thou sands of prisoners that have been taken during the war there are but few who are not at the present time on the line fighting. "The volunteer regiments want to come home, and unless they are allowed this privilege none of them will re-enlist. So far aa Senator Hale's bill is concerned, extending the time of the enlistment of volunteer regiments to three years, I can aay that there is not an officer in the volunteer army in the Philippines that will be governed by it. They win all resign even if it is done ss s matter of principle. In perusing the foregoing the reader should remember that the words were not uttered by a candidate or spell binder in the heat of a campaign for the purpose of winning votes for him self or his party, but by a brave soldier! who proved his devotion to his flag and! country by sacrificing his health inj service in the Philippines. CertainlyH his words present a dismal prospect for the American .people. Twenty years of wartnean the shedding of much pre cious American blood, the wanton sac rifice of many valuable American lives and the expenditure of many hard earned American dollars. . .. . Ratio For Representatives. There is likely to be considerableof a fight over the bill to fix a ratio for a representative and to apportion to the representatives among the states under the new census. The present ratio is 173,000 and a few hundred. Mr. Chair man Hopkins of Illinois suggests rais ing the ratio to 209,000, which would leave the membership of the house at about what It is. now, 857 representa tives. Truth to tell, there Isn't room for many more unless the rofgwttton of Hon. Thomas B. Reed to remove the desks is acted on. Evidently Mr. Hop kins has' decided In his own mind by the help of skillful statisticians that the ratio of 209,000 is the one which will give the Republicans the greatest advantage in the fractions of the ratio, for a major fraction gives a represent ative as well as an entire ratio, but while he is figuring he should remem ber that the ratio of 209,000 will work to lessen the present representation In certain rock ribbed Republican states, such as Maine and Ohio. Perhaps the Republicans of those states will make one grand kick, .as no state likes to feel that it is falling to the rear. Maine started In with seven representatives In 1821. She now has four, and the Hopkins plan will reduce her to three. It will be interesting to see Hon. Charles E. Uttlefleld tackle Hopkins In a fight for his political life. Nous ver rons. :. Senator From Minnesota. Governor Elect Alexander Monroe Dockery of Missouri has been visiting and resting In Washington, the scene of his labors for 16 years. He seems cheerful even if the country did go Re publican, but his troubles are in the fu ture, for Bryan's defeat will cause a dozen good men and true to solicit of fice from Dockery where one would have solicited favors at his hands had Bryan been elected. Governor Llnd of Minnesota did him self and his state proud by appointing that brilliant and courageous young statesman, Charles A. Towne, to the senate, vice Hon. Cushman K. Davis, deceased. Towne made as much repu tation in a single term In the house as an other man ever did, not even ex cepting Bryan himself, who leaped Into national fame during his first session. Towne's manly, patriotic and self ab negating course In declining the vice presidential nomination in order to help the good cause by harmonizing the fusion forces endeared him to the hearts of Democrats everywhere, who hail the new senator with delight The pity is that he Is in for only a few weeks Instead of for the full term of six years. Delaware Polities. The probabilities are strongly la fa vor of the proposition that at last the senatorial ambitions of Hon. "Gas" Addlcks of Delaware will be gratified. The legislature stands about one-third Democrats, one-third Republicans and one-third Addlcks Republicans. There are two senators to elect one for four years, the other for six. So it would appear to a mere looker on In Vienna that the Hon. "Gas" is master of the situation and has made his calling and election sure to a curule chair. The regular Republicans will have to com bine either with him or