VOL. XII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 20, 1900. NO. 31. iW APFOHTiOKMEKT ara Uitt HI Ttawe t- a lJ 4i-Irrula( fla-la-rete fmmwr la C"Ma-ras. Wwtisgtoa, D. C Dee. I. Rep reattJve Stark replied good-humor-41y today wbfa the subject of th Osut Bee's critlcUo cpoa hi atti tude a the ratio of representation lis, eosgreii was mestio&ed. The ro taaxtie exrogttatiotm of Its corretpon 4est are taore ingenious than Ingenu oei," he sa.l.ff. "He rt forth the ar ea meat that a stacd for decreased rep rstii.3 la congre would make tae so popular wills all elae J a N fcraaka as to Insure my election m goieraor. ifcoags the republican na tioaal ticket ti a plurality of nearly f t t the tt election, aad at the sas&e tlas woikt o cossmead eg to the jatcoriry veryvrhere a to make tcj tie BOft available candidate for th- vice preaideocy. He erase me of saak-iag combination with th eastern democracy a&i wofkirg to their ad ras.tjr. when - th most cursory ex assSaatiae of the figure will how that all th ratio for which there is any possibility cf rr.y voting would result ia a caic to southern rather thaa eaitem deraocratic state. The train 1 that I oppose a divisor that while nominally allowing us to l.clS our rak with 'tter state in crease the relative power of so many which have iiterr: divers to our omL Bead the liet of republican cora sicsvealths that will proSt if we adopt a dirtr of 1I,77 (the cumber thai It will be necessary to fix upon to re tain oar prcsert represe&tatica): Ohio, California, Connecticut. Iowa. Michi gan. Washington. North Dakota ana Wt Virgin:, osse member each: &&chuetts. Mirnetota. and New Jersey, two each; llhnoi and Pean sylvaaia, thr-v each, and New York foar. Tweuty-ftte sts la congre. Is there one of these tates not wedded to the tltfle sold standard? I there or that hta sy terdeacy toward aa-tl-ior:oioly or tsti-trast lesislatloa? Is th-re or, which fellves !a the ia rome tax. th t4ectia of United Statea aeaator hy the people, or that you ras depta-d a;oa to place any che-ek Kpoa the riflsjc tetkdeccy toard Sm jrt!sta. I4art the grata of thir nide by !etaoeratie state under thi diviar aad there remain twelve rosgri!oaal ict cet. that mast b given to T.tioaal back demiaatioo. if taxra r.i aubid!ec. for the poor rtiim of ar.iktr.ji: Nebraska teem to hsveeld her cw a la popaUtioa when eery acroci fv will I taacht dl.Ter--at!y withia ;VlTr vzoZiua froas thin i-areIits aad politicians tare you belie re that th ead rte would drop o"t af th uai verse. li tie eoarrf-ss-joaal reprrser.tatioa of oar taie ahouid fee dlmia!hed: that to kwE a errewEcaa kouads the de-ath kll of proerf-. aad prosperity. But fcUtory rraii diffrre-slly. The most e-eiebrat aad er;terpris!njr ttates cf the uaios hv pi&ti through thl eiperie-a- a?fd an apparently none tfct worte for It, After the 1849 cen- i. New Iersy, which !fore had the marr: r?prc-atatioa that Nebraska :.o ha was lowered to five, and for thirty sar vai ht!d at that cam "ot, jt in the lat d-cde New Jersey ra! i i ia ixipulailoa cearly a half trJUfos p-o0le. Bi-tw--a lSlt) a ad IS S3 Coaactlviit t; s rdi3ew3 from a to six. aad Mss-sicfa-usnts drop p4 frcm to 12. Ap:ireatly neither eter felt th Jar as th-) have steadily lzsptov-d ai-d hate always beta knov.i as lead'.rjf tat of the nation. Vir ginia, mother of prid at, has had a varied eiprieare. Ia li0 the had 22 ea?r3iea: fell in ivc to 12; ia creaaed in 1H0 to IS; dropp-4 la to IS. t:; 100 to 11. Ia 1M. to and ha iav teerrased. Between ad II W. Prsnsylvaaia lost four mem 1,-er. lirs redue4 from IS to 21. I a the a.ise dade the great state of New York wa dsiiaibed from 40 to 31. her freseat represeatatioa. and though he h nrur realard her lost cor ,reioaal M-ate 1 have nevrr heard that fche ha a5ert-'l from lost of pres tige or rre-t4 devlopmeat 1a eoae taeac thereof. Betweea 1 ZS) aad ! Ohio wa lowered from 21 to 19 aad did not recove her old member ship fo" twenty of the most glorious year recorded fa her annals. These lntacre are enoush to bow that the prtacipal pro?relve rommonwealths of America have cadersone thi ex perieare. and not only turvired, but &re aad tar bea doic. pretty well, thaak jou. It is oataral for some peo ple to attribute Interested aad selash moil re to evry actios that doe not Bieet wita their approval, but I cau astsre my imajriaative eritic that 1 am no mo-re influenced by a dre to t ultimately rbo a vie? presldeat. thta he i tavoriajc increased power of our chfHf executive over coloata po-Iat. ia the top of being one day appointed Saltan of the Sulu il- aad. A Perils! Clristoas For ten ) ar populism ts been th rel?t force ia politics