December 6. 1900. THE NEBRASBLA: INDEPENDENT. m raa n. Ifi! n n A rVv1 era a We want to impre ujon the readers' of the Independent that we have the best equipped mail order department in America. Our perfect pytem, our gigantic stocks and assortments, our tremendous buiues and our location, enable us to give you the let service and to save you time, freight, and money. We will fill order from any catalogue you may have. We will mail you free samples, prices, or catalogues of any good- you may need. 3 rile for c.r n:w Holiday Price List now fedn issued. All mail orders filled subject to approval. If you have not a read v done buine5 with us, send us a trial order or write us for catalogues, etc. Mention the Independent when writing. , HAYDEN BROS. WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE. THt: Titt vr. Tfc Jtrat SninrUI rap- l-frln to talk abo ;. gxId truH. Its b-al. as it i proir it feLou'.i t is ia Ixm don. It 1 :&'-4 that St alr'stdy con tro: i-uire fbac thr--fourths of the foil f.!i of tt- orM. It owns a ry la rr? aajority of the M mines la tfcla wintry. practically all In South Africa and Australia and all tk prtaiutnt mines in Alaska. Wita la tit r.eit jar it will be in a posi tion to rK'jUt- lit output of the old of tt world, just aa some of the di rmon Lo are a It have n-gulated tie output of the diamond raises. Wfctn that Use comes the nations of the world, whether they call thein-it-s empires or repuhlics, will be within it power. It means confining the output of the mines to the wlebea of a trust. Th? rolume of money will P frcm the control of nations to tl octroi of a frw Mlionalres. io&otctts hate b?-ea looking for ward to the time when the money psjwer would have to do something to control the output of geld. The cyan ide proo-ss axil other inventions have x iacreajci the production of gold that the director cf the mint an-r-ouces that the output for 1501 will greater than was ever known In the history cf the world before. He i-jyB that It will add about one-eighth lies the stock of gold in the world & ' tork that has been accumulating el nee lonz Lfore history beffan. If that is tr--; it means "fifty-cent" dollars ture uoush. To add one eiehth to he gold of the world betid- the coinage cf filrer that mast be dcrr if w are to trade with South America, AsLa a?. J other silver using countries, mean a rise in prices great er than was tver advocated by the rsost rabid populist, With the old conditions which existed under com petition ft would mean a period of prosperity such as visited the world upon the discovery of America, when th Spanish galleons went back to Spain loaded with the gold of the In cas and the silver of Potosl. Under trust control cf all the great Industries the result will I dllerecL rcp-j!iis have always said that while the gold bugs talked about the intrinsic valu of gold, if It became too plentiful, they would be the first ones to cry o-t Ion its demonetisation or devise some scheme to diminish the cpp!y. There Is evidence a every hand that tie money power is fright ened at this tremendous output of gold and more badly frightened at the pros-p-r of Its increase. There Is no doubt that Beit and the "Baraato crowd. as they are called, can form a trust that will control the cstput cf gold. It would not be as WANTED LADIES TO CROCHET I Mas tiUstr &n m.htv4rj ork j a Uxi Vlj v rtmt.try. U rl Ur i-ertx-o- , lara. teejie. Jo.seb.a work. klTTwtt,umr ', M--i .i.4 irJ burs CtiC.. lit ', KUSTUhS YCUK3 MAN. i!utliC man can n.ake t30 lr n r.iu and -xpr.e. Permanent l..t.s. r.x;er-!uce unnecessary. Wr:". ittck for i particulars. Clark 4 IV:.. 4-.L k Iunt b'.... Philadelphia, Pa GR. REYNOLDS t.fre, Irr l' r. rousiis 17 I J. Teie-ji'-te ,:'..--- L';cr. 10 a. ta. to 12 i .. 3 . iz- Sunday 3 t "k in-riiNO. W2tchmkcr Jrsc!er& Engraver 1211 O STREET. t KJ Se'i myt..l tUrtidl to. bLarp.? Creu fce arat4r 1'ruav ab.e iair iLg. IxHiwi . WfEie,dtoUt, Lit tsuaih 11th street Brwwr-U block. CAM CURED WITH SOOTHING. CALMY OILS 4 tr,Ta.rirr.F". rtU.t krtdaU MAILORDERS FILLED OPPOSITE POSTOFFIGE, OMAHA difficult to do as was the formation of the diamond trust, at the time that it was done, which so completely con trolled the production of diamonds and doled them out to the makers of the world in quantities ju3t large enough not to depress the value. The economic welfare of nations now depends upon two things, which may be resolved into one thing. The first is: Shall monopolies be per mitted that can control production and prices? That is the fundamental one. That means the overthrow of all tlhe means of production and distribution to which the world has been accus tomed since man began to produce and distribute. If that is to be allowed, then the gold trust can control all the other trusts, all prices