December 20, 1900 mUt! YTVDD A GTT A TUTTfcT7"0"0'TTTT,M''Tt He U. Census Re doit of ' r. - 'm ' ! LunrlLED BY THE UREATEST LIVING VUTHOIITY 77- on Caiarrhal Diseases. 2; l.v 'at s I " &lrmtltn frum ratarrh. O fterw. Mrl!on t f 20 t-nfU from catarrh. I U 4 4 U Ui t U from catarrh. OsV.T. r,,,t from eatarrli tr t u (Irtlia frum catarrh. AfS. DELVA A. L0CKW00D. Mrs. Liclva A. Lock wood, late candidate for the Presidency, writes: have used your Pe ru n a and I find It aa Invaluable remedy for cold, catarrh and kin' dred diseases; also a good tonic for feeble and old people, or those run down and with nerves un Urung. t desire, also, to say that It has no evil effects." Mrs. Lock wood's residence is Wash' lagton, D. C Mfljur catarrlk prevails most north summer catarrb prevails most south. Ths Caase of Most Bodily Ills Is Catarrh. COXCJRESSMAN CUMMINQS, OF NEW YORK CITY. lion. Amos J. Cummlngs, of Sew York, says: Peruna is good for catarrh, i have tried It and know It. It relieved me Immense ly on my trip to Cuba, and I always have a bottle In reserve. Since my return I have not sat' fered from catarrh, but it I do I shall use Peruna again. Mean' time you might send me another Winter Catarrh. : Catarrh of head, ,atarrh of ear. .atarrh of eye, .atarrh of throat. iaiarrn or lungs. Female catarrh. Summer Catarrh. eatarrh or elomaert. catarrh of liver. ,,atarrh of bowels. eatarrh of kidneys Catarrh or bladder?' "emalo catarrtu GENERAL JOE WHEELER. Major General Joseph Wheeler, commanding the cavalry forces In front of Santiago, and the author of "The Santiago Campaign," in speaking of the great catarrh rem edy, Peruna, says: I Join with Senators Sullivan, Roach andMc Enery in their good opinion of Pe runa. It Is recommended to me by those who have used it as an excellent tonic and particularly effective as a cure for catarrb." bottle." Catarrh has aready become a national curse. Its ravages extend from ocean to ocean. More than one-half of the people are affected by it Catarrh is a sys temic disease. Peruna is a systemic remedy. Peruna cures catarrh by remov ing the cause. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus O., for free book. CHESS I JLJ lmt. all . tiotsi ietn'l4 for d;rtstrst to Uj Editor X l-c rnt-r Z'K 1K"5. i'AOULEM NO. 37. A iz:i's ibrfv-ciOr. composed for Tfce Indf jEdent ly Dr. W. It. Dalton Nw York city, and dedicated to C. Q. De Frati--. Tfcr points credit for wb -Ji2 rni honl move for White. II LACK. A X ' IT" 1$ lj IJ LJi i-t3 tii i-.-. 4 WHITE. Forsyth: 5 S p 7 Q p 1 p 1 S 1 p 1 p?!blKlp7kn5U:P10. fniverpal: White. 124, 235. 232. 4S3. ir. 62; Hack. 143. 4S3. 25. 637. 44 i. 4-;. u,;, ;. White t play and mate In tbre Dovn SYNTHETIC PROBLEM NO. 16. Diow are given the p!--s and mat lc5 toltition o. a proUtra. The solr rr p txsk is to reconstruct th? poitioi or to construct another vrhich will fulfil all the conditions given. Black xsay hae no ether moves than those jrftea in mating solution. Each dif fer nt ttirjr of zny p!ect- will count as a tew po!tion. but white roay havo no dual key-moves, continuation, or mates other than thus noted la mat 1c? solution. Ii-ces. CxZ. Key-xr:Ovc. Q R 2. A ill it if. if. if. if. if. if. !f. .K K 3 dls ch: R Kt 7 mate. , .K li 5 dis ch: It K il 3 mate. -K K 6; Q K Kt 2 mate. .11 moves: It K 3 mate. .1 B 5; It K 3 mate. .P Q : R Kt 4 mate. .P K 5: II Kt S mate. To ioiiits for each correct position. Ofc p4rt for author's name. FOLUTION AND SOLVERS. A word with otir solvers: The prfcted matin solution, to a synthetic shcnli alaays give ail the possible Ditfi for Black, and all the possible rep!!! of White In accomplishing mate. Hence, if a dual occurs, it thoali te gien in the printed sola-tk-n. Q Q R 4 would mean that the Q could a!o go to K R 4. R (B 3)xR meats that the other U conld also capture It. K KtxC means that the Q Kt rould also capture a B. Is givLif the mating solution of synthetic No. It. the Chess Editor erred is sstttln this: 1. Q R. II any other except xQ. 2. B Kt 2. BxB. 2. QxB mate, or 2. B mores. 