and govern ment ia the United States. It ha re organized parti and changed the roar of government. One party took Its plitform four yesr aeo aad last year both it platform and It caai date. The dominant party ha not t,nly ba he'd ia check, tut it ha lera forced to adept the chief idea of populism, the increased coinage of sil ver, aad h5 la part adopted it other most, japortaat d-?maad and ltued an istaseasiL- aocat of prper money, if tec. year aro sayoae had euggetted to th republican leaders the idea of fealKjlag a government canal across the isthmus they would have receiv4 th ugget5oa with ridicule. Now tl whol party -coarrrsmer. asd sena tor indorse that project, and they arc all probably :&crely la favor of it except the railroad corporation. Whyatouid cot the popentts oa this If Chrlstmaa day rejoice over their most magnificent triamph. The party wa not orsanlied to get the ofScea, but to ret legislation. What have we sot? The largest increase In the amoutit of money in circulation ever made In the same length of time. An Indorsement o? the principle of gov ernment ownership. All that, and more, have we secured in spite of the opposition cf bank, railroad corpora tion and the whole money power of the world. Great advocates of our principles are. appearing in most un expected quarters. Bishop Potter would probably faint if he was told that he went down to New Haven and made a first class populist speech. But that is exact!) what he did do. It seems also that we have an ex-president, who, since the election, has been out making populist speeches. Gen eral Harrison went to Ann Arbor last week and made a speech in which he declared that the constitution applied alike to the states and the territories aad that It mast apply equally to all the people within the jurisdiction of the government, ; The view that the constitution did not apply to "our new possessions" he declared to be "shock ing," and "wojli not endure discus sion." He said that congress, the exe cutive and the, judiciary were all created by the constitution as the gov erning agencies of the United States; that their power are defined and lim ited by the constitution, and that ev ery liberty. Including that of uniform taxation, is guaranteed to the widest sweep of national sovereignty. Did any one ever hear of more rank populism than that? Did any populist ever hope, four years a.o. to see an ex-president out advocating populist principles. But this ex-presldent did more than that. He poked fun at the McKinley republicans and said that he iad noticed that the carrying of the white mans burden always Included the carrying of the brown man's gold. Let every populist eat a big Christ ma dinner and then go out and con gratulate himself that populism is mo difying the policies of this nation faster than he had ever hoped that they would. Britain Defeated The death grapple between British diplomacy and American policy over the Hay-Paunccfote treaty in the sen ate resulted in the adoption of the Davis amendment, by a vote of 63 to 17 the greatest defeat Great Britain has suffered in many a year.. This means that the Nicaragua canal Is to be an American canal, and that the U ailed States will close the inter anlc highway to Its enemies in time of war or keep It open, as may seem best. Not only was the Davis amend ment adopted by a vote so overwhelm ing as to remove all doubt that the Hay-Pauncefote treaty has become a aatioaal Issue and that tlreat Britain is now dealing with a nation and not with any faction, but abundant evi dence was given in the senate that the treaty will be further amended until every trace of British interference in the affairs of this country hav.e been destroyed. If Great Britain refuses to accept the terms of the United States sen ate, speaking for the undivided Am erican people, the Clayton-Bulwer treaty will be at once abrogated. AN INDIAN WAR Colorado Has Its Annual Rig Indian Cam paig-n and Come off Victor ious as t'nal. Every year out in Colo-ado they get up an Indian scare, the militia is called out. or the governor is asked to call them out The cowboys and game war dens mount their ponies and start to the hills. Then blood-curdling tele grams are sent to the governor and to Washington, the air is full of rumors, the women and children are fright ened, the tendcrfeet start out of the country, blood-thirsty savages are ev erywhere seen lurking in tue bushes with war paint smeared all over them, signal fires are seen at night, and this year it all ended up with a telegram from the game warden, which said "I have driven every Indian out of the state." Then gentle peace returned and the children