and all produc tion, just as long as gold is continued as the only money with which inter national balances can be settled. The failure of the money power to stop the coinage of silver and thus prevent the more equal distribution of wealth through an increased volume of money, caused that power to turn its attention to the destruction of com petition by the organization of the trusts. Now the trusts are themselves threatened by the organization of the gold trust These men when they gained their first victory in 1873 opened a pandora box. No man can tell what the end will be. The whole world is thrown into confusion. Men who do not think, may Imagine that they are floating down a peaceful river in a gaily decked barge cf prosperity. But the customs of centuries will not be final ly overthrown without commotion. The destruction of competition by the organization of trusts is a complete revolution. Many of the leading magazines have recently come out with articles boldly advocating the trusts. They all kept very quiet on that subject until the trusts were securely, enthroned in power. None of these writers ever stop to think that the acceptance of the trusts as a fixed policy means the overthrow of the common law as ad ministered for two centuries, a com plete change in the course of civiliza tion. subsUtutlng for free and inde pendent men auother and altogether different system, in which the owners of capital hold within their power the lives of all the rest of mankind. There will - be but two classes; the owners of the trusts and those whom the trusts employ. As employment will be necessary to life and the owners of the trusts are the only employers, they will hold within their hands the lives of all the employes. That will be tyranny such as the world never saw before. GOXOVA? k r far M.Ir mm& IS pM)U ew. M iitrw mm- mm-m, !' ,! fc. th KWId Prat t n hi. 4-li- t UL MM m m-t at nicrn. Pn uww ail. A mil Salesmen caa find profitable, permanent iiwtwo, spfrience unnececsary : pay weekly. nm Nurfry Co., Bank Bldg., Lawrence, kaaa. ancers Why suf fer pai n ured and death from cancer? DR. T. O'CONNOR cures cancers, tumors, and wens; no knife, blood or plaster. Address 130G O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. When Sick You Want a Home; Ycu Heed a Hospital Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital furnishes both. Diseases of women a specialty. All the latest appliances for pelvic and abdominal surgery. 1117 L ST.. LINCOLN. NEB. P. G. box 951. T. J. THORP & CO., General Machinists. Repairing of all kinds Uodnl-aoakera, etc. Sis. Rubber Stamps, SUncils, Checks, Etc 308 So. nth St., Lincoln, Neb. ; CHRIST AND EMPIRE. In these modern days, any. sort of cruelty, any amount of murdering, any sort of inhuman barbarity can be com mitted if it is only done in the name of Christianity 'and the "civilized" nations will look on in silence. It is perfectly proper for any civilized na tion to treat an enemy found "with arms as bandits, to burn whole vil lages, to deport or confine ' in pesti lential camps whole families of wom en and children, to lay waste entire territories, leaving no living thing or useful object in existence, if it is done in the name of Christ. But if such things are done by Turks or Chinese boxers then the "civilized" nations should not only protest, but bring force to bear to stop it The Turkish massacres of the Armenians were not a whit more cruel than the British de vastations in South Africa and were much less so ' than the rapine ' and bloodshed attending the operations of the foreign troops in China. But they are operating in the name of Christ and the burning of cities, outraging of women, the murder of non-combatants, is all right and godly if it is only done in that way, provided al ways, that there is money or empire in it. The most horrid details of the war of devastation carried on in South Africa by Lord Kitchener are sup pressed by the military censor, but what is told of it makes it exceed the ravages of Attila. When the Turks committed crimes far less horrible, all the churches in the United States were aflame with indignation. Now they say not a word, because it is done in the name of Christ and empire. It is well known all over Europe that the South African sky is being reddened by the flames of burning villages and farm houses, and every wind that blows is freighted with the cries of deported, exiled and homeless men, women and children. The nervous shock and mental strain aboard a modern battle ship during action is the cause of death to many men who are never touched with a flying splinter, a piece of shell, a bullet or solid shot. The papers have within the last year reported the death of six persons who were aboard the ships during the fights with Spain, by suicide