3. Bxll mate. Of to .w, there la a short mate by QxB. tut White Is not compelled to resort to it. Ina.tranca as this omU km affected the positions submitted, fall cre2U will be allowed each solver. regxrdWs of cooks or duals. This has ben a week of continuou performance" for the Chess Editor, a sort of ebs raudevllle. llttla set-back we rave the boys on Thanks giving was la reaiitj dose for a joke. just a little study in human nature. Well, we have had plenty of study! One solver enters "a most emphatic protest at being docked for not being a mind-reader;" another remark3, "what a dandy you would make as a Boxer executioner: you swatted us very kindly, though." Now, it is surely unnecessary to dwell at length each week in stating that "cooks" will not go unless one can be shown In the original position, and if this claim can be proven, tb.6 rolver will receive credit therefor; and that duals are ruled out unless given in the printed mating solution. How ever, should the Chess Editor err (as in Synthetic 11, for instance), full credit will be given each solver. But we had no intention of robbing the boys in that Thanksgiving set back, and each sufferer is hereby re stored to full citizenship and civil rights! Synthetic No. 13, a fine three-mover by B. G. Laws. Key-move, KtxP. Position In Forsyth: 16 Q 10 p 1 S 2 K 11 S k 14 B 2 b. Universal: White. 114. 216, 451, 553, 565: black, 163, 481, 645. The white K may stand on any one of 19 squares, and the key-moving Kt at any square but K B 6 within reach of the pawn; total, 31 points. Solved by C. R. Oldham, Mounds ville. W. Va. (23); C. C. Hunt, Monte zuma. Ia. (29.7); E. E. Armstrong, Parry Sound. Ont. (29.7): Sam M. Le Roy. Healdsburg. Cal. (29.7). The white K may not stand at Q B 8 or Q 7, because, B Kt 7; Q B 4. B R 3 and no mate next move, the Kt being pinned. He may not stand at Q. Q B. Q C 1. 2 or 3, because .... K K 5; Q K 6 ch. K Q 6; and Kt Kt 4 or K B 4 will mate; a dual that was not mentioned in the printed solu tion. If at Q. then in reply to . . . . B Kt 7; Q K 2 would mate, as Mr. Armstrong points out. Problem No. 34 being inccrrectly printed November 15 solution will not be given until next week. SOLVERS' SCORES. Old score. Nov. 15. Total. C. R. Oldham.. 28 46 74 C. C. Hunt 0.51 123.7 E. E. Armstrong. 27 Louis Ostberg.rf.21 Sam M. LeRoy.. 0.67 . 6.60 . 6 28.7 6 113.23 li C 12 21 78 65 58 27 23 16 12 11 9 0.1S Other scores D. F. Logan.. Dr. B. Hesse... Prof. B. Moser.. 0.1 Rev. Younkins.. 0.12 Rer. Eggen 3.96 Once a prize winner, unchanged. ERROR. The first line in printed solution to Synthetic No. 14 is incorrect. It should read: If KxR. Q Q B 2 mate. Those having made a claim for this error will receive full credit. NOTES. E. E. Armstrong Glad you worked out the Forsyth; it Is hard to beat for a chess shorthand. C..R. Oldham saye: "Mr. Sam Le Roy's remarks on the Wurzburg (No. 31) problem are well-timed and cor rect, except hl3 last one. . . . Now, if he will give a more careful examina tion he will discover that.... if the Kt Is placed on either K 6, K 8 or K R 5, the problem can be 'cooked.' C. C Hunt nnds that Mr. LeRoy's solution to Snythetlc No. 10 13 "cooked" by Q Kt 4, K Kt moves; Kt B 4. etc. This costs Mr. L. 16 points to even up his former over credit. The chess editor of the San Francis co Chronicle assured an Inquirer that "the notation is unintelligible. If a key Is discovered you will be duly ap prised of the fact." It was the For syth! The Literary Digest, Philadelphia Times, Boston Post. Germs nia and Chicago Tribune have recently con tained very complimentary notices of this chess column and our new book for recording correspondence games. Our thanks are due the veterans in charge of chess in these journals, and only our innate modesty prevents re printing the nice things they said. Dr. B. Hesse's solution to Synthetic No. 11 is "cooked" by B B 8, B moves on major diagonal; B Kt 7 ch, etc. Sam M. LeRoy's by Q K 2, B Kt f. ch; K Q 5, any; Q K 6 mate. C. C. Hunt wins four points for discovering the above, and D. F. Logan four. The Iowa chess association recently began a continuous problem-solving tournament in the Burlington Hawk eye, open to members: Secretary Hunt is wielding the headsman's ax. Lee Edwards; Dunlap, la., an old time member of the Nebraska asso ciation, is doing some . good work among the Hawkeyes. We print two of his recent victories. RUY LOPEZ. White, Lee Edwards; black, R. A. Williams. 