did not cry them selves to sleep at nlgut. any more and the women were not afraid to go to the spring to get a pall of water. All thi is brought about every year in Colorado on account of the law for the protection of big game. In the fali the Indians go out to hunt deer and are accused of getting over into Colorado" game preserves. The thing wa a little more ridiculous this year than usual and It Inspired the editor of the Aspen Tribune to make a suggestion for a remedy which had a whole lot of merit. It was to ap point Indian game wardens, with a big Indian for chief commissioner, and to bar white men from the game dis tricts for a decade. The Tribune backs up its suggestion with the irre futable fact that the Indians hunted for centuries at will and practically supported themselves off the game, yet that the animals Increased and multi plied so that when the white man cams on the ground the mountains and val ley abounded with game. It is pret ty hard to get away from the conclu sion that the Indians know a great deal more than white men about the way to take care of game though I? Is a cruel blow to the calm self-sufficiency of the Colorado game wardens. At a meeting in New York of the owner of railroad stocks and bonds the other day. the presidents who have heretofore thought that they were mighty men. came to the conclusion that they mere of about the size of 30 cent. They finally became impressed with the fact that they, too, were only hirelings and if they wanted to con tinue to draw their salaries, they must obey the nods of the men of money as well as the section hand? THE OUTPUT OF GOLD It 1 an Aatonfahment to the World Six Ktliona Greater la the United States Than the Record Breaking Year of 1853. The report of the director of the mint on the gold and silver produc tion during the calendar year 1899, shows only slight variation from the approximate figures given out early in the present year. The final figures are $71,053,400 for gold and $32,858,700 for silver at its average commercial value during the year. The gold product was the greatest in the history of the coun try, exceeding that of 1898 by $6,590, 400, and greater by $6,050,500 than the estimated product of 1853, the record year in the working of the California placer mines. The principal gains in 1899 over 1898 were in Alaska $2,934, 700, due to the Cape Nome district; Colorado, $2,787,500, and Utah $1,165, 400. The silver product of the United States. in 1899 was slightly greater than in 1898, being 54,764,000 ounces, against 54,438,000 ounces. The aver age price for silver during the year on the London quotations was 60 cents an ounce, as compared with 59 cents in 1898. The following are the figures by states and territories for the 1899 pro duction as valued by the director of the mint: Silver Gold Commercial Value. Value. Alabama $ 4,300 $ 60 Alaska 5,459,500 Arizona 2,566,100 California 15,097,800 Colorado 25,982,800 84,060 946,980 494,580 13,587,740 Georgia 113.000 240 Idaho 1,889,000 2,311,080 300 60 67,600 60 9,657,600 Maine 3,600 Maryland .. Michigan . . Missouri . . 800 100 100 Montana 4,760,100 Nevada New Mexico . . . North Carolina. 2,219,000 506,040 584,100 301,980 34,500 180 1,409,500 80,580 160,100 240 6,469,500 87,360 6,900 312,000 3,450,800 4,255,980 100 7,100 60 685,400 153,600 29,600! i 240 (Oregon South Carolina. South JDakota. . Texas Utah Vermont Virgina Washington ... Wyoming Totals $71,053,400 $32,858,700 The world's production of gold in 1S99 was of the value of $306,584,900, an increase of $19,156,300 over the yield- of 1898. The principal gains were $6,590,400 in the United States, $7,485,600 in Canada (mainly In Klondike) and Australia $14,860, 800. The most important loss was in Africa, which fell about $7,000,000 be low the output of 1898 as a result of the war in the Transvaal. The war broke out in September and mining operations in that field were almost suspended. But for the interruption in the Transvaal the world's production for the year would doubtless have been $25,000,000 greater. TheKlondike out put for 1899 was about $16,000,000. The world production of silver in 1899 was $167,224,243 fine ounces, asrainst $165,295,572 fine ounces in 1895. Mexico leads and Mexico and the United States produce two-thirds of the silver yield of the world. The world's industrial consumption of gold Is estimated at, $72,658,500 and of sil ver $24,595,600. The value of the product of gold in the world during the calendar year 1899: By Countries. Gold. Silver. United States.$ 71,053,400 $ 32,858,700 Mexico 8,500,000 33,367,300 Canada and New foundland . 