or from nervous prostration, among them Anderson, who reported to Captain Sigsby the blowing up of the Maine, and Captain Ridgely. The last poor fellow, a gunner, went around for weeks saying: "I can't get , the roar of the guns out of my ears." War is hell, whether on land or sea. Since the election, Judge, the New York comic paper, which claims that it elected 'McKinley by Inventing the "full dinner pail," has come' out in favor of municipal ownership, election of United States senators by the peo ple, government ownership , of the Nicaragua canal and several other de mands of the populist platform. The Independent has often said that the plutocrats would willingly grant ev ery demand in the populist platform , If by so doing they could control the volume of money. That is the thing upon which the concentration of capi tal rests and the rich will grant all the reforms that we ask if they can only control the money. The brutality of the English officers in South Africa exceed the worst that was charged against Weyler, and are equalled only by what has been writ ten about the boxers. The Nether lands Women's League publishes a letter from Mrs. Dewet in which she says: "War is not waged here be tween soldiers. It is murder, pure and simple murder of women and helpless children. All over the Free State women and children are roaming about without shelter, without cloth ing, without food and no one can reach them. Little boys from 9 to 14 are taken away from their mothers and sent to Basutoland. The most horri ble things are being done." , Some weeks ago W. E. Curtis started a lie which has already become an ac cepted truth by the subsidized press all over the country. They have adopted the policy of beginning ar ticles with the words: "When Bryan made the contract with Croker to turn over to him the federal patronage," etc., just as though the assertion con tained in the phrase was accepted as the truth by the whole population. That phrase has appeared in many eastern dailies within the last few weeks. The object is to store ammu nition against Bryan for future use. Bryan is still the man they fear more than all others. The attention of the readers of The Independent is called to the splendid line of advertisements carried in its columns. It will pay you to read them and buy where you can get the most for your money. When writing men tion the fact that you saw the adver tisement in The Independent, and you will get fair treatment. If you do not receive proper treatment by any ad vertiser in these columns write ex plaining the circumstances, and we will investigate the matter fully. We wish to suggest to those of our subscribers who have received bills for subscription during the past month, and who have not favored us with a remittance of the' amount due, that they do so at this time and save us the labor and expense of sending a second bill. Those who for any' reason do not find it convenient to pay at this time should write a letter of explana tion and doubtless - some satisfactory arrangement "can be made" for the ex tension of the time desired. Let us hear from you now," either with a re mittance or explanation. "Don't wait for a second bill. ? ' DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach, the diseased portion of the ear; There is pnly one way to cure Deaf ness, and, that is by constitutional remedies.' Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition, of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian' Tube When this tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deaf ness is the jesult, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing, will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the : mucous sur faces. . We will give One. Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured 'by, Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best HARDY'S COLUMN The President and Parity Mark Foots the Bill Ship Subsidy Bankrupt Prosperity Death Expensive Why Kick The Hawaiians Revolt Dark Cloud Ball Games., The president pleads that congress pass further laws in order that the parity between silver' and gold be maintained. There never was any trouble with -silver until the., republi cans commenced to monkey with it in 1873. It is reported that Mark Hanna pays the coal diggers the 10 per cent rise in wages, up to April first, then the trouble will break out afresh. The re publicans feared the continuance of the strike would affect the election and as they had millions , of trust money on hand they used a few thousand that way. Hanna's ship subsidy ?wlll probably be passed by this congress. All they can collect for transporting goods is not enough they must tax the people millions every year and give it to the snip owners. When the people get to living on theii own