1. P K 4, F K 4. Kt K B 3, Kt Q B 3. B Kt 5, Kt B 3. P Q 4, K KtxP. P Q 5, Kt Q 3. Kt B 3, KtxB. KtxKt, Kt K 2. P Q 6, Resigns, (a) (a) A pretty win. If PxP; Ktx P giving a smothered mate. P K B 3 promises a little better, however. P K B 3. KtxP ch, K B 2. KtxP ch, PxKt. Q B 3 ch. K Kt 3. Q Kt 4 ch, K B 2. Q Q B 4 ch, K Kt 3. B K 3 and black has little to hope for. RUY LOPEZ. White, Lee Edwards, black, C. C. Hunt. 1. P K 4. P K 4. Kt K B 3, Kt Q B 3. B Kt 5, Kt B 3. P Q 4, Q KtxP? KtxKt, PxKt. P K 5. P Q B 3. QxP, Q R 4 ch. B Q 2! QxB. PxKt, PxP. QxP, K R Kt. Q Kt B 3, Q Kt 3. O O O, P Q 4. K R K ch. B K 3. RxB ch, Resigns. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Take Ir. Bull' Cough Syrup for all those dangerous affections, sever colds, pleurisy and grippe, which Fall and Winter bring along. It ia the greatest cure for bronchitis and all throat an lung affections. BOOKS FOR FARMERS Laws Should Too Enacted Establishing Circulating Libraries -What Ne- . braska Has Done and What Ought to be Dona. As civilization advances life be comes more complicated. We have relations not only with those in our immediate neighborhoods, but with those on the other side of the globe. Questions submitted to voters for their decision are sometimes purely scien tific, and without books the voter casts his ballot haphazard, and however honest he may be, it as often goes for the wrong as for the right. The read ing in the city is far the greater part confined to trash fiction that is with out art and without purpose. In the country the obtaining of substantial books is an .impossibility except the few that are bought outright. Libraries of reference are unknown. Those of us who took part in the economic struggle which began some twelve years ago know the straights to which we . were put. The great standard works on political economy were absolutely unattainable, prin cipally on the account of their cost, and if the people had had the money 'to buy them, new editions would have had to be issued to supply the demand. In those days the farmers got what books they could to aid them In the study of the questions which before had only been of interest to scholars, but very suddenly had become of vital interest to them. Little cheap pam phlets, some of them sound and scien tific, but 4 mosf of them worthless trash, was all that could be obtained What an advantage it would have been to the welfare of this nation If at that time there had been travelling libraries containing standard work! on political economy obtainable by the voters? " 1 - - :..----.... The' following article on libraries is commended to the readers of The In dependent: , . . t ' Editor Independent: The' library movement In Nebraska has reached such proportions that it is fitting it should once more claim the attention of the readers of The Independent. From . time to time during the last four years, these columns have gener ously been open to the friends of this movement and it is only necessary to note very briefly what Its progress has been. The legislature of 1897 consid ered a bill to create a library commis sion and establish a system of travel ling libraries. - This measure was in troduced through the influence of the Nebraska library association. It passed one house, but was swallowed up in some political vortex in. thr other. Through the same influence, practically the same bill was consid ered by the legislature of 1899, and was set aside by more important things. The librarians had rallied to their support a number, of the prominent women of the state. But the movement has been gathering strength not only in Nebraska, but from sea to sea. All over the country women, are studying the needs of their respective states in the way of library legislation. Dur ing the meeting of the national feder ation of women's clubs in Milwaukee last summer, a sort of bureau for the dissemination of information concern ing the progress of the library move ment was in operation at the Milwau kee public library. This was consid ered by many women the most success ful feature of the meeting. Literature was distributed, and a Nebraska wom an