21,324,300 2,047,000 Africa 73,227,100 Australia 79,321,600 7,612,000 Russia 22,167,100 80,900 Austria-Hun . 1,943,900 1,137,300 Germany 74,200 3,745,200 Norway 100,100 Sweden 70,600 44.200 Italy 165,900 482,700 Spain 2,000 1,471,800 Portugal 4,700 2,300 Greece 795,600 Turkey 14,200 85,300 Servia 13,300 11,000 France 276,600 Great Britain. 58.800 111.900 Argentina . . . Bolivia Chili Colombia Ecuador Brazil Venezuela . . . Guiana (Brit.) Guiana (Dut.) Guiana (Fr.). Peru Uruguay Cent. Am.... Japan China Korea E. Indies (Dut) E. Indies(Br.) India (Brit.). 137,700 230,100 68,500 6,506,400 893,600 2,852,800 1,809,500 . 2,112,900 47.900 4,600 2,149,500 1,089,300 2,040,500 587,600 1,688,700 628,000 2,833,600 34,400 584,200 - 554,800 790,800 996,100 5,574,400 1,459,000 117,600 425,100 8,517,500 ...... Totals .$306,584,900 $100,321,100 Would Nat be Right Editor Independent: Do you think it would be the right course of action for fusion representatives in congress, men who have preached . during the campaign that the war waged against the Filipinos was a criminal war, and who were elected by the votes of peo ple who thought the war a crime, to now vote for an army and for appro priations to carry on that war, on the ground that a majority of tha people of the United States voted for the war? It seems to us who believe the war a crime now, as well as previous to elec tion, that it would be the same, as for an individual furnishing a man arms to do a criminal act, and that the war, if It must be carded on, should be carried on by an army ana by approp riatlons authorized by the votes of members of congress . who place the dollar above the man and commer cial expansion above, liberty and life. O. E. HARRIS. Crete, Neb. f . " : (The position, of The Independent has been that the fusion forces in congress . and tue ; state , legislature should not engage in "factious opposi tion" to republican measure, but that is very far from advising that the, fu sion forces should support such meas ures by their votes. ' Let them register their dissent by their votes, and if opportunity is . given, expose the f al lacy of them. But the people having voted for such measures, they are en titled to them. . Reason has no effect upon most republicans. . They can only be convinced by an actual, physical demonstration. It is to the interest of good government in the future that they should have it.- Ed. Ind.) The Hunter Nuisance If our legislators want to merit and receive the everlasting gratitude of the farming population of this great coun try, let them amend our-hunting laws The quail should not be considered a game bird at all, or should be special ly protected at all seasons for a series of years at least, for no bird is more harmless and beneficial as a destroyer of noxious insects and weed seeds. And the open season for shooting all kinds of game shouldJ be confined to wild lands and open tracts of country. Why should the "sportsman" have any more right to invade my fields and shoot my rabbits and quails than he has to shoot my chickens and tur keys? Is it not a national disgrace that the laws of . our land are so loose that a man cannot protect all the ani mals within the borders of his own private domains' from the ruthless at tacks of soulless marauders? There were perhaps a half dozen flocks of quail hatched-and reared around our place this season, and as , they have for a number of years become pretty nearly extinct, our farmers were great ly pleased to see them returning. But no sooner did the open season arrive than the warfare began, and it was "bang, bang, bang," from daylight till dark, with mea and dogs in" line, marching through orchard, meadow and woodland, until the cheerful pip ing of our quail is heard no more. If the family cat, or a turkey or chicken happen to stray a few rods away from the hotise the chancss are that they, too, will often fall a victim and help to fill the game-hag of-some "smart" sport. Several cases of wounded sheep and cattle have come to my notice, and altogether it is becoming an unbear able nuisance. The only protection we have at present is in posting up tres pass - notices, and be it known they have but very little effect. The hunt ers well know that we have no power to arrest and can rarely identify them. If our laws would make all the game within a man's enclosures his personal property, and make it a finable offense for outsiders to invade the grounds at all seasons without written permission of the owner, very little game would be destroyed either in season or out. If every farmer who suffers from this wrong would write to his represntative it is possible that it might be righted. Isaac