with the Demo crats. For years they have been de nouncing the Hon. "Gas" as the foulest corruptionist unhung, as the personifi cation of all villainy, and so forth and so on, but the chances are that they will eat their own words and swallow Addicks. This complexion has Delaware come at last Delaware, the home of the Bayards, Saulsburys, Claytons and Mc Lanes! There will be no question about the right of the Hon. "Gas" to his seat for according to Hon. Anthony Higgins he will hold It by right of purchase. Twice before he has been strong enough to defeat any election, though not strong enough to elect himself. Terhaps Hon. William Eaton Chandler of New Hampshire, chairman of the committee on privileges and elections, who made such a great show of virtue in the case of Senator William A. Clark of Montana, will be too busy frying his own fish to pester his head about the corruption of the Hon. "Gas," for "Gas" is a Republican, don't you know? And very much depends on whose ox Is gored, don't you know? And the Hon. William Eaton Chandler may not be re elected himself, don't you know? This Is a strange world, my masters, don't you know? And according to Josh Bil lings the best place to have a boil Is on the other fellow's back, don't yon know? General Charles nenry. Grosvenor of Ohio, the sage of Athens, has long en joyed the reputation of being the only major prophet now on earth, and it was confirmed to him by the fulfill ment of his long range prediction fired Into the world from London last sum mer to the effect that Utah would go Republican. Even Republicans poked fun at the venerable prophet and the Democrats laughed loud and long, but he laughs best who laughs last So the general Is happy. General Eagan has been completely whitewashed or, as he expresses it, "vindicated" by the action of the presi dent in first restoring him to duty as quartermaster general and then retir ing him. Such things are not well cal culated to promote good order and dis cipline In the army. Either Eagan was gnilty and should have been punished or he was innocent and should have been acquitted. There should have farce In the court martial. California's Redwood Trees. Some at least of the great redwood trees of California will be preserved, the state having recently come into possession of about 400 acres of red wood forest through the will of the late Colonel J. B. Armstrong of Cloverdale. Sonoma county. Tne tract Is to be held as a public park. His Treat. "Ah!" he exclaimed, meeting her at the stage door. "You look sweet enough to eat" "So kind of you to mention It Mr. Jonney," she replied. "I do feel fit for a nice hot bird and a cold bottle." Philadelphia Press, flg U W W mleeas Ot fcuv ewitssle lor dresses for w n 1 1 rn '-i 'or ICS U ' ' V llt vursrnnnns uiwr iiitt peen nrini.ii " j imasuyutfa nniaWi'Ti hi nyhu -La, right from lh fashion oeuMr ot Frne, s.nd we oaer Mem l n teed far servte. woven will Iwt hw .1 1 f. OOXjORXHGS. W (ten. iay tola ataMt OUR NO MONEY wanted, sod wo will send r renca dress goous, by axrrau C O IK, tatywt te exaabisUeB. Von can exam la the foods at your espress onloe, saa It found perfectly satisfactory, exactly as represented, sneh a dress patten ss yon could not buy from j our store keeper at horns st lees than sLOft, s class of roods tsatis seldom fooad Is country stores at any price pmiouneed by eryonetnosnrestestvainsevsrsnownin your eeettos, then ipay the express sront 601 SPECIAL OFFER PlCKll 5 1.93 and express obuis, The express onsrges will sverass Mto 60 cyntu) Jljese socfo vary txom 38 to SO Uchssiav width. If mors than 7 ysxds are wanted. SO CBNTS PBJt YAKJS KXTRA. ftllB CDCfMAI CI OA BfllfC "U rwe patters off ysrda Is based on the actual ooeit of the en. UUN drCvlAL ls9U rill UC tire lot to a at a forced each le under the hmaer.omn freight to Nw York, rail freight to Chicago, and but our one small percentage of profit added. We could sell the en t Irs lot to any wholesale dry goods house in Chicago today at able; profit, bat ws want to stIts ear esateasers the be sett of tads irksM, give you for tl.M sneh a dress pattern as rom could not bey elsewhere at less than M.U0. 