addressed the federation on the subject. Other Nebraska women wer there and they improved their oppor tunity to learn what the women of other states have been doing to fur ther the spread of the library spirit. The Iowa women were there with co pies of two progressive library laws that they were largely instrumental in securing the passage of. The wom en's clubs of Kansas, Ohio and Min nesota could make almost as good a showing. The Nebraskans came home determined to do all they could to place Nebraska In the front ronk. In their meeting last October, the Ne braska federation of women's clubs formally and unanimously adopted a plan to secure some good library leg islation in the coming session of the legislature. A committee was ap pointed of which Mrs. Belle M. Stout enborough of Plattsmouth is chair man, to execute the plan adopted by the federation. This committee will co-operate with the Nebraska library association and any other organiza tions which may be Interested- They are sending out literature describing the kind of legislation they consider desirable and they mean to work sys tematically to keep Nebraska from falling behind her neighbors in edu cation. Am I asked what the neigh bors are doing that Nebraska must look to her laurels? Well, Iowa is spending $4,000 a year on a library commission and travelling libraries, and Minnesota is annually spending $5,000 for the same purpose, and they intend to ask the next legislature in Minnesota to make it $10,000 a year. Kansas has a library commission and travelling libraries and Colorado has a library commission. If Nebraska doesn't make a move pretty soon, Wyoming and Dakota will fall Into line and fence Nebraska lnr Tn all, there are seventeen states having li brary commissions, and many more having some form of travelling li brary. Ohio spends $4,000 a year on travelling libraries, Michigan has a similar sum for that purpose, while Wisconsin has $7,500 a year for a li brary commission. There are several things which Ne braska needs in the way of library leg islation and there are some forms of legislation that most emphatically are not needed. Anything that at tempts to substitute a law creating public libraries In school districts for the excellent law which governs free public libraries, now adorning the statute book, is not only deplorable, but vicious. Not that anybody objects to school district libraries. It would be well if each school district in the state were required to provide itself with a good library for school pur poses, with a liberal interpretation as to what constitute school purposes. Our free text book law and other school law? make these libraries pos sible wherever there is any desire for shcool libraries on the part of those in authority. By all means, let us supply every school house with every thing 1n the way of books that is needed to broaden and unify the school work, but let us avoid making the mistake, of hindering the onward march o? the library spirit. I refer in particular tc a bill which has been be fore at least two Nebraska legislatures. It seeks to render in operative our present public library law by making it mandatory upon school districts to operate public libraries. The passage of such a law would be detrimental to the educational interests of the state. The school and the library are co-ordinate forces, and to subordinate eith er to the other would be to injure both. Each has its own field, and it is to be hoped that Nebraska will profit by the experience of New York, Ohio and other states .and - never attempt the costly experiment of making the public library the mere side issue of the pub lic school. Let, us develop them side by side to the highest possible de gree of perfection and usefulness. ; As matters stand now, there Is much to be desired in the way of construc tive library legislation for Nebraska. There are, perhaps, twenty towns that have free public libraries. Most of these are feeble institutions, strug gling for life. Their means of sup port are so limited that they can have few new books and must get along with inefficient, untrained service, or none at all. What they need is a help ing hand something to augment their strength until