F. Tillinghast. We'll Civilize 'em An Indianapolis paper recently pub lished a letter written by Custer Hen derson of St. Bernice, Ind., who is serving in the Philippines, in which. among other things, he says: "Last October there were brought here from China about 800 of the lowest type of Chinese women, and they are installed in houses, some for officers and some for private soldiers. The worst of it is these houses are all decorated in side with the stars and stripes and at night the streets are a mass of . howl ing, drunken, half-naked women and American soldiers." We have just started to civilize the poor heathen. Wait till we finish the job. This may be expected as a nat ural consequence of a policy of con quest and plunder. It will not be sur prising Jf within a few years the same conditions prevail in "our new posses sions" that mark the sway of England in India. The Toiler. Pauper Farmers The pauper farmers who have a pull, "will soon begin to receive from their congressmen their gifts of seeds for which the farmers who are not paupers will pay. Our paternal gov ernment annually gives away 24,000, 000 packets of garden seeds and tens of thousands of dollars worth of flow er aad .field seeds. The specifications call :f or 241,000 pounds of lettuce, on ionrcucumber, beet, radish and melon seeds and 15,000 bushels of sugar corn peas and beans, v besides many thou sand pounds and bushels of other products,, some oi which have a claim1 to value for food or ornamental pur poses, and much of which can only be TightfulTy denominated as trash. It Struck Him "The Polk County Independent, which bears the sub-title "a republican news paper," last week printed the follow ing editorial: "The editor of this paper is a lawyer but he does not need to tell the peopls of Polk county that he has had a howling success in this profession, "for McKinley prosperity has driven him out of business, as the receipts, from his profession for the past two months, if invoiced in a careful, businesslike way, would not . buy. a postage stamp therefore he made up nis mind to go into the newspaper business and starve o death." . . ., PATRIOTISM As Defined by Th Modern Imperialist It is the Moat Displeable Thing Known . to Mankind Tolstoi has recently written a book entitled "Patriotism and Government" In it he discusses this modern idea of patriotism which says: "My country, right or wrong." The great philos opher insists that this sort of patriot ism is the very worst of human pas-' sions. We can see its effects upon the American people. - The Incontestible facts , of history, now known to all men, are that before Admiral Dewey sailed from Hong Kong he cabled the American consul at Singapore to have Aguinaldo meet him at Hong Kong. The two, met there, and by arrange ment Aguinaldo proceeded to Manila to raise the Filipino standard and co operate with Dewey in the conquest of the Spanish forces. That more than 30,000 Filipinos rallied to Aguinaldo's call, and that this Filipino army did all the fighting and conquering on land that was done, until the taking of Manila, which was by prearrangement with the Spanish general the Spanish forces to put up only resistance enough to make a show of defense that the Spanish might not be disgraced when they returned to Spain. That the Fili pinos thus rallied and fought in ex pectation of their own independence which expectation was in nowise dis couraged by the American officials at Manila or Washington. That the fight ing ended with the occupation of Ma nila, and was ' followed with nego tiations ending in the treaty of peace. That by the treaty, the United States bought from Spain its overthrown sov ereignty over the islands, and with that as its warrant notified the Fili pinos that their further struggle for independence was fruitless; that the United States had bought them, owned them and they must submit to the new master instead of the one that had just sold them Not helng willing to yield their independence, the United States proceeded to kill them with bul lets and sword and bayonets, and to lay waste their cities until, overawed, those who succeeded in living might submit to American rule. And the war is yet eoing on. Tha t is the work .that this things that the imperialists call patriotism has forced the American people to do. In Germany It forces every male citizen upon -arriving at the age of twenty-one years to enter the army and there re main for three years. In-France prac tically the same law prevails. In Rus- e fa the same-r3iffering only in de tails. This is slavery in Its most de testable form. For three years v the citizen Is absolutely subject to