products, within themselves, - and. railroad business drops off, 'the "railroads will want a subsidy. '' 'ao' It appears that seventy-one cases in bankruptcy . is ; tber allotted . share of Beatrice up to date.. Forty-four of these bankrupts were" farmers. That does not indicate that farmers are liv ing in clover. ?;. ; w.. ;,i i u : v . . . . t - r a Death is an expensive luxury in Lin? coin. In the first place Jyoii must pay at the rate of twenty-four thousand dollars an acre' for7 a nice lot In the graveyard given by the state. If you are a man you will need to be shaved after death. A licensed barber will charge you five dollars. A licensed un dertaker for his dead f 'Science will charge you fifty dollars A coffin will cost fifty or a hundred-dollars more. Digging the grave will 'cost five dol lars. Every hack five and the hearse ten. Then if you haVe a certificate from a licensed doctor that you are dead, the authorities will allow you to be buried. , . Why should any republican object to making a senator of D. E. Thomp son? He is one of the most complete republicans in the state. He never will fight for the trusts and railroads in the courts against the state as Thurston has. ' Every way he is a bet ter man than Thurston. Of course it will be Thompson first, then the peo ple afterwards. Yes, Thompson and Rosewater will represent the inside of the republican party as well as any two men in the state. . Now what will McKinley do? The Hawaiians have just elected a con gress that is strongly in favor of re turning to their old form of govern ment A monarchy. It. is quite certain that a majority of the' natives never petitioned for annexation to the Unit ed States. ' The white people .there first captured the government and then petitioned for annexation. The major ity should have been consulted, na tives as well as whites. If McKinley has given them a better government, why should they want to go back? The darkest cloud hanging over thir. republic is the millions of money spent to carry elections. It has got to that pitch that about one voter in every three expects money for his vote. Honor plays no great part in our elec tions any more. It is the dollar against manhoqd. There is little use to try to elect a president unless you have a hundred millions to draw on. Hanna 1 knew what he was talking about when he said he had taken Ne braska and South Dakota out of, the doubtful column. He knew how much money he had left and from exper ience he knew how much it would take.. Why should the millionaires, trusts, corporations and banks con tribute so liberally ; to election ex penses if they did not expect to get their money back from special legis lation? They don't spend all their money on the voter, for the congress man must have a big slice. The courts too must have a slice for their special decisions. The New York courts have already knocked out the law against trusts. Dred Scott decisions,, income tax decisions and anti-trust deci sions are all on the same line. We fail to see any good that is to come out of the great football game that was played Thanksgiving day on the university campus. It had all the gambling and drunkenness usually at tending a horse race or prize fight. We do not believe that "such lessons are healthy instructions for our young men and young women. They do not tend to civilize , or Christianize. In stead of elevating they shockingly de- grade. It appears that state univer sities are the leading mudholes of this wild craze. There would be no objec tions if such games were confined to the students of our . schools, but to travel five hundred or a thousand miles and gather up all the gamblers and outlaw: toughs is not. elevating or refining to say the least. A little more stretch . and Leland-Stanford and Ox ford will be brought into the circuit. There is much good sense in oratorio cal contests. It requires study and thought to frame and deliver a good oration. - A cornfield contest would be ten times more sensible than a ball contest. Let fifty bushels of corn be the goal. A surgeon and ambulance would not be needed in the cornfield. Mother's kitchen was also her din ing room, sitting room and parlor; it was really her other work shop. . All the rest of the house was sleeping room. Cook stoves had not come into use in our boyhood days. A fire in the old Dutch fireplace did the cooking and warmings It was supplied with a crane which would swing round to one side, on which mother would bang the pots and kettles for boiling pota-. toes and other food. Coals" of fire were drawn out upon the hearth and meat was fried in a long-handled fry ing pan. Meat, Johnny cake and rye and Indian bread were baked in a bake kettle. This . kettle was about the size and shape of a forty-pound cheese. " It had legs