such time as they can Dress ahead with their own strength some center to which they can go for suggestions as to how to make the most of their limited resources some means of keeping in touch with the scietiflc librarianshlp of the day. For the hundreds of towns that have aa yet felt no inclination to establish public , libraries, there is certainly needed some current that will awaken public interest, and fan the library spirit into life. ; And our rural dis tricts, where there are neither librar ies nor book stores their needs are practically unlimited. . They ought to have the privileges enjoyed by the people in the cities if there is any way of -elvins? thpflo tri'tripm. We havfl de veloped ' our school s-ystem until there Is an - unbroken succession from the sod school house to the university hut we have not. dnn snmieh. Youne people who have never read a dozen good books outside of their school books, often present credits from high schools and are admitted to the uni versity. Their home environment has not put good books, or any other kind or books in their way, and they are at a erfiat dlss.riva.ntaee therebv. The cheap, gawdy books in the country store are, perhaps, better than none, but thev are bv no means eood enough for the boys and girls of Nebraska. No matter what the parents may be carelesss, indifferent, ignorant, unfam iliar with our language and civiliza tion, or too busy to bother we owe it to our state that no boy or girl In alLj rsiehraska shall crow ud witnoui some knowledge of how to use and love the world's best books. . To meet this situation the librarians, the club women and others have stud ied the way in which this problem has been handled in otner states, ana nave come to the conclusion that Nebraska needs a free library commission. Right at this point I need not stretch my imagination much to hear, In rancy. a protest from certain readers of The Tnrfpnondpni. ' With some . reason. doubtless, they are .opposed to "com missions" on eeneral principles. Well there are commissions and commis sions. A library commission is not a barber commission, for instance. What is more, the worthy gentlemen wno planned the constitution of Nebraska wisely left the evolution of the busi ness aparatus of the state to be de termined by successive statutory en actments. The business of the state prows and we have to have somebody to look after it. and it must be attend ed to by experts in the various lines of work. There isn't any way out of it we have to have commissions. Uncle Sam calls them bureaus and divisions but we have to have them whether we like it or not. The patriotic thing to do ia to study some way to lessen what we consider to be the evils of a commission. People who object to cnmmiRsions eenerallv do so because they believe that such an arrangement Is merely another name lor political sinecure. The library commissions over the country are not open to this objection because none of them re ceive any pay for their services. Most of them are composed partly of ex officio members. They are, without exception, composed of high-minded, public-spirited people and Nebraska would fare as well as the best. With the state superintendent, state librar ian, chancellor and librarian of the university, and one or two of the en ergetic women appointed by the gov ernor, all suspicion of politics or sine cures is disarmed The only question that remains is "What can they Ao for us, and how much will it cost?" First, the free library commission, through its members and officers, can Hva advice and council to libraries al ready established. These libraries can receive person, visits from some li brary expert in the employ of the com mission, and the librarians can get help as to the best method of buying, cataloging and circulating books, as well as to every other detail of li brary science and management. This will save the little libraries a good many expensive mistakes. The com mission can publish a bulletin which will out before these untrained li brarians just the things that they most need to know. A school ot instruction for these librarians can be held when ever, in the iudement of the commis sion, it is deemed advisable. Second, the