the dic tatorship of a multitude of petty ofll- cers; the silgntest iorm or aisooea- ience is punished with Imprisonment, and what in civil life would be no of fense at all is often punishable with death. This same sort of patriotism will force a hundred thousand American citizens into perpetual slavery in a regular army in the United States, that is. if the bill passes the senata that was recently rushed through the house. A hundred thousand Ameri cans who must obey every wish and nod of petty officers, do any sort of service on pain of death which may be imposed , upon I them. A hundred thousand American '- youths, trans formed from free men to a slavery more onerous than that to which the African slave was ever subjected and all in the name of patriotism. This sort of natriotism has become a fren zy in all the Christian nations of the world. It is preached from the pul pits and eulogized in the parlors. This thing caned patriotism is worth studying for a while. It elected McKinley. It defeated the reform forces. "It saddled upon this country a ereat standing army, a great navy and a congress that appropriates the peo ple's money by the billion. Yes, it Is worth investigation. What is it? Shall it form the policies and rule the peo ple of this country for generations yet to come? Or shall it be aenouncea ior the cruel and wicked thing that it really is? CANAL CAN WAIT Philippine Wars, Great Standing Armies Immense Navies all Come High and the People Can Wait for a " Kioarugua Canal. Washington, D. C, Dec. 14. The re publicans want to get a lot of busi ness out of the way before congress takes a recess for the holidays. The ship subsidy bill got by the house easily enough, but Hanna is worried about its progress in the sen ate. , Just think what a howl would be raised if it were proposed to pay tho farmers of this country nine millions a year "to encourage agriculture." Im agine the derision that would be ex cited, by paying the bulk of the sub sidy to those already owning farming land and paying .it without regard to the amount of the crop or whether one was raised at. all or not The subsidy would encpurage lazi ness among those who already owned farming land, but it wouldn't encour age improved methods in order "to grow bigger crops and it, would en courage poor men to go from the cities to take up farming. . Queer, isnt it how quickly the sub sidy bubble would be punctured by the common sense of the people if It ap plied to anything on -land. But just make it shipping subsidy and thi whole thing gets out of the grasp of the average voter. There is a big English firm trying to obtain an Interest in one of the chief ship-building concerns in this country. : English capital scents the value of subsidies from afar. Imagine subsidizing the American laborer in addition to his daily .wages in order to protect him from foreign competition. How. very dreadful it would seem to all the economists and business men. But when it comes to a subsidy on shipping, of course that's different. One of the arguments made by the subsidy people is that they would have vessels ready for government use in case of war. If they did it would be at a very high price. The subsidy would be forgotten then. During the Spanish war the govern ment bought hundreds of vessels from private owners at about four times their real value. Instead of keeping them for. transport seryice, they were sold back again at ridiculously low figures and now some of the same ves sels are being rented at an exorbitant price. It costs $12,000 a day for the rental of vessels in the Pacific trans port service. : .As to the iMcaragiian canal, that's another matter. If our Philippine war and our. new standing army and our fighting navy come too high, why the dear people can just wait for their canal. That's a purely commercial measure any way and cannot be ex pected to engage the attention of an imperialist administration just now. EVA M'DONALD VALISH. ; Principal Imports The transport Hancock arrived at: San Francisco on Monday from Manila with the bodies of l,500 American sol diers and sailors who had died in bat tle or from disease. The number of corpses was increased on the . voyage by the death of eleven of the three hundred and odd sick' soldiers aboard who' had been invalided home. The transport Grant is following the Han cock across the Pacific with 250 more bodies." Many otner similar gruesome cargoes preceded these and many oth ers will follow. Steamship holds filled with - dead Americans are our principal import from the Philippines. Is the game worth -the candle? It doesn't 'matter so mucn about the $12. 