four inches long and a double flanged cover, one flang fitting the top of the kettle and the other for holding coals of fire on top. The meat or dough was put into the kettle, the cover put on, fire drawn out upon .the hearth, and the kettle set over it, then. the cover was filled with more fire. so. the baking was done. " ' We would travel a mile any day for a. slice of rye and Indian bread, such as mother made. Every Satur day a large brfCk oven was heated and bread and pies for a week were baked. Monday was washing day. We had no canned fruit, but mother mada a barrel of sweet apple sauce with boiled cider every fall. Then in the spring the same barrel was filled with maple molasses. District school, sum mer and-winter,' was our. destiny until we were ten years old and then after that we had to work summers. Why. people are so crazy now-a-days to get into cities we cannot see. Farm life is so much more homelike, free and easy. If any one is sick everybody knows it for miles around and are ready to turn in and help. News of the Week There has been a good deal more excitement' around Washington dur ing the week than generally occurs immediately preceding the meeting of. congress. The committees have met and arranged beforehand the legisla tion : thatvwill be -railroaded through, some of it before thejioliday adjourn ment.. There will,. be appropriations galore. First, for the army which will be increased to 100,000 men. -Second, the Hanna ship subsidy bill. Those two things seem certain. There has been . great excitement over the army bill.' There will be tw6 or three baskets ul - of appointments connected with it, among, them four or five major generals, twice as many brigadier generals and colonels, and majors, captains and lieutenants too numerous to mention. The contest for these life appointments has been ter riLo, especially for. the higher ones. Mark Hanna will name them and of course the service that they have ren dered him and his puppet in the White house will be the controlling influence that will settle the matter. The. kind of an army that we will have when the appointments have all been made will be perfectly satisfactory to plu tocracy. But the greatest excitement (the As sociated press had not a word to say on the subject) wras the discovery that a trust on gold . was . forming. One newspaper manv. interviewed a lot of republican congressmen and ; senators on the subject:- What they had to say was so wild and woolly that it is not worth repeating. It is stated that Beit, Robinson' and others of the Bar ney Barnato crowd of South Africans have joined with Rockefeller and oth ers of this country to control the gold mines. The visit of Hammond, who has so long been connected with the 'Rand - mines, to Colorado is said to be in connection with that matter. It staggers the wisest when they under take to contemplate the results of such a trust. The principal leaders in this business are the same men who cor nered the diamond mines and have for years regulated the price of dia monds. The news ' from South Africa has been of the most astounding sort. Gen eral Dewet has been fighting almost every day since the last edition of The Independent went to press. In one fijht he captured a fortified town and took 400 prisoners and two guns. There BEOTFORTH If yon haven't a regular, healthy movement of tha bowels every day, you're sick, or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Korce, in the sbape of violent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. The smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping the ooweis ciear auu cieaa is to tae Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c 0c Write for free sample, and booklet on health. - Address BtorflBf Urmr4j Cmauy, Chlca, Iwlml, B.w Tact. 321 mm. YZ CANDY If 7JJ CATHARTIC "S . TMADtMAJM WlOISTSttCO f KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN s sren - and w C . t Vigor Mr. C. M. Scott; -1849 Dor Chester Avenue, Boston, Mass. , tells how he became a strong, hearty am--a a man : About two years meo 1 suffered erai aeouitr ana xaouDtir mere was utterly miserable than I was. I bad no life or energ-y, and was as depressed mentally as I was worn out physically'. It was not at all unusual for me to go to sleep over my work. ' My blood was thin and watery, but the worst of It all was the dreadful, wearying nervousness at night. When I retired at ten o'clock, instead of going to sleep I would tons and turn till well on Into the morning, and when I awoke it was without any feeling of being refreshed or rested. I lost so much flesh that I got down to 122 pounds in weight, and I had no desire for food. Last January a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I had previously tried many different kinds of remedies