commission can publish the library laws of the state, and cause them to be circulated where they will be likely to help create a senti ment In favor of the establishment of public libraries. If requested, mem bers of the commission can visit com munities, and help the movement along by pleading the cause of the public library, When established, the commission can still help these li braries whenever requested to do so. For the small library, with a mea gre supply of books, and the rural dis trict with none at all, the commission can operate a system of travelling li braries. For the study clubs in com munities where books are scarce, the commission can supply a few choice books on a subject. Let the reader of The Independent who lives out in the sand-hills, -for Instance, picture to himself the advantage to his neighbor hood if the taxpayers of the vicinity could borrow a library of fifty books from a library commission for six months. No further argument ought to be necessary. For all the educational forces of the state, clubs, farmers' Institutes, state societies of all kinds, the commission can be a "lamp unto their feet" shin ing out into dark places and making the way clear for more books, better books and the wisdom to use them aright This work is carried on in Iowa for $4,000 a year and in Minnesota for $5,000 a year. "Are the children of Ne braska worth as much to her as those of her neighbors are to them? Such of the readers of The Indepen dent as approve of this proposition can materially aid in its realization if they will call the attention of their representatives and senators to it and express the desire to have Nebraska join the bright sisterhood of seven teen states that have already taken this step. EDNA D. BULLOCK. . TURKISH T. A P. PILLS brings monthly menstrua- X ?IHninP' Lnnnil tionurtothaday never disappoints you. fl per box. X LdUIUO rl lUllll !lTha?macyt 1 li m FOR Ull vor.En. TEEL RANGES 'AT HALF PRICE. Other mn Gres, stores, furniture. etc, ffoaUy low from "Th Horn iiat Stw Yob Mom?." Don't UU tort oof bter.-mUlor. Enrrthtairforthahoaaaaad fans. CVSnoartkaradBBthlaBMC. WESTERS MERCANTILE CO.. Dept. Nob on.iion:iE's New Improved KELECTfiic Celts Warranted to etffe . without medicines, thsfoUowlngdlsessea. J2fMMrtiSIK , Sciatica Jjutnbagm CutarrH' Amtltnut Dyspepsia CwttSHjMSCtwtt Heart Xreuotee JPmrutymtm XervoxtsneBB ' Bpinal JDimemmem FsrrtowAeto -Tsrpi MAver Throat Trouble XCfney Cmnplnlntm Sletplemsnemm Xerrows DebUity feat Tiger Cota Extremities M'mtmmtm Cmwiplmint Jfstitsa tn CJfce - tut JLisnto Att ITesilciwBS A Ben READ EVERY WORD. ISO HE LAST OPPORTUIIITY tJ sjet the ' j World-Kenowned DH. UOntlE'S gSOEToototo oltforoniy 56.66 0 THIS OOEJLP Is food for mM if sent with an order for a $20.00 Belt, not laUr than th iriy da ys from date of this Papet Dec. 6, 1900 MM Hill We make this Special Unprecedented Offer to Quickly introduce and Obtain Agents In New localities. To quickly introdaos for Sr. Homo's Bow Improved. and ebUin nU in u many now totalities as ponifcls nA SMtrieBelti and atmlt.nM.. w. . ahaa in sell for 0 days only, our No. 4 Dr. Horna't New Improved Ketular 9'iO.OO Electric Bolt for only 6, a price that will make it possible tor eerr perton rdlrrthli adreitiioment to ret ene of oor best Belts at a nominal price. Sew la the W ttry ef ear baalneee hsie we fiVred te sell this Belt st sack a price, tmtwewant an arent in your locality, and we beliere that it you buy s Belt you will be so well pleased with it that you will either act aa sar arent or help a to (clone. Besuaiber, the Belt we are offering yoa for only t6.Cs is our No. Dr. Horns' New Improred Rerul.r S20.CO Combination Belt for men or women. II is adjust. Mf u worn br say member of the family. Saepeaeery free with ever t stale Be U It is the best Belt we manufacture! in fact, the Best ea Earth, and w make ne exception to this statement. We hays sold hundreds, yea, thousands ct there, up to iO.OO. There is not a family but what should have one of these Belt., as it is the best snd cheapest doctor, and yen do not have to re out of the house t retit. It will last you for years with proper ears, and will save Itself lndoctor bill! ten timee