000,000 or $14,000,000 - a month the United States is spending to carry on the war. The country can stand that. But the loss of lives and the much greater loss in men permanently in fected with Oriental diseases is a cruel drain on the life blood of the nation. The shiploads of dead are the har vest of imperialism; They are a sacri fice to the s craze for forcible aggres sion which takes the place of the greedy idol, Baal, into whose brazen furnaces the ancients used to cast thousands cf children. We regard the ancients as murderous lunatics. Den ver News. '-- ! - WOULD ROB THE STATE An Attempt to Enter the State Capitol i Building to Loot the Treasury. Wednesday night ; an attempt was made to rob the state treasury. At about 3 o'clock: a, general alarm was turned in from the'capitol and the en tire police force and the sheriff hast ened to the building. They found the night watchman and one of "the jani tors in a state of excitement, the watchman having just exchanged shots with two or three men who had left without ceremony. The windows of the office of the state treasurer were open and the rooms were in some con fusion. A candle was found, and a stout cement sack, bearing the name of a Ft. Dodge, Ia.; plaster firm. A small chisel was found near the win dow in the vault room. F. M. Good, , the night watchman, said that in his usual rounds of the building he turned In the A. D. T. call box, which he pulls hourly, at 2:45 a. m.v This box is 'on the door of the treasurer's office. 'A' few minutes after ringing in he sat down on the stairs in the corridor when 'he heard some thing fall in the treasurer's office. Thinking that perhaps Mr. Meserve was around to test the efficiency of the watch service Mr. Good lay with ear to the bottom of the door until he heard sounds that convinced him that robbers were in the room. Making up bis mind that the rob bers had entered through the base ment and that he could cut them off in that way Mr. Good slipped around to the stairway and started down to the basement Just a3 he turned the corner down the basement steps he heard a man shout: "Hold up your hands." " He pulled himself back just in time to escape a bullet that cut . through his coat lapel and made a hole In the wall at his side. It required but a moment to turn out the gas jet in the stairway. He then heard a sound of some one running in the basement, and as it was dimly lighted , took a wing shot at a man as he rushed past the stairway to ward, the west. r - Good then listened, but hearing no further sounds, decided to go to the A. D. T. box and turn in an alarm. Just ashe entered the corridor on the first floor he heard a sharp command to hold up his hands. Again he jumped back and again he dodged a bullet He had his own revolver out all this time, and quickly fired a shot down the corridor towatd the east. Af ter that nothing more was heard". The alarm was turned in and in a short time the office was swarming with officers who were ready to follow any clue that might present itself. . ; Further investigation will be made today and if a proper trail can be found the blood hounds will be put to: use in pursuing the guilty parties. The Dixon County Socialist is no more. . It has accomplished its mis sion the defeat of the greatest of patriots of the nineteenth century. Born of republican parentage and sup ported by republican trust funds and operated by one who had claimed to -be one of Bryan's most devoted ad mirers, it has died the death of the unrighteous, to add a few paltry, Judas dollars to his purse. If there" is any consolation, and satisfaction in' such deals it must be found in the wind of a base traitor. Dixon County Leader. TELLING THE TRUTH How Banking la Dona The Difference ' Between Checks and Paper Money Issued by the BankS. Secretary Gage got a truthful mood upon him and made a speech before other day in which he gave them some instruction in banking. The readers of The Independent can make use of it by showing it to republicans who hav.e been in the habit of claiming that bank deposits represented just so much , money. They will remember how tho great gold bug sage of Nebraska' City triumphantly- announced that there was over a million of dollars deposited by the farmers in the banks in his county and to prove it cited the bank probably did not know any better, The Independent recommends thi speech by Secretary Gage for studyx by those who aro unacquainted withV banking. Only part of it is published V .here for , the truthful mood of the secretary, aia not noia out until ne got through and he went off making a plea for the issue of paper money by the banks ! based unon their asseta. That