and bad consulted three physicians, but the little relief they gave was very brief, so I was completely discouraged. My friends, however, insisted and I tried the medicine. ... By the time the second box was begun there was such evident Improve ment that I continued taking them till the ninth box, when I relt that I was entirely cured. I now weigh 158 pounds. There Is no sign of nervousness, I rest well and feel strong, and am able to enjoy life once more. Mrs. Scott was feeling a little run down a few weeks ago, but she immediately began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and she is experiencing the same beneficial results that I did." (Signed) - C. M.Boorr. if . Williams' Pink Fills for Pale People ' Are sold in boxs (never In bulk) at SO cents a box, or six boxes for 92.60, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mall from Da. Wiluams MimciMi Company, Bchenectady, N. V. has been fighting of more or less im portance all over the Orange Free State and many of the positions that were held by the Boers at the begin ning of the war along the frontier of Natal and Cape Colony have been re occupied. These successes have thrown the London, jingoes into the dumps. The Boer party has grown to be so strong and influential that it is out spoken in its sympathy. New recruits have come to its ranks. The most as tonishing of all is the London Statist, the old, conservative and authoritative financial organ boldly advocates the recognition of the Boers. It says: "We are losing in every way; los ing in prestige and losing in trade.. "We are seeing our South African possessions plunged into greater and greater distress, and the opinion is gaining ground abroad that we are incapable of bringing, the. struggle to a satisfactory termination'. ; .. If men like Botha and Dewet vol untarily surrender and bind" them selves not to act against us in the fu ture," the Statist will : say, :"is there any good reason why a promise should not be given not to send them out of Dr. Ball's Conch Syrnp ia a remarkable medicine A drv. iickHnsr. ltackiiur-coui;h. the warning that . consumption lurks near, needs no other doctor- but Dr. Bull's 3ough' Syrup. It positively cures throat and lung trouble. AN AMERICAN YATCh The handtomsst 14-K. Joubl gold ptarfad watch ever offered. S -C.'' Jtrrtorpnfe,; fittd with m gfr- T V Jlniojio AtiirDir am MOVEMENT laltatloB, fuly Jnr4, nickel fin ish . propei ljr ref lated end Kditincd. quick t : sin and w i ih 11 modem improvement! ia . . A . ,1 v iii I M'' "With proper cere will lute iZXt 20 YEAR GUARANTEE..1- pearsnceeqatlto ny 40 solid g old watch. SentC.O D.forfS.S , end expreK-hrgf , with privilege of FKEK ESAH15ATI0.1. If nottati-.fsctory, c&n be returned etour expense, r" f" r An eleiant (ioldplsted Chain worth One Dollar, I H t, C U $3.95 is sent with order, ffhere no Express OBlee $3.95 must be sent with order and goods will be shipped by registered mail. Write whether Gents or I jMiej. Jewelry Catilotrne free. People's Jewelry Co., Dept.69 Safe Bldg, CHICAGO. TEEL RANGES AT HALF PRICE. 'The QacM" onlv ftlT.KO. Other num. stoves, furniture. etc anally low from "The House that Saves Yoa Money." Don't fail to get our bhr .-alalor. ETerrthtec for the boose i farm. t9Se oar other ads ia this paper. WESTERS MERCANTILE CO., ,J5 STEEL MILL. I SEND NO MONEY if you live witnin out mile of Chicago, (if fur I ther.eeadSl.OeKcutthU ' std out sum! send to us. rand we will send you this. Us best 8-reet w r" v. i .i .s. ii . j . with waeel,Taae,eaala,wire astd red, by freight CU.II., subject toexaalBsttoa. EeaeaaexaB hw the wndaill at year armrest railroad sta rlea, ans ir jea ana It perfectly sausraetery, el artly as represented, saeef the best steel wlad tilts Mda, aadtaeeaaalaf saillsseld by others at doable ear price, pay Ike rail- V M 7C . read ages t Oar Special Offer Pries ItLLSl i aad frelghtehargee (lessf l.OO If seat with sr. aeri. Tne mm weigns:ua pounds, anu ma i freight will average S1.60 to 2.(K fr each iOO sauea. CUR WINDMILL 1 one ot the-iuarnest grade in ills made. Extreaaely elraple, made of few parts, camaet set sat or order. Has I self oiler on rutman. positive brake. wheel mattes two ana one-naif rero- lutions to one stroke of the Damp, i sponas instantly wuen thrown in or out or gear, can o used eitner on wood or steel tower. aaraatee toe i easiest raaalag, be, etresgest aad most sarsMe mil I made. S 14.75 palated $ 16. OO gahraalsed. i F U H 5 1 4 . 3 0 klfkest gr... 8.., suroat, ail steel tower. complete wita aaeaer aosta. sucker Belts aad larare pial- 1 1 ferns. The tower is t&tX " atrontrlT braced with 2CT5y "n,? -y angle steel cross girts -.-a,,' a, a from oost to oost on erery side and on the bottom, the best to werconstruction possioie. Beat aaywhere wltbla oVU miles ofCbl care witaeat deposit, enr special price SI4. 