over. These Electric Belts have cured thousands and will cure you if you will only give it trial, as ths many testimonials which ws publish in oiusateloiss will provs. TOO RDH NO RISK IR DEALIRQ WITH US. . T la sdvsaee. If you want one ef thest belts we are perfectly willing to send it to your nearest ex ess of&oe. C. O. D.. st that yen can see and examine it free ot any cost, Just the isms as If you came int our office or so into any store, and it you are cerfectlv satisfied with It .. st,.... the pries ef the Belt and express ch arses and take iti otlianvlaZ is il 1 press arent ta returned to us. Can any fairer offer be made yoii than this t We are the only manufacturers ot Electric Belts who send Belts C. O. D., without hiking ens cent in advance. If you wish to send cash with order we will prepay all express Shairei and guarantee the Belt to ho exactly as represented, or forfeit 1 100.00. WE HAVE HOW OFFERED Y00 AR OPPORTUNITY OF Y06R LIFE S? J'.T00 d1 BO .swept t you may be sorry for it, as we shall never again offer this Belt st such s price. It seems needless to say that wears sustaining s loss on every Belt we sell at the above price, but it ia cheaper to introduce them in sew lo. e alities in this way than to send traveling men to doit for us. If you want one st tness belts OeJ'X OUT OOTXPOIV ssd send to usrrth your waist measura ia inches. Don't delay. Ordsr today it fissssisMSMs wuet j wa asasaj avtf sti aa Dr. Uoriie Electric Delt & Truss Go. .AQ0. ILL, U.S.A. please hand or mail thi t enjoying good health. 1 . "V . JJE1T. li . CHICAGO. P. a st you have no use tor an Beetrie Belt ent So some on that you knew, who is nni this stive. I y aotn I inia yen wiu revorinem ana as. we want a good agent in every locality to whoni we can give steady employment. We only employ thee who havs used ear Beits and can speak of their merits from persons! sxpsrienos. nuuiwuu -u so our renaouity wo refer to any r.rprees Company, say Bank in Chicago, and the many thousands all over the United Steteswha sswsn pur atecsne pens ana appliances curing ths past SO years. Erf' ,4 ui ilaVniT.iJ H!lllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllll1lll!H I Holiday Goods Holiday Goods We recently purchased a Manufacturer Sample Line ir ' E5 ,. .. at our. OWN PRICE, and our assortment is one of the ' E S largest in the city. , EL We Bought Cheap and Sell Cheap. 5 If you want the Best Bargains come before the rush. 55: 1 141 So. 9th St. JOHNSON DRUG STORE. f f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiin ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIilllllllHIIIIIL THE NEXT HOMESEEKERS EXCURSION Via the Burlington, December 18th 55 Rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip to all points in Indian and Oklahoma Territories, all points in Texas and to many EE points in Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana and New Mexico. Return limit, 21 days. This excurs us ion affords an excellent chance for Holi- 55 day visit. The route is the Burlington. CITY TICKET OFFICE . DEPOT, 7th St, b- 5 . Oor. 10th and O Sts., tween P and Q Sts. 55 Telephone 235 . Telephone 25. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiif Yon can leave Missouri River after breakfast to-day on "THE OVERLAND LIMITED " and arrive in California sooner than if you left yesterday Tia any other train. A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA, in regal splendor, can., be made on Tti Overland Limited," the celebrated Union Pacific train. This train runs via the " Overland Route," the established rou te across the continent. It has, perhaps, the most finely equipped cars in the world. There are Double Drawing-Room Palace Sleepers, broad vestibuled Cars through out. Buffet Smoking" and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms, Dining Cars, meals being served a la carte, and every delicacy is provided. The cars are illuminated with the famous Pintsh Light and heated with steam. A notable feature is that safety, perfect com- fort and speed are all included. .':. ,' ' Only Two M ----.'-- ...between..; Missouri River and San Francisco For time tables and full Informations call on - E. B. SLOSSON, Agent, Lincoln, Nebraska. V