is not only rank heresy upon any sound theory of banking, but an ex hibition of financial nonsense never excelled by John Law himself. Mr. Gage said: It is estimated that, taking the coun try as a whole, 80 to 85 per cent (this estimate is 30 per cent too large. Ed. Ind.) of all transfers of property and payment of debts are accomplished by the use of checks and drafts, without the useof actual money. Speaking.. broadly, bank deposits, with, their cessory bank checks and drafts, fo mucn tne larger part or our Dan money. They at least perform in large way the same function whi' paper money performs in a small wa; But let us get away for a moment f ro glittering generalities and bewilderir! figures to a concrete and simple fal which may show how the bank serves, how he takes responsibility 1 serving, and how he finds profit serving the community. Mr. A. is a man of some propw and of good character. He ownf mill, a furnace or a farm. To prj cute his business he must buy raw I. terial and hire labor. His cap! available for these purpcBes la at tii. insufficient He applies to the bankeY' for a loan. The banker consents to .his request and a transaction takes pLixe. What is that transaction? Generilly this: ,The borrower gives his nolo to the .banker for a given sum, payable at fvf" . with . -In fntnrec f TV with. an interest atri'ee- mcr Inserted. The banker In ref iB to the borrower a crudi: uj , ,.joks for a like amount. The wtftfi1 Tiling is equivalent to a con tract wherein the banker says: "Prom ise to pay me a certain sum at an agreed date aad I will discharge - or pay any checks you may at all times, within the limit of my claim against you,' draw upon me." You will see that there Is thus created an enormous credit fund against which checks and drafts are daily drawn in the conduct of daily business affairs. The clearing-house reports of the principal cities show a weekly volume of about $1,500,000,000 of this kind of Instruments of exchange. Reduced to a dally average, we discover a con stant floating volume of about $200, 000,000 or $250,000,000. The total credit available fund subject to check is rep resented 4 by bank deposits, and theso amount to about $4,500,000,000. We have now come to a point where I desire your particular attention, nln granting these credits, to be utilized through the medium of checks and drafts, the banker Is essentially free to this extent, namely, he is not obliged to furnish any kind of guar anty that he will pay his dealers checks, even if found. good upon hia books. And yet, as we have . sen, there exists, through the influence of the banker's credit, a constant genor.il average fund of $4,500,000,000 avail able for the transfer of property, und that to the extent of $200,000,000 or $250,000,000 every day In the y5ar, theso credits are used for '.the .pur poses indicated. But there are pur poses for which the banker's credits, available only by the use of checks and draft3, do not and can not meet the needs of the public. For purchaseti at small and remote points, where bank ing facilities do not exist; for the pay ment of wages, and for many of the smaller purposes of business life, act ual money, In moderate denominations, either In the form of gold silver or pa per currency, is essential. An illus tration will serve to Indicate what I mean. . Along the Atlantic coast In the numerous tide waters of rivers, bays and Inlets, thousands of men ore engaged in gathering the food of th-a sea. The products of their toil taey bring to some one of the main ftta tlons; where buyers for the markets are to be found, and there they ex change their commodities for cash In hand. Needs not dissimilar e:tist through the cotton fields of the south, the corn and wheat belts of the west and the mining regions of the moun tains. vIf the needs of the commercial community in the centers and towns supplied by the use of drafts and check are. larger, the needs of those communities to which I have Just re ferred; are not less important. We have seen how: bank credits, available through checks and drafts, supply commercial necessities. We. have now to observe that in the wide field whe-i curreny or paper money is essential, the bank credit is powerless. That Is to say, the conditions of law under which the bank may extend credit to its dealers by-issuing to him its own notes payable on demand, are entirely different, from the conditions undei which: it may give, him credit upon its books, to be availed of by checks und drafts. Yet there is no difference in principle.; between the two. In the one case the banker says . In effect: "Draw-your , checks on me a3 under-