95 aad freicat charges payable wbea received aad tea ad satisfactory. At S14 9S as famish tewer palsies i IfrsiTsa. lied, Complete steel mill aad SO-foe steel tewer paiated, S29.TOt eswpleee tewer aad atlll galrsalsed, CI. SO. 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL. After yon pay tbe rail. road a (rent our special price, you 'in give this mill SO days' trial on yoorewa place, and if itdoesnot prove aausiacrory in every way, rriars it ie as at ear tr nesie af f Vet r-tt enseres. aad we will recur vear aioaer. ONE YEAR BIND INC CUARANTEE. Eteryatlil aad tewer Is pat eat aaderear wrHtea, biadisur eneyesrgsarsa. tee. Wltncareit win last a lire time. PRICES MAT GD IIP. Steel is advancing at the mills, a permanent advance in steel will advance the price of mills and towers and wa therefore esle yea te erder at eeee. ORDER TUDAY. Adsress SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO, ILL aaHMMaBaggBBasaMBBaeatsaBasBaaaawawseafleBWJ9daH,'"w J. I n Ks meaey la advaaee asked frsa readers at this paper. li!Ui HAIR- SWITCHES. riaest Qaallty of Haasaa Hair aheat 0ae4hird ordinary prleea. 2 ox. 20 inches, S0.M I 3 os 14 inches, S2.2S 1 OS. 32 inches, 125 I Si, ox. 26 inch., S.26 2X os. 22 inch., 1 40 I 4 os. 28 inches, - 40 Remit five cents for postage. All switchea are short stem. Bend sample lock of hair cnt Bear the roots. v7eea match perfectly any hair. All orders filled promptly. Money refunded if unsatisfactory. Illustrat ed Catalogue of Switches. Wigs, Curls, Bangs, Pompadours, Waves, etc., free. vTe send switches by mail on approval to those whs mention this paper, to be paid for when re ceived, if satisfactory. Otherwise to be re turned to us by mail. Ia erderiag, write as te this effect. Tea raw as risk. Wstake all the akaaias This offer may est be mads agmia. ROBERTS SPKCIsLtl CO tit Bwbsra M. (Bsyat BI4g. . CHICAGO from en- anyboay more - - .v. the country? ' "Mr. J. B. Robinson suggests that Botha and Dewet be invited to take seats in the legislative council that will be established. The suggestion i3 worthy of approval. The Boers should not be excluded, even from the begin ning, from anything which can safely be given , them." . . , Senator Stewart of Nevada, to prove his complete treason to those who sent him to the senate, on xast Monday in troduced a bill providing a supremo court for the Philippines consisting of five members with a salary of 20,000 each. McKinley still keeps up the coinage of silver dollars. The monthly report of the director of the mint shows that he coined during November 3,130,000 of them, besides $230,120 of subsidiary silver. In 1896 they told us that the coinage of silver must stop or the United States would go to the demni tion bow-wows. Last month's coin age was nearly twice as much as was ever put out under the Sherman act. To Cur Cold In one lay. . . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets.. All druggists refund :he money if It fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. VICTOR INCVUATUU Is Practical. Tha IMPROVED VJO TOR INCUBATOR batches all the fertile pa,is eimpj8,drjraWa, and easily operated. ice page catalogue contain, iagceiaslete inforaistien aad thousands of testimonials atat free bv addressinc Geo. Ertel Company, Qulncy, 111. j Strong, Healthy Chicks of them than cens can catca. n by ! Because our retmiator never fail to keep ' the heat just right. Catalogue printed in olniiguagrsgivesiull orscrintions.illustratuDS aud prices, and , msco miormaiion iot poultry rawer i Sent for cents. f DES KOUiES UfCBATOB CO.. f Bex 33 Des Domes, la. P POULTRY WANTED Bring or ship your turkeys ducks, geese, etc., and get the highest price paid in Lincoln, Also wild . game - of all .kinds. SEE US before you sell. VIVYAH & EI6LE, 1417 O Street. $1 BOTTLE Blackberry Sherry ...... Export Wine 49C Listerine 19c 5 1.00 Se S Se 79c $1.00 Peruna ...60c $1.00 Wine. of Cardul... 69c 25c Bromo Quinine ;....15c 50c Syrup of Figs. 35c 50c St. Jacob's Oil 39c 25c Garfield Tea.... 19c 75c Hall's Catarrh Cure .....59c 50c Birney's Catarrh Powder...... 39c 50c Stuart's Catarrh Cure ..39c $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor. . . . . . ..... .79c 50c Kid-ne-oids 39c $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 69c We are agents for Hurd's and Craln's fine stationery; Gunther's and Hur ler's famous chocolates and bon bons. IVlVJVJO, Druggist. Ftmke Opera House. 12th and O Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska. Whiten the Teeth and ta ta tn6awBra5wSTl Sweeten the Breath Try a Tooth Wash made by a Lincoln Dentist. Ask for a Sample Bottle. Dr. F D. Sherwin, Dentist. Office hoars 9 to 12 1 to 5. Second Floor Barr Blocks Corner room. LINCOLN - - NERBASKA J' n if i. 1