4)Ki:R TODAY. TMIN'T DELAY. Dea't wait te writs far samples. These goods will go quickly, and when they are stone there will be no more. TJMPEBSTAN'D, yen take ao rUk. If they don't sou yes when examined at the express office, don' Stake them and don't pay a sent, bat order at aaoe. If yon willeuete your age anl complexion, ana auow us so select tne coionnjr, w WRIT FOB rp.EE I DRY .0000$ JAidQUE. Aaarees, Of Course You are coming to Lincoln to buy your . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, and of course you will call and see our splendid line. 1 You will be welcome Lincoln Crockery Co. 135 So. 3th St. The University of Nebraska SCHOOL OF MUSIC. . ... Is the leading institution of its kind in the west. It offers complete and thor ough courses in all branches of Music. It has a corps of twenty instructors and a fine building for its exclusive use, and would ask you to send for catalogue. WILLARD KIMBALL, DIRECTOR. , , LINCOLN, NEBRASKA- o o o o o o s o o o o o TURKEY ROAST... PANS SEND US YOUR Length No, L Col. dbL Roaster, 14 in. No. 2. " " M 16 M No. a 13 " We hare CARVING SETS $L50to$3.00. 5 KATES 75c to to t2.50. All sizes. COASTERS (Ball Bearing) tl.00 to $10. TOOL CHESTS$6.50. GEM IDEAL bteel Ranges f 25.00 and up. MAJESTIC SPECIAL Steel and Malleable Iron Ranges, $23.00 and up. Useful Xmas gifts. II R sm s aass. 1308 O StfOOt, InJALL o Li $1 BOTTLE ISL- -49C Li'sterine 19c 1.00 S. S. S. . 79c $1.00 Peruna 69c $1.00 Wine of Cardul 69c 25c Bromo Quinine 15c 50c SjtuP of Figs 35c 50c St. Jacob's Oil 39c 25c Garfield Tea.. 19c 75c Hall's Catarrh Cure 59c 50c Blrney's Catarrh Powder 39c 50c Stuart's Catarrh Cure. ..39c $1.00 Ayers Hair Vigor... ,...79c 50c Kid-ne-oids 39c $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 69c We are agents for Hurd's and Craln's fine stationery; Gunthers and Huy ler's famous chocolates and bon bona. RIGGS, Druggist. Ftinke Opera House. , 12th and O 8treet,- Lincoln, Nebraska. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHAT TEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby given that by Tirtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 20th day of July, 1899, and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Lan caster county, Nebraska, on the 26th DREGS GOODS OFFER. glt9 wm farpMk m Ml drosa pattern .f f y srd, rsralsn at nil srosa saltern or T yards tsMFreoca mercerised fabric, rsgnbtf value. Oar farelars rr bearht nnlu Imammrt. rnMS 1WI Xmnw afsaaaara vnh Mllllf, Bw tneee sTOOOS lorrea mmi uuir luuiuucr.iw atLma DJuniue SlrxxfrMtk MMfBeiarar, rrMfc fta the resell Ioom at mkeel ' the reach, steamer Touralne. They are patter r Tit Ions than s. fc,i7iATn 3ULA ntaMknta. THESE GOODS ARE GO on vrEiGiir, Tosns'orold.sndror a-U seasonal lrmlrwTi,trt. ren with s. handsome raised erepon effect, such fabrics as shionable city stores the coming- season at fancy prioes. ahj AK&hl eitv m faralah tkM r4 t T Utojt sa4M mi4 CMibtes. envy ass eiwauaaie y t OFFER. S5teokrtojfor combination of colors vos bis foil dress pattern of 7 yards of this n ne, ne w sty is SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO. win wm jm imm minim ! minr n. o 0 o ORDER NOW. 0 o o Width 9 in. Id " 11 " Height 7 in. 8 " 0 Price 50c. 60o. 70c, larger sizes. 0 o o o o o ncoln, Nebraska. O day of March, 1900, and executed by W. H. Gorham to A. W. Stevons & Son, said mortgage is duly assigned and transferred to A. W. Stevens Co. of Marinette, Wis., and upon which there Is now due the sum of $560.00, default having been made In tht pay ment 6f said sum' and no suit or other proceeding of law having been insti tuted to recover said debt or any part thereof, I will sell the property here in described: One 16 horse Stevens traction en gine No. 1835 and all fixtures belong ing thereto at public auction at the house of T. J. Charles, Yankee Hill precinct, in Lancaster county, on the 27th day of December, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. A. W. STEVENS CO. Dated December 6, 1900. Whiten the Teeth and Sweeten the Breath , - " 1 1 1 i 1 s Try a Tooth Wash made by a , Lincoln Dentist. Ask for a Sample Bottle. Dr.F D. Sherwin, Dentist. Offles ltcrars 0 to X 1 to 5. Second Floor Bsrr Block, Corssr room. . LINCOLN - - NERDASKA days.